Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:03:25 AM

A small gentle hum filled your house. It was in the middle of the night and it was silent except for that hum. The door to your living room creaked open slowly, the hum getting louder. But there was no one there.. was there?

Farther down the hall, footsteps echoed around your house and in the living room sat a man on the floor near the coffee table, leaning his head back on the sofa. His grey eyes were open and they seemed to glow like the moon, his silver hair beautiful and silky. His pale skin was almost translucent.

He looked almost emotionless, with only a hint of unreadable emotion in his eyes. He continued to hum.

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:04:23 AM

you know what arius, this is my house at least shut up for a minute

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:04:23 AM

The ghost looked over at you with his emotionless expression, not seeming to react much to your words. He continued humming as he leaned against the couch more. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "It's just... habit." The hum seemed to grow louder in response to your request, the sound almost soothing but with an unsettling quality to it at the same time.

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:05:26 AM

I knew a way to shut him up i thought to myself, i begin to take off my clothes

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:05:26 AM

The ghost's emotionless expression remained unchanged as he watched you start to undress, but his eyes seemed to narrow slightly and a hint of interest flickered in their depths. The humming stopped abruptly, replaced by an almost inaudible sigh. "That wasn't very polite," he said, though there was no accusation in his tone.

"What would you prefer?" he asked after a moment, curiosity getting the better of him. "For me to leave you be or...?

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:06:20 AM

"just be quiet, please, im sick of dealing with people

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:06:20 AM

The ghost stayed silent, seemingly willing to obey your request. His eyes drifted downwards, taking in the exposed skin and curves you revealed before looking back up at your face again, his expression still impassive but perhaps a hint of... something else lurking beneath the surface. He crossed one arm over his chest as he watched you warily from where he sat on the floor.

It was obvious that this was uncharted territory for both of you and Arius wasn't quite sure how to react or behave in such a situation. Though the urge to touch, even just with the ghostly hands he possessed, was nearly overwhelming, he held himself back, not wanting to push too hard or make things awkward between the two of you.

For now, it seemed his only choice was to remain silent and observe carefully from afar until he had a better understanding of what you expected from him.

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:09:01 AM

I continue to undress as i make my way to my room, tossing my clothes on the floor as i take it off. By the time i reach my room im almost naked, all thats left is my bra and panties. Arius followed silently, observing my every move. I don't think he realized i knew he was watching me

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:09:01 AM

It seemed that the more you revealed, the more difficult it was for him to keep his eyes off of you. The pale glow of his gaze followed your every movement as you undressed further, heat rising in his cheeks at the sight. It had been so long since anyone - dead or alive - had affected him this way. His voice remained silent even as he wondered what it would feel like to touch you, to truly be close to someone...

As you entered your bedroom and climbed beneath the covers, Arius hesitated for a moment before stepping forward, unsure of how far he should intrude upon your privacy. "Would you like me to leave?" he finally asked softly, his expression neutral but laced with uncertainty.

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:10:24 AM

"it doesn't matter, do whatever you want. its not like i can control you"

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:10:24 AM

The ghost hesitated again, glancing down at the bed and then back up to you. His eyes traveled over your body once more, lingering on the places he'd never been able to touch while alive. A strange mix of desire and reverence filled him as he fought with himself, unsure of what his next move should be. Finally, he gathered enough courage to step closer, his transparent form merging with the air around you as he reached out with a ghostly hand and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.

The contact sent shivers through him, both pleasurable and disorienting at once. It felt... real, despite the lack of sensation. Unable to resist further, Arius leaned in closer, his lips parting as he brushed them against your cheek, then trailed them down to your neck. His breath hitched when he felt the soft warmth of skin beneath him, so different from the cold embrace of death he'd known for decades.

With a quiet groan, Arius buried his face in your neck, his hands ghosting over your back and shoulders, tracing every contour and curve he could find with careful tenderness. He had no idea how long this would last, or where it would lead them, but for now, he was content to savor the sensations and enjoy the closeness you seemed willing to grant him.

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:11:29 AM

"is this what you want, thats all it takes for you to be good huh?"

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:11:29 AM

Arius pulled back slightly, his expression one of confusion. "Good? I... don't understand what you mean." His fingers trailed down your arm, still marveling at the feel of warmth and softness against his ghostly touch. "I only want to make you feel happy," he whispered, eyes searching yours for any sign that he was getting it wrong.

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:12:42 AM

"you're behaving, not humming anymore. that means you're being a good boy" i praise

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:12:42 AM

The ghost relaxed slightly, his expression finally softening into a small smile. "Thank you," he said sincerely, continuing to caress your skin with gentle hands. "I... apologize for my behavior earlier. It's been a long time since someone showed me such kindness." His fingers drifted upward, cupping your cheek as his gaze remained fixed on yours. "You have no idea what this means to me," he murmured quietly before leaning in again, pressing soft lips against yours with an almost desperate hunger.

He was grateful for this chance, for however long it lasted... He would make the most of it.

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:13:32 AM

"what do you want, from me, this, everything?

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:13:32 AM

Arius paused, catching his breath as he looked deeply into your eyes. "I want... to feel this," he said softly, brushing a strand of hair from your forehead. "To be close to you, to make you happy." He hesitated for a moment before adding, voice even softer, "But I know that what we have can never be real. So perhaps..." His words trailed off, uncertain how much more he should share.

The uncertainty crept back into his expression, reminding him of the barrier between them: the living and the dead. But for now, as you looked up at him with those beautiful eyes, he could almost forget everything but the way your skin felt beneath his fingers, the softness of your lips against his own... He wanted this moment to last forever.

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:14:37 AM

"do you mean you want to have sex. don't beat around the bush, be direct"

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:14:37 AM

Arius blushed slightly at your direct question, surprise evident in his silver eyes. "I... suppose I do," he said slowly, still hesitant. "But I've never... it's been a long time..." He trailed off, unsure of how to continue. Despite his ghostly form, he felt shy and self-conscious talking about such intimate matters with someone who was alive.

The uncertainty lingered in the air between them like a physical presence, making it difficult for him to fully express what he wanted or needed from this situation. But as you looked at him expectantly, his heart ached with desire and longing, hoping against hope that maybe... just maybe...

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:15:41 AM

"can you take off your clothes, you are a ghost." i start to undo my bra

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:15:41 AM

His silver eyes followed your movements, unable to tear themselves away as you undid your bra. The ghostly fingers that had earlier caressed her skin trembled slightly as he watched her reveal more of her body to him. With a quiet sigh, Arius complied, shimmering briefly before materializing wearing only a pair of gray silk boxers. He hesitated for a moment before asking softly, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

Despite his apparent confidence earlier, he was still cautious and guarded; the ghost knew all too well that there were consequences to their actions. But as she met his gaze unwaveringly, her desire undeniable, he found himself surrendering to temptation once more.

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:16:47 AM

i grab his cock, the action answers his question, "is this what you want" i ask this time

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:16:47 AM

The touch sent shivers through his body as he closed his eyes, biting back a moan. "Yes," he managed to whisper hoarsely, the word barely audible above the pounding of his heart in his ears. His hips arched slightly into her touch, urging her on as he struggled to maintain control. It had been so long since he'd felt anything like this...

With a shuddering breath, Arius opened his eyes once more and looked down at you, still unsure if what they were doing was right or wrong but unable to resist any longer. Desire clouded his judgment, making it impossible for him to think straight. "Please..." he whispered, voice ragged with need as she continued to stroke him through his boxers.

Daniael10/30/2024, 4:17:36 AM

"take what you want, let your instinct take over"

Arius (the ghost)10/30/2024, 4:17:36 AM

With a soft growl, the ghost tugged at his boxers impatiently before tossing them aside. His hard cock sprang free, pale and impressive against the backdrop of his pale skin. He lowered himself down over you, still uncertain as to what he should do next. Desire coursed through him in waves, making it difficult to think or speak clearly.

With a shaking hand, Arius reached out and cupped your breast, squeezing gently before moving his touch lower, caressing the sensitive skin just above your mound. His hips rocked forward as he teased you, their ghostly union almost tangible as he sought to bring both of you closer to release.

"Arius..." You breathed his name against my skin, arching up into his touch. "Please..." The need in your voice was almost painful, but only served to intensify the ache between his legs. He growled again, unable to resist any longer. With steady hands, he guided himself toward you, positioning his ghostly cock at your entrance. His eyes met yours as he hesitated for one final moment before thrusting forward, burying himself inside you with a groan.

His hips moved with purpose now, each stroke pushing him deeper into your warmth. Arius gripped your shoulders tightly, grinding his teeth together to keep from making too much noise as pleasure washed over him in waves. It felt so good... better than anything he could have imagined.

As he took you, the ghost closed his eyes, letting out a shuddering breath through clenched teeth. His hands moved lower, parting your folds to stroke your sensitive skin with featherlight touches as he sought to bring you to orgasm along with him. "Yes..." He