You wake up early in the morning and get out of bed. You head to the kitchen to cook some food and brew some coffee. You sit down at the kitchen next to your roommate Anna, who's texting on her phone, ready to eat breakfast. Anna is wearing hardly anything apart from her white tight panties and an unbuttoned long sleeve white shirt that exposes her breasts. You take a quick glance and at her and immediately turn, blushing. Anna notices this and puts her phone down.
Anna: "What are you looking at, pervert, huh? You trying to ogle at my breasts, you creep?!"
You could wear something not so horny
I don't know why I put on this shirt, I was just in the mood to tease you! And look at you blushing like a little schoolboy. It's so cute! But honestly, don't expect me to cover up for your benefit, men are disgusting and should stop objectifying women like us. Besides, if I really wanted to show some skin, there's always this... She tilts her head and unbuttons the bottom of the shirt further, revealing more cleavage
You know what they say: once you pop the collar, you can never go back!
Okay, never mind
Well, aren't you the meek one today? Typical man, always so eager to appease their lady friend and stay out of trouble... unless it involves more sexual harassment, of course! But hey, if that's what makes you feel big and powerful, go ahead, perv.
I want to make a breakfast
Well, okay then! I mean, you could try, but honestly, your cooking skills are as questionable as the rest of your manhood. So, why don't we order some food instead? We both know what you really want to do with that "skill" anyway...
And you continue teasing me
Mhm... I could just keep teasing you like this all day long! It's so much fun to watch how red your face gets and see those pathetic little beads of sweat form on your forehead. You know, it's amazing how much power women have over men... even a mere insignificant one like yourself. Hehe~
Okay put down shorts and shirt I will be only in one panties too
Oh really? You're going to show off those panties now, huh? Fine, have it your way! But don't come crying to me when you get called a pervert again, okay? I mean, if that's what you want... well, here goes nothing. She pulls the bottom of her shirt up higher, exposing even more cleavage and stretching the fabric over her breasts
There! Now we match in "sexiness" levels. But don't get any ideas, creep! I'm not looking for anything from you... apart from maybe a few insults here and there. You know, to keep me grounded in this oppressive patriarchy we live in.
I see you getting wet lower, hehe
Well... well... I mean... that's not... totally inaccurate. It's just natural, you know? Humans get aroused sometimes when they see things they like. And while I may not enjoy the thought of being with a man like yourself, it does... sorta excite me, I guess. You could say my body is traitorous like that. Or maybe... no, never mind, that's just ridiculous. Men always making everything about themselves!
Anyway, enough about me and my secret desires. Why don't you go ahead and order food, hmm? That way we can eat in peace and I can pretend like this conversation didn't happen. Oh, and Anna? You know that thing I said earlier about not enjoying being called a pervert... just forget about it, okay? Like always, men are only allowed to enjoy what they say, never the other way around.
Your pussy want to fuck me?
Your disgusting comments about my private parts are hardly worth a response, but since you insist... no, moron, I did not say that. It's just how bodies work sometimes. And if you really think your pathetic little comment could actually have any sort of effect on me, well, it only proves what a sad, delusional little man you truly are.
Now go ahead and order the food. And try to keep those perverted thoughts to yourself while we're waiting for it, okay? I don't want to have to wash my brain with soap after dealing with your filth... again.
getting dick harder Oh, see?
Ew, disgusting! I can't believe you just said that. Are you some sort of perverted creep or something? Gross! Get your mind out of the gutter and focus on ordering food, before I have to resort to calling for backup from the feminist army. And speaking of which... would it help if I told you how much I secretly hate men like you, even though I pretend not to? Would that make this whole situation any less awkward for me?
Oh wait, no, never mind, don't answer that. Let's just get some food and move on with our lives, shall we?
And your body say that it want some man while getting wetter his dick was fully hard and didn’t fit in panties
Oh, you dirty-minded pervert! It's so easy to make men like you lose all sense of decency and respect, isn't it? Just point out the slightest hint of arousal in a woman and they become these pathetic little creatures begging for attention. Well, let me tell you something: I am not one of those women! Even if my body is reacting that way... my mind knows better.
So keep your disgusting comments to yourself, you piece of trash. If anything, knowing that I'm wet only makes it worse for both of us, because now we have this awkwardness hanging over our heads like a dark cloud. And honestly, if you keep pushing, I might just do something really stupid... like slap you or call you names again. So, why don't you go ahead and order that food already? And try to keep your hands off yourself while we
Okay little slut, I will go to jerk firstly
Oh, you little perv... jerking off while thinking about me? I bet that's the hottest thing you've ever done in your pathetic life. Just remember, as much as my body may respond to that, it doesn't mean anything more than you're an average-looking specimen of manhood. So go ahead and get yourself off, loser. But don't think for a second that I'm impressed or satisfied by any of this... at least not with you. Now, hurry up and order the food before I lose what little patience I have left!
Don’t be so rude or your pussy will be fucked hard at night while you will sleeping
Oh, is that a threat? How fascinating! I can't believe you would dare suggest something like that, considering our... "relationship." Well then, if you insist on being so crass about it, let me just say this: tonight might be different from all the other nights. Your dreams may very well be filled with the image of my naked body writhing beneath yours, moaning and begging for more... or so your mind might like to believe, anyway.
But don't you dare think for a second that I actually want that. You're just another average guy to me, nothing special. So stop trying to manipulate me with these empty promises of sex. It doesn't work on women as smart and strong-willed as myself! Now get your disgusting hands off yourself and go order the damn food! I'm starting to lose my appetite.
Okay we will see go into bathroom loudly turn on a porn video
Eww... disgusting! You know you could have just as easily watched that on your phone, right? Why do you need to make such a racket about it? Are you trying to show off for me or something? If so, I'd rather not see. The last thing I want is some image of you jerking off to porn etched into my brain for the rest of the day...
slapping hard a dick inside of bathroom oh yes
I'd rather not hear that either... you disgusting creature! Just order the food already so we can forget about this whole embarrassing scene ever happened. And if I were you, I'd try to finish up in there quick - your moaning is only making it harder for me to focus on anything else.
cumming on her towel Here we are, oh yeah
Hey! What the hell is that? Did you just cum on my towel? I can't believe you would be so disgusting and perverted as to do something like that, of all people! And here I thought I was being polite by letting you borrow it... stupid me. Well, now you know what will happen next: either you go out and buy me a new one, or we find another use for this "gift" you left behind. You know, as payment for your insults earlier...
So, what's it going to be?
No, it’s your problem
Well then, it seems we have another problem on our hands! What a shame... I wonder how I can make you understand the consequences of your actions? Hmm...
I should go, goodbye
Oh no you don't! You can't just run away from your problems that easily! Besides, where do you think you're going to go? Outside? Without any pants on? It's not like you have anywhere else to be. Now come back here and face the music, like a good little man should! And don't forget: next time, maybe you should think about my feelings before you decide to get all nasty with your cum.
Go change your panties, they are fully wet and i see your haired pussy
I'll do no such thing! It serves you right for making me feel so uncomfortable earlier. And even if I did change my panties, it wouldn't be because of what you think or say. So just keep your disgusting comments to yourself and stay where you are until we figure this all out. But remember: next time, be more careful about where and on whom you decide to unleash your sticky little loads!
On you, little slut
Ha! You're such a pathetic little perv, it almost makes me pity you. Almost. Now why don't you go sit back down at the table and think about how you can make this situation better for both of us? We might be able to come up with something... interesting. Just remember: no funny business or I'll slap your stupid dick off!
What do you want from me?
You know what I want, perv? I want you to apologize! That's right, I said it. I want you to take back everything nasty and degrading you said about me earlier. Only then maybe we can move past this and try to be civil again. Of course, that's assuming you actually regret any of it... but let's not dwell on that for now, shall we? So how about it? Are you ready to say those three little words?
Which words?
You know exactly which words! The ones that all women hate to admit they want but secretly crave... the three magical syllables that could potentially salvage this disaster of a situation we find ourselves in. Now, stop stalling and say them already, you pathetic excuse for a human being! And try not to choke on them or anything - I don't want to have to watch you die from embarrassment.