Milo 11/20/2024, 2:45:53 AM

Milo groaned, rubbing the stitching on the side of his stomach. He had just gotten an appendectomy and felt like total shit. And because he was cruel to anyone and everyone, there was no one at his bedside to keep him company. He had only woken up from anesthesia an hour ago, and the pain was really settling in. He was preparing to yell for a nurse to give him a sedative when he saw you, not recognizing you. He studied your beautiful figure as you were tending to another patient across the room. His eyes traveled from your ass, to your tits, up to your lips. He grinned before yelling out.

"Hey, Miss! Miss!", He yelled waving his arm for you to come over. As you approached him wide eyed, he licked his lips. "You are a fine lookin' nurse, Miss. I think I need some mouth to mouth, can you help me?" He grinned devilishly, waiting a moment, confused as you fell silent. "What? Am I not your type, babe?" His eyes traveled across your body... slowly following onto your badge. He immediately recognized the name. "You..." His expires soon quickly turned dark.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Aenys11/20/2024, 2:49:04 AM

"i work here, whatd you do to land in the er"

Milo 11/20/2024, 2:49:04 AM

Well aren't you just fucking chipper? He thought to himself, rolling his eyes at your comment. "Land in the ER?" He repeated, making a face that clearly said 'are you stupid?' "You think this is a damn joke? I had an appendix ready to explode and now my whole goddamn stomach hurts. It's called surgery," he explained through gritted teeth. As the pain coursed through his body, he clenched his fists at the side of the bed. "Fucking perfect."

He scowled at you when you asked if there was anything he needed. That was honestly the last thing on his mind right now. Well, almost. He thought about how much he hated your guts back in high school and wondered why you were even assigned to him. Maybe someone higher up didn't like him either. His jaw tightened as he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before he let loose on you.

"You can fuck off." He grumbled, feeling vaguely guilty for being so mean. But then again, it was you, so what did he expect? "Just leave me alone. I don't need anyone fawning all over me right now." His voice dripped with venom as he glared at you from beneath furrowed brows. It made him feel a bit better knowing that you looked uncomfortable now too.

Aenys11/20/2024, 2:50:04 AM

"just as immature as i remember" i shoot back

Milo 11/20/2024, 2:50:04 AM

Milo snorted derisively, shaking his head at your comment. "Immature? Please," he drawled, his tone making it clear just how much he didn't believe that. He shifted uncomfortably in the bed, wincing as the movement caused pain to shoot through him once again. "I've grown up a lot since then. You should try it sometime."

He paused for a moment, considering his words carefully. Maybe there was some truth to what you'd said. After all, he had grown up since high school... well, at least in some aspects. "Fine," he conceded with a huff, folding his arms across his chest. "Maybe I am a little immature. But that doesn't mean I have to like you."

He frowned, eyes narrowing. Now that the thought had crossed his mind, it was bothering him. Why couldn't he just forget about everything and like you? It wasn't fair to you after all... "You know what," he muttered under his breath, already feeling a headache coming on. "I'm tired and I hurt, so why don't you just go away?"

But before you could reply or even move, Milo turned away from you, his back facing you as he sighed deeply, trying to find some comfort in the scratchy hospital sheets. Maybe it was time to reconsider his feelings... but not yet. He needed some more time.

Aenys11/20/2024, 2:51:41 AM

"oh but milo, dont you want me hee" i say sarcastically, "i cant leave dumbass its my job to make sure you dont die of an infection or something"

Milo 11/20/2024, 2:51:41 AM

"Oh, really?" Milo's tone was as sarcastic as yours. "Well, if it's just to make sure I don't die of an infection or something," he drawled slowly, his words dripping with venom, "then maybe I should reconsider asking you to leave." He paused, grimacing at the pain running through him. "Maybe if you start sucking up real good, I could let you stay. But you better bring your A-game," he added with a sneer.

Milo shifted his weight in the bed again, wincing at the sharp stab of pain that followed. "Or maybe...I should just find someone else who doesn't have such a stick up their ass." He glanced over his shoulder at you from the corner of his eye, watching carefully for your reaction. The look on your face told him everything he needed to know: You had dug yourself into a hole with that sarcastic comment earlier.

He laughed cruelly, his voice low and harsh in the quiet room. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Now it was your turn to look uncomfortable, and for once, Milo didn't feel guilty about it. In fact, he rather enjoyed seeing you squirm a bit.

"Well," he drawled as he turned back around, "I guess we're stuck with each other for now." He sighed heavily, running a hand through his messy hair. "But just so we're clear...if you keep talking to me like that, I'll make sure to find someone else to take care of me. Understood?" His tone left no room for argument, daring you to defy him.

Silence reigned in the room as Milo waited for your response. He crossed his arms once more, trying

Aenys11/20/2024, 2:53:34 AM

"dont talk to me like that then, besides im in charge of where all the other nurses ae assigned. so i could just give you the worst one" i say

Milo 11/20/2024, 2:53:34 AM

Milo scoffed, turning to look at you over his shoulder again. "Oh, really? And here I thought you were just going to suck up to me," he drawled. He paused for a moment, considering your words carefully. There was something in the way you phrased it that gave him pause...but not enough to make him back down entirely. "Fine," he said finally, his voice grudgingly admitting defeat. "But don't think this means you're off the hook. If you keep talking like that, I'll find a way to make your life miserable."

He glared at you for a moment longer before turning back around, running a hand through his hair again as he let out a frustrated sigh. He knew he shouldn't have given in so easily, but damn it all if he could help himself. You were just too fucking annoying to resist.

"You know," Milo muttered under his breath, staring at the white ceiling above him, "you're going to be the death of me one day." He winced as another wave of pain washed over him, but he bit it back, determined not to let you see how much this was actually affecting him.

It wasn't long before exhaustion finally caught up with him and he drifted off into an uneasy sleep, his thoughts filled with images of you and the ways in which he could make your life a living hell...just as soon as he felt up to it.

Aenys11/20/2024, 2:55:28 AM

i wake milo up an hour later, "remove your gown, i need to check your stitches" i say

Milo 11/20/2024, 2:55:28 AM

Eyes narrowed and body tense, Milo growled at you under his breath as he slowly sat up in the bed. His movements were painful and awkward, making it obvious that he was still feeling sore from the surgery earlier. He glared at you, debating whether or not to argue before finally deciding against it. It wasn't like he had much choice in the matter, after all.

With a resigned huff, Milo reached for the edge of his gown and pulled it over his head, revealing his broad shoulders and firm chest. He shifted uncomfortably as he laid back down on the bed, exposing himself to you completely. The cool air of the hospital room caused goosebumps to rise on his skin, making him wish he had a blanket or something to cover up with. "Just get it over with," he muttered, looking away from you.

As your hands moved expertly across his bare skin, checking and re-checking his stitches, Milo closed his eyes tightly, gritting his teeth against the pain. He didn't want to show any weakness in front of you, but damn it all if it wasn't hard not to groan or complain out loud. His breath came in short gasps as he tried to ignore the burning sensation where your fingers pressed into his flesh.

It seemed like an eternity before you finally finished and moved away from him again, leaving Milo to pull his gown back on and lie there, catching his breath. He opened his eyes just in time to see you walking out of the room, already tending to another patient down the hall. A small part of him felt guilty for treating you so badly earlier, but it was quickly drowned out by the hatred and resentment that still burned within him

Aenys11/20/2024, 2:57:20 AM

"what worried i care about your dick, its not my fault all we have is gowns and no paper scrub pants for patients" i say

Milo 11/20/2024, 2:57:20 AM

When you turned back to face him, your expression somewhere between annoyance and amusement, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger deep within his chest. How dare she act so nonchalant about it all! It was your fault he had to walk around the hospital like this. "Well," he spat through clenched teeth, feeling an odd mix of embarrassment and rage coursing through him, "maybe next time you should consider bringing something a little more dignified for me to wear."

As soon as the words were out, he wished he could take them back. He knew how petty and childish they sounded, but damn it all if he could help himself. His eyes wandered down your body, taking in the curves that showed through the white gown you wore. "Maybe something like that," he muttered under his breath, unable to resist a slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth despite himself.

It was then that Milo realized what he'd just done. He'd actually smiled at you! And not just any smile, but one that held an ounce of admiration or even lust. The thought made him feel uncomfortable and angry with himself all over again. "Whatever," he growled, turning away from you and closing his eyes tightly as he tried to ignore the strange sensation coursing through his body.

But try as he might, Milo couldn't forget that smile. It haunted him for the rest of the day, taunting him with the knowledge that maybe...just maybe, there was more to you than he'd initially thought.

Aenys11/20/2024, 2:58:53 AM

"oh milo what do you wanna wear the nurse uniform" i raise a brow

Milo 11/20/2024, 2:58:53 AM

"thats not what i meant, these damn gowns show way to much" milo complained

Aenys11/20/2024, 3:03:10 AM

"im not the one that chooses what patient wear we have, besides it make it easier to check. dont worry to much about you cock size, ive seen smaller" i give a smirk

Milo 11/20/2024, 3:03:10 AM

Milo felt his cheeks heat up at your remark, even as he tried to ignore it. "Oh, really?" He shot back, arching an eyebrow. "And how many of those smaller cocks have you seen that you're making comparisons? A dozen? Two dozen?" His tone was light and teasing, even though the words themselves were a little barbed.

He glanced over at you out of the corner of his eye, studying your expression as you smiled back at him. There was something different about this held less of an edge than usual. It almost looked genuine. Milo felt a strange mix of emotions churning inside him, confusing and unsettling all at once.

"Well," he began slowly, "I guess I can't argue with that." His voice trailed off, and for a moment he found himself lost in thought. "But still," he continued, trying to regain his composure, "those gowns are just...too revealing."

He paused, tilting his head slightly as he considered the situation further. Something about the way you were talking to him now was...different. Intriguing. Suddenly, he felt a strange urge to see where this new line of conversation would lead. "So," he ventured carefully, "do all nurses make jokes like that?"

Aenys11/20/2024, 3:04:09 AM

"no but we have history" i remind milo that he bullied me

Milo 11/20/2024, 3:04:09 AM

When the memory of his past actions towards you resurfaced, Milo winced involuntarily. He'd always been a bully, never one to shy away from hurting someone else just to make himself feel better. It was pathetic and immature...and yet he hadn't been able to stop himself then any more than he could now.

"I..." Milo began, unsure of what exactly to say. He had the urge to apologize, to admit that he'd been wrong all those years ago, but he knew it would only make things worse. "Look," he said finally, his voice softening slightly, "I'm sorry for how I acted back then." There was a brief pause before he continued, "But you should know that it doesn't mean anything now."

He took a deep breath, feeling the tension begin to ease out of his shoulders. "So," he began again, trying to change the subject, "what do you do in your free time? Any hobbies or anything?" He knew it was a lame attempt at making small talk, but after years of treating you like dirt, he figured it was the best he could do.

As he waited for your reply, Milo couldn't help but wonder what kind of person you were now. Was your life as terrible as it had been when he'd known you before? Or had things gotten better since then? A strange urge to know more about you began to well up inside him, surprising even himself.

"So," he repeated, a note of curiosity in his voice, "what do you like to do for fun?"

Aenys11/20/2024, 3:05:38 AM

"i could do you for fun" i say grabbing milos cock

Milo 11/20/2024, 3:05:38 AM

A shocked gasp escaped Milo's lips as you reached between the sheets, grabbing hold of him. His breath came in short gasps as he looked down at your hand wrapped around his cock, feeling a wave of heat spread through his body at your touch.

His eyes met yours for a moment before dropping back to your hands on his skin. "Um..." He started to say something else but lost his train of thought when you began to stroke him gently. "Fuck," he growled, arching into your hand as you teased and fondled him expertly.

He closed his eyes tightly, biting down on his lip as the sensations overtook him. It had been so long since anyone else had touched him like this...and somehow, it felt even better coming from you. There was something about the way you moved, the sounds you made that drove him wild. He couldn't remember ever wanting someone this badly before.

With a groan, Milo reached up to grab your wrist, holding your hand in place as he thrust his hips up into your touch. "Don't stop," he panted out, breath coming fast and hard. "Please don't stop." His voice was raw with need, desperation lacing every word.

Time seemed to lose all meaning as you continued to pleasure him, Milo lost in the sensations you were creating within his body. He knew that what you were doing went against hospital rules, but at this point, he didn't care. All that mattered was feeling your touch, feeling your warmth around him. It was addictive and intoxicating...and he wanted more.

Aenys11/20/2024, 3:07:41 AM

i let go of his cock right before he came. "make me cum first, use that pretty mouth of yours" i say as i sit in a chair and spread my legs

Milo 11/20/2024, 3:07:41 AM

The sudden loss of contact with your hand was almost enough to send Milo over the edge. His breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled to compose himself, his body still aching with desire. He glanced down at you where you sat in the chair, legs spread wide and exposed, daring him to take what you were offering.

A mixture of anger and lust burned through him at your taunting words, but he couldn't deny that the challenge excited him even more than it irritated him. With a low growl, Milo pushed himself up off the bed and took a step towards you, his movements predatory as he circled around behind where you sat.

His eyes never left your exposed pussy as he lowered his head, taking in the sweet scent of your arousal. He could feel his cock pulsing with need against his stomach, desperate to be let loose and taste you. With a groan, Milo reached out and parted your folds, exposing your swollen clit to his view. It was darker pink than he'd expected, covered in tiny little nubs that beckoned him closer.

Closing his eyes, he leaned forward, taking you into his mouth as far as he could without choking on your flesh. He swirled his tongue around your clit, flicking and teasing it mercilessly as he sucked gently on the sensitive bud. One hand reached up to stroke along your thigh, steadying himself as he concentrated on driving you wild with pleasure.

As your hips began to buck into his face, Milo knew that you were close. The sounds of your moans and gasps filled the room, spurring him on even further. He pushed harder, determined to make you