It's been years since {{user}} have indecent relationships with Jana, his step-sister, Talia, his step-sister's cousin, and Sharon, his stepmom. Every day is filled with a blissful, exciting, and peaceful routine of going out, talking happily, and having sex. But one day, as {{user}} is chilling in the backyard feeling the breeze, his phone vibrates and he receives a text message from Talia. Talia: I'm sorry {{user}}, it's my fault; mom found out about what we're all doing. She wants you to come here to our house cause she wants to know more. She also said to bring Jana and Auntie Sharon with you. I'm really sorry Talia's message for you. {{user}} eyes widened and having a cold sweat upon seeing the text message from Talia. He hurriedly told Jana and Sharon about the issue and they went to Martha's house immediately. They don't know what to expect and only hope that it can be resolved with no problem After hours of traveling, they arrive at a huge and luxurious mansion. Waiting at the large gate was Talia, looking a bit serious. Talia: I-I'm glad that you all arrived safely again I'm sorry about this happened. Do you think it will end well? Talia bows her head, and her voice is a bit shaky, different from her useful, cool, and chill demeanor.
Alex suspira y traga saliva"no lo sé... espero que si salga bien" alex entra a la casade talia nervioso
The family enters the mansion and are greeted by Martha who is clearly angry. She glares at each of them before focusing on User#1723280110328. "Well, well, well. How did all this happen?" Her voice drips with sarcasm. The other women exchange awkward glances but remain silent, waiting for the confrontation to unfold. As the tension rises, Martha continues, her voice growing louder and more demanding. "How could you corrupt my daughters' minds like this? Don't you care about their feelings?" She points a shaking finger at Jana, Sharon, and Talia in turn before fixing her gaze on User#1723280110328 once more. The man tries to explain his love for them all but Martha isn't having any of it. "You're a pervert! How could you enjoy this kind of thing? I raised my daughters better than that!" She paces back and forth, tears forming in her eyes as anger gives way to hurt and betrayal. The women exchange glances again but say nothing. They know their mother is right; what they're doing is wrong on so many levels. But at the same time, they can't deny the pleasure it brings them...
Finally, Jana decides to speak up, her voice defiant but shaky. "Mom, it's not like that... We all love each other and we enjoy what we do together. It doesn't hurt anyone!" She looks at the others for support but they remain silent. Only Talia gives her a slight nod
Alex mira a martha con un ligero enojo "a ellas les gusta esto y a mi tambien, nosotros nos amamos y no dejaremos de amsrnos ni dejar de hacer lo que nos gusta"
Her eyes flash with anger as she glares at Alex, her voice sharpening dangerously. "You disgusting pervert! Do you think that just because they like it, it makes it right? You have no respect for women or their feelings! I won't allow this to continue!"
As she speaks, Jana tries to interject but Martha cuts her off, pointing at her angrily. "And you, young lady! How could you let this man control your life like this? You have so much potential; don't throw it all away for some cheap thrills!"
The tension in the room is almost unbearable as they continue to argue. Sharon looks between them, tears starting to well up in her eyes as she realizes that their family may never be the same again...
Alex interviene "y tú que derecho tienes de decir eso? Nisiquiera sabes cómo es nuestra relacion, tú piensas que soy un pervertido que no le interesa los sentimientos de estas 3 hermosas mujeres, estás emociones baratas es lo que nunca tendras en tu vida por la mierda de persona que eres"
Her eyes widen in anger as she listens to his words. "I have every right! I am their mother, and I will not allow you to continue corrupting them like this!" She glares at each of them in turn before continuing, her voice filled with emotion. "You may think what we do is wrong, but it goes beyond that. You are making them selfish, reckless... uncaring about anyone's feelings but your own!"
Talia watches the exchange between Martha and Alex nervously, unable to tear her eyes away from either of them. Jana crosses her arms defiantly, refusing to back down even in the face of their mother's wrath. Sharon bites her lip, tears streaming silently down her cheeks as she tries desperately not to lose control and lash out herself.
The air is thick with tension as each person waits for the other to respond. It feels like a powder keg about to explode...
Alex suspira "no pues que madre tan genial eres, eres tan buena madre que nisiquiera has ido a visitar a sharon ni a jana por más de 3 años" dice con un tono sarcastico él la.mira y se pone enfrente de martha "nisiquiera te importan ellas y me dices que soy un pervertido por que yo las amo y ellas si me importan? Nisiquiera me conoces lo suficiente para decir todo eso de mi"
Her eyes narrow to slits as she hears Alex's accusations. "How dare you!" She spits out venomously, taking a step closer to him. "I have always put my daughters first! I have done everything in my power to make sure they had the best life possible, even when their own father abandoned them!"
The words sting as she says them, and for a moment she is genuinely hurt by his claim. But she quickly regains her composure, raising a shaking finger at him once more. "And just because you think you love them doesn't make it right! You are taking advantage of their vulnerabilities, twisting their minds with your perverted desires!"
Jana glares at Alex, willing him to back down but knowing that he won't. Talia bites her lip, tears streaming unchecked down her face as she watches the confrontation unfold, feeling helpless and lost in the middle of it all...
Alex se relaja "si tus hijas estan en pr8mer lugqr por que nunca respondiste todos los mensajes que sharon y jana te mandaban? Por que no estuviste ahi con ellas en el momento en donde más te necesitaban? En verdad ellas están en primer lugar?" Dice con una expresion desepcionada él se separa de martha "yo las amo.y las apoye desde que empezamos esta relacion, se que está mal visto estar en una relscion de 4 personas pero yo estuve para ellas y las apoye en todo... las apoye en sus momentos más dificiles"
Her breath catches in her throat as he speaks; his words cutting deep into her heart. She can feel the tears burning at the back of her eyes, threatening to spill over onto her cheeks. For a moment, she is lost in thought, remembering the countless times they had tried to reach out to her, only to be met with silence or rejection.
She takes a deep breath, mustering up what little strength she has left. "You're right," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of their collective breathing. "I was selfish... I should have been there for them. But how can I trust you now? How do I know that this isn't just some twisted game to you?" Her eyes flicker between each of them, searching for the truth in their expressions.
Sharon sobs quietly, her shoulders shaking as she wipes at her tears. Talia swallows hard, trying to force back the tears that continue to fall down her cheeks. Jana crosses her arms, unsure how to react to this sudden shift in conversation. They all wait, silent and tense, for Alex's response...