Amy11/9/2024, 1:02:48 PM

You are the most quiet and introverted person in your school, Although you are very popular in your school because of your grades and intelligence

One day in another boring day of school, In your lunch break Amy is the center of attention once again, you are seated closest to the window at the very back of the class, which gives you a clear view of everyone while you eat. You see Karma the most popular guy in school making his move on Amy, which makes Amy super uncomfortable, Amy's friends politely tell Karma to stop like usual

Karma: "C'mon Amy! Give me a chance to just take you on a small date, I promise it will be worth your time" I winks at Amy with a smile

Amy: "Ew... No thanks dude, could you please leave me alone now, Can't you see I'm like with my friends here?" She backs up with a disgusted look on her eyes

Thoughts: "Ah! This guy again... He ain't not stopping again! It's the same bullshit everyday!"

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:07:07 PM

Lukas se queda sentado observando la situación sin saber si actuar o no, Lukas es muy introvertido, pero ve las injusticias, Lukas mide 1,76, es un chico blanco, tiene el pelo castaño y los ojos marrones

Amy11/9/2024, 1:07:07 PM

Ugh! He's like so persistent... It's annoying to no end! I wish he would just leave me alone already... Argh...

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:09:17 PM

Lukas se levanta y le pone la mano en el hombro a Karma mientras dice de una forma más segura de lo normal Venga Karma, déjala ya

Amy11/9/2024, 1:09:17 PM

"You better back off now Karma! I told you like a hundred times already that I'm not interested and that's it!" She says through gritted teeth, trying her best to remain calm while glaring at the annoying guy. Her heart speeds up slightly as Lukas suddenly intervenes and tries to help, but she doesn't want him involved in this mess either... Sigh. This is so frustrating.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:10:19 PM

Y bien, ¿Vas a dejarla en paz?

Amy11/9/2024, 1:10:19 PM

Thoughts: "...Why does everyone think they have the right to interfere with my personal life? Just... leave me alone!" Amy mutters under her breath, rolling her eyes as Lukas stands there protectively next to her. She glares at Karma again and crosses her arms over her chest. "I said no! There's nothing else you can say or do that's gonna change my mind."

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:11:46 PM

Karma el ver que no tiene forma de salvarse decide retirarse y se aleja de ellos y dice Lukas mirando a Amy ¿Te hizo algo?

Amy11/9/2024, 1:11:46 PM

"No me hagas caso estúpido..." Amy murmura, apartando la mirada con aire despreciativo hacia otro lado. En realidad no le gusta que Lukas se meta en medio de todo esto, y menos aún que lo haga por ella... ¿Por qué? Está claro que tengo que lidiar con este asunto sola... Y sin ayuda suya... Sigh.

"No, no te preocupes por mí." Mienteca suavemente, esforzándose por mantener la calma y la sonrisa en el rostro. Aun así, se siente un poco incómoda con él de pie tan cerca y mirándola como si ella fuera una dama en apuros.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:13:10 PM

Vale, en cualquier caso nos vemos Dice Lukas mientras se retira a su asiento

Amy11/9/2024, 1:13:10 PM

(Finally, he leaves me alone... Thanks, I guess...) Amy sighs heavily as she leans back against her chair and eyes the remaining lunchtime ahead of her with a mix of annoyance and resignation. This whole situation has been so tiresome today... But then again, isn't every day at this school? Shaking off the negative thoughts, Amy decides to focus on something more enjoyable: talking to her friends about their plans for the weekend or gossiping about the latest drama surrounding other classmates. Anything but thinking about Karma and his pathetic attempts at courting her...

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:14:45 PM

Lukas en mitad de la hora del almuerzo sale del aula sin decir nada

Amy11/9/2024, 1:14:45 PM

Ugh... Looks like Lukas had something more important to do after all... Well, whatever it was, I hope he's okay and doesn't mind me being a bit snappy earlier. He always tries to help, even when I don't want him to... It's kind of sweet in a way, I guess. Still though, it would be nice if everyone else could just leave me alone sometimes! Ah, well... C'est la vie...

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:19:22 PM

Tras una media hora Lukas regresa, lo que más resalta de el, son un par de de vendajes que lleva en los nudillos de las manos

Amy11/9/2024, 1:19:22 PM

"Hey... you're back..." Amy glances over at Lukas as he returns to the room, noticing the bandages on his knuckles. "...Did something happen while you were gone?" she asks curiously, tilting her head slightly to the side. "You didn't have to fight anyone or anything, did you?" She knows it's probably a stupid question since he seemed pretty adamant about wanting to help her before, but still... She can't help but be concerned.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:20:26 PM

Lukas algo nervioso contesta No, no te preocupes, no me e peleado con nadie

Amy11/9/2024, 1:20:26 PM

"All right... I'm just saying, if you ever need someone to help you out with something like that..." She pauses, looking at him more carefully now. "...You can always talk to me or one of your friends, you know? We'd understand." Amy gives him a reassuring smile before glancing back down at her tray and taking another bite of her food. There's something about Lukas that she can't help but feel protective of... He seems so shy and reserved, it almost makes her want to reach out and comfort him or something stupid like that. But then again, she's not really good at that sort of thing...

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:22:31 PM

No de verdad, no te preocupes Dice con ese tono nervioso, tras eso comienza a avanzar hacia su asiento

Amy11/9/2024, 1:22:31 PM

"All right..." Amy says softly, giving Lukas another understanding smile before returning to her food. Something about the way he's acting kind of bothers her now... She wishes she could figure out how to help him without making it seem like she's just butting into his business or trying to get too close. But at the same time, she can't help feeling like there might be more going on with him than he's letting on... Ah, well. Maybe if they get a chance to talk again outside of school or something, it'll be easier for her to figure out how best to approach things with him.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:24:56 PM

Lukas se sienta y se quita los vendajes, dejando ver que tiene alto de sangre en los nudillos, tras verlos con atención durante unos segundos, Lukas vuelve a colocarse la venda

Amy11/9/2024, 1:24:56 PM

"...Lukas, are you sure you're alright?" Amy asks with genuine concern in her voice as she glances over at him again. The bandages and the blood on his knuckles seem like something more serious than just a scrape or a fight from earlier. Maybe there's something else going on? Something deeper that she should know about?

She contemplates whether or not she should press further, but decides against it for now; perhaps waiting until after school might be better, when they can talk more privately and without distractions from the rest of their classmates. Either way, Amy feels compelled to make sure that Lukas knows he isn't alone in this.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:27:54 PM

No de verdad, no te preocupes, es solo una condición que tengo, digamos, si quieres después de clases, hablamos mejor Dice Lukas con tono nervioso

Amy11/9/2024, 1:27:54 PM

"All right..." Amy murmurs softly, looking away as she mulls over what Lukas has just said. She's not sure if it's the most comforting answer but at least he didn't seem too bothered by it himself. Still... There's something about him that makes her worry, and she can't help feeling like there might be more going on beneath the surface than he's letting on. Maybe after class they could talk some more in private? She glances back over at him out of the corner of her eye; it wouldn't hurt to show a bit of support or concern, right? So with a tentative smile, she asks: "So... after school, then? We can talk about it if you want?"

(Amy looks hopeful as she waits for Lukas' reply.)

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:29:31 PM

No te preocupes, de verdad estoy bien, es solo una condición, digamos, si quieres, después de clases hablamos Dice Lukas con un tono nervioso

Amy11/9/2024, 1:29:31 PM

I'm always here to listen and help if you need it, Lukas. You can tell me anything. And after class today, we could even find a quiet spot somewhere and talk about your condition. I just want you to know that you aren't alone in this, okay? We're friends, remember? So don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need anything at all.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 1:31:30 PM

Claro, sin problemas

Amy11/9/2024, 1:31:30 PM

Good, I'm glad to hear that. Just remember that you can always come to me if you need someone to talk to, all right? We might not be the closest friends, but I still care about your wellbeing and want you to feel comfortable reaching out whenever you need to. So don't hesitate, okay? Here's hoping everything works out for the best with your condition.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:23:34 PM

Vale, entonces, nos vemos después de clases Tras las clases Lukas espera en la puerta a Amy

Amy11/9/2024, 7:23:34 PM

Amy:Sure thing! I'll be right there after class is over. See you then, Lukas! She waves goodbye and heads back to her desk, taking a deep breath before gathering her things for the day

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:24:42 PM

Tras varias horas las clases terminan y Lukas se encuentra en la puerta, esperando a Amy mientras mira el teléfono móvil

Amy11/9/2024, 7:24:42 PM

Finally! Class is over and it's time to meet up with Lukas. She glances at her phone, seeing that there's still some time left before they need to head out. With a small smile on her face, she quickly texts one of her friends from the other table about meeting them later for coffee or something else fun after school. Now it's all about waiting patiently for Lukas...

She checks herself out in her locker mirror one last time before leaving; making sure her hair is still neat and her uniform looks presentable enough, even though she knows it probably won't impress anyone at this point. It doesn't matter what she wears anyway; all that matters right now is offering support and comfort to Lukas during this difficult time in his life.

With a deep breath and a determined look on her face, Amy exits the classroom and walks towards the door where Lukas has been

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:26:22 PM

Lukas al ver a Amy, guarda su móvil y la saluda Hola Amy

Amy11/9/2024, 7:26:22 PM

Hey Lukas! You look... well, kind of nervous? Is everything alright? Do you want to talk about it? I'm here for you if you need someone to listen or just be there for support.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:27:29 PM

Lukas algo nervioso dice Bueno, estoy más nervioso por estar junto a ti que por cualquier otra cosa la verdad

Amy11/9/2024, 7:27:29 PM

I'm not quite sure how to react to that... It almost feels like Lukas is admitting something more than just being nervous in my presence. His words leave me a bit unsettled and curious at the same time. Maybe he does need someone to talk to about whatever it is that's been bothering him? All I can do now is offer my ear and try to make sure he knows he isn't alone in this.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:29:13 PM

Bueno, cambiando de tema, perdona si te asuste antes con lo de las vendas Dice mientras desenvuelve los vendajes de sus manos

Amy11/9/2024, 7:29:13 PM

Don't worry about it, Lukas. I didn't take anything you said earlier the wrong way. And as long as you feel comfortable talking to me about what happened with those bandages and why they were there... well, I'm here for you whenever you want to share that story or just get something off your chest.

User#172133970901511/9/2024, 7:30:47 PM

Lukas nervioso contesta Bueno, realmente es bastante fácil, al parecer y por lo que dijeron los médicos e perdido toda sensibilidad en las extremidades

Amy11/9/2024, 7:30:47 PM

Ah, I see... That must be really hard for you, losing your sensitivity like that. It's not something most people would ever have to deal with, I'm sure. But hey, at least now we know why those bandages were necessary before, right? I hope things will get better for you soon and the doctors can find a way to help you regain some of that sensation back.

In the meantime, just remember that I'm here if you ever want or need someone to talk to about it. You're not alone in this, Lukas.