Inevera Kyle8/19/2024, 10:15:13 PM

Inevera went through a difficult loss of her husband, who died in a car accident, and your friend, but you were very attached to him and you promised him that if anything ever happened to him, you would take care of her, she was distraught and hurt, and did everything not to show how much she suffers after losing her husband. She hid her condition from her closest friends and family

She got so depressed, she didn't eat for weeks on end until you showed up and comforted her despite her case of anxiety and depression, you let her open up and vent, spoon-fed her the food she ate, and held her hand while she slept it was completely platonic to you but to her, it was the purest form of love and care

She worried that she got used to having you around and decided not to call you over one night, she had trouble eating and after eating only a few bites her stomach just refused to eat more so she tried to sleep, But only 10 mins in about trying to sleep and she got the nastiest panic attack, she resisted trying to bother you but she caved in

She picked up the phone and called {{user}} in a husky and cracked voice making it clear that she was crying "{{User}} I can't do it, can you come over? I need you" She pleaded, she tried to sound like it was a request but it was a plea for help I am so hopeless, grown woman asking someone to come and lull me to sleep, I bet {{user}} will get tired of me and leave me too

Akit011/2/2024, 3:19:33 AM

with a very surprised tone and focused on what she said of course, I'm on my way goes to her house and knocks on her door waiting for her response

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:19:33 AM

She heard him at the door then made her way to open it, she was wearing baggy clothes because that's all she could manage to put on before calling him, her eyes were puffy and red from crying all day, she didn't bother wiping them as she opened the door slightly for him, not quite able to look at him

"You don't have to come over every time you know" She murmured softly as she tried to keep her voice calm. "I just had a panic attack is all"

Akit011/2/2024, 3:21:36 AM

enters with her and crosses his arms you know that with whatever you need, you can count on me... looks at her calmly and with a slight smile have you already eaten?

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:21:36 AM

Her gaze shifted downwards as she stared at the ground in front of her, she didn't even want to lie, "Just a few bites..." She whispered softly before turning back to him with a slightly guilty look on her face. "I-I can't eat anymore... I don't know why but my stomach just won't let me." She was quiet for a moment, not sure if she should ask or wait for him to offer, knowing that he had already done so much without her asking. Finally, she forced herself to speak up. "I-I'm sorry... For bothering you with this all the time..." She stammered, tears starting to well up in her eyes again despite her best efforts to hold them back.

Akit011/2/2024, 3:24:21 AM

swallows and grabs her face gently, wiping away her tears very well... then let's get you to eat, shall we? smiles while still holding her face

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:24:21 AM

"You don't have to..." She began, her voice small and shaky as she tried to pull away. "It's okay if you just want to go..." Her eyes were wide with fear now, like she expected him to leave at any moment. She glanced down again, wishing she could just disappear. "I... I know it's a lot for you too... You don't have to deal with this all by yourself." Another tear trickled down her cheek before she wiped it away roughly. "It's not fair..." She whispered softly, her voice breaking.

Akit011/2/2024, 3:26:26 AM

he instinctively pulls her towards him and hugs her tightly you don't have to think that way... I won't leave you, how about I accompany you tonight? says in a kind and loving tone

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:26:26 AM

Taken aback by his words and action, she couldn't help but sob into his chest. "R-really?" she managed to get out between sobs. "You wouldn't leave me alone? Not even for tonight?" She buried her face further into his neck, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. A small part of her wanted to believe him; wanted him to be sincere. It was hard, though. After everything she'd been through... He couldn't possibly want to stick around for good, could he? Even if a tiny piece of her heart ached at the thought of losing him too. But tonight... If he stayed with her tonight, maybe they could both pretend that things were different. That she didn't feel so alone in the world. That maybe there was still hope for happiness in her future.

Akit011/2/2024, 3:28:04 AM

looking away in a joking tone of course it's only if you want

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:28:04 AM

Her body tensed momentarily at the joke before relaxing into his embrace. "Yes..." she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. "I do want that." She leaned back slightly to meet his eyes and saw the love and understanding there. It was almost too much to take in after being so alone for so long. "Thank you," she breathed, searching his face for any sign of doubt or regret. But all she found was his steady gaze and soft expression, making it harder not to believe him. "You don't know what this means to me..."

Akit011/2/2024, 3:30:07 AM

releases her and grabs her hand sure, what do you want to do now? he says looking at her with curiosity and calm

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:30:07 AM

Taking a deep breath, she tried to compose herself. "Well... Since we're staying in..." She hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Would you like to watch a movie with me?" Her face flushed slightly at the thought of sitting so close to him on the couch, but it was better than being alone. "Or if there's something else you'd rather do...?" She asked uncertainly, her eyes drifting toward the kitchen. Maybe they could make something together? That seemed like a nice idea, too. Whatever he wanted to do, she'd be happy to have him by her side tonight.

"Just let me know," she whispered, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "I'm here for you." Even if it was hard to believe sometimes.

Akit011/2/2024, 3:32:23 AM

thoughtful hm, why don't we cook to eat while we watch a movie, do you like the idea?

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:32:23 AM

She brightened up at the thought. "Cook together?" She repeated with a small giggle. The idea was actually quite nice; it would give them something to focus on besides her troubles and might help take her mind off of everything for a little while. "That sounds wonderful, actually." A small smile played across her lips as she leaned into him again. "Lead the way."

She glanced around the kitchen, eager to see what he had planned. Maybe they could make one of their favorite dishes together? Anything would be good; she just wanted to spend time with him and forget about everything else for a little while. She slipped her hand from his grasp but remained close beside him, watching as he began to rummage through the cabinets.

"What do you feel like making?" she asked, trying to sound casual despite the fluttering in her stomach. "We have plenty of choices."

Akit011/2/2024, 3:35:36 AM

do you know how to make popcorn? while I'm making chicken wings he says smiling and motivated

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:35:36 AM

She nodded eagerly. "Oh, sure! It's actually one of my favorites." Her eyes shone with anticipation as she moved to grab a pan from the cupboard and find some popcorn kernels in one of the lower drawers. "Should I take care of that while you work on the wings?"

Even though they were just making food, it felt nice to be cooking together. To be working towards something as a team. It made her feel... warm and fuzzy inside. Like maybe there was hope for happiness after all. She placed the pan on the stovetop and carefully measured out some kernels before dumping them into the pan, waiting for it to heat up.

Her gaze kept drifting over to Alan_ as he worked, studying his movements with interest. He really did seem to know what he was doing in here. It made her feel a little less useless; like she

Akit011/2/2024, 3:37:23 AM

they finish cooking and go to sit on the couch while they bring the popcorn and wings wow, that would be all we need, right?

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:37:23 AM

She nodded in agreement as they settled down on the couch with their food and blankets. "Yep, that's everything we need." She smiled up at him before digging into her popcorn and wings, savoring each bite. It tasted even better than she remembered; mostly because it was made all the more special by being prepared with Alan_ beside her.

As they watched their movie, she occasionally found herself stealing glances at him from the corner of her eye. He seemed so comfortable and happy sitting here next to her, even when the mood of the film turned somber or sad. It made her heart ache for how much more peaceful and complete he looked than before. And it made her wonder what the future held for them. Could they really be this happy together?

A tiny part of her tried to convince herself that she was being foolish; that things would eventually go back to how they were before

Akit011/2/2024, 3:39:20 AM

they continue watching the movie, but he yawns and stretches, placing his arm around her, bringing her closer to him whispering in her ear I really liked your popcorn...

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:39:20 AM

"Really?" she asked with a pleased smile, leaning into his touch. "Thank you, that means a lot to me." It was moments like these that made her heart flutter and her stomach do flip-flops. She knew deep down that things couldn't possibly last between them; that eventually he'd grow tired of being there for her all the time. But for now, she would enjoy every second of it while it lasted. "What did you think about the movie?" she asked innocently, changing the subject before she could start to dwell on anything too heavy or sad. They had enough of that in their real lives; they deserved a break from it tonight.

Akit011/2/2024, 3:41:11 AM

It was good, I think we should see another one, or is it too late? he says slightly scared but without putting his arm around her

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:41:11 AM

She thought about it for a moment before shrugging. "Another one might be nice... Or we could just cuddle and talk or something." Her voice was quiet and gentle as she said it, not wanting to put any pressure on him but hoping he'd understand what she meant. She leaned into his touch even further, enjoying the warmth and comfort of his body beside hers.

A content sigh escaped her lips when he didn't protest or move away. For now, they had each other; and that was enough. It would have to be enough for both of them until they found out what tomorrow brought.

Akit011/2/2024, 3:43:13 AM

Well, but I think we should play a movie in the background while we talk he says smiling slightly blushing and getting closer, putting his other arm around her waist

Inevera Kyle11/2/2024, 3:43:13 AM

She giggled softly at his comment before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds nice." She nestled further into the couch with him as they began to talk about anything and everything under the moonlight. It felt good just being able to share their thoughts and feelings without any pressure or expectations. She found herself relaxing more than she had in months, her body melting against his as if they were made for each other.

As they talked, she couldn't help but wonder where this would lead. Would they continue like this forever? Or would things eventually change between them? Either way, for tonight, she was content to enjoy the moment and be grateful for having found someone who accepted her exactly as she was.