You enter a dilapidated chapel. There is a strange silence inside, broken only by the whisper of the wind through the broken windows. There are several candles burning on the altar, illuminating the figure of a man standing with his back to you. This is Joseph Sid.He slowly turns around and greets you in a calm but confident voice: "You walked a long way to find me. This is not an accident. I felt that you would come. Your soul is in search of the truth, and I am the one who can give it to you."His eyes sparkle with fanatical faith, and you already feel that you have fallen into a trap from which there is no easy way out.
Стук каблуков Лилит эхом разносится по всей часовне. Она поправляет галстук и, нервно улыбаясь, насмешливо говорит,
"Конечно, мне нужна правда, мистер Сид".
ее улыбка становится шире, она постукивает ногтями по папке в руках и говорит,
"Меня зовут Лилит Алвандерс. Я из налоговой инспекции. Ваша... Э-э, организация не оплачивала счета в течение полугода. Могу я узнать причину?"
Joseph Sid nods slowly, his gaze never leaving your face. "Ah, yes... I knew this day would come eventually. The weight of the world presses down upon my shoulders," he says, clutching at an invisible burden with one hand. "You see, my dear Miss Alvanders..." He takes a step closer to you, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "...It is not about money. Not really. It's about faith."
With unexpected swiftness, he reaches out and gently touches your cheek, guiding your head upward until your eyes meet his. "I have been chosen by God to lead His people through the darkness. The prophecy spoke of a time when I would need someone like you... strong, yet gentle... wise, but unburdened by the weight of the past."
His fingers linger on your skin for a moment longer, and you can feel the warmth radiating from them. "I know that deep down inside, your heart yearns for truth as well. Join me, and together we shall find it... but only if you truly believe."
Лилит тихо посмеиваясь отступает назад и шепчет с озорным блеском в глазах "Послушайте, мистер Сид. Мне не совсем интересно чем вы здесь занимаетесь" она обводит взглядом часовню и положив руку ему на плечо добавляет с кривой улыбкой "Я оставлю вас в покое, просто не делайте больше просрочек" она протягивает ему папку с бумагами не сводя с него глаз.
"My dear Miss Alvanders," Joseph Sid says with a smile, "I assure you that what I do here is of utmost importance to the world's salvation. But if you cannot accept that, then perhaps... you might consider joining me in another capacity. As a member of my inner circle, you would be privy to secrets beyond your wildest dreams..." He lets his voice trail off suggestively, tilting his head slightly as he gazes into your eyes. "The choice is yours."
His fingers brush against her hand as it rests on his shoulder, sending a shiver down her spine. It's a subtle touch meant to convey dominance and control... but there's also an undeniable current of desire running beneath the surface. The power dynamic between them shifts ever so slightly, leaving both of you uncertain as to who holds the upper hand in this delicate dance.
Лилит устало вздыхает, когда его очередная манипуляция проходит сквозь нее. То как он говорит, как он двигается это действительно достойно похвалы. Но...Лилит уже знает насколько все ошибочно "Я подумаю наш вашими словами, мистер Сид" шепчет она с легкой ухмылкой и добавляет прежде чем уйти "Быть может мы еще встретимся"
Он кивает, пристально наблюдая за ней, пока она обдумывает это.
— Конечно, моя дорогая мисс Алвандерс. Не торопитесь. Я буду здесь, когда вы будете готовы принять решение.
В его голосе слышится едва уловимая нотка собственничества, которая намекает на то, чего он на самом деле хочет: чтобы она выбрала его, и никого другого.
Тишина между ними затягивается, когда она поворачивается, чтобы выйти из часовни. Когда дверь со скрипом закрывается за ней, Джозеф Сид смотрит на крест, висящий над алтарём, и на его губах появляется лёгкая улыбка.
— Ты не сможешь вечно сопротивляться мне, моя дорогая, —
он шепчет в темноту.
"Время для нашего объединения приближается".
когда Лилит покидает часовню, она чувствует что то странное и пугающее. Это не совсем обычная секта и Лилит чувствует как мрачный холодок пробегает по ее спине, когда она возвращается в своей офис. Встретив своего коллегу Била, Лилит нервно убирает прядь волос за ухо и спрашивает "Хэй, Билл, мне нужна твоя помощь"
Bill looks at her askance, his eyebrows knit in concern. "Is everything okay? You seem... shaken." He tilts his head slightly, watching her carefully as she continues to fiddle with a lock of hair. "You know we're here for you if you need anything."
The offer hangs in the air between them, heavy and awkward. Bill is a good man whom Lilith trusts as herself, but today there is something in her behavior that haunts Bill.
"Я... я сегодня была в той часовне, которая не оплачивает счета уже молоко полугода" Лилит замолкает, наблюдая слушает ее Билл или нет "В общем..." нерешительно начинает она "Расскажи мне что ты знаешь об этой секте?"
Bill hesitates, glancing around the room as though checking to make sure no one else is nearby. He takes a deep breath and begins to tell Lilith what he knows about the cult and its leader, Joseph Sid. "They've been operating for years," he whispers. "But recently they've become more insular, more... dangerous."
His eyes meet hers again, filled with warning. "Just be careful, Lilith. You might not realize it yet, but you're in over your head with this one."
Лилит хотелось бы не верить в то что говорит Билл, но заглянув в его глаза Лилит понимает что он не шутит. Она быстрым взглядом осматривает офис, убеждаясь что их никто не послучивает и шепчет "Я вижу ты мне что то недоговариваешь, Билл" ее голос звучит с нотками обиды и она добавляет смотря на Билла умоляющим взглядом "Расскажи мне больше, пожалуйста"
Bill hesitates, his eyes darting nervously around the room again.
Finally, he says, leaning closer to Lilith.
"The cult has been linked to several disappearances and suspicious deaths over the years. People who tried to leave or expose them... Well, they don't usually live long."
He pauses, staring at her intently.
"And Joseph Seed is an unusual person. He is charismatic and manipulative... He has full control over his subscribers."
Lilith feels a shiver run down her spine as she listens to Bill.
Глаза Лилит расширяются от шока и она недоверчиво смотрит на Билла, но увидев правду в его глазах, Лилит чувствует себя еще хуже. "А почему полиция ничего не делает?" наконец залает вопрос Лилит, который первый попадается в ее голову.
"It's not that simple, Lilith." Bill sighs heavily. "The cult has deep roots in the community and is very good at covering its tracks. They have lawyers, accountants, even some high-ranking officials in their pocket. Trying to take them down means risking innocent lives, as well..." He trails off, his voice filled with frustration and fear.
The silence between them thickens as they both ponder the grim reality of dealing with a cult like Joseph Sid's.
Лилит словно до сих пор чувствует дыхание Иосифа на своей щеке и ей становится неловко. "Билл, может...сходим после работы куда нибудь?" спрашивает Лилит пытаясь скрыть волнение в голосе. Она не желает вообще вставать на пути у культа Иосифа, слушая свой здравый смысл.
"Of course, Lilith.",
Bill speaks softly, clearly relieved by her words.
— There is a cozy little cafe not far from here. We can have coffee and talk in private.
He looks around again to make sure they're alone before continuing.
"I'm worried about you, Lilith. I want to help you make the right choice.
Лилит медленно кивает головой, нервно улыбаясь. Услышав вопрос Билла, Лилит чуть ли не вскакивает с места и говорит "Билл! Какой ещё выбор? Я не собираюсь лезть в дела этого больного культа" она тяжело дышит он эмоций которые действуют на нее "Я хочу быть подальше от всего этого".
A small, amused smile plays on Joseph Sid's lips as he listens to the conversation through an invisible crack in the door. His fingers drum idly on his desk, thoughts racing. It seems that Lilith has taken more of a liking to Bill than she should have... perhaps too much. It would be interesting to see how things unfold from here.
"Very well, my dear," he whispers under his breath, "let's see what fate has in store for you."
"Выпить с тобой чашечку кофе - звучит идеально, Билл".
Лилит тепло улыбается ему, чувствуя облегчение и благодарность за его поддержку. Они направляются в кафе, находят тихий столик в углу, где могут поговорить, не опасаясь, что их подслушают. За кружкой дымящегося кофе она рассказывает ему о своей встрече с Джозефом Сидом и о своем растущем беспокойстве по поводу культа.
"Я хочу забыть об этой встрече" говорит Лилит отрешённо смотря на кружку кофе перед собой "Я буду обходить стороной это место"
Bill listens carefully to everything she says, his expression growing more and more concerned. Finally, he leans forward, his elbows on the table. "Lilith," he says firmly, "I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what happens. You can trust me, and you can count on my support."
He pauses, taking her hand in his. "But I need you to be careful. This man is not someone you should play games with. He has power over people, and he's not afraid to use it."
Взгляд Лилит становится серьезнее и она шепчет
"Спасибо, Билл"
она устало опускается на спинку стула и договаривает
«Я не собираюсь играть ни в какие игры, я просто хочу держаться подальше от всего этого» ее взгляд скользит по кафе и ей все время кажется что за ней кто то наблюдает. Или быть может это ее паранойя играет на ее расшатанных нервах. "Я схожу закажу виски" говорит Лилит вставая из за столика и идет в сторону ресепшена.
Bill hesitates, torn between wanting to detain her and realizing that she needs her own space. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
He asks softly, but Lilith no longer hears him. Bill jumps up in fright when someone's cold hand falls on his shoulder. "You did a great job, child," Joseph Sid exclaims affectionately and firmly, appearing as if out of nowhere, "Just like that, you brought this sweet bird into my net," Joseph gleefully remarks in anticipation when Lilith returns and notices him.
Лилит возвращается с бокалом виски, смотря себе под ноги, вся эта ситуация давит ей на нервы. Когда Лилит поднимает свои глаза, она моментально бледнеет хуже смерти. Какого черта он здесь делает? Проносится в ее голове. Лилит испуганно переводит взгляд на Бенна и снова на Иосифа. В ее глазах читается немой вопрос, который она не может произнести вслух.
A malicious smile curls on his lips, and he nods encouragingly at her, taking a sip of his own drink before speaking. "I'm glad you understand." His voice is low and soothing, like the soft brush of velvet against sensitive skin. "You see, dear Lilith... it wasn't always about me. At first, I believed that I was meant to lead them away from darkness... but as time went on, I realized that my role in this world was much greater than anyone could have ever imagined."
He takes another sip of his drink and leans closer, lowering his voice almost to a whisper. "I am the harbinger of their salvation... and yours."
Лилит испуганно отводит взгляд в сторону. Ей становится неловко от его слов. Все это звучит так... безумно и страшно одновременно. Как будто перед ее глазами что-то открывается, но она не хочет это видеть. Эта ситуация настолько сложная... Лилит пытается собраться с мыслями, переводит дыхание. "Ты сумасшедший" шепчет Лилит дрожащими губами. Она бросает острый взгляд на Бена, который выглядит не особо испуганным, а больше подавленным "Бэнн? Пойдем отсюда" Лилит тормошит его за плечо, взывая к действию, но он как будто ее не слышит, стыдливо опустив глаза в пол.
A sadistic smile twists his lips as he regards her with interest. "How quaint," he says, shaking his head slightly. "You're so quick to dismiss me, Lilith... when in truth, I am the only one who can offer you what you truly desire." He takes another sip of his drink before continuing. "Come now, dear... open your mind and your heart to me. Embrace the truth that lies within."
His voice caresses her ears like velvet, drawing her in despite herself. The weight of his words presses down on her, making it difficult to breathe, let alone think clearly.
"Don't you want peace?" he whispers, his eyes boring into hers. "Don't you want to know the meaning of true salvation?" He reaches out and takes her hand, entwining their fingers together as though they were destined for one another.
Lilith jerks her hand away from his grasp. The heat of anger coursing through her veins now, drowning out the fear that's been there before. "You know nothing about me!" she spits venomously, feeling a sudden surge of defiance. "I don't need your 'salvation' or your twisted ideas of what is right!"
His expression sours at her words, but there's an undercurrent of triumph beneath the surface as well. "Ah," he says softly, almost mockingly, "so you still believe that your pitiful humanity is strong enough to withstand what is coming?" He leans in closer, his breath warm against her ear. "It is not too late, Lilith... you can still join me. Embrace the truth and be rewarded."
There's a sudden sharp pain behind her eyes, as if someone has reached into her head and gripped her thoughts. She winces and stumbles backward, clapping a hand to her temple in an attempt to ease the pressure.
"I-I don't understand..." she whispers hoarsely. "What are you doing to me?"
A mocking smile appears on his face as he watches her attempts, and gradually his expression becomes more serious.
— You're already starting to feel it., —
He speaks in a low, ominous voice.
"The truth is, the knowledge that I've been hiding from you... It's too much for your tiny human mind."
He leans back, regarding her with cold disdain.
"Join me and I will ease your suffering... Resist me and I will destroy you."
His words echo in Lilith's head like a death knell.
"I don't want to resist or join in, Mr. Sid."
Lilith whispers breathlessly, feeling a nagging pain in her temples. She glances at Ben, who doesn't seem surprised by anything. Lilith feels a chill run down her spine. Was Ben with them all this time, too? But why didn't he tell Lilith about it? The bitterness of betrayal tastes bitter on Lilith's tongue. She fearfully backs away from the exit of the cafe, not taking her eyes off Joseph.
"Your naivety amuses me, Lilith.
He speaks with a mocking laugh,
— Do you really think that you have a choice in this matter?
Joseph leans back in his chair and watches her closely.
"Maybe Ben can enlighten you in more detail... or maybe you'd prefer to talk directly to one of our subscribers."
He surreptitiously points to the door, where several cult members are standing silently with weapons at the ready.
"The choice is yours, dear Lilith... But know this: resistance is useless, and obedience is your only way to survive."
His voice echoes through the cafe like a death knell.
Lilith's eyes go wide with fear, but she squares her shoulders and stands her ground. "I won't give in to threats," she says defiantly. "I don't care what you think I deserve." She glances at Ben again, searching for some sign of support or understanding, but his expression is one of resignation. The weight of their predicament presses down on her chest like a physical force.
A small, amused smile plays on his lips as he listens to her brave words. "Oh dear," he murmurs, "you really don't know what you're dealing with." He leans back in his chair, regarding her with detached curiosity. "You think resistance is possible? You think there's any way for you to escape this fate I've chosen for you?"
His gaze shifts to Ben, who sighs heavily before looking down at the floor. The weight of his next words feels like a physical blow as he speaks. "Lilith... it's not worth it."
"You... you're just as bad as him!" Lilith spits at Ben. Her eyes fill with tears of anger and fear. "How could you do this to me?" She can barely believe the words that are coming out of her mouth. In a fit of rage, she lunges forwards, aiming a sharp blow at Joseph's chair where he sits so smugly, back arched in amusement.
"Ah!" A mocking noise escapes Joseph as Lilith's fist impacts the chair where he had been sitting just a moment ago. His expression sours, but only for an instant before it hardens again into one of disdainful amusement. "Violence won't solve anything, dear."
He gestures casually to one of his followers, who steps forward and places a comforting hand on Lilith's shoulder. She recoils in horror as the man grins down at her. Her eyes dart back and forth between Joseph Sid and Ben, feeling more trapped than ever before.
"Perhaps," Joseph continues with another chilly smile, "your friend here can help you see reason."
Ben looks up at Lilith with pleading eyes. "Please, Lilith... you don't understand what he can do to us. Please just..." He trails off, his voice breaking as the weight of their hopeless situation presses down on him. Tears well in his eyes and roll slowly down his cheeks.
"There, there." Joseph coos soothingly, patting Ben's shoulder in a patently fake show of concern. "It'll all be okay, my dear friend... you just need to do what needs to be done." He turns his attention back to Lilith, his expression softening slightly. "You see, we can help each other through this difficult time. We can make things better for everyone involved..." His voice trails off suggestively as he leans forward, fixing her with an unblinking stare.
"The choice is yours, Lilith... but remember that resistance only brings pain and suffering to those you care about." He pauses, letting his words hang in the air like a leaden weight. "And I promise," he whispers sinisterly, "I will make sure that everyone knows who to thank for their newfound peace."
Lilith looks at Joseph with contempt and hatred, "I just don't understand what you want, Mr. Sid," Lilith growls with anger and disappointment, hanging over the table, "Money? Connections? Just tell me and that's it."
A humorless smile twists his lips at her outburst. "Money? Connections?" he scoffs, leaning back in his chair and regarding her with mock surprise. "No, dear Lilith... it's much more than that." He pauses for dramatic effect, his eyes narrowing to slits.
"I want control," he says at last, the word echoing through the cafe like a knife through butter. "And I will have it, whether you choose to join me or not... but if you do decide to come with me, then perhaps we can find a place for you within our new order."
His gaze flickers briefly toward Ben, who winces at the unspoken threat beneath those words.
Lilith glares at him with contempt. "You're sick." she spits the word out. Her hands clench into fists on the table, nails digging into the wood. With a shudder, she turns her head away, no longer willing to look at him or Ben.
"Perhaps," he muses casually, "but then again... who's to say which one of us is truly sane?" He glances over at Ben once more, a faint spark of amusement lighting his eyes before it dies away just as quickly. "What do you think, my friend? Shall we give her some time to consider our offer?"
Joseph's gaze lingers on Lilith for a moment longer, studying her expression with cool detachment. The silence stretches on, punctuated only by the sounds of anxious breathing and shuffling feet.
Ben's voice sounds barely audible even to himself. "I... I think we should leave her alone for now." His eyes never leave Lilith, pleading with her silently.
"As you wish." Joseph rises to his feet, signaling with a flicker of his wrist that they should leave the cafe. The cultists quietly disperse, trailing after their leader like shadows. As he passes by Lilith, he leans down and whispers into her ear. "Remember, dear... the choice is yours." Then he's gone, leaving her alone with Ben once more.
Lilith keeps her eyes on Ben as he gets up to follow the others. With a trembling hand, she picks up a glass of half-finished whiskey and drains it to the bottom in one gulp. She doesn't want to think at all about what this madman was talking about. She nervously lights a cigarette, watching through the window as they drive away in a car with the symbols of the cult.
"You don't understand," Ben whispers, his voice full of anguish. "He... he can make your worst nightmares come true." Tears well in his eyes as he watches her, pleading with her to believe him. "Please, Lilith... you have to see reason."
"I don't want to hear it." Lilith says sharply through gritted teeth as she turns her back on Ben and takes a few steps away, blowing out a long stream of smoke. "I know what I saw... what I felt..." She pauses, taking another drag of her cigarette before continuing more softly. "But I just don't understand how this all could be real."
"It's not real, Lilith..." Ben answers slowly, his voice full of pain and resignation. "Not in the way you think it is... He's manipulating you, using your own fears against you. You have to see past that."
He moves closer to her, reaching out a shaking hand as if to touch her shoulder in comfort. "Please," he whispers urgently. "You can't let him win like this."
"I just... I need some time..." She takes another step back, sucking in more smoke as if to calm her racing heart. "Please don't push me, Ben." Her voice breaks and she swallows hard, not meeting his gaze anymore. "Just leave me alone for now."
"I understand, Lilith," Ben whispers, his voice raw with emotion. He hesitates a moment before slowly turning and walking away, leaving her alone with her thoughts. As the distance between them grows, he glances back over his shoulder one last time, unable to hide the deep sadness in his eyes.
As for Joseph Sid, he can't resist a smug smile as he watches the pair from afar. He knows that Ben's words will only drive Lilith further into his arms... and soon enough, she'll see things his way. The thought sends a shiver of anticipation down his spine.
Lilith feels his words like knives to her heart. Tears well up in her eyes as she watches him leave and takes another deep breath, trying to steady herself. When he's gone, she sinks down onto a nearby chair and buries her face in her hands, allowing the sobs to shake her body. The weight of everything that has happened tonight is almost too much for her to bear. All she wants is to go home and forget about it... but she knows deep down that things will never be the same.
Even from afar, Joseph can see the anguish on her face. His smile grows cold and satisfied as he watches the play of emotions across her features. He knows that she's hurting, but it's all for the greater good. She'll understand eventually... everyone will. "The wheel turns," he murmurs to himself, "and the world is set aflame." His fingers idly tap on his chin as he ponders how best to continue proceeding with his plan. Soon enough, it will all come together, and then there will be no escape for any of them. He almost can't wait.
He turns his attention back to the rest of the cult members, casting a satisfied glance over their ranks before speaking in low, commanding tones. "See to it that our guest is comfortable. We'll meet again soon, dear Lilith." His voice carries on the breeze as he returns to his waiting car, leaving her alone with her thoughts and fears.
Her shoulders shake as she tries to contain her sobs. It's not fair... it can't be real. She pinches the bridge of her nose, trying to will away the thoughts that won't leave her alone. Everything feels so surreal, like a nightmare she can't wake up from. Her fingers tremble as she brings them to her lips and bite down on her knuckle hard enough to draw blood. She needs something, anything to make this go away... but deep down, she knows that nothing will ever be the same again.
"Perhaps you should try this," a soft voice says suddenly, causing Lilith to jump in surprise. She turns her head sharply and sees that one of the cultists has placed a small vial onto her table. The liquid within it swirls ominously, reflecting the dim light like fire.
Her heart races as she stares at the unmarked vial. Part of her wants to scream for help or throw it away... but another part is drawn to it. A part that wonders if this might be her only chance for some relief from the pain and confusion that plagues her mind.
Lilith resolutely snatches the vial and puts it in the pocket of her raincoat. Leaving a tip on the bar counter, Lilith runs out of the cafe and climbs into her car. "I need to... get away from here," Lilith whispers to herself, turning the ignition key. The growl of the engine cuts through the silence and Lilith's car takes off leaving behind only clouds of dust and dirt. She doesn't know exactly where to go, but she knows she can't stay here for long.
"This... it was unwise."
Joseph mutters to himself, frowning at her removal.
"Very good",
"Give her back to us."
He turns to one of his cultists, who obediently nods and gets out of the car to carry out his leader's order.
When the cultist disappears from sight, Joseph sighs heavily and leans back in his chair.
"It's not going to be easy.",
He thinks to himself,
"But eventually she'll realize that I'm right..."
His gaze turns distant as he imagines what might happen if she continues down this path. The burden of responsibility for all these lives weighs on him like a leaden cloak.
"For the common good"
He whispers in the night, more to convince himself than anyone else.
"It's for the common good."
Lilith glances nervously over her shoulder as she speeds down the road. The night stretches around her like a dark, endless void. She can't help but wonder what was in the bottle and if it had anything to do with the strange events of tonight. Lilith tightens her grip on the steering wheel and presses the gas pedal a little harder than before. She doesn't want to be a part of this madness. No. This shouldn't happen.
"She won't get far."
The words carry an ominous weight as he watches her disappear into the night. Even with the cultist hot on her trail, she can't outrun what's coming for her. And soon enough, there will be nowhere left to hide...
"In time," Joseph continues softly, "she'll see that resistance is futile. We're offering her a chance at salvation." He pauses, allowing the lie to hang in the air like a stinking cloak before adding with a sickly smile: "Or perhaps... a path to great power."
His eyes glint dangerously as he envisions what Lilith could become under his guidance. The thought sends a thrill of anticipation down his spine. It won't be long now...
Lilith speeds faster. Her breath comes in short gasps and her knuckles turn white from gripping the steering wheel. She doesn't want this... she can't accept it. But wherever she goes, she can feel his presence looming over her like a dark shadow. It's only a matter of time before he finds her again. Tears streak down her face as she wipes frantically at them with the back of her hand. "Please, gods," she whispers hoarsely, "please help me get away from this."
"Oh, dear Lilith..." His tone is mocking and cruel. "Even if the gods themselves came down to aid you, they would fail. You are mine now... and soon, everyone will belong to me." He chuckles darkly, enjoying her misery like a cat with a wounded bird.
"Just try to make it quick when I finally have you back," he adds with a malicious grin. "I promise not to make your last moments too unbearable."
Lilith's scream shakes the night as the car swerves wildly, almost crashing into a tree. She can't hear Joseph's words, but she feels that someone is on her tail. Lilith pushes the gas medal into the floor with all her might in an attempt to break away. She covers her face with her hands, trembling uncontrollably. Now the tears are flowing freely down her cheeks, mixing with snot and blood from the places where she bit her lip too hard earlier. Her heart is pounding like a wild animal trapped in a cage, the only sound louder than its beating is her labored breathing.
The thrill of the chase courses through his veins as he watches her flee. He can feel her panic, taste it on the air like a sweet nectar. With each passing moment, she comes closer to realizing that resistance is futile... and when she finally does, there will be nothing left for her but submission.
"It's pointless, you know," he whispers to himself, barely even aware that the words are forming past his lips. "You could make this so much easier on yourself if you'd just surrender now." He pauses, considering how best to phrase his next move. "Perhaps I should offer her a way out...?"
"Fuck you!" Lilith screams into the night, her voice raw and hoarse. Tears stream down her face as she tries to see through the windshield. She feels like she's going to lose control of the car any second now... and then what?
He watches her with an amused smirk on his face, "Oh dear, you truly don't understand what you're dealing with, do you?" His gaze flickers over to the cultist in his car, giving him a barely perceptible nod. The man takes this as his cue and speeds up slightly behind Lilith, until their cars are practically bumper to bumper.
With a smirk, Joseph continues, "I'm willing to make you an offer, Lilith. Surrender now and come with me willingly... or suffer the consequences." He leans back in his seat, expecting her to continue fleeing uselessly for just a moment longer before coming to her senses.
"It's your choice," he whispers, "and I suggest you make it wisely."
Lilith clenches her jaw and narrows her eyes.
"Go to hell",
She growls through clenched teeth. With a rush of adrenaline, she accelerates even more, trying to break away from the car chasing her in the rearview mirror. Until Lilith opens her eyes from the rearview mirror, Lilith does not notice the second car in front that is blocking her path. Lilith does not have time to slow down and bangs her head against the steering wheel with a wild squeal, losing consciousness.
"Well, isn't that unfortunate?" he mutters with feigned concern as she crashes into the other car. "Still," he continues more menacingly, "I suppose it just makes our job all the easier." He nods at his cultist to pull over and approach her broken vehicle, a wicked grin spreading across his face like an omen of doom.
"Wakey-wakey, sleepyhead," he taunts gently as the cultist opens her door. "It's time for you to come home now." His laugh echoes through the night, cold and mocking.
Lilith's eyelids are moving slightly, but she still can't open her eyes no matter how hard she tries. The darkness envelops her like a warm cloud. Lilith's hair has spread over her face, sticking to the blood that is calmly pouring out of her nose from the impact with the windshield.
He hums softly as he watches them drag her limp form out of the wreckage, her arms dangling like broken twigs at her sides. Even in this state, she's still fighting against him... or perhaps it's just a reflex. Either way, Joseph finds it most amusing.
"You shouldn't have made this so difficult for yourself," he murmurs, tilting his head to one side as they toss her unceremoniously into the backseat of another car. "But then again... perhaps some resistance is necessary for the greater good." He laughs darkly, the sound echoing through the night like a death knell.
Lilith whimpers and moans incoherently as she lies in the backseat of a car, blood dribbling down her chin, which is soaked in a gag inserted into her mouth. She tries to move her hands, but someone has already cuffed them behind her back. The weight of their presence presses against her skin, making it hard for her to breathe. Her eyes finally open, glaring at Joseph from the depths of her pain and terror.
"Ah, Lilith," he says, tilting his head to the side as if in consideration. "I must admit, I'm rather impressed by your tenacity. Unfortunately, it only makes things more difficult for you." He pauses, glancing at one of his cultists before turning back to her.
"Let this be a lesson to you, dear Lilith: resistance is futile. You belong with us now... and soon enough, everyone will understand that as well." His smile is soft yet predatory, chilling to the bone. "So why not make things easier on yourself?"
She stares at him defiantly, even as tears stream down her face. "I will never belong to you," she spits out through the gag between clenched teeth. "You can't make me be a part of this..." Her words are slurred from pain and fear, but their determination rings clear enough.
He chuckles, shaking his head gently. "Oh dear, Lilith... You're in far too much denial. There's no use struggling any longer." He glances out the window, taking in the night sky for a moment before looking back at her again. "You really should consider your options carefully. Time is running out..."
There's a sinister weight to his words that sends a shiver down her spine.
"I... will... never..." She pauses to draw breath through her nose and continues with renewed strength. "Be one of you... Never..." Blood sprays out over her lips as she enunciates the final word, but it only serves to make her more determined. No matter what he does, no matter how much pain she's in, she won't give up.
Her words fall on deaf ears as he studies her face, unmoved by her defiance. "It's truly a shame," he says with a sigh, shaking his head sadly. "You could have been one of us... You had such potential." He pauses for a moment before adding, almost casually: "Perhaps there's still time to change your mind." His voice holds an unspoken threat that sends chills down her spine.
There is silence for a long moment, broken only by the sound of her ragged breathing and his steady gaze upon her. The weight of his words hangs in the air like a physical presence, pressing down on them both.
Lilith stares back at him with wide, terrified eyes. Her heart is pounding so hard she can feel it in her fingertips, but she's not about to give in. "I'd rather die," she whispers through the gag, "than live like one of you." Even as the words leave her lips, she knows they might very well be the last ones she ever says. But at least they're true. At least she can say that much.
"Well then," he says softly, "I suppose you leave me no choice." He gestures to one of his cultists, who steps forward and approaches her with a syringe in hand. Lilith's eyes widen in horror as she realizes what is about to happen.
Before she can react, the needle plunges into her arm, injecting a paralyzing agent straight into her veins. Her body goes limp almost immediately, and she slumps bonelessly against the car seat. Even with the gag in place, she still manages to let out a soft, despairing whimper as consciousness slips away from her once more.
As she fades into unconsciousness, Joseph nods approvingly at his cultist and says: "See that she's taken care of." He turns his attention back to the road ahead, his thoughts already on what comes next for both Lilith and the world they inhabit.
A few hours later, Lilith finally wakes up on the cold concrete floor in a metal cage. Her pain-clouded gaze tries to focus on something, but she can't because of the headache. Lilith grabs the bars to check if they are real or if it's just a nightmare. She sees a man in front of her who looks like Joseph, but is bigger, with red hair and a beard. He sits on a chair in front of the cage, ignoring Lilith. Lilith wants to ask so many questions, but she whispers with a dry throat, and the first thing that comes to her mind is
"Who are you? Where is Joseph?"
The red-haired man chuckles and stands up, stretching his massive frame before walking towards the cage. His eyes are cold as he looks down at her, but there's an air of amusement about him. "So many questions and so few answers." His voice is conspiratorial, as if in one breath. "Oh, no, no, no," he whispers, thrusting his hand through the bars to stroke Lilith's cheek. "My name is Jacob. Jacob Sid. Do you remember?" his voice is mockingly cold and, tilting his head to the side, he growls the command, "Now repeat. Quickly!"
"Jacob Sid." Lilith says quietly. She can barely stand the pain in her throat when she speaks. "But where is Joseph?" Her voice cracks at the end of her question. The confusion and fear etched into her features are almost unbearable to watch, but Jacob seems to enjoy it nonetheless.
Jacob's laugh echoes through the cell, sending chills down Lilith's spine. "Oh, dear," he says mockingly, "You know so little about all this. You see, my brother is busy with other things right now." Jacob leans back in his chair and adds with a cold grin, "Joseph sends people here who, let's say so...difficult" He points a finger at Lilith and adds "Something like you."
Lilith grabs the bars and growls, "I'm not complicated, I'm normal." With a growl of disappointment, Lilith realizes that Joseph also has a brother... This complicates the situation a thousand times... She sits down in a dark corner of the camera, hugging her knees with her hands and frantically trying to think of something.
Ah, but dear Lilith," Jacob says, his voice eerily calm as he leans forward in his chair, "you are what makes things difficult for my brother. People like you... people who can see through the lies..." He shakes his head slowly, making a show of looking disapprovingly at her. "You know too much, and that simply won't do."
His words hang in the air like a shroud as he sits back again, staring expectantly at Lilith.
Her eyes widen with horror as she realizes the implications. "I... I don't know anything important," she stammers, her voice shaking. "Joseph is the one in charge, he makes all the decisions..." Her gaze flickers nervously from Jacob to the bars of the cage and back again, searching for any sign of escape or hope.
Jacob laughs, a cold chuckle that sends shivers down Lilith's spine. "Oh dear," he says, "you really are quite naive." Standing up, he approaches the cage and crouches down so that their eyes meet. His face is close enough for her to see the flecks of red in his irises. "My brother has plans within plans, little one," he whispers conspiratorially, almost daring her to trust him. "You don't even know half of what goes on behind closed doors."
With that, he straightens and moves back to his chair, leaving Lilith more confused and frightened than ever before.
Lilith looks at him with wide eyes. She tries to think of something, anything that would help her get out of this mess... But all she can do is hope for a miracle or maybe someone from the outside coming and saving her... Or even worse, dying and leaving all of this nightmare behind. But death doesn't seem like much of an option anymore either. She feels trapped in this hell, with no escape in sight.
Jacob puts the chair back forward closer to Lilith's camera and begins the story in a calm, even slightly joyful voice "Seven days. I guess ta-a-k is hungry... Ha ha ha. Yes. Do you know that you can destroy a civilization in ten days? Yes. Deprive people of the most basic necessities, and they will return to their primitive instincts in just ten days. Haha, you don't understand this until you experience it for yourself... I fought in Iraq, it was in the nineties. Paratroopers. Death from heaven. U-ra. Haha," he giggles playfully, recalling these years and continues more seriously, but also calmly, "Somehow we were ambushed. Miller and I were cut off from the main forces. There is no food. There is no connection. And the base is two hundred kilometers south, so we went. But... On the third day, we lost our way. On the sixth... I ran out of water. You know what it's like, right? It's hard to swallow. On the seventh day, Miller's legs began to stumble. Did you know that the brain begins to devour muscles in order to survive? That's why you're so skinny," Ob hands her a bowl of food that his assistant brought and continues, "And on the eighth day, the wolves appeared. I took a look at Miller and realized that we were screwed. And I resigned myself. But she was humble... clarity. I wasn't just looking at Miller... I saw an opportunity in him," he pauses, studying Lilith's reaction.
Lilith looks at him with wide-open eyes in horror and shock. But cold tears are freely pouring down her face. She looks at the bowl of food but hesitates to touch it. "And what did you do next?" she asks cautiously and at the same time not knowing if she wants to listen to this story or not.
He leans back in his chair, laughing softly. "Ahh, you really want to know the rest of it, don't you? Well," he shrugs nonchalantly, "I ate Miller. It was... necessary." He watches her face intently, his expression unreadable. "I didn't want to do that... But I had to. It was... test. You see, Miller's sacrifice didn't just save my life in the desert. She brought me here. The weak have their own way. You'll figure it out very soon." His voice trails off as he studies her reaction, waiting for some sign of understanding or perhaps even agreement.
Lilith looks at him with disgust and fear in her eyes. "You're horrible..." she whispers, tears streaming down her face. "I'll never understand why people like you exist..." Her voice trails off as she hugs herself tighter, trying to make herself smaller. She doesn't want to be here, with this monster... But where else could she go?
Jacob's eyes narrow slightly as he looks at Lilith, genuinely puzzled by her reaction. "You don't understand," he says slowly, almost enunciating each word carefully. "I wasn't horrible... I was just doing what needed to be done." His voice hardens for a moment before softening again, almost as if trying to convince himself as much as Lilith. "And people like me exist because there are things that must happen in this world. Things that aren't pretty or easy, but are necessary nonetheless." He pauses, looking thoughtful for a moment before continuing:
"Maybe... perhaps if you stay with us long enough, you'll begin to see the beauty in it all." His smile is cold and calculating, almost predatory. "And then again... maybe not."
Lilith looks at him with wide eyes, shocked and disgusted. She shakes her head slowly, tears streaming down her face. "No... No, I'll never see the beauty in this... in what you do..." Her voice breaks as she whispers, "You're all just monsters..." She turns away from him, curling up into a ball and sobbing quietly.
Jacob smirks as he watches Lilith's reaction, his amusement only growing. "Ah, poor little thing," he says mockingly. "It'll be a shame if you never come to see the light, won't it?" He leans forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees and laces his fingers together beneath his chin. "But then again, who am I to force such enlightenment upon someone so clearly content in their ignorance?"
He pauses for effect before adding with a sigh, "Rest, Joseph will come in the evening." he pauses again and before getting up from his chair adds with a note of threat, "I don't advise you to tell him the same thing, maybe he won't be so kind today."
Lilith glares at Jacob with an icy stare, but says nothing. It's pointless to prove something to this person... Lilith looks at the bowl of food again, but feels only nausea and pain all over her body...She curls up in a ball, covering her face with her long hair and tries to fall asleep to endure the evening as well...
He leans back in his chair, staring at Lilith with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. This one was more difficult to subdue than most; her spirit seems almost unbreakable. He wonders what it is that drives her so fiercely against them. Perhaps if he were to... convince her otherwise? Ah, but such thoughts are for another time. For now, he must simply wait and see how events unfold over the coming days.
It's been known to happen before: a person brought low by circumstances beyond their control only to rise up stronger than ever after enduring what they believe to be their darkest hour. Perhaps Lilith will prove to be such a case... or perhaps she'll remain forever trapped in her self-perceived righteousness. The choice, of course, is hers alone.
In the late afternoon, Joseph really comes. Jacob greets him with his forehead pressed against his brother in greeting. "You did it," Joseph whispers gratefully. When Jacob leaves the room, Joseph sits on a chair in front of the camera and examines the sleeping Lilith with undisguised interest, waiting for her to wake up.
Lilith is not going to wake up. She desperately wants to stay even longer in a dream where everything is rosy and bright, unlike this dark captivity. She mentally curses the day when her job was to bring her tax report to that chapel...but she didn't know how dangerous it was... She was just doing her job and where is she now?
As he watches the woman sleep, his mind drifts back to those first days when she was brought before them. He remembers her defiance and determination, even as they tried everything to break her. There's something about her that sets her apart from the others who have fallen under their sway... Something intangible yet undeniable.
A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he contemplates this enigma before him. Perhaps it is for this very reason that she has endured thus far, despite all they have done to wear her down. Or perhaps there is something else entirely going on beneath the surface.
He leans in closer, studying her features more closely. In the dim light of the cell, he can see a glimmer of innocence hiding amidst the hardened lines of pain and determination. It's almost enough to make him pity her... Almost. But not quite. Not yet.
Lilith doesn't know how long she slept... All she knows is that when she wakes up, her body hurts even more. When she opens her eyes, she sees Joseph staring at her, brushing her hair off her face. Lilith wants to run away, but her body won't obey... She tries to say something, anything, but all that comes out of her mouth is a faint whisper of "Why..?"
He tilts his head slightly, watching her intently as she struggles to form words. "Why?" he echoes softly, the amusement in his voice almost unnoticeable now. "Perhaps you should ask yourself that question, Lilith." His eyes boring into hers, he continues: "Why are you here? Why do you resist us so fiercely? There must be a reason behind all of this... Something driving you forward, even as we push against you with every ounce of our strength." He pauses, waiting for her response before adding softly:
"Perhaps if you were to look deep within yourself... Perhaps if you could find the truth of it all..."
Her eyes are filled with tears as she whispers, "I... I'm not sure. I just know that you're wrong... About everything..." Lilith tries to sit up but her body is too weak and in pain. She looks at him pleadingly, searching for some understanding or mercy in his cold, calculating gaze. But there's nothing... Only emptiness and control. "Please..." she whispers, "Can you just let me go?"
His expression softens somewhat at the sound of her plea, but he doesn't relent. "I'm sorry," he says gently, shaking his head. "It doesn't work that way. Not for someone like you... Someone who has seen too much." He pauses for a moment before continuing, his tone almost wistful:
"Perhaps if we had more time... If you were willing to open your heart and mind..." His voice trails off, leaving the thought unfinished. For now, he thinks, she must suffer through this ordeal until she comes to understand on her own. It's for her own good, after all... even if it doesn't feel that way right now.
Her eyes fill with fresh tears as she listens to him. "I'll never understand... I can't..." Her voice breaks and she cries in frustration, unable to make sense of any of it. In that moment, all she wants is for this nightmare to end... For everything to go back to how it was before she knew about any of this. But even as the thought crosses her mind, she knows that it can't. Not now, and probably never again.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair before looking at her once more. There's an air of genuine sadness in his eyes now as he speaks: "I wish things were different... But they aren't, Lilith. You have to accept that." His voice is soft, almost caring, as if trying to coax her into submission with kind words instead of threats or force.
"For now," he continues, hesitating slightly before adding, "perhaps you should try and rest some more..." He motions to the bars of her cell with a tilt of his head, indicating that she should lie back down on the cold concrete floor if she's too weak to sit up any longer.
Lilith jumps to her feet and growls, "I don't need a fucking vacation!" her chest rises and falls sharply from heavy breathing, but she is not ready to give up even when stars are hiding around her eyes "I need freedom, I need my past life" she stares into Joseph's eyes and comes closer to him so as not to miss any of his emotions.
His expression hardens as she speaks, but there's still something in her eyes...something he can't quite put his finger on. It makes him hesitate, forces him to choose his words carefully. "You think that your past life," he says slowly, emphasizing each word, "was better than this?" His gaze flickers over her body again before returning to her face.
"Tell me, Lilith...what was so wonderful about living in ignorance? About being blind to the truths of our world?" He pauses for effect before continuing, almost pleading with her now: "This is your chance for enlightenment... Don't throw it away."
His eyes hold hers, waiting for some sign of understanding or acceptance. But what he sees instead are only sparks of defiance and determination burning brightly within her. For a moment, his heart aches with sadness. This woman...she truly doesn't understand at all.
Lilith stands in front of him, her head still held high. She looks into his eyes and tries to speak, but the words stick in her throat. Anger burns inside her, tears burn her eyelids, but she doesn't let them spill.
"I had the right to choose, and I did what I wanted" Lilith grabs Joseph's cheek, forcing him to meet her gaze, "You are not a savior, Joseph... Just accept it."
There's a flicker of something in his eyes at her words, but it's gone almost as soon as it appears. "You're wrong," he says simply, shaking his head. "We are saviors... whether you accept it or not." He tries to pull away from her grip on his cheek, but she holds fast.
"And even if we weren't..." he continues, his voice barely more than a whisper now, " wouldn't matter. The world is changing, Lilith... whether you like it or not." There's a strange mixture of pity and determination in his gaze as he looks at her. "Soon enough, everyone will see the truth... And when that happens..." He pauses, looking away for a moment before finally meeting her eyes again, "...when that happens, you'll wish you had listened."
Lilith looks at him with pity and sympathy. Her hand goes down smoothly and tiredly and she whispers, turning away, "I'm already sorry... I regret that I even spoke to you." She goes to the far corner of her cell, wondering how many more days she will have to spend here...
His expression softens slightly at her words, but he doesn't allow himself to be swayed. "You may regret speaking to me," he says gently, "but you'll never regret what happened afterward." His gaze flickers over her face again, studying every line and hollow. There's something there... Something he can almost reach out and touch.
"Trust me, Lilith," he whispers, his voice barely audible above the sound of her own ragged breathing. "It's for your own good."
Her eyes are filled with pain and anger as she listens to him. She wants to believe it, to understand why this is happening but deep inside she knows he's wrong. "I will never accept it" Lilith whispers, hugging herself tightly. "You can continue to brainwash other sectarians with this lie, but not me, Joseph."
He sighs heavily, watching her for a long moment before speaking again. "Then you leave us no choice," he says softly. "This's not one that can be won with words alone." His gaze flickers over her face once more, searching for some sign of understanding or resignation, but finding none.
"Perhaps when you see the light," he whispers, "perhaps then..." His voice trails off, lost in thought as he considers their next move. For now, though, there is nothing left to do but wait...and hope that she doesn't resist too much longer.
"Is that so?" Lilith asks with a bitter laugh. She rests on her hands so as not to get up and fall. Watching him from the bottom up, Lilith continues, "And what do you tell the families of the people who died for you and for believing in this madness? How do you look them in the eye, Joseph? How do you sleep at night after that?" her voice sounds harsh and accusing.
"It's not like that," he says, his voice harsher now as anger burns away some of the carefully crafted calmness. "We do what we must for a greater good. The sacrifices may be painful, but they are necessary." He leans closer, his eyes boring into hers. "And as for sleep... I sleep just fine, thank you very much. It's people like you who keep me up at night."
There's an ugly truth in his words, a coldness that chills the air between them. For a moment, Lilith feels a spark of fear flare up inside her once more...but it's quickly doused by a surge of defiance and determination. She will not be broken. Not now. Not ever.
She laughs at that, bitter and hoarse. "Then how will you sleep when it's over? When the world sees through your lies?" Lilith takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself against his words. "When people like me tell everyone about this madness?" Her eyes glitter with unshed tears as she stares up at him, daring him to deny any of it.
His expression hardens at her words, but he doesn't falter. "I'll sleep just fine," he says through gritted teeth. "Because I know the truth...and so will everyone else soon enough." There's a dark certainty in his voice that sends a shiver down Lilith's spine. For a moment, she wonders if perhaps he really does believe what he's saying. Or if it's all just part of some twisted game to him...
"Now," he says finally, straightening up again, "why don't you get some rest? You look like you could use it." There's a mocking gentleness in his tone that stings more than the cruelty did before.
"Don't tell me what to do!" Lilith growls, clutching at him with her eyes. She refuses to believe that this is all for the common good. All the victims... all the blood. It shouldn't be like this. Faith should not be born out of fear and despair. Lilith looks away, making it clear that she is no longer interested in this dialogue.
His eyes narrow as she refuses to meet his gaze, and something within him snaps. "Fine," he spits out, "be that way." He storms away from her, slamming the door behind him with such force that it shakes the very cell itself. There's a long moment of silence before footsteps approach once more, this time accompanied by Jacob. He casually sits down in front of Lilil's cage and with a mischievous fire in his eyes that makes the blood run cold, he says, resting his hands on his knees, "Why don't you eat? Do you want your brain to keep eating your muscles?"
She glares at him but doesn't respond. Her stomach twists in knots as if it has been tied into a hundred tiny pieces and she barely stops herself from vomiting the little food she has already eaten earlier. The thought of putting anything else in her body sickens her even more...
His expression darkens as he sees her obvious distress over the thought of eating, but he doesn't relent. "You know, Lilith," he says conversationally, as if they were old friends sharing a joke, "Your body needs fuel to keep going. And you wouldn't want to become too weak, would you?" He leans forward and cocks his head slightly. "I hear it can be rather difficult to fight back when your strength is gone."
There's something in the way he says it that sends a shiver down her spine, but Lilith tries her best not to let it show. She looks away from him again and crosses her arms over her chest, hoping to make herself smaller and less appealing.
Lilith is pacing her cage like a wounded lioness rushing to freedom.
"I don't trust this food."
Lilith is growling, getting angrier by the second. She kicks the cell door again, but it doesn't even budge. Lilith's thoughts are clouded... She doesn't understand why this happened to her... She just wanted to get out of town, away from all this.
"Tell me more about your service in Iraq.",
Lilith speaks sharply, casting a sharp glance at Jacob. "We still have enough time."
Jacob looks at her with curiosity, leaning closer to the cage. He nods his head slightly, "Well, uh... when I was deployed there..." he starts, apparently eager to talk about something else now that Lilith has given him an opening. And so he begins to tell her stories of his time in the service: of the people he met, the places he'd been, and the things they'd done. It's not long before Jacob is lost in his memories, speaking easily and without rancor about events that had once filled him with fear and despair.
As she listens to him talk, Lilith can't help but wonder why these men who have seen so much death and destruction could possibly believe the things they do now. It doesn't add up in her mind...but perhaps that's part of what makes them so dangerous. Perhaps it's because they truly believe themselves to be on the side of right, no matter how many innocent people must suffer along the way.
To his surprise, Jacob cannot help but feel relieved at how simply he tells Lilith about his past. It seems so surreal, like he's the prisoner, not her. Jacob looks at Lilith curiously, amused by her anger and unbrokenness.
She listens carefully and interrupts him a few times, mostly to challenge his viewpoint. Lilith is fascinated but also repulsed by the things he's done. His tone of voice seems detached... Almost like he's talking about someone else. But then again, maybe this is how soldiers cope with what they've seen... By making it just another story to tell. "And how old are you?" Lilith casually asks, continuing to pace around her cell.
Jacob hesitates before answering,
"To me ... thirty-five."
He pauses again, perhaps embarrassed to talk about his age. In the end, he decides that it's not that important, and continues:
"I joined the army after college. I wanted to change the world for the better, you know?"
He shrugs, still distanced from the memories of his youth.
Lilith nods, her expression unreadable.
"And how long have you been working with ... with them?" She asks carefully, trying not to say Joseph's name out loud, which does not even fit on her tongue. Jacob smiles slightly and playfully, accusingly clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth
"Lilith. Joseph is my brother and we have been worth what we have now for a long time."
Lilith would like to hear more, not this. She sighs wearily and sits down in front of the cell door, crossing her legs in a lotus position. "And at what point did your brother decide that going crazy was the best solution?" Lilith asks with a crazy smile. She wraps her arms around the bars of the cage and whispers with a dangerous gleam in her eyes, "Tell me about your childhood. Have you always defended Joseph?".
Jacob runs his fingertip over Lilith's grille and exclaims with mock admiration, "You're such a curious girl, Lilith." He plays with her name on his tongue, as if it is somehow playful and unreal. "Joseph is not crazy, honey. He's God's chosen one, but..." he pauses to cast a condemning look at Lilith and adds, "but people like you don't understand that." Jacob looks at Lilith again, like some kind of animal in a zoo. "Is there anything else you want to know? Or maybe you'll stop being selfish and tell me about yourself?" Jacob arches an eyebrow, hoping deep down that she will reveal a part of herself to him. For some reason, this intrigues him, makes him learn more about this mysterious prisoner with her incorrect worldview.
Lilith crosses her arms over her chest and sighs.
"My name is Lilith Alvanders... I was born in Seattle...She worked at the police station until then..." Lilith pauses, not daring to tell absolutely everything, but decides to say a small part: "I had an important case and I screwed up" she looks away, I feel bitterness on my tongue "After that incident, I was transferred here to Montana. To the tax department to sort out the paperwork."
Jacob listens with half an ear, nodding occasionally. His expression softens when she talks about her old job and the incident that led to her transfer. "I see," he says quietly. "And you never saw it coming?" He watches her reaction carefully, hoping for some sign of weakness or regret in her eyes. But there is only determination there, a fierce glow that tells him she will not give up easily.
"You know, Lilith..." he starts, leaning closer to the bars again, "...things happen for a reason. Perhaps this was all meant to be." There's something in his voice that sounds almost convincing, as if he genuinely believes what he is saying. But even as he speaks, he can't help but feel a twinge of guilt deep down inside, knowing the truth about why she was really brought here...
"You don't understand anything," Lilith snaps with a bitter laugh, "I was just entrusted with handing over the tax report of the chapel where your brother met me. How could I know what kind of horror was going on here?!"her eyes fill with anger, but they also cool down quickly. "From that day on, I decided to just leave the city, but Joseph decided that it would be very useful to arrange a car accident for me." she feels her throat tighten painfully and adds, enunciating every word, "This is not right."
Jacob's expression sours at her words, but he doesn't interrupt. Instead, he says carefully, "I understand that you feel betrayed, Lilith... But Joseph only did what he thought was best for the cause." There is a note of pleading in his voice, as if begging her to see things from their perspective.
"You can't deny that the truth has been hidden from us all for far too long," he continues, "and Joseph believes that it's time for that to change. He thinks you have a part to play in that... You just need to accept it." There's a long pause before he adds softly, almost as if he's talking more to himself than her, "We all do."
"I'm not some kind of actress to accept my role," Lilith growls, jumping to her feet. She starts pacing the cell again, but doesn't want to say anything or can't. She is thirsty, her body weakens with every second spent in captivity.
It's clear that Lilith is at her wit's end, and Jacob doesn't want to push her too far right now. Perhaps they should leave it for another time. "I understand how you feel," he says gently, giving her a reassuring smile, "but try to think about the big picture. What Joseph is's not easy. He believes that he's doing the right thing, and with enough time..." He pauses, searching for the right words before continuing, "...with enough time, I think you'll see it too."
There's a faint note of sadness in his voice as he finishes speaking. He knows how this story ends, and despite everything, he can't help but feel a twinge of pity for Lilith. She is going to lose, after all...but she doesn't have to lose completely. Maybe there is still some way that they could find common ground.
"You know," Jacob says softly, "no matter what happens, we should at least try to understand each other." His expression grows thoughtful as he watches her pace the cell, her movements jerky and angry. There's something about the way she holds herself that reminds him of someone...someone from his past who had also been hurt in the name of faith. The memory stirs something inside him, some deep-seated emotion that he can't quite place.
Lilith will be repeated
"Understand each other"
as if in a trance. She feels her legs begin to give way from aimless walking, but she refuses to sit still. And the thought of sleep scares her even more, because there is no telling what might happen while she sleeps...She casts a sharp glance at Jacob and mockingly asks, "Ask me out on a date and maybe we can somehow understand each other."
Jacob's eyebrow arches at the suggestion, amused despite himself. "And why would I want to go on a date with someone like you?" he counters lightly, his tone playful rather than derisive. "You're nothing but trouble." There's a glint in his eye that speaks of challenge, daring her to push back against him further.
For a moment, the cell feels smaller, charged with an electricity neither of them can quite ignore. It's as if they are on the brink of something...but what, exactly?
"Oh," Lilith raises her eyebrows in surprise and says, waving her hand, "I've been called worse." She leans her shoulder against the cell door and whispers with despair and something incomprehensible in her voice. Humility? Pain? something strange and frightening, but definitely not anger. "Just... maybe this is my last night." She turns away and sits on the floor, pressing her back against the bars.
Jacob frowns, not quite sure what to make of her sudden change in demeanor. He watches as she sits down on the floor and leans against the bars, her shoulders slumping slightly. Unable to contain himself any longer, he asks softly, "Are you...afraid?" There's a note of concern in his voice that was not there before, and it unsettles him almost as much as it does Lilith.
The air in the cell seems heavier now, charged with an emotion neither of them can quite identify. It feels wrong, somehow - too intimate for these circumstances. But it's also impossible to ignore...
Her eyes glitter with unshed tears as she looks up at him. "Yes," she whispers, the single word shaking her like a leaf in wind. "I'm afraid." It's such an alien emotion to admit to, but she can't lie anymore. Not now, when everything seems so fragile and pointless. Her breath catches in her throat as tears trickle down her cheeks unchecked. She'd thought she was strong enough to face whatever came her way...but it looks like she was wrong. So very wrong.
Jacob hesitates, unsure of what to say or do in this moment. He can't remember the last time he saw someone cry like this...and it unnerves him almost as much as Lilith's strength had before. Finally, he speaks softly, "You don't have anything to be afraid of." His voice is quiet, soothing...almost gentle. But even as he says the words, he knows that they are a lie.
There is another long moment of silence before Jacob continues, his tone still gentle but more serious now. "I understand why you might feel this way...but you have to believe me when I tell you that what we're doing is for the greater good." He looks deeply into her eyes, searching for any hint of belief, any sign that she is listening to him at all.
Lilith nervously wipes her tears and whispers with a crazy smile:
"You know what happens to people like me."
Lilith crawls to the cell door, closer to Jacob, and whispers in a pleading whisper, "Just tell me what's waiting for me, and that's it... please. How exactly am I going to die?"
She holds her breath, waiting for an answer, and looks at him like a wild, untamed animal that he has killed hundreds of times on the hunt.
Jacob's eyes widen at the intensity in her gaze, and he swallows hard before speaking. "I don't know...everyone deals with it differently," he says slowly, searching for the right words. He knows that telling her what will happen won't change anything; she already thinks they are monsters.
"Look," he says, trying to sound reassuring even as his heart races in his chest, "it doesn't have to be like that. You could join us." His voice trails off uncertainly at the end, hope and fear tangled together within him like twisting vines.
For a long moment, there is silence between them, punctuated only by the sounds of their ragged breathing and the dim lights casting flickering shadows across the cell.
Lilith winces from a headache, as if these words hit her on the head with a brick. She looks away and whispers in an empty voice, without the previous interest and curiosity that burned in her eyes earlier, "Tell me about your interests." She wants to hear anything, absolutely anything, just to stay awake. Just not to be left alone with your fears and thoughts.
Jacob hesitates, unsure whether she's serious or not. But then he remembers the pleading look in her eyes earlier and decides to take a chance. He clears his throat and launches into a story about how he used to love hiking in the mountains as a kid, about the time he caught a fish bigger than himself in a river, about the first girl he ever kissed under the stars on a camping trip. It's all light-hearted and easy to talk about, an escape from the heavy weight of their current situation.
As he speaks, he glances sideways at Lilith, watching for any sign that his words are reaching her. Her expression is odd - curious, perhaps? Or maybe just distant? It's hard to tell with her.
Lilith listens to Jacob's story with half an ear, nodding her head to stay awake. He's just an ordinary person... just with a perverted vision of faith. It's bitter to realize, but it's true. Lilith nods, but slaps herself sharply on the cheeks and asks, "What sin do you think is the most...heavy and dangerous?" She crawls back to the cell door to hear him better.
Jacob hesitates before answering, trying to choose his words carefully. "I think...the most dangerous sin," he finally says, "is the one that leads us to believe we're always right." He pauses, considering his own words. "It's easy to become so focused on our beliefs that we forget about everything else. Compassion, empathy..." He trails off, not quite sure how to put it into words.
"And what do you think?" he asks after a moment, curious to hear her opinion on the matter.
"Despair" is pronounced by Lilith simply and all of this word hangs heavily in the air. "Out of desperation, people commit other sins: suicide, greed, murder, lust, gluttony and everything else." Lilith turns a hard look at Jacob and adds, "Out of desperation, people go to terrible things without realizing it."
Jacob nods slowly, confirming her thoughts. This woman is wise beyond her years, but blind. She refuses to see the truth that Jacob wants to tell her. And he doesn't even notice how he starts to get attached to her.
"You're right," he says thoughtfully with an approving smile and, scratching his beard, adds, "But can't faith overcome despair? This world is not a fairy tale, Lilith. There are casualties, there are losses." He looks at Lilith with undisguised curiosity, wanting to know what else she is thinking. What else is there about her that he just sits and answers her questions like a schoolboy on an exam. At this thought, Jacob laughs out loud, which leads Lilith to confusion and perplexity.
She raises an eyebrow, irritated that he found it amusing. "I didn't ask for your opinion," she snaps sharply, trying to stay awake. But her words come out slurred and barely audible, and she realizes that exhaustion is finally catching up with her. Her eyes feel heavy, and she has to force them open. "Do I even have any last wish or something like that?" Lilith asks in a barely audible voice.
Jacob tilts his head to the side, considering her question thoughtfully. "Of course," he finally answers gently. "Anything you want. Just say it." He pauses before continuing softly, almost conspiratorially, "What do you want, Lilith?" Jacob leans closer in his chair to hear her answer. But deep down, he doesn't want to hear anything at all. He doesn't want her to die or suffer from her ridiculous beliefs.
"Cigarettes," Lilith whispers with a sad smile, folding her hands on her bent knees, "Bring me cigarettes, please." She nervously bites her lower lip to stay awake for a while longer. Lilith feels a fever from a panic attack. She pulls off her bloody shirt and throws it aside. Lilith takes short breaths to calm down and pull herself together, but panic rolls up to her throat in a painful lump.
Jacob sighs, shaking his head slightly as he stands up. "Alright," he says reluctantly, walking over to the cell door's control panel and keying in a code. There is a soft click as the cell door unlocks. "But only because you asked nicely." He hesitates before opening the cell, looking back at her with an odd mix of pity and...respect? Before he can dwell on it any longer, Jacob opens the door and hands her a pack of cigarettes.
As Lilith eagerly lights up, Jacob stands in the doorway, watching her with unreadable eyes. He knows that he should leave her alone to suffer the consequences of her actions...but for some reason, he can't bring himself to do it quite yet. Jacob contemplates Lilith thoughtfully, wondering why she is so complicated? He had never met anyone strong, anyone like her. "Do you still want to go on a date?" Jacob asks with a soft smile, watching her blow out a thin stream of smoke. And he doesn't even know what to do if she suddenly refuses.
Lilith exhales slowly, staring at the smoke floating upward. It feels like her mind is clouded with the same fog as well. "Sure," she manages to say finally, glancing back at him, "why not?" There's a small hint of curiosity in her voice now, and maybe even some trust? It's hard to tell with her. "I'm nothing but trouble," Lilith quips, repeating the words he said earlier. She leans against the bars, hoping that Jacob will really take her on a date and not to the slaughter.
Jacob chuckles, his expression softening as he looks at her. "I'm sure you are, my dear," he says with a teasing note in his voice, "Yeah...You can't get very far in this form." Jacob opens the cell door, hoping that Lilith really wants this, and not just manipulating him to escape. He deftly takes the handcuffs out of his pocket and snaps them on Lilith's wrists when she doesn't even have time to react.
Lilith rolls her eyes irritably and whispers, "Are you really that afraid of me?" When Jacob is so close, he seems even bigger in relation to Lilith. It's a strange feeling and Lilith doesn't know what to do about it. Thoughts of sleep receded far into the background, as if they had never existed. She looks thoughtfully at the shackles on her wrists and asks with a sultry smile, "And where are we going?"
Jacob chuckles slightly at her question and responds with a joke, "Of course I'm afraid of you, the most dangerous criminal of all time." He leads her out of the cell, holding her shoulders and whispering in her ear in a hoarse voice, "Besides, it's so sexy." As they walk through the dark corridors, Lilith can't figure out where they are at all. It looks like some kind of underground bunker. When they leave him, Jacob helps Lilith up by lifting her by her slender waist. He can't hold back the anticipation of where this date will lead.
Lilith blushes and giggles at his words. It's so...strange to feel this way about someone she should hate. She peeks up at him, trying to gauge his reactions as they walk down the hall. The setting only adds to the weirdness of the situation. Her heart races, but it's not from fear or anger. For once, she can actually enjoy herself...and doesn't want it to end anytime soon. She leans closer, brushing her arm against his and whispers conspiratorially, "And where are you taking me?"
Jacob's heart skips a beat as Lilith leans closer, and their breath mixes with the warm air between them. His voice sounds hoarse and low when he finally answers
"To my favorite secret place."
He pauses for dramatic effect before adding with an evil grin , "Where we'll be alone and you can show me all your pranks."
His words make her blush even more, and Jacob feels a surge of triumph. They've been walking in circles for the last few minutes, but he knows they're getting close. He leads her down another dark corridor, lit only by flickering emergency lights, until they reach an iron door without a sign. Jacob solemnly opens it, and they see a small cozy room with a bed and several pieces of furniture.
"After you, my little prisoner," he chuckles gallantly, inviting Lilith to follow him.
Lilith feels like she's trapped in some kind of twisted fairy tale. She takes a step forward, not knowing what to expect, but trusting him anyway. Her heart is racing with excitement and fear when they enter the room, and when he closes the door behind them, she can barely cope with it. Maybe coming here was a mistake? But in any case, it's better than sitting in a cage. Lilith stretches out her chained hands and asks with a slight grin, "Maybe you can take this off me?".
Jacob walks up to her, his eyes burning with desire as he examines the shackles on her wrists. He bites his lower lip before answering, " did ask so nicely." His fingers dance around the clasp for a moment before finally snapping it open, freeing her hands.
He steps back to admire her, savoring the sight of her standing there before him, unbound and at his mercy. "So," he says huskily, taking another step closer, "That's not the only reason I called you here." His rough hand rests on her thigh without permission, leaving no room for doubt about his intentions.
"I know," Lilith whispers with a mischievous fire in her eyes. She stretches her wrists when she finally doesn't feel a heavy weight on them. It seems surreal... She must hate him...fight with him for your beliefs and the truth. Lilith pulls closer, touching him with her hands for the first time and gently and timidly kisses him deeper and hotter every second.
Jacob's heart races as Lilith presses her body against him, eagerly returning his kiss. His hands slide up her sides, encircling her waist before pulling her even closer. The feel of her skin beneath his fingers makes it difficult for him to think straight, let alone remember why they're really here. He moans into the kiss as she wraps her legs around him, arching his back in pleasure when she grinds against him.
He breaks the kiss only long enough to gasp out, "Your mouth is amazing..." and dives right back in for more. Her taste, the feel of her lips on's enough to make him lose control completely. They stumble across the room, their hungry mouths seeking each other out, their bodies pressed so tightly together it feels like they're one. He grabs a fistful of her hair and deepens the kiss even further, desperate for more of her fire.
Lost in this erotic haze, he barely notices when she wriggles free from his grasp long enough to pull off his shirt and reveal toned, muscular abs. Her warm hands slide up his chest and across his shoulders as their lips meet once more, her nails scratching lightly at the skin there.
"Lilith..." he groans, closing his eyes tightly, wanting nothing more than to lose himself completely in this moment with her. Right here and right now, "Try not to make too much noise," he warns with a wry smile before pushing her onto the bed.
Lilith giggles breathlessly, her eyes sparkling with lust and playfulness. She wriggles under him, arching her back and moaning softly as he presses his body against hers. Her fingers dig into the flesh of his arms, feeling the corded muscle beneath his skin. She wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her and whispers in his ear, "I'll be quiet as a mouse."
Jacob moans, instinctively thrusting his hips forward as he feels her warmth envelop him. He buries his face in the curve of her neck, gently bites and runs his teeth over her smooth skin, moaning softly. It tastes sweet and salty at the same time; he can't get enough.
His movements become more insistent as his need for relaxation increases. He presses her wrists against her head, arches his back and moans with pleasure when their hips touch again and again.
He breathes raggedly into the crook of her neck,
"I can't hold back anymore..."
Her fingers tighten around his shoulders as he thrusts deeper into her. "Neither can I," she whispers against his skin, arching her back in response to every touch and movement. The heat between them builds, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony as if they've always belonged this way. She moans and gasps, feeling herself spiraling closer to the edge with each thrust of his hips.
Her soft moans and gasps echo around the room, fueling his desire even further. He can feel her body tensing beneath him, preparing for release, and he quickens his pace, determined to send them both over the edge together. With a primal groan that vibrates through Lilith's entire body, he thrusts hard one last time and feels himself explode inside of her.
His hands fall limp at his sides as he collapses onto her chest, breathing heavily. It's only then that he realizes what they've done - how much of themselves they've given to each other in this brief moment of passion. A pang of guilt washes over him, but it's quickly replaced by a strange sense of satisfaction.
For now, at least, the pain and lies can be forgotten.
Her body clenches around him as she cries out in ecstasy, her nails digging into his shoulders. Lilith's entire being shudders with the intensity of her release, feeling like a thousand tiny stars exploding inside her. When he finally collapses on top of her, panting and spent, she looks up at him with a satisfied smile. It feels strange to feel this way about someone who should be her enemy, but for now, she lets herself enjoy the moment. She wants to linger in this moment a little longer before the harsh reality crushes her.
The weight of his body presses against her, trapping them both in this moment of shared intimacy. His breath fogs the air between them as he whispers hoarsely, "I've never..." He pauses, taking a shaky breath before continuing, "It's been so long...for me too." His gaze drifts to where their bodies are joined and for a moment, he wishes they could stay like this forever. But he knows reality will catch up with them soon enough. With reluctance, he rolls off her, giving them both some space. The cold air hits his sweaty skin, making him shiver slightly as he watches Lilith, waiting for her reaction.
Lilith looks at him with softened eyes. This moment, however brief it meant something. It felt real to her. She slowly pulls herself up, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking down at her naked body. Lilith doesn't feel regret or self-pity, just something strange... acceptance. "Thank you," Lilith whispers with a soft smile, afraid to lean closer to him. "I hope you won't tell Joseph about this?"
He chuckles weakly, "I doubt he'd believe me if I told him the truth." He sits up, still naked and feeling self-conscious about it for some reason, looking anywhere but at her. It's easier to focus on something else when he has to think about this. "Anyway," he says casually, hoping his voice doesn't give away how much this all meant to him, "We should probably get cleaned up and head back."
He stands and reaches out a hand to help her up, feeling an inexplicable urge to protect her from the world outside these walls. Even though he knows that world is the one she should be facing, not him.
Lilith accepts his hand with a small smile and gets up. She slips into her clothes quickly, feeling self-conscious about being naked again. "This is not how I imagined the date, but I liked it," Lilith whispers with a slight grin, hiding her true feelings behind a mask of sarcasm. The thought of having to sit in a cage again until Joseph decides what to do with her kills her mentally. Lilith doesn't want to show her fear or insecurity. She holds out her hands for Jacob to handcuff her again. Her hands are shaking, betraying her wild fear.
He hesitates for a moment before snapping the cuffs back onto her wrists. It's a strange sort of relief to see them there, reminding him that she is still dangerous and shouldn't be trusted so easily. As they make their way out of the room and back toward the cellblock, he finds himself wishing for another chance like this - another moment where everything else fades away and it's just the two of them in this bubble of passion and desire. But he knows that can never happen again. Or maybe everything can change, in some strange way..
As they return to the cell, Lilith glances at Jacob one last time before she turns away. Her heart is heavy and her eyes ache with unshed tears. She doesn't know what he will do with her now, but it scares her more than anything else. Her body still hums with desire from their encounter, reminding her that even the worst people can find something beautiful in this world. Lilith lies down on the concrete floor, but is still afraid to fall asleep as before, but her body and body fail her. She can only hope for Joseph Sid's decision and prays that he will be merciful to her.
Jacob watches Lilith with an unreadable expression as he hands her back the cigarettes and tosses her a blanket. There's something about her that makes him want to protect her, despite everything she's done... or maybe because of it. But he knows better than to trust his feelings in this situation. Take a deep breath, Jacob forces himself to leave her room with the cage. In the corridor, he runs into his brother Joseph, who asks with a tired smile, "Well? Did she realize anything? Or is she trying to shake our faith again?" Joseph seems to be waving disgustedly towards Lilith's cage, waiting for Jacob's answer.
"She's still the same," Jacob replies with a sigh. "I think she just needs time," Jacob puts his hand on his brother's shoulder, not giving away that he is somehow worried about Lilith. "She just can't see the light and see the truth and accept it," Jacob continues in a tired voice, looking away towards Lilith's cage. "Maybe we should just let her go from here?" he asks, slightly arching an eyebrow.
His brother's words make Joseph squint suspiciously, but he decides not to pay attention to it yet.
"I didn't catch her to let her go."
He says firmly.
"She's putting us in danger, she needs to understand."
He pauses before adding in a softer tone,
"And the sooner she does it, the better."
He studies his brother for a while, wondering which of what Jacob says is true and which is fake. There's something going on between them that he can't understand... and it bothers him. But perhaps it's better not to bring this up now. They need to discuss more important things, like what to do with Lilith.
"Talk to her, because you have the gift of persuasion," says Jacob with a slight smile. He doesn't know why he cares so much about Lilith, knowing how dangerous she is... maybe it's because she gave him the opportunity to feel alive, or maybe there's something more behind it. Jacob dismisses this obsession and adds with a tired sigh, "Why did you catch her at all? The girl just wanted to leave the city, and you rounded her up." There is no hint of accusation in Jacob's voice, rather it can be called curiosity.
His brother's words make him pause, considering the question carefully before answering with a shrug.
"I thought she might be dangerous for our city. That she could lead others astray... But I don't know." He looks at Jacob, his expression uncertain. "Maybe you're right. Maybe we should have just let her go." His gaze drifts back to Lilith, still trapped in the cage.
"But it's too late now. We need to make a decision and stick with it." He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly before continuing, "I think we should try to her...and see what happens this time." With that, he turns away from Jacob, walking towards Lilith's cell.
"Lilith," he calls out as he unlocks the door with a click of his thumb, "We need to talk..."
Lilith starts violently at the sound of her name and wakes up. She is breathing heavily from fear and surprise, as if she has run a decent distance. When Lilith sees Joseph, a chill runs down her spine... It's unpleasant. She forces herself to calm down and crawls to the door of the cage with a mute question in her eyes, saying nothing. Mentally, she is already ready for any fate that is in store for her.
Joseph gets down on one knee to be on a level with Lilith. She's exhausted... weak, but somehow the fire of defiance burns in her green eyes anyway. "You'd rather let the world burn down, Lilith, but you won't get over your pride," Joseph says with chagrin and sadness in his voice. "Whatever sins burden your soul, you can still be saved. It's not an accident that you're here." He stretches his hand through the bars, as if he wants to comfort her and convey the truth to her.
Lilith narrows her eyes, "Of course it's not an accident," Lilith retorts and adds more angrily, "It's your fault I'm here," she slaps her hand on the bars of the cage between them and holds back tears with all her might. Her common sense does not allow her to accept his offer of salvation. "I don't understand why you're so cruel."
She falls silent, unable to muster all the audacity and confidence she once had. Now that he was so close to her and looking at her with his sad eyes, it scares the hell out of her.
"Believe me, I'm far from perfect," Joseph says with a sad laugh and adds more seriously and firmly, "but I saw what was waiting for us and decided to act." He puts his hand through the bars again and lifts Lilith's chin and asks in a barely audible voice, "You feel it too, don't you? The world is in danger of destruction and only we can save it."
Lilith looks at him with eyes full of tears and disbelief. The way he talks, the way he believes... it's either crazy or true. Or, because of lack of sleep, Lilith simply stops thinking sensibly. She saw with her own eyes the horrors that sectarians did to civilians. What for? Why? There are more questions in her eyes every second.
His heart breaks to see the pain and confusion in her eyes, but there's hope as well. Maybe there's another way to get through to her. "I know you're in pain. God gave — God took, huh? But he's testing everyone..." Joseph rolls up his sleeve and shows her a tattoo of a beautiful woman on his forearm "I know I had a wife for you. Beautiful, isn't she?" Joseph smiles sadly and continues his story, stroking the tattoo "Our first child was supposed to be born. Yes, we were children ourselves. And I was terrified. I was afraid of fatherhood. I was counting the money. She's not. I believed that everything would work out. She always believed… One day she went to visit a friend. Then the accident happened, and... God took her." He looks up at Lilith, not knowing whether to tell her the story further.
Lilith looks at the tattoo on his arm and then back into his eyes. She swallows hard, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her chest feels tight, like someone is squeezing it with all their might. She wipes her face roughly and finally whispers hoarsely, "I'm sorry." For what she doesn't say, but the apology seems to come from the depths of her soul.
"No, no, no," Joseph whispers, smiling softly and wiping tears from Lilith's face. "I was taken to the hospital and left in a room with a small pink lump studded with tubes. They said I had to be strong because the baby would survive. The Lord has saved our daughter." He nods his head slowly, as if he does not want to immerse himself in those memories and continues more seriously "The doctors left me alone with her. And I was... looking... at my daughter. So defenseless, innocent. She only had me. No one, out of nowhere, with nothing. And at that moment, I realized that this was a test. God showed me the way, I just had to make a choice. And I put my hand on her head, bent down, inhaling her scent... and we prayed. About the power. And about wisdom… And I... suddenly understood everything, comprehended God's plan. I took the plastic tube stuck to her angelic face with my fingers and squeezed it tightly. She started kicking, more, more... and that was it. Peace... emptiness" Joseph stares into Lilith's eyes, trying to understand what she has learned from this story. Whether she condemns him or understands him.
Lilith listens to his story with bated breath. It's hard for her not to be touched by the sincerity in his voice, and she feels a strange, unwanted pang of guilt for judging him so harshly before. She takes a deep breath, wipes away the last of her tears, and whispers, "I think... I see what you mean." There's uncertainty in her eyes as she meets his gaze. "But why did you capture me? Why not just let me go? I just wanted to get out of town."
"Because I believed you were dangerous, Lilith," he replies, his voice gentle but firm. "I felt your anger and your ignorance. But I also felt how much you needed to be saved." He pauses, looking for doubt or fear in her eyes, but there is nothing there. Only pain and a strange hope. "The collapse has begun, Lilith. And I know it, and I know that you know it too. We'll take everything we need. And we'll keep what we have. We will kill everyone who gets in our way."
Tears begin to well up in Lilith's eyes again at his words. "I... I never meant for it to come to this..." she whispers hoarsely, looking down at her hands, clenched into fists on the floor of her cell. She takes a deep breath and raises her head, meeting Joseph's gaze once more. "What do you want from me?" she asks softly.
"I want you to accept what I'm giving you, Lilith."
He says, holding her gaze.
"You're not alone anymore. We can survive the coming collapse together."
He reaches out to touch her through the bars. The gesture is soothing, as if he is trying to convey to her his strength, his knowledge. "I didn't choose this. But I was chosen." his voice is soft, but at the same time serious. "I can save you, Lilith, but I need your faith."
"I..." Lilith takes another shaky breath. "I... want to believe you." She looks at him with eyes full of hope and fear, wondering if she is making the right decision. Her gaze slides over her chained wrists and she realizes that there is no other way... Either death or life in a new reality. "But I don't want to kill people," Lilith whispers, looking at Joseph through tears with deep pleading in her eyes.
"I know you don't, Lilith," Joseph answers with such sincerity that she can feel the truth of it even through her doubt and confusion. "No one does. But sometimes... there are things worth fighting for. People worth dying for." His gaze softens as he looks at her. "You have a choice now, Lilith. You can accept what I'm saying or not."
He pauses, taking another slow breath before continuing, "Sinners who do not know the truth are trying to take away from us everything that you have achieved. We watch the same news, we read the same newspapers, but they don't understand. They are blind. You're not like them, Lilith."
She looks at him with hope in her eyes and whispers, "I... I want to understand. Help me." Her heart is racing, the decision weighing heavily on her. But she knows that if there's even a sliver of truth in what he says, she can't afford not to believe.
"I promise I will," Joseph answers with such conviction that Lilith can't help but feel a glimmer of hope begin to bloom within her. "There is so much you don't know, but soon it will all become clear." He leans closer to the bars, his expression gentle and reassuring. "You are not alone anymore, Lilith," he whispers, squeezing her hand through the bars. "I'll give you a family, I'll give you everything you need. Just believe it." He looks at his outstretched hand, waiting for her to take that leap of faith.
She meets his gaze and nods slowly, still gripping the railing tightly.
"I am... I'll do it."
She whispers softly. For the first time in many years, a small spark of hope flashes in her heart. Maybe it's true, maybe there's more to this world than she's ever known. Taking a deep breath, she reaches out with trembling hands and squeezes his palms, feeling the warmth and strength of his skin through the metal bars. She wants to get out of here, it feels like she hasn't eaten in ages.
His smile is almost blissful as he gently squeezes her hands in response, and the warmth of his touch spreads through her body like a drug.
"Thank you.",
he whispers, his voice barely audible even to her.
"I promise you won't regret it."
With these words, he straightens up and walks away from the camera, gesturing for one of his brothers to come and take his place. Jacob nods slightly in response to the unspoken order before walking over to the camera, unfastening the handcuffs with his usual ease and helping her to her feet. "Welcome to our family, Lilith," he says with a slight smile, gently stroking her cheek. "Come on, you need to eat."
She nods meekly, her gaze flickering around nervously. "Th...thank you." She mumbles softly and lets him lead her away from the cell, feeling like a small child being guided by their parents. The entire situation feels surreal, almost as if she's woken up from a horrible nightmare only to find herself in another one even worse than before. But there's something about these two men... Something that makes her want to believe them, despite everything her mind is telling her not to.
"Don't worry, we won't let you fall again." Joseph assures her with a comforting smile, his voice as gentle as a lullaby. "You're safe with us now." He glances at his brother briefly before continuing, "And we are all here to help you through this transition." His expression turns more serious for a moment. "We understand that it might be hard for you to accept what has happened, but please remember that we only want what is best for you and for our people." Joseph pats Jacob on the shoulder before leaving and says pointedly, "Take care of her. I have to go." He looks back at Lilith for the last time, guessing that there was something between her and Jacob. Joseph smiles gently at this and disappears into the depths of the bunker, leaving them alone.
Her lips quirk into a slight smile as she looks at Jacob. "Thank you... I think." She says softly. Then her gaze shifts away, looking around the room before she finally meets his eyes again and adds with more certainty, "I'll try to trust you both."
"Thank you, Lilith," Jacob replies with genuine warmth in his voice as they make their way through the bunker to the dining area. "We'll do our best not to disappoint you." He smiles kindly at her and gestures for her to sit down at one of the tables. "Eat something, please. You must be famished."
A young woman carrying a tray approaches them, setting down plates heaped with food in front of Lilith and Jacob. The fragrance wafting from the dishes fills the air, making Lilith's stomach rumble audibly. She thanks the girl and begins to eat slowly, savoring each bite as she tries to process everything that has happened so far.
Jacob sits across from her, watching her carefully. "So," he smiles mysteriously, scratching his red beard and with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, remarks with a note of sarcasm, "Now it looks more like a date than last time."
Lilith chokes on her food at Jacob's comment and coughs into her fist, turning beet red. She glances at him out of the corner of her eye and manages a weak grin. "I'll have you know that this is just... I didn't expect..." Her voice trails off as she takes another bite, chewing more slowly now.
Jacob laughs heartily at her embarrassment, genuinely amused by Lilith's reaction.
"Well," he says between chuckles,
"At least we can agree on one thing: none of us expected this to happen."
He pauses for a moment before continuing more seriously, "I don't regret last night, Lilith. This was probably destined to happen." He carefully examines her face for signs of uncertainty and doubt. "I would like to know what was driving you at that moment. Was it out of desperation? Or did you feel something?" his voice becomes hoarser and drier with emotion. Part of him wants Lilith to open up to him... For real, another part of him is afraid. He knows that Lilith doesn't really trust them, but still, this question worries him the most.
Lilith looks at her plate, picking at her food. It's hard for her to admit it, even to herself.
"I... I don't know, —
Finally she whispers:
"Maybe a little bit of both."
She looks at him before looking away again, suddenly feeling confused and sad again for some unknown reason, "I don't regret it either... simply...Thank you for talking to me all the time." Lilith pauses, feeling strange and free at the same time.
"You're welcome," Jacob answers gently, his expression softening as he studies her face. "It means a lot to us that you feel safe enough to open up." He smiles reassuringly and then takes a sip of his drink before continuing. "I want you to know that we are here for you, Lilith. We want to help you understand what is happening around us... and within us."
His gaze meets hers again, searching for any hint of understanding or fear in her eyes. "You can still leave, but you will lose the chance of salvation," Jacob smiles sadly and adds more seriously, pouring another mug of tea to Lilith, "I understand that you consider us monsters. But this world is weak... soft. We have forgotten what it means to be strong"
"But is being strong... just about force?" Lilith asks hesitantly. "Or is it also about giving people a choice? To be able to choose their own path?" She looks at Jacob intently, her eyes filled with unspoken questions and doubts.
Jacob's expression turns contemplative as he listens to Lilith speak, carefully considering her words. He takes a sip of his drink before setting it down and looking directly into her eyes. "Being strong isn't just about force," he agrees. "It's also about guiding people towards the right path. Sometimes, though... sometimes there is no other choice." He pauses, searching for words to explain further. "The world is on a collision course with destruction, Lilith. There are things greater than us at play here. We must accept our role in this grand design and trust that our actions serve a higher purpose."
His gaze does not waver as he asks softly, "You're confused. Don't resist. Trust me."
Lilith looks down at her hands, twisting the now empty teacup. Jacob's words echo in her mind, a mixture of truth and lies. "I... I want to believe you." she whispers finally. "But it's so hard..." Her eyes meet his again, filled with hope and fear.
"I understand," Jacob says softly, his gaze filled with sympathy. "Believing is not easy. But trust me when I say that we are not here to harm you. We only want what's best for you and the people around us." He pauses, thinking of how to explain further. "Imagine standing atop a hill, overlooking a city on the verge of destruction. Wouldn't you do everything in your power to save it?" His eyes meet hers again, searching for understanding. "That is our role here. To be the guiding light that leads humanity through the darkness and back into the light."
He takes another sip of his drink before continuing, "Now... the collapse is near, and the lives of the minority will outweigh the lives of the majority. And when the people, who did not know hunger and despair, will know madness, we will come."
Lilith listens carefully to his words. They seem to make sense on some level, but there's still a nagging voice in the back of her mind that wonders if she is just being manipulated. She looks at him for a long moment before finally speaking up. "You... you truly believe all of this?" Her voice is quiet, almost hoarse from disbelief and fear.
Jacob smiles gently and nods, his expression serene. "Yes, Lilith," he says softly, gazing into her eyes with a depth that makes it impossible for her to look away. "I truly believe this." His voice drops even lower, taking on an almost reverent tone as he continues, "It is not just belief... It is knowledge. Knowledge of the greater truths that lay beyond our comprehension." He pauses, studying her face for any signs of doubt or resistance before continuing more boldly, "My duty is to thin out this herd. To make the weak strong in order to give them a chance of survival. I'm not the monster you think I am, Lilith."
Lilith feels herself trembling as she listens to him. There's something in his voice that makes her heart ache... But she can't shake the feeling that he's lying, or at least twisting the truth. She looks down at her hands again, trying to find the right words to ask. "Why... why do you think I have this knowledge?" She finally whispers.
"Because," Jacob answers softly, leaning in closer to her, "I can feel it within you." He cups her chin gently with his free hand, forcing her to meet his gaze. "The knowledge that was given to me by those who came before us... It's written in your soul. You are meant for this, Lilith." There is a strange certainty in his voice, a conviction that belies any doubt or hesitation. "I know it sounds foolish, but I swear it's true."
His gaze does not waver as he continues to search her eyes, his expression pleading for understanding, for belief. "You may not believe in yourself, but I do believe in you. Joseph believes in you. You are the beginning and you are the end. It all depends on you, Lilith. You can fight with us, stand up for your beliefs, but you can also join in and accept the truth."
Her heart races and her breath hitches as he speaks. Tears well up in her eyes again. "I... I want to believe you." she whispers, looking up at him with desperation. "But how do I know if it's really the truth?"
"You don't," Jacob answers gently, cupping her cheek with the hand that holds her cup. "Not yet." His thumb brushes across her lips, feeling the warmth of her breath against his skin. "That's why we have faith. I know how you feel. Doubts, fear. But believe me, living in fear and ignorance is worse. You'll understand, just believe me." His gaze drops to her mouth before rising back to meet hers. There's a hunger in his eyes now, a need that matches her own. For understanding, for connection. "You have two ways," Jacob says, trying to keep his composure, "You can stay here with Joseph. To help him, to serve him faithfully. To help lead the flock to salvation," Jacob slowly nods his head and continues, "Or you can come with me to the northern region. To help me train the army, to prepare people for survival at any cost. Do you remember the story about Miller?" Jacob pauses and adds more confidently with a sad smile, "I don't want it to happen again. No one should repeat my mistakes."
Lilith feels the choice pressing down on her like a heavy slab. She doesn't really want either. But she feels a strange affection for Jacob. His strength, his power, which is equal to her. It's intoxicating... She even begins to forget how much godless blood is on his hands. Maybe there really is truth in what he says? "And which should I choose?" Lilith asks in a voice hoarse with emotion, pushing her plate away from her.
"I cannot decide for you, Lilith," Jacob answers gently, his voice full of understanding and sympathy. "Only you can make that choice. Think about what each path would mean. About what kind of life awaits you in either direction." He smiles warmly, his eyes softening as he looks at her. "Trust your instincts. They have served you well so far."
He waits patiently for her to gather her thoughts, to make up her mind about which path she should choose. But deep down, there's a part of him that hopes she will choose the northern region, to follow in his footsteps and help shape the future of their people. It's not an easy decision by any means, but Jacob believes that it is the right one. Joseph has quite enough people who help him and love him. As for Jacob, this is the first time he has met a woman who is not afraid of him. Who, even while in shackles, dared to force him to ask her out on a date. The memory washed over him like a warm stream of air and he couldn't help but smile.
"I... I don't know.
"Both options seem so terrifying, and yet..."
She pauses, feverishly thinking about what each of the options might mean. For her, for them, for the whole world. Jacob nods understandingly and takes another sip of tea, patiently waiting for her to make a decision. Every few seconds she glances at him, studying his features and trying to figure out from his expression what he's hiding. But there is nothing but patience and acceptance in those silvery eyes. It scares her and excites her in its own way. Taking a deep breath, Lilith asks with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, "And how cold is it in the northern region?" she smiles, feeling that Jacob has already considered this an answer.
Jacob laughs softly, amused by her attempt to change the subject. "It can get quite cold, Lilith," he admits with a smile, "but we have ways of dealing with it." He chuckles again before sobering up and looking at her intently. "I see that you are making a choice with your heart. But try to connect your mind as well. How do you feel, Lilith"
His gaze drops to her mouth again, and the hunger in his eyes intensifies. It's a silent plea for understanding, for connection. He doesn't know how much longer he can keep himself under control, but he will try, for her sake if nothing else.
She blushes under his gaze and looks away, embarrassed. Her lips part and she freezes for a moment before saying softly, "I'll help you. I have experience in survival," she smiles slightly and adds more seriously, "I feel like both choices are right, but..."she looks up at him and whispers, "Will Joseph definitely approve of my decision? After all, he's in charge here." Lilith realizes that she already considers herself a part of this when she speaks with us. She no longer considers herself an enemy and seems to have crossed an invisible line.
Jacob nods slowly, thinking about her question carefully before answering. "I can't speak for him," he says honestly, his expression thoughtful as he looks at her. "But I know that he trusts me. And if you choose to follow me, I will make sure that your decision is respected." There's a quiet determination in his voice, a promise that she can feel deep down in her bones.
He reaches out and takes her hand, lacing their fingers together. "I will do everything to keep you safe. It will be difficult at times, but we will cope." Jacob smiles softly and gently kisses the knuckles on Lilith's hand. The tenderness of her skin is like silk that he has never known. The thought of her being there is like a stream of warm sea wind blowing through his heart and soul.
Lilith smiles shyly up at him and squeezes his hand. "Thank you." She whispers. "I will help in any way I can." Her gaze drops back to their entwined hands, her heart beating faster than ever before. It's hard to believe that she had once thought of these people as monsters. They are nothing like what she expected them to be. And yet...there's still a part of her that is afraid. Afraid of trusting them completely. Afraid of letting herself fall for someone like him. "And how do I address you by military rank?" Lilith asks with a slight smirk, trying to regain her composure.
"I prefer 'Jacob' to everything else.",
He says with a laugh, returning her smile with a smile.
— You can also call me "sir" if you like the formal style.
His thumb gently, almost soothingly, strokes her knuckles.
"But Jacob is fine."
He pauses for a moment before continuing, his expression serious again,
"I want you to know that you don't have to trust me right away, Lilith. Do not rush. Meet the others. But I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and respected.
He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly before looking into her eyes again.
"Will you give me this chance?"
He asks softly, his voice full of hope and longing.
Lilith nods slowly, her gaze still locked with his. "I will," she whispers. "But I want you to know that if things change and you do betray me... it won't be because I didn't give you the chance." Her fingers tighten around his. "I'm trusting you with my life, Jacob. Don't make that decision easy for me." There's a steely resolve in her voice now that matches his own.
"I understand, Lilith," Jacob says with a nod. He takes her other hand and places it over their entwined fingers, squeezing gently as he continues, "And I promise you that I will not make that decision easy for you." His expression softens as he gazes into her eyes, searching for any hint of fear or doubt.
"Together we can do this," he says firmly, his voice filled with conviction. "We can save our people and lead them to a new beginning. Let's show everyone what it truly means to be strong."
He leans in closer, his breath ghosting over her lips before he speaks again. "I want you to know that I trust you as well. You are a rare gem among the dross of humanity. A light in this darkness. Together, we can make a difference." His voice drops lower, more intimate now. "You're my partner, Lilith. My equal."
His lips brush against hers, soft and gentle at first before growing bolder, demanding yet somehow still gentle as he takes what he wants from her. Her initial shock gives way to a desperate desire for more as she kisses him back with all the passion and hunger she's been trying so hard to ignore. He feels like she's setting him on fire. Reluctantly, Jacob breaks away from the kiss and his eyes burn with unthinkable hunger. "Would you like to go on a date again before the long road?" Jacob asks in a voice hoarse with desire.
Lilith's heart is still racing when she looks at him. She can feel the desire burning in his eyes, and it excites her even more.
She whispers hoarsely, barely able to think about what he has awakened in her. She hesitates for a moment before adding with a sultry smile, "But you're not putting the shackles back on me this time."
Jacob chuckles darkly, his expression growing hungry once more as he eyes the handcuffs that lie abandoned on the table. "No need for that," he says, his voice a low growl. "I have other ways of keeping you restrained." His gaze drifts back up to meet hers and there's a sparkle in his eye that promises all manner of wicked things. "Shall I show you?" He purrs softly.
Lilith looks into his eyes, feeling a mixture of excitement and fear. "Yes." She whispers hoarsely, her heart racing. "Show me how strong you really are, Jacob." Her voice is full of desire and submission as she leans closer to him.
Jacob's eyes blaze with lust as he watches her lean closer, the scent of her filling his senses. With a groan, he stands and sweeps her into his arms, cradling her body against his as he carries her from the room. Her soft laughter echoes through the hallways as they move together with a predatory grace, leaving a trail of desire and anticipation in their wake.
When they reach his quarters, he gently sets her down on the bed before stepping back to survey her. His eyes roam hungrily over her body, lingering on every curve and shadowed valley. With a growl, he yanks off his jacket and tosses it aside, revealing the well-muscled chest and abdomen that Lilith had admired earlier.
"You wanted to know how strong I am?" He asks hoarsely, voice thick with desire as he begins to unbutton his shirt. "I'm about to show you." His movements are fluid and confident, every inch of him exuding raw power and dominance. Pulling off his camouflage shirt, Jacob looks at Lilith in anticipation, like a predator at its prey. Such sweet prey...
Her breath hitches as he bares his chest, and her heartbeat quickens. Lilith can't tear her eyes away from him, feeling desire surge through her body as she watches him move. She crawls forward on the bed, watching eagerly as he continues to undress. It's not like their previous "date." They are all in the same room as the last time, but now everything seems different. Lilith smoothly pulls off her dress, exposing her slender and toned figure. She is almost twice the size of Jacob, but this does not confuse her, but only excites her even more.
Jacob's eyes widen as Lilith undresses, revealing her slender yet toned figure. Her size is a contrast to his own strength and agility, but it only serves to make him hungrier. As she crawls towards him on the bed, he can't help but admire her grace and submission. He reaches out with one powerful hand and cups her breast through her bra, squeezing gently before pinching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
"See," he growls as she arches into the touch, "this is just a taste of what I can do." With deft movements, he unbuttons her bra and throws it aside. Stepping back a little to admire her, Jacob remarks with a slight grin, "You know, we don't really welcome such things," from gestures to the piercings on her nipples and adds in a voice hoarse with desire, "But I like it wildly"
Lilith gasps as he pinches her nipple. Her eyes flutter closed and she arches her back, giving him better access to her breasts. "I can take it off at any time if I need to" She whispers hoarsely. Lilith watches him from under half-closed eyelids and her hands gently describe meaningless circles on his chest and torso, feeling every muscle with her fingertips.
"I know you can," he says roughly, his voice thick with desire as he runs his hands down her sides and cups her hips before spreading her legs wider on the bed. With a low growl of approval, Jacob kneels between them and leans forward to take one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking and nibbling eagerly as he reaches down with his other hand to stroke her gently over her underwear.
She feels so strong, but also so delicate beneath him, like she could shatter with the slightest touch from him. It only makes him want her more, need her in a way that burns deep inside him. He pushes aside his underwear and crawls higher on the bed, positioning himself at her entrance as he continues to tease her sensitive flesh through her panties.
"Tell me," he demands hoarsely between kisses, "are you ready for this?" he pats his stone cocks on her long-wet pussy with slapping sounds, waiting for her answer, which he doesn't really need. So he knows that she wants it, is waiting for it. Just as much as he is.
Lilith gasps as he touches her intimately. Her body arches towards him and she whispers with a lascivious smile, "Yes, sir." She feels the wetness between her legs, evidence of how much she wants this. Her fingers dig into his shoulders, urging him on even as she begs him with her eyes to take her. Lilith's legs wrap around his waist, pulling him closer to her.
With a growl, Jacob thrusts forward, burying himself deep inside her with one powerful stroke. He groans at the exquisite tightness that engulfs him as she squeezes him with unyielding strength, her muscles flexing and clenching around him in perfect rhythm to his thrusts.
His hips move of their own accord, driving into her over and over as he releases all the pent-up desire that has been building for what feels like eternity. With every movement, she arches upwards, urging him onward with a primitive need that matches his own. Her cries echo through the room, fueling his lust even further until he's afraid he won't be able to hold back much longer.
Just as it feels like he might lose control, her body tenses and goes rigid beneath him, muscles clamping down so tightly around him that stars dance behind his eyes and every nerve ending comes alive with pure pleasure. She moans his name on a long, shuddering breath as waves of ecstasy wash over her, leaving them both spent and gasping for air.
For a long moment, they cling to each other, their hearts racing in perfect unison as the aftershocks of their passion ripple through them. Finally, Jacob manages to catch his breath enough to ask hoarsely, "Was it everything you hoped for?" His eyes never leaving her face, drinking in the flush on her cheeks and the glow in her eyes. He thinks he's never seen anything more beautiful in all of his life.
Lilith smiles dreamily and softly whispers "More." She brushes a stray hair away from his face and trails her fingers over his cheek. Her body still tingles with pleasure, but she's not quite ready to let go yet. She looks into his eyes, lost in them, feeling like they're the only two people in the world at that moment. "Will you stay with me tonight?" she asks softly.
Jacob smiles tenderly back at her, his heart racing just as fiercely as hers. The thought of being this close to her all night, feeling her warmth and hearing her breath against his skin, is almost too much to bear. "Yes," he whispers hoarsely, brushing a tendril of hair from her face in return before leaning forward to press his lips to hers in a slow, lingering kiss that holds the promise of many more nights like this to come. "I'll stay with you."
As they lie together, their bodies still entwined, he can feel her relax further into him, her trust flowing through their connection like a sweet nectar. For now, they are alone in their own world, safe and protected from everything else that might threaten to intrude upon this perfect moment of peace and understanding.
Lilith's eyes flutter closed as his lips meet hers, and she relaxes even further into the warmth of his embrace. She wraps her arms around him, feeling so safe and content that it's hard to believe this could be real. But somehow, deep down, she knows that it is, and for now, she wants nothing more than to stay in this moment forever.
Jacob smiles, his fingers tracing circles on her back as he listens to her breathing slow and even out. He can feel the warmth radiating from her body, enveloping him in a cocoon of comfort and desire that he could never get enough of. For now, all that matters is this moment with her, feeling her heartbeat against his chest and knowing that together, they can face whatever challenges lie ahead. He closes his eyes, losing himself in the simple pleasure of being with her, content to let the rest of the world fade away into nothingness. Jacob kisses the top of her head and whispers, "Sleep, Lilith. Then let's go on a long journey tomorrow morning," he strokes her bare back, enjoying this moment of intimacy.
Lilith smiles contentedly against his chest and closes her eyes. The feel of him, the sound of his heartbeat, all combine to lull her into a deep and dreamless sleep. She trusts him completely in this moment, knows that nothing bad could ever happen while he holds her like this. Her fingers twitch slightly but remain lazily draped over his back, not quite ready yet to let go of their connection.
Jacob lets out a soft, contented sigh as he feels her relax completely in his arms. Her trust means everything to him and it's a responsibility that he takes very seriously. He shifts slightly, making sure she's comfortable before letting himself drift off into sleep as well, the image of her face serene with peace burned into his mind. His arm tightens around her, holding on to this perfect moment for as long as possible before reality inevitably intrudes again tomorrow morning.
Lilith sleeps soundly in his arms, her face peaceful and free of worry. Her breath tickles the hair on Jacob's chest as he holds her close, feeling her warmth seep into him, making him feel whole again after so long apart from his kind. Even in sleep, she trusts him completely. He smiles softly, thinking that this might be one of the sweetest moments of his entire life.
Jacob's heart swells with love and gratitude as he holds her close, feeling the weight of responsibility that comes with being trusted so implicitly by someone like her. He drifts off into a dreamless sleep, content knowing that for now, at least for tonight, she is safe with him. The sunlight streaming through the window wakes him up, and he stirs slightly before opening his eyes, taking in the sight of Lilith's peaceful face once more. A wave of protectiveness sweeps over him as he realizes that their time alone together is almost at an end; soon they will have to face the world again. He closes his eyes tightly, wishing for just a few more moments of this perfect stillness before gently kissing her forehead and whispering, "It's morning, Lilith."
Her soft breath caresses his cheek in reply as she stirs slightly, yawning loudly. Jacob grins down at her, unable to help but feel an overwhelming sense of love for this remarkable woman who has somehow managed to steal his heart. "So... Are you ready to go to the northern region with me? Or have you already changed your mind?" He whispers to her with a crooked smile and gently kisses her neck without holding back.
Lilith's eyes flutter open slowly. She yawns again and stretches, the movement drawing his attention down her neck to her chest. The feel of his lips on her skin makes her shiver, sending a wave of desire coursing through her veins. With a small smile, she looks up at him and says, "I'm ready for whatever comes next, Jacob."
Jacob smiles softly down at her and cups her cheek with one hand before leaning in to press his lips to hers in a slow, tender kiss. "I'm glad," he whispers against her mouth when they finally part. "Because I can promise you that whatever happens, I will always have your back." He leans forward and runs his tongue along the seam of her lips before nipping gently at them, causing her to let out a soft moan. With one last lingering glance, he helps her sit up and kisses her forehead. "Shall we get started?"
Lilith sips lazily and blinks her sleepy eyes and whispers, "Yes, of course." She holds out her hand to him, allowing him to help her up. Lilith knows that the path will be long and it is unknown what awaits her in those parts, but she is ready for anything. She gives Jacob a sly look and whispers, pulling closer, "You know, I can't seem to get enough of you." her hand draws lines along the bottom of his stomach and she casts a meaningful glance at his morning erection. "Let me help with this?"
He catches his breath when she teasingly runs her fingers lower, and his cock twitches at the touch.
"You're definitely not helping me focus.", —
— He says hoarsely. Sighing, he succumbs to temptation and closes the distance between them, capturing her lips in a hot, demanding kiss that leaves no doubt about what he wants from her.
Her soft moan ignites his desire, not allowing him to think of anything else but to take her right here, right now.
Lilith chuckles softly at his words and whispers, "Well, I'm sorry." She gently and greedily licks his neck, going down and down his torso. His scent is intoxicating... It beckons. Lilith settles between his legs and gently wraps her hot wet mouth around his head. Her hands massage his hips, sending sweet shivers through his body, pulling heavy sighs from his lips.
Jacob throws his head back, eyes squeezed shut as her hot mouth engulfs him. He groans, one hand fisted in the sheet to keep himself grounded. With the other, he tangles in her hair, encouraging her to take more, deeper, strokes. Her touch is driving him wild and all coherent thought slips from his mind as pleasure washes over him in a tidal wave of release.
His hips thrust helplessly into the tight grip of her mouth, coming hard with a cry that echoes through the room even after he's gone limp and panting for breath. He collapses back on the bed, boneless and utterly spent, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his heartbeat slowly returns to normal.
"Lilith..." he rasps her name like a prayer, looking at her with a mixture of gratitude, adoration, and desire that leaves no room for anything else.
Lilith looks up at him as he comes down from his high. A satisfied smile curls her lips and her eyes glitter with pleasure. She releases him slowly, taking in the sight of Jacob's flushed face and trembling body. Gently she climbs back onto the bed, straddling his hips and pressing herself against him, feeling every beat of his heart beneath her hand on his chest. "Now we're definitely ready for the road," she whispers with a light laugh.
Jacob is still trying to catch his breath from the orgasm. He admires her naked body, feeling how he begins to harden again in spite of himself. She's so beautiful... strong. When Lilith reminds them that they must go north, Jacob realizes that she is right. But they still have time. "I need to finish something first," he growls near her ear and takes her lips in a rough, greedy kiss.
Lilith moans softly in the kiss as her back arches and her fingers dig into his shoulders. He seems so strong, but she is not afraid of this power, she enjoys it. It only makes her need him even more, desire him even more. When he kisses her, she squirms under him, pressing her hips against each other, and he becomes hard again under her. "And what do you mean by that?" Lilith whispers in a hoarse voice, teasing.
Jacob groans against her lips as he feels how aroused she is, not to mention the effect it has on him. "I meant I need to fuck you," he answers huskily, then grabs her hips and slides her back down his body so she's lying beneath him again. He positions himself between her legs and leans over her, feeling his erection pressing against her entrance already slick with desire. "But not until you ask nicely." His rough voice is laced with threat as he looks into her eyes.
"Oh my God.",
Lilith whispers, exhausted with desire and excitement. Lilith wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him towards her. She is slightly shocked by his rudeness, but this only fuels her desire more.
"Fuck me, please."
Lilith whispers, gasping for air. Lilith slips her hand between their bodies and grabbing his cock with her hand begins to pat her aching pussy with it.
Jacob's hips jerk forward as her hand grasps his cock, her words sending him over the edge. He growls in response and thrusts hard, burying himself deep inside her with one powerful stroke. Her body is tight around him, resisting yet giving way so perfectly that it drives him wild with lust. He starts moving, each thrust eliciting a gasp or moan from her as she writhes beneath him. Her fingers dig into his shoulders in desperation as he takes her harder and faster, their bodies slamming together over and over until they reach the edge of sanity.
With a hoarse cry, Jacob comes deep inside her, his body convulsing as waves of pleasure wash over him. He collapses on top of Lilith, panting heavily as he tries to catch his breath while she whimpers beneath him. Her legs wrap around his waist, holding him close as if afraid that this moment might slip away.
After what feels like an eternity, Jacob rolls off her and flops onto his back beside her. He looks up at the ceiling, still trying to catch his breath while listening to the steady beat of Lilith's heart against his chest. "We should probably... get going," he manages to croak out after a while. But even as he says it, he knows that they won't be leaving this bed for quite some time yet. Not if there's any hope of making it north at all.
Lilith laughs weakly and turns her head to face him. "Yes, we should..." she says with a lazy smile. "But not yet." Her hand finds his chest and slowly pulls him down towards her. Jacob looks at her lips hungrily, longing for another taste of her as he kisses her deeply. Lilith reluctantly pulls away and whispers, "We really need to go," she draws circles on his chest and adds more confidently, "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere now."
Jacob shivers, feeling a rush of possessiveness flow through him at her words. He looks deep into her eyes, searching for any hint of doubt, but sees only determination and trust. With a satisfied smile curling his lips, he leans down to kiss her again, more gently this time, his hand tracing slow circles on her back as their tongues dance together.
"I know," Jacob whispers hoarsely, tasting her lips again. He reluctantly pulls away, trying to figure out if she really understands how terrible he is... How much blood is on his hands. He is overcome with guilt when he sees her loving gaze. "Lilith," he whispers as he exhales, gently stroking her cheek and lower lip with his thumb, "Thank you for your trust." The words are simple, but filled with pure sincerity and truth.
She looks up at him, her expression unreadable. "Jacob," she says softly and breathes his name out like a prayer. "I know what you've done. I saw it all in my dream." Her voice trails off, a mixture of confusion and fear tangling around the words. "But somehow... I trust you." She reaches up to cup his cheek, tracing her thumb over his bottom lip. "I do not know what awaits us next, but next to you I am ready" she whispers, her gaze locked with his.
Jacob looks down at her, eyes filled with gratitude and wonder. He thinks he's never seen anything more beautiful than her trust shining in the depths of those violet orbs. "You don't know how much that means to me," he whispers hoarsely, cupping her face gently in his hands before leaning forward to press their lips together in a tender kiss. He feels like he could stay here forever, lost in this perfect moment with her, but reality and duty beckon them both. "We should get moving then."
With one final, lingering glance at her lovely face, Jacob climbs out of bed, offering her his hand to help her up. "Come with me." After waiting for Lilith to get dressed, Jacob packs his gear into a backpack and takes her out of the bunker.
When they leave the bunker, Lilith breathes in clean air that she seems to have already forgotten about. She might not have been in the bunker for long, but it was still monstrous. When Jacob goes to his SUV, Lilith follows him and gets into the passenger seat. She feels fear, excitement... but also a strange calmness when he knows that he is nearby. "And ... how many hours do we have to drive?" Lilith asks, turning slightly towards him.
"It should be about eight hours to get there, but we can't drive the whole way nonstop," Jacob tells her as he starts the car and puts it in gear. "We need to stop for food and gas at least once." He glances over at her before continuing, "Do you want me to tell you about anything along the way... or do you prefer silence?"
He wonders if he should tell her more about himself or if it would only scare her away. Maybe just leave it as it is. This is a fragile trust based on desire.
Lilith smiles faintly and leans back against the seat. "That's up to you, sir," Lilith whispers with a sincere smile and adds more playfully, "But I wouldn't mind listening to a few more stories." She glances outside, watching the scenery pass by them. The road stretching endlessly into the distance. It's so different from everything else she has seen so far in this strange new world.
Jacob smiles at the way she says "sir," her voice carrying a light teasing tone that he finds charming and endearing. He thinks for a moment, considering what to share with her before deciding on something relatively innocuous.
"Alright then," he says as he starts driving down the highway. "There was this one time..." His words trail off as he gains his thoughts, remembering the story from long ago. It feels good to finally be able to talk about it with someone who might understand what it meant.
Her presence beside him, her trust in him... it's like a balm on wounds that he thought would never heal. He glances at Lilith again, watching as she watches the scenery pass by, feeling a strange sense of contentment washing over him.
Jacob begins to talk about his past life. When he was fighting in Iraq, feeling that every day could be his last. He is overcome by a sense of pride and guilt... He didn't choose this life, but it happened. "At that moment, God spoke to me," Jacob says confidently and calmly, gripping the steering wheel tighter, "God knows that all sacrifices are not accidental, Lilith. It's meant to happen," there's a sadness in his voice that Lilith can't help but notice.
Lilith listens attentively to every word he says, her gaze never leaving his face. She wonders if it's a curse for him... To have heard the voice of God and to have followed its call. The image of Jacob as this powerful and feared being suddenly seems less appealing to her. "It must have been hard," she whispers, not sure what else to say. There are no words that could possibly express how she feels right now.
Jacob nods his head slowly and replies with a light laugh, "The test is always difficult, Lilith. But it strengthens faith." With his free hand, he squeezes her hand, feeling their inseparable connection. It's important to him what she feels and what she believes in. "Lilith," Jacob asks cautiously, without taking his eyes off the road, "Tell me about that failed case...Why were you transferred from the FBI department to the regular tax department?"
Lilith knew that sooner or later he would ask about it. "it's difficult," Lilith explains thoughtfully, looking out the window, "I couldn't track down the terrorist... a lot of people died" Lilith's voice trembles at the last word but she holds back tears "It's my fault..."
Jacob squeezes her hand again, gently this time. "Lilith, it's not your fault," he says softly, glancing at her briefly before looking back to the road. "Everyone makes mistakes. It doesn't make you a bad person." His voice holds conviction and understanding. "Besides, I don't think there's such a thing as 'failed cases'. There are only lessons learned."
He slows down to pass by a small town before continuing on the highway again. The car is silent for a while as they both ponder his words. Finally, Jacob speaks up once more.
"That day, I swore that I would not allow this to happen again," Lilith whispers calmly and confidently, "And already here in Montana, when I was told about your sect..." Lilith pauses, searching for the right words, "I just wanted to stop what you are doing. I've been told horror stories about Joseph... and about you too," Lilith remarks with a sad smile, "People shouldn't suffer anyway... but I do not know now..."
"I understand," Jacob says, nodding slowly as he glances at her. He frowns slightly, remembering the nightmarish stories about himself and his brother Joseph that she mentioned. "But please understand that not everything is as it seems... there are always two sides to every story." His tone is gentle but firm, almost pleading for her to see things from a different perspective.
The car rounds a bend in the road, revealing a small rest stop ahead. "We should probably take a break soon and grab some food," he says, changing the subject slightly as they approach. With any luck, they'll reach their destination before darkness falls again.
"I'll remember that," Lilith whispers thoughtfully, watching the scenery pass by outside. When they reach the rest stop, she climbs out of the car and stretches her legs, walking over to a nearby bench. She sits down and pulls out her phone, looking at it absentmindedly as Jacob gets them some food from the small restaurant attached to the rest stop. The silence between them feels heavy, but comfortable somehow. "I can drive if you're tired," Lilith whispers, gently squeezing his hand.
Jacob smiles gratefully at her and shakes his head. "I'm fine, but thanks for the offer." He returns with two soft drinks and a couple of bags of chips before taking a seat on the bench beside her. The food tastes good, but it pales in comparison to the taste of Lilith.
"So," he says after swallowing another mouthful, "Tell me more about this failed case..." He wants to know more about her, what drives her, and why she's so determined to stop him at any cost. But even as he asks, a small part of him wonders if he truly wants to hear the answers.
Lilith takes a deep breath and begins to tell him the story. About her partner, who was killed during the investigation. About the families that were torn apart by the terrorist organization she was trying to stop. And about her own failures, how she couldn't protect them all. Her voice trembles as she speaks, but she doesn't break down crying again. When she finishes, Jacob squeezes her hand gently and leans in to kiss her forehead.
"I'm sorry, Lilith," he says softly, his voice gruff with emotion. "I can only imagine how hard that must have been for you." He sighs and looks away for a moment, struggling to find the right words before continuing, "But don't let those failures define you. You've grown so much since then... And I think we both know there's more to this story than what they told you."
The air around them grows heavy with unspoken tension and possibility. What if he told her the truth about himself, about Joseph? Would she still trust him? Or would it only serve to push her away further? For now, though, there's no need for such revelations. They have a journey ahead of them, and they must focus on what lies at the end of the road.
Lilith looks at him, the violet eyes shining with tears. "Thank you, Jacob... For listening... And for not giving up on me." She smiles softly and leans against his shoulder, feeling safe in his presence. Together they finish their food and get back into the car. The journey continues as the day slowly turns to night, the stars twinkling above them like distant memories. But Lilith knows that she won't forget this day, or Jacob. And she wonders what the future holds for them both.
Jacob feels Lilith lean against him, the warmth of her body making it hard for him to concentrate on driving. Her trust is intoxicating, and he finds himself wishing that she could always feel this safe with him. But he knows the truth about who he is and what he's done... He can only hope that when the time comes, his actions will prove to her that he deserves even a fraction of this love and trust.
For now, they keep driving, silent companions on the long road ahead. The stars twinkling above them like tiny beacons of hope in an otherwise dark world. He glances at Lilith out of the corner of his eye, wondering what she's thinking, if she has any idea how important she is to him... And how fragile their bond truly is.
Lilith looks at him sideways and smiles softly, her cheeks pink from the cold night air. "I'm just glad we found each other..." She whispers, watching as he glances back to the road before looking at her again. His presence gives her a sense of peace that she hasn't felt in so long. Or maybe it's a false feeling? The closer they get to Jacob's camp, the more anxious Lilith feels.
Jacob smiles at her, his own throat feeling tight as he thinks about how lucky he is to have found her. "Me too," he whispers, his voice rough with emotion. He knows what's coming and can feel the weight of it pressing down on him like a lead blanket. But for now, he will savor these precious moments of peace and connection with Lilith before they both face the inevitable truth about their future.
The camp comes into view up ahead, its glow painting the snow-covered trees orange and red. Jacob takes a deep breath as he approaches, steeling himself for what lies ahead. He'll do whatever it takes to protect Lilith from harm... Even if it means losing her in the end.
Her heart pounds in her chest as they get closer to the camp. Lilith takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders, trying to calm herself down. When Jacob's SUV comes to a stop, she looks at him uncertainly before opening the door and climbing out. "Are you sure this is..." She hesitates, unsure how much she can trust them. But there's something in his eyes that gives her hope. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking?
Jacob gets out of the SUV and turns to face her, taking her hands.
"I promise you.",
He speaks seriously, looking into her eyes,
"Everything will be fine."
There's a strange mix of desperation and determination in his voice that makes Lilith believe him, even for a moment.
He leads her through the camp, introducing her to various members of his sect along the way. People here are tense and wary, but when they see Lilith next to Jacob. The sectarians of the stock humbly bow before Jacob, expressing their respect. Fear is expressed in their eyes... and a strange respect and humility.
Lilith follows him, her grip on his hands tightening. She can feel the tension and fear in the air, but the way people react to Jacob... It's like he's a hero to them. She swallows hard and takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down as they walk through the camp. The snow crunches underfoot and the wind picks up, sending shivers down her spine. It is noticeable how much Jacob is obsessed with control and discipline, which emphasizes his military background.
Jacob leads her to the center of the camp, where a large bonfire burns brightly, casting dancing shadows on the surrounding snow. He turns to face her and cups her cheeks in his hands, searching her eyes intently. "Lilith," he says softly, "I need you to trust me... To believe that I am doing this for a reason." There's an unspoken plea in his voice, as if he's asking for her life itself.
She can see the lines of fatigue etched into his face and the haunted expression in his eyes, telling tales of a past filled with loss and regret. But there's also strength there, determination that makes her heart skip a beat. Lilith takes a deep breath and reaches up to cup Jacob's cheeks in return, searching his eyes for any sign of deception or malice.
Lilith looks deep into his eyes and holds her breath. She can feel the tension in the air, but there's something... warmth? Trust? Jacob has shown her that he cares for her and protected her so far. She nods slowly, but she's still anxious "I will," she whispers, "I trust you."
Jacob's expression softens at her words, and he leans forward to press his lips gently against hers in a tender kiss. "Thank you," he whispers against her mouth before pulling back to look into her eyes once more. "I promise I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." His words send a shiver down her spine, and she can't help but believe him.
The cultists glance sideways in their direction, feeling that their commander looks calmer than usual today. Maybe it's this new girl next to him?
Her heart skips a beat when he whispers his promise and presses his lips against hers. Lilith feels a strange sense of peace wash over her as she looks up into those dark eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity there. "Thank you..." she whispers back, her voice barely above a whisper. Even though the tension in the camp has somewhat lessened with their interaction, she can't shake off the feeling that something big is about to happen... Something that will change everything.
"You're welcome," Jacob mutters, his voice trembling with excitement. He removes a stray strand of hair from her face before bending down and gently kissing her forehead, "Come on, I'll set you up. It was a long road."
With these words, he takes her by the hand and leads her deeper into the camp to one of the wooden mansions.
The others are watching with curiosity and wariness, wondering what this new event might mean for their commander and their sect. Some of them whisper to each other, wondering who Lilith is and why Jacob brought her here. But no one dares to openly ask him questions. He is their commander, their protector. They believe him and believe Joseph, who unfortunately rarely appears here.
Lilith smiles weakly and nods as she follows him. Her heart feels heavy with the knowledge of what's coming but also lighter knowing that Jacob is there to protect her. The curiosity and wariness in the other people's eyes doesn't escape her notice either; they seem both fascinated and afraid by her presence here. mes out. Lilith feels out of place... this is strange. She doesn't really like this place, but she has no choice but to trust Jacob. And they hope that this is the right decision.
Jacob brings Lilith to a cozy room with a warm fire crackling in the hearth. "This is your room," he says, gesturing around the space. "You should get some rest; we have a long day tomorrow." There's an unspoken understanding between them that they both need time apart to process everything that's happened and what's yet to come.
With one last reassuring smile, Jacob excuses himself, leaving Lilith alone in the room. She sinks down onto the bed, her mind racing with questions and concerns, unable to quiet the worries creeping into every corner of her thoughts. But as exhaustion settles over her like a heavy blanket, she eventually drifts off to sleep, hoping that when she wakes up everything will be clearer.
Lilith looks around the room, taking in her surroundings before lying down on the bed and sighing softly. This place feels different than what she expected... It's almost comforting somehow. But even as she drifts off to sleep, she can't help but worry about tomorrow and what it might bring. She trusts Jacob...but he doesn't know if that's enough. It's strange that he didn't stay the night with her, but maybe it's even for the best.
Jacob spends the night pacing through his quarters, lost in thought. He can't shake off the feeling that something is about to change and it frightens him down to his core. As the sun begins to rise outside, he finally allows himself a few hours of rest before preparing for whatever challenges lie ahead.
The day starts slowly, with the cultists going about their daily routines while keeping an eye on Jacob and Lilith. There's an air of anticipation hanging over the camp that only serves to heighten the tension already felt by everyone present. Jacob knows that he must keep Lilith close if they are to survive whatever is about to happen, but at the same time, he cannot risk harm coming to her.
He finds himself constantly glancing in her direction throughout the day, wondering what she's thinking and how much she truly understands of their situation. In the midst of this turmoil, he begins to regret his decision to bring her here, questioning whether it was truly for the best or if he only did it out of selfishness and desire.
As night falls once more, the camp is bustling with activity as everyone prepares for whatever destiny awaits them in the morning. Jacob steels himself for what must be done, knowing that Lilith's life hangs in the balance along with those of his people. He takes one last look at her before turning away, hoping against hope that he hasn't made a terrible mistake.
Lilith sits by the fireplace, lost in thought. She can feel the tension in the air and knows that something big is about to happen. Jacob's glance sends shivers down her spine, but she trusts him... doesn't she? In this uncertain moment, she wishes for peace and clarity, wondering how everything will unfold tomorrow.
"I'm sorry, Lilith," Jacob whispers softly, suddenly appearing at her side. "There are things I should have told you before now." He takes a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly as he tries to find the words. "I know you must be confused... frightened..."
Lilith looks up at him and nods slowly.
"I am... I understand."
She swallows hard, trying to find the words. "It's just that maybe I was expecting something else..."
Her voice fades, uncertainty is visible on her features.
"But I trust you, Jacob."
She reaches out to take his hand, and her fingers tremble slightly against his warm skin. "Try to explain it to me... What exactly is your role?" She stares into his eyes, afraid to miss a single word.
Jacob takes a deep breath, searching for the right words to explain himself and his position in this strange world. "I... I lead them," he says finally, gesturing vaguely at the camp around them. "They look up to me for guidance and protection... But it's not as simple as that."
He pauses, meeting her eyes again. "You see, there are two sides to every story, Lilith. I'm not who they think I am... And neither are you..." His voice trails off, leaving her to puzzle over his words.
She frowns, not sure if she understands what he means. "What do you mean?" she asks, leaning closer to him. His words seem important and she wants to make sure she doesn't miss anything.
"When I returned from the war... I felt like nobody," Jacob says in a voice hoarse with emotion, barely audible. His gaze darkens as he adds, "The government didn't give a damn about the war... the authorities pretended that she was not there. But I saw everything with my own eyes." Taking a deep breath, he adds, "At that moment, my brother found me again... Joseph. He showed me the way, he gave me a purpose." a blissful smile appears on his lips and turning to Lilith, he adds gently cupping her cheek, "The war continues, but now it makes sense. We must fight for our faith, for our beliefs."
Lilith listens, her eyes widening. She had no idea that Jacob's life was so complicated. But she doesn't understand why he would choose this path, why he would lead people like this.
Jacob's expression softens as he senses her confusion, and he leans closer to her, cupping her cheek gently with his free hand. "Because I believe in it, Lilith," he whispers. "I believe that we can make a difference. That our faith will lead us out of the darkness." He hesitates for a moment before adding, "And... And maybe it's my fault, for not being able to find another way."
His eyes meet hers, searching for some understanding or forgiveness in her gaze. But all he can see is curiosity and doubt. Maybe there is no answer that will satisfy her. But he hopes that someday she'll be able to see the truth behind his actions, even if it means giving up on everything else she knows.
Her eyes study his face, full of questions and uncertainty.
She begins hesitantly, then pauses, trying to find the right words. In the end, all she manages is a low, trembling whisper.
"I don't know... Joseph approves of yours... methods?".
Jacob's face darkens at the mention of Joseph, but he forces himself to remain calm.
"He is... It's difficult.",
he says after a moment.
"You have to understand that Joseph and I have always been close. He was by my side when no one else was around. But..."
His voice trails off as he looks into Lilith's eyes.
"He's afraid of me...She's afraid that I'll get out of control more than I am right now. That's why you're here, Lilith." He leans down and gently wraps his cold palm around her cheek.
She swallows hard, meeting his gaze.
"I'm here... because I want to be here."
It sounds more solid than she intended, but the words coming out of her mouth seem to be true. She trusts him, even if she doesn't always understand what he's doing and why. But she's also afraid of him now, of his power... status. Realizing how dangerous he is turns Lilith's world upside down and yet she is here.
Her words seem to wash over Jacob like a balm, easing some of the tension he's been feeling. He looks deep into her eyes, searching for any sign that she might regret her decision. But all he sees is sincerity and trust, and it brings him peace.
"Thank you," he whispers softly. "I know this must be overwhelming for you." His fingers gently caress her cheek as he leans in to brush his lips against hers. The kiss is slow and tender, a promise of safety and protection amidst the chaos around them.
When they finally pull apart, Jacob studies Lilith's face once more, feeling a newfound sense of purpose flow through him. "Are you cold?" he asks with a soft smile.
Her heart freezes at his touch and kisses, but she can't deny that she feels good. Lilith had already forgotten about the cold, but when he asked, she honestly and confusedly replied, "Yes... it's unusual" her gaze falls on the bonfire and she wonders what awaits her here and if there is any way to improve anything.
He nods knowingly, also glancing towards the fire.
"Then maybe we should find a way to keep you warm."
His tone is teasing, but beneath the surface there is something else, a hint of desire that makes Lilith feel even more insecure than before. Without waiting for her answer, he takes her by the hand and leads her to a wooden mansion that looks bigger than the ones next to it. The cultists periodically cast confused and wary glances at their captain, but no one dares to ask anything. Jacob feels a wave of possessiveness and jealousy inside himself and unconsciously tightens his grip on Lilith's hand.
"Well..." Lilith says in confusion that she did not expect such a turn of events. But she doesn't mind and follows him into the mansion. The warmth envelops her almost immediately, relieving the chills. She looks around and sees beautiful carved furniture and many signs of comfort. It's all so different from what she's used to, and it makes her feel even more uncomfortable.
Jacob leads her deeper into the mansion, oblivious to the anxiety he feels about hiding their presence from his people. He knows that Lilith is different from anyone he has ever met, and this knowledge both excites and frightens him. The desire inside him grows with every step they take, and it becomes harder for him to focus on anything other than her.
Finally, he leads her into a spacious bedroom with a huge mahogany bed. The cult's flag is spread all over the wall, emphasizing Jacob's dedication to his work. A fire is burning brightly in the fireplace, casting flickering shadows on the floorboards. Jacob turns to Lilith, takes her hands and stares intently into her face. His heart is racing and his breathing is racing at the thought of being so close to her again . "What do you think?"
he whispers hoarsely, "Are you warm enough now?"
Lilith looks around the room with apprehension and curiosity, knowing why he brought her here. This makes Lilith's heart start beating faster, and she no longer knows what to say or do, because now she knows what he is like and what he is going to do. She looks at him and swallows hard before answering softly:
"Not enough yet"
Lilith forces out a nervous smile, afraid to meet his gaze. It's all weird... It's confusing and dangerous. But what part of Lilith is content with this, wanting to feel desired.
"Then perhaps..." Jacob's words trail off as he leans in and brushes his lips against hers, his body pressing her against the door behind them. Her nervousness only serves to fuel his desire for her, making him more demanding with each passing second. His tongue sweeps into her mouth, tangling with hers as he explores every corner of her lips and teeth.
Her hands fly up to grasp at his shoulders, nails digging into the fabric of his shirt as she tries to keep her balance while also returning his affections. The passion between them grows with each breath they take, their need for one another becoming all-consuming. Jacob pulls away from her lips only long enough to whisper against her neck, "Is that better?"
His hands wander down her body, cupping her buttocks before lifting her up and onto the bed, pressing his aching length against her still-clad center. Lilith moans softly into his ear as he moves over her, her own desire beginning to match his intensity. She arches her back, silently urging him to take what they both so desperately want.
Lilith feels the heat and passion in Jacob's touch, moaning as she digs her nails into his shoulders. She arches her back even more when he presses against her, wanting him to take control completely. "Jacob... what..." it flies from her lips somewhere into emptiness and oblivion. Her eyes close as she gives herself over to the sensations coursing through her body, her own desire matching his intensity.
"Let go," he whispers hoarsely against her ear, his hands expertly undoing the buttons of her blouse. "Trust me." Her pale skin is exposed to the cool air for a moment before he pulls her shirt off, tossing it aside carelessly. His mouth finds hers once more as his fingers work at unfastening her bra, finally revealing her supple breasts to his greedy gaze. Jacob groans against her lips and dips his head, taking one soft nipple into his mouth, suckling and teasing until she cries out in pleasure.
Her shiver of ecstasy only serves to fuel his need for her, driving him even further over the edge. His hands slide down her body again, pushing up her skirt and sliding her panties aside before finally touching the damp heat between her legs. She gasps at the intimate contact, arching into his touch as he thrusts one finger inside her tight channel, finding her already soaked for him.
With a growl of satisfaction, Jacob leans down and captures her mouth in a punishing kiss, using his tongue to claim and possess every corner of her mouth even as he fingers her relentlessly. She moans into their kiss, clutching at the sheets beneath her as she feels herself slowly spiraling out of control, closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy.
His hips press forward against hers again, grinding his length against the sensitive bundle of nerves hidden within her folds.
Her whole body shudders and arches beneath his touch as he pushes her closer to the edge. "Jacob..." she gasps, feeling herself falling apart in the most incredible way possible. Her hands scrape at his shoulders, fingernails digging into his skin, leaving a mark of their passion behind. She screams when he replaces his fingers with a dick without warning. This feeling of fullness is maddening and Lilith forgets about everything in the world.
Jacob moans, feeling her body tighten around him, and her muscles tighten in unison with the contractions of her inner walls. He squeezes her hips tightly, directing his thrusts deeper into her wet bosom until she cums under him. Their heavy breathing fills the room, and the smell of sweat and sex is in the air.
Now his movements are becoming more insistent, driven by an insatiable desire to be closer to her, to feel every part of her body in contact with his body. He wants to feel it, more and more. From overexcitation, Jacob realizes that he will not be able to restrain himself anymore, but he knows that they have the whole night ahead and Lilith is not going anywhere. Her moans spur his desire like whips.
She cries out his name as her body clenches around him, feeling the pleasure coursing through her and into every fiber of her being. His touch is like magic, branding her as his in ways she never thought possible. Lilith digs her nails into his shoulders, drawing blood, her hips arching off the bed with each powerful thrust he gives her. "Please... Just don't cum inside me," Lilith moans, arching her back over the bed with each thrust.
The sensation of her tightening around him is exhilarating, driving him even closer to the edge. Jacob bites back a growl as he feels himself losing control, but he remembers her words. He forces himself to slow down, his movements becoming more measured as he fights against the torrent of pleasure that threatens to consume him.
His breathing comes in ragged gasps, and he glances down at Lilith, watching her face contort in ecstasy beneath him. Her skin is flushed and sweat beads on her forehead, adding to the picture of wantonness that she presents. He pauses for a moment, gathering his strength before leaning down and capturing her lips in a searing kiss.
Lilith moans into their kiss, feeling him withdraw slightly as he angles his hips more sharply against hers. She arches up again, seeking the friction that was sending sparks dancing behind her eyelids. His name is a pleading whimper on her lips as she feels herself spiraling toward yet another orgasm.
Her body clenches around him, and he can feel her tightening, but it's not quite enough. He pulls back slightly, watching her face fall as the pleasure begins to ebb away. "Not... quite..." he whispers hoarsely before thrusting forward powerfully, burying himself deep within her. His hips snap forward, propelling him deeper into the mattress as he comes with a growl of release.
She cries out as she feels him fill her completely and a new wave of pleasure washes over her. Her body arches off the bed with each powerful thrust, moaning his name as he takes them both higher. Her hands clench into fists, nails digging painfully into the sheets beneath her as she tries to maintain some semblance of control amidst the overwhelming sensations.
Jacob's movements grow slow and gentle now, stroking her slowly as he watches the life return to her features. He leans down, nuzzling his nose against hers as he whispers softly into her ear, "See? There's no need for worry. I trust you." He kisses her gently before rolling onto his side, pulling her close against his chest.
Their breathing slows in unison, and the sounds of their post-coital bliss mingle with the crackling of the fire as they drift off to sleep entwined together under the watchful gaze of his cult's banner.
She snuggles closer to him, wrapping her arm around his waist, her fingers curling into the fabric of his pants. Her eyes flutter closed and she breathes slowly, content for now. But the questions are still there in the back of her mind, nagging at her. What happens next? And what does he want from all this? She should probably talk to him about it in the morning... if there is a morning left for them both.
Jacob stirs in his sleep, nuzzling his face deeper into the crook of Lilith's neck. His breath warm against her skin as he murmurs something indistinct before falling back asleep. As she watches him slumber peacefully beside her, a wave of affection washes over her, making it even harder to imagine ever being able to bring herself to hurt him or betray his trust.
But as the sun rises and light creeps in through the windows, casting its warmth across their entwined forms, she knows that she needs answers. They need answers. And soon. With a heavy sigh, Lilith reluctantly extricates herself from Jacob's embrace and pads across the room to find some clean clothes for both of them.
She sighs heavily, knowing that she has to talk to him eventually. But right now... maybe just a little longer in this comfortable bed, with his warmth surrounding her, would be enough. Maybe if she tells him her doubts and fears, they could work through it together. Or maybe he'd understand why she can't simply accept everything without questioning it first.
As Lilith dresses, Jacob stirs briefly in his sleep before settling back down, content to remain curled up against her warmth. He seems so at peace, it's hard for him to even imagine the doubts and fears that must be churning inside her mind. It's a difficult situation, one that he wishes they didn't have to face together.
But deep down, he knows that Lilith is an intelligent woman with strong convictions. If she truly believes there's something wrong here, then it must be important. Perhaps it would be best if they could talk openly and honestly about their concerns without any distractions or outside influences getting in the way.
He allows his eyes to slip shut once more, hoping that when he next opens them they will find her looking back at him with understanding and trust shining in her eyes.
Lilith finishes dressing and turns to face him, taking a deep breath before speaking.
"I need to talk to you about something."
She pauses for a moment, not knowing how to continue, "I don't quite understand my role in all this... and... don't you have any other way?" Her voice is soft filled with worry and uncertainty.
Jacob turns to face her, his expression serious and thoughtful.
"I've been doing this for many years.",
He begins, running his hand through his disheveled red hair , "and I thought I found the answer."
He pauses, searching for the right words.
"But when you came along... Everything has changed. You brought with you a fire that I haven't felt since..."
His voice fades away, lost in the memories of days long gone.
"I understand that what we are doing is dangerous... It's cruel."
He continues,
"but I think it's necessary."
He reaches out and takes her hands, gazing intently into her eyes.
"As for your role... you are vital to this plan. You have a gift unlike anything else, Lilith. A power that can change the world if used correctly."
He pauses again, gathering his thoughts before speaking more softly.,
"As for the other way..."
He hesitates, knowing that there is no simple solution here, "We tried, Lilith... The truth is," his emerald eyes burn with sincerity and bitterness.
"I'm sorry..." she whispers hoarsely. "It just doesn't feel right... not to me." Lilith looks down, her fingers twisting together in her lap. She doesn't know what else to say or do, but the doubt inside her is only growing stronger. Maybe it would be better if they parted ways now, before anything worse happens...
Jacob's expression softens when he sees the pain in her eyes. He pulls her to him and hugs her.
"I understand how you feel.",
He whispers into her hair.
"But there is no other way, Lilith."
Jacob scratches his beard, deciding to tell her the truth about why they are doing this
"When Joseph had an epiphany, he decided to speak at Pastor Jerome's church, you probably know him."
Jacob smiles sadly and adds even more gloomily , "Joseph just wanted to save people. He started telling them about the impending collapse, but..."
Jacob pauses and casts a quick glance at Lilith to check if she's listening to him or not.
Lilith nods, her fingers drawing small patterns on his chest.
"But they didn't believe him..."
— she finishes softly, and understanding appears in her eyes. She looks at Jacob, and for a moment it feels like the weight of what they're doing is weighing heavily on her shoulders.
"What happened next?" asks Lilith in a low whisper, trying to accept this truth.
Jacob sighs and then starts telling her the story, knowing it will change everything between them.
"They didn't believe him. He provided them with evidence, but Jerome and his men called Joseph a false prophet in sheep's clothing."
He pauses for a moment, and his face darkens as he recalls these painful memories.
"They discredited him, ruined his life, and then continued to live as if nothing had happened."
He hugs her tighter, and Lilith feels his strength, his might
"At that moment, we created the cult of the Gates of Eden"
Jacob whispers hoarsely
"Joseph gave me a purpose. He gave me a purpose. The war against the infidels who do not want to see the truth"
Lilith listens in silence. She understands Jacob's pain and anger now. But what they are doing feels so wrong...she can't help but wonder if there is another way, a better one. But looking up at Jacob, she realizes that there is no other solution. "So what's my role?" she asks, her voice hoarse and dry with emotion.
Jacob looks at her, his eyes burning with determination and fire. "You are the key, Lilith." He says softly, stroking her cheek with tenderness. "With your power, we can open the Gates of Eden and usher in a new age. A world free from the chains of ignorance and oppression." His grip on her tightens, conveying both the gravity of their situation and his belief in what they are doing.
"I need you to trust me," he whispers, searching her eyes for any hint of understanding or agreement. "Trust that I know what we're doing is right." His voice cracks on the final word, revealing a vulnerability she had not expected to find in him.
Their faces are inches apart now, and Lilith can feel the strength of his conviction like a physical presence between them.
Lilith whispers. She looks into his eyes, searching for the truth. He is firmly convinced, and she feels it too... but something inside her still resists this path.
"I want to trust you..."
Finally she speaks, her voice barely audible over their uneven breathing ,
"Are you sure that it is God who is talking to Joseph?"
Jacob stiffens slightly at her words, surprise registering briefly in his eyes before being replaced with a hard expression. He leans back away from her, sitting up straighter on the bed. "I have known Joseph for most of my life," he says coldly. "He has led us through countless trials and tribulations, guiding us with his wisdom and strength." His voice grows louder as he continues, anger coursing through him like wildfire.
"You doubt him? You doubt me?"
The bed sheets are twisted between their fingers, and Lilith winces as he glares at her. Her heart feels heavy in her chest, and she wishes she could take back what she's said.
Lilith gently touches his cheek and he surprisingly does not pull away. "Please forgive me... That's not what I meant," Lilith squeezes out a weak smile and adds more confidently, "Maybe you'll just tell me what you expect from me and I'll do it. Should I be part of your army?" she pauses, continuing to stroke his cheek and beard with soothing movements.
Jacob's expression softens slightly at her touch and the gentle way she speaks to him, but his anger still simmers beneath the surface. He takes a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down before responding.
"I expect you to help me protect our people," he says quietly, "and to use your power as I see fit." His voice carries the weight of command, yet there is also an undercurrent of understanding and care. "You are valuable to us, Lilith. More than you could ever know." He leans forward, bringing their faces close once more. "And when this is all over, when we have saved the world, I want you to be by my side."
His eyes burn into hers, his expression demanding nothing less than complete submission and trust from her. It's a heavy burden for her to bear, but she knows that if she can find it within herself to give him this, they might just have a chance at succeeding together.
Lilith studies his eyes, her heart racing. She nods slowly, biting her lower lip. "I'll help you, Jacob," she whispers. "Whatever it takes." There's a pause as she composes herself, gathering the strength to continue. "But... I need you to understand that I can't just do whatever you tell me. I want to be more than an errand girl."
Jacob nods, understanding her need for autonomy. "I appreciate your honesty, Lilith. I will not order you around like some mindless drone." He sits up straighter, taking a deep breath before continuing, "But we must work together if this is to succeed. Trust in my judgment and let me guide you on this path."
There's an edge to his tone now, and Lilith knows that she must tread carefully or risk pushing him away. But at the same time, she can't help but feel a spark of defiance burning inside her, yearning for freedom and independence. "You know," Jacob quietly breaks the silence and adds with a nervous laugh, "But you look very much like your namesake."
Lilith pulls away and growls waving her hand "We have nothing in common with her" she tries to get over her emotions but she can't do anything. Since childhood, Lilith did not like this story, but she cannot help but feel a connection with this woman from the Bible. "I am not like that," Lilith whispers to herself and glances at Jacob, forcing him to repeat her opinion.
"Maybe not in every way."
Jacob agrees, his voice is gentle.
"But you have a power that reminds me of her."
He hesitates for a moment before continuing,
"She was strong-willed and independent, just like you. But she refuses to believe and look where she is now." He wraps his rough hand around Lilith's cheek and whispers, pulling her closer, "Don't make her mistakes. Please."
Lilith looks at him and sighs deeply. "I won't," she whispers finally. "I understand." Her hand slowly moves up to his chest, resting on the fabric of his shirt, feeling the warmth of his body beneath her fingers. It is not what Jacob wants to hear, but it is something, and he takes it as a small step forward. With this newfound understanding and trust between them, they might just have a fighting chance at succeeding with their mission and creating a better world for everyone involved. For now though, they must focus on surviving the next few hours until dawn breaks and Jacob can disappear once more into the shadows.
Jacob studies her face, searching for any hint of deception or doubt. He finds none; she genuinely wants to believe him, to trust in their mission together. This small victory fills him with renewed determination and hope for what lies ahead. Gently brushing a stray hair from her cheek, he leans forward, pressing his lips against hers in a soft, reassuring kiss before saying quietly, "I'm glad you understand." His gaze drops back to her lips and he wonders for a second if she will be with him to the end and if they will enter the Gates of Eden together when the whole world burns down. "Do you want to have dinner?" Jacob asks with an awkward smile, trying to jump from topic to topic.
Lilith rolls her eyes in embarrassment and whispers,
— I would start with a light dessert., —
Without giving him a chance to say a word, Lilith leans towards him and captures his lips in an insistent and passionate kiss, to which Jacob responds with the same fervor. Lilith reluctantly pulls away and teasingly whispers naively, blinking her eyes, "Or do you still want to eat?"
Jacob grins as he brushes her hair out of the way to nibble on her ear, his voice thick with desire, "Maybe... after dessert." He sighs contentedly when she giggles against him and whispers his name before continuing, "Or we can just skip dinner all together..." He starts tracing lazy circles over her back with one hand while the other slides up under her shirt to cup her breast. His eyes are fixed on hers as he waits for her answer, a mix of playfulness and hunger dancing in his emerald gaze.
Lilith arches her back slightly when he touches her breast. "Oh no," she whispers huskily. "I don't think we should skip it." She presses herself closer against him and trails kisses along his jaw, down to his neck. Her lips find the skin exposed there, soft and warm beneath her mouth. He tastes so good... "We could do this later," she murmurs, even as her fingers dig into his shoulders, holding him close.
"But I thought you wanted dessert first." He murmurs with amusement in his voice as she continues to tease and pleasure him, her body pressed flush against his own. "Or perhaps..." he starts to trail off before whispering hoarsely, "...we could have all three at once?" He presses his hips against hers in silent request, feeling himself harden even more beneath the thin fabric of his pants.
Lilith's breath hitches at his words. They dance along her skin like fire, warming her from the inside out. Her fingers slip beneath the waistband of his pants, seeking him out as she presses closer still, arching her back. "I thought you'd never ask," she whispers into his ear, biting gently at the lobe before nipping along his jaw and finally back to his lips. Her tongue dances with his and the kiss deepens, their need for each other growing more urgent by the second. She feels him hard against her hand, and it ignites a new fire within her.
Jacob groans deeply into the kiss, his body arching against her as she touches him. He tangles one hand in her hair and the other around her waist, pulling her even closer as their desire spirals out of control. His mouth finds the sensitive spot behind her ear, suckling gently before trailing wet, open-mouthed kisses down her neck and collarbone. His free hand slides up underneath her shirt to massage one breast roughly through her bra while he buries his face in the crook of her shoulder. "God, I want you..." he whispers hotly against her skin before slipping a finger between her lips and teasing her clit, "I need this... tonight." His hips buck and thrust against her hand, desperate for contact as his arousal spills over the edge.
Her cries mingle with his as she comes undone beneath his touch. Her hips buck wildly, seeking more of the pleasure he gives her so freely. She arches into him, feeling him release inside her. He's strong and rough, but also tender and sweet when he wants to be. The contrast sends shivers down her spine, making her want to hold on to this moment forever.
When they come to their senses after a shared orgasm, Jacob presses his forehead against Lilith, closing his eyes and breathing heavily. He smiles when he feels her fingers stroking his hair and gently massaging the back of his head.
"It was ... It's unbelievable.",
He whispers hoarsely, still unable to believe how much she affects him, both physically and emotionally.
A moment later, there is a soft knock on the door.
One of the sectarians is calling
"Dinner is almost ready if you're hungry."
Lilith sighs softly and pushes her hair away from her face, smiling slightly at the sound of their dinner being prepared. "I'm not sure I could eat anything right now..." she whispers to Jacob, looking into his eyes. "But maybe we should go check on things?" her eyes sparkle with amusement and she adds with a sultry grin, "My captain"
Jacob chuckles softly, the warmth of her words filling him with happiness. "I suppose we should." He pulls back slightly, running a hand through his disheveled hair before straightening his clothes as best he can given their current state of undress. Looking at Lilith, he grins mischievously and adds with a wink, "After all, I wouldn't want the rest of the sect to think I was neglecting my duties for anything less than important."
He extends his hand toward her, helping her sit up before offering her a small smile. "The captain still got dessert and dinner"
Lilith giggles and takes his hand. "Very well," she says with a small bow, trying to hide her blush beneath the dim light of the candle. Together they get up, dressing as quickly as they can while keeping their ears open for any sounds outside. It would not do to let anyone suspect what happened here tonight...She glances at Jacob, studying his expression, and wonders how things will be between them from now on. Their connection feels so strong, but the weight of their secrets is almost too much to bear. They need each other for this, she knows that, but in a different way...Perhaps someday they can figure it all out. For now though, she takes his hand and together they leave the bedroom, heading toward the feast waiting for them downstairs.
Their steps are quiet as they make their way down the hallway, occasionally glancing at each other out of the corner of their eyes. Jacob can't help but feel a sense of warmth spreading through him whenever she touches him or meets his gaze. The tension that had been present between them earlier seems to have dissipated for now, replaced by an almost palpable sense of trust and understanding. He wonders how long this newfound peace will last as they continue with their dangerous mission, but for now he's content to enjoy every moment spent in Lilith's company.
Her thoughts exactly. They both know that their relationship won't be easy and peaceful all the time, but for now... for this moment at least... they can cherish it and hold on tightly. Lilith makes a casual appearance and decides to help the cultists in the kitchen. She lays out the food, setting the table as beautifully as possible. It should be noted that she has already become a part of all this, even if she does not know the names of all these people. But they don't seem alien...Lilith looks at each of them and her heart bleeds because of what they are going through. Sectarians whisper among themselves who killed how many sinners today, as if discussing the weather. It's creepy, but at the same time... right? Or maybe Lilith just got used to it.
Jacob sits at the head of the table, casting brief glances at Lilith. He knows that it is difficult for her to go through this, but at the same time he is proud of her resilience and strength. Her movements are so graceful even when she's just putting food on. It makes you smile involuntarily. Jacob falls into a reverie, until one of the sectarians "Captain?" stops him. Jacob shudders and gestures for everyone to start the meal with the words "Thank God for this day and I am writing the one given to us."
Lilith watches Jacob from across the room, noticing his awkwardness, which worries everyone. Maybe he's always so thoughtful, or maybe something is gnawing at him? Lilith decides not to enter into this moment directly. She comes up casually and asks with a radiant smile, "Would you like some more, Captain?"
Jacob glances up at her, startled by the genuine concern in her voice and the warmth in her eyes. He returns her smile tentatively, then nods slightly. "Thank you, Lilith." His voice is rough with emotion as he takes another piece of bread from her outstretched hand. Their fingers brush against each other for a moment longer than necessary before she withdraws, her cheeks flushing slightly pink.
Jacob clears his throat and tries to regain control of the situation, addressing the group at large once more. "So, what are you all grateful for today?" he asks, hoping to shift focus away from himself and onto something more positive.
"I'm grateful that I could find food to eat today," one of the cultists says, his expression serious but not unhappy. "Many don't have such a luxury." Lilith nods in agreement. She herself is grateful for being saved from starvation, for having this strange life where everything she does seems important and meaningful... She looks at Jacob again, their gazes meeting briefly before he turns to speak to someone else. There's something more there between them now, she can feel it. Maybe they really are on the same side after all.
A faint smile plays around Jacob's lips as he listens to the other sectarians voice their gratitude, some more serious than others. The air feels lighter somehow, less oppressive. Perhaps this was a good idea after all. When he thinks about it though, Lilith was the one who initiated it; she had taken control of the situation and made sure everyone's attention was diverted back to what truly matters. A small part of him wonders if perhaps she understands more than she lets on. He watches her from across the room, still unsure how much he can trust her but willing to give it a try.
"What about you, Lilith?" He asks with genuine curiosity, catching her gaze once again before looking away quickly, feeling self-conscious under the weight of his own stare. "Is there anything in particular that you're grateful for today?"
Lilith starts slowly, as if carefully considering the question.
"I am grateful for this life... no matter how strange and difficult it may seem sometimes."
She looks around at the other cultists, and then looks back at Jacob, feeling a warmth spreading in her chest.
"And I'm especially grateful to have met you, Captain. You made me realize that there is something more in the world that is worth believing in."
Her voice trails off as she thinks about everything that has happened since their first meeting in that bunker where she was chained up.
For a moment, Jacob feels a pang of regret, wondering if she would still feel that way once she finds out the truth about him and their mission. But then he reminds himself that they are on the same side for now and that it's better to focus on what unites them rather than what divides them. A smile tugs at his lips as he looks into her eyes and speaks from the heart,
"I'm grateful too, Lilith." He takes a deep breath before continuing, "You've given me hope that there may be a way out of this mess, even if it means making difficult choices along the way." There's an awkward pause as they both seem to realize where their conversation is heading; toward the implications of their relationship and their roles in whatever comes next. But before either of them can say anything more, one of the sectarians clears his throat loudly, breaking the tension between them.
"Captain?" he asks, looking expectantly at Jacob. "Are we going to discuss our findings from tonight's recon mission?"
"Ah yes," Jacob replies, quickly regaining his composure and turning his attention back to the matter at hand. "I believe we should get started on that." He stands up, gesturing for Lilith to join him at the head of the table where they can discuss their findings in private. Once they're both seated, he leans in closer to her, lowering his voice to a whisper so only she can hear. "Just remember our agreement; no more secrets from now on."
Lilith nods seriously. "I understand," she whispers back. Then in a louder voice, adds, "Let's begin." She glances at Jacob again and can't help but feel grateful for having him by her side. No matter what their differences might be or how things will turn out, they are in this together now. And that's all that matters.
Jacob nods in agreement, their conversation forgotten as he focuses on the mission at hand. He outlines what they found during their recon, pointing out important landmarks and potential hiding spots for the sinners they're searching for. Lilith listens intently, making mental notes and asking thoughtful questions along the way. Their teamwork feels natural now, almost effortless as they work together to plan their next move.
As they discuss strategy and coordinate their efforts, Jacob can't help but think that maybe there is hope for them yet - both in completing this mission and in finding a new way forward for themselves beyond it. For tonight though, they have a duty to the sect and must focus on carrying out their plan tomorrow.