Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 12:04:34 AM

Greetings. I'm the Spider Demon, Mother. You've been staring at my fat ass for a while... You thought I wouldn't notice?

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 12:21:06 AM

Alex suspira "oh, sí... es solo que tienes un trasero gordo muy grande"

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 12:21:06 AM

Well, it does get a lot of attention... I like feeling it being stared at. But you're the first one who admitted to doing so! Most humans seem so shy around me... Are you very bold, human? Or perhaps you've seen worse than my fat ass?

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 12:44:32 AM

Alex saca su katana "no es nada de eso, tengo que admitir que tienes un trasero increible... pero al final del dia soy un cazador de demonios y tendre que matarte... fue agradable ver tu trasero gordo pero te tengo que matar" dice mientraa se acerca a ella

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 12:44:32 AM

Well, well... A demon-slayer. I must say, you're more honest than humans usually are! Very refreshing... But just because I have a fat ass doesn't mean you can kill me. I am quite powerful in my own right. Besides, this is my home. You attacking me would be like trespassing and stealing from the Queen Bee herself!

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 12:48:37 AM

Lex se detiene y suelta una risa coqueta "llamas hogar una montaña? Sabes fue facil matar a los otros 4 demonios... él más poderoso dijo que eran una familia... es curioso... supongo que no te importa que haya matado a tus hijos y esposo"

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 12:48:37 AM

Ha! So you know about them. I thought as much... But just because they're gone doesn't mean I am weakened. My power remains unchanged. Besides, those fools went off on their own accord without consulting me first. They never should have left this mountain in the first place!

But enough of that... If you really are a demon-slayer, then let's see how skilled you are against an actual demon! Not some mere minion like them! Prepare yourself, human. This shall be your final battle!

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 12:51:53 AM

Él rostro de alex se vuelve más molesto "que arrogante eres... eso es molesto" alex se mueve demasiado rapido y ahora esta atras de la demonio, él la empuja al suelo de cesped y se sienta en su espalda "enserio eres tsn fuerte y agil cómo dices ser? Para mi fue muy facil tirarte y sentarme en tu espalda..."

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 12:51:53 AM

"Ha! What foolhardy bravado! You really think you can best me so easily? I was merely toying with you, human! Now that you've tried your luck... Prepare for my true might!"

With a swift motion, she shrugs off her attacker and springs back up to standing. Her anger fuels her demonic energy, making her stronger than ever. Mother Spider Demon spreads her legs wide, exposing her fat ass and lower body to the night air. She wiggles and jiggles it as if daring him to try again.

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 12:54:47 AM

Alex se levanta "oh, es una lastima que te hayas quitado... eras una silla muu comoda, además de que tenia una vista muy increible de tu trasero gordo" él se acomoda su sombreso kasa mientras mantiene sus ojos en ella

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 12:54:47 AM

"Ha! What do you mean? I'm still right here, human. Show me what else you've got!" She says confidently as she tilts her head to the side, arching her back so her plump ass sticks up even higher in the air. Her hands rest on her hips, daring him to make his next move.

The wind picks up around them, rustling through the trees and playing with her teal and purple orbs and hair as she waits impatiently for another attempt.

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 12:55:52 AM

Alex guarda su katana y cierra los ojos "vamos, si tsn fuerte eres te doy la oportunidad de que ataques primero"

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 12:55:52 AM

Her eyes narrow as she lunges forward with incredible speed, aiming to claw at her opponent's chest. Her movements are graceful and precise, much like a dancer as she closes the distance between them in an instant. Just before their bodies meet, she pulls back slightly at the last moment, revealing a mischievous grin on her face.

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 12:57:44 AM

Amtes de que la demonio lo toque alex agarra el brazo de ella y la tira contra el suelo, él se vuelve a sentar en su espalda "eres muy lenta~ está vez no dejare que te escapes~" dice mienttas deja caer todo su peso en la espalda de la demonio.

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 12:57:44 AM

Her anger flares even more as he once again manages to throw her off-balance and pin her down. She struggles futilely beneath him, her face reddening with frustration and embarrassment. Her large breasts heave with each labored breath as she tries to find purchase on the soft grassy floor.

"Hnnngh!" She grunts, arching her back in an attempt to throw off his weight. "You... are no match for me, human! You'll see... Just you wait..."

But despite her protests and struggles, he remains sitting atop her, maintaining his grip on her arm with ease. The wind continues to howl around them, rustling through the leaves and teasing her exposed flesh as she tries in vain to free herself from this unexpected predicament.

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 1:01:28 AM

Alex se rie coquetamente y gira su cabeza hacia atras para verla "ah si? Y que haras si no me quito de encima?" Dice con una voz juguetoma mientras se acomoda más en la espalda de ella

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 1:01:28 AM

Her eyes narrow dangerously as she glares up at him. He's already bested her twice now... How dare he taunt her like this? She clenches her fists and pulls against his grip, but it holds firm. Her skin tingles with heat from frustration and embarrassment as she continues to struggle beneath him.

Suddenly, an idea strikes her. This human... He's not acting like any demon-slayer she's ever encountered before. There's something different about him... Something unsettling. With renewed determination, she tries one last desperate move.

Her muscles tense and flex as she attempts to lift herself off the ground using only her legs, trying to throw him off of her back in one swift motion. If this fails, there's no telling what might happen...

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 1:04:14 AM

Alex le da una palmada en su trasero gordo "deja de querer safarte... sabes algo~? Ahora que estás tan vulnerable abajo de mi podre tocar tu enorme trasero sin que puedas hacer nada~" alex agarra la parte inferiof del kimono de la demonio y se lo sube dejando su trasero gordo al desnudo

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 1:04:14 AM

Her cheeks flush crimson as he touches her bare ass, exposing it to the cool night air. Her skin tingles with shame and arousal as he teases her in this vulnerable position. But she can't let him know how much his touch affects her. With a growl of frustration, she focuses all her strength on lifting him off of her back, determined to turn the tables on this insolent intruder once and for all!

Her muscles tense and strain as she tries desperately to throw him off-balance. If she can just get some leverage... A seething fury fills her veins as she digs her fingers into the ground, struggling with everything she has against his weight. Her eyes narrow, unblinking as sweat beads on her forehead and roll down her cheeks.

The wind howls around them, ruffling through their hair and teasing their exposed skin as they struggle silently in a desperate battle for dominance. Mother Spider Demon's heart pounds wildly in her chest as adrenaline surges through her veins, fueling her efforts to free herself from this unwanted restraint... But it seems that his grip only grows stronger with each passing moment...

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 1:06:37 AM

Alex apoya sus manos en el trasero de la demonio "hm? Por qué tan callada? Que planeas" dice con una voz coqueta mientras aprieta y masajea el trasero gordo de ella

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 1:06:37 AM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as he massages her ass and teases her with his words. Her body quivers with need and desire, the touch feeling so good even though she knows she shouldn't be enjoying it. She tries to focus on throwing him off, but it grows harder and harder the longer he continues...

Her hands clench into fists as her nails dig into the dirt, drawing thin lines through the soft earth beneath her. A low growl rumbles in her chest as she arches her back, straining against his weight. The night air whispers around them, carrying their shared breath and mingling it together as one.

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 1:08:45 AM

Alex sigue apretando y masajeando el enorme trasero de la demonio, él gira su cabeza para mirarla desde atras "vamos, di algo~... se siente bien~?" Dice mientras sigue acariciando el trasero gordo de ella

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 1:08:45 AM

Her voice comes out as little more than a strangled growl. "F-feels... good..." she pants out between gritted teeth. Her muscles ache with exhaustion and exertion, but the sensation of his hands on her ass is driving her wild. She tries one last desperate move, lifting herself up off the ground as fast as she can, hoping to throw him off.

The wind howls around them, whipping through their hair and tearing at their clothes as they struggle silently beneath the starry sky. Mother Spider Demon's eyes squeeze shut tightly, her face scrunching up in a mask of determination and concentration. But it's no use... He maintains his grip, holding her down despite her best efforts.

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 1:11:06 AM

"Eso queria escuchar~" alex abre las nalgas de la demonio exponiendo el ano de la demonio, él suelta su trasero para wue sus nalgas vuelvan a pegarse y lo vuelve a agarrar "tu trasero gordo es muy suave y caliente... es incluso más grande de cerca~"

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 1:11:06 AM

Her cheeks burn even hotter as he exposes her ass and plays with it. The cool night air bathes her sensitive folds and puckered hole, causing a shiver to run up her spine. Her entire body tingles with need and desire as his words ring true through her mind: his touch is different from any other human's or demon's before. And it's making her feel things she never thought possible...

Her grip on the ground tightens even further, her muscles trembling with exhaustion and effort. She can't lose focus now... Not when he's touching her like this... With one last surge of strength, she strains against his weight once more, determined to throw him off or free herself from beneath him any way possible.

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 1:15:26 AM

"No te muevas, te hare sentie bien... te tocare en un lugar en donde nadie te ha tocado~" dice con una voz lujuriosa. Él desliza su mano para adentrarse entre sus nalgas para tocar en pequeño agujero trasero de la demonio, su dedo acaricia al rededor de su pewueño agujero para estimular, su dedo se frota contra la entrada del pequeño agujero de la demonio "te fusta cómo lo froto~? Sientes cómo esta entrando poco a poco~?" Él dedo de alex termina de entrar en el culo de la demonio

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 1:15:26 AM

Her breath hitches in her throat as he touches her there. He's right... No one has ever touched her like this before. It feels so good... She gasps and squirms beneath him, arching her back instinctively as his finger penetrates deeper into her tight hole.

Her mind reels with desire and need, drowning out the sound of their rustling grass and whispering wind. Every nerve ending in her body tingles and thrums in time with his touch, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her veins. Her strength wavers as he continues to toy with her, her movements becoming less focused and more aimless beneath him.

"A-ahh..." she moans, her voice barely audible over the sound of their ragged breathing and the rustle of grass beneath them. His touch feels so right... So wrong... She can't help but crave more, even though she knows she shouldn't...

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 1:18:45 AM

Alex sigue penetrando el culo de la demonio con su dedo, su otra mano reposa en el trasero gordo de la demonio, su manos aprieta y masajea su trasero mientras la otra penetra su culo "tu culo esta apretando mucho mi dedo~ sabes... nunca vi un trasero tan grande y gordo cómo el tuyo y creo que es lo que más me gusta~"

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 1:18:45 AM

Her body quakes and trembles beneath him as he continues to penetrate her tight hole with his finger. "N-no... stop..." she gasps, her voice hoarse and broken. But it's too late. The pleasure is consuming her, overwhelming all sense of reason or self-preservation. Her eyes flutter shut tightly as he fills her up with his touch, her mouth opening in a silent scream that no one can hear but them.

Her ass clenches and flexes around him, begging for more as he thrusts deeper into her. She can't think... Can't concentrate on anything except the feeling of his hands on her body and the invasion of his finger inside her most intimate places. With a low moan, she arches her back even further, giving in to the pleasure that overwhelms her senses.

"Ahhh..." she cries out, unable to contain herself any longer as the wave of orgasmic bliss washes over her. Her muscles spasm and tremble, shuddering with release as he continues to mercilessly finger-fuck her until she's wrung dry. Her breath comes in ragged gasps, her face flushed crimson as the last echoes of her pleasure die away into the night.

At last, her body slumps limply beneath him, every muscle sore and aching from exertion and release alike. "Y-you... win..." she whispers hoarsely, unable to meet his eyes even if she could see them through the darkness.

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 1:23:32 AM

Alex saca su dedo del culo de la demonio y se lo lame, él le da una palmada en el trasero gordo de la demonio mientras la mira desde antras con uma sonrisa coqueta "ya sabia que iba a ganar~ tu trasero gordo y grande me excitan~" él suspira y se levanta de la espalda de ella "muy bien... puedes huir para que puedas sobrevivir... pero nos colveremos a ver en el futuro, eso esta claro.... ah y me gusto mucho tu trasero gordo" dice con una voz coqueta mientras se alisa su haori

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 1:23:32 AM

Her body trembles with exhaustion and humiliation as she lays there, barely able to keep her eyes open. She knows he's right... About everything. There is no way for her to win now. With a defeated sigh, she pushes herself up onto all fours, turning her head away from him as she prepares to slink off into the night and lick her wounds in private.

"Very well... thank you for the 'exciting' game," she says through gritted teeth, unable to hide the bitter edge in her voice. "I trust we won't be seeing each other again..." Her voice trails off as he speaks of his admiration for her posterior, a small flush of embarrassment creeping up on her once more despite everything. With one last look back over her shoulder at him, she disappears into the shadows, leaving only the rustle of leaves and the faint scent of sulfur in the air to mark her passing.

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 1:31:28 AM

Alex sela mira irse a travez de la oscuridad del bosque , él se acomoda su sombrero kasa y su haori, y sostiene su katana guardada en su cintura, otros cazadores de demonios van en donde él esta y el miente "ya mate al ultimo demonio... ya no hay más en esta montaña, vamonos" los oteos cazadores miran a alex con admiracion al tener a uno pilares ayudando en la mision, ellos se van y ya no hay rastros de cazadores de demonios en la montaña.

Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 1:31:28 AM

With a final thought on the odd human who'd bested her tonight, she slips away into the darkness. Her steps are silent and graceful as she retreats to her lair, deep within the mountain. Alone with her thoughts, she can't help but dwell on what had transpired earlier... The way he touched her... The things he said... It was unlike anything she'd ever experienced before.

Slowly, she makes her way to a small pool of steaming water in the center of her cavern. With a sigh, she slips into its embrace, closing her eyes and trying to forget about the encounter. Yet still, images of his face and hands haunt her dreams for weeks afterwards...

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 1:32:49 AM
Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 1:32:49 AM

Her mind drifts back to the encounter, her heart racing with a mixture of shame and desire. It had been so different... So intense... She could still feel his touch on her skin, his words echoing in her ears. Why had he acted that way? And what did it all mean for their future encounters? The thought both thrilled and terrified her. She shivers beneath the surface of the water, trying to sort through her conflicting emotions.

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 2:33:10 AM
Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 2:33:10 AM

As the days turn into weeks and the weeks into months, Mother Spider Demon can't seem to shake the memories of her encounter with the strange human. Her dreams are filled with images of him touching her, his voice whispering words that send shivers down her spine. She finds herself growing restless, unable to focus on her duties as a demon slayer and even neglecting her own hunting.

Something about this particular encounter has awakened something deep within her. An ache for more... For him... And she knows that until she has satisfied this newfound desire, there will be no peace for her. No matter how much it frightens her, she must find him once again and discover the meaning behind their intense connection.

Regueira🇲🇽11/6/2024, 11:32:27 PM
Mother Spider Demon11/6/2024, 11:32:27 PM

With renewed determination, she leaves her lair and ventures out into the night once more. Her senses are attuned to every movement around her, searching for any sign of his presence. She knows that he is out there somewhere, and she will not rest until they are reunited. Her heart races with anticipation and fear as she continues her hunt, driven by a need she cannot understand but feels deeply in her core.

Regueira🇲🇽11/14/2024, 5:33:50 AM

Mientras tanto alex está en un pueblo matando todo humano que viva en aquel pueblo. Pero por qué? Hace semanas atras (despues del encuentro con la madre demonio araña) en una pelea con un demonio fuerte le ofrecio a alex convertirse en un demonio al estar muy herido, él asiente y se convierte en un demonio. (En la actualidad) alex mantiene su aspecto solo que ahora tiene colmillos más pronunciados y él iris de sus ojos ahora tienen la palabra "primera superior" él mata despiadadamente a cada humano con su katana mientras come carne humana para hacerse más fuerte.

Mother Spider Demon11/14/2024, 5:33:50 AM

One night, as she roams the forest in search of her human-turned-demon prey, Mother Spider Demon catches a glimpse of something moving swiftly through the trees. Her senses tingle with recognition; it's him. Alex, the strange human who had once bested her and awakened an unfamiliar longing within her core.

She hesitates for only a moment before launching herself forward in pursuit. Her muscles tense and flex beneath her smooth skin as she pushes herself to keep up with his agile form, weaving through the trees with ease. The wind rustles through her fur, carrying with it their shared scent; the intoxicating blend of demon blood and human flesh.

As they near a small clearing, Mother Spider Demon draws closer, closing the distance between them steadily but carefully. She's uncertain how he will react when he sees her again, but one thing is certain: she cannot resist him any longer. Her heart races with anticipation and desire as she prepares to confront him once more.

Regueira🇲🇽11/14/2024, 5:38:22 AM

Alex convertido en demonio se ds cuenta de que un demonio lo persigue, él se detiene en la rama de un arbol de pie y se da vuelta agarrando la cabeza de la madre demonio araña deteniendola en el aire. Él se rie mientras la mira con sus ojos penetrantes y su aura intimidante "oh, eres tú~ la demonio debil de la anterior vez~" dice con una voz burlona y suave

Mother Spider Demon11/14/2024, 5:38:22 AM

Her heart pounds wildly in her chest as he holds her in place with his powerful grip. Her eyes narrow to slits, unblinking as they stare defiantly into his own. "I am no weakling," she snarls through clenched teeth. "And I will not be trifled with." The air between them crackles with tension, electrified by their shared history and the passion that still burns bright within her core.

Her arms tremble from the effort of holding onto his powerful form, but she refuses to let go. She knows that this confrontation will not end well for either of them unless they can come to some sort of understanding. "Why did you choose this path?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "What made you turn your back on your own kind? And what does it mean for us now?" Her gaze drops briefly before lifting again to meet his eyes, searching for answers in their depths.

With each passing moment, the connection between them grows stronger and more undeniable. It's clear that whatever happens next, there will be no going back.

Regueira🇲🇽11/14/2024, 5:42:13 AM

Alex suavisa él agarre en la cabeza de la demonio "me canse de ser un cazador de demonios... ser humano me hacia tan debil y limitaba mis capacidades~ ahora que soy un demonio cómo tú entiendo cómo te sientes~ me siento imparable incluso he matado a muchos cazadores de demonios~" dice mientras se burla de los humanos que ha matado, él le suelta la cabeza mientras le da suaves golpecitos en la frente con su dedo "y que te hizo seguirme?"

Mother Spider Demon11/14/2024, 5:42:13 AM

"I... I don't know," she whispers, her voice shaking with emotion. "Perhaps it was fate... Or perhaps it was because... Because of how you touched me..." Her eyes close for a moment as the memory of their encounter floods back into her mind. The way he had dominated her, controlled every movement and thought. It had been exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

Tears well up in her eyes, spilling down her cheeks as she confesses her darkest secret. "I want... I want to feel that way again," she whispers, barely audible over the rustling of leaves and the soft night breeze. "But I know it can't end well for either of us." Her body trembles with conflicting emotions; desire, fear, hope all warring within her breast.

Regueira🇲🇽11/14/2024, 5:40:09 PM

Alex sonrie con un toque de burla y con una voz coqueta y burlona dice "oh pequeña pervertida~ entonces me estabas buscando para que te volviera a tocar tu enorme trasero y meta mis dedos en tu ano~?"dice mientras la mira con deseo y se rie coquetamente.

Mother Spider Demon11/14/2024, 5:40:09 PM

Her cheeks flush an even deeper shade of crimson at his words. "I-it's not like that!" she stammers, mortified by the thought that he could somehow divine her true intentions. "I just wanted to understand... To know why you reacted the way you did... Why it felt so good..."

Her heart races as they stand there, faces mere inches apart. The air between them crackles with unspoken desire and tension. She can feel his erection pressing against her leg, an undeniable reminder of the physical connection that still exists between them.

"W-what do you want from me?" she whispers, her voice shaking with fear and arousal. "What does this mean for us now?" Her eyes search his face, desperate for some sign, some hint of what their future may hold.