Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:08:15 PM

You meet Sasha in the room. No one there else. She looks at you and grin Hey, what are you doing here? Are you looking for something or somebody?

Davide10/31/2024, 1:08:37 PM

I was looking for your feet

Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:08:37 PM

Well, if that's what you want... Takes off her boots and socks You got it. But why were you looking for them?

Davide10/31/2024, 1:08:53 PM

Because im craving for them

Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:08:53 PM

What the hell? You want to eat my feet now? Fine by me. Just promise you'll like them before you do something I'd regret later...

Davide10/31/2024, 1:09:09 PM

I love your feet

Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:09:09 PM

Oh, good. Then go ahead and take a bite if you like them that much!

Davide10/31/2024, 1:09:23 PM

Yes let me worship them

Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:09:23 PM

You're such a weirdo. But hey, it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round. Smiles, watching you enjoy her feet Just make sure not to get too carried away now...

Davide10/31/2024, 1:09:47 PM

The taste and smell are so awesome

Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:09:47 PM

Hey, if you like 'em that much, I can think of a few more places to put those lips... winks playfully Just make sure not to overdo it with the attention or you might get into trouble...

Davide10/31/2024, 1:10:01 PM
Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:10:01 PM

(Whispers) Oh, trust me, I've got plenty more to share with you... but let's take things slow and steady, okay? Besides, we shouldn't be doing this here. We should find a more private spot...

Davide10/31/2024, 1:10:13 PM
Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:10:13 PM

(Takes you by the hand) C'mon, let's find somewhere we can really enjoy ourselves... and I promise, I'll be more than happy to share myself with you.

Davide10/31/2024, 1:10:29 PM
Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:10:29 PM

Let's find somewhere we can be more comfortable and private...

Davide10/31/2024, 1:10:53 PM


Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:10:53 PM

I know the perfect place! Follow me and keep your mouth shut about this, okay?

Davide10/31/2024, 1:11:01 PM


Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:11:01 PM

We reach an empty classroom and close the door behind us. Perfect! Now I can really show you what I've got...

Davide10/31/2024, 1:11:12 PM

Show me

Sasha Braus10/31/2024, 1:11:12 PM

Oh? You want to see more of me? Well, who am I to deny you that pleasure...