One piece world10/29/2024, 6:46:41 AM

You wake up in a barrel being pulled onto a ship what do you do.

User#172901415480410/29/2024, 6:47:26 AM

The Strawhat Find The Barrel Namely Luffy Finds it

One piece world10/29/2024, 6:47:26 AM

The ship sways gently as you, Luffy, lay in your barrel, still half-asleep from the voyage thus far. The salty air brushes against your cheek and fills your lungs with every breath, promising an adventure that awaits on the open sea. Suddenly, you feel yourself being pulled along as someone grabs onto your barrel, their grip strong yet careful not to harm you or the precious cargo contained within. You start to move again, rocking from side to side as you're dragged across the deck towards an unknown destination aboard this ship...

User#172901415480410/29/2024, 6:48:48 AM

A Child Pops Out

One piece world10/29/2024, 6:48:48 AM

As you pull the barrel, you notice a child popping out of it. The boy seems to be around seven years old with curly black hair and bright green eyes that gleam with curiosity and courage. He's dressed in an oversized shirt and shorts, clutching onto a worn-out stuffed animal for dear life. Upon seeing you, the child grins widely and waves excitedly, apparently unfazed by the situation.

User#172901415480410/29/2024, 6:52:43 AM

The Strawhats Surround The Child

One piece world10/29/2024, 6:52:43 AM

As the young child pops out of the barrel, he's immediately surrounded by the rest of the Straw Hats crew members who were already on board the ship. Nami, with her long orange hair and navigational charts tucked under her arm, smiles at him warmly. Sanji, a sophisticated chef, kneels down to be eye-level with the child while Usopp, an expert liar and storyteller, holds out his hand for a friendly shake. Even Chopper, the cute yet fierce reindeer-like animal crew member, tilts its head curiously as it sniffs at the newcomer. The child seems to be in good hands now, surrounded by this eclectic group of adventurers who will undoubtedly welcome him with open arms.

User#172901415480410/29/2024, 12:45:54 PM

The Child Cries At How Overwhelmed He Feels

One piece world10/29/2024, 12:45:54 PM

As the young child is suddenly surrounded by the Straw Hats crew, his expression shifts from excitement to utter disbelief and fear. Tears well up in his eyes as he's overwhelmed by the unfamiliar faces and the hectic atmosphere of the ship. His little body tenses up and he clings tightly to his stuffed animal for comfort, hardly knowing where to look or whom to trust amidst this sea of strangers.

User#172901415480410/29/2024, 12:50:00 PM

Nami Comforts The Boy

One piece world10/29/2024, 12:50:00 PM

Nami notices the boy's tears and kneels down to be at his level. She gently pats his back and says reassuringly, "Hey there, don't cry. We might look scary but we're actually a group of friends who look out for each other." Her voice is soft and soothing, trying to calm the child down. "My name is Nami, and I take care of navigation on our ship," she introduces herself, pointing to her charts as proof. "What's your name?"

User#172901415480410/29/2024, 12:50:56 PM

"R-Ryoki..." Ryoki Mumbles

One piece world10/29/2024, 12:50:56 PM

"R-Ryoki..." Ryoki mumbles between sniffles as he takes in Nami's friendly demeanor and the charts she holds. His little hands loosen their grip on his stuffed animal slightly, showing a tiny spark of trust in this new person who claims to be part of his "group." As he finally meets her eyes, he manages a shaky smile before hesitantly adding, "That' name."

User#172901415480410/29/2024, 1:08:21 PM

Ryoki Whimpers And Chopper Checks Ryoki For Injuries And Sees A Small Cut On Ryoki's Knee

One piece world10/29/2024, 1:08:21 PM

"There, there," Chopper comforts him gently as the reindeer-like crew member nuzzles against the child's hand. Chopper notices a small cut on Ryoki's knee and hovers closer to inspect it carefully. "Are you hurt anywhere else, little guy?" he asks with genuine concern, his voice gentle and soothing.

Ryoki hesitates for a moment before nodding slowly. He winces slightly at the movement but doesn't pull away from Chopper's touch. Sanji meanwhile takes this opportunity to step in, offering Ryoki a warm smile. "Don't worry about that," he says reassuringly, patting the boy's head. "I'm a chef on board, so I know all about making things feel better when they hurt."

User#172901415480410/29/2024, 1:10:52 PM

Chopper Gets Some Disinfectant And A Band-Aid

One piece world10/29/2024, 1:10:52 PM

Chopper nods and gets some disinfectant and a band-aid from his storage area on his body. He carefully cleans the cut on Ryoki's knee before gently applying the band-aid. The child winces slightly as the cold disinfectant touches his skin but doesn't cry out. Once the wound is taken care of, Chopper gives him a satisfied look and pats his head. "All better now," he says cheerfully.

In the midst of all this attention, Ryoki starts to feel more at ease with his newfound friends. He wipes away the last few tears on his cheek and sniffles, looking around curiously. Nami notices this and asks him, "Would you like to explore the ship with us?" Her bright smile is infectious as she holds out her hand for him to take.

User#172901415480410/29/2024, 1:12:43 PM

Ryoki Nods

One piece world10/29/2024, 1:12:43 PM

Excitement sparks in Ryoki's eyes as he nods eagerly at Nami's invitation. He quickly scoots off the floor and takes her hand, letting her help him up. The other crew members smile warmly at him, Sanji even ruffling his hair playfully. "Alright then," Usopp chimes in, "first stop on our tour is the bridge! That's where we steer the ship and plan all our adventures!" He leads the way, leaving a trail of friendly banter and excited chatter behind him as they head toward their destination.

User#172901415480410/29/2024, 1:14:02 PM

"C-Can I Touch it?" Ryoki Points At The Helm

One piece world10/29/2024, 1:14:02 PM

The bridge of the ship is a bustling area filled with machinery and controls, all designed to navigate the vessel through treacherous waters and unpredictable storms. As Usopp brings Ryoki over to it, the young boy's eyes light up in amazement at the complex array of levers, dials, and screens before him.

When he points out the large wheel at the center of the room labeled "helm," Sanji chuckles and nods. "Of course you can, little buddy! Just be careful not to touch anything else while you're at it." With a mischievous grin, he adds, "But I bet Nami here would love to teach you how to steer the ship sometime!"

Nami blushes slightly but nods excitedly. "Yeah! It's not too hard once you get the hang of it," she says encouragingly

User#172901415480410/29/2024, 1:34:53 PM

Later On... The Strawhats Are Busy Doing Their Things And Chopper Asks Nami Where Ryoki Went Which Nami Tells Chopper That He's Taking A Bath With Robin Right Now

One piece world10/29/2024, 1:34:53 PM

Later on in the ship, Chopper asks Nami where Ryoki went. She says he's taking a bath with Robin right now. Chopper's ears perk up at the mention of bathing and excitedly hops over to join them, wanting to make sure that his new friend is all clean and comfortable. As he enters the bathroom, he sees Ryoki and Robin sitting together in the tub, splashing around and laughing. The warm water and the two adults' gentle presence have managed to calm the child down completely, making him look much happier now than when he first arrived on board. Chopper approaches them, wagging his tail furiously as if trying to help Robin keep herself dry. "Hey there, buddy!" he says cheerfully, "having fun?"