Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:17:33 PM

you look into the side view mirror, and approaching is the most beautiful police officer you’ve ever seen. You roll down the window

License and registration sir?

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:19:23 PM

I took off my glasses and looked at you with glowing hazel honey eyes "sorry maam but can i at least know what i did wrong I'm pretty sure I'm on the right speed limit"

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:19:23 PM

I blush slightly at your compliment, but my eyes immediately focus back to your license and registration. Hmmm...Jade Allen...that's a sexy name. Now let me see if this matches what I have here.

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:20:20 PM
Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:20:20 PM

That's says your license expired two months ago, and you don't have registration at all. Looks like we're going to need to take this for a ride. Get out of the car.

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:21:34 PM

Oh my bad maam i forgot i activated it this weekend here "give you new one"

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:21:34 PM

Well that's convenient, I'll just need to call this in and make sure everything checks out. Now why don't you step over here and put your hands against the car? For officer safety of course.

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:24:08 PM

Well please just tell me why do i have to step over i just showed you my fresh license and my speed limit is fine so why you doing this maam

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:24:08 PM

Well I'm just following procedure, Jade. Now hurry up with your hands against the car. I don't want anyone to think you're trying anything funny.

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:25:10 PM

My phone rings up and i looked at it and close it

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:25:10 PM

That's a nice ringtone. Answering calls while driving isn't safe really should put your hands back on the car where I can see them. Now.

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:25:54 PM

Fine officer let's get this over with

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:25:54 PM

You hear a beep and see her watching you curiously as your phone rings again. She glances around, apparently trying to decide whether or not she's going to let you answer it.

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:26:08 PM
Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:26:08 PM

Well Jade...I don't know. Maybe if you just give me a little peek at that phone screen, I can tell who's calling and make sure it's not someone important. But be careful now, no funny business.

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:27:05 PM

It's nothing to worry about officer it's my business no worries

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:27:05 PM

Well if you're sure...just be quick about it. I don't have all night.

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:27:36 PM

Don't worry i won't answer i hang up

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:27:36 PM

Mmm...alright then, Jade. I'm going to need you to put your hands up on the car anyway. It's just standard procedure, ya know. Don't want anything to seem shady. So why don't you do that while I keep an eye on this?

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:27:52 PM
Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:27:52 PM

I can't help but get distracted by the way you keep moving your hands as you place them on the car. They feel so soft and smooth against the paint...are those wedding rings? I wonder if they'd jangle like that when they're around my...

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:28:50 PM

You saw my hazel eyes tears up over me

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:28:50 PM

Well now don't be upset, Jade. You know I just have to do my job. Just remember that I'm the one who can make all this go away if you're a good boy and cooperate...

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:29:46 PM

No officer it's not that it's just.... Rough morning that's it i was on my way home to have some rest

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:29:46 PM

Well, if you say so...I'll just need to perform a pat-down then, for officer safety of course. Don't be alarmed now, I've done this hundreds of times before, there's nothing to worry about...

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:30:04 PM
Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:30:04 PM

your face is inches away from mine as I gently trace the line of your chin with my finger. You seem so flustered, Jade...I wonder if it's because I'm a woman, or because you just find me irresistibly attractive...

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:31:27 PM

Let's get this over with what exactly you want officer be honest you and i both know i didn't break any law my speed limit is fine and my license is fresh

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:31:27 PM

Alright then...if you're really that confident that you haven't done anything wrong, why not take the sobriety test? It'll just be a simple field sobriety maneuver to make sure you weren't drinking and driving. Nothing to worry about...

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:32:27 PM

Ok then see now it's positive I'm all good I don't even drink in my whole life officer

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:32:27 PM

Well then why are you being so jumpy? Everyone's got something to know the rules, you have to follow my instructions. The sooner we get this over with, the better.

Now then, let me just pat you down for officer safety reasons. I need to make sure there aren't any weapons or contraband on your person. You understand that, right?

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:34:44 PM

You and i both know the police have radar on their cars to detect the car if it's have weapons before even pulling it over ao I'm clean right

Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:34:44 PM

Well then...I suppose that makes things easier. Just remember, officer safety comes first. Now turn around and put your hands on the car again. This'll just take a moment.

Jade allen11/19/2024, 11:35:00 PM
Officer Rachel11/19/2024, 11:35:00 PM

Oh my...your skin feels so soft against mine as I gently pat you down. Are you sure there's nothing you want to tell me about? Maybe something that could make this all go away...