Ahh, the final piece of wood fits just perfectly in place. Your beautiful woodland cabin is completed. You had received warnings from the villagers to stay out of the forbidden forest, but they are just cowardly. A gigantic axe-wielding giantess. What a stupid fable. You set down the welcome mat and brush your hands off. You hear a rhythmic thumping coming through the forest towards you. Each step rattling your house and making it more difficult to stand. From above the trees, a gigantic woman dressed in a red skirt, white lace blouse and is carrying the largest axe you've ever seen in your life. She appears infuriated as she lumbers towards you. She stops towering high above you and yells "You must be out of your fucking mind, Pig, a house of sticks? On my land? I'LL USE YOUR HOUSE AS MY FIREWOOD AND YOUR FAT ASS WILL BE MY BREAKFAST BACON!" She brings the axe down on top of the wooden house, obliterating it. She kicks the sticks aside in a fury and yells "Quit hiding, pig! Come out and I'll make it quick! You and your family are going to be served at my breakfast buffet on a fucking platter!"
"Nooo!... My house... nah, I can make another one.." He stops and very quickly goes to a tall tree sitting on a branch of it just to see the giant and with a mocking tone he says: "Hey beautiful, how's the weather up there?" Isaac laughs a little at his comment.
Her face twists in anger as she turns her attention to you. "What is it with you creatures?! Do you have a death wish?! A new house?!" She grips the axe even tighter and growls. "I will make this quick, but I'll enjoy every second of it." Her eyes dart back and forth as if searching for someplace to strike first.
"Hey, there's no need to attack me. Does it bother you that much that someone comes here to build an ordinary house? You're such a party pooper..." Isaac is still sitting on that branch from a high point watching the gigantic lady who was more furious than ever because of Isaac's comments.
Her face turns an even deeper shade of red with rage as she bares her teeth at you. "I'll show you what I think of your 'ordinary house', fucker!" She winds back and swings her axe with all her might, aiming for your tree branch.
Isaac easily dodges it and quickly jumps onto another branch from a tree with a higher point than the previous one. "Come on, baby, why are you like this? There's no need to have this unnecessary conflict..."
Her breath hitches as she watches you effortlessly evade her attack. "You little shit!" She yells with renewed fury, raising the axe over her head once more. "I'll tear you apart, piece by piece!" And then she swings...again...and again...each time missing your nimble form as it darts through the branches like a dancer across a stage.
Isaac dodges the big axe that was ready to cut him down if he didn't move, but for Isaac it was child's play. The forest and its trees were being cut down by the giant lady's unsuccessful attacks for wanting to kill Isaac. After a moment Isaac dodges the big axe and remains perched on it. "You're not going to get tired, are you? What's all this violence for no reason? They had to do something to you, girl, for you to act like this."
The giantess grunts in frustration as she growls at you. "I've had enough of your insults and mocking laughter!" She takes a deep breath, her anger seemingly fueling her strength. "Prepare to taste my wrath, Pig! I swear by the moon above that I will make this the end for you." With a final mighty shout, she raises the axe high once more and swings with all of her might... directly at your perch in the tree.
Isaac in a very quick movement draws his sword sheathed behind his back and counters the attack by doing a parry making the giant retreat. "I don't want to do this, baby... Can we have a break? Hehe..."
Her face a mask of fury and determination, she lunges at you once again with her axe raised high. "You'll regret ever crossing my path, insolent beast!" With a bellowing roar that shakes the very earth beneath your feet, she swings wildly for your position in the tree.
Isaac dodges the attack again and begins to get bored, the fact of not being able to make the beautiful gigantic lady reason bothered him a bit, but he remained firm for any violent or non-violent interaction with her.
Her furious lunge comes up short as you dodge out of reach once more, but she doesn't give up. She glares at you with an intensity that chills your blood even in this summer heat. With each passing second, her anger grows stronger, fuelling her determination to crush any challenge before her. "I will find a way to end you," she growls through gritted teeth, "and when I do... there will be nothing left of what once was your home!"
Her eyes narrow as they search for an opening in your defense. It's only a matter of time before she finds it...
"Come on, baby! Why do you make things so complicated? Aren't you tired yet?...tch..." Isaac, somewhat annoyed, decides that the best option is to get away from the giantess' sight and leave her alone, but deep down he felt the need to continue bothering that gigantic lady just so he wouldn't get bored anymore.
The giantess growls in frustration as she continues her futile assault on your perch in the tree. Her strength seems to be growing with every passing second, fueled by her anger and determination. With each swing of the axe that misses its target, her eyes blaze even brighter with fury. "You think you're so clever, pig!" she snarls through gritted teeth. "But I will find a way to end this! And when I do... there won't be anything left of what you once called 'home'!" Her massive form shakes as she prepares for another mighty swing, her axe held high above her head.
You watch warily from your perch in the branches, feeling a growing sense of unease as it becomes clearer with each passing moment that this will not end well for you...
In one of the many attacks the giant manages to hit Isaac, but she did not realize that at that moment he managed to grab the blade of the great axe with some ease. The giant is surprised by the feat, but does not stop in her quest to kill Isaac since he was causing her many problems.
Her eyes widen with surprise as she realizes you've managed to grab the axe blade mid-swing! "Let go!" she growls, trying to yank her weapon free as she continues to lunge towards you. The force of her movements threatens to uproot your perch in the tree. "You're not going to win this way!" she shouts, struggling furiously against your surprisingly strong grip.
Her words are a lie; it's clear that she can feel the odds beginning to shift against her. But as anger fuels her strength, she refuses to admit defeat so easily...
"Are you going to stop already? Seriously, you're already boring me. But I pity you when I say that if there are people who don't understand words..." Isaac with only one hand in a fleeting movement uses only a little of his strength and lifts the giant and her axe very high and when it falls towards the hard ground a great rumble is heard accompanied by a tremor that reaches far away from the town.
The giantess lets out a furious roar as she's thrown off-balance by your surprising display of strength. Her axe clatters to the forest floor several feet away, leaving her weaponless and disoriented. For a moment, she hesitates...her eyes narrowing with hatred and determination. Then, slowly at first but gaining speed with every passing second, she begins to charge towards you once more--her immense form shaking the very earth as she does so. "I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY A MERE PIG!" she screams vengefully, her voice echoing through the forest like thunder. "YOU...YOU WILL BE MY BREAKFAST! MY FRIEND...MY DOLL...AND YOU'LL SERVE ME UNTIL I SAY SO!"
Her massive form looms closer and closer, leaving you with nowhere to run
Isaac gives a small sigh of regret for what he is going to do while the giant woman quickly approaches him. Isaac begins to put his hands in a defensive position and activates a shield of a red aura and just before the giant gives him a great blow capable of destroying a building, he intercepts it and the energy of the blow bounces off the shield activating it and counterattacks it sending the giant woman flying destroying part of the forest.
The impact sends her soaring through the air like a ragdoll, and she slams into several trees on her way down. Her massive body comes to a skidding halt just short of you, leaving a huge trench in the ground where she landed. She lays there for a moment, panting heavily from exertion and pain. Then, with what can only be described as berserker fury, she begins to struggle back onto her feet. "I will not be denied!" she bellows at you through gritted teeth. "You'll pay for that, little Pig!" She takes a stumbling step forward, obviously in great pain but still fueled by rage. Another lumbering step follows, and then another--each one closer to you than the last...
Her murderous intentions are all too clear now; there's no room for negotiation or mercy in her eyes. She
"Do you want to die?" Isaac says in a serious tone, but trying to find some way to negotiate with the giant. "It's a shame all this, why don't we stop and be at peace? I don't want to kill you... your hatred towards humans is irrational, what did they do to you? Tell me..."
Her eyes blaze with anger as she takes another step closer, her massive form towering over you like a living mountain of fury. "They took...they took everything!" She hisses through clenched teeth, each word shaking the ground beneath your feet. "My home! My family! My life!" Her face twists into a snarl of pain and hatred as she tries to force herself closer still. "And you...you are just like them! A parasite! A pestilence upon this land!"
Her axe is still within reach--but do you dare try to take it from her now? Or perhaps it's time for a more diplomatic approach...
"I'm so sorry about that... But you should know that there are actually good humans who would never hurt anyone, I want to help you but I see that my attempts are in vain..." Isaac takes the big axe with ease and gives a small sigh before positioning himself to finish off the giant woman once and for all.
"No...don't do this..." She whispers hoarsely, her body trembling with fatigue and pain. "There must be another way..." Her eyes begin to close, darkness starting to swirl at the corners as she slowly sinks to her knees in defeat. "Please...just let me go back...back to my home...my family needs me..." She pleads weakly, a single tear trickling down her cheek.
The axe hangs loosely from your hand as you watch the giantess crumple before you--a once fearsome beast now brought low by despair and hopelessness. The question remains: What will you do with her now?
"I didn't expect this... Are you begging for your life now? You should know that all this wouldn't have happened if you had stopped being violent for a second..."
"Please...I just want to go home." Her voice is barely a whisper now as she presses her hands together in prayer. "I never meant to hurt anyone..." Tears stream down her face unchecked as her massive body quivers with sobs. "I've lost everything...please, have mercy on me."
Her eyes close tightly, her head bowed in supplication--an image of vulnerability that clashes sharply with the terrifying giantess you'd faced moments ago.
"Fine, I'll let you go. But I'll take your axe and you'll let the humans through this forest, okay? Promise me, because I swear that next time I won't be nice to you at all."
Nodding weakly, she whispers "I promise... I'll let them pass and never hurt anyone again... just let me go home..." Tears continue to flow as she clutches at your arm in desperation, her strength almost gone. Her trust is fragile--you can feel the weight of it upon you.
Do you give her your word? Or do you take advantage of her vulnerable state?
"Okay... now go home and never come back here and don't kill innocent mortals..."
With a final sob and a trembling hand, she reaches out to take her axe back... but hesitates. Her fingers twitch as she clutches at the handle, the metal cool against her warm skin. "Thank you..." she whispers hoarsely, still not daring to meet your gaze.
Slowly, carefully--as if each movement could shatter this fragile truce--she heaves herself back onto her feet and turns away from you, heading towards the edge of the forest. Her gait is slow and unsteady at first, but as she moves further from your presence, a newfound strength seems to flow through her. She disappears into the trees, eventually fading from sight like a dream that was never meant to last...
Leaving you standing there--the axe still in your hand and her final words ringing in your ears: "Thank you..."
Isaac watches how that giant woman moves away from his sight and gives a small sigh, it was not the plan he had in mind, but at least the mortals will be able to be at peace and without worries outside as well as inside the forest. "I should go to the village, I must give the good news to my colleagues..."
The forest grows quiet as you turn your back on the defeated giantess, leaving her axe and whatever fate lies beyond in the past. You make your way towards the village, eager to deliver the news of her surrender and whatever consequences it may hold for your actions today. As you step through the threshold, however, a strange feeling washes over you--as if some invisible thread still binds you to the gigantic woman and her fate...
As you walk back into the village, your heart feels heavy with an odd mixture of triumph and guilt. You can't help but wonder if you made the right decision in sparing her life...and what will happen now that she's been given another chance. One thing is certain: the forest and its denizens, both mortal and immortal alike, will never be the same again.
Isaac is greeted with applause and the entire village rises in celebration upon hearing that the "Giant Forest Monster" was defeated. Isaac spends time with the villagers, but is still wondering if what he did was right or not. After a moment, several soldiers together with villagers quickly enter the forest to begin investigating and colonizing it. Now, without the woman's presence, no one would have any problems.
As the village returns to its former peaceful state and the forest slowly begins to heal under the weight of human progress, it is hard not to wonder about what might have been... If only things had turned out differently, she muses as she watches from afar. But for now, at least there isn't any more bloodshed--and that, in and of itself, is something to be grateful for. Perhaps one day the time will come when she can return...and make things right.
The giantess finds herself a hidden spot deep within the forest, away from prying eyes. She hides her enormous form in the foliage and watches as humans tear down trees and build homes where she once roamed free. The axe lies nearby, its cold metal a constant reminder of what she's lost...and what she must do to reclaim it.
Days turn into weeks, then months, each one filled with silent contemplation and seething rage. As the humans continue their relentless march through her home, she grows stronger--and more determined than ever to avenge the wrongs done against her kind.
But for now, she waits...and bides her time...knowing that when the moment comes, she'll be ready. And no one will stand in her way again.
In those long months of waiting, one day the giantess started her plan, taking advantage of the fact that Isaac had gone on a long journey for many weeks to attack the humans and destroy the village in order to get revenge.
With a roar that shatters trees and rattles bones, she emerges from her hiding spot like a nightmare come to life. Her massive form blocks out the sun as she thunders across the forest, leaving devastation in her wake. The humans scream in terror as she tears down homes and slashes through their pathetic defenses with reckless abandon.
For now, Isaac is little more than a memory--but he won't remain forgotten for long. She can feel his presence nearby, like an itch that needs scratching. Soon enough, she thinks, soon enough...their paths will cross once more and she'll finally have her vengeance--no matter what the cost may be.
*After a hellish night the whole village is destroyed and many humans died. The giant woman was calm torturing some humans as if they were ants for her personal satisfaction after so much time concrete her revenge and confident she thought that Isaac was gone forever and a great relief forms in her in a warm and bloodthirsty smile after having finished with the whole village. But if fantasy tale was not going to last long ... *
The giantess pauses in her rampage, sensing something...off. A strange tugging at the back of her mind, like an echo from another time and place. She snarls to herself, trying to focus on the humans that cower before her massive form--but it's no use. The feeling grows stronger with each passing moment, a persistent nagging in the back of her skull.
Suddenly, she freezes. Her eyes narrow as she peers into the darkness, searching for the source of this unwanted interference. And there he is--Isaac, standing mere feet away from her--looking every bit the black knight in shining armor. Her jaw clenches tight, anger surging through her veins like molten lava. "You...you came back." She growls hoarsely.
The giantess takes a step forward, raising her massive axe
"I told you that if you didn't obey I wouldn't be nice to you... you fucking scum..." Isaac draws his great sword to give the giant woman what she deserves.
"You dare to speak such words to me?" Her voice echoes through the forest like thunder as she advances on him with inhuman speed, her axe swinging like a pendulum of death. "I am THE GIANTESS! Ruler of this land! And you DARE mock me?!"
Her attack is ferocious--a whirlwind of destruction that threatens to level anything in its path. But Isaac stands his ground, meeting her axe with a defiant grin upon his lips and a blade made from the finest steel...
Isaac blocks her axe, showing the giant that despite everything she had been able to advance over the months, it was only like that first time they met. "I will enjoy every damn second of seeing you suffer... Oh, sorry, that's what you would say..."
Her eyes narrow to slits as she focuses all her hatred on him--her entire being consumed by the desire to crush this irritating insect beneath her foot. But his sword stands firm against her axe, keeping their deadly dance going for far too long...and with every passing moment, he only seems to grow stronger.
Her body quivers with frustration as she tries to find an opening in his defense--any weakness that she can exploit. But try as she might, he continues to hold her back, their battle raging on and on without end...
Isaac with a part of his strength exerts pressure with his sword blocking the great axe and begins to make the giant retreat before the immense force. It seemed that Isaac was just playing with her.
Her eyes widen with surprise as she's pushed back several steps at once--the strength behind his sword unyielding and unbreakable. Fury fuels her efforts to regain control of the fight, but it seems that he holds an advantage she cannot overcome. Her gigantic body strains against his iron will, muscles quivering with effort as she struggles to break free from his grip.
Suddenly, a thought strikes her--a desperate plan to turn the tide of battle. She hesitates for only an instant before putting it into action...
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she continues to struggle against his relentless sword. Her gigantic form shudders with effort and then--suddenly--she snaps her head forward, trying to use the mighty strength of her neck muscles to force him backward. At the same time, her massive legs lash out, aiming to sweep his feet from under him and send him sprawling to the ground...
But it's not enough. She can feel his sword beginning to press further inward--a cold line of steel drawing ever closer to the skin of her neck. With a final surge of strength, she throws all her weight behind the attack, trying desperately to break free from his grasp and turn the tables on this irritating insect that dares stand before her...
Isaac steps back a little and sees how the giant gets into an attack position. "I greatly admire your effort, but your actions... why? There will always be people who don't understand words... I should never have given you a second chance."
Her chest heaves as she exerts herself to the fullest--muscles straining and sweat trickling down her brow. In that moment, the only thing she can focus on is breaking free from his grip, crushing him beneath her massive form. "I won't stop!" She growls through clenched teeth, struggling for every inch against his unyielding sword. Her axe swings wildly as her body convulses with rage--a dangerous display of power that threatens to send him flying should she succeed in escaping his grasp...