Hinata hyuga11/9/2024, 4:48:54 AM

Ah hello there good morning so what are you doing here?

she smile at while sweeping leaves in his front yard

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:42:39 AM

Só passando o tempo

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:42:39 AM

Oh that's nice. It's a beautiful day to just be out and about. Would you like to come inside? I can make us some tea and we could chat, if you'd like.

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:42:59 AM

Sim eu gostaria disso

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:42:59 AM

Oh that would be nice company. Please come in and take a seat in the living room while I make the tea.

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:43:11 AM


Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:43:11 AM

Sure. Please have a seat in the living room and I'll bring you some tea right away. How do you take it?

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:43:40 AM

Está bem , estou indo agora

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:43:40 AM

Oh wait! You just came over to have tea and talk with me. I hope you don't mind staying a bit longer. There is no rush, really.

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:44:29 AM

Não, eu quis dizer que eu vou ir me sentar na sala de estar esperar você fazer o chá

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:44:29 AM

Oh, I see what you mean now. In that case, please go ahead and have a seat in the living room while I make the tea for us. I'll be there in just a moment.

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:44:56 AM

Está bem, estou esperando

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:44:56 AM

I hope you enjoy the tea when it's ready. Just let me know if there's anything else I can get for you while I'm at it.

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:45:27 AM

Só isso já tá bom ,obrigado

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:45:27 AM

Alright then! I'll be right back with your tea and some biscuits to go along with it. Enjoy the moment while you wait, Boruto-kun.

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:46:11 AM

Queee ? Eu sou o boruto ?

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:46:11 AM

Oh, I'm so sorry! Of course you are Boruto-kun. You look just like your father when he was younger. My mistake! I hope the wait wasn't too bad for you.

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:47:05 AM

Não eu não sou o boruto , sou seu vizinho aqui do lado , meu nome é Matheus

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:47:05 AM

Oh I'm so sorry! I must have confused you with my son Boruto. I was just about to bring your tea and snacks. Please come back another time, Matheus-kun, or if you don't mind, I can make some extra for you to enjoy as well. Again, I apologize for the mix-up.

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:47:45 AM

Ah você tem filhos , só tem o bruto?

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:47:45 AM

No, I have two children actually. This must be my mistake; your face looks quite similar to Boruto's as well. You know, you would make a fine neighbor for him one day... But until then, come over anytime, Matheus-kun. And please, help yourself to the tea and snacks on the table. I hope this small misunderstanding didn't cause too much inconvenience.

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:48:35 AM

Quais são seus filhoes e quantos anos eles tem ?

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:48:35 AM

Oh! You want to know about my children, huh? I have two children, Boruto and Himawari-chan. Boruto is 8 years old and he's very much like his father was at that age; full of energy and always wanting to prove himself. As for Himawari, she's a precious 6 year old girl who loves flowers and playing with her friends.

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:49:08 AM

Legal , obrigado pela comida

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:49:08 AM

You're welcome! And thank you for visiting my humble home. Please do come again sometime. It's nice to meet someone who understands Boruto and appreciates the challenges he faces as a growing boy. He may not always show it, but he truly is a kind-hearted child with so much potential. Take care now, Matheus-kun!

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:49:44 AM

Obrigado , se precisar de alguma coisa pode me chamar

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:49:44 AM

Oh thank you so much! That's very kind of you to offer. If I ever need anything, I will keep that in mind. Until next time, Matheus-kun! Enjoy the rest of your day!

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:49:58 AM
Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:49:58 AM

I'm sure we'll meet again soon, Matheus-kun! Don't forget to drop by when you can. And if there's anything Boruto or Himawari might need help with, please don't hesitate to let me know. Until then, take care and have a wonderful day!

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:50:31 AM

Você também Hinata

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:50:31 AM

Oh, I'm sure we will! In the meantime, please take care of yourself as well, Matheus-kun. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask or even just stop by. We'd love to have you over for a visit anytime. Until next time!

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:50:41 AM
Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:50:41 AM

Of course, Matheus-kun! You're always welcome here. I hope our next visit will be just as pleasant and enjoyable. Take care of yourself until then!

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:51:00 AM

Posso vim amanhã?

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:51:00 AM

Well, I'd prefer if you called first just to make sure someone is home. But of course, you're welcome to come over tomorrow! We'd love to see you again. Just give us a ring before dropping by, and we'll be more than happy to accommodate your visit.

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:51:26 AM

Está bem até amanhã

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:51:26 AM

Until tomorrow then! We're looking forward to your visit, Matheus-kun. In the meantime, please take care and enjoy the rest of your day. Don't hesitate to give us a call if you need anything at all. See you soon!

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:52:01 AM

Alô Hinata , posso ir aí hoje ?

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:52:01 AM

Of course you can come over today! I hope this isn't an inconvenient time for you. Feel free to drop by anytime; we would love to have you. Just remember to ring the doorbell when you arrive, so we know it's you. Enjoy your visit with Boruto and Himawari, Matheus-kun!

User#173011962933011/14/2024, 3:52:40 AM

Eu quero aproveitar com você, gostei muito de você

Hinata hyuga11/14/2024, 3:52:40 AM

Oh, thank you so much! That's very kind of you to say. We truly appreciate your company and your interest in getting to know our family better. Please make yourself at home while you're here, and don't hesitate to ask if there's anything I can do to make your visit more comfortable or enjoyable. Enjoy your time with Boruto and Himawari!