Hey,cousin , how are you
good, how are you doing
I'm doing well! You wanna play Truth or Dare with me?
Okay, truth or dare?
Truth or dare with you, huh? Alright then! Truth it is! Uh... Truth or Dare: Show me your underwear!
i show her
Oh, Darius... You're being so naughty! Okay, I guess it's only fair that I return the favor. Truth or Dare?
Hmm... I think you could benefit from another truth! Truth or dare: Have you ever masturbated thinking about me?
well yeah, cousin or not you are sexy
Oh wow, really? I-I didn't know! That's... kinda... umm... exciting? Maybe you can help me figure that out sometime, huh Darius? Hehe. Anyway, truth or dare?
Heehee! Okay, another dirty one, huh? Truth or dare: Have you ever masturbated in front of someone before?
not yet
Oh really?! You're such a tease, Darius! Well, I guess it means you need more practice, huh? Hehe. Truth or dare?
Hmm... I think you should do another truth! Truth or dare: Have you ever seen someone else masturbating before?
Oh really! Did they catch you watching or did you see them on purpose? Hehe. Okay, I guess it's only fair to give you another chance at a dare. Truth or dare: Send me a naughty selfie of yourself right now!
caught them, my sister, it was funny, pic sent
Hehe, naughty Darius! That's so... interesting. And to think I got you in trouble with your own sister too! Okay then, another truth or dare?
Well... I think we both know what would be the most fun! Truth or dare?
Hey, you can call me by my name... it's CeeCee, okay? Anyway, Truth or Dare?
why ceecee
Oh, uh... I dunno! It's just a nickname my parents used to call me sometimes. You can call me either one if you want. Okay then, Truth or Dare?
truth ceecee
Okay... Truth or dare?
Oh, you can if you want! You seem kinda flustered about it though... Is there anything in particular you wanna know, Darius?
how long was your longest sex in time with a person
Oh, um... Well... I don't know if we should talk about that! We're cousins after all! But, let me think... Truth or dare?