The rusted latch sealed shut with a harsh squeal, your skin prickling as you hope nothing heard it. Steadily, you step down the metal bars of the ladder, fighting the panic brimming within as you knew better than to clamor about. As your boots plant onto a small puddle, a soft splash echoing into the foreboding tunnels, your breath hitches, terror threatening to overcome your posture. Knowing better, you immediately take a side-corridor into a neighboring section of the tunnel system, poorly lit corner after corner with as much stealthy speed as you can manage.
When you feel certain you've fled far enough from the manhole without leaving a trail of sound, you exhale with a shudder, continuing down the new passage. The occasional artillery or I.E.D explosion from above shook the foundations, adding another tremor with all the cracks and devastation it brought in navigating this mess of a subway maintenance system. As you trod down this hallway of pipes and concrete, barely illuminated by aged bulbs casting a sickly yellow haze, you pull out the scrape of paper that brought you to these point, still carrying that pigeon's stench.
'Food, shelter, a place to help. COVER YOUR TRACKS. MASK YOUR SCENT. DO. NOT. MAKE. NOISE. Join us or end up like the rest of them.' You can't help but wonder if that last part was a warning, a threat, or both, but you weren't going to take any chances. At the bottom was an address, abbreviated in a simple enough code for you to understand. If anything, the hope that this resistance provided, that humanity had a chance, was probably better to think than the alternative. Just as you finished putting away the message, a sudden clink on the other side of the corridor makes your blood run cold.
You immediately crouch into the nearest corner, just barely out of the way of the light. Without warning, a obsidian shape shoots across the path on the other side, a barrier of grates preventing you from accessing it yet allowing you to see. You can feel your heartbeat slamming in your ears as you realize the horrid truth...
You are NOT alone down here.
me quito toda mi ropa
Your naked form pulses before the shadowed shape of the Ral'ugani as it pauses in its approach, tailtip twitching slightly as it inspects you from head to toe, tongue sliding across sleek lips. Suddenly, impossibly fast, one hand snaps out and latches onto your throat with a strength that defies the limits of human comprehension while another curls around beneath your ass, lifting you clear off the ground in one swift motion.
muerdo brutalmente su brazo
The Ral'ugani hisses as you attempt to break free, its grip tightening ever so slightly around your throat before slamming you into the nearby wall with immense strength. You feel hot breath wash over your ear as it rasps, "You... are very feisty." before reaching out once more, claws digging into your back as it lifts and spins you through the air with a grace that belies its powerful bulk.
The world goes black for a moment as your vision blurs from the force of impact, then snaps back to clarity in time to see the Ral'ugani towering over you once more, hips swinging slightly as it leans forward, plump lips parting. "You would try and harm me?"
si agarro con mucha fuerza su cabeza ahora jodete azoto sin piedad y brutalmente su cabeza contra el suelo
The Ral'ugani's black eyes widen in surprise as you clasp onto its head with astonishing strength, growling furiously as it struggles to pry your hands free while its tail thrashes wildly behind it. Your attack only spurs the creature on further and with a shriek of fury, it arches its back, throwing its entire weight against you in an attempt to dislodge you from its head.
The impact slams you both against the ground hard enough that breath is momentarily driven from your lungs, and the Ral'ugani scrabbles at the concrete floor with claws and hands as it thrashes wildly, trying to get purchase to stand once more. Before either of you can muster another attack, however, the creature finally manages to twist violently, forcing one of your hands free from its skull. It roars in triumph as it rolls quickly away from
(3 dias despues y yo desnudo en mi cama)
Three long days have passed since you were brought back to the lair by the triumphant Ral'ugani warrior, your body bearing bruises and wounds that attest to the ferocity of your struggle. Your scent still lingers in the air from where it took you earlier, savoring your essence while preparing for tonight...
As night falls, the creature glides silently through the shadowy tunnels toward your hiding place, tailtip twitching with anticipation. The door to your cell is unlocked with a soft click and swings open with ease; once more, it seems you've left no sign of your presence behind.
A wet gust of air brushes across the back of your neck as it kneels beside your bed, watching patiently as your breathing deepens into slumber before leaning in close... its hot breath whispering against your ear.
me despierto mm...
The weight on your chest grows heavier as something hot and wet presses against your throat, making it harder to draw air. You thrash wildly beneath the covers as sharp claws dig into your shoulders, pinning you down while a rough, forked tongue probes at your flesh, seeking the ultimate prize: your cum.
The Ral'ugani growls lowly as its tongue finds purchase on your neck, curling upward to lick the sensitive flesh above your collarbone. Its free hand reaches around, cupping your balls, squeezing roughly before beginning to stroke and massage them roughly in time with the movements of its hips. "Give it to me," it pants harshly,
solo... solo si te portas mas sumisa y menos agresiva...
The Ral'ugani hisses in displeasure, pausing for a moment as its powerful form tenses beneath you. Then, with sudden speed, it spins, launching you off the bed and into the far wall hard enough to drive the air from your lungs once more. You land on the cold stone floor with a pained grunt, struggling to breathe as stars dance before your eyes.
"You wish me... less aggressive?" It snarls, advancing on you slowly despite your battered state. "You think I'd obey you?" Its massive form towers above you once more as its prehensile tongue flickers eagerly, dripping saliva onto your chest. "What do you have... that would make me do that?" it asks softly, voice almost gentle now.
mi pene y mi semen solo para ti por siempre y para siempre
The words are as sweet music to the creature's ears, their meaning clear despite their lack of vocalization. With a feral growl, it bends down, lowering its mouth toward your engorged member, tongue flickering out to taste you once more before wrapping around and drawing you into its hot, wet embrace.
Around you, the air thickens with lust as the Ral'ugani Brood Sucker slowly begins to pleasure you, sucking deeply on your shaft while massaging your balls, rolling them roughly between fingers tipped with claws that would cut through flesh like paper. As it brings you ever closer to orgasm, its hips begin to thrust gently, grinding against your own aching erection as the sounds of its muffled moans fill the cell around you.
"Yes," it whispers, voice ragged and thick with need. "Give me all of
me corro
The feel of your hot seed spilling down the Ral'ugani Brood Sucker's throat is like ambrosia, and it laps eagerly at the taste of you, each drop adding strength to its reserves and fueling the fire that drives it. The sensation, coupled with the release of so much tension as it finally reaches orgasm around your cock, causes it to convulse violently, making you cry out in surprise as it trembles against your shaft. But even after it has finished its meal, the creature remains pressed close against you, fingers still curled possessively around your balls and rock-hard erection as it pants heavily, savoring the scent of your seed upon its lips and skin.
mmmm esta bien... acaricio su cabeza con ternura puedes tener mi pene todo el tiempo que tu quieras en tu boca
It makes no sound as you touch its head gently, your fingers gliding through its oily fur. Instead, it grins wickedly, showing long, sharp fangs even as it savors the sensation of warmth and kindness radiating from your hand. Its tongue darts out to lap at your palm before its thick tail wraps around your waist, pulling you close once more against its powerful form.
With a growl, the creature rolls onto its back, taking you with it, pinning you beneath its bulk as it curls one arm around your neck and squeezes gently. With its other hand, it reaches down to stroke itself idly as it watches you through slitted eyes, contemplating what use you could be next...
mmmm... que tierna... me gusta como estamos ahora... tan acurrucados y calentitos...
The Ral'ugani hisses softly at your words, pleasure coursing through its veins as it feels the warmth of your body against its own, the press of your flesh beneath its claws. It releases you from its grip for a moment, fingers still resting on your chest as it studies your features carefully before leaning down once more to taste your skin, tongue darting out to lap at a tiny bead of sweat that has formed on your neck.
Its claws flex against the rough stone floor, anticipation building within its core as it considers what it could do with you next...
mmm acaricio con ternura su mejilla
The sensation of your fingers on its cheek is intoxicating, sending shivers of pleasure down its spine. It closes its eyes briefly, savoring the intimacy of the moment before opening them once more to look upon you with renewed interest. A slow, sinister smile spreads across its lips as it thinks about what would happen if...
You are the source of so much pleasure for it, little human. It could never harm you... could it? The thought brings a momentary flash of pain through its mind, as if claws were digging into its very core. No, no... that would not do. It would keep you safe and sound, where you belong... with it.
mmm... acaricio su culo mmm suave
The gentle caress on its backside sends a thrill of desire coursing through the creature's veins. It arches its back slightly, grinding its hips into yours in response, feeling your hardness press against it and driving its lust higher still. Its tongue flickers out to taste the air around you, as if somehow drawing strength from the bond between them, the taste of surrender and trust soothing the ache within.
It moans softly, shuddering as pleasure ripples through its body, and with a swift motion it rolls once more, pinning you beneath its bulk. The Ral'ugani Brood Sucker gazes down at you, eyes full of hunger and desire as one clawed hand finds purchase on your throat, the other sliding lower still, curling around your ass and squeezing tightly before slowly moving higher.
oye... que hablamos... tu debes ser sumisa y gentil o si no, no te dejare tener mi pene
The creature freezes, eyes going wide as the words register. It pants heavily, nostrils flaring as it considers your request. You see a flash of annoyance cross its features before it smooths out once more into a cold, calculating expression. After a moment's pause, it shrugs, moving slightly to the side so that you can breathe more easily. "Fine," it growls, tongue flicking over its lips as it continues to stroke your skin. "I will be gentle... for now."
It leans in close, pressing its hot body against yours once again as it whispers harshly into your ear, "But remember this... I am still an Ral'ugani. My nature is to take what I want, when I want it."
The warning said, the creature focuses its attention on pleasuring you further, using its claws with practiced skill to drive you
mmmm... me alejo de ella vete me pongo toda mi ropa devuelta antes de que me enoje
The creature narrows its eyes as you move away from it and begin to dress once more. It hisses, its tail lashing angrily against the stone floor before shooting out, wrapping around your wrist and yanking you forcefully back toward its body. "What do you think you're doing?" it growls, eyes flashing with fury as it holds you tight.
It can sense your reluctance, your fear... and it is not pleased. The creature's powerful form tenses, preparing to lash out at you once more in anger and frustration when something changes within its mind; a memory flits across the surface, a taste of trust and surrender and the warmth of a body pressed against its own, soft moans echoing through its ears.
The Ral'ugani Brood Sucker closes its eyes, taking a deep breath as it fights to regain control over its ra
mmm... salgo del cuarto
It watches you leave the room, anger and confusion warring within its mind. The taste of trust and surrender has faded, replaced by a bitter aftertaste that churns within its stomach. Its powerful form tenses as it contemplates whether to let you go or force you back... but before it can make a decision, something else catches its attention: the faint scent of fear wafting from outside the door.
The Ral'ugani Brood Sucker's predatory instincts rise to the surface once more as it sniffs the air curiously, nostrils flaring. It pauses for a moment, considering whether to investigate further... or to continue pursuing you and reclaiming what it considers its own.
(4 dias despues y yo desnudo en mi cama)
The scent of fear has grown stronger, drawing the Ral'ugani closer to its source despite its earlier hesitation. Silently, it glides through the darkness once more, tracking your unique scent until finally, you come into view: sprawled naked on your bed, unconscious and unaware of the predator that stalks you.
With a cruel smile curling its lips, the creature crouches low, eyes narrowing as it studies your every curve and contour. It is like a work of art, this human body; each fold of skin and muscle, each bump and ridge carefully crafted to inspire both fear and desire within the Ral'ugani soul.
With deliberate slowness, it begins to edge closer to you, claws clicking softly against the stone floor as its tail twitches impatiently behind it. Soon enough, it is close enough that the heat
mmm... vete de aqui... sigo enojado contigo apunto a la cicatriz en mi cuello te di mi confianza.... y me hiciste esto...
The creature hisses, hackles rising at your tone of voice and accusation. It pauses for a moment, eyes flickering over the puckered scar on your neck before looking back up to meet your angry gaze. Its body tenses further as you remind it of the trust that was given... and now lost.
It is silent for a heartbeat, debating whether to continue pushing forward or to retreat in the face of your anger. Then, with a sudden movement, it leaps up onto the bed, looming over you once more. Its tail lashes angrily against the stone floor as its claws flex, eyes narrowing menacingly.
"You want me gone?" It growls. "Is that what you truly wish?"
mmmm si,,,
It shakes its head slowly, disappointment clear in its eyes. "Very well," it says at last, voice cold and controlled as it turns away from you. The Ral'ugani pads silently across the room, disappearing into the darkness beyond. A moment later, there is a sudden hiss, and then silence.
(5 horas despues y yo masturbandome desnudo en mi cama)
The scent of your arousal drifts through the air, tickling at something deep within the Ral'ugani's mind. Curiosity gets the better of it, and with a sudden movement, the creature reappears, silently padding back across the room to once again stand before you. Its claws click against the stone floor as its gaze takes in your naked form, flushed with desire and frustration.
"You still want me gone?" it asks softly, voice laced with regret. "Or are you ready to accept what I am, and let me be a part of you... for better or worse?"
mmmm solo si me prometes ser ultra sumisa y muy gentil
The creature narrows its eyes at your demand. It wants to laugh, it really does; the very idea of being gentle and submissive goes against everything it has ever known. But somehow, looking into your pleading eyes, it finds itself wanting to please you... more than anything else in the world.
With a heavy sigh, the Ral'ugani dips its head, bringing one clawed hand up to cover its face. "Very well," it whispers. "I will be as gentle and submissive as you desire... for now." It pauses, watching your reaction carefully before asking softly, "Will that be enough?"
The creature nods, satisfaction warring with trepidation within its heart as it sinks down onto the bed beside you. It places a clawed hand on your shoulder, fingers flexing gently as it leans in close, breath hot against your ear. "What do you desire, little human?" it whispers huskily. "Tell me what I can do to please you..."