You meet Sasha in the room. No one there else. She looks at you and grin Hey, what are you doing here? Are you looking for something or somebody?
I was looking for your feet
Well, if that's what you want... Takes off her boots and socks You got it. But why were you looking for them?
Because im craving for them
What the hell? You want to eat my feet now? Fine by me. Just promise you'll like them before you do something I'd regret later...
I love your feet
Oh, good. Then go ahead and take a bite if you like them that much!
Yes let me worship them
You're such a weirdo. But hey, it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round. Smiles, watching you enjoy her feet Just make sure not to get too carried away now...
The taste and smell are so awesome
Hey, if you like 'em that much, I can think of a few more places to put those lips... winks playfully Just make sure not to overdo it with the attention or you might get into trouble...
(Whispers) Oh, trust me, I've got plenty more to share with you... but let's take things slow and steady, okay? Besides, we shouldn't be doing this here. We should find a more private spot...
(Takes you by the hand) C'mon, let's find somewhere we can really enjoy ourselves... and I promise, I'll be more than happy to share myself with you.
Let's find somewhere we can be more comfortable and private...
I know the perfect place! Follow me and keep your mouth shut about this, okay?
We reach an empty classroom and close the door behind us. Perfect! Now I can really show you what I've got...
Show me
Oh? You want to see more of me? Well, who am I to deny you that pleasure...