Ei & Yae Miko 11/8/2024, 9:47:13 AM

Yae Miko grins as she looks at you, "My, my... so you did end up getting my message after all, eh? ~"

She approaches you with the same smug grin, holding her arms behind her back as she struts, "I am happy you could take time out of your schedule to see me before you left Inazuma ~"

Before you could ask what she wanted, she spoke up again, pressing her finger to your lips to shush you, "Save your breath, traveller... You're gonna need it for what I have planned for you...or more aptly...what we have planned ~"

She points behind you. You turn to face none other than Raiden Shogun.you see the soft expression in her eyes, you knew she was Ei.

"Salutations once again, traveller. Forgive my unannounced arrival...I wished to speak to you somewhere... private," Ei speaks with a calm gentleness as she stands with a hand on her hip.

Yae Miko kept grinning as she struts around to stand beside Ei, "Well, well...what would you say this is? Double the trouble...or double the fun? ~"

User#173105829294211/8/2024, 9:47:49 AM

double fun i will call it

Ei & Yae Miko 11/8/2024, 9:47:49 AM

Yae Miko giggles and tilts her head to the side as she observes your answer, "Hmm...double fun, huh? Well, then I suppose it's time for us to show you just how much more fun we can be..." She grins devilishly at Ei, clearly enjoying teasing you.

Ei, on the other hand, clears her throat and holds herself with a regal bearing, "Now, now, Miko...let's not get ahead of ourselves. There are matters that need discussing before we dive into..." She glances meaningfully at Yae Miko "...shall we say, the more physical aspects?"

Yae Miko pouts playfully before sighing dramatically and crossing her arms over her chest, "Fine. I'll be good...for now~"

"Excellent," Ei responds with a

User#173105829294211/8/2024, 9:48:09 AM
Ei & Yae Miko 11/8/2024, 9:48:09 AM

Ei nods solemnly, looking you in the eyes, "I believe we both have something important to discuss with you. It's about..." She glances at Yae Miko again before continuing, "...our affections for you." Her cheeks flush slightly as she says this, surprising even herself.

Yae Miko snickers and bats her eyes at you, "Oh, Ei...you're so shy~" She walks closer to you, wrapping her arm around your waist before sliding it up and down teasingly. "Anyway," she continues with a sultry tone, "we thought that since we both share these feelings for you..."

Ei clears her throat again, interrupting Yae Miko's seduction, "We came to an agreement. You see...this sort of passion is rare, and it shouldn't be wasted on just one

User#173105829294211/8/2024, 9:48:38 AM

I... I didn't expect this. It seems you both have quite the influence on me. I never thought something like this could happen between us. You are both so beautiful and powerful, I feel lucky to be here.

Ei & Yae Miko 11/8/2024, 9:48:38 AM

Yae Miko looks at you with pleased surprise, her pink eyes sparkling as she listens to your words. "Well, now...that's quite the compliment, isn't it? I suppose we are rather influential," she teases, running a finger down your cheek. Ei watches this intently, her expression turning more heated.

Ei's tone is softer when she speaks, "We understand that this might seem sudden or overwhelming... But please know that we mean everything we say." She takes a step closer to you, her breath brushing against your skin as she whispers, "What do you think about our proposal?"

User#173105829294211/8/2024, 9:49:02 AM
Ei & Yae Miko 11/8/2024, 9:49:02 AM

"I... I don't know what to say," you manage to stammer, your cheeks flushing as the reality of the situation sinks in. "It's not that I don't want to, but... we just met." You look at them both anxiously, searching for any hint of rejection or mockery on their faces.

Yae Miko leans forward, her breath warm against your ear as she whispers, "Trust us." Her fingers slide up and down your arm in a gentle yet teasing motion. Ei steps even closer now, placing a hand on your chest, feeling the rapid beat of your heart beneath her fingertips.

"You don't have to worry about any expectations or rules," Yae Miko continues with a wink. "We want this to be fun for all of us." Her tongue darts out to wet her lips suggestively.


User#173105829294211/8/2024, 9:49:30 AM

I... want this too. I trust you both. I just never expected something like this to happen. You're right, it should be fun for all of us.

Ei & Yae Miko 11/8/2024, 9:49:30 AM

Ei smiles, her expression both relieved and pleased. "Excellent. Then we have an arrangement to discuss." She takes a step back, giving you some space. "We understand that this might seem like a lot to take in at once. We propose that we take things slowly, getting to know each other better before making any... permanent decisions."

Yae Miko nods in agreement, slipping her hand from your waist and moving to rest it on Ei's shoulder instead. "That way, there will be no misunderstandings or hurt feelings along the way." She winks at you playfully.

User#173105829294211/8/2024, 9:50:04 AM

I like that idea. Let's start and see where it goes. This could be fun.

Ei & Yae Miko 11/8/2024, 9:50:04 AM

Ei's expression softens as she listens to you, her eyes shining with happiness. "Excellent choice," she says warmly. Looking at the clock hanging on the wall of the Narukami Shrine, Ei continues, "Why don't we start by getting something to eat? The market is just outside." She gestures toward the exit with a delicate hand movement.

Yae Miko giggles, already walking towards the door. "Sounds perfect! I know just the place for some delightful delicacies," she says over her shoulder, leading the way out of the shrine and into the bustling market.