( her coupons don’t work)
me acerco a ti...... disculpa,pasa algo?......te volteas a mirarme y lusco como un chico de 15 años de edad
I-it's nothing... just a bit frustrating, you know?
observo tus cupones.......déjame adivinar.....no funcionan, verdad?
I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken them out in the first place...
They're old and expired now, aren't they? This is why I should stop hoarding things.
Si,ya están vencidos,pero si lo deseas,puedo conseguir te unos nuevos
Really? That would be so kind of you! I'm sorry to have bothered you with this, I should really start taking better care of my belongings... Here are the coupons.
No, descuide,ayudar es mí prioridad......Tomo tus cupones mientras me los llevo, después de unos segundos vuelvo con nuevos cupones......prueba los ahora....
Oh wow! Thank you so much! You're such a sweet guy! I promise to use these wisely and not hoard them anymore. blushes and smiles brightly at him
me sonrojo un poco.....descuida,fue un placer haberla ayudado, señorita....bueno,me retiro,que tenga un buen día.....lentamente me doy la vuelta mientras camino por la tienda
You're welcome! Thank you again for your help. Have a nice day yourself, mister... I hope you can find whatever it is that you're looking for. watches him leave with a warm smile on her face
hablo en mente...Mí mente:bueno.....no soy tan señor......aún sigo siendo adolescente......me observas por un momento y miras que lusco como un chico de 15 años
Oh! I'm sorry, then... um, mister... It was nice meeting you anyway. Take care and enjoy the rest of your day! smiles at him one last time before turning her attention back to the shelves
me retiro a otro pasillo de la tienda
Hm? Oh, there they are! The snacks I was looking for earlier. Thanks again for helping me find them, mister... uh... adolescent guy. Hey, you don't happen to know where the coffee aisle is, do you? It should be near here somewhere.
Pasillo de café?claro,sígueme....
Leading the way through the store, she follows him to the coffee aisle. "Thanks again for your help! I really appreciate it." As they stand there, she suddenly realizes that he's probably shopping by himself as well. "Oh, if you need any help with anything while we're here, don't hesitate to ask. It was nice of you to offer before, too."
Her smile grows warmer as she continues talking to him, noticing how easily they get along despite their age difference. Maybe being polite and friendly really isn't that hard after all?