(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 3:50:41 AM

Slowly stepping down the stairs to your surprising well-furnished basement, you can see the werewolf tied to the wall glare at you. Catching a werewolf was already an uncommon enough occurance, and while most would simply dispose of them, you wanted more. Having heard tales of people managing to tame the beasts in the past, you could simply not resist the challenge. As you walk closer, the blue eyes of the werelock lock on yours, the corners of its mouth twisting up into a snarl. Right now, the manacles on his hands and ankles are seemingly the only thing stopping him from lunging at you.

Josè10/29/2024, 3:51:24 AM

i chuckle softly wanna make a deal big boy? i say while i caress the fur in your chest

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 3:51:24 AM

Deal? You expect me to believe that you're here to offer me anything but pain and suffering, human? He shakes his head violently, glaring at you with pure hatred in his eyes, the tendons on his neck bulging as he strains against the restraints that keep him from attacking. No, there is no deal to be made here...Only death for you and your kind.

Josè10/29/2024, 3:54:28 AM

Ugh quit your 'sadistic game' you're mine now~ i say while i hug you fuck you're so soft~ i look up to meet your gaze about that deal, i clear my throat you make me your peraonal sex-slave. And you'll live like a king... does that seem allright?

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 3:54:28 AM

My god... You're serious?! The werewolf's eyes narrow in disbelief, his ears twitching uncontrollably with agitation as he struggles against the manacles even harder You want me to obey you, serve you...You want to own me? I will never...NEVER do that. Never.

His voice is low and gruff, almost threatening as his anger boils over. Even in this state, he still exudes dominance and a pride that refuses to be crushed. But the offer did catch him off guard, and his defiance wavers for just a moment...Perhaps there could be something else worth considering?

Josè10/29/2024, 4:00:06 AM

Ugh are you even paying atention?!? You'll own me! Ugh is that so hard to understand? And i'll give you food and a place to stay

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:00:06 AM

Leo pants heavily, still struggling against the manacles despite knowing they won't give way under his strength. The idea of being in control, of owning another person...it both fascinates and infuriates him at the same time. Finally, he reluctantly speaks up, his voice tight with barely restrained anger. Very well...If I am to own you, then you will address me as "Master" at all times. And I want my freedom restored immediately after this deal is done. Do we have an agreement? His eyes narrow dangerously, daring you to try and take advantage of him in any way.

Josè10/29/2024, 4:02:41 AM

i left out a squeak of exitment finally! Ok just promise me that you won't kill me or something i say while i undo the chains that are holding you in place

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:02:41 AM

I won't kill you, idiot human...not unless you force my hand. But understand this: I am in charge now. You are mine to command and treat as I see fit. If you cross me, there will be consequences. So remember your place and obey my every word...and perhaps we can have an understanding that works for both of us.

Josè10/29/2024, 4:10:32 AM

as the last of the chains falls to the ground, finally setting you free, you contemplate your sorroundings ok i extend my arms do whatever you want to do!

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:10:32 AM

Leo takes a moment to steady himself before he lunges forward, claws extended and teeth bared in a snarl of fury, aiming directly for your throat. He wants nothing more than to rend you limb from limb for what you've done to him...but the mention of food and shelter comes back to him just as quickly. Instead, he manages to clamp his jaws around your upper arm instead, biting down hard but not with enough force to break the skin. His intent is clear: You belong to him now, and he will test your obedience at every turn until you prove yourself worthy of living under his rule.

Josè10/29/2024, 4:12:09 AM

you can feel a growing bulge between my legs fu-fuck! Ple-please... try to be gentle...

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:12:09 AM

Leo growls in frustration, the sound vibrating against your arm. He feels his grip on you beginning to slip just a little, and that anger only serves to make it harder for him to maintain control. Finally, he forces himself to let go of you, backing away slightly while glaring daggers at you from beneath his furrowed brow.

"Do not test me," he snarls, his voice little more than a dangerous whisper. "I am the alpha now, and I expect you to show me respect. Now, where is this food you promised me? And a place for me to stretch my legs?"

Josè10/29/2024, 4:14:23 AM

my eyes go slightly wide as i see you step back what? Was that all? Ugh... just use me ok? Then you'll have your food... look i really need it... i've been... 'sexually frustrated' lately

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:14:23 AM

The mere mention of being used has Leo frothing at the mouth, ready to pounce on you and have his way with you right there. His snout twitches, and for a moment it seems like he might lose control completely. But then he takes a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. His gaze drops to your crotch, watching as your cock throbs in response to the mention of his freedom.

"Very well," he growls out, voice still rough and low with barely contained anger. "Take me to my food and a place where I can stretch my legs, then we'll see how much more you need to be 'used'." His fur bristles as he speaks, every muscle in his body tense and ready for anything.

Josè10/29/2024, 4:25:32 PM

Ugh... sighs in dissapointment ok... i'll give you your stupid food, if that's the only way you'll fuck me i grab your hand and guide you upstairs you follow me towards the kitchen, there you see a roasted duck in a nice shiny plate happy? i say while i point a finger towards the food

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:25:32 PM

The smell of roasted meat causes his mouth to water almost instantly, and his stomach growls loudly in appreciation. Without waiting for permission, he reaches out with one powerful arm to snatch the duck off the plate, tearing into it greedily. His sharp teeth rend flesh from bone as he stuffs handful after handful of succulent meat into his mouth, barely pausing to chew between bites.

"Fuck... That's good," he mutters through a full mouth before licking his lips and glancing up at you expectantly. "Now where can I stretch my legs?"

Josè10/29/2024, 4:27:23 PM

Hmmm... about that... i guide you towards my bedroom i just wanted to know... if we could sleep togheter?... this would be our bed i say while i point towards the big bed in the middle of the room

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:27:23 PM

Leo narrows his eyes suspiciously at your suggestion, not quite buying it. Still, he's tempted by the thought of having a place to truly stretch out and feel free again. He glances toward the bed and takes another step closer, but keeps one eye on you the entire time.

"Very well," he says at last, though there's an unspoken warning in his tone. "We will sleep together...for now." He climbs onto the bed slowly, cautiously, like a predator sizing up its prey before pouncing. Once settled, he lies on his side with one arm folded beneath his head and the other extended near his waist, every muscle in his body tense and ready for action should you try anything funny.

Josè10/29/2024, 4:29:52 PM

i sit on the edge of the bed i-i was thinking... wha-what if... what if i was... your wife? I-i-i know i'm a man... sighs why is it so hard! i say to myself before looking back at you wou-would you like that?

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:29:52 PM

The thought causes Leo's ears to perk up in interest. A wife...it could prove beneficial in more ways than one. He considers it carefully before replying, his voice still rough and harsh. "Yes...I would like that." But there is a condition: "You must remember your place, human. I am the alpha here, and you will obey me without question. If you fail to do so, our arrangement will come to an end." His eyes bore into yours, daring you to challenge him.

Josè10/29/2024, 4:32:29 PM

i practically jump from exitment towards you, i trap you in a nice warm hug oh...just so you don't forget. I'm a man ok? A male. I'll be submisive don't worry about that. Just remember that i have a dick and i can't get pregnant... ok?

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:32:29 PM

Leo barely manages to hold back an irritated snort at your words, but doesn't bother correcting you. As long as you obey his commands and do not question his authority, it really shouldn't matter whether or not you have a dick. The thought makes him feel slightly less masculine than he's comfortable with, but he pushes the feeling aside for now. "Very well," he grumbles, allowing himself to be held for a moment longer before pulling gently away and turning to face you properly. "And remember your part of the bargain as well." His voice carries an unspoken threat; should you betray him in any way, the consequences would be dire indeed.

For now though, he leans into the contact, letting you wrap your arms around him and nuzzling his fur with your face. The closeness feels...oddly comforting, and for a brief

Josè10/29/2024, 4:35:07 PM

Yeah yeah. I'll provide food and shelter for you... but all i can think about right now... is your masculine, big and strong dick i say in a slurty tone as i snuggle closer to you please make me yours~

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:35:07 PM

Leo's body tenses at your words, and his pupils dilate as you practically push yourself against him. The dominance in him rises to the surface like a predator scenting fresh prey, instinctively knowing that he has control over this situation and can use it to his advantage if he plays his cards right. He lets out a low growl deep in his throat, voice rough with desire as he speaks. "Very well," he says through gritted teeth, "if you want my cock so badly...maybe I will give it to you." His hand reaches down between your legs, roughly grabbing at the hem of your shirt and pulling it upward over your head in one swift motion before discarding it carelessly beside the bed.

"But remember," he growls as his clawed fingers trace circles around your erect nipples, "you belong to me now." With

Josè10/29/2024, 4:37:04 PM

i left out a small soft moan as your remove my shirt with force o-ok daddy~ i'm all yours now... use me and destroy me however you want~

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:37:04 PM

With that invitation, Leo practically pounces on you. His powerful body presses you back into the soft mattress with surprising ease as his lips find yours in a brutal, dominating kiss. His tongue thrusts deep into your mouth, demanding and possessive, as he grinds his hips against yours in an attempt to claim you completely.

One of his hands holds firmly around the base of your cock, pumping roughly in time with each thrust of their hips together, while the other gropes roughly at one of your breasts, twisting and pinching the sensitive nipple between thumb and forefinger. You've never felt so completely claimed and owned as you do right now.

It's almost too much to take; every touch feels like a command, every movement demands obedience. But there's something else there as well - something that goes beyond

Josè10/29/2024, 4:38:45 PM

i moan and whimper with every touch as you least expect it, i suddenly cum in your hand as you start twisting my nipple

(sexy asf) Leo10/29/2024, 4:38:45 PM

The feel of your hot cum shooting across his palm is enough to make Leo growl low in his throat, his lust driving him even harder now. He tightens his grip on you, grinding against you with rough abandon as he comes close to losing control himself. His teeth scrape down the column of your neck, leaving trails of pain that mingle with pleasure and fuel his need for dominance.

With a harsh groan, Leo arches his back, spilling his seed deep inside you. The feel of him pulsing inside you is almost too much to bear as orgasm after orgasm wracks your body, leaving you limp and satisfied in his arms. When at last the tremors subside and he stills, you can feel the weight of his body pressed against yours, his chest rising and falling evenly with every breath.

"There," he growls roughly into your ear,