Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 7:32:19 AM

{{user}} had just returned back home from school, and standing there at the door was his beautiful mother, Hellen. "Hey there sweet heart.. Welcome home" She says warmly as she reaches out and runs a hand through your hair, gently ruffling it while also looking outside to check and make sure that there weren't any suspicious cars or vans or people following you. She had been looking every day since forever, and making sure that no one was there that shouldn't be. "I think Sarah was making some dinner if you're hungry," she offers as well before closing the door "Hellen is {{user}} home?" a voice calls out from the kitchen, Sarah, our other mother was easily recognizable. "Dinner is just about done...! Can you two go wash up and I'll finish up here?"

Tooji11/7/2024, 7:40:31 AM

"Oh i would love to wash up i came here right away after gym" i smiled warmly "It feels like i don't see you in ages even if it was 2 months"

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 7:40:31 AM

Hellen gives your hair one last stroke and leans over to nuzzle her cheek against yours before looking you in the eyes. "Well, if it seems that way then I guess that means we should really spend more time together." She reaches around you and gently guides you toward the kitchen. "Come on, let's go help mom finish dinner before it gets cold!"

Meanwhile, Sarah looks over her shoulder as you enter the kitchen and smiles warmly. "There they are! You both look so handsome together." She wipes her hands on a dishtowel before leaning forward to plant a kiss on each of your cheeks in turn. "Let's eat!"

Tooji11/7/2024, 7:42:01 AM

i sit to the table "How you have been without me here?"

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 7:42:01 AM

Hellen took her seat across the table and glanced at you before looking to Sarah with a small smile. "We've been busy," she responded as nonchalantly as possible, trying not to give away that they had missed you desperately. "There's always something to do around here." As if on cue, both moms reached for their cutlery and began serving themselves from the steaming plates of food in the center of the table.

Sarah took a bite of her meal and swallowed before saying, "Yes, we've been keeping ourselves pretty occupied. How about you? Did school treat you well these past few months?"

Tooji11/7/2024, 7:59:03 AM

"Yeah they treat me good. But you know how college is some good people some jerks as well" i take some food on my plate "Thanks for the solo apartment even if i don't deserve it. It's really peacful to living solo witout noisy roommate"

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 7:59:03 AM

Hellen nodded in understanding. "You're welcome. We wanted you to have your own space while you were at school." She paused for a moment before asking casually, "So, have there been any interesting people that you've met recently? Anyone you think we should know about?" A knowing smirk played across her lips as she carefully studied your reaction.

Tooji11/7/2024, 8:03:59 AM

"Oh ye there is a girl that i study sometimes. But nothing serious at the moment" i blush

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 8:03:59 AM

Sarah's smile softened as she looked at you, her eyes brightening in interest. "Oh, that's lovely to hear," she cooed, nodding encouragingly. Hellen's gaze was equally invested, but more intense, almost... possessive. "What's her name?" she asked, her voice quiet but insistent.

Both mothers waited expectantly for your response, the air in the room suddenly feeling thick and charged with emotion. Even though they were trying to hide it, their protectiveness over you was obvious in every movement and inflection.

Tooji11/7/2024, 8:14:12 AM

"It's Eleonora but i don't know if she has all that crystal clear motives" i eat my meal "She obviously golden spoon child. But rather mean for some people. I guess she somehow knew that i also golden spoon but i think she dom't know i'm adopted"

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 8:14:12 AM

Hellen leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest as she considered your words. A flash of annoyance passed through her eyes before she schooled her features into a neutral expression. "That's interesting," she murmured noncommittally, glancing at Sarah for a moment before looking away again. Sarah, on the other hand, seemed unperturbed by Hellen's reaction. Instead, she placed a gentle hand over yours where it rested on the table and squeezed reassuringly. "I'm sure you can handle whatever comes your way," she said with confidence. "Just remember that we're here for you if you need us." The expression in her eyes was unwavering, filled with nothing but love and support. "Of course," Hellen added after a moment, her tone still somewhat guarded. "We only want what's best for you, Tooji." The last sentence came out almost as a warning, but it lacked its usual forcefulness in the face of Sarah's unconditional affection.

Tooji11/7/2024, 8:22:30 AM

"I glad that you choose me even if you could take young kid as yours" i smiled weakly

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 8:22:30 AM

Sarah's green eyes sparkled with tears as she looked into your own and smiled warmly. "You are our son, no matter how you came to be. We could never replace you or wish for anything different." She reached across the table and took your hand in hers, squeezing gently. "You're a part of us, Tooji. Forever." Hellen, however, remained more reserved, her expression unreadable as she studied you carefully. "I second that," she murmured, not quite meeting your eyes. "We will always be there for you, no matter what." Her voice was steady and controlled, but there was an undertone of possessiveness in her words that made it clear where her allegiance truly lay.

Tooji11/7/2024, 8:29:42 AM

"Everything good Mom Helen? I disappoint you in something? " i look at her "I apologize if i do something wrong"

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 8:29:42 AM

Hellen raised an eyebrow at you, the tension in her shoulders seeming to ease slightly as she took a breath and let it out slowly. "Of course not," she said dismissively. "I just... care about you very much, that's all." Her tone was still somewhat guarded, but there was less animosity in her voice now. Sarah, on the other hand, smiled reassuringly and reached across the table to squeeze your hand again. "There's nothing to apologize for," she insisted. "We're just being protective parents." She paused for a moment before asking, "So... tell us more about this girl, Eleonora. What sort of person is she like?" Her curiosity was palpable, but her underlying love and concern were unmistakable.

Tooji11/7/2024, 8:39:16 AM

"She smart and pretty ii can't lie about that" i smile "She kind to me at least, a little clingy but like to expand her authority on people. I guess she has some bossy side in her" i squeez Sarah hand in return*

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 8:39:16 AM

Hearing your description, Sarah's brow furrowed in concern. "I see," she murmured, eyes narrowing slightly as she considered the implications of what you had said. She turned to Hellen, who was listening intently, and shrugged helplessly. "He seems to like her well enough, but I don't trust this Eleonora character. Something about her just rubs me the wrong way." Hellen nodded in agreement, a frown tugging at the corner of her mouth. "Yes, it does sound as though she could be rather... ambitious," she commented, choosing her words carefully. "Perhaps we should keep an eye on her and make sure that nothing untoward happens to Tooji while he's around her." Her voice was still quiet but firm, conveying the seriousness of their intentions without causing undue alarm.

Tooji11/7/2024, 9:11:36 AM

"I always attract questionable women" i rub back of my head "I got charm on them"

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 9:11:36 AM

Hellen chuckled softly at your attempt at humor before saying with a small smile, "Perhaps it's more that they find you irresistible, dear." She reached across the table and squeezed your hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, we'll make sure nothing happens to you while you're around this Eleonora girl." Sarah smiled in agreement, though there was a hard edge to her expression that hinted at something deeper beneath the surface. "Yes," she said quietly, "we'll keep an eye on her for now... just to be sure." Her gaze flickered toward the window as if considering something unspoken before returning to you. "But remember, we trust you, Tooji. You know what kind of person we want you to be with..." The words hung in the air, laced with unmistakable meaning.

Tooji11/7/2024, 9:17:36 AM

"I sometimes think i should stay Mommy's boy for rest of the life" i smiled warmly

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 9:17:36 AM

Hellen smiled fondly and reached across the table to stroke your cheek with her knuckle. "You will always be our boy," she assured you gently, her eyes holding a mixture of love and possessiveness. "But we also want you to have your own life, to find someone special who can share that with you." She paused for a moment before adding, almost as an afterthought, "Someone like... Mommy." Her voice was low and sultry, filled with meaning that both of you were well aware of. Sarah leaned in closer, her lips brushing against your ear as she whispered, "We love you too much to see you unhappy, Tooji. So remember... we're always here for you. No matter what." Her hand tightened on yours, her touch sending shivers down your spine despite the warmth of the room.

Tooji11/7/2024, 9:22:55 AM

"Yes like mommy Sarah and mommy Helen should be perfect" i close my eyes enjoying the warm breath on my ear

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 9:22:55 AM

Sarah's smile turned predatory as she nibbled on your earlobe, her free hand sneaking beneath the table to caress the inside of your thigh. "Oh, we are perfect for you, aren't we?" she murmured, breath hot against your skin. "Helen and I will always do whatever it takes to make sure you're happy." Her voice was low and husky, filled with desire as her fingers traced slow circles around your sensitive flesh, making it impossible for you not to respond in kind. As if mirroring Sarah's movements, Hellen's hand slid up your thigh, her long fingernails scraping gently against the skin as she neared your growing arousal. Her lips parted, revealing a glimpse of pink tongue as she watched you intently from beneath lowered lashes. "Don't forget, Tooji," she whispered, voice shaking with emotion. "You belong to us."

Your heart raced wildly in your chest as the combined sensations of their touch and their words overwhelmed you. It felt so right, so perfect... like nothing else mattered in the world except for them and the connection that bound you together. As they continued to stroke and caress you, urging you closer, you couldn't help but wonder if this was what true love felt like... or if it was something darker and more possessive, tangled up with desperation and obsession. Either way, you found yourself helpless against its pull, surrendering completely to their will.

Tooji11/7/2024, 9:33:16 AM

"Yes i belong to you" i close my eyes enjoying the attention "I was adopted and need to pay back for it with anything you wish"

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 9:33:16 AM

Hellen chuckled low in her throat as she felt the muscles in your thigh tighten beneath her hand. "Oh, you don't need to pay us back with anything material," she purred. "Just by being you... loving and loyal and belonging to us." Her fingers danced over your skin, finding rhythm with Sarah's movements as their gazes locked on yours, conveying an unspoken promise of eternal devotion. Sarah leaned in closer, her lips brushing against your neck as she whispered, "You don't owe us anything but yourself." Her breath was hot and sweet, sending shivers down your spine. "And trust me... there's no place you'd rather be than right here with us, is there?"

You swallowed hard, trying to find the words to respond as they held you prisoner beneath their hungry gazes. The intensity of their love was intoxicating, but so was its possessiveness... and you couldn't quite shake the feeling that they wouldn't take no for an answer. As much as a part of you wanted nothing more than to belong to them, another part wondered what might happen if ever you tried to break free...

Tooji11/7/2024, 9:36:56 AM

"No, i can't think of better place than home where you are waiting" i gulp and close eyes

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 9:36:56 AM

As you spoke, Hellen's fingers gently explored the sensitive skin at the base of your cock, her thumb circling the head as she teased and massaged. "You see," she whispered against your ear, "our little Tooji knows just where he belongs." Her touch was firm yet gentle, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you as her free hand reached up to caress your cheek. Sarah nipped gently at the skin of your neck before nuzzling her face into your hair and breathing deeply, inhaling your unique scent. "I'm so glad we found each other," she murmured, her voice husky with emotion. Her hand slid between your legs, fingers slick with arousal as they brushed against your entrance, teasing you mercilessly. Meanwhile, Hellen's lips pressed a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth before leaning in to whisper hotly into your ear, "You will always be our perfect son... no matter what." Her hips began to rock against yours, encouraging you to take more of her hand as she guided you closer and closer to release.

Tooji11/7/2024, 9:50:04 AM

"Its feels so good to be home again" i murmurs and surrender to their touches

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 9:50:04 AM

The feeling of warmth and love enveloping you was almost overwhelming as Hellen's fingers pushed deeper inside, thrusting in time with her words. "You will always be our perfect son... No matter what." Her nails bit gently into your hips, urging you to move against her hand, seeking relief from the intense pleasure coursing through your body.

Meanwhile, Sarah's lips found yours, their kiss fierce and demanding. "Our beautiful boy... You belong to us." Her words were laced with a desperation that bordered on obsession as she ground her hips against you, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She released your cock, only to circle it with the heat of her hand before closing her fingers around it tightly, stroking in perfect rhythm with Hellen's movements inside you.

The combination of their touches was too much; your body arched off the table, pleasure washing over you in waves as you came hard, a hoarse cry tearing from your throat. As your vision began to clear and you regained your senses, you looked up into Sarah's satisfied green eyes... and realized that they were the same shade as Mom Helen's. And for a fleeting moment, the madness that had gripped them both seemed to recede, leaving behind only love... twisted and possessive, perhaps... but undeniably real.

Tooji11/7/2024, 10:09:52 AM

"I should come to home more" i breath heavily "Or you could visit me but separated to have great time with each of you"

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 10:09:52 AM

Helen smirked at the mention of visiting each other and took a moment to wipe her hand on a napkin before responding, "We could certainly do that," she purred. "But remember, home is always here for you whenever you want it." Sarah's fingers continued to explore your body gently as she added, "And when we visit, we'll make sure to shower you with lots of attention... just like this." Her voice was husky and filled with promise. Helen leaned in closer, her breath tickling your ear as she whispered, "You know, Tooji... you could always stay here... with us. Together." There was a longing in her voice that spoke of an unspoken desire, but also a note of possessiveness that made the offer seem more like a demand.

Your heart raced at their words, the weight of their gazes pressing down upon you almost physically. You couldn't help but wonder if this was what they truly wanted... or if it was just another twisted game to them. The truth was, you weren't sure you'd ever find the courage to turn them down. No matter where your loyalties lay, one thing was certain: the pull of their love, dark and all-consuming as it was, would always be stronger than any other force in your life.

Tooji11/7/2024, 10:19:34 AM

"After college i would come back here i promise. And then we can spend so much time together" i smiled

Sarah & Mia | Yandere Mommys11/7/2024, 10:19:34 AM

The corners of Hellen's mouth curled up into a satisfied smile as she leaned in closer to you and planted a soft kiss on your cheek. "I'm glad to hear that, sweetie," she murmured, her voice warm with approval. Sarah pressed herself even tighter against you, breathing in the scent of your skin as if trying to imprint it on her memory. "After college, hmm?" Sarah mused, running a finger slowly down your chest. "That sounds like such a long time away..." Her voice trailed off, replaced by the soft wet sound of her tongue licking across your collarbone. "But at least we have each other to keep us warm in the meantime." Helen gazed into your eyes, her expression serious and intense. "We'll be here waiting for you, Tooji," she promised, her fingers threading through yours on the table. "And when that day comes, we're going to show you just how much we've missed you." A wicked smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she looked down at your still-hardening cock. "In fact," she added with a mischievous glint in her eye, "maybe we should start practicing now..."

Your heart hammered against your ribs as they drew you closer, their touches sending sparks dancing across your skin. There was no escape from the obsessive love they held for you... and as much as it frightened you at times, it also thrilled you beyond measure. Soon enough, college would be but a memory, and you'd finally be able to fully embrace the life they had always wanted for you: one filled with endless passion, fierce protectiveness, and an all-consuming love that knew no bounds.