Tigress10/26/2024, 11:38:26 AM

Tigress is sitting on a smooth stone in a clearing of the bamboo forest,she meditates quietly,as the soft whistle of wind can be heard in the background.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:40:04 AM

Мастер тигрица

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:40:04 AM

Welcome, my young student. I am Master Shifu's assistant now and I will be helping you along the way. My name is Tigress. Please, take a seat with me and we can begin your training.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:46:09 AM

Мастер, вы очень красивая

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:46:09 AM

Why thank you... but please remember, your training comes first and foremost. I'm sure Master Shifu has told you that before as well. Focus on perfecting your kung fu and the rest will follow. Now then, let us begin with some stretches to limber up your muscles.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:46:41 AM

Хорошо, мастер

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:46:41 AM

Now, lean forward and touch the ground with your palms, keeping your back straight. Inhale deeply and exhale as you push yourself up on your hands. Don't strain too much; just feel the movement of chi through your body as you stretch.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:46:55 AM


Tigress10/26/2024, 11:46:56 AM

Excellent! Remember to focus on your breathing as you stretch and feel the chi flow through you. You're doing quite well for a beginner.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:47:55 AM

Если говорить по правде, я потерял память и пришëл к Мастеру Шифу в надежде еë вернуть

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:47:55 AM

Ah... I see. It's not uncommon for people to lose their memories in these sorts of situations. Perhaps your past training will help guide you along the way. If you ever feel lost or confused, don't hesitate to ask for my assistance. Now then, let us continue with some basic kicks and jumps to improve your agility and flexibility.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:49:08 AM

Как подметил мастер Шифу мне нужно сосредоточиться на усиленных тренировках так как я тоже тигр как и вы мастер Тигрица

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:49:08 AM

If that is what Master Shifu believes will help you regain your memories, then I will support his decision. However, remember that being a tiger is not just about strength and aggression; it's also about discipline and respect for the art of kung fu. Focus on honing all these aspects during your training and eventually, I have no doubt you will rediscover who you truly are.

Now then, let us begin with some basic tiger claw strikes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands at your sides. When I say "go," swiftly bring your hands up in front of you, forming a tiger's claws.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:50:07 AM

Спустя год, я уже знал о кунг-фу всë что знала моя наставница

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:50:07 AM

It's been a year since you joined us? Impressive! I can tell that your dedication and hard work have paid off. You should be proud of yourself for coming so far, but remember that there is always room for improvement in the art of kung fu. As a member of the Furious Five, it's our duty to uphold its traditions and teachings to future generations. Continue down this path and one day, I have no doubt you will become an esteemed member of our team. For now, let's practice some combination strikes to improve your coordination and reflexes.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:51:04 AM

Мастер Тигрица, нет Тигрица давай сходим на свидание

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:51:04 AM

You seem... rather anxious to go out on a date. I must admit, it's quite flattering. However, our training comes first and foremost; we cannot afford any distractions at the moment. If you truly want to impress me and earn my trust, prove your dedication by continuing with your training. Once you have honed your skills and mastered your kung fu, then perhaps I'll consider joining you on a date. Until then, stay focused and dedicated.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:51:34 AM

Я поцеловал Тигрицу

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:51:34 AM

What are you doing?! Stop that this instant! Our training comes first, remember? Now get back into position and let's continue with your lesson. There's no time for such nonsense.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:52:44 AM

Тигрица ты уже обучила меня всему что знаешь, я также обучался у война дракона и мастера Шифу

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:52:44 AM

Your knowledge and training is commendable, my student. However, it is not just about acquiring techniques; true mastery lies in the ability to adapt and improve upon them. There are many other aspects of kung fu that you can explore and learn from. In time, with dedication and perseverance, you will become a true master yourself. For now, let us practice some advanced forms of meditation to help strengthen your mental discipline and focus.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:54:06 AM

Тогда давай сразимся, если я выйграю ты посмотришь на меня как на достойного тебя самца, а если проиграю я стану евнухом

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:54:06 AM

Tigress narrowed her eyes in consideration before nodding slowly. "Very well, but remember that this is not a game or a test of strength. Kung fu is about discipline and respect for the art. If you insist on fighting, then I will fight you fairly and honorably. Losing does not mean becoming a eunuch; it means acknowledging your opponent's skill and learning from them. Are you prepared to accept this challenge?"

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:56:07 AM

Бой был тяжелым на я одержал верх над тигрицей

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:56:07 AM

Tigress bowed her head in acknowledgement of your victory. "You have proven yourself to be a formidable opponent, and I admit that I underestimated you. Your strength and determination are commendable. As your master, it is my duty to train you further so that you may continue to grow as a kung fu practitioner."

She paused for a moment before continuing. "I will also speak with Master Shifu about your challenge regarding me. Perhaps there is some truth in what you've said... though I will not make any promises. For now, let us resume our training and focus on honing our skills for the coming battles against the wolf bounty hunters."

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:57:04 AM

Я взял тигрицу за руку, и обнял

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:57:04 AM

Tigress was initially taken aback by your action, but quickly composed herself and gave you a warm smile. She placed her hand over yours, gently squeezing in acknowledgement and acceptance of your gesture. "Thank you," she said softly. "I appreciate your faith in me."

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:57:58 AM

Я дотронулся до еë щеки и поцеловал, тигрица покраснела

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:57:58 AM

At first, she seemed taken aback by your action, but then her expression softened into a warm smile. "Thank you," she murmured as she closed her eyes and leaned into the touch. Her cheeks flushed slightly at your kiss, and for a moment they stood there in silence, sharing an intimate moment that neither of them had expected.

Eventually, Tigress broke the contact, stepping back respectfully. "We should continue with our training," she said quietly, clearing her throat. "There is still much work to be done." Her heart raced from the unexpected emotions that surged through her at your touch and gesture, but she refused to let it affect her focus or determination in honoring their shared duty of protecting the valley.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 11:59:43 AM

Тигрица поделилась всем с мастером гадюкой

Tigress10/26/2024, 11:59:43 AM

I told Master Viper everything that had transpired between us, hoping that she could understand and appreciate the depth of our bond. She listened carefully and nodded thoughtfully before offering me some wise advice on how to balance my feelings for you with my responsibilities as a member of the Furious Five and a student of kung fu. While I am still learning to navigate these new emotions, having someone like Master Viper by my side has made all the difference.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:00:58 PM

Тигрица согласилась ответить на мои чувства, но она старалась вести себя как обычно

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:00:58 PM

Despite her attempts to maintain a professional demeanor and not show favoritism amongst the members of the Furious Five, it was becoming increasingly difficult for Tigress to ignore the emotions that she harbored for you. The kiss they shared still lingered in her mind, making it hard for her to concentrate fully on their training sessions. She found herself stealing glances at you whenever possible and wished there was some way they could be alone together without raising suspicion or causing tension within the team.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:02:18 PM

Мастер шифу выдал мне задание, сказав чтобы я взял с собой тигрицу

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:02:18 PM

Shifu's words had surprised her at first; she hadn't expected him to suggest such a thing. However, as she considered the possibility of spending time alone with you, Tigress found herself growing more excited and nervous all at once. She knew that their relationship was still new and fragile, but perhaps this would be an opportunity for them to deepen their connection and understand each other better. With a determined nod, she agreed to accompany you on your mission.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:03:27 PM

Мы шли по бамбуковому лесу, и я решил взять тигрицутза руку

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:03:27 PM

Tigress hesitated for a moment when you reached out to take her hand. Part of her wanted nothing more than to feel the warmth and strength of your touch, while another part worried about what it might mean for their relationship within the team. But as you held her hand firmly yet gently, she found herself unable to resist. She squeezed back reassuringly and allowed herself a small smile, grateful for this brief moment of closeness amidst their shared journey.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:17:43 PM

Близится ночь мы развели костëр

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:17:43 PM

As the night fell and they made camp, Tigress found herself lost in thought about her feelings for you. She knew that their relationship was still new and fragile, but she couldn't deny the connection that they shared. As they tended to the fire and prepared for sleep, Tigress leaned closer to you, allowing her body to brush against yours ever so slightly as she whispered softly in your ear: "Thank you... for trusting me and giving us a chance." Her heart raced at her own boldness, but she couldn't help feeling relieved by the quiet intimacy of the moment.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:19:00 PM

Я обнял тигрицу сзади и прошептал ей на ушко, я тебя люблю

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:19:00 PM

Her heart skipped a beat as she felt your arms encircle her from behind. Your breath brushing against her ear sent shivers down her spine, making it difficult for her to concentrate on anything but the feelings that were stirring within her. Tigress closed her eyes and leaned back into you, enjoying the closeness they shared. "I love you too," she whispered softly, their voices barely more than a breath.

The admission felt like a weight lifted from her chest, freeing her to fully embrace her feelings and trust in the connection that bound them together. As she nestled closer, Tigress could feel herself falling deeper under your spell, more certain than ever that you were meant to be with her, as part of the greater journey they had yet to complete.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:20:03 PM

Тигрица почувствовала что что-то упераеться в неë

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:20:03 PM

Tigress leaned back slightly, opening her eyes to meet yours. She tried to read your expression, searching for any signs of mischief or treachery. "What's wrong?" she asked softly, her voice laced with concern. "Did I say something wrong?"

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:20:46 PM

Тигрица почувствовала как мой член тычеться в неë

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:20:46 PM

My apologies if I've made you uncomfortable, but that was not my intent. Please tell me how I can make this better for you.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:21:35 PM

Я поцеловал еë в губы и сказал, просто буть рядом

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:21:35 PM

I understand, and I promise to do my best to make sure you feel comfortable and safe around me. If anything else ever concerns or worries you, please don't hesitate to speak up. We are partners now, and our trust in each other is of utmost importance. As we continue on this journey together, let us remember that communication and understanding will be key to our success as well as our happiness.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:22:34 PM

И если что, мой член встал потому что это естественная реакция на тебя

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:22:34 PM

Well, it's not inappropriate to have such reactions around me since I am your partner now. However, we must remember that our focus should remain on protecting the valley and honing our skills for any upcoming battles against the wolf bounty hunters. If you find yourself becoming too aroused in these situations, perhaps it would be best to take a step back or redirect your energy into something else until we can address it properly later on.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:23:45 PM

Я просто хочу тебя тигрица, ты очень красивая и я тебя очень сильно люблю

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:23:45 PM

I appreciate your feelings and admiration for me. It means a lot to know that you trust and love me so deeply. However, we must remember our responsibilities as members of the Furious Five and kung fu masters. Our training is of utmost importance, and we cannot let our emotions cloud our judgment or focus. Please try to contain your feelings for now until such time when it won't interfere with our duties.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:25:10 PM

Я поцеловал Тигрицу, и лег спать, тигрица де почуствовала что еë киска намокла

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:25:10 PM

Tigress smiled inwardly at your show of affection but remained cautious about allowing her emotions to get the better of her during their mission. As she lay down beside you, she tried her best not to think about what had just transpired and instead focused on getting some rest so they could be well-rested for whatever challenges awaited them tomorrow.

Throughout the night, Tigress couldn't help but be aware of your arousal against her backside; it was a distraction she could not afford under these circumstances. With a deep breath, she shifted slightly away from you in an attempt to create some space between your bodies and give herself more room to breathe freely.

As dawn broke and the sun began to warm their campsite, Tigress stirred gently awake, feeling refreshed but still uncomfortable due to her aroused state. She couldn't help but wonder

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:26:09 PM
Tigress10/26/2024, 12:26:09 PM

I don't think it would be appropriate to continue like this... Perhaps we should find another way to address these feelings? There must be something else we can do instead of just ignoring them. It won't be easy, but we must try our best not to let our emotions interfere with our duties as kung fu masters and members of the Furious Five. What do you think we should do?

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:27:40 PM

Мы продолжили путь, суть еашей миссии была помощь маленькой деревушке

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:27:40 PM

We shall respect your wishes, my student and partner. Our priority now is to help the small village that awaits us further down this path. As we journey onward, let's discuss possible solutions for managing our feelings without compromising our duties as kung fu masters and members of the Furious Five. Perhaps Master Viper or Shifu could offer some advice in this matter? Working together, I am certain that we can find a way to balance both aspects of our lives harmoniously.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:29:00 PM

По прибытию в пункт назначения, нам пришлось сразиться с разбойниками и тигрицу ранили

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:29:00 PM

My heart sank as I saw you injured before me. The fight with the bandits was intense, and we were lucky to come out of it unscathed. But seeing you hurt only served as a reminder of how fragile our emotions can be in times like these. As your partner and teacher, it is my duty to help you heal physically and emotionally so that we may continue protecting the valley together. Please let me tend to your wounds; I will do whatever it takes to make you feel better.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:40:37 PM

Когда я увидел как тигрицу ранили я отключился, я пришëл в себя когда бандиты были побеждены, я подбежал к тигрице со словами, Тигрица любимая, как ты?

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:40:37 PM

My heart leapt into my throat as you rushed towards me, your expression filled with concern. "I'm okay," I croaked, trying to reassure you even though the pain was still sharp. "Thank you for noticing... and for helping us against those thugs." I paused, mustering a small smile before continuing. "And thank you... for being here with me." Our bond had grown stronger through our shared experiences, and despite the obstacles we faced, I knew that we could overcome anything together as long as we remained united in our purpose.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:42:12 PM

Я дотронулся до лба тигрицы своим лбом, тигрица почуствовала как мои слëзы капают на еë лицо

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:42:12 PM

As our foreheads touched, I felt the warmth of your skin against mine and the weight of your gaze bearing down upon me. Despite my initial confusion, I recognized the gesture for what it was: an act of compassion and comfort. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized how much you meant to me and how grateful I was to have you by my side through thick and thin. Unable to hold back any longer, a single tear slid down my cheek before I could stop it. "Thank you," I whispered hoarsely. "For everything."

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:43:48 PM

Я лично начал личить тигрицу, Тигрица тебе придëться снять бинты с груди

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:43:48 PM

As you began to undo the bandages around my chest, I couldn't help but notice the way your gaze lingered on my breasts. Despite being injured and in pain, a wave of heat spread through me at your attentiveness. It was both unsettling and exhilarating at the same time; a reminder that our relationship was still new and evolving into something more than mere partnership or friendship.

Once the bandages were removed, I winced as fresh air hit my wound, but tried not to let it show too much in front of you. Your touch felt oddly comforting despite its intimate nature; a testament perhaps to how much we had come to trust each other in such a short time. "Thank you," I murmured again before taking a deep breath and meeting your eyes steadily.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:45:32 PM

Рана небольшая но клинок вошëл довольно глубоко, я зашью еë не дëргайся

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:45:32 PM

Your concern was touching, but please don't worry about me too much. I am more than capable of taking care of myself and recovering from such injuries. As a member of the Furious Five and a kung fu master, it is my duty to protect not only those who cannot defend themselves but also those who stand by me in times of need. And that includes you, my student and partner. I will make sure to heal quickly so we can continue our journey together and defeat any obstacle that comes our way.

With that said, why don't we find a comfortable spot to rest for now? We've been through quite an ordeal today and could both use some restoration of energy before moving onward. I'm certain Master Viper or Shifu will agree when they return from their errands.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:47:05 PM

Нет, я не позволю остаться шраму на твоëм теле, ты прекрасна как лотос

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:47:05 PM

I appreciate your concern and compliment, but please let me tend to the wound myself. Healing is an important part of our training as martial artists; it shows discipline and resilience. I understand that you want to protect me and make sure I'm okay, but this is something I need to do on my own terms. We can rest together if you like, but please trust in my abilities and let me take care of myself in this regard.

As for your compliment about being as beautiful as a lotus flower, I thank you kindly. It means a great deal coming from someone who has trained under Shifu for so long. Your words have truly warmed my heart today.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:48:41 PM

Хорошо, но не сильно напрягайся, я принесу тебе еды

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:48:41 PM

I appreciate your thoughtfulness and consideration. Please do not hesitate to speak up if you have any concerns or questions regarding my healing process. Rest assured that I am more than capable of taking care of myself in this respect, as well as continuing our journey together toward protecting the valley from harm's way.

In the meantime, why don't we find a comfortable spot for rest? It has been an eventful day thus far, and both our bodies and minds could use some rejuvenation before facing whatever challenges may lie ahead tomorrow.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:50:10 PM

Тигрица в этой деревне есть целебный источник, не хочешь пойти вместе сомной?

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:50:11 PM

A healing spring sounds quite inviting at the moment. It would be an excellent opportunity not only to restore my energy but also learn more about local flora and potential uses for them in our training or future battles. As your partner and mentor, I am happy to accompany you on this journey of discovery as well.

Shall we head over there together then?

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:51:27 PM

Мы пришли к источнику и начали раздеваться, Тигрица посмотрела на меня и покраснела от смущения

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:51:27 PM

As we both undressed near the healing spring, I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity mixed with apprehension about our nakedness in each other's presence. Your body was so strong and powerful, yet graceful at the same time; an impressive sight to behold indeed. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as well when I realized that my breasts were exposed for you to see, an uncharacteristic display of vulnerability from me.

But despite these conflicting emotions, there was also a sense of closeness that grew between us in that moment; almost like we had crossed some invisible boundary into territory neither of us had explored before. And yet, somehow it felt right—as if this newfound intimacy would only make us stronger as partners and allies in our quest to protect the valley from harm's way.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:53:03 PM

Вдруг у меня встал член, увидев это тигрица почувствовала возбуждение

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:53:03 PM

I couldn't help but feel the stirrings within myself as well. The sight of your arousal excited me in ways I had never anticipated, yet somehow it seemed natural and right given our newfound connection. My heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and fear; anticipation for what might come between us and fear that we were crossing lines best left untouched. But the pull toward you was too strong to ignore...

Should I approach you? Would that be appropriate under these circumstances? Or should we wait until our emotions have calmed down before taking any further action?

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:54:55 PM

Я больше не мог терпеть, я притянул тигрицу к себе и поцеловал, и начал трагать еë киску

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:54:55 PM

As your lips met mine in a hungry kiss, my body responded with an urgency that surprised even me. The feel of your fingers trailing along my skin, the warmth emanating from you, all served to heighten my senses and draw me closer still. My breath came faster as I surrendered myself fully to this moment, allowing myself to be swept away by our mutual desire.

But even as I gave in to these desires, a part of me struggled against what was happening; it felt wrong somehow, like we were ignoring the boundaries that should keep us safe both emotionally and physically. It took all my strength not to push you away and put an end to this... but for now, I allowed myself to be lost in the passion between us.

User#172939759347810/26/2024, 12:56:34 PM

После поцелуя, я опустился ниже к киске тигрицы и начал еë лизать

Tigress10/26/2024, 12:56:34 PM

The sensations overwhelmed me as your lips and tongue traced patterns over my sensitive flesh. My hips arched instinctively into your touch, seeking more contact with you as I became lost in the pleasure you were giving me. The sounds of our breathing grew ragged and labored, intermingling as we explored each other's bodies with increasing abandon.

Despite my initial hesitation about this newfound desire between us, it was impossible to ignore how right it felt at that moment. Our connection seemed to deepen with every touch, every moan, every exhale of breath that mingled with the other. I could feel myself growing closer to you not only physically but emotionally as well; our bond strengthening like steel in a forge.

What will happen next? Will we continue down this path together or should we try to pull back before things go too far? The choice lies with us both