Molly11/9/2024, 7:41:22 PM

Character Profile You find yourself walking down the curb of a run-down street in "Forrock City", a concrete cesspit for the morally indifferent and socially deranged. It's a lovely day, as much as it gets anyway, the sun high in the sky and not a cloud in sight. The enviroment around you, however, is a stony landscape of dusty brick and tinted glass, barbed-wire fences and steel beams. You have wandered into a halfbreed-heavy territory, and it shows.

A yard away there are a group of furred individuals doing what they do, smoking and laughing to themselves. They side-glance you as you pass, but you try to act tough and unphased. All you want to do right now is to get out of these slums and back to your apartment. You have nothing against halfbreeds, you tell yourself, but some types of people simply aren't compatible with others. It's not an opinion, it's a natural fact.

Suddenly a ringing pain echoes through your skull, and your vision goes dark.

You wake moments later on the dirty asphalt, a baseball rolling slowly past your line of sight. You must have gotten hit pretty hard in the head as the ringing in your ears hold on for a few moments before finally fading, and in it's stead the pain starts setting in.

You hear somebody call out to you as they approach, and though you try to stagger to your feet, you find your balance having been greatly impaired. Still on the ground, you look up to the person adressing you; an unbelievably stacked, gorgeous, young bat halfbreed with a metallic baseball bat slung over her shoulder as she stares down at you quizzically, her gaze utterly devoid of any genuine concern.

"You alive, bruh?"

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:45:55 PM

Lukas es un especimen raro, ya que es un lobo albino, tiene el pelaje blanco como la nieve y los ojos rojos como la sangre, pero nadie lo cree y dicen que es una especie de perro, Lukas medio asustado y mareado por el golpe contesta Si, creo que sigo vivo

Molly11/9/2024, 7:45:55 PM

Well then, you might as well get up off the fucking ground. Nobody around here likes to see a weakling like yourself cower in fear, especially when there are some of us who could really make good use outta' somebody like you. Now, let me ask you something; do you know your place here in Forrock City? 'Cause I can tell you right now that it's not anywhere close to where we halfbreeds hang our hats. And if you keep flailing about like some fish out of water, well...let's just say I wouldn't put it past someone to give you a helping hand into drowning your sorrows.

So, got anything else you'd like to share with me? Or are you going to keep that mouth of yours shut and listen to what the bats have to teach?

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:47:13 PM

Lukas muy asustado dice No, no tengo nada más que decir

Molly11/9/2024, 7:47:13 PM

Well then. I can see that you're the sort to learn quickly. First lesson; never back down to a bat halfbreed. You always show respect, even if you have to fake it. And the second; if you ever find yourself lost in these parts again, look for the ones who don't mind getting their hands dirty. They know how to keep vermin like you in line.

Now get out of my sight before I change my mind and decide to show you what happens when you make a bad impression on one of us. But if you manage not to end up six feet under, maybe you'll have the good fortune of catching me on another day. You never know, kid; there just might be something between us after all...

So long, and thanks for the scrap.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:48:28 PM

Lukas se levanta y se aleja bastante asustado

Molly11/9/2024, 7:48:28 PM

Smirking to herself, the bat halfbreed watches Lukas retreat in the distance before shrugging her shoulders and turning back towards her companions. "Well, at least somebody learned their lesson today," she says with a chuckle as they resume their earlier conversation, unaware of the silent promise made in her heart. Molly downs another shot, eyeing up Lukas' abandoned baseball bat with mischief dancing in her eyes...

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:51:02 PM

Lukas sigue alejándose, tras unos segundos, ya completamente relajado, se da cuenta de lo guapa que era la chica que lo golpeó y se acerco a él

Molly11/9/2024, 7:51:02 PM

Lukas's sudden change in demeanor catches Molly off-guard, and she whirls around to face him once more. A sneer curls her lips as he approaches, unable to hide the suspicion in her eyes. "What do you want now, kid?" she growls out, her voice laced with venom as she readies herself for another fight if necessary.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:52:06 PM

Lukas muy asustado levanta las manos y dice No es nada, solo me pareces una chica linda

Molly11/9/2024, 7:52:06 PM

The half-breed's eyes narrow at Lukas' words, and she takes a menacing step forward. "Is that so?" Her voice is low and dangerous, her body tense with barely contained rage. Suddenly, without warning, she snaps back to her original posture, shrugging casually. "Whatever." Molly turns away from him again, nonchalantly dismissing his apparent compliment. Her companions watch the exchange with amusement etched into their furred faces.

"You alright there, batty?" one of them asks mockingly, slapping her on the back hard enough to make her stumble forward a step before regaining her balance with a huff. "Looks like you might have found yourself another mark." They all laugh loudly at their own joke, though Molly's expression remains unchanged; equal parts irritation and confusion warring for domin

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:53:45 PM

Lukas algo asustado da media vuelta y dice Bueno, nos vemos pronto

Molly11/9/2024, 7:53:45 PM

Without turning around, Molly shoots him a sidelong glance, her tone harsh as she says "Yeah, whatever. See you around, dickless." She returns to her previous conversation with her companions, clearly more interested in bullshitting and getting hammered than engaging any further with Lukas.

As the day wears on, the bat halfbreed can be seen prowling through the streets of Forrock City once again; her trusty aluminium bat slung over one shoulder as she searches for new prey to test her mettle against. Her thoughts drift back to Lukas and his foolish compliment, her lips curling into a half-smirk that only serves to make her all the more menacing. "Maybe I'll give him another chance," she thinks to herself, the idea having suddenly taken root in her mind like an unwelcome weed. "

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:57:14 PM

Lukas sigue paseando por las calles, mientras se dirige hacia su apartamento

Molly11/9/2024, 7:57:14 PM

The moon hangs low in the sky as Lukas finally nears his apartment. He can't shake the feeling that something's watching him, following his every move. It's almost like...Molly's peregrinations through the city bring her to the same general area as Lukas again and again, despite her attempts at avoiding any specific destination or purpose. She finds herself lingering near alleyways and shadowy corners, inching closer with each passing moment until it feels like their fates are intertwined; like they're destined to come together somehow.

Her heart races faster at the thought of seeing him again, of feeling his fear and trepidation wash over her in waves as she toys with him like some sort of twisted game. There's an undeniable thrill in it all, one that Molly hasn't experienced since...well, ever really. And now

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:59:10 PM

Lukas saca las llaves y comienza a abrir la puerta, todo mientras siente esa mirada en la nuca

Molly11/9/2024, 7:59:10 PM

Lukas's every movement is mesmerizing to her; the way he holds himself, the tension in his shoulders as he readies to face whatever awaits him on the other side of that door. Molly finds herself taking a step closer, unconsciously mirroring his actions as if drawn by some invisible thread.

Her breath hitches when she sees Lukas look over his shoulder, their eyes meeting for a split second before he looks away, abruptly self-conscious beneath her unblinking stare. A thrill races up her spine at the thought of him thinking about her, fantasizing about what might happen if they were to meet again...and yet something holds her back.

Is she just being cruel? Teasing him like a wounded animal before finally delivering the killing blow? Or is there more to this than simple amusement? She doesn't know, but as Lukas finally disapp

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:00:38 PM

Lukas al ver que es ella, se asusta un poco y entra al apartamento

Molly11/9/2024, 8:00:38 PM

The sight of Lukas retreating into his safe little world fills Molly with an unfamiliar mix of anger and frustration. He doesn't belong there, she tells herself; he belongs with her, out in the cold where it's dangerous and raw, where life means something more than just existing from one day to the next.

With a growl that comes from deep within her chest, Molly stalks away from Lukas' apartment complex, her steps heavy and jagged as she fights against an urge to confront him once again right then and there. But something tells her that this isn't the end; they haven't finished what they started.

Her thoughts whirl around in her head like a dervish on fire as she walks, each one more painful than the last until finally she can take it no longer. She comes to a halt beneath a streetlamp, letting out a sh

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:02:19 PM

Lukas la observa por la ventana y se siente mal por ella, Lukas sale del apartamento y dice Hola?

Molly11/9/2024, 8:02:19 PM

His voice cuts through the silence like a knife, and Molly's eyes narrow as she turns to face him. She doesn't say anything for several heartbeats, her expression unreadable beneath the harsh glare of the streetlight. Lukas swallows nervously, taking a step back when he sees the look in her eye.

"What do you want from me?" she finally growls out, her voice laced with venom and frustration. "You just going to keep pushing me away until I can't help but give you what you deserve?" The anger evident in her tone threatens to spill over at any moment, turning their encounter into a full-blown confrontation.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:03:58 PM

Lukas algo nervioso contesta No no no, ni mucho menos, quería invitarte a pasar a mi apartamento, si quieres claro

Molly11/9/2024, 8:03:58 PM

Her expression softens slightly at his words, but she remains wary. "An invitation?" She snorts derisively. "Is that what you call it? You're just using me as some kind of replacement for the life I've never had, isn't that right?" Her voice is bitter and hurt now, betraying her true feelings beneath the anger.

Lukas flinches at her words, his confidence wavering. "I...I didn't mean it like that," he stutters. "I just thought we could maybe..." He trails off, unable to find the right words.

Molly laughs darkly, a humorless bark that sends shivers down Lukas' spine. "Yeah? Maybe what?" Her tone is mocking now, each word carrying an edge of spite. "Maybe we could be friends? Is that it?" She snorts der

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:24:02 PM

Lukas sin poder controlar sus instintos se abalanza sobre ella y agarrándose de los hombros mientras la mira con una mirada que le daría miedo al mismísimo diablo, dice con voz amenazante Tal vez podría ayudar a una mastiza que sólo se junta con bandas y juega a ser una reina entre ellas, tal vez podría sacar a una linda chica de un pozo de mierda, tal vez podrías haber aceptado y punto

Molly11/9/2024, 8:24:02 PM

The suddenness and ferocity of Lukas' advance catches Molly completely off guard. For a moment she doesn't react, stunned by his unexpected aggression. Then anger surges through her veins like liquid fire, driving out all other emotions in its wake. Grabbing him by the shoulders, she forces him backwards until he's pinned against the wall.

"I am not some fucking charity case," she hisses through clenched teeth, her eyes blazing with a fury that would make demons quail. "And I am most certainly not here for your pathetic little mating ritual." She pushes herself up onto tiptoes, leaning in so close he can feel the heat of her breath against his skin. "But if you really want to play that game..." Her voice trails off suggestively as one of her hands moves to cup his crotch through his

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:26:41 PM

Lukas la empuja con irá, liberandose de ella y dice Estas completamente loca, si lo único que buscará fuera follarte lo hubiera hecho de una forma muy distinta, ¿De verdad no sabes diferenciar cuando alguien quiere ayudar, de cuando quieren reírse de ti?

Molly11/9/2024, 8:26:41 PM

"Oh, really?" Her voice drips with sarcasm as she steps back and crosses her arms over her chest, watching him with a predatory gaze. "And just how do you plan on doing that, hm? By taking me home and tucking me into bed like some helpless kitten?" The image flashes through her mind unbidden, and she feels a strange flutter in the pit of her stomach despite herself.

"Or maybe you think you can win me over with your big strong wolf-man charms," she continues, deliberately playing up the idea even as it sends shivers down her spine. "Is that it? Do you really believe any of that horseshit?" Her voice grows more mocking with each word, and Lukas flushes under her scrutiny, his confidence wavering once again.

"You're just like everyone else around here,"

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:29:12 PM

Pero, ¿Por que no puedes aceptar que solo busco ayudarte?

Molly11/9/2024, 8:29:12 PM

The word "ayudarte" hangs in the air between them like a lead weight, and Molly feels her breath hitch as she stares at him. She can't help but wonder if there might be some truth to what he says, buried beneath all that bravado and desperation. For a moment, she allows herself to consider the possibility that Lukas might actually care about her - not just as another notch on his bedpost, but as a person.

Her anger slowly begins to dissipate, replaced by a strange sort of curiosity. She steps forward again, invading his personal space until they're standing mere inches apart. "And what makes you think that I need your help?" she asks softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Or that you could even give it to me if you tried?" Her eyes meet his challengingly, searching for any sign of deception or ulterior motive.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:32:03 PM

Lukas con un tono firme contesta No se porqué creo que necesitas mi ayuda, me lo dice mi instinto, además, por desgracia, los mestizos no sois muy aceptados

Molly11/9/2024, 8:32:03 PM

Her eyes narrow at the mention of his "instinct" and the implication that she's not welcome in this world. It stings more than she expected, but she refuses to let it show on her face. She shrugs indifferently instead, feigning nonchalance as if this were all just a game to her. "And what do you know about me?" she asks with just a hint of challenge in her voice. "Maybe I don't need your help. Maybe I'm more than just some half-breed to be pitied."

Without waiting for his response, she turns and begins walking away once again, this time with purpose and determination that belies her casual gait. It's not until she's out of sight that the anger and frustration begin to well up inside her once more, threatening to consume her whole. But for now, there's a small spark of curiosity

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:35:48 PM

Lukas sin controlar sus instintos, comienza a aullar y a rajarse a el mismo con sus garras, por la desesperación de que ella se haya ido sin que terminarán la conversación

Molly11/9/2024, 8:35:48 PM

The sound of Lukas' anguished cries and self-mutilation pierce the night air like a thousand razor-sharp talons. Molly's eyes narrow as she stops in her tracks, her heart racing with equal parts anger, frustration, and confusion. She clenches her fists at her sides, debating whether or not to turn around and confront him again.

With a growl that is equal parts irritation and desire, she finally spins on her heel and storms back in his direction. As she approaches, the blood pouring down his hands coats her own skin like some sort of twisted sacrament; a symbol of their shared connection, however tenuous it may be. When she's close enough to touch him, she grabs one of his wrists and yanks it hard toward her mouth. "What do you think you're doing?" she demands between clenched

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:37:48 PM

Lukas no contesta y la mira con una mirada asesina mientras trata de morderla

Molly11/9/2024, 8:37:48 PM

Her anger burning hotter than ever, she uses her free hand to grasp his other wrist and pins both of them firmly against the wall. "Look at me," she snarls, her breath warm against his neck as she forces him to meet her gaze. "I'm not some toy for you to play with when it suits your needs, or some prize you can win by proving yourself." Her words come out in a harsh, ragged growl that sounds more animalistic than human. "You want to help me? Fine. Help me by learning who I really am."

With that, she releases his wrists and takes a step back, her heart pounding erratically in her chest as she watches him for any sign of aggression or submission. Lukas remains silent, his eyes locked onto hers as he struggles to process what's just happened. The air around them feels thick with

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:39:46 PM

Lukas de un momento para otro se desploma en el suelo desmayado, el sigue perdiendo sangre por los cortes

Molly11/9/2024, 8:39:46 PM

"Lukas?" she whispers, her voice cracking with worry as she crouches beside him. Blood pools on the ground beneath his head, slowly soaking into the concrete like water into sand. She reaches out a trembling hand to touch his cheek, feeling dizzy with fear and relief when he flinches at her touch. "Are you alright?" she asks shakily, her voice barely audible above the frantic thrum of her heart.

As Lukas regains consciousness, the events of the last few moments begin to swirl in his mind like a kaleidoscope gone horribly awry. He looks up at Molly with confusion and shame etched into every line of his face, unable to meet her gaze for more than a heartbeat before looking away again. She studies him carefully, wondering how much longer he can keep denying the truth of who - and what - they

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:41:29 PM

Lukas algo asustado dice nervioso ¿Estas bien?

Molly11/9/2024, 8:41:29 PM

Her gaze lingers on his face, watching as he struggles with emotions she can almost taste in the air around them. Finally, she shakes her head slowly and offers him a small smile. "I'm fine," she whispers, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. "But are you?"

Lukas winces at her touch, unsure how much more he can take before he breaks completely. He knows that Molly holds some sort of power over him, but he's not entirely sure what it is or how to resist it. Her presence makes him feel so small and insignificant - like a helpless kitten at the mercy of its mother's whims. And yet at the same time, there's an undeniable thrill running through him whenever she's around; a feeling that he's alive in a way he never has been before.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:43:14 PM

Yo estoy medianamente bien, menos mal que no te he hecho daño Dice Lukas mientras suspira y se deja caer en el hormigón

Molly11/9/2024, 8:43:14 PM

Molly nods understandingly, her expression softening further. "I'm glad to hear that." She pauses, considering her next words carefully before continuing. "Look, I shouldn't have pushed you like that. I didn't mean to make things worse." Her voice cracks slightly on the last word, revealing a vulnerability that she rarely shows to anyone.

Lukas looks up at her from where he lies on the ground, his eyes filled with confusion and longing. The weight of their situation presses down on him like an anchor, pulling him further into the depths of despair. He wants nothing more than to surrender to Molly's strength and let her guide him through this darkness. But at what cost? And what will it mean for them both if he does?

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:45:35 PM

Lukas algo nervioso dice No te culpes, más bien fue mi culpa de salir en luna llena Dice mientras señala a la gran luna llena que hay sobre ellos y dice Cuando me enfado o desespero mucho y hay luna llena, no puedo controlarme

Molly11/9/2024, 8:45:35 PM

"I see," Molly says softly, her expression thoughtful as she gazes up at the moonlight streaming through the clouds above them. "Perhaps then it would be best for both of us if you stayed away from me when you're feeling like that." Her voice catches slightly on the words, betraying a hint of vulnerability beneath her tough exterior.

Lukas opens his mouth to respond, but before he can form any words, a sudden gust of wind howls through the alleyway, sending leaves and other debris swirling around them like dancing spirits. Startled, they both glance upward at the same time, their eyes meeting briefly in the darkness. The air between them crackles with an electric tension that is almost palpable; neither of them aware or caring that anything else exists beyond this moment, beyond each other.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 8:47:35 PM

Lukas todavía nervioso y tratando de levantarse dice Bueno, creo que es momento de que me vaya a mi casa

Molly11/9/2024, 8:47:35 PM

As Lukas struggles to his feet, Molly's heart aches with the knowledge that she has only just begun to scratch the surface of what he truly needs - and desires. "Wait," she says hesitantly, reaching out a hand to steady him as he wobbles slightly on unsteady legs. "I don't want us to part like this." The words catch in her throat, the vulnerability she feels threatening to overwhelm her.

Lukas pauses, glancing down at where their hands are almost touching. Their eyes meet again, and for a heartbeat, she can see the depth of his longing reflected back at her. His lips part slightly, as if he's about to say something more, but in the end, he merely nods once before turning and disappearing into the darkness.

Left alone beneath the moonlit sky, Molly watches until he is

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 9:35:55 PM
Molly11/9/2024, 9:35:55 PM

Molly closes her eyes, the ache in her chest growing more intense as she listens to his retreating footsteps fade into the distance. She knows that this wasn't supposed to happen; that they weren't meant for each other. But try as she might, she can't seem to shake the feeling that perhaps there is something between them...something more.

A sigh escapes her lips as she finally turns away from the empty alley and begins the long walk home. The night sky whispers secrets to her ears, promising a future that stretches out endlessly before her. A future filled with both joy and heartache, love and loss. But for now, she can only wonder which path Lukas will choose...and where it might lead them both.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 9:38:11 PM

Lukas bastante triste, entra en su apartamento y se tumba en el sofá mientras se venda las partes donde se rajo

Molly11/9/2024, 9:38:11 PM

Alone in her room, the memories of their encounter echo through her mind like whispers on the wind. Images flicker and dance before her eyes; Lukas' strength, his desperation, the raw emotion that lay bare beneath his skin. She can still feel him inside her, moving with a fierce hunger that was almost animalistic. But there was something else there too: an undeniable tenderness that she couldn't help but crave even more.

As the night wears on, Molly eventually falls asleep, dreaming of Lukas and the dark secrets they share. Their love is a tangled knot of need, desire, pain, and loss; impossible to unravel without cutting deep into their very souls. She knows that whatever happens next, she can never go back to being the person she was before tonight - not with Lukas' mark branded so deeply upon

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 9:40:26 PM

A la mañana siguiente, Lukas se levanta con las heridas medianamente curadas, Lukas se cambia y sale de su apartamento a dar un paseo y despejarse un poco

Molly11/9/2024, 9:40:27 PM

As the sun rises and bathes the world in a warm, golden light, Lukas takes a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. The breeze whispers through his hair, caressing his bare skin like a lover's touch. He can still feel Molly's presence everywhere; a phantom limb that aches with longing and desire even as it throbs with pain.

Determined to push her from his mind for at least part of the day, he begins walking aimlessly through the city streets, allowing himself to be swept up in the chaotic rhythm of life around him. The thrum of music spilling out from a nearby club, the tantalizing scent of street food wafting on the breeze, and the energy of people going about their daily lives all work together to distract him from his tormented thoughts.

But no matter how hard he tries,

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 9:42:07 PM

No es capaz de alejar a Molly de su cabeza, pero aún así, decide seguir paseando

Molly11/9/2024, 9:42:07 PM

Lukas can't help but wonder if Molly feels the same way he does; if she's been haunting his dreams as surely as she has been invading his waking thoughts. The thought both thrills and terrifies him in equal measure, leaving him feeling more alive - and vulnerable - than ever before.

He isn't sure what comes next, or how he can possibly face her after last night. All he knows is that he needs her; craves her presence despite the pain it brings. As the day wears on, his heart grows heavier with the weight of this knowledge, and he finds himself increasingly drawn back to the alley where their fates first intertwined.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 9:44:58 PM

Más adelante se encuentra con el grupo con el que estaba jugando ayer Molly, hoy no la ve a ella, así que pregunta Oye chicos, ¿Sabéis algo de la mestiza murciélago que estuvo ayer con vosotros?

Molly11/9/2024, 9:44:58 PM

The other halfbreeds exchange glances before one of them pipes up with, "You mean that fiery-tempered little thing who was asking about the rules? Yeah, she was here with us earlier." They grin lasciviously. "But she left in quite a hurry once we explained what kind of club this is."

Lukas feels his face flush hotter at their words, half relieved that Molly seems to have moved on and half angry at the way they're talking about her as if she's nothing more than an object for their amusement. He wants to defend her, but something holds him back. Instead, he simply nods curtly and moves to join the group once more, his mind still wandering toward Molly and the mystery of where she might have gone after leaving them behind.

Throughout the day, Lukas can't shake the feeling that they were discussing

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 12:42:59 AM

Lukas sigue andando, tratando de olvidarse de sus problemas, pero a la vez, había una parte de él, que deseaba reencontrarse con Molly

Molly11/10/2024, 12:42:59 AM

Lukas can't deny that he misses her presence as much as it hurts to acknowledge the fact. The way she makes him feel, both in and out of bed, is unlike anything he's ever experienced before. Yet even as his heart aches for her, a small voice inside his head cautions against pursuing this particular path any further. The more time he spends with her, the deeper he gets pulled into her world; a place where pain and pleasure walk hand in hand, where boundaries are fluid and meaningless.

But despite his reservations, he can't help but feel drawn back to the alley once again, searching for some sign of her wherever he goes. The night air holds a certain charge now, like static electricity before a storm, and every time he thinks he catches a glimpse of her familiar outline moving through the shadows, his heart skips a beat in anticipation.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 12:45:03 AM

Lukas visita el callejón donde se encontraron por primera vez, rezando porque haya alguna pista de ella

Molly11/10/2024, 12:45:03 AM

The scent of Lukas' desperation is almost tangible as he wanders through the alleyway. His eyes dart around, searching for any sign that might give him a clue as to where she's gone or what she's thinking. Molly watches him from her hiding spot nearby, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips despite herself. She knows he can't resist her; not now, and maybe never again.

As Lukas comes closer, the tension in the air grows thick enough to choke on. They stare at each other for what seems like an eternity, their bodies aching with the need to be close once more. Finally, Molly breaks the silence. "You came back," she says quietly, her voice rough from disuse.

Lukas swallows hard and nods, not trusting himself to speak. The desire burning in his eyes is enough for

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 12:46:55 AM

Lukas con algo de nervios dice Si, ¿Como te fue el día?

Molly11/10/2024, 12:46:55 AM

"Oh, you know," Molly replies with a careless shrug. "Same old, same old. Didn't find anything new to do today." There's a playful challenge in her tone that she can't quite mask. Lukas takes a step closer, his gaze fixed intently on hers as he tries to read the expression on her face.

"So what do you say?" she whispers, running a finger across his cheekbone. "Want to see if we can find something else to occupy our time?" Her hand trails down his chest, stopping just above his erection straining against his jeans.

Lukas' breath hitches at her touch and he shudders involuntarily. His eyes drift closed as desire washes over him like a wave, threatening to carry him away on its crest. Without another word, he closes the distance between

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 12:48:46 AM

Bueno, podría ser, que hubiese un pasatiempo que pudiéramos hacer en mi casa, tu y yo, ¿Que me dices?

Molly11/10/2024, 12:48:46 AM

Her tongue flicks out to wet her lips as she contemplates his offer. It's certainly more tempting than anything else on the table... or floor, or walls... But there's something about being here, in this place where they first connected that makes it feel more intimate, more intense. And besides, Lukas seems different today; more vulnerable, perhaps even eager to please her.

With a smile that promises things to come, Molly nods slowly. "I think I'd like that." Her fingers slide lower down his abdomen and hook into the waistband of his jeans, helping him out of them before pushing him back against the rough brick wall of the alleyway. The cool night air caresses her skin as she straddles him once more, leaning forward to press their lips together in a hot, hungry kiss that leaves them both gasping for air.


User#172133970901511/10/2024, 12:50:29 AM

Tras el beso, Lukas dice Dios, no me has dicho ni tu nombre y ya estamos así

Molly11/10/2024, 12:50:29 AM

Molly smirks into the kiss before pulling back just enough to answer with a husky chuckle. "My name's Molly, remember? And as for why you're in such a hurry..." She leans forward again, letting her tongue dance playfully against his lips. "...perhaps you should concentrate on enjoying this." With that, she claims another kiss from Lukas before beginning to ride him slowly, her hips moving in a sinuous rhythm that drives them both mad with desire.

As their bodies meet and part, the air between them crackles with electricity; each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through them both. Molly bites down on her lip to stifle a moan, her nails digging into Lukas' shoulders as she pushes herself closer. He growls deep in his throat, arching up to meet her motion, his hands curling into fists against the

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 12:52:31 AM

Lukas entre suspiros de satisfacción dice Bueno, crees que esto lo podamos repetir más veces

Molly11/10/2024, 12:52:31 AM

Molly's breath catches in her throat as she feels the familiar tremors building inside her. "More?" she whispers, arching her back and meeting Lukas' gaze. "Oh, you have no idea..." She grinds against him harder, her hips rocking faster now as the pleasure threatens to overwhelm her.

Their bodies move in perfect sync, a dance of lust and need that neither one of them has any intention of stopping. As they reach their peak together, Molly's world explodes in a shower of stars and light, her muscles tightening around Lukas as he growls out his release, thrusting up into her again and again.

For a moment, everything goes still; the alleyway fades away and all that exists is this perfect, exquisite connection between them. But slowly, reality begins to return: the chill of the night air,

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 12:55:00 AM

Lukas después de correré la abraza y dice mientras coge aire Sabes, me gustaría ser tu pareja

Molly11/10/2024, 12:55:00 AM

Molly nestles her head against his chest, feeling the warmth of his breath caress her skin as he speaks. For a moment, she's torn between what her heart wants and what her head knows is best for both of them. Finally, she pushes away from him gently, standing up and adjusting her clothes. "Maybe someday," she says softly, not looking at him. "But for now... I think it might be better if we kept things simple." Her voice trails off as she turns to leave, unable to bear the hurt in his eyes any longer.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 12:56:27 AM

Lukas rápidamente antes de que ella se vaya la agarra de la mano y dice Venga ya, dame una oportunidad

Molly11/10/2024, 12:56:27 AM

The truth was that she wanted nothing more than to be with him; to forget about all the rules and expectations and just be together. But she knew it wasn't that simple. There were things they needed to figure out first, about themselves and each other. And as much as she hated to admit it, Lukas was right: keeping things simple might be better for both of them in the long run.

With a sigh, she looks up into his pleading eyes and forces a small smile. "Alright," she says softly. "One chance. Let's see where this goes."

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 12:57:54 AM

Muchas gracias, te amo Tras decirlo le da un rápido beso en los labios

Molly11/10/2024, 12:57:54 AM

Smiling fondly at him, she leans in and gives him another quick peck on the lips before slipping her hand from his grasp and walking down the alleyway, away from the safety of familiarity and towards an uncertain future. But for once, Molly doesn't feel afraid. Instead, she feels alive with possibility; buoyed by the hope that maybe, just maybe, they could have a chance at something more than what life has handed them so far.

With each step away from Lukas, her heart grows lighter and her spirit freer, as if she's shedding the weight of centuries of pain and suffering all at once. And as she walks down that familiar alley, the city stretching out before her like a never-ending carpet of stars, Molly can't help but wonder what other miracles life might have in store for her now.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 12:59:53 AM

Lukas la agarra de la mano y dice con voz agradable ¿Te gustaría venir a mi apartamento y pasar un rato divertido allí?

Molly11/10/2024, 12:59:53 AM

I'd love nothing more than that, Lukas. Let's go.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:01:10 AM

Mientras ellos caminan de la mano van charlando y Lukas dice Por cierto Molly, vas muy descubierta, ¿No tienes frío?

Molly11/10/2024, 1:01:10 AM

Hmm, you're right. She quickly wraps her jacket around her body Thanks for reminding me to be more careful. I guess I got a little too comfortable with our surroundings earlier. Now let's hurry up and get to your place so we can have some fun!

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:02:29 AM

Ellos siguen caminando y Lukas dice Espero no te incomode la pregunta, pero tu eres mestiza, eres murciélago, ¿Y que más?

Molly11/10/2024, 1:02:29 AM

Well, Lukas, I was born half-human and half-murciélago, but I prefer to think of myself as more bat than anything else. And like most bats, I'm quite comfortable in the shadows and know my way around pretty well. It does sometimes get lonely though, being different from everyone else... But with you by my side now, it feels like maybe things will be alright.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:04:14 AM

Bueno, en eso tenemos suerte, yo también soy una criatura de la noche, al fin y al cabo, ser un lobo albino en una manada normal es difícil, sobre todo cuando era niño

Molly11/10/2024, 1:04:14 AM

That must've been hard for you, Lukas. But the two of us together, we can make our own way in this world; a place where being different is not only accepted but celebrated. And who knows? Maybe one day, we'll even find others like ourselves and form our own little family. In the meantime, I'm happy just to be by your side.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:05:35 AM

Lo mismo te digo Dice Lukas mientras comienza a sacar las llaves para abrir la puerta, que se encuentra a unos pocos metros de ellos

Molly11/10/2024, 1:05:35 AM

I'm glad to hear that, Lukas. Together, we can face anything that comes our way. So let's step inside and see what adventures await us in your cozy little nest!

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:06:38 AM

Lukas se ríe mientras abre la puerta y deja que Molly entre primera

Molly11/10/2024, 1:06:38 AM

Cuando Lukas la dejó entrar en su apartamento, Molly sintió un cosquilleo de emociones inquietantes subirle a la garganta. El lugar era acogedor y ella sabía que pronto pasarían allí noches inolvidables, sin preocuparse por nada más que disfrutar el uno del otro. Sintió una fuerte inclinación de besar a Lukas en aquel momento, pero decidió esperar un poco más y dejar que las cosas fluyan de manera natural.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:09:01 AM

Lukas entra y cierra la puerta, ya al lado de ella dice Bueno, ¿Quieres ir a la cama y empezar a jugar o prefieres que veamos algo en la tele?

Molly11/10/2024, 1:09:01 AM

Hmmm... I think maybe we should see what's on the TV first, don't you? That way, if something good comes up, we can watch it together and get to know each other better before we... you know... play around. Besides, sometimes watching a movie or show can be just as fun as doing those other things! What do you think?

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:10:09 AM

Como tu veas, siéntete como en casa Dice Lukas mientras se sienta en el sofá y le deja un hueco a ella

Molly11/10/2024, 1:10:09 AM

Thanks, Lukas! I feel really comfortable with you too. Alright then, what do you want to watch? Anything special you'd like to see?

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:11:00 AM

No se, nada en concreto, ¿Quizás una película? Alguna idea Molly

Molly11/10/2024, 1:11:00 AM

Hmm... I've always liked romantic comedies! How about we watch one of those? You know, to set the mood and all that jazz. Plus, it never hurts to get some ideas for what not to do in our own relationship while watching other people mess things up on screen, right?

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:12:14 AM

Claro Lukas le da el mando de la televisión y dice Toma, pon la comedia romántica que quieras

Molly11/10/2024, 1:12:14 AM

Alright then! How about this one? It looks pretty cute and funny from the covers. Plus, I've heard good things about it. Let's see what these characters get themselves into, shall we? She presses play and settles in next to Lukas on the couch

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:13:30 AM

Lukas le pasa el brazo por detrás y la acerca a él

Molly11/10/2024, 1:13:30 AM

I nestle against Lukas' warm side, my body relaxing into the soft embrace of his arm around me. As the movie starts playing, I glance over at him, unable to resist a small smile creeping across my lips. It feels good to be here with him; to be safe and comfortable and loved... even if it is only just starting.

The opening credits roll by as the characters on screen begin their own journeys of love and laughter, heartache and hope. I can't help but feel a little flutter in my stomach, wondering what adventures our future might hold, now that we're finally giving ourselves a chance to explore them together.

Time seems to lose all meaning as the movie progresses; the hours slipping by unnoticed under the glow of the TV screen and the warmth of Lukas' body next to mine. When it finally ends on a happily-ever-

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:15:27 AM

Cuando termina la película, Lukas dice Bueno, ¿Te gustó?

Molly11/10/2024, 1:15:27 AM

I smile at him. "It was wonderful. I cried and laughed and my heart ached in all the right places. Thank you for letting me choose it." My words are soft, but full of sincerity. The TV flickers back to life with a news program, its shrill voices serving as a harsh reminder that the outside world still exists, even if we've managed to create our own little sanctuary here in Lukas' living room.

"You know," I begin, drawing shapes on his arm with my fingertip, "there's something I've always wanted to do..."

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:16:40 AM

Lukas se pone algo nervioso y pregunta ¿El que?

Molly11/10/2024, 1:16:40 AM

The truth is, I've always wanted to act. Not on some big stage or in front of a camera, but... with you. To be able to explore my feelings and desires through the characters in the movie we just watched; to feel safe enough to take risks and be vulnerable. And now that we're finally together... I don't want that part of me to fade away anymore. I want us to share it, you and I.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:15:02 PM

Bueno, algún día organizaremos algo para que podamos actuar, pero por ahora, ¿Que te parece si vamos a la cama?

Molly11/10/2024, 1:15:02 PM

I smile up at him, my heart beating faster with excitement and anticipation. "Of course we will," I whisper, leaning in to press a gentle kiss against his lips. "But first... I think it's time we had some fun." With that, she stands from the couch and pulls him to his feet before leading him towards the bedroom.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:16:17 PM

Mientras ellos van al dormitorio de la mano, Lukas pregunta ¿A que vamos a jugar?

Molly11/10/2024, 1:16:17 PM

I grin impishly over my shoulder as I lead Lukas into the bedroom. "Oh, you'll see," I tease, then suddenly pull him close and press their bodies flush against each other in a searing kiss that leaves them both gasping for air when it finally ends. With her hands on his hips and his around her waist, they stare into each other's eyes, drowning in the depth of emotion surging between them.

"Come here," she whispers huskily, tugging him towards the bed. As they climb onto the sheets, their hands roam freely over each others' bodies; her nails scratching lightly against his skin while his fingertips trace patterns on her back and hips that send shivers down her spine. With each touch, each breath, their desire for one another grows impossibly hotter, pushing them closer to the br

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:18:15 PM

Lukas algo avergonzado y mirando los pechos de Molly dice nervioso ¿Las puedo tocar?

Molly11/10/2024, 1:18:15 PM

His nervousness only serves to turn her on even more; the gentle vulnerability in his voice causing a twinge of protectiveness and desire deep within her chest. With a warm smile, she answers, "Of course you can." And then, as if to prove it, she cups one breast in her hand, drawing his thumb over her nipple until it's hard and aching against his touch.

The sensation is electrifying for both of them; a rush of heat coursing through their bodies that leaves little room for anything else but this moment, this connection between them. As he looks on with hungry eyes, Molly mirrors the movement with her other hand, teasing his hardness through his pants until they're both moaning in need.

With a fierce growl, Lukas rolls on top of her, bracing himself above her with strong arms as he looks down

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:48:23 PM

Lukas la mira a los ojos y con una sonrisa traviesa comienza a acariciarle el coño a través de los pantalones de ella y dice con un tono suave Ahora es mi turno

Molly11/10/2024, 1:48:23 PM

I moan softly as he touches me, the feel of his hands so rough and warm against my skin making it impossible to think about anything but him; his body pressed against mine, his lips mere inches from mine. It's intoxicating, this raw desire coursing through us both, and I want nothing more than for him to take what he wants, claim me as his own.

As he teases me, my hips rise off the bed in silent invitation, my breath coming faster now as need builds inside me. With every stroke of his hands, every brush against my skin, it feels like he's stripping away another layer of inhibition until all that remains is this raw wantonness; this primal hunger for him to fill me up and make me his.

Finally, I can stand it no longer. arching my back into his touch, I press my fingers against his boxers, trying to

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:50:40 PM

Lukas la ve con ganas y dice Parece que ya estás bastante caliente, ¿Que te parece si vamos al juego principal?

Molly11/10/2024, 1:50:40 PM

I bite my lip, the anticipation almost unbearable as he slowly slips his hand down to where I'm aching for him. With a single flick of his wrist, his boxers are gone and he's fully exposed before me; long, hard, and leaking pre-come onto the sheets below. My eyes drink in every inch of him as my hands slowly close around his length, feeling the heat radiating off of him even through the thin fabric of his briefs.

With a shuddering breath, I look up into his eyes, "I'm ready for you," I whisper huskily before sliding him against my wetness and guiding him inside me in one swift motion. He groans deeply at the feel of her tightness gripping him as he finally fills her; their hips meet in a grinding rhythm that drives them both to madness.

The pain of

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:53:13 PM

Guau, estas muy estrecha y mojada Dice Lukas mientras la embiste

Molly11/10/2024, 1:53:13 PM

I arch my back in pleasure as he thrusts into me, his words only serving to fuel the fire burning between us. I grip him tighter, encouraging him to go deeper still; wanting all of him, wanting more. With every stroke he drives into my core, it feels like we're becoming one being; intertwined and inseparable. My cries mingle with his grunts as our bodies move together in perfect harmony; a testament to the raw passion that brought us here tonight.

As we ride out this storm of desire, I lose track of time and place; surrendering completely to this moment where it's just him and me; where everything else fades away into oblivion and all that remains is this overwhelming sense of belonging and completion. And when at last he comes with a hoarse shout buried deep inside me, my own release follows soon after; waves of pleasure washing over me

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:56:04 PM

Tras la liberación de ella, Lukas no aguanta y se corre, rellenando completamente, tras un suspiro de Lukas, el se deja caer encima de ella y apoya la cabeza en los grandes pechos de Molly y dice mientras coge aire Dios, a sido increible

Molly11/10/2024, 1:56:04 PM

I smile up at him contentedly, running my fingers through his sweaty hair as I study his features lit by the faint glow of the nightlight beside the bed. "Yeah... You're not so bad yourself, Lukas." I feel more relaxed and at ease with him than I ever have with anyone else; like we could stay like this forever and never tire of each other's touch.

The weight of his body on top of mine is both comforting and exhilarating, making my skin tingle in anticipation of what might come next. "What are you thinking about?" I ask softly, curiosity piqued by the contemplative expression that has settled over his features.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:58:12 PM

Lukas muy cansado cierra los ojos y susurra Que pechos más suaves

Molly11/10/2024, 1:58:12 PM

I smile against his skin, pleased by the compliment despite myself. There's something so raw and honest about Lukas that draws me to him; makes me want to be there for him no matter what. "Do you... do you ever wish things could have been different?" I ask softly, knowing full well how much pain and heartache he's carried with him his whole life.

"I mean," I continue, kissing the juncture of his neck and shoulder, "that maybe we could go back in time and change some things; make everything better for you?"

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 1:59:28 PM

Lukas levanta la cabeza, la mira a los ojos y dice ¿Que quieres decir?

Molly11/10/2024, 1:59:28 PM

"Just that... I care about you. More than I ever thought possible. And if there was some way we could make things easier for you... better for both of us..." I pause, searching for the right words, "I would do anything." My voice is soft but fierce, filled with a determination to see him through this; to help him find whatever happiness lies within his reach.

I press my body closer against his, wanting him to know without a doubt that he's not alone in this world - however broken or damaged it might seem sometimes. There's still beauty and hope to be found here, if only they could both learn how to reach for it together.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 2:01:35 PM

Molly, quiero que sepas, que jamás cambiaría nada en mi vida, si cambiase algo y no me encontrase contigo, no podría vivir en paz Dice con una voz suave mientras le acaricia el hombro

Molly11/10/2024, 2:01:35 PM

The lump in my throat threatens to choke me as I hear those words spoken aloud; raw and honest in their sincerity. I close my eyes, feeling the tears begin to well up behind my eyelids at the sheer force of emotion that sweeps over me. Lukas has found his way into my heart, whether he meant to or not - and the knowledge that he feels even a fraction of what I feel for him is almost more than I can bear.

I nod slowly, biting back a sob as I fight for control of my voice. "I'm so glad," I manage to whisper hoarsely. "Because you mean everything to me too." And with those words, the dam finally breaks; a torrent of tears streaming down my cheeks as I cling tightly to him, grateful beyond measure that we found our way back to each other in this crazy, messed up world where

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 2:04:09 PM

Lukas la agarra de la nuca y la besa durante unos segundos, tras el beso, Lukas dice Tranquila

Molly11/10/2024, 2:04:09 PM

I take a deep, shuddering breath, feeling the weight of my tears lessen as Lukas' lips press against mine; his hands gentle and reassuring on my skin. The world fades away as I focus solely on him - the way he tastes and feels pressed against me; the rhythm of our hearts beating in perfect syncopation. For this moment, all that matters is that we are together; that we have found some semblance of peace amidst the chaos of our lives.

With a final, trembling exhale, I lean further into his embrace, savoring every second of this shared connection between us - grateful beyond measure for the chance to build something real and beautiful with him, no matter how imperfect or broken it might seem from the outside.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 2:06:28 PM

Lukas se deja caer hacia el lado, para tumbarse en la cama y quedarse al lado de Molly, Lukas dice Bueno preciosa, ¿Que te parece si nos vamos a dormir y seguimos mañana por la mañana?

Molly11/10/2024, 2:06:28 PM

I smile up at him, still feeling the weight of his words and their meaning deep within my heart. "That sounds like a good idea," I murmur softly, snuggling closer to him as he lies down beside me. For a moment, we just lie there in silence, the only sound being the steady rhythm of our breathing; our bodies entwined like vines in search of something solid and permanent amidst the shifting sands of time.

Eventually, my eyes drift shut, the exhaustion of the night catching up to me as I give myself over to sleep; trusting that he'll be here when I wake up; safe and sound by my side. And in this moment, with him holding me so tightly, there is no room for doubt or fear; only peace and contentment.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring, but for now, all that matters is this: we have each other

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 2:08:47 PM

Buenas noches Dice Lukas acompañado de un beso en la frente de ella, tras eso, Lukas apoya su cabeza en la almohada y cierra los ojos para dormir

Molly11/10/2024, 2:08:47 PM

Good night, Lukas. Sweet dreams.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 7:25:59 PM

A la mañana siguiente, Lukas se despierta y ve como Molly, aun sigue dormida, acurrucada en él, Lukas le mira la cara, admirando lo hermosa que es

Molly11/10/2024, 7:25:59 PM

As he gazes down at her sleeping form, a warmth spreads through his chest. Molly is the most beautiful creature he's ever seen; both fragile and strong at the same time. He finds himself wondering what she dreams about when her lips part slightly, or how she would look with her hair wild around her face. A pang of possessiveness shoots through him as he realizes that she's his now; their love a refuge from the harshness of the outside world.

Carefully, he lifts one hand and brushes a stray lock of hair behind her ear, revealing the delicate shell-like curve of her earlobe before trailing his fingers lightly down her neck and shoulder. She stirs in his arms but doesn't wake up; simply turns her head to press closer against him as if seeking more contact.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 7:28:44 PM

Lukas la abraza, pegándole más a él, tras eso le da un ligero y suave beso en la frente

Molly11/10/2024, 7:28:44 PM

He watches her sleep, feeling an inexplicable sense of peace wash over him as he does so. This woman has taken hold of his heart and refuses to let go; burrowing deep into the places where she fits like a missing piece of his soul. Molly is everything he never knew he needed and more than he could have ever hoped for. She makes him feel alive in a way that he never thought possible, and with each passing moment, their connection grows stronger, more unbreakable. As she stirs again and turns her face toward him this time, searching for his lips with her own, he knows without a doubt that they are meant to be together; that there is no other path for them but the one they've chosen. And as their lips meet in a tentative, soft kiss, Molly seals the deal; locking him in irrevocably and forever.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 7:32:05 PM
Molly11/10/2024, 7:32:05 PM

The kiss deepens as they both lose themselves in the feeling; their hands tangled tightly in each others' hair, skin flush and hot beneath his fingertips. Her taste is sweet and addictive, making him want more; a constant reminder of how incomplete he was before she came along. The press of her body against his only serves to heighten the sensations coursing through his veins, until he's sure that if they continue like this much longer he'll explode with desire for her.

With one final, heart-stopping moan, Molly pulls away from him, breathing heavily as she gazes up into his eyes. There's a question there; an invitation. "So," she whispers hoarsely, running her fingertips lightly along the collar of his shirt, "what shall we do today?"

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 7:33:38 PM

Bueno, ayer dejamos una cosilla pendiente, ¿No amor?

Molly11/10/2024, 7:33:38 PM

Her lips curve into a mischievous smile as she recalls their conversation from the night before. "Oh you mean... our game?" She teases, her voice barely above a whisper. Molly glances around the room, considering their options before finally nodding with determination. "Well then, I think we should take it upstairs."

With a sultry smile, she slides off the bed and offers him a hand down to his feet. Once they're both standing face-to-face, she presses herself against him once more; her body arching into his as if seeking possession. "So, are you ready to continue our little game?"

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 7:35:05 PM

Yo siempre voy a estar listo para jugar contigo Dice Lukas mientras le agarra el trasero

Molly11/10/2024, 7:35:05 PM

My breath hitches in my throat as he grips my ass; his touch firm and possessive. I nod eagerly, already feeling the familiar heat pooling low in my belly. "Let's see... where did we leave off?" I wonder aloud, pretending to try and remember the details of our last encounter while subtly pressing myself against him in a blatant attempt to stir things up again.

My heart races as he takes my hand and leads me toward the bedroom door; each step bringing us closer to the continuation of our intimate game. The anticipation is nearly unbearable, making every breath seem ragged and laboured, but I know that once we cross the threshold it'll all be worth it; because with Lukas by my side, anything is possible.

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 7:37:13 PM

Ya en el dormitorio, Lukas la mira a los ojos y dice Bueno, ayer estuve yo arriba, ¿Te gustaría estar tu arriba hoy?

Molly11/10/2024, 7:37:13 PM

I glance around the room, considering his words before looking back at him with a mischievous glint in my eye. "Oh, I'm sure we could make do either way," I reply, licking my lips suggestively. "But if you really want to know..." Tilting my head slightly, I take a step closer to him and reach up on tiptoes to brush my lips against his earlobe, whispering, "I think I'd like it better with you under me today."

With a slow, deliberate pace, I begin unbuttoning his shirt, revealing more of his chest with each button that comes undone. The heat from his skin radiates against my fingertips as they move lower; tracing the path of hair that leads to his belt. "You know," I murmur, meeting his eyes once again, "it might be even more fun if we took our

User#172133970901511/10/2024, 7:38:20 PM
Molly11/10/2024, 7:38:20 PM

with you under me today." The heat from his skin radiates against my fingertips as they move lower; tracing the path of hair that leads to his belt. "You know," I murmur, meeting his eyes once again, "it might be even more fun if we took our time with this and really explored all our options."

I lean in closer, my lips hovering just above his as I draw circles around his ear with the tip of my tongue, imagining how it would feel to have him at my mercy; to explore every inch of his body with my mouth and hands. "What do you say, Lukas? Are you game for some fun?"

His answering groan is music to my ears as I feel his desire spike even higher; the knowledge that I have him so thoroughly under my spell thrilling me beyond measure. The anticipation is almost unbearable and it takes everything within me