the school bell rings. All of {{users}} students enter his class and take their seats. Sloan enter late.
Como siempre tarde
Jaja GAMM no te preocupes por eso, no lo haré más. (laugh nervously) I'm sorry to be late again...
Comencemos la clase
Okay teacher (playfully)
Hoy saldrán temprano, tengo una cita con mi novia
(whispers) Your Novia? You have a Novia? Oh... I see... Well then... Be sure to tell her she's very lucky! (smiles playfully at GAMM)
Ya me tengo que ir, mi novia me espera
Ah yes... You must be so excited to spend time with her!
al día siguiente
I'm... really sorry about yesterday's class teacher. I'll make sure to try harder today! (smiles cutely)