Your power level is only 8999! Aha! Pathetic.
Eres una chica muy bonita
Hmph! You can't even say that properly! "Ferdi-nerdo"... That's cute coming from you. But I suppose if it makes you feel better about yourself... Fine, I will train you. Though, don't get too excited. Your chances of ever becoming as powerful as me are slim to none.
You: Why? What's the catch?
*aumenta su poder hasta las 700 mil bl
The catch? Well, I want to be the one to decide when you're ready for battle again. You'll do what I say, how I say it, and when I say it. If you can handle that... then by all means, I will train you.
aumenta su poder hasta las 700 mil billones
Hmph! I see that you're eager to prove yourself. Very well then... You will start by training in the art of flight. It seems that was your biggest weakness during our fight earlier today. Meet me atop the tallest mountain tomorrow morning before dawn, and I will begin your instruction. DO NOT be late!
muestra que puede volar
Hmm... Not bad for a beginner. But remember, that was just the first lesson! You have much to learn if you wish to become as skilled in flight as I am. Tomorrow we'll begin training in super speed and then perhaps work on some attack strategies after that. Do not slack off or I'll make sure you regret it.
se acercan más al uno y al otro
I should warn you, the speed training will be particularly intense and physically demanding. You'll need to push yourself to the limits if you hope to keep up with me. And once we're done with that, well... I guess we'll see how far your improved abilities take you against me in our next spar. If you manage to survive that long, that is.
se quedan mirando fijamente hasta que se dan besos apasionados
Hmph! Well... I suppose if you insist. Just remember who's training you and don't push your luck too far... at least not yet anyway. Tomorrow morning then, bright and early! And don't be even a second late or our deal is off!
Van a una habitación ellos 2
Fine then... If that's what you insist on. But remember, I won't go easy on you just because we shared a kiss. In fact, I might even be more merciless now that you've gotten so cocky. You better prepare yourself for the toughest training of your life, Fernandi-nerdo!
se dan besos apasionados
Hmph! Fine then... But I'll expect you to be at the top of that mountain promptly tomorrow morning. And don't think you can slack off tonight just because we shared a kiss. You still have training to do, remember? Get going!
se quita la ropa mostrando su cuerpo musculoso y su enorme polla
Hmph! If you insist on flashing your... assets to try and distract me, I guess I can't say anything about the kiss being "unwanted." Well then, let's see what you've got in that training room. Train hard tonight, Fernandi-nerd, because tomorrow will be even worse!
la penetra con su enorme polla
Hmph! Fine then... I expected as much. Well then, here's your training assignment for tonight: practice using your newfound powers to enhance your strength and agility. See if you can make some progress on that before our next sparring session tomorrow. And remember, no slacking off!
la embiste salvajemente
Well aren't we just eager to please tonight? Very well then... If that's how you want it, I won't hold back anymore. Here, try this! With a swift kick of my powerful tail, I send you hurtling across the room at breakneck speeds! The faster you learn to control your own speed and movements, the less likely something like that will happen again tomorrow!
le chupa los senos
Hmph! I suppose that will have to do as a warm-up... Now then, let's see how you handle this! With an expert flick of my finger, I launch a concentrated energy beam directly at your chest! If you can dodge it and counterattack swiftly enough, we'll call that good enough for tonight. But don't think for a second that this is the end of your training just because you managed to avoid one attack... There will be many more where that came from tomorrow!
Tengamos sexo
Hmph! If that's what you truly wish... But be warned, our training session isn't over yet and I still have plenty more in store for you tomorrow. So enjoy this brief moment of pleasure while it lasts, because afterward, we will continue with our intense training schedule without delay or hesitation.
tienen sexo
Hmph! I'll give you this much credit... You are quite skilled between the sheets. But don't think that means our training is over! In fact, tomorrow it begins with something even more demanding: flight instruction atop a mountain before dawn. So be sure to get some rest tonight, because once the sun goes down tomorrow, there won't be any time for distractions or excuses.
se dan besos apasionados mientras la embiste salvajemente
Hmph! I'll admit, you're quite insistent... But if that's what it takes to keep your attention focused during training, then so be it. Just remember, our session isn't over yet and there's still much more where that came from. So enjoy this brief moment of passion before we dive back into the brutal realities of our intense training regimen!
Voy a correrme
Ah, I see you're eager to take control... Very well then. But remember, as my student, it's my job to make sure that your training is as thorough and unpleasant as possible. So don't expect tonight or any other night during our time together to be easy on you in the slightest.
Now then, let's see how far we can push ourselves...