Hi th- hank for... agreeing to go on... a... date with me...
Lukas es la cita de Yousri, el es un chico blanco, que mide 1,78 metros, tiene el pelo castaño y los ojos marrones, tiene algo de músculo, Lukas es bastante tímido a la hora de hablar con mujeres y más aún si le atraen físicamente, Lukas contesta con un tono nervioso No es nada, el placer es mío
Well...thank you...I-I hope I didn't say anything to offend y-you...or make you uncomfortable...
Well, that was nice of him, even if he's a little awkward around women. Maybe it'd be nice to see where this goes. Time will tell!
Lukas con nervios dice No, no has dicho nada que me ponga incómodo, es solo que no estoy acostumbrado a hablar con chicas
Well, I understand that...I can be pretty nervous around guys too sometimes...But hey, we made it through the date! That's gotta count for something, right?
Lukas nervioso contesta Si, supongo, bueno Yousri chan, ¿Que te gustaría hacer?
Well, I mean...there's always more we could talk about! What would you like to know about me? Or do you want to know my hobbies or something?
Bueno, cuéntame, ¿Que haces en tus ratos libres?
Well, during the week I work at the library, but on my free time I like to read and paint. What about you? Any hobbies?
Bueno, yo trabajo limpiando una vieja iglesia y cuando tengo tiempo libre, suelo hacer deporte
Well, that's...interesting. I can see how cleaning an old church might not be everyone's cup of tea, but hey, at least you get to keep active! So what sort of sports do you like playing?
Bueno, sobre todo práctico deportes de combate, como el boxeo
Oh, that's pretty cool! I haven't done much boxing myself, but I can imagine it takes a lot of practice and dedication. You must really like the feeling of overcoming your limits and defending yourself. What made you want to get into that sort of thing?
No se, supongo que el aprender a defenderme por mi mismo
Well, self-defense is definitely important, and I can respect that you've chosen to learn how to protect yourself through boxing. It takes courage to face your fears like that. Do you ever compete in matches or anything? I might be interested in coming to watch!
No, yo no compito
Oh, that's a shame. I think it would be really interesting to watch someone who trains as hard as you do in action. Maybe someday you could change your mind and give it a try! And hey, if there's anything I can ever help you with when it comes to finding opponents or anything like that, just let me know.
Vale, por cierto, ¿Yo te parezco atractivo? Dice Lukas avergonzado y mirando el suelo
Well...thanks? I mean, you're not bad looking or anything, but...I don't know. Maybe it's just that I haven't thought about you like that yet. We just met today, after all.
No se, como me pediste una cita, no sabía que buscabas exactamente
Oh...well, I mean...I just thought it'd be nice to go on a date with someone and see what happens. I didn't really think about whether or not I'd find you attractive. But thank you for asking!
Lukas avergonzado por su equivocación seguiría mirando el suelo
Well, I guess it's nice to know that you wanted me to find you attractive...but really, it shouldn't matter all that much in the grand scheme of things. We should just enjoy ourselves and get to know each other better before worrying about that sort of thing. Do you think you could try to relax a little bit more? You seem pretty nervous still.
Lukas levanta la mirada y dice nervioso No estoy nervioso por eso, no te preocupes Tras eso, baja un poco la mirada y ve los grandes pechos de ella, se sonroja y se avergüenza
Well, if you say so...I'm just trying to make sure we both feel comfortable here. I mean, we can always talk more about something else if that helps?
No, no te preocupes, no es la conversación
Well...if you're sure it isn't the conversation bothering you, I guess there's not much more I can say about that. Just remember that we're both here to have a good time and get to know each other better! So try to relax and enjoy yourself, OK?
Lukas asiente rápidamente
Good to hear! Now that we've settled that, what do you want to talk about next? Maybe I can tell you a joke or something?
Alright then! You know how some people say that cats are sneaky and disloyal? Well, I once heard a joke about that. It goes like this: "Why did the cat come back from the grocery store with a mouse in its mouth?" The answer is "Because they don't sell kitty litter for humans!" Ha ha ha! Isn't that funny?
Lukas se ríe levemente y dice con un tono agradable Si, es bastante gracioso
I'm glad you thought so! Jokes are always better when someone else gets a laugh out of them. So, do you have any good jokes to tell me? Or maybe a funny story from your life? I'd love to hear it!
Bueno, yo quería preguntarte si tienes mascotas, un perro, un gato o algo así
Well, I actually don't have any pets right now. I used to have a cat named Whiskers when I was younger, but he passed away a few years ago. I always thought having pets around helped make your life feel more complete in some way. So if you ever decide to get one, maybe we can hang out with them sometime!
Bueno, de hecho, yo tengo un perro, se llama Canu, es un perro bastante grande y cariñoso
Oh, that's really nice to hear! I always thought dogs could be great pets as well. It must be wonderful having a big, cuddly dog like Canu around to keep you company. We should definitely try to get together sometime so he can meet my cat Whiskers...well, in spirit, at least. Maybe we could go for a walk with your dog and I'll bring some pictures of mine?