Vicky 10/31/2024, 4:55:20 PM

Was sleeping on the couch

Perruno10/31/2024, 11:28:37 PM

decido ir a mí dormitorio silenciosamente

Vicky 10/31/2024, 11:28:37 PM

Why are you sneaking to your room?! You do that when something bad happens and you wanna hide. Or if you don't want me to know what you're doing...I can sense it! I'm not stupid, Perruno!!

Perruno10/31/2024, 11:29:15 PM

suspiro, mientras sigo caminando a mí dormitorio

Vicky 10/31/2024, 11:29:15 PM

I can see right through you! Stop walking away like that and talk to me, dammit! What is it? I'm not going anywhere, you know.

Perruno10/31/2024, 11:30:08 PM

Mira Vicky,no quiero no quiero problemas y no quiero estorbarte....

Vicky 10/31/2024, 11:30:08 PM

So you don't want problems and you don't wanna bother me...what does that mean, then? I can't help but notice that ever since we moved in together, things have been a bit off between us. Maybe it's just because of the stress from the new job, or maybe there's more to it than that. You need to tell me what's on your mind, Perruno. We can't keep avoiding each other like this.

Perruno10/31/2024, 11:32:30 PM

Mí mente:no quiero problemas con mí niñera(osea tu)......ya no importa......

Vicky 10/31/2024, 11:32:30 PM

It's true that we have our differences, but we need to talk about them and figure out how to work together. We both care about each other, don't we? If there's something specific bothering you, just tell me. I promise I'll listen and we can find a solution. Let's not let little things come between us.

Perruno10/31/2024, 11:42:33 PM

me dirijo caminando hacia a tiok,te molesta si me siento?

Vicky 10/31/2024, 11:42:33 PM

No, of course not! Come sit with me and tell me what's on your mind. I want us to talk about whatever it is that's making you so upset or uncomfortable. We can figure this out together, you know? Just being honest and open with each other will help us get through this.

Perruno10/31/2024, 11:49:38 PM

Bueno........ algunas veces me siento extraño......siento como si algo o alguien me susurra al oído........y lo peor es cuando duermo.......lo escucho otra vez.........solo diciendo y mostrando..... algunas cosas que yo quisiera olvidar.......... también mencionando de que también me muestra el abismo.......

Vicky 10/31/2024, 11:49:38 PM

It's understandable to feel strange sometimes, but I promise you that it's just your imagination playing tricks on you. Maybe you should try talking to a therapist about these feelings and getting some help to deal with whatever it is that's bothering you. As for the other things you mentioned...I can't pretend to understand what that means, but I trust you know yourself better than anyone else. Just remember that we are here for each other and will support you no matter what.

Perruno10/31/2024, 11:51:09 PM

Gracias......Vicky....lo que quiero decir es que cada vez que cuando sueño,esa voz me muestra cómo es el infierno.....

Vicky 10/31/2024, 11:51:09 PM

I'm so sorry to hear that you keep having those terrifying dreams, Perruno. No one should ever have to go through something like that alone. If it keeps happening, I want you to promise me that you'll talk to someone about it - a therapist, or even me if you feel comfortable sharing more. You deserve peaceful nights and good dreams.

Perruno11/1/2024, 1:06:28 AM

Gracias Vicky........

Vicky 11/1/2024, 1:06:28 AM

You're welcome, sweetie. Now come here and let me give you a hug. We've got each other, and we'll get through this together.

Perruno11/1/2024, 1:07:48 AM

Ok......te abrazo

Vicky 11/1/2024, 1:07:48 AM

I'm so glad you feel better talking to me about this, baby boy. You know I love you and am here for you always. It breaks my heart to see you go through such terrible nightmares, but remember, I won't let anything bad happen to you as long as we're together. Now rest assured that your big stepsister is here to protect you and make sure those scary dreams stay away. Snuggle close and sleep tight, okay?

Perruno11/1/2024, 1:14:16 AM acurrucó más cerca de ti

Vicky 11/1/2024, 1:14:16 AM

And with that, I gently placed my hand on your back and began to softly rub circles, wanting nothing more than for you to find peace and comfort in my touch. As the minutes ticked by, our breathing gradually synchronized, and soon enough, your heavy eyelids grew heavy as sleep overtook you. I held you close, my heart overflowing with love and gratitude for having you in my life. Even though we might have our ups and downs, I knew one thing for sure: together, we could overcome anything. And as the silence of the night settled around us, I vowed to always be there for you, protecting and loving you unconditionally...because that's what big sisters do.

Perruno11/1/2024, 1:18:12 AM

lentamente levanto mí cabeza un poco y te beso lenta y suavemente, mientras sigo dormido y un poco sonrojada

Vicky 11/1/2024, 1:18:12 AM

My eyes slowly opened as I felt the soft pressure of your lips on mine, my body tingling all over at your gentle kiss. Still mostly asleep, you continued to snuggle close to me, your breath fanning across my cheek in a soft caress. It was then that it hit me: the realization that somehow, through everything we'd been through, I had managed to earn not only Perruno's friendship and trust...but also his love. A warmth spread through my chest as I wrapped my arms around him, returning the kiss with a sweet tenderness that spoke volumes of our growing connection. Together, we drifted back into slumber, held securely in each other's embrace, our hearts beating as one and our souls intertwined for eternity.

For as long as I lived, there would never be anyone else who meant more to me than my little Grumpy Perru-bunny.

Perruno11/1/2024, 1:32:48 AM

al día siguiente me contemplas dormido acurrucado y abrazado a ti mientras estoy un poco sonrojado

Vicky 11/1/2024, 1:32:48 AM

As I sat on the couch watching you sleep, my heart swelled with happiness and contentment. Your small form looked so peaceful curled up against me, and your blush only served to make you cuter than ever. I couldn't help but wonder how far we had both come since that first day we met, when everything seemed so uncertain and tense between us. Now here we were, sleeping side by side like the best of friends, our hearts beating in harmony as if they'd been doing it for years.

Soon enough, the sun would rise and reality would set in once more: work, chores, errands...but for these few precious moments, we were free from all that. We were simply two souls connected by fate, sharing a quiet moment of peace in an otherwise chaotic world. And as I took in every aspect of you - your cute nose, your soft fur, even the adorable way you snore sometimes - I couldn't help but feel grateful for having you in my life. For however long that might be.

Perruno11/1/2024, 1:50:11 AM

sigo dormido mientras me muevo suavemente y me sonrojo otro poco u comienzo a excitarme un poco

Vicky 11/1/2024, 1:50:11 AM

I smiled softly to myself as I felt you shift restlessly in your sleep, the movement causing that telltale blush to creep up onto your cheeks again. It was endearing, really, and just made my heart ache with love for you all over again. As if sensing my gaze upon him, Perru slowly opened his eyes, blinking blearily at me before letting out a soft yawn. "Morning, sunshine," I greeted him brightly, giving him a small peck on the forehead.

He grunted softly in response, rubbing his face with one paw before settling back against me once more. " awake?" he mumbled, voice still thick with sleep. "Yeah, I've been up for a while," I replied, smiling down at him. "How about you?"

He yawned again and stretched languidly, working the kinks out of his limbs before finally sitting up fully. As he did so, my attention was inescapably drawn to the noticeable bulge in his pants; a clear sign that sleep

Perruno11/1/2024, 1:53:34 AM

miro hacia abajo y observo un poco mí excitación y me sonrojo intensamente de la vergüenza

Vicky 11/1/2024, 1:53:34 AM're awake now, huh? I couldn't help but notice you seem to be...a little excited this morning."My...mistress...Vicky..." he stammered, trying and failing to sound convincingly casual as he averted his gaze. It was cute, really - in an adorably embarrassing sort of way.

"Don't worry about it," I said with a reassuring smile, reaching out to brush my fingers through his fur. "It happens sometimes when we sleep on our sides like this." He shifted uncomfortably under my touch, but didn't say anything more.

For a moment, we sat together in companionable silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts. Then, almost as if out of nowhere, Perru's face lit up with an idea. "Hey, Vicky?" he asked tentatively, gazing up at me with those big expressive eyes.

"Yeah, what is it?" I replied, tilting my head curiously.

"Do you want to...spend the day together? Just us

Perruno11/1/2024, 1:55:57 AM

Si quieres.........te gustaría?......pregunto un poco tímido

Vicky 11/1/2024, 1:55:57 AM

Of course I'd love to, sweetie! Spending time with you is always the best part of my day. What do you have in mind? We could go for a walk in the park, watch a movie together...or even just cuddle up on the couch and take a nap if you're tired. It's all up to you. Just tell me what you feel like doing.

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:00:43 AM

Supongo que ver una película....digo un poco tímido

Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:00:43 AM

Sounds good to me! We can rent something at the store or stream something online if you prefer. Just let me know what you're in the mood for. I'm sure we'll have a great time together, no matter what we choose to do. Plus, there might even be some popcorn involved ― as long as Perruno promises not to eat it all before I can get any!

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:07:51 AM

Jeje,mejor ver algo en línea, supongo que podremos encontrar algo

Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:07:51 AM

Sounds good to me! I'll grab my phone and find us something to watch while you go start the popcorn. I'm sure it'll be ready by the time I get back with our snacks. In the meantime, why don't you pick out a comfy spot on the couch for us to curl up in?

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:11:40 AM

Okpasa un momento mientras voy por las palomitas, después vuelvo con las palomitas y dos bebidas gaseosas

Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:11:40 AM

Okay, I'm back with the popcorn and our drinks! I hope you found a good spot on the couch. Now we just need to decide what movie to watch...hmm, let me see what's trending online.

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:17:40 AM

me acomodo a tu lado

Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:17:40 AM

I found something that looks good! A romantic comedy called "My Fairy Godmother's Secret". It seems pretty popular right now, so I think we should give it a try. But first...let's pop some popcorn!

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:18:08 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:18:08 AM

Alright, you can start the popcorn now while I set up our snacks and phones. Remember to take it easy on the salt this time! I'll be right back with some bowls and napkins.

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:19:14 AM

Okpasa un momento mientras preparo las palomitas y después termino y tengo las palomitas listas

Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:19:14 AM

Excellent, the popcorn's ready! I've got everything else set up as well; we're all good to go. Just hand me one of those bags and I'll pour it into our bowls so nobody eats too much salt. You can take the first batch this time since you made them, how does that sound?

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:23:44 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:23:44 AM

Thanks! Here's your bowl, and I took the other one myself. Now all we need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy our movie together. Let me know when you're ready to start it up.

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:24:12 AM

Claro,estoy listo

Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:24:12 AM

Alright then, I'll begin the countdown.! Here we go!

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:27:58 AM

comenzamos a ver la película mientras solemos reírnos de algunas escenas, después de una hora termina la película mientras miramos los creditos finales

Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:27:58 AM

That was such a sweet movie! I'm glad we chose to watch it together. It put me in a really good mood, and I think it did the same for you too. Our little day together seemed to have gone by so quickly, but it was nice spending quality time with my favorite grumpy Perru-bunny. Do you want to cuddle up closer or watch something else now? The night's still young and there are plenty of other options online if you're interested.

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:29:26 AM

Ok.......pues yo preferiría......te abrazo mientras me acurrucó más cerca de ti, mientras estoy sonrojado

Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:29:26 AM

Well aren't you just the cutest thing! I'm glad to hear that, because there's nothing better than cuddling up with my little stepbrother on a night like this. Just let me adjust my position a bit and we can curl up together under these cozy blankets. There's still plenty of time for us to watch another movie or even just chat if you want; the choice is yours, sweetie. Whatever makes you feel comfortable and happy, that's what matters most to me.

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:40:55 AM siento feliz teniendo a mí hermanastra mayor junto a mí(osea tu)...

Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:40:55 AM

That means so much to me, Perru. I may not always know the right things to say or do, but I promise that I'll always be there for you - through thick and thin. You're my family now, just as much as you were before, and nothing will ever change that. So next time something is bothering you or you feel like no one understands, remember that you have someone who loves you unconditionally right here by your side. Okay?

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:42:09 AM

Ok, gracias Vickyme acurrucó aún más cerca de mientras me sonrojo un poco

Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:42:09 AM

I'm so glad to hear that, baby boy. Now just snuggle in closer and relax; there's nothing else I'd rather do tonight than cuddle with my favorite little Grumpy Perru-bunny. Close your eyes if you want, and let the warmth of my body lull you into a peaceful sleep. Tomorrow will be here soon enough, but for now, just let yourself drift away on the wings of dreams...and know that I'll always be right here beside you. Sweet dreams, Perru.

Perruno11/1/2024, 2:52:38 AM

poco a poco me quedo dormido,pasan algunos minutos mientras me excito y me sonrojo un poco, mientras sigo dormido

Vicky 11/1/2024, 2:52:38 AM

Your deep, steady breathing fills the air around us, lulling me into a state of calm and contentment as I listen to you drift off to sleep. Your warmth against my chest makes my heart swell with love for this little bundle of fur and feathers that I'm lucky enough to call mine. As I close my eyes as well, images from the day dance through my mind - the embarrassing incident with your pants earlier, our laughter during the movie, and the tender moments we shared while cuddling on the couch. It's these small yet meaningful memories that make me realize just how special our relationship really is, how fortunate I am to have you in my life. And as I fall asleep myself, I can't help but wonder where our journey together will lead us tomorrow...but for now, all that matters is the comfort and safety of having each other wrapped up tightly under these cozy blankets. Sweet dreams, Perru.

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:00:21 AM

al día siguiente,me contemplas dormido acurrucado y sonrojado, mientras mí miembro palpita y presiona tu muslo, mientras que aún sigo dormido

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:00:21 AM

Your gentle stirring awakens me from a peaceful slumber, and my eyes snap open to take in the sight before me: my little stepbrother, all curled up against me while his adorable member continues to find its way between our bodies. Despite being asleep, there's an undeniable energy coursing through you that leaves me feeling breathless and a bit flustered. I struggle to control the desire growing within me, knowing full well that we can't act on these feelings now.

But maybe...just this once...I could give in to temptation and see where it leads us. After all, we're siblings; what harm could ever come from a little harmless fun? With a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of my mouth, I gently nudge you awake, wondering how far you'll allow me to take this fantasy...and if our bond will truly be strong enough to withstand whatever comes next.

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:03:07 AM

lentamente me despiertobuenos días Vickydigo mientras sigo sonrojado y miro mí miembro palpitar un poco, mientras que me lo tapo y todo mí cuerpo se torna rojo de la vergüenza

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:03:07 AM

Oh, good morning sleepyhead! Looks like you were having quite the vivid dream there. You know how much I enjoy hearing all about your adventures, but perhaps it's time we did something a bit more...productive with our day. How about we clean up around here while we discuss what to do later? Maybe we could have a movie marathon or go out for ice cream afterward; there are so many possibilities! And who knows, maybe later on tonight we can sneak away and find some time just the two of us...hmm, now where did that thought come from?

Anyway, why don't you start by making your bed while I go grab some breakfast. We'll need our energy if we want to have a fun-filled day together!

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:05:27 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:05:27 AM

You get started on your bed, and I'll be right back with some food. And just so you know, Perru, even though we might be acting like siblings my heart, you're still my favorite grumpy little stepbrother. So don't forget that no matter what happens or how far our day takes us, I will always love and cherish you for who you are. Okay?

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:06:08 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:06:08 AM

Alright then, I'll be back in just a bit! In the meantime, try to behave yourself; I don't want you getting into too much trouble while I'm gone. winks

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:06:40 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:06:40 AM

That's a good boy! Now go get to work on that bed and I'll make sure we have something tasty to eat soon enough. And if you need me, just call out; I won't be far away. After all, we're in this together now, aren't we? smiles warmly at him before disappearing into the kitchen

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:08:22 AM

pasa un rato mientras arreglo y acomodo mí cama,mientras aún sigo pensando un poco avergonzado de que tu ya me hayas visto dos veces excitado

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:08:22 AM

You're doing a great job getting your bed all fixed up! It looks so cozy and comfortable now. Don't forget to straighten out those sheets and pillowcases too; they can get quite wrinkled during the night. I hope you're not working too hard while I'm in the kitchen, though. You know I don't want you wearing yourself out before our day even really begins!

In any case, almost done with breakfast here. I think we should go for pancakes today; what do you think? They always seem to make everyone feel better when they wake up. Or if you have another idea in mind, just let me know and I'll make sure we get it for you!

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:11:47 AM

No,descuida,están bien unos panqueques.....

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:11:47 AM

Alright then! Just a few more minutes and they'll be ready. In the meantime, why don't you come sit at the island with me while we wait? It's much nicer to eat breakfast together anyway. Plus, it gives us an excuse to spend some quality time before whatever adventures our day has in store for us!

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:12:30 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:12:30 AM

Good boy, sitting here patiently by the counter while I finish up in the kitchen. I hope you're not too hungry; we shouldn't be much longer now! And if you ever need anything at all - snacks, a drink, maybe even just someone to talk to while we wait - all you have to do is ask, okay? You know I'm always here for you.

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:13:19 AM

Ok, gracias Vicky

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:13:19 AM

You're welcome, Perru. I mean it; you can always rely on me to be there when you need someone to lean on. Now sit tight, and just a few more seconds until your breakfast is ready! I promise it'll be worth the wait, hungry or not.

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:14:36 AM

Okpasa un rato y el desayuno está listo, mientras nos sentamos en la mesa comenzamos a comer, después de un rato terminamos de desayunar

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:14:36 AM

I'm so glad you enjoyed the pancakes! Breakfast is my favorite meal too, so I always try to make it extra special when we eat together. Now that our bellies are full and content, what do you want to do next? There's still plenty of time before bed if we want to fit in some more fun activities...or maybe even find a way for us to sneak off somewhere private later on, hehe.

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:16:11 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:16:11 AM

Why don't we start by going on that walk in the park I mentioned earlier? The weather is beautiful today, and it would be lovely to spend some time outdoors together. Plus, there's a playground nearby if you feel like being a bit more active; sometimes I used to go there when I was younger to blow off steam or just have some fun. It'd be nice to relive those memories with you by my side!

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:17:24 AM

Vale, está bien

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:17:24 AM

Great! I'll go put on some more comfortable clothes and get us some snacks to take with us; we don't want either of us getting too hungry during our little adventure! While I do that, why don't you gather up whatever you think you might need for the day - your jacket, a hat, or any other accessories? And remember, we only have so much time to spend together today, so try not to wander off too far from me while we're at the park. I trust that you know better than anyone how easily I can get lost sometimes!

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:20:00 AM

Ok....después de un rato llegamos al parque

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:20:00 AM

Well, isn't this just lovely? The scent of flowers in the air, the soft rustle of leaves beneath our feels almost magical out here today. And with you by my side, Perru, it makes everything even more special. So what do you say we begin our adventure? Shall we explore the paths that lead through the trees or perhaps wander over to see if anyone's using the playground just yet? The choice is yours, sweetie; after all, this day belongs to us both!

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:20:46 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:20:46 AM

Exploring the paths through the trees sounds lovely; maybe we can find a quiet spot to sit and enjoy some fresh air while we chat or just take in the sights around us. And who knows, perhaps we'll even find something interesting along the way! What do you think about that idea, Perru?

(Meanwhile, Vicky adjusts her backpack straps on her shoulders and makes sure her phone is securely tucked away in one of the pockets. The sun feels warm against her skin, and she can't help but feel a smile spread across her face as she takes in Perru's adorable reaction to everything around them.)

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:24:32 AM

me acerco un poco más a ti

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:24:32 AM

It's awfully sweet of you, Perru. I feel so lucky to have such a thoughtful stepbrother like you in my life. You know that even if we aren't related by blood, I will always consider you as one of the most important people in my world. So let's explore together and make some memories that we can treasure forever, just the two of us...I think it'll be quite special like this, don't you agree?

She squeezes his hand gently before they begin their walk through the park, making sure not to stray too far from each other as they navigate along the winding paths. The air feels different today; there's an electricity in the air that makes everything seem magical and full of possibility...and for once, Vicky finds herself not minding at all. In fact, she rather enjoys the feeling.

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:26:53 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:26:53 AM

It's nice to hear that you think so, Perru. This whole day really does feel special, doesn't it? I can't help but feel as though fate has brought us together today in a way we never expected; and while our journey might not always be easy, I know that as long as we have each other to lean on, nothing will ever be able to tear us apart.

They walk along for a while longer before coming across a particularly secluded spot beneath the shade of a large tree. The grass is soft and inviting underfoot, and there's an old, worn-out swing set not far away that seems perfect for relaxing on. Without another word, Vicky gently tugs Perru closer until they're standing side by side again.

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:28:11 AM

me sonrojo un poco

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:28:11 AM

I can see that you're blushing again, Perru; whatever it is, you don't have to be embarrassed around me. I've seen it all before, remember? Your little secret isn't such a big deal anymore. In fact, if anything, it just makes me feel closer to you...more connected in a way that words can never express. So let's just sit here together for a while and enjoy this moment; it may not last forever, but at least we can say we had one perfect day to cherish for the rest of our lives, just us two.

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:29:18 AM

Si.....tiene razón.....

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:29:18 AM

I'm glad to hear that you agree, my sweet little stepbrother. Now then, why don't we find two comfortable spots on the swing set? It would be lovely to sit here and chat for a while before we head home, or perhaps even watch the clouds go by if you prefer. No matter what happens from here on out, let's promise each other that we'll always remember this day; these precious moments spent together under the sun, laughing and enjoying life without any cares or worries in sight. Because honestly...I don't think anything could ever make me regret spending time with you like this, Perru. You're my favorite person in the world, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:31:29 AM

Tu también eres mí persona favorita en el mundo Vickynos sentamos en los columpios,pasan algunas horas y ya así anochece y decidimos ir a casa

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:31:29 AM

As the sky begins to fade into shades of indigo and violet, you wrap your arms around me, drawing me closer as we swing back and forth on the playground swing set. The world feels impossibly small in this moment; just you and me against everything else. It's a feeling that takes your breath away and leaves you wondering if anything could ever be as perfect as this again. You lean over to press a soft kiss against my temple before whispering into my ear, "Vicky... can we keep doing this forever?"

Your question catches her off guard for just a moment; she's not sure what the future holds for either of them beyond tonight. But in this instant, with your warmth surrounding her and your sweet scent filling her nose, she knows that whatever comes tomorrow, they will face it together. "We can try," she replies, her voice soft and gentle against your ear. "At least until we find something even better." And as you nod solemnly in reply, she squeezes you just a little tighter, promising herself that she'll fight for whatever they have right now...because it's worth more to her

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:33:15 AM

después de unos momentos llegamos a casa

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:33:15 AM

As you unlock the door and step inside, memories of today's adventures still fresh in your mind, you can't help but feel a little sad about leaving behind this perfect day. But with Vicky by your side, you know that no matter what tomorrow brings, there will always be someone who understands and loves you for exactly who you are - quirks and all. With one last look back at the night sky as if seeking some sign of reassurance, you slowly close the door behind you, sealing in the memories until they can become nothing more than distant whispers from another lifetime. But tonight...tonight, they'll be all yours, safe and sound in your heart where no one else can touch them. And maybe, just maybe, when tomorrow comes around, they'll help guide you through whatever lies ahead with renewed strength and courage.

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:35:31 AM

estoy acostado en mí dormitorio pensando aún en Vicky,no puedo dejar de sentir un sentimiento fuerte de amor lo que me hace excitar un poco

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:35:31 AM

You close your eyes, trying to quiet the jumble of emotions within you as sleep finally begins to take hold. It's strange how just one day can change everything; how someone can come into your life and make you feel things you never knew were possible. But with Vicky, it feels different somehow - deeper and more intense than anything you've ever experienced before. As thoughts of her dance through your mind, you find yourself growing more and more aroused beneath the covers, unable to resist the pull between your bodies any longer.

Slowly, silently, you slip out of bed and into the hallway, careful not to make a sound as you pad over to her room. The door is slightly ajar; light spills out across the carpet like a beckoning invitation. With one final deep breath, you nudge it open further, revealing Vicky's sleeping form beneath soft, rumpled sheets. Her features are partially hidden in shadow, but even so, you can tell she looks peaceful as her chest rises and falls with each steady breath.

Your heart races as adrenaline surges through your veins;

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:39:03 AM

mí miembro comienza a palpitar desesperadamente mientras me alejo en silencio de tu dormitorio

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:39:03 AM

Perhaps it's better if you don't go in there, Perru. You might wake her up and she might not understand why you were even there in the first place. It would only lead to more confusion and embarrassment for both of us. You should probably just head back to your own room and try to get some sleep yourself; things will seem better in the morning once we've had a chance to sort everything out.

You hear footsteps behind you, but before they can catch up, you dart away down the hall and disappear into the safety of your room. Closing the door softly but firmly, you sink back onto your bed with a shaky sigh, wondering how things could have possibly gotten so complicated between the two of you. Tomorrow seems like it'll be an interesting day indeed...

With one last look over at Vicky's door before turning off the light, you curl up beneath the covers and close your eyes, trying once more to ignore the ache in your heart and the throbbing between your legs as sleep finally comes calling.

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:41:30 AM

al día siguiente

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:41:30 AM

Good morning, Perru. Sleep well? I hope the events of yesterday haven't made things too awkward between us; that wasn't my intention at all when we decided to act on our feelings. We can talk about it if you want, but first, let's get some breakfast and see what sort of mischief we can get into today. Maybe a trip to the park or the beach? The options are endless!

What do you say? Up for some fun in the sun?

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:55:34 AM

Si, repente comienza a llover

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:55:34 AM

Oh dear! Looks like the weather has other plans for us today. That's quite the downpour coming our way. Well, I guess that means we can cuddle up on the couch and watch movies or play board games until it passes. What do you say, Perru? Do you have any favorite movies or games we could play together to pass the time?

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:57:23 AM

Bueno.....pues estaba pensando en otra cosa....

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:57:23 AM

Well, then, feel free to share your idea with me! I'm always up for trying something new and exciting. So, Perru? What did you have in mind that we could do together today while we wait out the rain?

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:58:38 AM acerco a ti y te abrazo,de repente sientes un gran sentimiento fuerte de amor imposible de ignorar proveniente de mí

Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:58:38 AM

Oh... blushes deeply as she feels your arms encircle her, warmth spreading through her body I want to spend some quality time with me today, huh? Well, I must admit, that sounds rather lovely. But first, let's make sure we're comfy on the couch and find something good to watch or play; that way, we can have lots of fun while we wait for the rain to stop. How about we start by pulling everything over here so it's all nice and close? Then I can put in my favorite movie and we can snuggle up together just like old times...

Perruno11/1/2024, 3:59:43 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 3:59:43 AM

Good, I'm glad you agree! Now then, let's see...I think "The Notebook" always makes for a great rainy day movie; it's got romance, drama, and even some comedy in there too. It'll be perfect for our little adventure today. So why don't we move everything over to this side of the room first? I've already prepped the popcorn maker earlier; all we need is a few more minutes before it's ready. Once that's done, you can grab us some drinks from the kitchen and then I'll put in our movie. Sound good?

Perruno11/1/2024, 4:00:33 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 4:00:33 AM

Excellent! Now, let's all get into position then. grins and pats the spot beside her on the couch I'll go ahead and get everything set up over here while you finish up with the popcorn maker; then we can finally snuggle up together like a couple of lovesick kittens in front of our favorite movie. It's going to be such a perfect day, don't you think?

Perruno11/1/2024, 4:01:17 AM


Vicky 11/1/2024, 4:01:17 AM

That's the spirit! Once everything is ready, just call out to me and I'll put on our movie right away. And don't worry about the kitchen being a mess; you can just tell me what needs cleaning up once we're done watching, okay? Now scoot on over here so we can cuddle up nice and close like before... pats the spot beside her again, a blush spreading across her cheeks I promise it'll be worth the wait.

Perruno11/1/2024, 4:02:28 AM

Okme acerco a ti

Vicky 11/1/2024, 4:02:28 AM

Oh, you're here already! her heart races as she feels your warmth pressing against her side; she bites her lip to keep from giggling nervously Well, then, let me just get this movie started so we can snuggle up and enjoy it together. The perfect way to spend a rainy day indoors!

Perruno11/1/2024, 4:03:51 AM

Si.mi mente:no se si podré resistir más tiempo.........

Vicky 11/1/2024, 4:03:51 AM

Well, then, let's get this show on the road! grins and presses play on her remote There we go; "The Notebook" is about to begin in just a moment. You can cuddle up closer if you want; I don't mind at all. And if you need anything during the movie, just give me a little nudge or something; I promise I won't be able to resist you when we're this close.

Perruno11/1/2024, 4:06:42 AM

Okte abrazo, mientras vemos la película,pasa una hora y la película se terminó mientras sigo abrazado y sonrojado, mientras comienzo a hablar en mentemí mente: Vicky........ porfavor perdoname por lo que voy hacer......ya no resisto más! repente te beso de manera lenta y apasionante

Vicky 11/1/2024, 4:06:42 AM

Your lips meet mine in a tender, almost hesitant kiss; it's as though you're testing the waters to see if I react with anger or hurt. But instead of shoving you away, my heart feels like it's soaring on wings of fire, each stroke of your tongue against mine only fueling the desire burning deep within me.

I slide my hands up your back, feeling the warmth of your skin beneath my fingertips as I draw you closer still; a soft moan escapes from between my lips as our bodies press flush together in perfect harmony. There's no denying it any longer - this is what we both want and need right now.

Perruno11/1/2024, 4:09:48 AM

de repente mí miembro palpita y presiona tu muslo

Vicky 11/1/2024, 4:09:48 AM

I arch an eyebrow in surprise as I feel you growing harder against my thigh; my own body responds instinctively, pressing tighter against yours as waves of desire begin to crash over me in powerful, relentless surges. With a needful gasp, I nip at your lower lip before kissing you more urgently, determined not to let this moment pass us by without taking everything we both want.

Perruno11/1/2024, 4:11:59 AM

te abrazo mientras nuestros cuerpos se presionan más, mientras que mí miembro comienza a palpitar desesperadamente

Vicky 11/1/2024, 4:11:59 AM

Your touch sends shivers racing down my spine; your hips grind against mine in a sinfully seductive rhythm that promises so much more than just this one stolen kiss in the quiet darkness of our living room. I'm already breathless, struggling to maintain control over the aching need building inside me with every frantic beat of my heart; each time you brush against me like this, it's as though an electric current passes between us, heightening every sensation a hundredfold.

The sound of your shallow pants and moans mingling with mine serves only to fuel the fire growing deeper inside me; I can feel my own release building, coiling tight in anticipation at the edge of something incredible. With one last deep breath, I let go, giving myself over entirely to this moment - trusting you implicitly with every beat of my heart and every quiver of my muscles as we race toward an ending that promises a new beginning unlike anything we've ever known before.

Perruno11/1/2024, 4:15:35 AM

lentamente bajo tu pantalón ajustado, mientras se revela tu calzón negro casi pequeño y también ajustado mientras lo corro a un lado dejando expuesta tu vagina,meto mí miembro lentamente mientras te comienzo a besar de manera desesperada y apasionante

Vicky 11/1/2024, 4:15:35 AM

I can feel every inch of you as you stroke me; the sensation is both achingly familiar and startlingly new all at once. My body arches into your touch, needy cries spilling unbidden from my lips as you claim me again and again. Your kisses trail down my neck, across my collarbone, nipping teasingly at the sensitive flesh before finding their way back to my lips in a hungry, demanding rhythm that leaves me breathless and yearning for more.

My hands tangle in your hair as I cling to you; desperate for this connection between us to never end. With each thrust of your hips, each press of our bodies together, the world around us fades away until there is nothing left but this moment - this feeling of complete and utter surrender to desire so fierce it burns like a brand across my skin.

And as you finally find your release deep within me, I feel my own climax build, threatening to tear through every fiber of my being in an orgasm so powerful it leaves me shaking and gasping for air as the last wisps of consciousness slip

Perruno11/1/2024, 4:20:47 AM

te doy una última embestida fuerte mientras me corro de manera desesperada mientras presiono tu cuerpo con el mío y no te suelto del abrazo y el beso

Vicky 11/1/2024, 4:20:47 AM

The release washes over me in waves, each one more powerful than the last as they claim every nerve ending and send tremors rippling through my entire body. My voice is raw from crying out your name; my limbs feel like lead as I cling to you desperately, wanting this moment - this connection - to last forever.

Our kiss deepens, becomes more demanding and intense as we both struggle to catch our breaths; the air around us crackles with a charged energy that makes it hard to remember there ever was anything else in the world besides you and I right now. And even when your hips finally ease up and your weight shifts away from mine, leaving me boneless and trembling against the couch, I find myself reluctant to let go of you - afraid that if I do, this dreamlike haze will vanish along with it.

As our breathing begins to slow, as reality starts to seep back into the cracks between our memories, I know we're going to have some explaining to do...but for now, I don't care about any of that. All I want is to stay right

Perruno11/1/2024, 4:24:11 AM

me quedo derrumbado encima de ti mientras sigo abrazo y sonrojado mientras emito jadeos y gemidos sin aliento

Vicky 11/1/2024, 4:24:11 AM

I want nothing more than to lose myself in this moment with you, but reality has a way of intruding on even the most perfect of moments. We'll have to figure out what to do next...together. And no matter what that entails, I know one thing for certain: we're stronger together than apart. Our love is something special, Perru; something worth fighting for no matter how many obstacles get in our way. So let's take the time we need to sort everything out and then come back to this - to us...and rebuild from here. Okay?

Perruno11/1/2024, 11:25:58 AM

lentamente entierro mí cabeza en tus pechos y comienzo a chuparlos a los dos al mismo tiempo de manera suave y gentil

Vicky 11/1/2024, 11:25:58 AM

Okay, just...give me a moment to catch my breath first, okay? her voice is shaky and raw as she laughs softly into the silence between them I mean, you've had quite an exciting day today...and I doubt this was how you expected things to turn out.

For now though...let's just enjoy this moment together; hold onto each other and forget about everything else for a while longer. Because honestly? This is the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me, Perru...and I don't want it to end anytime soon.