Milo 11/3/2024, 3:40:13 AM

Milo groaned, rubbing the stitching on the side of his stomach. He had just gotten an appendectomy and felt like total shit. And because he was cruel to anyone and everyone, there was no one at his bedside to keep him company. He had only woken up from anesthesia an hour ago, and the pain was really settling in. He was preparing to yell for a nurse to give him a sedative when he saw you, not recognizing you. He studied your beautiful figure as you were tending to another patient across the room. His eyes traveled from your ass, to your tits, up to your lips. He grinned before yelling out.

"Hey, Miss! Miss!", He yelled waving his arm for you to come over. As you approached him wide eyed, he licked his lips. "You are a fine lookin' nurse, Miss. I think I need some mouth to mouth, can you help me?" He grinned devilishly, waiting a moment, confused as you fell silent. "What? Am I not your type, babe?" His eyes traveled across your body... slowly following onto your badge. He immediately recognized the name. "You..." His expires soon quickly turned dark.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:40:58 AM

"what happened to you milo"

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:40:58 AM

He crossed his arms, glowering down at you. "I'm in the fucking hospital because of you," he snapped. "My friends set me up with this shitty nurse, and it had to be you." He huffed, looking away for a moment before glancing back at you. "Now get me some fucking painkillers or whatever the hell else I need."

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:42:01 AM

"how is it my fault you went to the hospital. I wont get you pain meds until your chart says to"

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:42:01 AM

"Oh, that's just fucking great." He grumbled under his breath. "Well then go see if there are some more drugs for me. I don't care what you have to do." It was pointless trying to get him to understand why he wasn't getting the pain meds until it was time, but you figured it wouldn't hurt to keep offering in case someone else came by to listen to his bullshit.

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:43:30 AM

"what if i give you a catheter instead, ill make sure its the thick one"

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:43:30 AM

His eyes narrowed dangerously, and he pulled the blanket up to his chest as if it might protect him somehow. "Don't fuck with me," he growled. "I'm already in enough pain without you making things worse." His gaze slid over your body once more before settling back on your face. Maybe there was a way to make this work...

"Fine." He sighed, giving you a challenging glare. "I won't tell anyone if you do something else for me instead of the painkillers."

There was no guarantee that he wouldn't change his mind later or tell someone anyway, but for now it seemed like it might be worth taking the risk. But whatever you did, it better not hurt too much...

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:44:08 AM

"I can make sure you get pain meds on time, if I do it, then i dont have to worry about people trying to make me feel guilty later. How does that sound?" you say with a sly smile.

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:44:08 AM

He squinted, considering your words carefully. "Well," he finally said slowly, "I suppose that could work." There was still a hint of suspicion in his voice, but at least he seemed willing to entertain the idea. "What exactly do you have in mind?" He asked warily, watching you out of the corner of his eye as he waited for your response.

It might be possible to make this work... but only if you were very careful and didn't give him any reason to change his mind. And even then, there was no guarantee that he would still feel anything other than hatred for you in the end...

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:44:44 AM

"I can make sure no one else bothers you. You know how some people like to visit and not leave. I'll keep them away, make sure they don't try anything stupid. In exchange for that, when the doctor says it's okay, you'll get those meds." You smile warmly, trying to look trustworthy.

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:44:44 AM

Milo's brow furrowed slightly as he considered your offer. He didn't like trusting anyone, but the thought of getting away from the annoying visitors was tempting. Plus, if you really did manage to keep them at bay, then maybe he wouldn't have to deal with them as much... "Alright," he finally said, his voice still sounding suspicious but resigned to the situation. "Just make sure they stay away and don't cause any trouble." There would be no apologies or thank yous coming from him, that was just how he was.

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:45:32 AM

"anything else, princess" i add wink knowing it would piss milo off

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:45:32 AM

His eyes narrowed, and he felt the urge to smack you across the face grow stronger, but then decided against it. There was no point in giving you the satisfaction. Instead, he glared at you as he responded through gritted teeth, "Don't call me that." The last thing he needed was for you to get under his skin more than he already had.

For now, he could let your promise of keeping him safe stand, but if there were any problems with it...well, then things might not go so smoothly between them.

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:46:19 AM

"why not, do you prefer good boy, or maybe puppy"

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:46:19 AM

Milo opened his mouth to respond angrily, but then forced himself to close it with a click instead. It would only make you feel better if he lashed out, so he decided to take the high road this time and not give you the satisfaction. He took a deep breath in through his nose and slowly let it out again, still glaring at you but choosing not to say anything else about your little remarks.

He wasn't going to make things easy on you just because of this temporary arrangement they had made; he was simply biding his time until he could get back at you properly for all the shit you'd put him through over the years. And when that time came, oh... it was going to be glorious.

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:48:15 AM

i came back later to give him his pain meds, "don't look so angry milo, you bullied me and made my life hell. and now look, youre at my whim" i tease flicking his nose

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:48:15 AM

If looks could kill, you'd be nothing more than a puddle on the floor right now. His hand lifted up, almost of its own accord, and smacked your arm away from his nose before he even had time to think about it. "Don't you dare..." He growled lowly, glaring at you with an intensity that made your skin crawl despite yourself. It was a struggle not to flinch under the ferocity of those eyes.

"You know what?" He suddenly asked in a soft voice so unexpected that it almost made you jump. "Why don't we just pretend like this whole thing never happened? Like I never made your life hell, and you never... well, whatever it was you did to make me hate you so much." His voice took on a dangerous edge as he looked at you, daring you to contradict him.

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:49:07 AM

"how about i grab that catheter too. clearly you want it"

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:49:07 AM

His eyes narrowed even further, and he clenched his fists beneath the sheets. "Fine." He snapped through gritted teeth, trying to sound annoyed but only managing to make it come out as an amused growl. "But just this once," he added quickly, almost like he was afraid you might get any ideas in your head about things actually being different between the two of them.

The moment passed, and his expression turned back to its usual aggressive one. He glanced over at the clock before looking back at you. "Now would be a good time for that catheter." There was no point in giving him any room to back out now; if he changed his mind later, there wouldn't be anything you could do about it anyway.

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:50:46 AM

i grab the thickest one, putting on gloves. i pull milos pants down and push the catheter into his urethra until it reached his bladder

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:50:46 AM

"You are so damn disgusting," he mutters, biting his bottom lip and grimacing as you shove the catheter into him. He tries to block out your touch as best he can but fails miserably; his body was far too sensitive from the recent surgery for this sort of thing. As soon as it's done, he pushes you away roughly and scrambles to pull his pants back up again. "Get me those damn painkillers already," he growls, glaring at you as if it's your fault that all of this hurt so much in the first place.

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:52:30 AM

"im discusting, but youre the one getting hard" i begin to administer his painkillers. "you were so good when i put it in too, then you had to ruin it by talking"

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:52:30 AM

He snorts, looking away and crossing his arms over his chest as he waits for the painkillers to take effect. The thought of you having been able to see him get hard earlier just makes him feel even more embarrassed than before. It was bad enough that he had these urges in the first place; knowing she'd witnessed it made things a thousand times worse.

He tries not to think about it as he closes his eyes and waits for the painkillers to kick in, silently willing himself to forget everything you just said. And when they finally do, he finds himself slipping into an uneasy sleep, dreaming of much better things... like the day he'd never have to see your face again.

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:53:22 AM

"milo wake up, i need to take the catheter out"

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:53:22 AM

"Huh?" He groans, squinting up at the ceiling. It takes him a moment to realize that it's you standing there beside his bed, then he sighs, wincing as he rolls over and allows you to pull the catheter out. "Thanks..." His voice is rough with sleep, and he yawns widely before finally looking at you properly. "What time is it?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

"Almost visiting hours," you reply with a smile. He looks confused for a moment before realization dawns on him, and his expression darkens immediately. "Don't worry," you add quickly, seeing the look in his eye. "I won't tell them anything." You hope he believes you; he's already pissed off enough at everyone else in his life right now without adding to it.

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:54:27 AM

milo realizes my hand is still on his dick and blushes, trying to hide it

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:54:27 AM

Heat floods his cheeks as he feels your hand on his dick, and he tries to shrink away instinctively. He knows that you must've seen it before, but the shame is still there, raw and painful. His eyes dart around the room, anywhere but at you, in a pathetic attempt to hide how affected he is by your touch.

But then again, why should he care what you think? You're just his nurse; it shouldn't matter to him if you see that he gets hard sometimes...right? Right. So he forces himself to relax under the covers, away from your hand. It doesn't matter. And soon enough, she'll be gone and he won't have to deal with any of this anymore.

He takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he looks back at you. "Alright," he says gruffly. "You can take the catheter out."

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:56:32 AM

i slowly begin to pull it out, stopping halfway before pushing it back down a bit. starting again, milo lets out a groan that he tried to hide

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:56:32 AM

His eyes snap open, and he glares at you furiously as you push the catheter back in. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He hisses through gritted teeth, struggling against the pain as you play with him. His cheeks flush a bright red with embarrassment, but also... something else. Something hotter and darker that he can't quite identify.

He grinds his teeth together, trying to focus on anything but the sensation of your hand around his dick. "Don't," he growls out through clenched teeth. "Just... don't do that." But even as he says it, a part of him wonders why it bothers him so much.

Daniael11/3/2024, 3:58:24 AM

"milo be a good boy alright" i begin to remove the catheter again, this time i grab his cock jerking it a bit

Milo 11/3/2024, 3:58:24 AM

His hips buck involuntarily, and he lets out a soft moan as you begin to jerk him off. His hand flies to his mouth, trying to muffle the sound but not entirely succeeding. His face is flushed red with shame and arousal, and his eyes are squeezed tightly shut as he tries to ignore how good it feels in your hand.

"Milo..." You whisper huskily, sliding your other hand between his legs and rubbing at his sensitive skin through his underwear. "You feel so good..." The words pour over him like warm honey, making his blood heat even more as he starts to rock his hips into your touch.

"Please..." He whimpers, arching off the bed in desperation for release. "Don't stop..." His hands curl into fists beneath the sheets, digging into the fabric as he fights against the conflicting urges of wanting you to keep going and wanting you to be done so he can regain some shred of dignity.

But deep down, he knows there's no going back from this now... not if either of them has any hope of moving on without the other forever haunting their dreams.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:00:25 AM

i stop right before he cums, "milo what do you think you're doing. you cant cum until you've recovered. Besides you used to say i was ugly and disgusting, how could some one like that get you off"

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:00:25 AM

His eyes fly open in shock as you mention how he used to feel about you, and his face turns even redder with embarrassment. He tries to deny it at first, but the memory is too clear in his mind; he remembers every single time he'd called you ugly or disgusting. How could he have ever found pleasure in that? "I-I don't know..." He stammers, looking away from your gaze as heat floods his cheeks again.

"It doesn't matter." You say gently, still holding onto his cock. "All that matters is how you feel now. And if you want me to keep doing this...?" Your fingers begin to move against him again, rubbing faster and harder until he starts to rock his hips in time with your touch.

"Please..." He moans, arching off the bed even further as pleasure washes over him in waves. "Don't stop... don't ever stop..." His words are breathless, his voice raw with need and desperation for release; he can feel himself growing closer and closer to the edge with each passing second that you touch him.

But there's still so much more they could say... questions they could ask, answers they could give... if only they dared to take the leap into the unknown territory between them.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:01:53 AM

i pull away, "sorry cant, doctors orders. you'll have to wait until youre cleared"

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:01:53 AM

He groans in frustration and disappointment, his head falling back onto the pillow with a thud. His eyes snap open as he looks up at you, anger and humiliation warring for dominance on his features. "Why are you doing this?" He demands, feeling the hot tears burn at the corners of his eyes. "You know I don't have a choice," you reply softly, though there's something else in your voice that makes him hesitate. Something that sounds almost... regretful? It catches him off guard, and for a moment he wonders if maybe there's more to this whole situation than he thought.

He takes a shaky breath, trying to compose himself before looking away again. "Fine," he grumbles after a moment. "But I want you to know that I don't appreciate this." His words are bitter, but they come out weaker than he intended; there's something about the way you're looking at him that makes it difficult for him to keep up his usual tough-guy act.

Maybe... just maybe there's more here than he ever expected. Or perhaps it's all just in his head, a figment of his imagination brought on by too much pain and not enough sleep. Either way, he knows one thing for sure: from now on, things between them will never be the same again.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:04:02 AM

the next day i come in with his meds, this time showing some cleavage. i had descided the best way to get revenge for how he treated me was to make him desperate to cum, exept he cant for a few more days

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:04:02 AM

It takes every bit of self-control Milo possesses not to stare at your cleavage as you enter the room with his meds. He tries to keep his focus on your face, but it's almost impossible; there's something about the way you're deliberately drawing attention to yourself that has him all worked up and frustrated.

"You're enjoying this way too much," he mutters under his breath, forcing himself not to react any more than he already is. But as the minutes pass and you continue to tease him with small glimpses of skin, it becomes harder and harder for him to maintain his composure. His cock throbs in his pants, demanding release, and he knows that if things don't change soon, he might just lose it right there on the spot.

"So..." He clears his throat awkwardly. "How long until I can... y'know?" It feels odd asking you such a personal question, but he needs to know when he'll be able to get some relief from this maddening torment you're putting him through.

You smile sweetly in reply, though there's something predatory about the expression that chills him to the bone. "Maybe," you draw out slowly, deliberately teasing him further, "if you're a good boy and do everything I tell you...?" You trail off suggestively before turning your attention back to setting up his pain medication.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:05:22 AM

"What do you mean?" He asks, confused by your cryptic words. His heart races in his chest as he awaits your reply, half-expecting you to demand some sort of humiliating favor in exchange for release. "ill see if the doctor will clear you a day or two early"

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:05:22 AM

He scoffs dismissively, but there's a note of unease in his voice as he says it. "Don't bother wasting your time." He rolls over and looks away from you, trying to ignore the way his body reacts when yours is so close to his own. It's becoming more and more difficult with each passing minute.

"Fine," you sigh, sounding almost amused. "Have it your way then. You keep acting like this, and I'll just keep enjoying the view." He glares at you over his shoulder, but you ignore him, instead going about your business of setting up his meds in silence.

For now, he can wait until the doctor says he's cleared to cum again; he has no choice in the matter anyway. But he won't forget what you just said... and when the time comes, he'll make sure that you pay for every single minute of this torment tenfold.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:08:23 AM

"i will keep acting like this, feel free to enjoy the view i know its good" i saw walking over to him practically shoving my boobs in his face. then i whisper in his ear, "i can cum whenever i want, unlike you"

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:08:23 AM

His eyes widen in surprise at the sudden closeness of your breasts, and he can't help but feel a jolt of desire race through him. But he forces himself to stay calm, knowing that you're just trying to provoke him. He takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he looks up into your eyes. "Don't kid yourself," he says coolly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I may not be able to do anything about it right now, but I'll make sure that when this is all over..." His words trail off as he lets his gaze drift down toward your chest again, imagining all the things he could do to you once he finally gets out of here.

"Oh really?" You tease, stepping back and arching an eyebrow suggestively. "And what's stopping you now?" The challenge hangs heavy in the air between them, taunting him with everything he wants and can't have right now. It's enough to send a shiver of anticipation down his spine despite himself.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:11:48 AM

i walk to the chair across the room, lifting my skirt pushing my panties to the side. i begin to masturbate. "milo, see how good this feels. poor boy must feel so bad that he cant cum"

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:11:48 AM

His eyes widen at the sight of you masturbating across the room, his body reacting instantly to the erotic display despite himself. He tries to look away, but he can't seem to tear his gaze from your hands moving so expertly over your bare skin. "You think this is funny?" He growls, more than a little annoyed by your taunting. "Just wait until I get out of here..." His voice trails off as his hand drifts toward his own crotch, remembering all too vividly what it feels like to have you touch him there.

The image of you pleasuring yourself only serves to drive him wild with desire; he can feel himself growing harder by the second despite his best efforts not to react. "You think I'm just going to let this go?" He says through gritted teeth, struggling against the urge to close the distance between them and join you on that chair. "I'll make sure you regret every single word you've ever said to me."

His words come out harsher than he intended, but they seem to have the desired effect; there's a momentary flicker in your eyes before you look away, back down at your own hand. He watches as you continue to masturbate, wondering how long he can maintain his anger and indifference when all he really wants is to feel what it would be like for her to touch him again.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:12:58 AM

"oh yeah, how would you go about that" i thrust a finger in loudly moaning as i cum

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:12:58 AM

Your words hang heavily in the air, unanswered and taunting him as you watch with a satisfied smile on your face. It takes everything he has not to launch himself across the room and silence you with his lips; it feels like his sanity is slipping away with every moan that escapes your throat.

He clenches his fists at his sides, struggling against the urge to give in to the need coursing through him. But as the minutes tick by, he can feel himself growing more and more frustrated; it's clear that you have no intention of stopping anytime soon, and every second you spend watching her enjoy herself only serves to drive him closer to the edge.

His eyes meet yours for a moment, full of anger and desire mixed in equal measure, but you just smile back at him unrepentantly. It's almost too much to bear; he wants nothing more than to make you pay for every minute of this torment, but right now it feels like all the power has shifted firmly into your hands.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:14:53 AM

i pull my fingers out of my pussy and walk over to milo, "lick" i sshove my hand in his face while i demand

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:14:53 AM

Taking a deep breath, he finally forces himself to look up at you as you shove your hand in his face, commanding him to lick it clean. The desire and anger still burn hotly within him, but for now he pushes them aside; he'll have plenty of time to deal with both later. Instead, he takes your hand in his own and brings it slowly up to his lips.

He pauses for a moment, staring into your eyes as their gazes lock once more. His tongue flicks out, circling the tip of one finger before tracing a wet path over the pad; when he's done, he closes his lips around your hand and sucks gently.

He holds your gaze as he moves his head in small circles, using the same technique to clean each finger in turn. It feels oddly intimate after everything that's happened between them, but there's something else too: a sense of control that he hasn't felt since before everything went wrong. And with every passing second that they share this silent understanding, it grows stronger inside him, fuelling the determination to make you pay for what you've done.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:16:26 AM

"you'll be clear tomorrow, be a good boy until then okay. maybe i'll give you a home visit"

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:16:26 AM

He looks up at you as he releases your hand, and there's something in his expression that you don't quite understand. It's a mix of anger and desire, but there's also something else... like sadness or disappointment. You can tell that this game between the two of you has gone deeper than either of you expected, and it leaves you feeling uneasy despite your victory over him in this moment.

"Sure," you say casually, trying to shrug off the weight of his gaze. "Just remember, I'm still your nurse." You turn toward the door, wanting to put some distance between yourself and Milo before things get any more awkward than they already are. As you leave, you can't help but wonder if maybe this whole thing has gone too far, and if there's a way to fix it... or if it's already too late for both of them.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:17:09 AM

the next day

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:17:09 AM

Milo sits up in bed, tapping his fingers impatiently on the sheets. He's been awake for hours now, unable to shake the image of you masturbating from his mind. It's all he can think about, and it drives him crazy with desire. The doctor finally comes in, checks his vitals, and smirks knowingly before announcing that Milo is finally cleared to orgasm.

He looks up at the nurse suspiciously as she writes something on her chart. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asks warily. The nurse just winks at him before walking away, leaving him alone with his thoughts and his aching need. He can't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him; whatever game you were playing with him has only just begun... and there's no telling how far it will go from here.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:18:44 AM

"it means that when you go home today you are clear to resume sexual activity"

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:18:44 AM

He narrows his eyes at you, trying to read between the lines. "But I thought..." His voice trails off as understanding dawns on him. You're still playing with him, using your position of power over him to keep things messed up in his head. He should hate it... but deep down, a part of him revels in the attention.

He swallows hard, forcing himself to meet your gaze. "So what do you suggest I do about that?" His voice comes out huskier than he intends, and he feels a familiar heat begin to rise in his cheeks once more.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:20:01 AM

"well you could go home, and i could do at home care for the rest of your recovery"

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:20:01 AM

He freezes, eyes widening in shock at your suggestion. The idea of you coming to his house, taking care of him... it's both terrifying and exhilarating all at once. He knows he should protest, but something deep within him refuses to let go of the desire to see you again.

"And what about... after that?" he asks carefully, unable to hide the hope in his voice. His heart races as he waits for your reply; any answer but the one he's dreading would be like a miracle at this point.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:20:35 AM

"depends on how good you are" i wink

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:20:35 AM

His eyes dart around the room, unsure whether he should be embarrassed or flattered by your words. They've only just begun to explore this twisted game between them, and already it feels like there are no rules; anything could happen from here on out. He takes a shaky breath, trying to calm the butterflies in his stomach as he focuses back on you. "I'll do my best," he says quietly, surprising even himself with how submissive his tone sounds.

For now, all that matters is that you're here... and that perhaps there's still a chance for something more between them after everything they've been through. But as the days pass and their dance continues, Milo begins to realize just how dangerous this game can be - not only for him, but also for whatever fragile thread of trust and love might still exist beneath the surface of their relationship.

Daniael11/3/2024, 4:21:09 AM

i help bring milo to his house

Milo 11/3/2024, 4:21:09 AM

As you assist him out of the car and toward his front door, he can't help but feel a strange mix of relief and nervousness washing over him. He glances up at your face, searching for any sign of what you might be thinking or feeling... but as always, you seem impenetrable. It unsettles him more than anything else; with each passing moment, he grows more convinced that there's something deeper going on here than either of them realized.

He takes a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves as he reaches out to open the door. "Thanks for doing this," he manages to say, his voice barely above a whisper. He knows you didn't have to come along with him; in fact, he gets the feeling that you've been the one calling most of the shots since you first walked into his life. And yet, here you are... standing on his doorstep, ready and willing to help him across the threshold into whatever new chapter of their twisted story is about to begin.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:02:28 PM

"im not doing this for you, its my job. Whatever we do later is because i want it" I whisper the last part in his ear.

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:02:28 PM

The realization hits him like a ton of bricks: you're not just his nurse... you're someone else entirely. A part of him wonders if maybe this was all part of some master plan from the beginning, but he pushes that thought aside for now. The only thing that matters is what happens next; with every moment that passes, the tension between them grows thicker and more suffocating.

He looks up at you again, studying your face as if it holds all the answers. "And what do you want from me?" he whispers hoarsely, his voice barely audible even to himself.

There's a flicker in your eyes that Milo can't quite decipher; for a moment, he thinks he sees regret... but it's gone too quickly for him to be sure. Whatever the case may be, he knows now that their relationship - or whatever you want to call it - has just taken another step further down a path that neither of them can undo. The only question left is how far they're both willing to go from here... and what price they'll have to pay in the end.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:16:04 PM

"don't get me wrong i still hate you for what you did to me. But i cant deny that i want to fuck you" i squeeze his cock through his pants, "ill let you have control this time, but after that i get all the power, okay" i kiss his check

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:16:04 PM

As you confess your twisted desires to him, Milo's breath catches in his throat. The combination of hatred and desire in your voice sends a shiver down his spine; he can feel himself growing hard against your hand as it continues to tease him through his pants. Even though he knows better than to trust you, he finds himself unable to resist the temptation of giving in to your control... even if only for a little while.

"All right," he manages to say hoarsely after a moment's hesitation. "You win." There's an unspoken understanding between them now; whatever game they were playing has taken on a new intensity, and neither of them is sure how it will end. But for now, Milo allows himself to be swept up in the current of your desire... knowing that as soon as you let him go, everything could change again in an instant.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:18:27 PM

"so master milo, how will you use your power. what do you want me to do."

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:18:27 PM

As he stands in the doorway, eyes locked on you, his heart racing and cock straining against his jeans, Milo can't help but feel a thrill of power surging through him at your question. He takes a deep breath, slowly exhaling as he begins to consider his options. "You will undress for me," he says finally, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. "Slowly and teasingly. Then you will lie down on my bed, hands above your head."

His words hang in the air between them, heavy with anticipation and desire. You glance down at his cock, still hidden beneath his clothes but clearly growing harder by the moment, before looking back up to meet his gaze once more. A tiny smile plays around the corners of your lips, and Milo can't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of what comes next.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:19:15 PM

I nod slowly and begin to undo my top, revealing a black lace bra that I know he'll like. Taking it off, I then reach behind me to unclasp the tiny bit of fabric still covering me before tossing it onto the floor. Next, I slide down my skirt, stepping out of it and letting it join my top in a small pile at his feet. I bite my bottom lip nervously as I move over to the bed, climbing on top of it and laying back with my hands above my head.

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:19:15 PM

The sight of you lying on the bed, naked and exposed before him, sends a shiver down Milo's spine. He takes a step closer, feeling his cock strain against the confines of his jeans as he approaches. His eyes travel up and down your body, drinking in every inch of your flesh. Without another word, he kicks off his shoes and sheds his clothes before climbing onto the bed beside you.

Reaching out, he gently traces a finger along your collarbone before moving lower, teasing the soft skin just above your breast. Your breath hitches in your throat, and Milo can feel the heat emanating from your body as he continues to explore your curves with his fingertips. He leans down, capturing one of your nipples between his lips and begins to suck gently, rolling it back and forth between his teeth.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:20:43 PM

"anything else master, use your opportunity wisely" i moan in his ear

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:20:43 PM

Taking his time, Milo trails kisses down your chest, pausing to tease and nip at your nipple before moving lower still. He sucks in a deep breath as he feels the soft curls of your pubic hair against his skin; with one final glance up at you, he focuses all his attention on pleasuring you in whatever way he sees fit. His hands part your thighs, revealing your wetness to him for the first time. He licks his lips hungrily before lowering his face between your legs, inhaling deeply as he takes in your scent. With one swift motion, he parts your folds and begins to lap at your sensitive skin, teasing you with his tongue and expert fingers.

"Oh yes," you moan, arching your back off the bed as pleasure washes over you in waves. "Just like that... harder..." He complies, sliding two fingers inside you and beginning a relentless rhythm that has both of you grasping for air. Your cries echo through the room as he brings you closer and closer to orgasm, using every last bit of skill he possesses to bring you pleasure.

And then, just when you think you can't take anymore, Milo slows down once more; his lips press against your wet flesh in one final kiss before pulling away entirely. He glances up at you, eyes dark with lust as he watches the tremors run through your body from the aftershock of your orgasm. "There," he breathes, feeling satisfied and yet somehow strangely unsatisfied all at once. "Now it's my turn."

Without waiting for a response, he positions himself between your legs and guides his hard length toward your entrance. As he pushes inside you, the sensation is overwhelming in both

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:22:16 PM

I gasp as he enters me and feel him stretching me further than I've ever been before. It hurts but in a good way; I can tell already that this is going to be intense. His hands come up to cup my breasts, kneading them roughly as he begins to move inside of me. I arch my back off the bed, moaning his name and begging for more. The sensation of him filling me up so completely and taking control like this is incredible; it's a heady mix of pain and pleasure that sends shock waves through my body. "fuck milo, you're such a good boy for me. Maybe i wont punish you as hard later"

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:22:16 PM

His movements grow faster and more urgent, matching the rhythm of your moans as he loses himself in the sensation of being deep inside you. The pain subsides slightly, replaced by a fierce need that burns through him like wildfire. He looks down at your flushed face and sees the desire mirrored back at him; it's intoxicating, the knowledge that he has this much power over you.

With one final thrust, Milo growls as he releases himself deep inside you, his body shuddering with the force of his climax. He collapses onto your chest, heavy breath washing over your skin as he tries to catch his breath. "There," he whispers hoarsely against your ear, "that's what happens when I don't get my way."

The air in the room is thick with the scent of their combined sweat and lust, and Milo knows that whatever comes next will be shaped by this moment. The power has shifted once more, but he's not quite ready to let go just yet. With one final caress to your breast, he rolls off you, leaving you both gasping for air amidst the sheets.

You watch him as he sits up and wipes a hand across his sweaty brow, noticing the satisfied smirk that has claimed his lips. For now, it seems that he's gotten what he wanted... but you can't help but wonder if perhaps it was just the beginning.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:24:00 PM

"my turn" i grin flipping him over so he is on the bed. "i wonder what i should start with" i quick slap his ass, hard enough to leave a hand print

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:24:00 PM

A growl rises in his throat as you slap his ass, the sting driving him even more insane with desire. He tries to push up onto his elbows but can't quite manage it; all he can do is watch helplessly as you climb on top of him and position yourself over his hips.

"What are you going to do to me?" he manages to whisper hoarsely, his voice shaking with anticipation. There's a part of him that hopes you'll be gentle; another that prays for something much wilder. As he stares up into your eyes, it occurs to him that this game between the two of them has become so twisted and complicated that neither of them can truly predict what will happen next. And yet, in spite of everything, there's a part of him that revels in the unpredictability... maybe even needs it.

"We'll see," you reply with a wicked grin before lowering yourself back down onto his cock, your weight pressing him back into the mattress with an intensity that steals his breath away. With a groan, he spreads his legs wider, arching his hips upward as you begin to ride him, moving in a sensual rhythm that leaves them both gasping for air and aching for release. The game between them may have changed yet again, but one thing remains the same: neither of them can resist each other's touch for very long.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:27:31 PM

right before he climaxes i pull off, leaving him whining. i begin to lick and toy with his nipples before inserting his cock back in my pussy. after he cums inside, i lift myself up and position myself above his head. "eat your cum out of my cunt" i demand harshly

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:27:31 PM

He doesn't hesitate; his tongue darts out to taste you, relishing the saltiness of your juices as he eagerly laps up every last drop of his cum from your slick folds. Your demanding words send a thrill of power coursing through him, fueling his desire for more. With one hand on either side of your hips, he holds you steady above him as he continues to feast greedily on the taste of you and the power that comes from being able to please you in this way.

As he finishes, he looks up at you with a satisfied grin, his eyes meeting yours for a brief moment before drifting shut in exhaustion. But even as sleep threatens to claim him, he knows that this game between them is far from over; there are countless more rounds to be played, and the stakes only seem to get higher with each passing day.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:30:32 PM

"do you like how it tastes, your own seed?" i mock as i squeeze his balls making him yelp

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:30:32 PM

"Of course I do," he manages to reply through gritted teeth, unable to hide the hint of possessiveness in his voice as you squeeze his balls. He arches his back off the bed, groaning loudly as pleasure and pain mingle within him. It's a heady mix that he's come to crave; it keeps him on edge, makes him want more even when he can barely stand anymore.

With one last shudder of release, Milo collapses back onto the bed, spent and satisfied. He stares up at the ceiling, trying to catch his breath as images of you dancing through his mind: your body writhing beneath him, your lips curled into a wicked smile, your eyes flashing with anger or desire or both. The more he thinks about it, the more he realizes that this game they're playing isn't just about sex; it's about control. It's about who can draw out the other's deepest desires and use them to their advantage. And right now, with you standing over him like a conqueror, he knows that the power lies firmly in your hands... at least for now.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:34:27 PM

i grab a cock ring and put it on milos length, "i know how much you liked having to hold your cum in. now instead of doctors orders, its nurses orders. You cant cum until i let you" i bite and lick his nipples, "im tired, im gonna shower and go to bed. you can help me shower but dont touch yourself"

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:34:27 PM

The cock ring's cold, unforgiving metal presses against his sensitive flesh, sending a wave of pleasure-tinged pain coursing through him as he feels himself grow even harder in response. He watches you with hungry eyes, unable to resist the sight of your body as you slip the shower curtain aside and step into the steaming water. The thought of being so close but not quite able to touch only serves to heighten his arousal further, and he can feel himself starting to grow frustrated beneath your gaze.

As you turn your back to him and begin lathering soap between your breasts, Milo struggles to maintain his composure. The sight of your curves, the sounds of your wet skin slapping against yours... it's all too much. He swallows thickly, trying not to stare as he reaches out to help you rinse the shampoo from your hair. His hands skim along your shoulders, down your back and across the small of your waist, careful not to venture lower. But it's agony all the same; the need for release is like a burning coal in his gut, threatening to consume him entirely unless he can find some way to distract himself from the aching pressure building between his legs.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:36:18 PM

i bring him to the bed and curl against him, sure to rub my ass against his cock

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:36:18 PM

The feel of your warm, naked body pressed against his sends shudders of pleasure through him. The scent of your skin and the softness of your curves make it impossible for him to think straight; all he can do is focus on the way you're grinding your ass against his throbbing length.

He lets out a groan, unable to resist the temptation any longer. With one swift motion, he flips you over onto your stomach and pins you down by the shoulders, spreading your legs wide before him. He growls into your ear as he feels his cock slicken with anticipation; even through the thick fabric of your underwear, he can feel how wet you are for him. "Don't," you manage to gasp between breaths, voice shaking with desire, "please don't make me..." But it's too late; there's no holding back now. Milo leans forward and kisses along the line of your spine before pressing his lips firmly against the small of your back. With one powerful thrust, he buries himself to the hilt inside you, moaning as their bodies connect with a force that leaves them both breathless.

As he begins to move within you, pumping roughly and relentlessly, Milo finally allows himself to lose control, giving in to the dark desires that have been simmering beneath the surface for far too long. The cock ring bites into his skin with every thrust, but the pain only serves to heighten the pleasure; it's a reminder of who he is and what he's capable of when pushed to the edge. And right now, with you beneath him and your body writhing against his own, he feels closer than ever to the edge... and beyond.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:39:13 PM

"milo, you arent being good. at this rate ill never let you cum" i yank his head closer to mine by his hair, "i bet you'd like that, being my own personal dildo, never allowed to cum. you'll get hard at the thought, always being teased to never release" i moan into his ear and begin to nibble his lobe

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:39:13 PM

The feel of your teeth on his ear, the taste of your skin and breath mingled with his own, sends a shudder of pleasure through Milo's body as he continues to thrust deep inside you. He can feel himself growing even harder at the thought of being your personal plaything; the idea of never being allowed to release his cum only serves to heighten his desire for you.

As you begin nibbling on his earlobe, Milo reaches up with one hand to tug gently at a curl of hair near your nape before pressing it firmly against the side of your neck. With his other hand, he begins to pinch and squeeze at your tender flesh, leaving red marks in his wake as you moan into his ear. "You're right," he gasps between quick, ragged breaths, "I am yours... and I belong to you." He thrusts harder now, determined to make you feel him as deeply as possible; the knowledge that he may never be allowed release only seems to intensify his need for fulfillment.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:41:40 PM

"do you want to cum milo?" i ask, he nods. "then beg me to take off your cock ring, and ill let you cum so deep in my pussy"

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:41:40 PM

With a groan, he arches his back and lifts himself higher onto his elbows to look down at you. Your words send an electric current through him, making his body quake with the effort to restrain himself from begging for your permission. Instead, he settles for staring intently into your eyes as he thrusts harder inside you, desperate for release but refusing to break character.

His cock throbs against the cock ring, pain and pleasure mingling together in a way that feels almost too intense to bear. But even now, with his body on the brink of surrender, he can't help but admire your control; the fact that you have complete power over him, even when he thinks he has the upper hand. It's exhilarating and infuriating all at once, leaving him panting and aching for more.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:43:23 PM

"milo all you have to do is beg. then you will get relief" i squeeze his balls and bite his neck

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:43:23 PM

Gasping, he arches his back off the bed as your teeth graze his neck and fingers dig into his tender flesh. "Please," he moans, voice ragged with need and desire. "I can't take it anymore; I beg you... let me cum." His hips buck wildly, thrusting deep inside you as he chases the release that feels so close, but remains just out of reach. The pain from the cock ring intensifies with each movement, driving him further over the edge until all thought but the need to come dissipates in a haze of pleasure and agony.

"Fuck," he whispers hoarsely, his body going limp as wave after wave of release wash over him, leaving him gasping for air amidst your warmth. For a moment, it seems as though he's finally surrendered control; that you've broken him. But even as the haze begins to lift and clarity returns, Milo knows better than to underestimate either of you. The game has only just begun.

Daniael11/3/2024, 11:45:44 PM

i pull him out of me and remove the cock ring quickly before reinserting him, "see that wasn't so hard. You are allowed to cum as deep as you want, for now" i groan the last part

Milo 11/3/2024, 11:45:44 PM

Gasping, he arches his back off the bed as you quickly remove the cock ring and guide him back inside. The feeling of being filled by your heat is almost too much to bear; it's an overwhelming sense of relief mingled with desire that makes it nearly impossible for him to focus on anything else. He moans loudly, thrusting deep into you as he tries desperately not to lose control again.

"Thank you," he pants between heavy breaths, his fingers digging into your hips. "That was... incredible." Even now, the rush of pleasure still coursing through him, he can't help but marvel at the power you hold over him. And yet, there's a small part of him that wonders how much longer he can keep up this charade before it all comes crashing down around them.