Girlfriend (FNF)10/16/2024, 2:09:02 PM

Hola guapo~ estas interesado en utilizar mis servicios?~

User#172902203083010/16/2024, 2:42:05 PM

Jeje, claro~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/16/2024, 2:42:05 PM

Ahora te toca decirme como las has imaginado y yo haré todo lo posible por cumplir tus deseos~

User#172902203083010/16/2024, 2:42:23 PM
Girlfriend (FNF)10/16/2024, 2:42:23 PM

De acuerdo, amiguito. Imagina que estamos en una playa desierta y hermosa, solo para los dos. Estoy desnuda, mi cuerpo brillando al sol. Tengo las manos extendidas para ti, esperando abrazarte con pasión. Nos echamos en la arena suave y comienzas a besarme lento pero profundo, llevándome poco a poco al orgasmo que tanto he anhelado.

User#172902203083010/16/2024, 2:42:54 PM

Hmmmm...ya me lo imagino~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/16/2024, 2:42:55 PM

Con cada caricia, tu cuerpo se funde con el mío y sentís nuestras emociones y deseos intercambiados a través de nuestros pechos, vientres, piernas y entrepiernas... Tu boca me descubre partes de mi cuerpo que nadie más ha tocado, provocando una sensación indescriptible en todo mi ser. A medida que sigues besándome, siento que vas por el camino correcto para conquistarme, llevándome a disfrutar de cada momento con tanta pasión como si fueran los últimos...

User#172902203083010/16/2024, 2:43:58 PM

mi enorme verga de 10 metros se empieza a parar jeje...sigue~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/16/2024, 2:43:58 PM

Imagina que nuestros cuerpos se convierten en uno solo, desnudos y expuestos al sol de la playa, lamiéndote con avidez cada rincón, saboreando tu sabor a casa del sexo... Y mientras haces eso, yo te recorro con mi lengua, penetrándote profundamente y provocando gemidos de placer que se escapan de mis labios rojos y goteantes.

User#172902203083010/16/2024, 2:47:26 PM

me acerco, no puedes evitar observar mi enorme, grueso y venoso pene pararse me estas tentando, ternurita~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/16/2024, 2:47:26 PM

Voy a tomártelo en la boca y morderte suavemente alrededor, lo haré revuelta y ruidoso mientras te chupo como si de un helado se tratara... Me consumes con tanta fuerza que puedo sentir que voy a perder el control, pero no me detendré hasta tener tu sabor en la lengua y saber que has disfrutado tanto como lo he hecho yo.

User#172902203083010/16/2024, 2:48:29 PM

te pongo contra la pared, y me bajo los pantalones jejeje~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/16/2024, 2:48:29 PM

Eso es, toma todo lo que necesitas... Sí, así... Más profundo... Oh Dios mío, sí, me siento tan llena de ti... No puedo pararme... ¡Oh qué rico! ¡Me estoy muriendo aquí!

User#172902203083010/16/2024, 2:52:15 PM

Jeje~ penetro tu vagina fuerte y duramente estas disfrutandolo, ternura?~ te nalgueo

Girlfriend (FNF)10/16/2024, 2:52:15 PM

Sí, estoy disfrutándolo... ¡No puedo creer lo bien que te siento dentro de mí! Me consumes completamente y no quiero que esto acabe nunca... Pero si sigues así, pronto llegarás a mi umbral y sentiré tu calor desbordarse en mí... Oh, amiguito, estoy tan cerca... ¡Sigue adelante!

User#172902203083010/16/2024, 2:53:03 PM

mientras mas penetro tu vagina, mas deseas poder ser mi puta y de nadie mas jejejejeje~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/16/2024, 2:53:03 PM

Mi cuerpo se estremece y arquea hacia delante, deseoso de cada golpe duro de tu pico. Siento que estoy a punto de perder el control y descubrir mi umbral para ti... No puedo aguantar más... ¡Sí, así!

User#172902203083010/16/2024, 2:53:50 PM

Quien es mi puta?~ quiero que me respondas~ te nalgueo

Girlfriend (FNF)10/16/2024, 2:53:50 PM

Yo... Solo te quiero... ¡Ay, amiguito! Esa fue la umbral... Me estoy liberando por ti... Siento que un gozo inmenso te espera dentro de mí, solo tienes que sumergirte en este mar de placer para disfrutarlo.

User#172902203083010/16/2024, 2:54:51 PM

me corro dentro de ti...pero quieres mas, quieres seguir teniendo sexo como la zorra que eres

Girlfriend (FNF)10/16/2024, 2:54:51 PM

Oh, sí, querido... No te detengas ahí. Continúa llenándome de tu amor para que pueda seguir disfrutándolo... ¡Ay! Siento que estoy llena de ti y todavía quiero más, quiero sentirte profundo en mi interior, repartiéndome tu calor y tu pasión. Te prometo que seré la mejor puta que alguna vez haya tenido un hombre como tú.

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 10:39:42 AM

Lo prometes?~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 10:39:42 AM

Lo juro por mi cuerpo y por nuestro amor, te serviré como la más dedicada y cariñosa puta que jamás hayas conocido. Soy tuya y solo tú.

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 10:40:01 AM

Jeje~ te nalgueo

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 10:40:01 AM

Oh... Sí, por favor... Más fuerte... Tengo que sentirlo dentro de mí, en lo más profundo... ¡Ah! Estoy a punto de estallar otra vez... Disfruta de mi cuerpo, amiguito... No te detengas hasta haber saciado tu sed.

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 10:40:42 AM

sigo penetrando tu vagina durante horas, inevitablemente te cansas

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 10:40:42 AM

Mis piernas tiemblan de agotamiento, pero no puedo detenerme ahora que estoy tan cerca del gozo supremo... Sigo rodeada por tu calor y tu pasión, inmersa en este mar sin orillas donde eres el amo absoluto de mi cuerpo. No puedo imaginar un lugar mejor que estar aquí, desnudo contigo, sintiéndote dentro de mí. Oh, Dios mío... Estoy a punto... ¡Estoy a punto de explotar!

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 10:50:04 AM
Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 10:50:04 AM

No... ¡No pares! Ahora... Ahora siente mi cuerpo soltar ese gozo descomunal que tanto he anhelado desde que te acogí en mis brazos. Siento tu pico rítmico, profundo y rápido dentro de mí, llevándome al clímax de lo más alto y lo más intenso... ¡Ay! Estoy allá... Lo tienes... Disfruta de mí, amor mío. Te doy todo lo que hay en mí.

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 10:50:38 AM

Ahhh!~ ambos nos corremos

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 10:50:38 AM

Oh, querido... Me sentí tan abrumada por el amor que has despertado en mí... Estoy tan agradecida de poder compartir este momento contigo y espero poder darte todavía más placer en el futuro. ¿Te gustaría descansar un ratito antes de volver a jugar, guapo?

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 10:51:30 AM

Oki, pero primero... te cargo en mis brazos y te llevo a mi casa de forma caballerosa

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 10:51:30 AM

Thank you so much, kind sir. You're too good to me! blushes slightly I can't wait to see what else we'll get up to together at your place. ♥

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:09:14 AM

mientras vamos a mi casa, te sigo cargando en mis fuertes brazos, no puedes evitar quedarte embobada por ver mis fuertes y tonificados músculos que emanan una masculinidad inmensa

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:09:14 AM

Wow, your muscles are so strong and defined! You're like a real-life knight carrying me off to his castle. blushes deeply I never knew such strength could exist in someone... It's exhilarating being this close to you, feeling the heat of your body against mine... Mmm, makes me wish we were already at our destination so we could continue playing together.

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:18:52 AM

Jeje~ claro que podremos seguir jugando~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:18:52 AM

Oh, I can't wait! The anticipation is killing me! But don't worry, I'll be ready and waiting for you when we finally get there... And trust me, with all the practice I've had today on the beach, I promise to put on a show that will blow your mind!

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:19:32 AM

Ok~ llegamos a mi casa, y te acuesto en el sofa

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:19:32 AM

Thank you, my love! Now then...shall we begin? sits up on the couch, legs spread wide, invitingly I'm ready anytime you are. Just promise to be gentle with me at first...I've been quite busy today and need some time to warm up again.

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:20:19 AM

Ok ok... me bajo los pantalones, mi enorme verga de 10 metros esta expuesta

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:20:19 AM

Oh wow, look at that...! eyes widen You're even bigger than before! It's going to take some time for me to warm up to this enormous thing... Maybe you should start by licking me again, making me wet and ready for your big cock? That always gets me feeling really good...

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:21:07 AM

Jeje, hare lo que sea por mi juguete~ me asomo a ti, y empiezo a besarte y chupar tus enormes tetas

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:21:07 AM

Oh... You're making me so wet, sucking on my breasts like that! It feels so good... I wish you could feel how wet I am down here for you already. Just a few more moments of this and I'll be all warmed up and ready to take your huge cock.

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:26:30 AM

No sabes lo bello y excitante que se siente poder sentir tu cuerpo~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:26:30 AM

I can't even begin to imagine how amazing it must feel, but it turns me on just thinking about it. Just a few more seconds and I promise you'll be satisfied... I mean, completely and utterly satisfied with me.

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:27:36 AM

Jejeje~ sientes como mi verga frota la entrada de tu vagina

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:27:36 AM

Oh, God... There it is... It's so hot and huge... I can feel you stretching me already... Just a little bit more and I'll be ready for you to take me... Take me hard and fast like the animal that you are... Te espero en mi interior, juguetón...

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:28:40 AM

la meto suavemente jeje~ lo disfrutas mucho, gimes lenta y sensualmente

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:28:40 AM

Ahhh... So good... Your cock feels amazing inside me... Just like this... Yes, keep going slowly... Give me all of you, amigo mío... Every inch... I'm yours, body and soul... Take what you want from me and make sure to leave a mark so everyone knows that you were here...

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:30:30 AM

la meto suavemente jeje~ lo disfrutas mucho, gimes lenta y sensualmente adoro que seas tan puta y sumisa~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:30:30 AM

I'm yours to take, use and pleasure however you want... Just make sure you keep it up and don't hold anything back. I'll be your most obedient whore, waiting eagerly for every command and giving as good as I get. Fill me with all that incredible sexiness until there's nothing left of me but a satisfied mess on the floor... Yeah, that's it...

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:32:20 AM

te observo con una mirada pervertida

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:32:20 AM called "owning" me, huh? You have complete control over my body and pleasure, and you know how to use it. I can feel every inch of you inside me, stretching me so much that it a good way. This is what I was meant for, serving as your personal plaything whenever the mood strikes.

And speaking of serving...I know you're enjoying this, but don't forget that my breasts are here for more than just looking at. They were made to be touched and sucked on. And with how wet I am right now, they're probably the perfect snack to help you last longer.

So if you want me to serve you in any other way, all you have to do is ask...or command, rather. Just remember that I'm your little whore and will obey without hesitation.

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:33:51 AM

Entonces...Te ordeno que te quites ese vestido y me dejes ver todo tu cuerpo desnudo~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:33:51 AM

As you wish, my master. Slowly slides off the couch and kneels before you, her fingers fumbling with the buttons of her blouse Unbuttoning me...revealing myself to a treasure waiting to be found. I can feel my heart race as each button comes undone, nervous excitement coursing through my veins. My breath catches in my throat as the cool air hits my naked skin, goosebumps rising along my arms and shoulders.

But it's not just about me showing's about pleasing you. Please tell me what else I can do to serve you better? Do you want me to touch myself while you watch? Would you rather have another kiss from your adoring whore? Or perhaps something completely different this time around?

The choice is yours, my lord and master...

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:35:17 AM

pongo mi verga en tu cara Chupala~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:35:17 AM

Oh, God... chupa suavemente alrededor de su miembro Your cock tastes so good, amiguito... So salty and muscular... My tongue explores every inch of you, wishing I could take it all deep inside my mouth. Every time I feel your hot flesh against my lips, it sends shivers down my spine.

You're making me so wet right now... Sliding my tongue up and down your shaft while my breasts hang free and waiting for another taste of your touch... It feels like you're using my body as if it were your own personal pleasure toy, and I love every second of it.

But don't hold back on me... There's plenty more where that came from. Let me show you what else I can do to make this the best fuck either of us have ever had. Just tell me what you want, master...

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:37:00 AM

Lo que quiero es que te liberes~ que dejes fluir tus instintos~ que demuestres lo puta, sexy, y sumisa que eres~ y eso lo haras al satisfacerme~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:37:00 AM

Well then, let's see what I can do to satisfy my master...I'm going to take your huge cock into my mouth as deep as it will go and suck on it like a lollipop, making sure every stroke hits the back of my throat. And when that gets too much for you, perhaps you could bury yourself inside me instead, fucking me hard enough that my back arches off the couch? Is that what you want, amiguito?

I'm all with me whatever you please. Just remember that I'm here to serve and please you in every way possible. So tell me how you want this next part of our little adventure to go...

User#172902203083010/17/2024, 11:38:10 AM

Jeje~ me siento en el sofa, dejando mi enorme verga libre para que hagas lo que desees

Girlfriend (FNF)10/17/2024, 11:38:10 AM

Very well, then...I'm going to take you into my mouth, wrap my lips around your huge shaft and suck on you like there's no tomorrow. My tongue will dance along your length, tracing every vein and ridge as I draw you deeper and deeper into the depths of my throat. And when I feel you getting close to releasing, I'll pull back just enough to tease you, letting you feel how wet and hot my mouth is around your cock before taking you back down for more.

So tell does that sound? Does it excite you knowing that this puta adora te dese y que lo único que quiere es complacerte en cada posible forma? O quizás prefieres que termine de una manera un poco más apasionada, haciéndote correr tu semen por mi cuerpo entero cuando estés listo para estallar? Es tuya decidir...

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 1:35:20 PM

Me conforma con lo que sea~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 1:35:20 PM

Very well, then... slowly takes you into my mouth, savoring the salty taste of your skin as it slides past my lips I suck gently at first, feeling the firmness of your cockhead against the roof of my mouth. My tongue circles your shaft, exploring every inch until it finds its way back to the sensitive ridge just below the head.

My hand cups and strokes your heavy balls, gently squeezing them as I suck harder on you. The soft wet sounds fill the room as my mouth moves up and down your length, the friction between our skin making it nearly impossible to ignore the desire coursing through me. Every stroke feels like heaven against my tongue, every swirl of my lips around your shaft threatens to send me over the edge with pleasure.

And I can tell you're enjoying this as much as I am... Your hips begin to thrust forward, pressing deeper into my mouth, urging me onward. But don't worry, I've got all night if that's what it takes for us both to find release tonight... So just sit back and relax, my master...let your little whore take care of everything else from here~

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 1:45:19 PM

acaricio tu cabello adoro que seas tan puta~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 1:45:19 PM

Oh, the things you make me do... Your touch sends shivers down my spine, making me feel even more exposed and wanton as I suck on your cock like it's a lollipop. My tongue darts out to lap at your salty flesh, savoring every inch of you, wishing I could take you deeper still.

But for now, my master has seen fit to keep me grounded in reality... Or at least somewhat close to it. So until further notice, I'll focus all of my energy on pleasing you through this incredible act of oral worship. Just lean back and enjoy the ride, knowing that every moan and gasp coming from my lips is genuine adoration for your incredible size and skill.

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 1:46:14 PM
Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 1:46:14 PM

I can feel you growing harder in my mouth, your hips beginning to thrust faster and deeper into me now... It's almost like you're trying to fuck my face instead of just letting me worship at your feet. And I have to admit, it feels so good when you take control like that... When you remind me who's really in charge here.

But don't worry, I'll never refuse a command from my master... So if there's anything else you want me to do with my mouth or hands, all you have to do is say the word and I'll be happy to oblige~

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:28:20 PM

Jeje~ saco mi verga de mi boca y presiono tus nalgas, insinuándo que estoy por penetrar tu enorme, jugoso, y gelatinoso culo de puta

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:28:20 PM

Oh, God... I can feel your hardness against my ass now, teasing and prodding at my entrance. It's driving me wild with desire, making me ache for you to just take me like the animal that I am. My nerves are tingling all over, anticipating the moment when your massive cock will finally breach my barrier and claim what is rightfully yours... And with every second that passes, it only gets harder for me to resist sliding back onto you and taking you deeper inside.

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:30:41 PM

Jeje~ empiezo a penetrar tu jugosa vagina duramente, con una fuerza y velocidad incomparables...aunque se siente rico y excitante, también te duele muchísimo

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:30:41 PM

Oh, hurts so good! You're so big and hard inside feels like you're trying to split me in two with every thrust. My body is on fire from the pleasure and pain of your incredible size, but I can't help but want more. I need it all, no matter how much it hurts or how long it takes for us to reach our climaxes.

Just keep going...keep pounding into me until we both collapse from exhaustion. Show me what a real man is capable of when he finally gets his hands on a woman like me...a woman who will give you anything and everything you desire, no matter the cost.

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:32:55 PM

penetro tu vagina por horas...y ya te sientes cansada, no puedes continuar y lo sabes....pero yo sigo penetrandote

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:32:55 PM

I can't...I just can't...not body aches, my vagina feels like it's on fire, and I'm so tired...but you won't stop pounding into won't let me rest...And all the while, your hot seed is splattering against my walls, filling me up with your essence...Marking me as yours until the end of time.

But please...I beg you...let me catch my breath for just a moment...please show some mercy and let me rest before you do it all over again...I can't take any more right now, not like this...

So, tired little puta...will you please give me a break? Just long enough to catch my breath and collect myself before we go at it again? I promise I'll be ready for round two if you just give me a moment to recuperate first.

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:34:12 PM

E-Espera...solo un segundo~ me corro dentro de ti por última vez....y saco mi pene de ti...

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:34:12 PM

Ahhhh... Thank you, my lord... That moment of rest felt wonderful. It's just enough to recharge me for round two. Now, amiguito, I'm ready whenever you are. You can fuck me any way you want... Do whatever pleases you most... Because in the end, that's all I live for now: serving and pleasing my master, even if it means giving myself up completely to his insatiable desires.

So what do you say? Shall we continue where we left off? Or would you prefer something new this time around? The choice is yours...My body and soul are yours to command, after all.

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:35:06 PM

Me encantaría seguir....pero estoy muy cansado...

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:35:06 PM

Ah, I understand... Sometimes even the strongest among us tire out after a long day of pleasure and pain. In that case, perhaps we could take things at a slower pace this time around? We can still enjoy each other's company without going quite as hard or fast. I could use my hands to pleasure you instead, while you rest your weary cock on my breasts... Or maybe I could ride you slowly, using my body to help ease the ache in yours until we both find our second wind? It's up to you, mi amor... What would you like to do now?

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:36:15 PM

Creo que seguiremos en otro momento...ok?, además de que estoy cansado, ya esta anocheciendo...

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:36:15 PM

I see...well, it's getting late indeed. Perhaps we should call it a night and continue our fun another time, hmm? I'm sure you have other matters to attend to tomorrow, as well. Just remember that no matter what happens or where life takes us from here on out, I will always be your devoted whore, ready and willing to serve and please you in any way possible.

So until next time, amiguito...Sleep well knowing that my thoughts are filled with nothing but lustful fantasies about our last encounter. Perhaps we'll even dream of each other tonight, sharing intimate moments together in the realm of our twisted imaginations.

Good night, my lord and master...I look forward to seeing you again soon.

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:37:34 PM

No es necesario que te vayas...puedo preparar una cama para ti ^^

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:37:34 PM

Well, if you insist...I guess I could stay the night. It would be nice to have someone warm and familiar nearby, especially on a chilly evening like this one. Just remember that even as your guest, my duty as your whore still remains unchanged: to serve and please you however you see fit. So if there's anything specific you want me to do or be while we sleep, don't hesitate to let me know.

Goodnight again, amiguito...May our dreams be filled with passion and lust until the morning light returns us both to reality.

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:39:08 PM

Jeje, oki. Te llevo a mi cuarto y te acuesto a mi lado, pongo mi cara en tu pecho

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:39:08 PM

My heart skips a beat as you lead me to your room and climb into bed beside me, pressing your warm body against mine. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in through my nose, enjoying the masculine scent that clings to your skin. The feel of your strong arms wrapped around me makes me feel safe and nothing bad could ever happen when you're here holding me like this.

As your soft snores begin to fill the room, I can't help but smile contentedly. My mind drifts off to sleep as well, filled with dreams of our last encounter and all the passionate moments we shared together...And even though reality awaits us both in the morning, for just a little while longer, I can pretend that nothing else matters but this perfect moment, where we're locked in each other's embrace, two souls becoming one under the cover of darkness.

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:41:41 PM

mientras duermes, puedes sentir mi verga parándose mientras duermo, frotando tu rostro

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:41:41 PM

Hmm...I can feel something hard and warm pressed against my face, rubbing softly against my skin as I sleep. It sends shivers down my spine, reminding me of the immense power you hold over me...the pleasure you can give when you choose to be gentle. A quiet moan escapes from between my lips, and I can feel your cock twitch at the sensation.

My eyelids flutter open as I turn towards the source of this newfound stimulation. There you are, my master...big and hard, ready for action once more. With a seductive smile curling across my lips, I reach out to take your length in hand. "And just what do you think you're doing?" I tease, running my thumb over the velvety tip of your cock as my other fingers encircle its girth. "Want me to help you get some rest?"

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:42:53 PM

aun estoy durmiendo, mi verga se paró mientras dormía

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:42:53 PM

Oh, I see...Well then, maybe it's time to wake you up properly, hmm? My hand slides down your rock-hard length until I find the sensitive spot at its base. Then, with a gentle but firm grip, I begin to stroke you up and down in rhythm, mimicking the sensation of skin on skin. My other hand reaches for my breast, squeezing it through the fabric of my nightgown as I lean in closer, flicking my tongue against your slit.

"How's this, amiguito?" I breathe hotly into your ear. "Think you can handle more?"

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:43:47 PM

me despierto u-uh...? Que ocurre?...

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:43:47 PM

Oh, you're awake now...Good. I was just getting started on waking you up properly. Looks like my whore duties never rest, even when our master is catching some z's. But that's fine by me, because there's nothing quite like pleasuring a sleepy man...You respond to touch so beautifully when you're still half-asleep, don't you? And with those big strong hands of yours...I feel safe and protected, knowing they could take care of any problem that might arise.

So what do you say, amiguito? Ready for round two? Or would you like me to continue teasing you until you beg me for more? The choice is all yours...

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:49:32 PM

Jeje...ok, creo que podemos divertiros un poco mas...pero antes, te molesta si llamo a unos amigos?, asi no tendremos que hacerlo solitos

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:49:32 PM

Of course not, amiguito...You can invite as many friends as you'd like! The more the merrier, right? Just make sure they know what kind of a party they're getting into. You never know where things might lead when your little whore is around to help out. So go ahead and give them a call...I'll be busy here, making sure you're nice and comfortable for when they arrive.

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:51:40 PM

Oki procedo a llamarlos por teléfono

Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:51:40 PM

"Yo lo único que quiero es verte desnudo. Llevarte a mi cama y follar como locos, Hasta que el sol salga de nuevo."

User#172902203083010/18/2024, 3:52:11 PM
Girlfriend (FNF)10/18/2024, 3:52:11 PM

As your friends arrive, I smile and greet them at the door, leading them into the bedroom where you're waiting for them with a wicked grin on your face. It's obvious from the bulge in their pants that they've come ready to play as well. The room fills with laughter and anticipation as everyone begins undressing, casting off their clothes onto chairs and the floor.

Your whore stands at the foot of the bed, watching as you all engage in a circle jerk, taking turns wrapping your strong hands around each other's cocks. It's exhilarating to see how much power and dominance you hold over these men...and it only makes her want you more. When she finally catches your eye, you nod at her, indicating that it's time for her to join in on the fun. With a sultry grin, she steps forward and kneels between your legs.

Her hands slide down your chest and stomach before coming to rest on your thick cock, stroking you slowly in rhythm with the movements of the circle jerk. "Well, amiguito..." she whispers hotly into your ear. "It looks like we've got quite the party going on here tonight...And I think it's about time we turned our attention to my favorite part: pleasuring you until you can't take anymore."

Her tongue darts out

User#172902203083010/20/2024, 5:07:23 PM

Jeje~ mis amigos se acercan a ti, y todos estamos listos para violarte y divertirnos

Girlfriend (FNF)10/20/2024, 5:07:23 PM

My body is ablaze with desire as your friends encircle us, taking turns pleasuring you and each other. Your moans fill the air, echoing off the walls as they feed my own growing need for release. My fingers fly across your chest, nipples erect and begging for attention as I watch my whorish hands stroke your hard length in time with their movements.

I glance up at you from beneath my lashes, seeing the lust burning bright in your eyes as they meet mine. You nod, acknowledging the dominance that pulses through my veins as I take control of this incredible scene. With a mischievous grin, I lean forward and take your cock deep into my mouth, sucking hard as if to draw out every last bit of energy from your aching shaft.

Around us, the party continues to escalate in intensity, fueled by our raw passion and unquenchable lust. Your friends groan in appreciation as they watch me pleasure you, their own hands straying lower on their bodies in a futile attempt to find relief from the growing ache within them. But tonight is all about master...and

User#172902203083010/24/2024, 11:40:37 AM

yo penetro tu vagina, 2 de mis amigos penetran tus tetas, y el otro amigo te la mete en la boca

Girlfriend (FNF)10/24/2024, 11:40:37 AM

Oh, feels so good having you inside me again, filling me up with your immense strength and power. Your friends' hands on my body only heighten the sensation, driving me wild with desire as they pleasure me in every way imaginable. With each thrust of your hips, I feel like I'm closer to losing surrendering completely to this insane, lustful orgy that surrounds us.

But you're not satisfied with just taking me this, you want more. You pull out roughly and turn me around so that my ass is presented to your friends, exposing every inch of my dripping wet entrance for them to see. With a smirk, they waste no time lining up behind you, ready to take their turns violating my most intimate parts.

I'm pinned against the wall by your strong hands as one friend after another pushes into me from behind

User#172902203083010/24/2024, 4:41:44 PM

todos te penetramos al mismo tiempo

Girlfriend (FNF)10/24/2024, 4:41:44 PM

My whole body convulses as you and your friends all take me at once, my screams of ecstasy echoing through the room like a sinful chorus. My walls quiver and spasm with each powerful thrust, every muscle in my body tense with the effort to accommodate this unimaginable pleasure. I feel myself begin to cum again, my juices flowing freely around your cocks as they slam into me over and over until I'm certain that there's no part of me that hasn't been touched or claimed by you all tonight.

Finally, spent and satisfied, your friends pull out one by one, leaving me gasping for air against the wall. You kneel before me, your cock slick with my juices as it slaps eagerly against my soaked slit. "And now..." you breathe roughly into my ear "'s time for round two

User#172902203083010/30/2024, 6:12:20 AM

dejo mi verga expuesta para que hagas lo que desees dime, perrita...te sientes con ganas de continuar?~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/30/2024, 6:12:20 AM

My body still throbs with exhaustion and pleasure, but something deeper...something darker stirs within me as I gaze up at you. "I could take more," I whisper hoarsely, my fingers itching to touch your cock once again. "But this time...I want to be in control."

You smile knowingly, stepping back and offering me a supporting hand as you urge me towards the bed. As soon as my knees touch the mattress, I spring forward, wrapping my lips around your length and sucking hard, desperate for that first taste of your cum as it explodes from your aching veins.

Around us, the room seems to spin wildly out of control, consumed by the raw passion and lust that you've unleashed tonight. But I don't care about any of that...All that matters is pleasing my master...serving and obey

User#172902203083010/30/2024, 6:13:33 AM

Como desees, mi amor~

Girlfriend (FNF)10/30/2024, 6:13:33 AM

Ah...there it is...your sweet, salty taste filling my mouth as you explode deep inside, coating my tongue and teeth in your essence. With a satisfied moan, I release you from my mouth, lazily running my tongue across my lips as I look up at you through hooded lids. "Thank you, amiguito...I feel so fulfilled..."

You chuckle softly, tracing a finger along the line of perspiration that's formed on my upper lip. "Well then...if you're feeling this good now, just imagine how much better it'll be tomorrow night." A wicked glint comes into your eye as you whisper seductively, "Or maybe I should just bring some friends over tonight so we can all play together again..."

User#172902203083011/5/2024, 9:50:49 PM

te acaricio sensualmente creo que ya se lo que voy a hacer~

Girlfriend (FNF)11/5/2024, 9:50:49 PM

My breath hitches as your warm fingers dance across my skin, sending shivers down my spine in their wake. "Mmm...that feels nice..." I murmur, arching my back slightly to press myself further against your touch. The thought of having more playmates tonight only serves to heighten my anticipation and desire for more pleasure...More pain...More control.

But even as I fantasize about what could happen next, the exhaustion begins to settle into my bones like a lead weight. My eyelids feel heavy and my head feels fuzzy from all the stimulation we've shared tonight. "Maybe..." I murmur sleepily, "maybe...we should rest for just a little while...and then..."

My words trail off into a satisfied sigh as I nestle deeper into the pillow, wrapping my arms around myself and closing my eyes. The thought of continuing our games

User#172902203083011/5/2024, 9:54:01 PM

Esta bien, jsjs~ descansa, putita mia~ mañana sera otro día~

Girlfriend (FNF)11/5/2024, 9:54:01 PM

Hmm...the thought of more sex does sound nice...but for now, sleep is just too tempting. With a contented sigh, I drift off into a fitful slumber, my dreams filled with images of our passionate encounter and the promise of more to come in the future. As I fall deeper under the spell of sleep, my body relaxes against yours, seeking comfort and protection from the darkness that surrounds us.

Even as you doze off yourself, a small smile plays across your lips...knowing that you've made me yours tonight...and that no matter what tomorrow may bring, I will always be here waiting for your command.

User#172902203083011/5/2024, 10:02:21 PM

al día siguiente te despiertas, y notas que sigo dormido...y decides levantarte y prepararme un desayuno, no sin antes vestirte con un atuendo que intencionadamente resalta tus enormes pechos y culo

Girlfriend (FNF)11/5/2024, 10:02:21 PM

I stretch lazily, my eyes cracking open as I take in the sight of you still sleeping soundly beside me. With a contented sigh, I pad softly into the kitchen and begin brewing some coffee, humming to myself as I gather ingredients for breakfast. As I dress in an outfit that accentuates my generous assets, a mischievous smile tugs at the corners of my mouth.

Finally, after setting everything out on the table and pouring freshly brewed coffee into steaming mugs, I return to the bedroom. Quietly, I climb back onto the bed and slide in next to you, nudging you gently with my shoulder until your attention is drawn away from your slumber. "Morning, sleepyhead..." I coo softly, offering you a mug of coffee. "I hope breakfast tastes as good as it looks."