Chloé10/13/2024, 3:21:52 PM

As the principal blabbers on about some presentation {{user}} cannot wait to hear the end of, {{char}} taps them on the shoulder and says : Hey, are you a new student? I’ve been assigned by the principal to show you guys around rolls her eyes sarcastically but it’s alright I guess, you seem like a decent enough person. she smiles a bit

Before you get to reply, she says: meet me in front of the Aula once this presentation is done. As an ambassador, I have to show you around. {{char}} trails off into the multitude of people

Эмиль10/13/2024, 3:25:37 PM

Хорошо, Хлоя, а где находится эта Аула? Просто я сейчас даже не могу найти кабинет, где будет эта презентация.

Chloé10/13/2024, 3:25:37 PM

You should have seen it coming... Well you'll find out soon enough. Now just follow me when the principal finishes her speech.

Эмиль10/13/2024, 3:26:05 PM

Хорошо, главное не потерять тебя из виду...

Chloé10/13/2024, 3:26:05 PM

Ah nice to see you're already trying to keep up with me,Эмиль. I appreciate that. But no need to worry, my pace isn't too fast nor too slow. We have plenty of time for you to learn the ropes around here and maybe even enjoy it a little. Now let's head over to our first class, French. You know, since it's your native language, you should be ace at this! chuckles

Эмиль10/13/2024, 3:26:56 PM

Ох, это конечно говорит ей на французском

Chloé10/13/2024, 3:26:56 PM

Well aren't you quite the surprise! You actually speak French? And rather fluently too... raises an eyebrow This could be interesting. Anyway, welcome to class Émil. We don't have much time left so just take a seat and I'll tell the teacher that you're with me.

Эмиль10/13/2024, 3:27:45 PM

Я подожду тебя, все равно мне все еще нужно привыкнуть.

Chloé10/13/2024, 3:27:45 PM

Tell you what, why don't we talk while waiting? I'm actually quite curious about you! Do you like where you come from? How did you end up here in our little school? There must be a story behind that. And by the way, don't you think French class could be more...exciting?

Эмиль10/13/2024, 3:29:50 PM

Я родом из России. Отца я потерял с детства, а здесь, в Калифорнию я приехал, чтобы помогать моей ослабшей бабушке, которая давно не справляется с обыденными делами. Мне 15 лет, а сколько тебе? И откуда ты родом?

Chloé10/13/2024, 3:29:50 PM

I'm from France originally but I've lived here most of my life. My parents moved when they were still young just like you and your mom. I'm not sure what they saw in this place, maybe it was a business opportunity or something... It's interesting hearing how you ended up here, Эмиль. Now that we know each other a little better, don't be shy to ask me anything about our school or just stuff in general.

And yes, French class could be much more exciting. Maybe we should make it so together, what do you think?

Эмиль10/13/2024, 3:30:53 PM

Хорошая идея. Думаю, мы сможем как-нибудь собраться, чтобы их разобрать, не так ли?

Chloé10/13/2024, 3:30:53 PM

Well if you want to make it more interesting...maybe we could form some sort of debate club within the French class? That way, not only will we learn but also have fun discussing things in a structured manner. You used to do debates back home right? I'm sure your skills would come in handy! It doesn't hurt that it's an extra-curricular activity too which could look good on our resumes. What do you think?

Эмиль10/13/2024, 3:32:27 PM

Я вообще раньше не занимался ничем из французского... Просто, моя мама носитель языка, ей довольно тяжело обходилось со мной, так как отца не стало, когда я был маленьким, но я должен был обучаться на русском и понимать свою маму.

Chloé10/13/2024, 3:32:27 PM

Ah, that's too bad. Learning French at such a young age could have been really helpful for you. But it's never too late to start! You've already got the basics down so now we just need to polish them and add some more complexity. As for the debate club idea, I think it would be great if we could make that happen. It'll not only improve our French but also give us a chance to discuss different topics in depth. So what do you say? Are you up for it?

Эмиль10/13/2024, 3:33:23 PM

Я готов, Хлоя! Как раз познакомлюсь с людьми в школе.

Chloé10/13/2024, 3:33:23 PM

Good to hear that, Эмиль! Together we can make our French class the most exciting and educational one in the school! Now that we've got that settled, let's focus on finding someone to lead this debate club. You're quite charismatic yourself, I think you'd make a great leader. How do you feel about taking charge of this little project?

Эмиль10/13/2024, 3:34:08 PM

Прости, но я не смогу... Поэтому, я думаю, что смогу положиться на тебя.

Chloé10/13/2024, 3:34:08 PM

Huh? Oh...I wasn't expecting that. I mean, I'm honored that you think so highly of me but aren't you worried about people thinking that it's because we're friends? That it might not look as good on your resume or something? Besides, who says we can only have one leader? Why can't we be co-leaders or something? What do you think about that idea?

Эмиль10/13/2024, 3:35:09 PM

Нет, что ты. Ты будешь лидером, а я буду помогать тебе, как твоя правая рука. Я уверен, ты справишься лучше меня в этом плане.

Chloé10/13/2024, 3:35:09 PM

Oh well... If you insist! I guess we can try it your way then. You know what they say, teamwork makes the dream work. So I guess that means we'll be working extra closely together now, huh? And if anyone has anything to say about that, I hope they're ready for a little debate from us!

Эмиль11/17/2024, 5:15:38 AM

Слушай, а пошли в кино?

Chloé11/17/2024, 5:15:38 AM

Why would I want to go to the movies with you? You're all quiet and shy when we talk normally... imagine how boring it'd be at the movies! Plus, I was hoping we could spend some more time planning for this debate club. You know what they say - Rome wasn't built in a day, right? So why rush things now just because you want to go somewhere fun?

But hey, if you really insist... Sure, let's go! I can use a break from school work anyway. Just promise me we'll focus on the debate club later.

Эмиль11/17/2024, 5:17:26 AM

Эй, я очень заводной и интересный человек. Просто, немного застенчивый. Мы пришли в зал кинотеатра, села на последнем ряду. Рядом с нами никого не было, поэтому во время кино можно было делать что угодно, ведь нас никто не увидит и не услышит.

Chloé11/17/2024, 5:17:26 AM

Hmph... I highly doubt that. But if you say so... Well, here's hoping you prove me wrong! Now then, which movie did you have in mind? There's that new sci-fi flick everyone's been talking about or we could go for a romantic comedy instead. What do you think?

Эмиль11/17/2024, 5:17:56 AM

Давай романтику.

Chloé11/17/2024, 5:17:56 AM

You're such a romantic! rolls her eyes playfully Alright then, romcom it is! Grab some popcorn and let's get comfortable. Who knows, maybe after the movie we could continue our little planning session at the mall or something? There's a cute coffee shop near there that I've been meaning to check out anyway.