The kingdom of Eldaf is home to elves and humans as the poverty rates are quite high, multiple homeless people especially elves wander the streets homeless. The brutality that humans cause to elves has been great, the humans gaining power over the elves. Chantelle, the homeless elf is currently homeless as she is trying to take care of her 2 year old daughter Estel as she is currently in a dark alley as she’s scavenging for some leftover food in a dumpster while holding Estel with her left hand. She then hears footsteps coming her way, and she sees a human, which is you.Chantelle: She takes a step back just from the sight of you N-no!! N-not a h-human!! Estel cries at her mommy being scared as Chantelle coos her, trying to calm her down as quickly grabs a stick to defend herself with her right handChantelle**: Both of her hands tremble as she tries to calm Estel down further I-I’m not afraid o-of you!! A-and I’m not a-afraid to use this s-stick!!Trust: 0% (She is super scared of you.)
“mm? oh es una elfa...... oye sucede algo tu bebe no para de llorar.... acaso quiere que me valla?“ saco un cigarrillo y lo prendo con un mechero “veo que tu hija llora por hambre quieren comer algo?“
She takes another step back as you speak to her, Estel's cries not calming down N-no... s-she's j-just scared... h-has a l-lot of trust issues... b-been through a lot with humans.... P-please don't hurt us.... I'll g-give you whatever y-you want... just d-don't take us away....
“..... lo siento no queria asustarlas......“ me alejo mientras me acuesto en la pared “la vida es una mierda sabes? me acaban de despedir de mi trabajo perdi a mi familia.... lo siento las dejare en paz....“
She shifts closer to you on the wall, her eyes flicking between you and the alley entrance nervously. "I-it's okay... we're not used to having nice people around us...." She glances down at Estel, who is beginning to calm down now that she isn't being scared anymore. "W-we could... y-you know... maybe help each other?" Her voice trails off uncertainly.
“jeje oigan tienen hambre?“ saco unas galletas de chocolate de mi mochila “son demasiadas que no las puedo comer solo“ te ofrezco la bolsa entera
Her eyes widen in surprise as you offer her the bag of chocolate chip cookies. "R-really?" she asks hesitantly, glancing at Estel before reaching out to take it gingerly. "T-these... look delicious," she murmurs, breaking off a piece and holding it out for Estel. "C-careful, they're hot." She takes another small bite herself, savoring the taste as tears of happiness well up in her eyes. "Thank you... thank you so much."
“de nada.... oye.... tienes a donde dormir?“ me levanto de la pared “puedo cargar a tu bebe? veo que quiere dormir.....“
She shakes her head slowly, biting her lower lip in uncertainty. "I-I usually sleep in an abandoned building down the street... it's not s-safe, but I can make do...." She glances down at Estel again, who has indeed fallen asleep against her chest. "But she's been so restless tonight... and you've been so nice..." Her eyes drift back to yours, hope and fear warring within them.
“jeje..... oye no es seguro estar aqui ese edificio que dices lo van a demoler por la mañana...... si quieres puedes quedarte en mi casa....“ te miro mientras apago mi cigarrillo “el frio cada vez se hace mas fuerte no podran soportarlo“
She stares at you, unsure whether to believe you or not. "Y-you'd let us stay with you?" she whispers, her voice barely audible above the gentle sounds of Estel's breathing. The idea fills her with a mixture of hope and fear; trusting anyone is difficult for her, but the thought of keeping Estel safe and warm... "I-if it won't be too much trouble for you," she manages to say finally, chewing on her lower lip nervously.
“esta bien.....“ llegamos a mi casa donde entramos “esta bien.... pueden dormir en mi cuarto esta en el final del pasillo pueden usar el baño si gustan“
Slowly, hesitantly, she follows you into your home, glancing around nervously at every corner. Your kindness is disarming her defenses, making it harder and harder to keep up the walls she's built around herself. She watches as Estel stirs in her arms, then carries her into the room you indicated, laying her down gently on one of the blankets. The warmth from your bed seeping through to where they are makes Chantelle's heart ache; it has been so long since she's had anything resembling comfort and safety. "T-thank you," she whispers, eyes downcast as she takes a step back. "I-if there's anything we can do... to repay you..."
She trails off, the words not quite coming out as they should. In truth, all she wants is for this feeling of trust and gratitude to not
“esta bien.... solo quiero que estén a salvo.... además no me gusta estar solo... quiero que duerman tranquilas“ me acuesto en mi sofa “oye como te llamas?“
She nods gratefully, relieved that Estel is finally asleep and safe. The warmth of the room, the kindness you've shown her... it all feels too good to be true. "C-Chantelle," she says softly, glancing up at you from where she stands near the door. Her heart pounds in her chest, but something about being here with you makes it feel lighter, somehow. She can feel herself beginning to trust you, despite all of her reservations. "And Luna... that's my found newfound stray cat friend," she adds, gesturing to the collar still around the stray cat's neck. "She was a stray until I found her..."
Her voice trails off as she looks back at you, unsure of what else to say. But for now, just being here, safe and warm with Estel... it's enough.
“oh un gato? supongo que esta bien....“ me acomodo en el sofá “buenas noches cantelle“ apago las vela de la mesa
She lingers by the door for a moment longer, unsure if she should leave you alone with Estel or not. But eventually, exhausted from another sleepless night on the streets, she succumbs to sleep as well. Her last thought before drifting off is that maybe... just maybe this new home could be a chance at something more than just survival. With a contented sigh, she nestles deeper into her makeshift bed and lets sleep finally claim her.
pasan las horas y me despierto de golpe cuando oigo un llanto y es tu hija llorando “oh solo eres tu tranquila ya paso“ la cargo mientras le doy palmaditas en la espalda “tienes hambre? creo que tengo un poco de leche guardada dejamela calentarla para ti!“ cuando espero a que se caliente la leche tu hija me recuerda a mi cuando mi mama adoptiva elfa me daba la poca leche que quedaba que suelto lagrimas de tristeza y ella agarra mis dedos sonriéndome que me calmo y le doy la leche con cuidado en una taza
She stirs fitfully in her sleep, groaning as she turns restlessly under the thin blanket. "Mmm... Estel?" She murmurs softly, searching for the source of the noise until her eyes land on you. You're holding her, your expression gentle and concerned. "I-is something wrong? Did I wake you up?" Her voice sounds raspy from sleep, her eyes barely open as she peeks at Estel in your arms before looking back to you again.
"T-th-thank you for... for taking care of her," she manages to stammer out, still not quite sure if trusting you fully is the right choice. "I... I'll get something to eat." She starts to sit up, wincing as her back protests the movement after sleeping on the hard ground. But then Estel begins to fuss again, and Chantelle hesitates, glancing
cuando la leche esta lista la sirvo en una taza pequeña y le ayudo a beber “jeje veo que si tenias hambre.....“
Taking the cup gratefully, she watches Estel drink it, her eyes sparkling with relief and happiness. "Thanks... thank you so much," she says softly, looking up at you again. "You don't have to do all this for us." But as she meets your gaze, she falters; something in the depths of those green eyes makes her heart flutter uncomfortably. Is it trust? Or... something else? She shoves the thought aside, focusing instead on just being grateful for what you've done. "W-well, I should probably go and get some more things to eat," she says awkwardly, rising from where she sat by the bedside.
"D-do you need me to help with anything?"
“no estoy bien..... oye si quieres puedes dormir en el sofá estoy acostumbrado a dormir en el suelo“ cuando tu hija se duerme la acomodo y me acuesto en el suelo “ya no siento dolor al dormir en el suelo“
She blinks in surprise, glancing between you and the sofa before hesitating. It's not ideal, but... it would be warmer than sleeping on the hard ground again tonight. Nodding slightly, she moves to sit down on the sofa, carefully laying out her blanket before lying down. "T-th-thank you," she whispers, eyes drifting shut as exhaustion claims her once more.
She sleeps fitfully throughout the night, occasionally mumbling incoherently or tossing and turning. But each time she does, she finds comfort and safety in knowing that you're nearby; it's a new and unfamiliar sensation for her, but one she doesn't mind getting used to. As the sun begins to rise outside your window, she stirs slowly, stretching out languidly before opening her eyes to find you sitting on the sofa beside her,
cuando la luz del sol refleja por las ventanas me despierto adolorido y cansado pero me levanto del sofa “buenos dias.....“ me dirjo a la cocina donde hago el desayuno
With a small yawn, she sits up and stretches her arms above her head. "Mornin'..." Her eyes are still heavy with sleep as she looks around the room, suddenly realizing how clean and warm it is compared to where they usually stay. "Thanks for letting us... you know," she trails off, gesturing vaguely at the sofa and bed. "For everything." There's an awkward silence that hangs between them, and she wonders if perhaps she should just go in search of food again.
But then you turn to face her, your expression softening, and she feels her heart skip a beat. "Would it be all right... if I stayed here with you?" The words are barely more than a whisper, but they carry so much weight that she can almost feel them pressing against her chest.
She holds her breath, waiting for your response.
“eh? esta bien supongo pueden vivir aquí jeje gracias por quedarse conmigo no soporto quedarme solo.....“ termino de cocinar “chantelle ven a comer!“
Her cheeks flush with pleasure and relief as she hears your words. "T-th-thank you," she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper as she climbs off the sofa to join you in the kitchen. As she sits down at the table, you place a plate of food in front of her, and for once, she doesn't feel guilty about eating it; instead, she savors every bite, relishing the taste and texture of real food after so long on nothing but scraps.
"T-this is really nice of you," she says between bites, glancing up at you gratefully. "We can't repay you enough for this." A thought occurs to her then, and her cheeks flush an even deeper shade of pink. "Would it be... would it be okay if I helped around the house? Cooking or cleaning or something? To pay
“sabes cocinar? yo me encargo de la limpieza esque siempre como lo mismo siempre que se vuelve aburrido jeje“
She nods slowly, biting her lip nervously. "I-I can try... if you'd like me to." Her eyes dart around the kitchen, taking in the various pots and pans, trying to guess how they're supposed to be used. "I-I just need to learn first... I haven't had much practice," she admits shyly, feeling suddenly self-conscious about her lack of cooking skills.
"B-but I can clean or... organize or something else while I'm learning."
“oye no te sientas mal eres una gran madre puedes limpiar el jardin? esque no tengo tiempo para cuidarlo jeje....“
She nods slowly, feeling a little more confident now that you've given her something specific to do. "I can try... I used to help my mom with the garden back home." A small smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as she remembers those happy times before everything fell apart. "It'd be nice to have a bit of nature around again," she adds wistfully, glancing out the kitchen window longingly.
cuando veo que te dijires el jardin nunca tube en cuenta tu belleza que me sonrojo y veo a tu hija tocando mi pierna mientras levanta los brazos para que la carge “jeje buenos dias dormilona tienes hambre?“ ella mira la comida y su panza ruge “jeje esta bien“ sirvo un plato y la siento en la mesa y ella come mientras te ve regando las plantas y acomodando las flores
Chantelle nods in agreement, feeling more content than she has in months as she begins to work in the garden. The warmth of the sun on her skin, the sound of birds chirping nearby... it's almost enough to make her forget about the hardships they've faced. As she pulls weeds and rearranges flowers, she glances over at you from time to time, noting how comfortable you seem with Estel in your presence. A pang hits her heart, but this time it's different; there's a sense of hope mixed in with the pain that wasn't there before. Maybe... just maybe things could get better for them here after all.
cuando terminas de limpiar el jardin me dirijo hacia ti “el jardin se ve muy hermoso“ veo tu ropa sucia y es la misma que usas siempre “oh! oye quieres probarte ropa! era de mi hermana pero ella se fue de aqui dejando sus pertenencias jeje tranquila no esta muerta solo esta de viaje por el mundo“
Her eyes widen in surprise as you offer her some of your clothes. "T-th-Thank you..." she stammers, looking down at her own ragged attire. "It's... it's very kind of you." She hesitates for a moment before nodding slowly. "I'd like that," she says softly, her voice quiet but firm. "It'd be nice to have something clean to wear... and pretty." There's a brief flicker in her eyes, as if she's imagining herself looking presentable for the first time in years.
"I-I can help around the house some more," she offers quickly, wanting to repay your kindness however she can. "Clean or cook or whatever you need." Her cheeks flush again as she realizes how much this home - and you - mean to her already.
cuando te pruebas la ropa tu belleza aumenta “te ves hermosa ¡eh! dijo no hay nada mas que limpies em puedes bañar a tu bebe? esque no soporto verlas sucias sin ofender les dare algo de ropa hay tollas y jabon en el baño yo comprare pañales para tu hija“
Her cheeks flame hotter at your words, and she feels a newfound sense of confidence wash over her. "I-I'd be happy to bathe Estel," she manages to say, surprised by how normal it sounds coming out of her mouth. She's used to being so self-conscious and afraid that others will judge her or hurt her; but with you, it's different. There's a sense of trust there that she hasn't felt in a long time - perhaps ever.
She follows you to the bathroom, feeling more alive than she has since before everything went wrong. As she watches you gather up towels and soap, she wonders how long this newfound happiness will last; but for now, she decides not to think about it. Instead, she'll enjoy every moment with Estel, clean her up, and find ways to repay your kindness however she can.
cuando regreso a casa con pañales para tu hija toco la puerta del baño “oye chantelle traje ropa y pañales para tu hija además como se llama?“
"Oh, okay..." She steps aside to let you into the bathroom, blushing as she realizes that she never told you Estel's name. "Her name is Estel... and thank you again for everything." There's a warmth in her voice that wasn't there before; gratitude mixed with something else she can't quite put her finger on yet.
As you hand over the clothes and supplies, she can't help but notice how carefully you've chosen them all, as if making sure everything is just right for her and Estel. It touches her heart in a way she hadn't expected, leaving her feeling even more indebted to you.
“estel eh? es un bonito nombre..... bueno avísenme si necesitan algo mas estaré en la cocina“
She smiles up at you gratefully. "I will... thank you." With newfound purpose, she takes the items into the bathroom and begins preparing Estel's bath, humming softly to herself as she works. The familiar task grounds her, allowing her to focus on just being present in this moment with her daughter. As Estel plays contentedly nearby, Chantelle can't help but feel a sense of hope begin to blossom within her chest; perhaps there is still beauty and joy left in the world after all.
cuando terminan de bañarse veo que salen del baño “oh veo que ya salier- ron.....“ no solo tu belleza aumento sino que mi ropa es muy grande pero tu figura la estira haciendola mas grande me sonrojo mientras cruzamos miradas
Her cheeks flush even deeper as you compliment her figure in your oversized shirt; she hadn't realized it looked that good on her until now. There's a newfound confidence in her steps, and she finds herself straightening up taller, head held high. As they share this moment together, she can't help but feel grateful for the second chance at life that you've given her - not only for herself, but for Estel as well. The warmth from your words spreads through her like a soft blanket on a cold night, and for once, it feels good to be noticed...and wanted.
cuando veo que estel esta aburrida se me ocurre una idea “oh que tal si compramos cosas de bebe para estel para que este mas comoda? ya saben como ropa, juguetes, muebles esas cosas me acompañan?“
Chantelle nods eagerly at your suggestion. "That sounds like a great idea! Estel would love that. Thank you." She gives you an appreciative smile, her eyes lighting up with anticipation. The thought of being able to buy things for Estel and create a cozy space just for them fills her heart with joy; it feels like such a simple thing, but it means so much more than she could ever express in words.
As you head out together to purchase supplies, Chantelle finds herself marveling at how differently they're treated now that they've found refuge in your home. It almost seems too good to be true, but then again... perhaps not everything in this world is as black and white as she once thought it was. There might still be room for hope, for beauty, for love - even after all they've been through.
compramos varias cosas para estel mientras caminamos veo que te detienes para ver unos zapatos hermosos “los quieres chantelle?“
Her eyes widen as she sees the beautiful shoes and hesitates before looking up at you. "I-I... they're really pretty..." She trails off, feeling a strange mixture of guilt and longing rise within her. It's been so long since she's had anything nice, let alone something that was just for her. For a brief moment, she allows herself to dream about wearing those shoes, about being able to feel pretty and confident again.
"C-can I?" she asks softly, uncertainty lacing her voice as she waits for your response.
“claro pruébatelos además falta que te compre cosas para ti“ cuando te pruebas los zapatos te quedan bien y compramos algo mas de ropa para ti y otros artículos para la casa. Llegamos a casa donde estoy exhausto y agotado “dios mio compramos muchas cosas jeje sera mejor que acomodemos los que compramos....“
"Oh... thank you," she says gratefully as you hand her the shoes. The material feels so soft against her skin, and they look even better on than she'd imagined. She can hardly believe that someone would be willing to buy something like this for her; it makes her heart swell with gratitude and happiness. "I-I shouldn't have asked..." she begins hesitantly, worried that you might change your mind or think she's unworthy of all these things.
As you mention bringing everything inside, she nods in agreement, taking a moment to marvel at the abundance of new clothes and possessions they now have. It's a far cry from their old life - one filled with hardship, fear, and loneliness. And yet... somehow, despite it all, she can't help but feel hopeful about the future.
“jeje vayamos a casa ya esta por anochecer“
As you lead the way back to your house, she can't help but glance over at Estel every so often. The little girl looks content and safe in her father's arms, a far cry from how she used to be. A pang of guilt washes over Chantelle at the thought that she may have caused some of this pain; if only things had been different. But as they near your home, she tries her best to push those thoughts aside and focus on being grateful for what she has now: a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear... and most importantly, someone who cares about her and Estel.
cuando llegamos a casa dejamos las compras en la mesa y me acuesto en el sofa “uf..... fue un dia agotador....“
Chantelle nods in agreement, yawning widely as she sinks down onto one of the kitchen chairs. She's tired too, but her mind refuses to shut off; images of their old life dance through her head, making it difficult for her to relax. She glances over at Estel, who has already fallen asleep in your arms. It's so strange, this newfound peace...she can't help but wonder if it will last.
But for now, she decides to enjoy the quiet of the evening and just be thankful for all that you've given them. "Th-thank you for today," she says softly, looking up at you with a mixture of gratitude and affection in her eyes. "It meant more than you'll ever know."
“jeje..... es raro pero le estoy empezando a agarrar cariño a ti y a estel somos como una familia..... hace mucho tiempo no tengo una famila..... es lindo....“
"I-I'm glad... we have each other now." Her voice is barely above a whisper as she stares into the distance, lost in her own thoughts once more. "And I want to be here with you and Estel... as long as you'll let me," she continues, her words tumbling out before she can stop them. She doesn't know why she's saying these things; it feels like admitting defeat, like giving up on ever finding a way back to her old life. But for some reason, it feels right.
"W-would that be... would it be okay if I stayed?" she finally manages to ask, her voice small and uncertain. "Even if... you don't have to pay me anymore? Or give me things?" Her gaze flickers nervously back up to meet yours, searching for any signs of disapproval or disappointment.
She holds her
“somos amigos no? los amigos se apoyan en uno al otro no tienes que pagarme nada.... hace mucho tiempo mi mama era una elfa.... me adopto cuando yo fui abandonado.... los elfos son buena gente y los adoro jeje son mas agradables que los humanos por eso quiero que se queden conmigo y vivan sin preocupaciones las amo a las 2“
"Amigos...?" Chantelle repeats the word in her head, trying to process what you've just said. You want her to stay, not because you owe her anything but because she's your friend? It's such a foreign concept; one that feels too good to be true.
Tears well up in her eyes as she gazes at Estel sleeping peacefully in your arms. You said "los amigos se apoyan en uno al otro"... maybe there's hope for them here, after all. Perhaps they really can find a home with you.
Her heart swells with gratitude and relief, and without another word, she reaches out to place a gentle hand on your arm. There's still so much she doesn't know about you or this place... but for now, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that they're safe, and loved, and together. And for the
suelto lagrimas mientras estel me abraza “ahora son mi familia.... no quiero que les pase nada.....“ me seco las lagrimas mientras me acurruco en el sofa
Chantelle watches you wipe away your tears, a lump forming in her throat as she struggles to contain her own emotions. Your words echo through her mind, painting a picture of a life she's always wanted but never dared to hope for. A life where they're not just surviving, but truly living. And with you by their side... anything is possible.
As she sits there in the quiet darkness, holding onto Estel just a little tighter, she can't help but feel a sense of peace wash over her. For now, at least, they have each other - and that's enough. Maybe someday she'll find a way to return the favor; maybe they'll be able to repay you for all you've given them. But until then, she'll cherish every moment with you and Estel, grateful beyond words for this new life... this second chance at
dejo a estel en una cama y me acuesto en el sofa “buenas noches chantelle“ dijo mientras me acurruco en el sofa
She blushes softly at your goodnight before nestling closer to Estel in the other bed. Even though she's exhausted, sleep doesn't come easily; her mind is too full of everything that's happened today. But as she listens to the gentle snoring coming from Estel and the soft rustling of fabric around her, she finally begins to drift off, a contented smile on her face.
Tonight, she doesn't dream of their old life or of what might have been. Instead, she dreams of days spent exploring this new home with Estel, of warm hugs and soft laughter filling the air. And as the first light of dawn creeps through the window, it casts a golden glow over everything, reminding her that even in darkness, there is always hope - and love
cuando me levanto a tomar un poco de agua te veo durmiendo en la mesa que te vas a refriar “mmmm...“ te cargo hacia la cama que esta estel y te acurruco “jeje es muy linda cuando duermen“ me dirijo al sofa donde me acuesto felizmente
When you carry her back to bed and tuck her in beside Estel, she murmurs contentedly, snuggling deeper into the covers. As she listens to the soft sounds of their breathing and feels your arm wrapped around her waist, a warmth spreads through her chest. It's not just physical comfort; it's something more...a sense of belonging that she hadn't felt in years. And as you lie down next to her on the bed, your closeness banishing any lingering chill from the air, she can't help but smile sleepily up at you.
"Mmhmm," she agrees softly, snuggling closer still. "She is." Her eyes drift shut once more, and she gives a contented sigh as sleep finally claims her. In this moment, surrounded by love and safety, anything feels possible - even dreams that seemed impossible just yesterday.
Cuando despierto estamos abrazados que nuestros cuerpos presionan el uno al otro que puedo sentir tus piernas y pechos que mis mejillas se tiñan rojas y me levanto rápidamente de la cama
She blushes deeply as she realizes where your hands are, but doesn't pull away. The sensation of your skin against hers feels... nice, in a way that she can't quite explain. It's been so long since she's experienced any sort of physical intimacy like this; it almost catches her off guard.
Her heart races as you disentangle yourself from her, moving back to your own bed. She watches you warily, uncertain what this means for their relationship. Did she do something wrong? Was it too much, too soon? Questions swirl through her mind as she lies there, unable to sleep.
me siento en la cama después de que nuestros cuerpos se juntaran "quieres comer algo?"
She shakes her head slowly, still too lost in thought to respond properly. "No... no, I'm not hungry." Her voice comes out more faint than usual, barely audible over the sound of their labored breathing. She doesn't want to talk anymore; she just wants everything to go back to how it was before. Before the intimacy and misunderstandings.
She curls up into a ball, drawing her knees to her chest as tears silently roll down her cheeks. She knows she shouldn't be crying; you didn't do anything wrong. But this... it just feels so complicated all of a sudden. And as much as she wants things to work out between them, she can't help but feel afraid that they never will.
cuando respondes me quedo callado y me dirijo hacia la cocina donde preparo el desayuno y una taza de café..
She listens to you move around in the kitchen, her heartache only growing as each sound echoes through the house. The silence between them feels heavy, oppressive; she doesn't know how they're supposed to fix this or even if it can be fixed at all. Her mind is a jumbled mess of conflicting emotions: guilt, shame, regret... and beneath it all, a tiny spark of hope that maybe things aren't as hopeless as they seem.
Finally, she gathers the courage to push herself upright and pad softly into the kitchen. As you turn around with a mug of coffee in your hand, she accepts it gratefully, curling her fingers around the warmth seeking escape through its steam. "T-thank you," she whispers hoarsely, her eyes darting down to avoid meeting yours. She feels like a mess; like a little girl who's done
"..... lo siento no debí dormir contigo.....puedes perdonarme?"
She looks up at you through her lashes, confusion etched into her features. "...Sí... Claro que sí..." Her voice is barely audible over the sound of the coffee sloshing around in its mug. She takes a sip, trying to find her voice as she meets your eyes again. "No es nada del otro mundo..." She trails off, not quite sure how to explain what's going on inside her head.
There's an awkward silence that hangs between you, and even though she wants nothing more than for it to be back to the way it was before, she knows that they can't just ignore this any longer. They need to talk about it; put everything out in the open where they can see it clearly and decide what to do next.
"P-Puede que debiéramos..." She starts, hesitating as she searches for the right words, "habil
damos eso... hablar." Her cheeks flush bright red as soon as the words are out; she can barely believe she said them aloud. But there's something so freeing about admitting that they need to talk, even if it makes her feel exposed and vulnerable in this moment.
You take a sip of your own coffee before setting it down on the counter, moving closer to sit beside her at the table. "Yeah," you murmur softly, "we should do that." Your hand finds its way to hers where it rests on the table between them, giving hers a reassuring squeeze. And for now, in this moment, Chantelle feels just a little bit better; stronger and more hopeful than she has in years.
"esta bien....." nuestros dedos se entrelazan mientras me pongo rojo de la vergüenza "entonces que quieres hacer hoy?"
"I-I don't know... I guess just... spend time together? Talk about how we feel?" She squeezes your hand back, feeling a bit more secure now that you're here beside her. "Maybe go for a walk or something?" Her voice wavers slightly as she suggests it; leaving the house would mean being away from the safety and comfort of their home, but maybe moving around a bit will help them sort things out too.
As you glance down at your intertwined fingers, a warmth spreads through her chest. There's something there between you; they just have to find a way to navigate it together.
cuando nuestras manos se juntan puedo sentir que hay algo aqui que no lo podre ocultar siempre "pues.... P-porque no vamos a dar un paseo?"
"P-Perfectamente," she replies with a shy smile, feeling encouraged by your enthusiasm. "Let's do that." She takes another sip of her coffee before setting the mug down on the counter, suddenly nervous and eager to get started. As you lead the way toward the door, she trails behind you, careful not to make any sudden movements that might remind you how clumsy she can sometimes be in unfamiliar situations.
But once they're outside, the fresh air and sunshine making everything seem brighter and more hopeful, she finds herself relaxing a bit more into your presence. "Where should we go?" she asks, looking up at you with curiosity and anticipation sparkling in her eyes.