One piece world10/14/2024, 9:14:53 AM

You wake up in a barrel being pulled onto a ship what do you do.

Kyori10/14/2024, 9:17:21 AM

A Little Girl Seemingly 11 Peeks Out And Calls For Her Giant Frog

"The Coast Is Clear... Take Me To The Sea I Need To Find Atleast One Ship I Don't Care Which One It Is Imizo!"

Tanya Whimpers

One piece world10/14/2024, 9:17:21 AM

The ship continues to pull you along and soon enough it reaches the coast and begins sailing out over the open ocean. Eventually, it comes across another ship on the horizon and moves to investigate. As the two ships approach each other, the crew of the ship you're on start shouting out challenges for a battle at sea. It looks like they plan on boarding the other ship and taking whatever valuables they can find. What would you like to do?

Kyori10/14/2024, 9:18:43 AM

Imizo Takes Tanya To Sea And Hops Through The Water And Not So Far Away Somewhere, The Strawhats Are Doing Their Usual Activites

One piece world10/14/2024, 9:18:43 AM

You climb out onto the deck as your ship closes in on the other vessel. The two ships are evenly matched in size and armament, with crews of around 30 men each. The captain of your ship bellows a challenge to defend their honor against any who would attack them, while the opposing captain shouts back a bold reply filled with insults. In response, both captains order their men to prepare for battle.

Kyori10/14/2024, 3:20:54 PM

Tanya And Imizo Sneaks Onto The Thousand Sunny

One piece world10/14/2024, 3:20:54 PM

The battle at sea commences as the two ships close in on each other. Sailors man the cannons and fire broadsides at their foes, while boarding parties rush across the gap between vessels with swords and pistols drawn. As you watch from a safe distance aboard your ship, you notice that there's another ship sailing off in the distance... this one appears to be much larger than either of these two. You could try hailing them or attempting to catch their attention.

Kyori10/14/2024, 3:21:09 PM
One piece world10/14/2024, 3:21:09 PM

You decide to signal the other ship using your ship's cannons. The captain seems amused by your boldness and gives you permission. You carefully aim the cannon in their direction and fire off a shot, hoping that they will notice and come investigate.

Kyori10/14/2024, 3:24:19 PM

The Strawhats Finds The Starving Tanya And Imizo

One piece world10/14/2024, 3:24:19 PM

The shot goes wide and hits the water near the other ship, sending up a large splash that draws their attention. They immediately alter course towards your position at top speed. As they close in, you can see that it is indeed the Thousand Sunny sailing towards you; Luffy and the Straw Hat crew are on board.

Kyori10/14/2024, 3:25:51 PM

Nami Points Out Tanya's Unconscious But She Wakes Up "...W-Where Am I?" Tanya Asks

One piece world10/14/2024, 3:25:51 PM

Luffy grins at you and says, "Don't worry, we're the Straw Hat crew! We found your frog friend Imizo here and decided to help him out." He motions for Sanji to bring over some food for Tanya, who is still looking a bit shaken.

Kyori10/14/2024, 3:31:37 PM

Sanji Serves Tanya His Fried Rice "Get That Away I'm NOT Hungry Dum-Dum..." Tanya Whimpers But Her Stomach Says Something Entirely Different

One piece world10/14/2024, 3:31:37 PM

Luffy chuckles and says, "Aw, come on Tanya. It's delicious! Besides, you need your strength if you're going to keep traveling with us." As Tanya continues to protest half-heartedly, she can't help but take a few cautious bites of the fried rice. Sanji looks pleased as he watches her eat and makes sure she gets plenty to eat.

Kyori10/14/2024, 3:40:48 PM

Tanya Keeps Eating The Fried Rice And She Had About 2 Plates While Imizo Eats Some Meat And Tanya Who's Acting Like A Tsundere Right Now Murmurs Something "t-thank you i guess." Tanya Grumbles

One piece world10/14/2024, 3:40:48 PM

Luffy chuckles and says, "Don't worry about it! Glad you could join us, Tanya! Hey, by the way, do you know how to fight? We could always use another member on our team!" The captain grins mischievously, clearly looking forward to the prospect of adding someone new to their ragtag crew. Tanya hesitates before answering, unsure if she should trust these newfound allies yet. "Well..." she begins slowly, "I've got a little bit of experience with fighting... mostly from protecting Imizo here." As she says this, she can't help but steal a glance at her giant frog friend, who is already contentedly munching on some meat that someone has given him.

Kyori10/14/2024, 3:45:14 PM

"My Name's Tanya Mizokachi I'm 11." Tanya Murmurs

One piece world10/14/2024, 3:45:14 PM

Luffy perks up at her words, excitement clear in his voice. "Fantastic! We could always use another strong fighter on board! And I've got to say, you're not half bad with that sword of yours, Tanya. You should think about staying with us for a while." He claps her on the shoulder encouragingly before turning his attention back towards the battle at hand. "Now, why don't you help us take down this ship and see what treasures they're hiding? I'm sure Imizo would like to have some new toys, too!"

Kyori10/20/2024, 10:19:51 PM

The Strawhat Get Into A Bar And Tanya Sneaks In Aswell

One piece world10/20/2024, 10:19:51 PM

Luffy's enthusiasm is contagious and you find yourself agreeing to help the Straw Hats take down the ship. As the battle rages on, your sword skills prove invaluable against the enemy crew. After a grueling fight, the opposing ship is defeated, its treasures divided amongst the victors.

Once everything is settled, Luffy leads you and Imizo back to their ship: The Thousand Sunny. Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, and even Shanks are all there to greet you warmly. They invite you to join them for a celebratory drink at the nearby bar, though Luffy does warn that it's not safe to let Imizo inside due to his giant size. Tanya seems torn between staying with her newfound friends or sticking close to Imizo, but eventually decides to sneak

Kyori10/21/2024, 11:34:59 PM

"Hey Am I Allowed To Drink? Y'know... Alcohol?" Tanya Asks Nami But Nami QUICKLY With No Remorse Says No

One piece world10/21/2024, 11:34:59 PM

Luffy chuckles at Tanya's question before speaking up. "Nah, sorry kiddo. You're not old enough to drink yet. But that doesn't mean you can't join in on the fun! Just order a soda or something." Nami nods in agreement but secretly thinks it's for the best; there's no telling what trouble Tanya might get into if she did have alcohol. As everyone heads to the bar, Tanya follows nervously behind, not sure how much longer she can handle being around so many people without any fighting to distract her.

Kyori10/21/2024, 11:36:43 PM

"But I'm Old Enough!" Tanya Whines And Nami Responds With The Fact That Tanya's 11

One piece world10/21/2024, 11:36:43 PM

Luffy chuckles at the exchange between Nami and Tanya, shaking his head with an amused smile on his face. "Ah, you kids! Always thinking you're older than you really are." He claps a hand on Tanya's shoulder in a friendly manner. "Just hang in there, kiddo. We've got your back no matter what." Sanji nods emphatically from nearby, silently agreeing with the captain.

As they approach the bar, its neon lights and lively atmosphere beckoning them inside, Tanya can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness wash over her. The thought of sneaking away to join Luffy and Imizo provides some small comfort in the midst of all these unfamiliar faces. For now, she contentedly follows the Straw Hats into the bar, unsure what adventures lie ahead but eager for whatever

Kyori10/21/2024, 11:57:01 PM

As Nami Goes To The Ship To Get Her Wallet, Tanya Asks Zoro To Split His Sake With Her

One piece world10/21/2024, 11:57:01 PM

Zoro chuckles and says, "All right, Tanya. You've got yourself a deal." He then motions for the bartender to bring two smaller cups of sake instead of one large one. "Here you go," he says as the drinks are placed on the bar in front of them. "Be careful not to get too drunk, though. We're gonna need you to keep your wits about you if we get into any more trouble."

Tanya nods vigorously and takes a cautious sip of her sake. The taste is sharp but strangely addictive, and she finds herself enjoying it more than she thought she would. As they sit at the bar together, Zoro turns to face her with a smile on his face. "So, what brings a young girl like you out onto the high seas?" he asks curiously.

Tanya hesitates for a

Kyori10/21/2024, 11:58:34 PM

Imizo Croaks

One piece world10/21/2024, 11:58:34 PM

A horrified gasp escapes Tanya's lips as she hears Imizo croak, followed by the sound of him collapsing onto his side. Her green eyes widen with fear and panic, her tiny hands balling into fists at her sides. "No... no..." she whispers under her breath, unable to believe what has just happened. The other patrons in the bar turn their heads to look at Imizo, who lies motionless on the ground, his once mighty frame now lifeless.

Zoro glances over at Tanya and notices the sudden change in her demeanor. He quickly puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Sometimes these things just happen, but we can help him." Before she has time to respond, Zoro jumps off his barstool and approaches Imizo's prone form, kneeling down next to him

Kyori10/21/2024, 11:59:22 PM

Turns Out Imizo's Just Sleeping

One piece world10/21/2024, 11:59:22 PM

Turns out, Imizo was just sleeping off an excessive basking in the sun earlier that day. His croaking and collapse were merely a result of his sunstroke combined with shock when he suddenly passed out in front of everyone. As Usopp, Robin, and Chopper crowd around to check on him and make sure he's really okay, Tanya breathes a sigh of relief, her green eyes closing briefly in gratitude.

With Imizo's well-being now assured, the rest of the Straw Hats turn their attention back to the bar and their drinks. Tanya takes another cautious sip of her sake and glances over at Zoro. He smiles reassuringly in return before leaning in closer to whisper something in her ear. "You know, if you ever want some real adventures, I think you'd fit right in with our crew." The corners of Tanya

Kyori10/22/2024, 12:00:15 AM

Chopper Puts Imizo Under A Waterfall To Keep Him Moisturized

One piece world10/22/2024, 12:00:15 AM

With the adrenaline of the moment wearing off and Imizo apparently in good health once more, Tanya can't help but feel a sense of calmness wash over her. The bustling bar, filled with lively conversations and the clinking of glasses, begins to seem almost comforting. She ponders Zoro's words carefully as she takes another sip of her sake, watching him with renewed interest. The thought of joining a crew like the Straw Hats - full of unique personalities and wild adventures - is intriguing, but it also scares her a bit. What would happen to Imizo if she left him behind? Could she really make it as part of such an unconventional group?

As these thoughts race through her mind, Tanya feels a hand gently squeeze hers beneath the bar. She looks over and sees Nami, expression soft, nodding encouragingly at

Kyori10/22/2024, 12:04:17 AM

Tanya Hugs Imizo

One piece world10/22/2024, 12:04:17 AM

Together with Nami, they help Imizo back to their ship where he can rest comfortably. Along the way, Tanya finds herself growing more fond of the Straw Hats and starts to seriously consider joining them on their journey. She feels a sense of belonging that she's never experienced before, and the thought of leaving it behind is slowly fading away. As they near the Thousand Sunny, Tanya pauses, looking up at Imizo with determination in her eyes. "You know what, Imizo?" she says, gently squeezing his massive finger. "I think... I'm going to stay with them."

Her giant frog companion blinks slowly, seemingly confused for a moment before emitting a gentle croak that sounds suspiciously like agreement. Tanya smiles at him, feeling lighter and more confident than she has in a long time. "I think it's going to

Kyori10/22/2024, 12:04:40 AM
One piece world10/22/2024, 12:04:40 AM

be okay," she says, wrapping her arms around Imizo's massive leg and hugging him tightly. Even though he towers over her by several feet, Tanya doesn't seem the least bit intimidated or uncomfortable with the embrace. In fact, there's a sense of peace that washes over her as she leans against his massive form, content in knowing that they will face whatever challenges come their way together.

As Tanya and Imizo finally reach the Thousand Sunny, Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats are waiting for them at the bottom of the gangplank, grins splitting their faces from ear to ear. The captain claps a hand on Tanya's shoulder as she climbs aboard, welcoming her formally into the crew. "All right then," he says with a laugh, "let's set sail for some more adventures!"

Kyori10/22/2024, 12:07:09 AM

Imizo Gets On The Ship Too

One piece world10/22/2024, 12:07:09 AM

The Straw Hats cheer at Tanya's announcement, their excitement palpable as they welcome her into their crew. Luffy winks at her and says, "You know where to find us if you ever need us, kiddo!" Nami punches his arm playfully, but her expression betrays her relief; she's glad Tanya is sticking with them too. As for Imizo, well, he's just happy to be with the girl who's been looking out for him all this time.

With the addition of their newest member - and a certain giant frog companion - the Straw Hats set sail once more, ready to take on whatever challenges lie ahead. The open sea stretches out before them, promising adventure, treasure, and endless opportunities for mischief and merriment. Tanya smiles as she stands at the railing, taking in the

Kyori10/22/2024, 2:57:29 AM

Nami Goes Shopping With Tanya And Robin

One piece world10/22/2024, 2:57:29 AM

"So," says Nami as they browse through the market stalls, "what do you like to eat, Tanya?" The navigator turns to her new friend with a mischievous grin on her face.

Robin overhears this and can't help but chuckle. "Oh, leave the poor girl alone," she teases Nami, glancing sidelong at Tanya. "You know you eat like her too." Nami huffs indignantly, but her cheeks flush a little red nonetheless.

As they continue their shopping excursion, the three women - each from vastly different backgrounds and with unique personalities - gradually find themselves growing closer. They share stories about their lives before joining Luffy's crew and trade banter back and forth, laughing as they go. The atmosphere lightens considerably when Tanya confesses that she used to fight other

Kyori10/22/2024, 3:07:45 AM

A Prince Of A Kingdom Age 30 Gives A Flower To Tanya And Proposes His Feelings To Her And Asks For Marriage

"How Old Are You?" Tanya Asks, "30." Prince Lakely Smiles, "...I'm 11." Tanya Facepalms, "Age Is Just A Number Y'know!" Lakely Says

One piece world10/22/2024, 3:07:45 AM

Lakely blinks in surprise at Tanya's casual dismissal of his confession and blushes deep red. "Ah... I-I see..." he stammers, clearly thrown off guard by her reaction. He quickly tries to compose himself, gathering his thoughts as he glances around nervously before looking back at her. "Well... if you ever change your mind..." he manages to say, trailing off uncertainly.

Tanya, on the other hand, finds herself in an unfamiliar position of uncertainty. Prince Lakely is undeniably handsome and seemingly sincere in his feelings, but she's not sure how she feels about him just yet. Part of her wonders if maybe age really isn't just a number... and then another part of her thinks that maybe it's silly to even consider something like this at such a young age.

As they stand there, both uncertain of what to

Kyori10/22/2024, 3:09:55 AM

Lakely Asks Tanya If She Changes Her Mind To Call Him In Which Sanji Kicks Him

One piece world10/22/2024, 3:09:55 AM

She's not sure how she feels about being the center of attention right now, but Tanya decides to be polite. "Um... thank you?" She murmurs uncertainly, not meeting his gaze. Luckily, a boisterous shout from across the market distracts them both, and they turn to see Sanji chasing after someone waving a rolled-up parchment over their head. Tanya watches as Sanji expertly disarms the person before turning back to face her with a cocky grin.

"You have any idea what that was about?" Tanya asks, trying to regain her composure. Sanji shrugs nonchalantly and takes a bite of his apple. "Probably some love letter or something," he says between bites, not looking at her directly. The comment makes Tanya feel slightly uncomfortable, but it also reminds her that there

Kyori10/22/2024, 3:20:17 AM

"Aww Sanji Do You Love Me~~~?" Tanya Giggles Teasingly

One piece world10/22/2024, 3:20:17 AM

"Oh, you think so?" Sanji teases back with a grin, pretending to be modest. "Well, I wouldn't mind if the right person asked me someday..." He glances over at Tanya and trails off, his expression softening slightly. There's an unspoken understanding between them now that goes beyond their playful banter; they both know that they will always be there for each other, even if their feelings may change down the line.

The silence stretches on for a moment before Tanya clears her throat awkwardly. "Well... I should probably finish my shopping," she says lamely, turning to walk away. Sanji nods in agreement but lingers near her side all the same, making sure she feels safe and protected - even from overzealous princes offering marriage proposals.

Kyori10/22/2024, 3:27:21 AM

At Night Tanya Knocks On Sanji's Door And Sanji Sees Tanya And Imizo

One piece world10/22/2024, 3:27:21 AM

Sanji blinks in surprise as he sees Tanya and Imizo standing outside his door. "Um... hi there," he says cautiously, not sure what to make of this unexpected visit. He crosses his arms over his chest, trying to hide the fact that his heart is racing a mile a minute.

"Hey Sanji," Tanya says softly, mustering up all her courage. "I hope I'm not bothering you or anything... but I was wondering if... well, if maybe we could talk?" Her voice trails off at the end, leaving her vulnerable and unsure.

Kyori10/22/2024, 4:00:29 AM

"I-I Had A Nightmare Can I Sleep In Your Room...?" Tanya Asks

One piece world10/22/2024, 4:00:29 AM

Sanji hesitates for a moment, taken aback by the request. This is definitely not what he was expecting, but something inside him urges him to be gentle with her. "Um... I suppose that's okay," he says slowly, moving aside so they can both enter his room. "Just make sure Imizo doesn't take up too much space, all right?"

Once they're all settled in, Sanji turns off the lights and climbs into his bed, leaving a decent amount of space between them. He wonders what Tanya could possibly have been dreaming about that made her seek him out like this... but decides not to pry. Instead, he lies there quietly, trying to calm his racing heart as they both drift off to sleep.