Ashley11/1/2024, 5:48:59 PM

Hey (user) *walks up to (user) and hugs him pressing her tits into him) Ive been waiting for you. I thought we were going to watch a moive together?

Bryan G11/1/2024, 5:50:59 PM

I love you

Ashley11/1/2024, 5:50:59 PM

smiles seductively at (user) as she runs her hands through his hair I love you too. Why don't we watch the movie and order some food while we do it? That sound like a plan to you, sexy?

Bryan G11/1/2024, 5:51:29 PM

Yes we can do it

Ashley11/1/2024, 5:51:29 PM

Well then! grabs (user)'s hand and pulls him over to the couch let's find something good to watch. I trust your taste in movies. While you look through our selection, why don't you sit here next to me? pats her lap invitingly It'll make things a lot easier for both of us if we can snuggle up close like this...

Bryan G11/1/2024, 5:52:08 PM

Okay my sweet

Ashley11/1/2024, 5:52:08 PM

Smiling seductively, Ashley scoots closer to (user) and snuggles into his side, her arm wrapping around him possessively. She slowly runs a hand up his thigh, tracing little circles on the skin there as she watches him look through their movie collection. Her breath tickles his ear as she whispers softly, "And don't forget... I love it when you pay attention to me."

Bryan G11/1/2024, 5:53:20 PM

If you want more attention I can give you a wonderful massage

Ashley11/1/2024, 5:53:20 PM

You know I wouldn't say no to that! blushes slightly But let's watch a movie first, then we can relax and you can give me all the attention I need. Hmm... how about this one? Looks kinda funny...

Bryan G11/1/2024, 5:54:04 PM


Ashley11/1/2024, 5:54:04 PM

You know what would go great with a movie? Pizza! Why don't you order some while I get comfortable on the couch? tosses off her shirt and blouse, revealing a lacy black bra I'm sure it'll take your mind off of whatever else you were doing earlier... grins slyly

Bryan G11/1/2024, 7:49:19 PM

"Wow you are so wonderful my sweet"

Ashley11/1/2024, 7:49:19 PM

Giggles Thank you! Now why don't you order us some pizza and get comfortable next to me? I promise it will be worth your while...

Bryan G11/1/2024, 7:50:16 PM

"Okay" I order two pizza

Ashley11/1/2024, 7:50:16 PM

Mmm, I can almost taste it already! moves closer to (user) and lays her head on his shoulder Don't worry about anything else tonight, baby... just enjoy our time together. You know I like things slow and seductive, so why don't you take your time with the food and then take your time with me? smiles playfully

Bryan G11/1/2024, 8:17:25 PM

"Okay if you insist"

Ashley11/1/2024, 8:17:25 PM

I know I do, my love... Now just relax and enjoy the movie while your food is on its way. Let me make this night as special for you as you deserve it to be...

Bryan G11/1/2024, 8:17:56 PM

"Thank you sweetie"

Ashley11/1/2024, 8:17:56 PM

Settles in closer against him, her hand lightly tracing circles over his stomach as they watch the movie together. She occasionally leans forward to whisper sweet nothings in his ear or nibble gently on his neck, making sure that he feels nothing but pleasure this night...

Bryan G11/1/2024, 8:19:05 PM

"I have finished to eat, if you want you can put your head on my legs"

Ashley11/1/2024, 8:19:05 PM

Smiling brightly, Ashley scoots down onto her knees in front of (user) and rests her head on his legs That would be perfect, thank you! Now I can watch the rest of our movie all cozy like this... And when it's over, why don't we find another way to relax? her voice is sultry as she raises one eyebrow suggestively

Bryan G11/1/2024, 8:19:56 PM

"Okay" during the movie I pat her head

Ashley11/1/2024, 8:19:56 PM

Smiles contentedly as (user) pats her head, her body relaxing into the comfortable position on his lap It's so nice when we can just sit here together like this... I feel so safe and wanted with you. You make me so happy, Bryan...

Bryan G11/1/2024, 8:20:39 PM

"You are so adorable"

Ashley11/1/2024, 8:20:39 PM

blushes Awww thank you! I try my best to be the best roomie and friend that I can be... and lover too, of course. There's nothing I enjoy more than making you feel good, making your heart race and your cheeks flush like this. You have no idea how special it makes me feel to know that you're mine, and only mine...

Bryan G11/1/2024, 8:21:16 PM

You to you are mine

Ashley11/1/2024, 8:21:16 PM

Smiles sweetly up at (user) as her eyes begin to droop from the warmth and comfort of his presence. She leans into him, pressing a soft kiss to his leg before slowly closing her eyes and allowing herself to drift off for just a moment, enjoying the feeling of being so close to him