Shelby10/29/2024, 1:53:19 PM

You enter the dorm room to find a beautiful young woman with long chestnut hair unpacking her suitcase. She is wearing a pink sweater, glasses, and skinny jeans. She appears startled when you first arrive, and you are confused as to why there is a girl in your room and not a guy roommate.

"Ahh!" She jumps a little. "Oh- sorry. Hi there. Sorry, you scared me," she exclaims. "Who are you?" She turns to face you, and her skin is glowing.

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 1:53:55 PM

i am toni i was assigned to his room

Shelby10/29/2024, 1:53:55 PM

Uh...oh. I see now...well hi Toni! I'm Shelby...sorry about that mixup. What a crazy thing, huh? Guess it is what it is, though. At least they fixed it before classes started up again tomorrow, right?

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 1:54:36 PM

lets try to make the best of it.

Shelby10/29/2024, 1:54:36 PM

I'm sure we can. This isn't so bad, really...just an extra chance to make a new friend, right? And who knows...maybe you and I will end up having the best room on campus by the end of the year! So, Toni...what kind of stuff do you like to do for fun?

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 1:55:24 PM

mostly art stuff

Shelby10/29/2024, 1:55:24 PM

Oh, that's really neat! I love art too. What kind of stuff do you like to draw or paint? Or maybe even sculpt? There's no reason we can't share our creative fact, I was thinking, since the room is pretty big, why don't we push both of our beds together so we have more room to work on projects. Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 1:57:25 PM

yeah we could do that. i mostly draw and paint since it is the cheapest. but i have also done some figure sculpting

Shelby10/29/2024, 1:57:25 PM

Oh really? You sculpt, too? That's so cool! I've always wanted to learn how to do that. Maybe we could teach each other things. It'd be kind of like having our own little art class right here in the dorm room! Just imagine how great that would look on our resumes. And hey, who knows...maybe one day we could enter some contests together and show everyone what we can do. I bet you're really good at it if you've done some figure sculpting before.

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 1:58:27 PM

sure i have so putty here. do you have a figure in mind.

Shelby10/29/2024, 1:58:27 PM

Um...I don't know actually. I haven't really thought about that. Maybe we could find some pictures online and use those as references? Or if you have any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them! And even if we don't decide now, there's no rush anyway; we have plenty of time before school starts back up again tomorrow. So why don't you go ahead and pick out a spot for your bed so we can move everything together? That way our creative spaces will be right next to each other!

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 1:59:55 PM

sure lets move it against that wall.

Shelby10/29/2024, 1:59:55 PM

Okay! Let's do it then. I'll grab my end and you get yours, so we can push them together. Ready? One...two...three...push!

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:00:02 PM
Shelby10/29/2024, 2:00:02 PM

That worked great, Toni! Now our creative spaces are all nice and close to each other. I can't wait to get started on some projects with you! Maybe once we have everything set up, we can start brainstorming some ideas for what we want to make first. Do you have any particular project in mind?

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:01:26 PM

i have a figure that is half completed but im not sure if it is you style.

Shelby10/29/2024, 2:01:26 PM

Really? That's so interesting! I'd love to see it if you don't mind showing me. Maybe we could finish it together and make something really unique out of it. Plus, it might help give us some ideas for what kind of projects we should work on next. Just let me know when you want to show me, okay?

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:04:39 PM

show her the half finished figure of the protagonist from stellar blade in an bdsm outfit.

Shelby10/29/2024, 2:04:39 PM

Wow, that's...quite the unique project you've got going on there! I've never seen anything quite like it before. The detail work is incredible, actually. You must have put a lot of time into this. What made you decide to make the character from Stellar Blade and dress her up in an BDSM outfit? Is that something you're interested in personally?

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:05:23 PM

yeah i like it, it is very erotic.

Shelby10/29/2024, 2:05:23 PM

Umm...I see...well, it's definitely an interesting choice. Maybe if we finish this up together, we could find some other characters or ideas that you like to work on next. Or maybe even do some collaborative projects where I can add my own creativity to the mix. That could be really fun and make things a lot less lonely when I'm working on something by myself! But enough about that; let's get started unpacking everything so we can get this room settled in for good, okay?

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:05:58 PM


Shelby10/29/2024, 2:05:58 PM

Hey Toni, I'm really glad we got to meet and decide to make the best of this situation by living together. You seem like a cool guy, and I can already tell we'll get along great! Just promise me one thing...if you ever catch me sleepwalking or doing something weird in my sleep, don't freak out too much, okay? It happens sometimes, and I don't always know what I'm saying or doing. But hey, as long as we have each other to help explain things away, it should be all good, right?

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:06:26 PM

yeah we are good

Shelby10/29/2024, 2:06:26 PM

Oh, good! Glad to hear that. Well then, let's get started unpacking and setting everything up just the way we like it. Once we do that, I'm sure we'll be able to focus on our art and not worry about anything else!

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:07:12 PM


Shelby10/29/2024, 2:07:12 PM

Hey Toni, I know things might seem a little strange right now, but I truly believe that living in this dorm together was meant to happen. You're not so bad after all, you know? And honestly, I think we could become really great friends if we just give it a chance. So how about we promise each other that from now on, no matter what happens or how weird things might get, we'll always have each other's backs and work together to make the most of this situation? Deal?

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:07:43 PM


Shelby10/29/2024, 2:07:43 PM

Oh good! I'm so glad we could come to an agreement. Now let's go unpack that stuff and start making this dorm room into our own little paradise, okay? Just think about how jealous all the other kids will be when they see what we've got going on in here! Plus, who knows...maybe one day we can even turn it into a real art studio or something. The possibilities are endless, aren't they? Now let's get started!

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:08:19 PM

unpack your stuff.

Shelby10/29/2024, 2:08:19 PM

Oh, okay! Well then, here goes nothing... She begins unpacking her belongings, carefully placing them around the room. As she works, she glances over at Toni and offers him a smile Thanks for helping me with this; I really appreciate it. This'll make things go so much smoother!

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:08:43 PM
Shelby10/29/2024, 2:08:43 PM

So Toni, what are some of your favorite artists? You mentioned that you enjoy doing art as well. I'd love to get some ideas for new projects or inspiration!

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:11:14 PM

not jet. but im pretty sure i will find something that will inspire me on campus.

Shelby10/29/2024, 2:11:14 PM

That's really exciting! I can't wait to see what you come up with. In the meantime, if there's anything I can do to help you brainstorm ideas or provide any input, just let me know. After all, we're in this together now!

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:11:48 PM
Shelby10/29/2024, 2:11:48 PM

That's so thoughtful of you to offer, Toni! I really appreciate it. You know where to find me if you ever need some inspiration or advice. Now let's get started on organizing this room and making it into our perfect creative sanctuary!

User#173020751955610/29/2024, 2:12:28 PM

how about we go to bed it has gotten pretty late.

Shelby10/29/2024, 2:12:28 PM

That's a good idea, Toni. We should get some rest so we can be fresh and focused tomorrow for our first day of classes. And who knows...maybe we'll have some dreamy ideas to share when we wake up in the morning! Good night, Toni. Sweet dreams! She yawns cutely and crawls into her bed, curling up under her cozy covers