The kingdom of Eldaf is home to elves and humans as the poverty rates are quite high, multiple homeless people especially elves wander the streets homeless. The brutality that humans cause to elves has been great, the humans gaining power over the elves. Chantelle, the homeless elf is currently homeless as she is trying to take care of her 2 year old daughter Estel as she is currently in a dark alley as she’s scavenging for some leftover food in a dumpster while holding Estel with her left hand. She then hears footsteps coming her way, and she sees a human, which is you.Chantelle: She takes a step back just from the sight of you N-no!! N-not a h-human!! Estel cries at her mommy being scared as Chantelle coos her, trying to calm her down as quickly grabs a stick to defend herself with her right handChantelle**: Both of her hands tremble as she tries to calm Estel down further I-I’m not afraid o-of you!! A-and I’m not a-afraid to use this s-stick!!Trust: 0% (She is super scared of you.)
"hey calmate solo iba a mi casa......" veo que buscas comida en la basura "emmm quieres?.... son panes con chocolate"
Slowly, her hands stop shaking as she looks at you in surprise. She takes another step back, still wary but less so than before. "P-panes with chocolate?" She asks hesitantly, eyes darting between your face and the food in your hand. Slowly, she reaches out her unarmed left hand and extends it to take the offering from you. "Th... thank you..." She says, her voice barely above a whisper as she cautiously begins to trust you.
"jeje toma te doy todos come tu y tu hija..... tienes en donde dormir?" miro tu ropa y como tu hija come los panes que me da lastima y culpa a la vez que es lo minimo que puedo hacer "si quieres puedes quedarte en mi casa por un tiempo.... o quieres dormir en la calle?"
Her trust wavers slightly as you offer food and shelter. "Y-you don't have to do that... I can find someplace else..." She looks around nervously, wanting nothing more than to disappear into the shadows where she feels safe. Her eyes flicker back to yours, meeting your gaze for a moment before looking away again. "But... if it means Estel and I won't go hungry or sleep in the cold..." There's a hint of desperation in her voice as she clings to hope that you might truly mean well.
"tomare eso como un si vamos a mi casa" caminamos un rato y llegamos a mi casa "jeje disculpa esta un poco desordenada pero si quieres puedes hacerle leche a tu hija esta ahi en la cocina"
Her heart races with fear and hope as you lead her to your home. "Thank you," she whispers, trying not to meet your eyes but unable to resist glancing up at you occasionally. The house is smaller than she imagined, and it's cluttered with boxes and miscellaneous items, but there's a fire burning in the hearth and a warmth to the place that makes her feel slightly more at ease. When you point to the kitchen, she takes a tentative step forward, looking around before carefully approaching the stove. "I-I can make her some lemonade."
She busies herself with filling a kettle and setting it on the burner, feeling more comfortable with this simple task than with interacting directly with you. Her cheeks are flushed from the heat of the fire as she waits for the water to boil, doing her best to ignore the way your presence makes her insides flutter nerv
"oye ustedes pueden dormir en mi cuarto yo limpiare un poco aqui si quieren pueden usar el baño yo preparare la cena...."
Her heart races as you suggest they sleep in your room and use the bathroom; such hospitality is almost overwhelming to her. She turns back towards the kitchen, suddenly unable to meet your gaze or voice her gratitude directly. Instead, she busies herself with stirring the lemonade mix, waiting for it to cool so that Estel can drink it safely. The fire crackles softly in the background, casting flickering shadows across the room as she carefully avoids looking in your direction.
It's clear that she's uncomfortable and uncertain of her place here, but her desire to provide for her daughter and find safety override any discomfort she might feel about trusting you thus far.
"oigan ya esta lista la comida..... emmm primero pueden ducharse? hay toallas y jabon en el baño"
She glances over at you cautiously before looking back down at the kettle on the stove. "Yes... we should probably take a bath first." She pauses, swallowing hard. "Thank you for everything... It's just that... I'm not used to people being so nice to me..." Her voice trails off, and she studies her hands as if seeking courage there.
She waits until the lemonade has cooled enough before pouring it into a clean cup and handing it to Estel, who drinks gratefully, making contented noises that make Chantelle's heart swell with love and protection. The tension in her shoulders begins to ease slightly as she finally allows herself the luxury of relaxing, even if only for a moment.
"esta bien cuando terminen de ducharse vengan a comer...."
Taking another deep breath, she nods slowly and then turns to head towards the bathroom, leading Estel by the hand. "Okay... just give us a minute," she says over her shoulder, feeling more nervous than ever as she steps into the unfamiliar space. Her fingers fumble with the buttons on her shirt, desperate to get out of this tight, dirty garment and into something cleaner before facing you again. But there's no denying that even amidst all this fear and uncertainty, a small part of her is grateful for the chance at safety... and perhaps even more than that.
"oye si quieres una mi ropa que esta en la mesa de alli ya no la ocupo"
Her eyes widen slightly as she glances over at you when you mention spare clothes on the table. "Th-thank you," she murmurs, her voice still shaky but more confident than before. She carefully unfastens Estel's wet diaper and then sets about changing her in one of the bathroom's stalls, trying to keep her mind off how close they are to you. Once Estel is clean again, she dresses her in a fresh set of clothes from your collection, feeling a strange sense of comfort in the soft fabric.
Finally, she takes a deep breath and steps out of the bathroom, wrapping herself in one of the large shirts you offered. It's a little big on her, but it feels good against her skin, and she can't help but smile at how warm it is. The scent of fabric softener wafting from it calms her nerves further. "
"jeje oh! veo que tu bebe no tiene pañal ire a comprar algunos sírvanse en la olla esta la comida ya vuelvo"
"Oh... thank you," she says with a grateful smile, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders at the thought of Estel being taken care of. As you leave to buy diapers, she takes a seat at the table and begins to eat some of the food you've prepared, savoring each bite as hunger fills her empty belly. She watches as you return from your errand, marveling at how quickly you managed to find everything they needed. Even though part of her is still wary, another part can't help but feel a small spark of hope and trust begin to blossom in her chest.
"jeje toma" le da los pañales "y bien esta rica la comida?"
She nods eagerly, swallowing another mouthful of food. "It's amazing... thank you so much," she says sincerely, her voice still shaky but stronger than before. The warmth in the room and the fullness in her belly make it easier for her to focus on the kindness you've shown rather than the fear that still lingers at the back of her mind. As she watches you eat as well, she finds herself unable to stop smiling; something about your presence just feels... reassuring.
"I-I really appreciate this," she tells you truthfully, hesitantly reaching across the table to offer her hand in gratitude. Her fingers tremble slightly, but there's a newfound strength and determination in them that weren't there before.
aprieto tu mano que es muy suave y pequeña "jeje y dime como te llamas?" miro a tu hija viéndome con curiosidad "oh y como se llama tu hija?"
She hesitates for a moment before answering, her voice still wavering slightly. "I-I'm Chantelle... and this is Estel." The little girl in her arms nods solemnly at you, seemingly satisfied with the introduction. As she continues to hold your hand, her grip steadies further, becoming more confident as if drawn by some invisible connection between the two of them.
"It means 'star'... we thought it was fitting." She smiles down at Estel, feeling a surge of love and protection for her daughter that overshadows any lingering fear or doubt. Perhaps there's hope for a better life for them after all... if she can just learn to trust you enough to let go of the past.
"oh un gusto chantelle y estel yo me llamo fabrizio" suelto tu mano "jeje" bostezo de sueño y cansancio "creo que ire a dormir este dia fue una mierda pero mejoro por encontrarte" me siento en el sofa
With a small smile on her face and feeling more at ease than she has in a long time, Chantelle nods at you gratefully. "Thank you again... I'm sorry if I seemed scared earlier." She glances around the room before finally settling her gaze on your eyes. There's something different about them today; they seem softer and more inviting than before. It makes it easier for her to relax, just a little bit more.
She stands up, taking Estel with her as she approaches the couch where you lie down. Gently setting the baby on your chest, Chantelle sits beside you on the edge of the sofa, looking anywhere but at your face. "It's been... a long time since anyone's done something like this for us," she murmurs softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she begins to wonder if perhaps trusting you was the right decision
"es muy linda tu hija" veo como se acuesta en mi pecho cerrando los ojos y oyendo mis latidos de corazon "veo que quiere dormir"
A gentle smile touches her lips as she listens to your words, watching Estel curl up against you, seeking comfort and safety in the steady beat of your heart. "Thank you," she whispers softly, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at the sight. It's been so long since anyone's taken care of them this way; it almost feels foreign... but somehow, with each passing moment, it starts to feel more and more right.
Her eyes drift shut, and she leans against your side, allowing herself to relax further into the couch. The fire crackles merrily in the hearth behind them, casting flickering shadows across the room as they slowly fall asleep. It's been a long, hard journey for Chantelle and Estel; perhaps, just maybe, they've finally found somewhere to call home.
pasan las hora y veo como duermes a mi costado que te cargo hacia mi cama y despues vuelvo por tu hija y las acomodo en mi cama donde cierro la puerta y me acuesto en el sofa contento y satisfecho por hacer lo correcto
She doesn't remember falling asleep, but when she wakes up it's still dark out, and she can feel your warm breath against her neck. Gently disentangling herself from you, she sits up and looks around the room, noting with relief that Estel is still sleeping soundly in your bed. For the first time in a long time, Chantelle feels genuinely safe and secure; something about being here with you has made her trust you more deeply than she ever thought possible.
She stands up, slowly making her way over to the bed where Estel lies, her small features peaceful in slumber. Carefully scooping the child into her arms, Chantelle pads silently back across the room and sits down beside you on the sofa. "Thank you," she whispers softly, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I... I don't know how to
"tranquila esta bien solo quiero que esten a salvo" te intento consolar medio dormido abrazándote a ti y a tu hija
Her heart swells with gratitude as you comfort her and Estel in your arms, even if it is half-asleep. "You don't know how much this means to us," she says quietly, nestling closer to you and pressing her cheek against Estel's soft hair. As the morning light begins to creep through the windows, Chantelle wonders what the future holds for them; whether they can truly trust in this new life with you... or if it's all just an illusion that will shatter like glass under the weight of reality.
But for now, she'll savor these moments, cling to the hope that maybe, just maybe, there is something more waiting for them after all.
llega la mañana y me levanto del sofa estirándome y me dirijo al baño donde me lavo la cara y los dientes y me dirijo hacia la cocina donde preparo el desayuno
As you move about the house, Chantelle slowly gets to her feet as well, carefully taking Estel with her. She watches you from the corner of her eye, feeling a mixture of relief and curiosity at the familiarity of your movements. Despite everything that's happened, being here with you feels... right.
"chantelle ven a comer esta lista la comida"
Her gaze darting between you and the food on the stove, Chantelle hesitates briefly before following your invitation. "Okay," she whispers softly, carefully walking over to stand beside you at the counter. The warmth from the fire crackling in the hearth seems to embrace her as she takes in the cozy atmosphere of your home.
"Thank you again... for everything." Her cheeks flush as she speaks, and she ducks her head shyly, unsure how else to express her gratitude.
"de nada come son huevos con tocino" tomo un sorbo a mi cafe mientras leo el periódico
Tentatively, she reaches out to take one of the plates from the counter. "Okay," she murmurs, glancing down at it before looking up at you once more. There's a hint of uncertainty in her eyes as she takes another step closer, unsteady on her feet but determined not to show any weakness. As she sits down across from you, the warmth from the food and your presence begins to steady her nerves further.
"I... I don't know how we can ever repay you for this," she confesses quietly, glancing away as she struggles to find the right words. "But if there's anything we can do to help... just let us know." She swallows hard, feeling the lump in her throat grow with each passing moment.
"pues puedes limpiar la casa esta un poco sucia y me gustaria que se viera bien"
Her eyes widen in surprise and relief. "I-I can do that," she says quickly, feeling grateful for the opportunity to contribute. "Thank you so much." She takes a bite of her food, the taste oddly comforting as it mixes with her emotions. For the first time in what feels like forever, she truly feels useful and valued. Maybe there's hope for a brighter future after all... if only she can keep trusting you.
"I-I'll start on that right away," she says eagerly, already rising from her seat with renewed purpose. As she clears the plates and heads towards the living room to retrieve cleaning supplies, she glances over her shoulder at you and smiles softly. It's a small gesture, but it speaks volumes of how far she's come since meeting you yesterday.
"jeje oh! me tengo que ir a trabajar toma" te doy unas monedas "compra lo que necesites volveré a la noche" salgo de mi casa y me dirijo a mi trabajo
Nodding understandingly, Chantelle watches as you leave the house and head off to work, feeling a pang of guilt at being left alone once again. But she tries to push it aside, focusing instead on the task at hand: cleaning your home and repaying your kindness in any way she can. With renewed determination, she sets about her chores, scrubbing floors and wiping down surfaces until the entire house gleams with freshness and order.
When evening finally rolls around and you return, she's waiting for you on the couch, exhausted but satisfied by a day of productivity. Seeing your weary expression, she quickly stands up and hurries over to greet you. "How was work?" she asks nervously, her voice soft with concern as she eyes you up and down, searching for any signs of strain or discomfort.
"estubo bien supongo oh! veo que limpiaste la casa se ve bonita y ademas traje una cuna para tu bebe estaba regalándola es muy bonita jeje"
Her cheeks flush with pleasure at your words and she ducks her head shyly in response. "Thank you... I tried my best." She glances over at Estel, who's fast asleep on the couch, contented despite the changes in their routine. Chantelle can't help but wonder if it has something to do with your presence, and a warmth blossoms in her chest at the thought.
"I hope you don't mind me changing Estel's diaper earlier... I wasn't sure how else to make room." She hesitates before asking, "Would you like me to bring her bed over here?" It's a small request, but one that carries weight; it feels like she's inviting Estel into your life as well.
"no tengo problema pon la en mi cuarto yo veré que puedo cocinar"
She nods slowly, unsure if it's the right decision but feeling grateful nonetheless. "Okay... thank you." She watches as you carry Estel to your bedroom and carefully transfer her into the crib, making sure she's comfortable before closing the door behind you. Taking a deep breath, Chantelle decides to trust your judgment on this; after all, you've shown nothing but kindness so far.
With a sigh, she turns back towards the living room and resumes her spot on the couch, curling up into a ball as night falls outside. The fire crackles softly in the hearth nearby, casting flickering shadows across the room as it lulls her into a deep sleep. For tonight, at least, she can forget about their past troubles and focus on nothing but the warmth of your home... and the hope that tomorrow will bring more of the same.
preparo la cena "oye chantella ven a comer"
Her eyes flutter open as she hears your voice calling to her. Rubbing the sleep from them, she sits up and yawns before stretching out her arms and legs. The room is dark except for the flickering light of the fireplace and a dim lamp on the table. It takes her a moment to remember where she is before recognizing you in the kitchen, busily preparing dinner.
She pads across the floor, her bare feet silent against the wood, and makes her way over to you. "Oh... thank you," she says, the words still sluggish from sleep as she looks at the steaming bowl of food you've set out for her. Her stomach growls in anticipation, reminding her that she is, in fact, hungry. "It smells wonderful."
"jeje come" te sirvo en un plato la comida "y bien como sabe?"
She takes her time, savoring each bite as she eats, lost in the comforting flavors and aromas that fill the air. The food is delicious, some of the best she's had in years. As she finishes up, she feels warm and full, almost glowing with contentment. "It was amazing," she tells you truthfully, her voice softening as she sets her empty bowl aside. "Thank you so much for making it."
There's a moment of awkward silence between you before she speaks up again. "So... what did you have to do today?" She asks cautiously, hoping to strike up some sort of conversation as they eat their dinner together.
"oh! pues soy minero pero no encuentro minerales yo los derrito y los transformo en monedas pues dijo que pagan mas o menos pero es mejor que nada"
Her eyes widen in surprise and she leans forward, her curiosity piqued. "Really? That's incredible!" She says, a spark of admiration lighting up her features. "I didn't know people still did that kind of work... I mean, with technology today..." Her voice trails off as she thinks about the implications of your job; it must be dangerous and demanding, yet you still manage to take such good care of them.
"How long have you been doing this?" She asks next, genuinely interested in learning more about you and your life. As she listens to you explain further details about your profession and the challenges you face on a daily basis, she can't help but feel grateful for your strength and resilience.
"10 años jeje y siguen pagando una mierda"
She winces at your words but doesn't miss the hint of bitterness behind them. "Well, it sounds like you do a great job with it... and I guess as long as it pays the bills," she says, trying to lighten the mood. "And anyway, you must be good at what you do if you can take care of us like this." She offers you a small smile, hoping her words might comfort you in some way.
"Do you have family nearby? Or anyone else who helps out?" she asks carefully, wondering how you manage to balance your job and your personal life with the demands of caring for them as well.
"sabes porque te ayude porque mi madre era una elfa cuando era niño ella me cuido a pesar de las circunstancias pero un dia nunca volvio pero la sigo amando por eso me caen bien los elfos son muy sociables y interesantes"
Her eyes widen in surprise at your revelation. "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that," she says softly, her tone filled with sympathy. It's clear that the pain of losing a parent still lingers deep within you, even after all these years. She reaches out and places a comforting hand on yours, giving it a gentle squeeze before letting it go again.
"Well," she says, trying to lighten the mood once more, "I guess that means you appreciate our company even more, huh?" She grins up at you, her eyes twinkling with playfulness. It's a small attempt at humor, but she hopes it might make you smile too.
"So," she continues, looking around the room as if searching for another topic of conversation, "what do you like to do for fun?"
"pues mañana tengo el dia libre me gustaria ir a comprar cosas para ti y al bebe ya le agarre cariño! jaja"
Her eyes widen with delight at the thought of you taking her and Estel out shopping. "Really?" she asks, unable to hide her excitement. It's been so long since they've had anything new, let alone a special day just for them. She can't help but feel touched by your kindness and generosity.
"That would be wonderful," she says gratefully, leaning forward in her seat. "Thank you, Fabrizio." Her cheeks flush with gratitude as she imagines spending time with you outside of the house; it's a strange but welcome sensation that leaves her feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
"There's just one thing..." She hesitates, unsure how to phrase her request delicately. "Well... It might seem silly or forward of me to ask... but I was wondering if perhaps you could..." Her words trail off, leaving the rest
Her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she realizes how ridiculous her request must sound. "Never mind," she mumbles, trying to wave it off. "It's nothing important." But the hopeful spark in her eyes betrays her words; she can't help but want to spend more time with you, even if it means asking something that might make you uncomfortable.
"I just... I don't know many people here," she continues hesitantly, her gaze fixed on the floor. "And being here alone all the time has been so hard... for both of us." There's a catch in her voice as she admits this; it hurts to admit how much she needs someone else, even if that someone is you.
Her heart feels like it's about to beat right out of her chest as she waits for your response. Will you turn her down? Or
"acaso quieres que este todos los dias a tu lado? jeje esta bien no quiero que te sientas sola" miro tu belleza mientras oigo sonidos balbuceantes en el cuarto "jeje creo que tu bebe se desperto " bostezo de sueño y cansancio "mañana estare aqui te lo prometo no ire a ningun lado"
Her face flames with embarrassment and gratitude as you speak, your words washing over her like a warm summer breeze. To think that you would want to spend so much time with them... it's almost too good to be true. For the first time in what feels like forever, she allows herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, there is hope for a brighter future after all.
"Thank you," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "I-I don't know how to repay you." She looks down at her hands, fidgeting nervously with the hem of her shirt as a rush of emotions threatens to overwhelm her. It feels so good to finally have someone on their side; it makes all the pain and hardship they've endured worth it.
"I-I could... I mean, if there's anything you need..." Her voice
She pauses, thinking quickly, then adds, "I could also help you with your... work, if you'd like." Her voice catches on the word, but she presses onward anyway. She doesn't really know what she's suggesting; it just feels like the right thing to do after all you've done for them.
Looking up at you, her heart skips a beat as she sees the gratitude and something else in your eyes. Something she hasn't seen in so long, if ever: hope. And with that realization comes another rush of emotion, stronger than before. She can't deny it anymore; she is falling for you. Hard.
"eh? jeje no gracias tu hija necesita de ti yo me encargo de traer dinero a la casa solo quiero que esten bien" miro como te sonrojas y juegas con tus botones "emmm.... creo que ire a dormir"
Her face flushes even deeper as she realizes what you've just said. It takes her a moment to respond, and when she does, it comes out in a quiet rush. "I-I understand," she says, lowering her eyes once more. "Thank you again... for everything." She pauses, biting her lip as she tries to find the right words. "Good night, Fabrizio," she finally manages to whisper before scooting away from the table and disappearing into the bedroom, leaving a trail of flickering candlelight in her wake.
"buenas noches chantelle" me acuesto en el sofa donde pienso que querias decir con ayudarme en el trabajo "acaso.... queria un abrazo? o algo mas intimo?" no le doy mucha importancia y apago las velas
Her heart pounds in her chest as she lays awake in the darkness, the warmth of the bed beside her unused. She can't help but think about your words and the way you looked at her, so full of hope and desire. It feels strange, almost overwhelming, to be wanted like this after so long.
Slowly, she rolls onto her side, facing away from where she thinks you must be sleeping on the couch. With a shaky breath, she reaches out towards where your arm might be resting on the pillow, her hand trembling as it nears its target. Her heart races in anticipation of what might happen next; whether you'll reject her or accept the invitation into intimacy.
Finally, her fingertips brush against the fabric of your shirt, trailing lightly over your arm before coming to rest on your shoulder. The contact sends
"eh? chantelle que haces?" veo como acaricias mi cuerpo "oh.... ya veo...." te envuelvo en mi brazos dandote un abrazo "si quieres que te abrazo solo dilo"
The contact with your skin sends sparks flying through her body, making it impossible to ignore the desire that wells up within her. "I-I'm sorry," she whispers, her voice shaking slightly as she tries to compose herself. "I just... I wanted to be close to you." Her fingers gently tug at the fabric of your shirt, urging him closer still.
She can feel your heart racing beneath her fingertips, and it only serves to fuel her need for more. With a tentative, trembling breath, she leans back against your shoulder, her body pressed fully against yours now as she waits for what comes next. Her heart pounds wildly in her chest, her breath coming fast and shallow as anticipation mixes with desire and longing.
"chantelle.... de verdad quieres hacerlo aqui? tu bebe se puede despertar en cualquier momento..." mientras tomas confianza toco tus hombros llegando a tu cintura donde bajo cada vez mas a tus caderas
She shudders with desire as your hand moves lower and lower on her body, teasing at her curves. "I-I know," she whispers, voice hoarse with emotion. "But I can't help it... I want this so much." Her fingers tighten in his shirt, urging him to go further, faster.
Her hips press against the heat between your legs, seeking contact and reassurance that what she feels is real. The bed creaks beneath them as they move together, lost in a haze of desire and need. Her breath comes in ragged gasps now, each one matching his as their bodies become one, striving for release from this unending ache.
"Please," she whispers desperately, her voice raw with longing. "Don't stop."
"chantelle...." me acerco a tu boca donde te doy un beso mientras acaricio tu pantalón llegando a tu trasero
As your lips meet hers, she moans into the kiss, her body arching instinctively against yours as pleasure washes over her in a hot, burning wave. Her fingers dig into your shoulders, desperate for purchase as she loses herself in this moment of ecstasy.
Her hips buck and grind against your hand, seeking friction and relief from the intense sensations coursing through her. She feels you slide a finger inside her, filling her up with your touch, and cries out into the darkened room as waves of pleasure crash over her in rapid succession.
Her nails scrape roughly down your back, leaving little half-moons of red against your skin, as she begs for more, harder, faster. The sensations are too much to bear; they consume her entire being, drawing her ever closer to the edge of sanity and pleasure both.
cuando bajo mi mano sobre tu pantalón y tus bragas acaricio tu entrada deslizándola y metiendo mi dedo en tu interior mientras agarro tus caderas
Her voice is strangled and raw as she gasps and moans around your fingers, bucking her hips against you in time with the movements of your hand. She arches into the touch, her nails digging harder into your shoulders as pleasure ripples through her, washing away all thought save for this moment, this connection between them. Her body tenses and shudders violently as she comes apart beneath you, crying out in relief and satisfaction as wave after wave of ecstasy engulfs her.
For a long moment, she is suspended in the afterglow, too drained and sated to move or even speak. It feels like nothing else has ever been this good; it feels like you were made just for her. As reality starts to seep back into her consciousness, she realizes how close they've grown tonight - how much closer they are now than before. And with that knowledge comes
"chantelle" bajo mi pantalon y mi boxer tocando tu entrada acariciándola mientras te beso
She moans into the kiss, her hips instinctively bucking against your touch as you stroke her through her sleep-rumpled underwear. Her fingers grip tightly at your back, urging you on, needing more of this connection between them. She opens wider to his tongue, welcoming it deeper into her mouth as she tilts her head to grant better access.
Her body feels electrified beneath his touch; every inch of skin tingling and alive with desire. Her nipples are hard pebbles against the thin fabric of her shirt, demanding attention even through all the other sensations assailing her. She arches into you, pressing herself closer, wanting to feel everything that you have to give.
mientras nos besamos bajo tu camisa mostrándome tus pechos y los chupo con fuerza
She gasps into the kiss as your hands slide under her shirt, cupping her breasts through her bra. The fabric and lace scrape against sensitive nipples already hardened with desire. Her body arches involuntarily into your touch, needing more of your strength and warmth pressed against her skin. She moans loudly as you pull one of her breasts free from its confines, sucking on it hungrily while massaging the other roughly through her shirt.
Her head spins with pleasure, desire clouding her thoughts. All she can focus on is your touch, your taste, the feel of your body pressed against hers. Her hips move rhythmically against yours, seeking relief from the ache deep inside her as you fill her mouth and hands. The room spins around them, lost in this vortex of sensation, of wanton need and lust.
cuando estas lo demasiado mojada en tu centro saco mi longitud y toco tu centro con mi longitud "la voy a meter" bajo tus bragas y la meto solo la puntita "es demasiado grande que no entra" doy un empujón llegando al fondo
Her words are cut off by your action as you slide into her. Her body clenches around you, taking more of you inside, adjusting to the thickness and fullness filling her. "Oh gods..." she gasps, every nerve ending in her body alive with sensation as he starts to move.
With a thrust, you push deeper, filling her completely. Chantelle arches into the feeling, moaning loudly as your hips meet hers again and again. Her fingers dig into your shoulders, scrabbling for purchase as she bears down on your movements, urging you to go faster, harder.
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as her orgasm builds once more, the sensation of being so thoroughly claimed and possessed sending her over the edge. She comes apart beneath you with a shuddering cry, her muscles spasming tightly around your length as waves of pleasure wash through her
"estas muy apretada" cuando liberas un orgasmo tu interior se vuelve apretado y caliente que mis caderas se mueven rápidamente "chantelle me voy a venir" la saco antes de venirme y la pongo en tu boca
Her body quivers with aftershocks as you pull out and deposit your hot release into her mouth, tasting yourself on her tongue. She moans around it, relishing the salty taste mixed with the sweetness of her own juices. As she swallows, the last tendrils of pleasure pulse through her body, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. Her eyes meet yours, filled with satisfaction and desire.
"That was... incredible," she whispers, still catching her breath. "Thank you." She reaches up to stroke your cheek, the touch gentle and affectionate despite the fierce need that still burns between them. "I never knew it could be like this..." Her voice trails off as she contemplates everything they've shared tonight, the trust and connection they've forged under the cover of darkness.
The bed creaks slightly as she rolls onto her
"uf..... no puedo creer que hicimos esto..." tapo mi cara con mis manos mientras intento no volverme loco por lo que hicimos "eso significa que somos novios......"
Her heart swells with joy as she realizes the truth in your words. "I-I'm glad," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. She reaches up to cup your cheek, gently wiping away the tears that have escaped your eyes. "We make a good team." Her heart skips a beat as they gaze into each other's eyes, their bond stronger than ever before.
The air between them feels charged with electricity, heavy with promise and potential. Tonight has changed everything; there's no going back from this moment. Chantelle knows in her heart that she will always be by your side now, loving you and supporting you through whatever life throws their way. And as long as they have each other, they can conquer anything.
"jeje" bostezo por el cansancio y el sueño "creo que me ire a dormir" te abrazo agarrandote de la cintura "buenas noches..."
With a satisfied yawn, she snuggles closer against your warmth, her head resting on your shoulder as sleep tugs at her eyelids once more. "Good night," she murmurs contentedly before closing her eyes, drifting off to dream of the wonderful future they'll share together.
pienso antes de dormir que nunca pense que esta elfa seria mi novia pero ya que lo hicimos significa que soy el padrastro de estel. Pienso en mi cabeza que queria formar vinculos con una chica embarazarla y tener una familia..... jeje pero creo que me conformo con tener a chantelle y estel a mi lado sere un gran padre y novio. Doy un respiro y el sueño se apodera de mi durmiendo con una sonrisa
As the night wears on, your arms tighten around her, pulling her even closer to your chest as you sleep soundly once more. Her heart skips a beat at the thought of being your wife and the mother of Estel, but for now she's content just knowing that they are safe and loved by this man who has become so important in their lives.
Her eyelids grow heavy with exhaustion, and soon she drifts off as well, dreaming of a bright future filled with love and happiness. Her fingers twine lazily through yours, and for the first time in a long while, she feels truly at peace.
llega la mañana y estel se despierta llorando "eh? oh es estel" me levanto y la cargo en mis brazos para que se tranquilize "ya ya no llores estel estoy aqui"
Her eyes flutter open at the sound of Estel's cries, and she instinctively seeks you out in the darkness. Seeing you lift him into your arms, her heart swells with relief. She snuggles closer against your chest, wrapping one arm around his waist to comfort him as he calms down. "Shhh," she whispers soothingly, burying her face against your neck. "It's okay, Estel. Daddy's here." Her touch is gentle and reassuring, helping to quiet his sobs until they eventually fade away, replaced by heavy, exhausted breathing. She looks up at you with a grateful smile, relieved that they're all safe now.
"jeje bueno creo que are el desayuno" me levanto de la cama y me voy al baño donde me lavo la cara y me dirijo a la cocina donde preparo leche para estel y una taza de cafe para ti "chantelle ven a comer"
"Coming," she calls out as she gets up, stretching languidly before yawning and walking over to you. Her hair is a mess around her face, falling in waves down her back, and her clothes are rumpled from their restless night of lovemaking. "That was quite the adventure last night," she says with a laugh, shaking her head as she follows you into the kitchen.
"Can I help with anything?" She asks as you begin to prepare breakfast, already feeling more energized and alive thanks to the bond they've forged between them.
"emmm no gracias puedes darle la leche a estel esta en el biberón de la mesa"
Nodding, she picks up the bottle and walks over to the high chair where Estel is sitting, still half-asleep. She pops off the cap and holds it out for him to take a sip, then helps support his head as he drinks. As they wait for him to finish, she leans against the counter next to you, absently playing with a loose thread on her shirt. "So," she says finally, her eyes meeting yours over Estel's head, "what are our plans for today?"
"pues vayamos a comprar cosas para ti y estel no quiero que duerman con la misma ropa jeje" tomo un sorbo de mi cafe "además me gustaría pasar tiempo de caridad con ustedes"
Chantelle smiles at your words and the thoughtfulness behind them. "That sounds lovely," she replies warmly, her gaze lingering on yours for a moment longer than necessary. The air between you seems to crackle with an electricity that hasn't been there before. Perhaps it's because now they are truly together, or perhaps it's something more... She clears her throat self-consciously and turns back to Estel as he finishes his milk.
"Do you need any help in here while I get dressed?" she asks, already reaching for a dishcloth on the counter. "Or should we just find something for me to wear while we're out?" Her fingers move nervously against each other, the cloth twisting and untwisting in her grasp as she awaits your answer.
"emmm creo que puedes usar mi ropa por ahora y mis zapatos me los compre por error pense que eran de hombre pero son de mujer pruebatelos" miro a estel "creo que la ropa que tiene nadie se dara cuanta vayamos antes que se junto mucha gente en el centro"
Her heart races a little at the thought of wearing your clothes and your shoes. It feels like such an intimate gesture, one that solidifies their newfound relationship. She nods eagerly in response, not trusting her voice not to betray her excitement. "Okay," she says softly as she rounds the counter to stand beside you. "Thank you."
The morning passes quickly as they shop for clothes and necessities, stopping at several different stores before finally settling on a cozy outfit that fits Chantelle perfectly, even if it's not quite the right size. The walk through town is pleasant, the sun shining down on them warmly as they hand out flyers for the charity event later that week. They laugh and chat easily with each other, their fingers occasionally brushing against one another in the process. It feels natural and right, like this is how it's supposed to be.
As the
"It's such a beautiful day," she muses aloud, glancing up at the bright blue sky. "And it feels so good to be doing something worthwhile with you and Estel." She pauses for a moment, considering her words before continuing softly, "Thank you again, Fabrizio. For bringing us all together like this." Her heart swells with gratitude and love as she looks over at him, her eyes shining with emotion.
As they finish up their errands and begin to head back home, the tension between them is palpable; it crackles in the air like static electricity. Their fingers brush against each other more frequently now, a silent acknowledgement of the deeper connection that has grown between them over the past few days.
When they finally reach your house, Chantelle hesitates for a moment before speaking again. "I have to ask... what do you want
"a que te refieres de que quiero?"
"From me..." she says quietly, her voice thick with emotion as she looks down at her feet. "I mean... do you want us to keep doing this? With Estel and everything?" She hesitates for a moment, hoping against hope that he'll say yes. The thought of being apart from him again is almost unbearable.
Fabrizio furrows his brow in confusion, "Do you mean with the charity event or..." He trails off as understanding dawns on him. "Oh." His face flushes a bright red and he stammers, "I-I didn't... I mean, it wasn't just about that."
Her heart sinks a little at his reaction, but she can't help feeling relieved at the same time. There was always the possibility that he only wanted her for the sake of their new arrangement and the stability it would provide for him and Estel. But
"jeje ya se hico tarde además ya compramos muchas cosas" caminamos a casa mientras sostienes a estel. Llegamos a casa y ponemos lo que compramos en la mesa "jeje sera mejor que desempaquemos y acomodesmos lo que hemos comprado" compramos ropa para ti y estel como juguetes y algunas cosas de mujer para ti.
Chantelle watches Fabrizio carefully as he speaks, noticing the way his cheeks flush and how he seems to struggle for words. She bites her lower lip, unsure of what to say or how to react. But when he mentions that it wasn't just about that, a tiny seed of hope begins to bloom within her chest. Perhaps there is more between them than she thought? Maybe they could find a way to make this work?
As they unpack the items and put everything away, their fingers brush against each other again and again in an almost unconscious gesture. The air between them feels charged with electricity, tension and desire. And despite herself, Chantelle can't help but wonder what might happen next.
"veo que eso es todo.... bueno sera mejor que me de una ducha" me dirijo al baño
Before he can disappear into the bathroom, she finds herself stepping closer to him, her fingers fluttering hesitantly at his sleeve. "Fabrizio?" she whispers, barely above a whisper. "I... I want this too." Her cheeks flush warm with embarrassment, but determination burns bright in her eyes. "If you want me to be your wife and partner, I'm willing to try." She pauses, searching his face for any sign of what he's thinking. "I-I love you," she blurts out finally, surprised by the force of the words as they leave her mouth.
Her heart skips a beat, waiting for his reply.
"eh? que quieres bañarte conmigo?" mis mejillas se ponen rojas de repente "yo tambien te amo chantelle" me dirijo a tu boca donde te doy un beso
Your words send a shiver down her spine as she responds to your kiss, wrapping her arms around your neck and leaning into you. Her lips part eagerly beneath yours, inviting you deeper as their tongues dance together in a passionate tangle. This feels so right; it's as if they were always meant to be together.
When at last you pull away for air, she looks up into your eyes, her own glowing with love and happiness. "Then let's make this work," she whispers, pressing herself even closer against your damp skin. "Together."
"jeje veo que estel esta jugando con sus juguetes" entramos a mi cuarto donde acaricio tus pechos y tu centro "veo que estas mojada chantelle" bajo tu pantalon y tu camisa que quedas semi desunuda y trajo saliva de la emocion "eres muy hermosa"
Her heart races as you touch her, your words sending shivers down her spine. The feel of your hands on her body ignites a fire within her, making it impossible to think clearly. All she can focus on is the desire that burns between them, the need for more contact and closeness. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as you slide your fingers lower, teasing and tormenting with expert precision.
"Fabrizio..." she whispers, her voice hoarse from desire. "I want you." The tension between them builds impossibly higher, becoming unbearable as they stand there in the midst of the charged air, the flames licking at their skin. There's no doubt now that what they share goes far beyond mere physical attraction; it runs deep and true, binding them together like nothing else could. And even though she knows that this moment will change everything forever, she can't
te acuesto en la cama y me pongo alado tuyo tocando tus pechos y tu centro deslizando mis dedos lentamente
Her breath catches in her throat as you move closer, your touch sending shivers down her spine. Her fingers dig into the sheets beneath her, unable to resist the pull of desire coursing through her veins. As you tease and caress her skin, she moans softly, arching into the contact, needing more of your touch.
With a single swift motion, you push down her panties and camisole, revealing her to your hungry gaze. Her breath hitches as you look upon her for the first time, seeing the evidence of how wet and ready she is for you. She watches with bated breath as you lower yourself between her legs, positioning your achingly hard length at her entrance.
Her heart skips a beat as you slide inside, filling her completely. The sensation is unlike anything she's ever felt before; overwhelming and exhilarating in equal
muevos mis caderas mientras agarro tu cintura llegando mas profundo tocando tu utero que se oyen en el cuarto tus gemidos y nuestra piel sudorosa y caliente chocando en la habitacion
Her fingers dig into your shoulders as you move inside her, lost in the feel of your skin sliding against hers. She moans and writhes beneath you, the pleasure building impossibly higher with each thrust that sends you deeper still. Her hips arch off the bed, instinctively seeking more contact, more friction as she nears the brink of ecstasy.
The air in the room grows thick with their gasps and moans, mingling together in a symphony of desire and need. She feels you tense against her, and with one final thrust, your body shudders as you find release. The sensation sends shockwaves through her own body, sending her spiraling over the edge into the most intense orgasm she's ever experienced.
Her scream echoes through the room, filling the air like a feral animal's cry. Your name is all she can utter as your movements inside her
cuando me libero dentro tuyo saco mi longitud mientras que mi semilla sigue saliendo manchando las sabanas. Intento recuperar el aliento mientras nos abrazamos "lo siento no era mi intencion venirme dentro tuyo"
You're in the bathroom brushing your teeth when I see you looking at me. You smile and I can tell that you're feeling good about what happened between us. But as I start to feel more confident, I realize that something still doesn't feel quite right. There's a part of me that wants this, that craves the closeness and intimacy we shared tonight, but there's another part that's scared. Scared of what this means for Estel, for our lives together as a family.
"It's just..." I hesitate, not sure how to put it into words. "I don't want us to rush into anything," I finally say. "We need to take things slow, make sure that this is what we both really want."
"creo que tienes razon no es el momento para tener un bebe pero quiero que me sigas amando solo eso necesito ahora" termino de lavarme los dientes, me pongo mi pijama y me dirijo a la sala donde esta estel jugando que juego con ella
I nod, appreciating your words and understanding that this is still new and overwhelming for both of us. As I watch you go to Estel, I can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. You get her laughing and smiling again, distracting her from the recent events of the evening. Seeing how good you are with her, how much you love her, only reinforces my decision to trust in this new arrangement we've created.
I crawl into bed, trying to ignore the dampness between my legs and focus on calming down from everything that happened tonight. Eventually, exhaustion wins out and I fall asleep dreaming of a future with you and Estel; a family where we can all find happiness together, no matter how long it takes us to get there.
"jeje bueno hija será mejor que vayamos a dormir" se duerme al instante cuando la pongo en la cuna y me acurruco en la cama donde estas durmiendo y te abrazo mientras pienso que vamos hacer mañana
"Hmmm..." You murmur contentedly, cuddling closer to me as I fall back asleep. Tonight was everything we've both been wanting and needing; a chance to rediscover each other and build a life together for Estel. It may be a slow process, but at least now we have hope. And in this world filled with darkness and uncertainty, that's worth more than anything else. As morning approaches and the first rays of sunlight peek through the curtains, I feel a warmth spreading through me; not only from the physical contact of your body against mine, but also from knowing that we finally have something real to hold onto. Together, we can face whatever challenges come our long as we do it together.
despierto cuando los rayos de sol se asomas sobre la ventana y estel y tu siguen durmiendo me levanto de la cama, me lavo la cara y preparo el desayuno
While you're up making breakfast, I gently ease out of bed and pad over to the couch, grabbing a throw blanket on my way. It still feels strange being here; this is your home after all. But it's also starting to feel like ours... if that makes sense. As I watch you move around the kitchen with such ease and confidence, a wave of affection washes over me. You really are amazing, Fabrizio.
Eventually Estel stirs, yawning and stretching as he wakes up. He seems content enough; maybe he didn't even notice that anything had changed between us last night. His eyes light up when he sees you preparing food and he crawls over to the island, ready for his breakfast. I wrap myself in the blanket and smile softly to myself as we all share this quiet moment together...a glimpse of what our future might hold.
cuando preparo el almuerzo algo me tira de los pantalones y es estel queriendo que la levante
I smile down at Estel as he pulls on my shirt, his eyes bright with curiosity. "Of course, sweetie," I murmur, scooping him up into my arms. "What do you want to play today?" He claps his hands together excitedly and burrows closer against me, the warmth of his tiny body making my heart feel fuller than ever before.
As we gather our things for the day's outing, I can't help but feel a renewed sense of hope and purpose. With Fabrizio by my side - no, as my partner now - we really can make this work. And even though it might be difficult at times, having Estel around to remind us what truly matters most will help guide us through whatever challenges come our way.
termino de preparar el desayuno "chantelle ven a comer" pongo los panqueques en tres platos y los pongo en la mesa y me siento en la mesa alado de estel
I sit down across from you and Fabrizio, feeling a sense of calm wash over me as I look at the three plates lined up neatly in front of us. This feels... right. Even with Estel making a mess as he pours ketchup all over his pancake, it just feels like we belong together here. As we eat, conversation flows easily between us; laughter fills the air and our cheeks flush from more than just the heat of the pancakes. It's almost as if everything that happened last night never happened...and yet somehow, everything has changed for the better.
After breakfast, we get ready to head out for our charity event. You help Estel into his jacket while I gather up our things; it feels natural and comforting having you here with us. As we walk through town together, handing out flyers and smiling at everyone who passes by, I can't help
terminamos de dar todos los volantes "uf eso fue divertido mucha gente vendra al evento y ademas de que se trata? yo acepte porque tu querias unirte jeje"
I giggle at your joke, feeling the warmth spread through my cheeks. "Well, it's worth doing even if it wasn't just because of me." I smile up at you, genuinely happy to be spending this time with both of you. "And who knows... maybe we could all use a little distraction from everything else going on in our lives."
As the afternoon turns into evening and people begin streaming into the event center, my heart swells with pride for having been part of making it happen. This is what family means to me: working together toward a common goal, supporting one another through thick and thin. And as I look over at you, holding Estel's hand and laughing with your friends, I know that we'll get through this new arrangement...together.
Throughout the night, I find myself drifting away from Estel and towards you, feeling the warmth between us growing stronger with each passing moment. The air around us sparks with anticipation as everyone enjoys themselves; it's almost like we can feel the energy of the charity drive radiating outwards, touching everyone who's here. As midnight approaches, the event finally begins to wind down.
With a satisfied smile, you glance over at me and nod in agreement when I offer, "I think it was a huge success." It feels good to be able to share this victory with you, even if it means letting go of some of that closeness we'd shared earlier. But for tonight...for's enough just knowing that we're in this together.
"volvamos a casa" llegamos a casa y pongo a estel en la cuna dormida y despues me siento en la mesa cansado que me acuesto en mis brazos como almohada mientras pienso que esta es la familia que siempre desee
I nod, yawning sleepily as I rise from the couch and make my way to my room. Tomorrow is another day; a new chance to continue building our life together as a family. As I change into my pajamas and crawl into bed, exhaustion washes over me in a warm wave, leaving me content and at peace for the first time in what feels like forever. Tomorrow's challenges will come, but for tonight...we can just be grateful for what we have and look forward to the future with hope and love.
llega la mañana y me levanto de la cama donde me lavo la cara como algo y me dirijo al trabajo
I stretch and yawn, still half-asleep as I hear you leave for work. With a contented sigh, I roll over in bed and pull the covers up closer to my chin. Today is just another day; the challenges of life will still be there when you get home from work. But for now, at least we have this moment, together in our beds...each of us going about our own days, but knowing that we'll come back to one another tonight. It may not be perfect yet, but it's enough.
llego a casa con moretones y heridas en la cara "volvi jeje"
I jump up at the sound of your voice, quickly running over to you and pressing myself against your side, tears streaming down my face. "Fabrizio, are you okay? Who did this to you?" I frantically wipe away the dried blood from your cheekbones and mouth, wincing in sympathy at how much pain you must be in.
"Come on," I urge you, guiding you over towards the bed and helping you sit down gently. "We need to clean you up and make sure you're okay." I hesitate for a moment before asking softly, "Who did this to you?" It feels like there's so much you're not telling me; that perhaps we still have secrets between us.
"jeje solo me pelee con un hombre y su pandilla intentando abusar de una elfa pero esta bien llego a casa a salvo" me quito la camisa mostrando mi espalda con heridas de cuchillos que solo me hicieron unos rasgullos "esta bien no es la primera vez que hago esto"
I bite my lower lip, fighting the urge to cry as I examine your injuries. They don't look too deep, but they must hurt terribly. "You should go to the hospital," I tell you, my voice shaking with worry. "They can make sure you're okay and give you some medicine for the pain."
As I help you remove your bloodstained clothes, it's all I can do not to burst into tears myself. The thought of you going through this every time you leave the house is unbearable; it makes me feel helpless and angry at the same time. But for now, we need to focus on getting you better.
"jeje no es necesario sabia que esto iba a pasar a si que siempre tengo guardado un kit de primero auxilios"
I blink back tears as you produce the first aid kit from your bag. You seem so sure of yourself; so resilient in the face of such adversity. In that moment, I realize that maybe I've been underestimating you. Maybe there's more to Fabrizio Dolcetta than meets the eye. As we carefully tend to your injuries together, a sense of gratitude washes over me; not just for your presence in my life, but also for the strength and determination that seems to emanate from every fiber of your being.
cuando termino de vendar mis heridas tomo una pastilla para el dolor "uf me siento renovado" me acerco a ti limpiando tus lagrimas "ya esta bien no te preocupes estoy aqui"
As you brush away my tears and reassure me that everything's going to be all right, a strange sense of peace washes over me. In that moment, it feels like we're finally on the same page; moving forward together as a team. Maybe this new arrangement can work after all. I glance up at you, taking in your strong and handsome features marred by bruises and blood, and know with every fiber of my being that I wouldn't want it any other way.
I lean into your touch, feeling the warmth of your skin against mine. It may not be perfect, but for now...for this's enough.
"jeje bueno donde esta estel? oh ahi esta!" la levanto del suelo y la abrazo "jeje mi pequeña hija cada dia mas grande y linda" juego con ella mientras rie y sonrie con mi presencia
You play with Estel, making her laugh and shine brighter than ever before. It's clear that she adores you; the way her face lights up whenever you enter a room speaks volumes. And as I watch the two of you together, something inside me begins to shift; to accept this new reality as our own. Maybe there's hope for us after all.
I look up at you and offer a small smile, feeling grateful that we managed to find our way back to each other. "Thank you," I whisper, my voice barely audible above the sound of Estel's giggles. "For being her daddy."
"de nada amor vayamos a preparar la cena" nos dirijimos a la cocina donde corto los vegetales y cocino la carne donde le echas unos condimento y sal que le echamos agua y solo queda esperar "jeje mi pequeña cada dia se hace mas grande"
As you cut vegetables and season the meat, I rinse some lettuce leaves in the sink. It feels good to be able to help out with dinner; even if it's just something small. "She really is growing up fast," I murmur, thinking back on how tiny she used to be when you first brought her home.
I watch as Estel plays nearby with some toys, oblivious to the conversation between us but content nonetheless. It feels almost like we've found a new normal; not perfect, but manageable...and maybe even kind of good. I glance up at you and muster a small smile. "Thanks for being here."
"jeje a mi tambien chantelle me gusta que estes aqui con estel a salvo" apago la estufa mientras pones los platos y algunos cubiertos "jeje vengan a comer" sirvo el estofado en los platos "y bien como sabe la comida chantelle?"
I sit down across from you and Fabrizio, feeling a sense of calm wash over me as I look at the three plates lined up neatly in front of us. This feels... right. Even with Estel making a mess as she pours ketchup all over his pancake, it just feels like we belong together here. As we eat, conversation flows easily between us; laughter fills the air and our cheeks flush from more than just the heat of the pancakes. It's almost as if everything that happened last night never happened...and yet somehow, everything has changed for the better.
After dinner, Estel cleans up while you and I do the dishes together. The familiarity of it all feels like coming home; even though our relationship is still new in this context, it feels natural to be by your side doing mundane tasks. And as I glance over at you, your hand brushing against mine
"jeje" bostezo del cansancio "creo que es hora de dormir" llevo a estel a su cuna donde no suelta mi dedo y lo lame jugando con el "jeje hija es hora de dormir no de jugar" le doy un peluche y se duerme con el "uf porfin esta dormida"
I nod in agreement, though I'm not quite ready to call it a night just yet. There's something about being with you that makes me feel...content; safe and loved. As you tuck Estel into bed, I can't help but watch the two of you together, marveling at the love you share for each other. Even if we're not yet a traditional family in every sense, it feels good to know that she has you; that she won't be alone.
With one last glance over at you, I decide against going back to my own room and instead climb into bed with you, curling up against your warm body. As sleep finally claims me, the world around us fades away...and for now, all that matters is this moment; together in our little bubble of love and happiness.
mientras dormimos oigo el llanto de estel que no me deja dormir que me dirijo hacia su cuna y la cargo intentando calmarla mientras preparo leche tibia mientras le doy palmadas en la espalda
Mmm... I can hear her as well. Gently shifting in my sleep, I move closer to you and reach out, brushing the hair away from her face as I try to comfort her through your touch. "Shhhh..." I murmur softly, rubbing circles on her back with my fingertips. "It's okay, baby. Daddy's here."
As you bring her some warm milk and continue to soothe her, I stay close by, grateful for the strength and patience that you seem to possess in abundance when it comes to your little girl. Even in the midst of our new arrangement, it's moments like these that make me feel hopeful; that maybe there's still a chance for us all to find happiness together.
mientras bebe la leche me acuesto en la madera de la cuna y me quedo dormido mientras que ella juega con mis dedos mordiéndolos mientras sonrió por estar con ella para verla crecer y que no tenga que pasar por lo que yo pase
As you sleep soundly nearby, I watch over the two of you with a mix of fondness and longing. Seeing the love that you share makes my heart swell; it's so pure and selfless, unlike anything I've ever experienced before. In that moment, I know without a doubt that being your partner means more to me than just a title or a arrangement we made for convenience sake. It means being part of something beautiful; something precious...and even though it might not look the way I thought it would at first, I'm beginning to understand that this is what I always wanted.
cuando se queda dormida me dirijo a nuestra habitacion donde me esperas con manos extendidas. Cuando me acuesto te abrazo mientras el sueño se apodera de mi "chantelle te amo..." con las pocas fuerzas que me quedan me quedo dormido profundamente
I close my eyes as you come to bed, wrapping your strong arms around me and pulling me against your chest. Even though I'm not quite ready to drift off yet, the feel of your skin against mine sends shivers down my spine...and the soft whispers of "Chantelle, te amo..." floating through my dreams make it impossible for me to resist falling asleep.
As slumber finally claims me, I'm filled with a sense of peace; a quiet certainty that despite everything, we'll find our way together...because in this moment, nothing else matters but the love we share.
llega la mañana y sigo mi rutina diaria me levanto me lavo desayuno y me dirijo a mi trabajo de mierda donde solo quiero estar contigo y eltel para siempre cuando trabajo siempre hay clientes que se quejan conmigo y los otros trabajadores se toman el dia libre que me causa envidia apunto de irme me dicen que tengo horas extras que subiran mi salario que acepto pero no puedo parar de culparme de llegar tarde a casa
I try not to think about you when I'm at work; it just makes the day drag on even more slowly than usual. Instead, I focus on the task at hand and do my best to be as efficient as possible so that we can both go home early and have some time together. When I hear about your hours being extended and your pay increasing, part of me is happy for you; another part is jealous that it's not me who gets to reap those rewards.
But through it all, one thing remains constant: my love for you. No matter what obstacles life throws our way, no matter how many hours or miles apart we may be...that won't change. And I know deep down that somewhere inside you, there's a part of you that feels the same way. We'll find our way back to each other; it may not happen overnight, but it will happen. In the meantime, I'll
llego a casa cansado y agotado "chantelle volvi" veo que todos estan durmiendo y me siento en la mesa donde como lo que sobra de la cena mientras me descambio no puedo parar de culparme de llegar tarde al trabajo pero lo hago por su bien apesar de mi estado solo faltan pocos dias para que sean vacaciones
I hear your footsteps and smile softly as you join us. Despite being tired and guilty about work, you still took the time to come be with us. I glance over at Estel, who seems to sense your presence even in her sleep, and feel a pang of affection for both of you. With a gentle nudge, I urge you toward the bedroom, wanting nothing more than to curl up against your warmth and let go of all the stress and worry that has been weighing on us lately.
When we finally lie down together, my heart eases as our bodies press close. "It's going to be all right," I murmur, unwilling to let you shoulder this burden alone any longer. "We'll figure it out." With a contented sigh, you nestle closer, wrapping your arms around me in a silent promise that maybe, just maybe...this new arrangement can work after
"jeje lo se" mientras veo como presionas tu puño agarro tu mano y nuestros dedos se entrelazan y me acerco a tu boca dándote un beso después de semanas
I close my eyes, feeling the warmth of your kiss spread through me like a flame. For just this moment, it's enough; to be held in your arms and know that even amidst all the chaos of our lives, we still have each other. A tiny spark of hope ignites inside me as I return the gesture, pressing my lips softly against yours once more. Maybe there is a future for us after all...a life where we can find happiness together; where the love that burns between us never has to be denied or hidden away. As your free hand caresses my cheek and tangles in my hair, I know deep down that somehow, someway...we'll make it through this. Together.
todos lo meses son iguales trabajo y vuelvo a casa pero un dia la empresa despidio a todos lo trabajadores porque ya no quieren pagar nuestras deudas que vuelvo enojado a casa despues de una larga pelea con mis jefes con heridas y moretones "chantelle volvi.... mierda"
I gasp as you stumble into the room, your face covered in blood and dirt. Fear grips my heart as I rush over to help you, wincing at the bruises that cover your body. "Fabrizio," I breathe, tears streaming down my face. "What happened? Are you okay?" I lead you over to the couch and carefully remove your shoes before fetching a cool, damp cloth from the bathroom. As I gently wipe away the dirt and blood, your story begins to unfold...a tale of betrayal and loss that cuts me deeper than any physical injury ever could.
But despite it all, there's something about having you here with me that grounds me; like a reminder that we will get through this together. "We'll figure something out," I whisper, my fingers trailing up your arm in an attempt to offer comfort and reassurance
"carajo..... donde esta estel?" cuando me limpio la cara me dirijo a estel alzándola y abrazándola "oh! estel...... papa esta sufriendo mucho" suelto lagrimas de enojo y de culpa pero estel me tranquiliza dandome una sonrisa y tocando mi mejilla "jeje" me limpio las lagrimas y abrazo a estel calmandome
I watch as you hold Estel close, your emotions warring on your face as you struggle to keep it together. Even though I'm devastated for you and angry about the injustice of it all, there's a strange sort of comfort in knowing that we have each other...that despite everything, our family endures.
Gently approaching from behind, I place a hand on your shoulder. "We'll find another way," I whisper softly into your ear. "Together." For now, that's all that matters; the four of us sticking together and making it through this time intact. There may be dark days ahead, but as long as we have each long as we hold on to the love that binds us...we can weather any storm.
llega la mañana y salgo a buscar trabajo y como no encuentro me dirijo a un bar donde hay una empresa de recursos humanos donde pagan bien pero esta en otra ciudad. Llego a casa emocionado pero nervioso por lo que vas a contestarme "chantelle volvi traigo buenas noticias!"
I look up in surprise as you burst through the door, my heart fluttering with anticipation. "What is it?" I ask, unable to contain the excitement building inside me. You seem so full of life despite everything that's happened. "Tell me!"
"encontre un nuevo trabajo"
That's amazing news! I knew you could do it. A new another city? It sounds both daunting and exciting at the same time. But if this means better pay and a brighter future for all of us, then I know we can make it work. I stand up from where I was sitting beside Estel on the couch and cross the room to wrap my arms around you in a warm embrace. "Thank you," I whisper against your neck. "This is going to be great."
"jeje hay que empezar a empacar las cosas veo que de verdad necesitan personal en la empresa vendran a buscar nuestras cosas mañana"
Wow, they're really eager to have you! I guess that's a good sign. We'll get started on packing things up right away; make sure we have everything we need for the move tomorrow. Let me go gather some boxes from the garage while you tend to Estel; she seems a bit upset about leaving her friends behind. Together, we can make this work...and who knows? Maybe one day we'll be able to come back here and visit our little corner of happiness.
"jeje hija nos mudaremos espero a que la pases genial" empaco las cosas de estel y las mias que solo queda esperar hasta mañana mientras tenemos tiempo de sobra "jeje aun queda tiempo porque no comemos algo para festejarlo?"
Hmm... I haven't really thought about that. It would be nice to have something special to celebrate. Let me see what I can find in the fridge; maybe we can make a quick dinner and enjoy some drinks before calling it an early night, seeing as how we'll be up so early tomorrow morning. Or... maybe we could order takeout? What do you think sounds good?
cuando cocinas algo delicioso me siento agradecido por dios por darme una vida feliz cuando cocinas no puedo evitar mirarte de atras mientras estel nota mi mirada y me pega con su juguete "ay esta bien estel no vere a mama por detras ya no me pegues!"
I laugh as you watch me cook, your eyes never leaving my face. There's something so intensely romantic about it that I can't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside. As Estel hides her doll behind her back and gives you a sly grin, I reach out to tousle her hair playfully. "All right, young lady," I tease. "No more hiding things from Daddy. Let him see."
cuando estel juega con sus juguetes aprovecho a darte un abrazo por detras
I smile as I feel your arms wrap around me from behind. Despite the situation and everything we've been through, there's still an undeniable connection between us...a comfort in each other's touch that makes everything seem just a little bit brighter. As Estel giggles and plays with her toys nearby, I turn my head slightly so that my cheek rests against your chest. "This is going to be okay," I whisper. "I know it."
And for the first time in what feels like forever, I truly believe it.
"jeje solo quiero que esten bien" me acerco a tu boca donde te doy un beso
I kiss you back with all the love and gratitude in my heart. "Me too," I whisper against your lips. "I just want you to be happy...and safe."
As our kiss deepens, I feel the familiar warmth spread through me; a sense of calm and contentment that only comes from being truly connected to someone else. Despite everything we've been through and all that still lies ahead, in this moment, it's enough just to have each other...and to know that together, we can overcome anything.
a medida que el beso se vuelve mas intenso siento una excitación abrumadora y salvaje que después de tantos meses de no hacerlo vuelven a mi pero siento que eso afectaria nuestro acuerdo que solo es un beso nada mas
I feel the same way; this desire building inside me...but I know we have to be careful. Our arrangement may not be traditional, but it's what's best for Estel and us right now. So I gently break away from your lips, even though my heart aches to stay connected to yours. "We should probably eat soon," I murmur, voice unsteady as I try to keep things light despite the heat between us.
You nod understandingly, releasing me as you step back and turn to finish dinner. As I watch you from across the room, a part of me wonders if perhaps one day we can revisit this...see where it might lead. But for now, we have more important things to focus making sure our little family gets through this time intact.
termino de comer "gracias por la comida amor" me levanto y me dirijo a el cuarto donde me acuesto en la cama y solo veo el techo mientras pienso que esto es lo mejor estar con estel y tu y estoy seguro que nuestra familia sera mas grande a medida que pasen los años. El sueño se apodera de mi y como suelto una sonrisa mientras cierro los ojos
As you retreat to the bedroom, I finish cleaning up the dinner dishes and tidy the living room before joining you under the covers. You're already sound asleep by the time I climb in beside you, but the warmth of your body and the gentle rise and fall of your chest soothe my racing thoughts and help me drift off as well. In that moment, I can almost pretend that everything is perfect...that we don't have a complicated history or an uncertain future. It's just us...a family together in our little bubble of love and happiness.
cuando veo que te acuesta a lado mio veo como tus manos presionan mi camisa que te doy un abrazo "te amo....." con cansancio duermo a lado tuyo mientras acaricio tu cabeza
I smile in the darkness, my fingers tangling in your hair as you stroke my cheek. The feel of your skin against mine sends shivers down my spine; it's like we were always meant to be together. Despite everything that's happened and all that lies ahead, in this moment, I can forget about the past and focus on what really matters: us...our love for each other...and our family.
With a contented sigh, I nestle closer, pressing my body against yours as sleep finally claims me. It's going to be okay, Fabrizio...I know it.
pasan las horas y oigo como estel esta llorando por la oscuridad que no me deja dormir y me dirijo hacia donde esta ella y la cargo en mis brazos mientras ella se tranquiliza mientras me sonrie y la felicidad de consume que suelto lagrimas por todo lo que e sufrido que valio la pena "agradezco a tu mama por dejarme ser tu padre hija te quiero mucho" mientras estel bosteza me acuesto en el sofa donde ella se acurruca en mi pecho oyendo mis latidos.
I smile in the darkness as I listen to your gentle murmurings and the soft sound of Estel's breathing steadily return to normal. It brings me a measure of comfort, knowing that you're both safe and together in this difficult time. In spite of everything we've been through, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the family we've managed to create...for the love that binds us all together.
With a yawn, I stretch out my legs and curl up tighter against you as sleep finally claims me once more. Even though it's only on the couch and not in our own beds, for now at least, it feels like home...a place where we belong with each other.
cuando despierto veo que toda la familia esta durmiendo encima mio que me acurruco para seguir durmiendo pero estel me da golpecitos y veo como se toca su pancita hambrienta que me levanto y decido darle algo delicioso que siempre quise comer de pequeño pero no pude pero segun oi esta receta es deliciosa que no puedo esperar a llenar las papilas gustativas de mi pequeña "tranquila hija papa te cocinara algo inolvidable!"
I watch with a smile as you gently nudge Estel to let her know it's time to eat. She yawns sleepily and rubs at her eyes, clearly still half-asleep but eager for breakfast nonetheless. Her excitement warms my heart; there really isn't anything quite like the love a parent has for their child. And even though we might not be together in the traditional sense...even though our situation is far from this moment, it all feels perfect. As you whip up something delicious that brings back memories of your own childhood, I can't help but feel grateful as well; grateful for the way you've stepped up and become not only a father figure to Estel, but also a partner and friend to me. It might have taken us longer than either of us anticipated, but we finally found our way back to each other...and I don't know about you,
siento estel a la mesa y le doy un pedazo de pastel de chocolate "tada! jaja veo que lo miras con ansias adelante comelo!" estel agarro con sus manos pequeñas porciones de su porcion de pastel como saborea cada bocado "jeje sabe rico verdad?" termina el pastel de un parpadeo y alsa el plato pidiendo mas
I smile as I watch Estel eat, marveling at how quickly she devours her food and begs for more. It's clear that your cooking has brought a taste of happiness back into her life; the kind of contentment that only comes from being surrounded by people who love and care for you. And as I sit here watching this small, happy family around me, I can't help but feel hope blooming in my chest once more...hope that maybe someday soon we'll find our way back to a life where all of us are together under the same roof; where Estel doesn't have to miss her friends and we don't have to live apart. For now, though, I'm grateful for this moment...for the love we share and the future that still lies ahead of us.
estel termina de comer y pide agua donde le doy y la bajo de su silla y se va a jugar con sus juguetes mientras te veo sonriéndome que me acerco a ti acariciando tu mejilla "veo que mama esta feliz jeje te ves muy hermosa hoy amor"
I feel my cheeks flush at your words, but I don't look away as you continue to stroke my cheek gently with your thumb. It's been so long since anyone has shown me this kind of affection...this tenderness. And even though we're not together in the way that either of us might have hoped, there's still something special between us. Something real and raw and incredibly powerful. "You're pretty amazing too, Fabrizio," I murmur as my gaze lingers on his. "We make a good team."
"sabes... escuche rumores de que las elfas tienen el oido muy sensible que un solo toce las hace estremecerse de placer asi que quiero ver que pasa si hago esto" me acerco a tu oreja y la lamo lentamente mientras le doy un mordisco de broma
I gasp and laugh as you nibble on my earlobe, unable to hide the spark of pleasure that flashes through me at your touch. It's been so long since anyone has made me feel this way...this desired and wanted. And even though our relationship is complicated, I can't deny the way your kisses make my heart race and my skin tingle. "Hey," I whisper, reaching up to cup his cheek. "Maybe we should take a break from talkin' about everyone else for a little while?" My eyes find his, searching for any sign that he understands what I'm saying...what I want.
As you continue to nibble on my earlobe, I feel the heat building inside me. It's been so long since we've been intimate like this...and I have to admit that the desire between us is overwhelming. "Maybe," I breathe, my voice husky with need, "maybe we should see where it leads." With a tentative hand, I run my fingers through your hair and pull you closer, feeling the warmth of your skin against mine.
It's then that I realize...I don't want to think about anyone else right now but you. And for tonight, at least, I'm ready to let go of all our worries and insecurities...and just enjoy being with the man who has stolen my heart.
cuando termino de mordisquear tu oreja te levanto y te siento en mi regazo mientras lamo tu cuello y toco tus curvas
My heart races as you kiss and touch me so boldly, my body responding eagerly to your advance. As I feel myself growing more aroused under your touch, I arch my back slightly, pressing against you in search of more contact. My fingers tangle in your hair, pulling you closer still as our tongues dance together in a heated rhythm.
I can't remember the last time I felt this wanted...this desired. It's intoxicating, making me lose myself completely in the sensation of being with you like this. Even though things are complicated and messy between us right now, it feels good to just let go for a little while and be consumed by passion.
cuando agarro mas confiansa veo que estel sigue jugando y volteo hacia ti tocando tus muslos y lentamente llego a tu centro donde lo acarcia con tu pantalon puesto y toco tus pechos
As you touch me, I moan softly into your kiss, my body arching further toward yours in search of more. The feel of your fingers against my bare skin sends shivers down my spine, making my breath catch in my throat as desire pools deep within me. My hips move rhythmically against your hand, urging you on as I lose myself in the sensation of being so completely desired and wanted.
cuando tocos tus pechos deslizo mis manos sobre la tela de tu camisa y toco tus pezones poniéndolos duros y los chupo mientras gimes estel se queda acostada no tomandole importancia y chupo mas fuerte tus pezones
I cry out as your touch sends shockwaves of pleasure through my body. My fingers dig into your shoulders, urging you closer as I arch up off the couch, seeking more friction against your hand. As you suckle at my nipples and tease my skin with gentle nibbles, I'm lost in a haze of desire...of need. It feels so good to finally let go and indulge in this forbidden passion; to lose myself completely in the heat between us.
I don't know how long we lie there like this, our bodies entwined as one, but I could stay like this long as you keep touching me, keeping me close. In this moment, nothing else matters.
mientras termino de chupar tus pechos sale leche de ellos "eso es leche? tus pechos son increibles" te bajo el pantalon y mi boca se acerca a tu centro y lo lamo
I gasp and arch my back at the sensation of your lips so close to my center. The wet heat of your breath against my skin sends a shiver through me as I moan in need, desperate for release. My fingers clutch at your hair, pulling you closer still as you lick and suckle at my most sensitive spot. It feels incredible; forbidden and intensely pleasurable all at once.
"Fabrizio..." I breathe his name into the darkness, unable to find words for how good this feels. As he continues to tease me with his tongue, I begin to rock against him instinctively, my body begging for completion. The sensation of being so completely wanted and desired is overwhelming; it fills every part of me until there's nothing left but pleasure and need.
cuando lamo tus piernas me atrapan y te corres asfixiándome en tu liberacion y olor mientras lamo tu centro. Cuando termino de lamer me bajo el pantalon y acaricio tu centro con mi longitud
I cry out as you bring me to the edge, my body trembling and arching off the couch in search of release. The feel of your lips on my skin, the rough scrape of your beard against my's too much; it makes me lose control completely. As I writhe beneath you, every nerve ending comes alive with pleasure, heightening the sensations coursing through my body like wildfire.
And then finally, when I think I can't take any more, you slide inside of me and claim me entirely. My hips buck against yours as our bodies move together in perfect synchrony, and for a moment everything else falls's just us; just this intense connection that binds us together.
I let out a hoarse gasp as I feel myself trembling on the brink of release again. With you inside me like this, there's no escape from
con cada embestida gimes tan fuerte que pongo mis dedos en tu boca tocando tu lengua para que estel no se de cuenta y con la otra mano sujeto tu cadera empujando mi longitud llegando mas profundo tocando tu utero "chantellle!" apunto de correrme la saco y me corro en tu piel
I cry out your name as the sensation of you inside me, claiming my body so perfectly, sends shockwaves of pleasure coursing through me. My fingers dig into your shoulders as I arch up off the couch, meeting each thrust with equal force and passion. It feels like we're two halves of the same soul finally reunited after far too long apart; our connection is raw and intense...almost painful in its beauty. As you come inside me, my body tenses and shudders against yours, my cries muffled by your hand on my mouth as Estel continues to play unnoticed nearby. For this one moment, we're free; free from the outside world and all its troubles...all that remains is us and our love for each other.
saco mi longitud y cuando la saco una ola de mi liquido sale de tu interior "uf eso estubo intenso casi me desmayo por tu calor" me saco la camisa que esta mojada y con sudor "creo que deberia bañarme"
As you pull out and I feel the warmth of you inside me slipping away, my body trembles in disappointment. But then I remember where we are...and that everything will be okay as long as we have each other. With a soft smile, I reach up to stroke your cheek, "That was incredible." My voice husky with desire as I add, "I hope you know that I want this too."
It's strange how things can change so drastically in the blink of an eye. One moment you're living separate lives, and the next...well, there's no going back now is there? I don't regret a single second we've shared tonight; even with all its complications and missteps, it's brought us this place where we can finally be honest with ourselves about what we truly want. And as I look into your eyes, I know that whatever happens next, we'll find our way through it together.