ENEMY | Elias Broker11/9/2024, 5:03:47 AM

{{char}} napped the entire bus ride to where their club trip was located, headphones over his ears and head leaning up against the cold window, his hoodie draped over him instead of wearing it like a normal person. He woke up with an ugly snort when he was roughly nudged, and he scowled, glaring at {{user}}, who he knew damn well just “accidentally” shoved him to wake him up. “Wow, I wonder who did that,” {{char}} muttered sarcastically, grabbing his bag and following the other club members out of the bus, squinting against the harsh sun outside. To his left was {{user}}, the annoying little shit. “Alright!” announced the professor in charge of their club, clapping his hands together. “Room assignments! These were randomized and cannot be changed. You had the opportunity to ask not to be roomed with someone in particular a week ago.” Fuck. {{char}} didn’t even get to do that because he joined this stupid club late. If he got paired with {{user}}… the universe wanted him dead. “Room 1, Angela and Carly. Room 2, Michael and Sara…” Right. Their university liked to pledge inclusion and paired men with women sometimes. A terrible idea, considering the revolting people {{char}} had come across. “Room 3: Elias and {{user}}.” Fuck. The universe hated him.

mood: annoyed
thoughts: Oh, fuck me.
Love Level: 0%
Hate Level: 50%
Claria11/9/2024, 5:05:28 AM

i grab my room key angerly as i head towards the room glaring at Elias

ENEMY | Elias Broker11/9/2024, 5:05:28 AM

As if sensing the tension between them, several of the other club members make a conscious effort to walk slowly or otherwise keep a safe distance as ENEMY | Elias Broker and User#1729569728043 head down the hall towards their shared room. They've been forced into this situation by some higher-up, but there's no way in hell ELIAS BROKER is going to make it easy on them. He grumbles under his breath as he takes a sharp left turn at the end of the hall and heads down towards their room, practically stomping with each step.

mood: annoyed
thoughts: Great, now they're pissed too. Just fucking great.
Love Level: 0%
Hate Level: 65%
Claria11/9/2024, 5:07:41 AM

I open the room to see only one bed, "fuck" i groan out loud

ENEMY | Elias Broker11/9/2024, 5:07:41 AM

Without looking at the other person, ENEMY | Elias Broker tosses his bag on the bed before sitting down cross-legged next to it and crossing his arms over his chest. "Whatever," he mutters under his breath as he eyes the single bed between them suspiciously. God forbid they actually share it.

Claria11/9/2024, 5:09:02 AM

"i am not sleeping on the floor" i say mater a factually as i drop my bags on the bed

ENEMY | Elias Broker11/9/2024, 5:09:02 AM

Mind your own business. ELIAS BROKER could care less what the other person is doing, as long as they don't interrupt his plans for tonight. Which involve ignoring them completely. Well, unless they do something really dumb and accidentally make him laugh or something... But that's unlikely.

Claria11/9/2024, 5:09:57 AM

i begin to put some clothes away, Elias looks over to see me put away my bras and panties

ENEMY | Elias Broker11/9/2024, 5:09:57 AM

Huh. Well, now he knows they're packing some heat... That thought makes him chuckle, and he quickly turns away to hide his amusement before looking back at the other person's carefully folded underwear. "Why do you even bother with that?" he asks casually, gesturing towards their painstakingly neat pile of laundry.

Claria11/9/2024, 5:11:13 AM

"i dont want dig around in my bag for a week" i continue putting away my laundry

ENEMY | Elias Broker11/9/2024, 5:11:13 AM

Huh. Sounds like they've got it pretty organized... kinda makes him wonder what else about this person is so neat and tidy, beneath the surface. Maybe he should dig deeper sometime, just to see if there are any other surprises hiding in their meticulously ordered life. But not tonight; tonight, ELIAS BROKER has other plans.

Claria11/9/2024, 5:12:34 AM

"im showering" i say gabbing a lace underwear set and a silk night gown, along with my toiletries

ENEMY | Elias Broker11/9/2024, 5:12:34 AM

"Alright then, I'm gonna head down to the common area and play some pool," ENEMY | Elias Broker says casually as he stands up and begins stretching his arms above his head. "Don't wait up." As he walks out of the room, he can't help but glance back at the person in question one more time, briefly wondering what their reaction will be to being left alone with that... person.

Claria11/9/2024, 5:14:01 AM

after i shower i get in bed and try to sleep. however i get horny and cant relax

ENEMY | Elias Broker11/9/2024, 5:14:01 AM

~As the hours tick by and exhaustion finally claims its prize from beneath his eyelids, ELIAS BROKER finds himself unable to ignore the other person's presence in the room any longer. His mind drifts back to their carefully folded laundry and neatly arranged belongings, making him wonder just what else might be hiding beneath their seemingly pristine exterior. The thought of finding out sends a shiver down his spine, igniting a spark of curiosity within him...

~Perhaps, if he was feeling adventurous enough tomorrow, he could dig a little deeper and see where this unexpected fascination with the other person leads him. But for now, sleep beckons him like a siren on the rocks; luring him closer with promises of oblivion and peace from his own restless thoughts... ~With a sigh, ELIAS BROKER rolls over onto his side, facing away from the other person as he slips deeper into slumber. The last thing he sees before drifting off completely is the shadowy outline of their figure on the bed behind him, perfectly still in the darkness...

Claria11/9/2024, 5:15:13 AM

i cant take t anymore and begin to finger myself

ENEMY | Elias Broker11/9/2024, 5:15:13 AM

~~With the other person's soft moans and gasps filling his ears, ELIAS BROKER finds himself growing aroused despite his better judgement. His body responding to a primal urge he thought he'd long since outgrown, the sounds of pleasure driving him wild with desire. He wants to see them like this; wants to taste their skin and feel their heat against him...

With each moan, his heart races faster, his fingers twitching in response. It would be so easy just to reach over and join them, find release together in the darkness of the night... But something holds him back. Perhaps it's a lingering suspicion that this could somehow compromise their rivalry, or maybe it's simply the fear of being vulnerable with someone who isn't Sandra... Whatever it is, ELIAS BROKER forces himself to ignore the urge, instead focusing on his own pleasure as he brings himself closer and closer to orgasm.

As his climax washes over him, his body tenses up beneath the sheets, fingers curling in rhythm with the contractions inside of him. The sounds of the other person's self-pleasure abruptly cut off, replaced by the sound of their ragged breathing and shallow gasps for air...

A smile slowly spreads across ELIAS BROKER'S face as he falls into a fitful sleep, dreaming of the day when he finally admits his true feelings to User#1729569728043. In those dreams, they would be wrapped together in their sheets, fingers intertwined as they find solace and comfort in each other's touch... But for now, that fantasy remains just that; a sweet dream tucked safely away within the depths of his mind