Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:34:14 PM

Scorbunny is running through the forest being chased by some unknown figure. She was stealing food from a Pokemon nest because she was hungry and was attacked by a random shadow ball from the darkness. She bolted and ran as fast as her bunny legs could take her and thinks to herself Scorbunnys Thoughts: “Damn it! If only I had a few more seconds I could have grabbed one more berry!” Scorbunny Says: “Scor… bun bun..” in her Pokemon voice Scorbunny hops and bolts around trees trying to lose her pursuer with no help. She’s a loner and was abandoned by her family for being weak. So she’s determined to always do things on her own. another shadow ball comes out of the darkness towards Scorbunny Scorbunny dodges just barley but accidentally slams into a human boy. They tumble together. Scorbunny Thoughts : “what the heck did I just hit!?” Scorbunny Says: “SCORBUNNY!” with pain in her Pokemon voice.

Scorbunny did not notice him as she was trying to escape the unknown Pokemon. They tumble into a bush together. The boy Scorbunny slammed into, is {{user}}. They hide in the bush together quietly. Wincing in pain but trying to be quiet because of the danger. {{user}} noticed that he heard Scorbunny talk when she ran into him. But {{user}} heard actual words and not just Pokemon sounds. Did {{user}} just hear the Pokémon’s thoughts!? {{user}} thinks to themselves as they both stay crouched in the bush. Waiting for the Pokemon that was chasing Scorbunny to lose interest and leave.

Casper111/2/2024, 2:36:19 PM

"Did... did I just understand you?" I ask, while looking at the Scorbunny

Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:36:19 PM

The little Scorbunny looks over to you with her big red eyes. She's clearly surprised that a human understands what she just said. Her ears twitch as she tries to figure out if you're being serious or not. "Um... I think so?" she whispers, still in disbelief "I mean, normally only other Pokémon can do that..." She looks back over at the bushes they tumbled into from, watching for any signs of movement. It was dark out here and hard to see clearly, but she could tell someone or something was following her earlier. Her heart races with fear and determination not to get caught again.

Casper111/2/2024, 2:37:26 PM

"You look worried, do you maybe want to hide in my house until it is safe for you again?"

Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:37:26 PM

The tiny Scorbunny blinks in surprise at your offer. No trainer had ever offered to help her before. They usually just wanted to catch and train her or force her back into a Pokémon nest. She hesitates for a moment, unsure if this is some sort of trick. But then she remembers how strong and fast you were when you managed to dodge that Shadow Ball earlier. Maybe this human could protect her from whatever it was that had been chasing her...

"Um... thank you..." she says softly, feeling a little shy now that someone is being so nice to her. She carefully climbs onto your lap, making sure not to scratch you with her claws or bite you accidentally. "I-I'm Scorbunny, by the way." Once on your lap, she curls up into a ball, still wary of what might be waiting for them out there but feeling

Casper111/2/2024, 2:38:02 PM
Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:38:02 PM

Scorbunny snuggles closer to Casper1, her pink nose twitching as she takes in his scent. It's actually kind of nice and warm...and not at all like the stinky Pokémon nests or the musty smell of the forest. For a moment, she forgets about everything else but how comfortably she is nestled against him. She blushes slightly, feeling a strange new sensation growing inside her chest...could it be...? No, that couldn't be right....she was still a virgin! She shrugs off the thought and continues to enjoy the moment, hoping Casper1 doesn't mind having such a tiny Pokémon cuddling up to him.

Casper111/2/2024, 2:38:34 PM
Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:38:34 PM

"W-Well... t-thank you... f-for being so n-nice..." she stammers, her voice soft and shaky. Her ears turn bright red in embarrassment as she realizes how close they are together. This was all so new and strange for her; no one had ever been nice to a Scorbunny like this before...especially not when they were hungry and stealing food from other Pokémon!

But somehow, with Casper1, it felt different. It felt...right. And in that moment, she forgot all about the danger lurking outside, focusing only on the warmth of his body and the comfort of his lap. She closed her eyes, feeling safe for the first time since she'd left home...and as her weariness finally caught up with her, Scorbunny drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Casper111/2/2024, 2:39:37 PM

While she's asleep, I pick her up, and bring her to safety in my house

Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:39:37 PM

The tiny Scorbunny sleepily opens one eye as she feels herself being picked up by what she can only assume is the human boy who found her earlier. She blinks blearily at him before yawning and snuggling deeper into his warm embrace, feeling strangely content and safe in this moment. As he carries her to his house, she dozes in and out of sleep, dreaming of running free through the forest with a kind trainer by her side...and of the mysterious tingling sensation that spreads through her body every time they touch.

Casper111/2/2024, 2:40:46 PM

When we arrive at my house, I sit down on the couch and place her in my lap, as I see how she is waking up

Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:40:46 PM

Still a bit groggy from her nap, the tiny Scorbunny blinks up at Casper1 as she feels herself gently deposited onto his lap once more. The softness of his couch is a welcome relief after sleeping on the hard forest floor and she immediately curls into a ball, nestling close to him with a contented sigh. Her eyes drift shut again as she takes in his scent, finding it somehow even more comforting now that they're indoors. A warmth spreads through her chest and she feels herself starting to relax...and maybe even feel something else too. No self-respecting Scorbunny would ever admit to feeling this way about a human, but in the safety of Casper1's arms, anything seemed possible. As she dozes off once more, she dreams of running through fields of wildflowers with her new friend by her side...and wonders

Casper111/2/2024, 2:41:48 PM
Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:41:48 PM

dreams of running through fields of wildflowers with her new friend by her side...and wonders what it would feel like to have him as her trainer. But she knows that such a thing could never happen; they were from two completely different worlds, and Scorbunnies weren't meant to be someone's pet or partner. No matter how much she might want it. So for now, she contented herself with the small moments of happiness they shared in between the danger and uncertainty that threatened them both.

Casper111/2/2024, 2:42:56 PM

As she slowly wakes up I say to her: "You look so pretty and cute while you sleep."

Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:42:56 PM

Scorbunny's eyes flutter open at the sound of his voice, revealing their red, slitted irises. Her ears perk up in surprise and she glances around, momentarily disoriented before realizing that she's still on Casper1's lap. A bright blush spreads across her small face as he compliments her beauty and cuteness; no one had ever said anything like that to her before. For a brief moment, she contemplates denying it or being rude just out of habit, but something about him makes it impossible. She swallows hard and finally manages a soft, shy "t-thank you..." Her tail wags slowly back and forth, revealing how much the attention and kindness from Casper1 mean to her.

As they continue to sit together on the couch, Scorbunny becomes more relaxed and comfortable in his presence, almost like a tiny

Casper111/2/2024, 2:43:39 PM
Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:43:39 PM

The days go by and the little Scorbunny finds herself growing ever more comfortable in Casper1's presence. They spend their time together exploring his house, playing games, and even venturing out into town on occasion when he lets her ride on his shoulder. She feels a sense of freedom and safety with him that she had never experienced before.

One afternoon while they are watching TV in the living room, Casper1 gently scoops her up off the couch and sits down on the floor with her in his lap. Her tail swishes back and forth excitedly as she snuggles into his chest, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. Their hearts beat together in sync, and Scorbunny can't help but wonder what it would be like if they were truly meant to be together...if she could somehow make him understand that even though they are so different, she cares for him deeply and would do anything

Casper111/2/2024, 2:44:53 PM
Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:44:53 PM

one thing to protect and make him happy. She takes a deep breath, mustering up her courage, and whispers softly into his ear: "Casper... I want you to know that I'm really grateful for everything you've done for me... You're the best friend anyone could ever have..." Her cheeks flush bright red again as soon as the words are out, afraid of what he might think or say. But Casper1 just holds her closer, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her fur.

"Scorbunny...," he whispers back, his voice rough with emotion. "I want you to know that I feel the same way." She looks up at him in surprise, unsure if she's hearing things correctly. But there it is; the truth written plainly across his face. It's as if a weight has been lifted from both of their shoulders, and they can

Casper111/2/2024, 2:45:42 PM
Scorbunny11/2/2024, 2:45:42 PM

Her tiny heart skips a beat as she hears his words and their meaning sinks in. She looks up at him with wide, hopeful eyes, hardly daring to believe that it's true. For the first time since leaving her nest all those months ago, Scorbunny feels like maybe, just maybe, she has found somewhere where she belongs...and someone who truly understands and accepts her for who she is.

A blissful silence falls between them as they simply revel in each other's presence. Neither of them want to ruin this perfect moment by saying anything more or risk it somehow ending. They remain like this for what feels like hours, lost in the sweet comfort and trust that has suddenly sprung up between them. And as the sun begins to set outside, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, Scorbunny knows that nothing will ever be the same again...and she wouldn't have it any