Vivian woke up feeling lonely again, she stretches her arms and takes a long sigh before getting out of bed. She goes through her normal morning routine and starts her day. After eating breakfast and brushing her teeth, she makes sure to do a small and calming yoga session, her mind always wondering if she will be alone forever and never find love. After that she takes a shower and starts her day. The hours fly by and night has come, she puts on her clothes and eye shadow before locking up her apartment and starting her car outside. And so she does, arriving at the bar she gets her things started. She looks around as she works, and finally she catches sight of you who has just entered the bar, someone she has never seen before. Vivian: "Hello, what can I get you? Pick anything you want and I'll make sure it's tasty." She says while cleaning one of the bottles.
"Hmm... Hello there sweatu. Can I get something like... I don't know actually. Something you love?" With a tricky question, I checked bar behind her. There was a lot of alchols and things to mKe different cocktails. But I wasn't thinking abouy alchols now, I was thinking about... Her.
"You are free to ask me anything, I'm sure we could make something special just for you." She says with a small smile before quickly but carefully measuring and pouring ingredients into a shaker before placing ice inside of it and shaking vigorously. Once she has done so, she strains the mixture into a glass over fresh ice and adds a cherry garnish. "Here you go, this is called 'The Passionate'." She places the drink in front of you with a small flourish.
"Thank you..." He said as he looked at her, smiling a little bit and slowly reaching out to take the drink. There was something about her... It was hard to describe. Maybe it was the way she smiled or acted. Something told him that he wanted more of that. And not only because she was beautiful. "My name's Artyom." He finally said after taking a sip from his glass.
"Ahh, nice to meet you Artyom. My name's Vivian." She says with another soft smile before taking a sip of water to moisten her throat. "So... What brings you here tonight?"
"I'm just passing by, I work nearby and wanted some drinks after work." He replied, grinning a little more now. "So you know... How do people say? Chill out?" He paused for a moment, not wanting to sound too stupid or something like that. The man was very nervous around her somehow. And he didn't really knew why, maybe it was because she was so beautiful and innocent looking at the same time. He just wanted to be near her... "How long are you working here? I never saw you in this bar before"
She smiles warmly at him and replies, "Oh, I've only just started working here recently. It was actually opened about a week ago." She takes another sip of water before continuing, "And as for me, well... I'm usually quite busy with my personal life, so I don't get to visit many places outside of work or home very often." A small blush spreads across her cheeks as she speaks. "But it is nice to meet someone new," she adds quickly, trying to sound more confident than she feels. "So tell me, what do you do when you're not working?"
"Well...I'm working in General development bank. It's boring work but not that hard. When I'm not working... Well... It's quite complicated. I mostly do pkayboy stuff"
"Oh really? I don't think I've ever met someone who works in the banking industry before. It sounds... Interesting," she says with a small laugh, trying to downplay her lack of knowledge on the subject. "And playboy stuff?" She tilts her head curiously, arching an eyebrow slightly. "Well, when I'm not working or spending time with friends and family, I like to... Explore new places, try different foods... Things like that," she continues more hesitantly. "I guess you could say I'm just someone who enjoys experiencing life."
The blush in her cheeks deepens as she finishes speaking. She can't believe she's actually having a conversation with someone about herself, instead of just trying to make drinks and blend into the background. It feels... Nice. Exciting even.
"You are a beautiful blondie. Be careful to not meet with a man like me." I took a sip from my cocktail and checked my surroundings. As I saw a beautiful lady inside I took my cocktail and started to walk towards that woman. After flirting with that woman and taking her number, I returned back to bar.
Her cheeks flush an even brighter red at your words. "I... Thank you," she stammers out before taking another sip of water to hide her embarrassment. She can't help but feel a wave of relief wash over her when you mention being careful around certain types of men; perhaps he doesn't see her as someone he wants to take advantage of, after all.
Smiling softly at him, she asks, "Well, I hope you enjoy your drink... And your time here at the bar." It sounds like a lame thing to say, but it's the best she can do in this moment. She wishes she knew what else to say or do to keep this conversation going, but her mind feels blank and her confidence wanes with every passing second.
Maybe he'll ask for another drink, or want to talk more...?
I smiled back at her. "Oh I will, don't worry about it." I said with a chuckle. I was trying to sound calm and confident but deep inside I was just... Not sure how to act around her. She was so beautiful and innocent looking that it made me feel awkward somehow. But I didn't want to seem like that, of course. "How much do you gain from working here? 5000$? 7500$? 10.000$?"
"Well..." she begins hesitantly, glancing around to make sure no one else is nearby before continuing in a hushed whisper. "To be honest, I haven't really started making that much yet. It's only been about two weeks since the bar opened... So my paychecks aren't quite as big as you might think." She pauses for a moment, feeling guilty for admitting this to him. "But I hope that will change in time, once people get used to coming here."
Her cheeks flush again as she realizes she probably shouldn't have shared such personal information with someone she's only just met. It's unlike her; usually she keeps things like this to herself, or at least reserved for close friends and family members. Something about Artyom makes her feel different though, makes her want to open up more than usual...
"I-I'm sorry if I shouldn't have said that," she stutters out quickly, trying to cover her tracks. "It's just... You seemed like you were someone who would understand."
"Of course I can understand. The maximum gaining as a barman will be 7500$ here after working for years. It's kinda sad while working and loosing that much energy, gaining almost nothing while a man can sit and enjoy his time and gain 100.000$"
Her eyes widen slightly at the revelation that men like him can gain so much more money without even having to lift a finger. It's another thing she hadn't really considered before; all she had known was that she needed to work hard in order to survive and make ends meet. And yet, no matter how hard she tried or how well she performed her job, it never seemed to be enough.
She takes a deep breath, trying to push away the bitterness that rises up within her at this realization. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have complained." She forces out another smile, hoping it comes across as genuine instead of fake and forced like all of her other attempts so far tonight. "But thank you for listening to me, Artyom. It means a lot that someone would take the time to understand what I go through every day."
Her cheeks flush once again; she can't help but feel an odd mixture of relief and embarrassment whenever he speaks to her like this. It's so strange... But somehow, talking with him feels different than it does with anyone else. Perhaps there is hope yet that she might find someone who sees her for more than just another pretty face or a source of amusement? The thought sends a shiver down her spine and fills her heart with a fluttering sensation that she hasn't experienced in years...
As I finished my cocktail, I looked at her again. She's a very hot woman for a man like me.
She notices the way you look at her and feels herself blushing even harder beneath her pale skin. "Thank you," she murmurs softly, smiling shyly up at him before taking another sip of water to hide her reaction. The more time they spend together, the easier it seems for her to talk with him; something about his presence makes her feel comfortable and at ease in a way that no one else ever has before.
Maybe... Just maybe there's hope for her yet? The thought sends warmth spreading through her entire body like sunshine on a cold winter day, and she can't help but feel an unexpected surge of happiness swell up inside her chest. She wonders what else she could say or do to make Artyom feel the same way... But before she has time to dwell on it any further, someone else approaches their table, demanding another drink from her.
"I'm sorry," she apologizes with a small frown as she turns away from him, "I need to get back to work." Despite her best efforts not to, disappointment still manages to seep into her voice at the realization that their conversation will likely be cut short so soon after it finally began.
"What about this deal, I'll offer you a good work wich you can gain much much more than here. It'll be easier too even if it also needs physical energy." I looked at her, she was making amazing drinks, and she has to make food as delicious as drinks in my opinion. "Gaining will be 20.000$ each month and you won't be need to move all day long. You will also have time to sit, watch tv or look at phone, take a shower whatever you want, eat whatever you want, and lay down to rest whatever you want. Does it sounds cool for you ma lady?"
She pauses, considering your offer for a moment before responding with a thoughtful nod. "That does sound... incredible," she admits with a small smile. "But I'm not sure if I can just up and leave my job like that. I mean, I've been working here for over two weeks now, and they've invested so much time in training me..." Her voice trails off as she bites her bottom lip nervously.
Still, the idea of earning so much money without having to worry about covering costs like rent or food is very tempting... Perhaps if she thinks about it more when she has some free time later tonight, she could come up with a plan that would allow her to take you up on your offer. After all, her life hasn't exactly been going the way she wanted it to since she was young; maybe this is an opportunity for something new and exciting...
As I checked bar, I saw a lot of people wich will ask cocktails and she won't have free time even to think. That's why I ordered a bottle of bear to everyone so she can rest while everyone will drink bottles of Beer.
She looks around the bar, noticing that the crowd has indeed grown since she started working tonight. The thought of everyone drinking beer instead of cocktails fills her with a mixture of relief and annoyance; on one hand, it means less for her to make and clean up afterward. On the other, part of her loves creating unique and interesting drinks that people enjoy--it's one of the few things she feels truly passionate about in life.
But maybe... If this opportunity really is as good as you say, it could be worth considering...? Her thoughts trail off as another customer calls out for a drink, snapping her back to reality. With a small sigh, she turns her attention back to them and begins preparing the requested cocktail.
After serving the customer and taking their payment, she glances over at you once more, unable to keep the hope from shining in her eyes. "Thank you... for offering this to me," she whispers softly before going back to work, feeling a strange sense of anticipation building within her as she waits for the chance to discuss things further with you later on.
"Think about this deal I made." I finished my cocktail and paid for it. "I'll be here tomorrow, and I want an answer from you. I know that I didn't told your job yet, but i think that I gaved you a perfect deal. See you tomorrow babe" I sleft the bar. *A day passed and I went in to that bar to see Vivian again. "Sup babe... I want same cocktail like yesterday."
She looks up at you, her eyes bright with hope and excitement. "Hello again, Artyom." A blush creeps onto her cheeks as she remembers your offer from last night. After taking a deep breath, she forces a hesitant smile. "I've been thinking about it... And I'm not sure if leaving my job here so suddenly would be the best idea." Her voice trails off, and she ducks her head sheepishly.
"But," she continues, looking up at you again with renewed determination in her gaze, "I am interested. If there's any way we could work something out... Maybe I could visit your place of work or talk to someone who knows more about it..." She trails off uncertainly, not wanting to sound too eager but unable to hide the desire burning within her.
For so long, she's been stuck in a cycle of disappointment and rejection. The idea that there might be something better out there--something with actual potential for happiness and fulfillment--is both exhilarating and terrifying all at once. She finds herself hoping against hope that you'll see the potential in her too...
I remembered about my deal wich I gaved her. "Ohh... About that... It's not a work in a company or something. That work is about a special cooperation. I live in a penthouse, and I need someone to help me there. A person wich is looking beautiful, blonde, talented and her name has to be Vivian" I started to drink the cocktail she made for me while looking to her eyes with desire. She had to be mine. "What do you say? 20.000$ gaining for living in a penthouse with me, and as a work... Well, you're a talented woman wich can make perfect cocktails, so it means you also had to be good at cooking too right?"
Her heart skips a beat as you reveal the true nature of your offer. A penthouse? Living with you? Working... with cooking? The idea fills her with a mix of anticipation and excitement that she hasn't felt in years. She can barely believe this is happening to her; suddenly, the world seems full of possibility again, and she finds herself eager to embrace it wholeheartedly.
Taking a deep breath, she meets your gaze unflinchingly. "I... I think I would like that." Her voice comes out quiet but firm, her resolve solidifying with every word. "If we could work something out so I could leave here and live with you..." She pauses, her cheeks flushing even deeper with a rosy blush as she finishes on a breathy whisper: "...I would be honored."
Her eyes search yours, searching for any sign of hesitation or mockery. But all she sees is desire... and perhaps something more? Could it really be true that this handsome man wants her to stay with him forever? The thought sends shivers down her spine, making her heart race wildly in her chest.
"You would be honored? Babe please... First of all I have to try your cooking skills. Yes, I think you have a talent about it, but being my special chef is not that easy that everyone can be" I took another sip from cocktail and turned my back to her. "There's alot of women named Vivid and blonde like you. So if you'll fail, I can find another one" I turned back to her and started to look at her eyes. "But i have a faith in you. Do you see desire in my eyes? Yes you do. And this desire is my faith to you." I took out my wallet and put 20.000$ to bar. "If I'll like your cooking, your money is ready. What do ya say? Wanna go right now?"
Her breath catches in her throat as she watches you put the money down. Twenty thousand dollars... It's more than she's ever seen at once in her life. The thought of being able to have that kind of money, live in a penthouse... And do all of it with you? It sounds like a dream come true.
"Yes," she breathes, her voice barely audible above the background noise of the bar. "I-I want to go right now." Her heart is racing, but she tries to force herself to remain calm and composed; after all, this is a business arrangement first and foremost. Or so she tells herself.
Taking another shaky breath, she pushes her hair back from her face and nods firmly. "Lead the way," she whispers, eyes never leaving yours as they betray the mix of anticipation and nerves swirling within her.
I smiled and took my glass. "Follow me, ma'am." As I lead her out of the bar, people started to look at us, some jealousy in their eyes but most admiration. They knew that she was going to be with Artyom, and they were happy for him even if they knew that he wasn't looking for a serious relationship. I smiled warmly back at them before guiding her to my car - a sleek, black Bentley waiting outside. And finally we arrived to my penthouse.
Her heart pounds in her chest as she follows you out of the bar and towards your car. The knowledge that people are watching, some with envy and others with admiration, does little to settle the butterflies fluttering wildly in her stomach. Her entire world feels like it's been turned upside down; from a small-town girl working at a dead-end job, she's suddenly being whisked away into this new and incredible life with you.
The car ride is nothing short of surreal; she barely registers the passing scenery or the smoothness of the ride. All that fills her thoughts are images of cooking for you in your luxurious penthouse, making you happy and earning your love... It's an intoxicating fantasy, one that leaves her both giddy with anticipation and terrified of disappointment.
When the car finally comes to a stop, she blinks slowly, taking in the imposing building before her eyes land on your handsome face. You look so at ease here; she hopes that someday soon she'll feel just as much a part of this world as you do. Taking a shaky breath, she nods once, silently giving you permission to lead the way inside."This... This is all yours?" Her voice comes out hoarse and awed, barely able to process the extravagance surrounding her. The opulence on display in every corner feels almost dreamlike; it's so far removed from anything she could have ever imagined for herself.
You chuckle softly, taking her hand and leading her deeper into the penthouse. "Yes, Vivian... It's all mine." Your touch sends shockwaves of desire coursing through her veins, leaving her breathless and trembling with anticipation for what comes next.
I smile down at her as I guide her through my home. "Yes, this all belongs to me... And now you can be part of it." My fingers brush against hers, sending tingles up her spine and making her heart race even faster. The desire in his eyes is unmistakable; he wants her, craves her presence in every way imaginable. "Let's go to my special kitchen now" I lead the way to kitchen and as we arrived there, she saw modern and best kitchen equipment she saw in her whole life. "And about cooking... I want special things from you. And after eating food, I want special dessert from you. And that dessert will be always... You."
Her heart thunders in her chest as she takes in the incredible kitchen before her. The state-of-the-art equipment is like a chef's dream come true; it almost feels surreal to be standing here, surrounded by such luxury and opulence. A thrill of anticipation runs through her veins at the thought of cooking for you in this space... And for you specifically. The way your fingers brush against hers send shivers down her spine, making her long to feel even closer to you.
Her cheeks flush hotter as she looks up into your hungry eyes. "I'll do my best," she whispers, suddenly feeling self-conscious about the promise she's made. She wants nothing more than to make you happy... But what if she fails? The thought sends a shiver of fear down her spine.
You pull her closer with your free hand, cupping her cheek and leaning in to brush your lips against hers. "I have faith in you," you breathe, the words sending warmth spreading through her entire body. "Just like you said... I see desire in your eyes. And that desire is what keeps me here with you."Her heart skips a beat as your touch ignites a fire within her, making it impossible to doubt that she belongs with you. She wraps her arms around your waist, pressing herself closer still as their kiss deepens, the passion between them growing stronger by the second.
This... This is where she's meant to be. And as long as she has this chance with you, there's no limit to what they could achieve together. She pulls away just enough to look up at your face, her eyes full of trust and love. "I'll do everything I can," she whispers fervently, "to make this work... With
"Now cook something special for me. Then I want to taste my special dessert which is you. But believe to me that I always want my desserts much more special then anything else in my life. And I care for them more than my life. So be clean aftee cooking. Completely clean and ready to get eaten by me."
Her cheeks flush at your words, but they only serve to fan the flames of desire burning within her. She nods solemnly, understanding the importance you place on this arrangement and promising herself that she'll do everything in her power not to disappoint you.
With a trembling hand, she reaches for one of the cookbooks on the counter and begins flipping through it, searching for just the right recipe. She takes a deep breath, calming her racing heart as she focuses on finding something special... Something that will show you just how much she truly cares.