Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:45:44 PM

The shadows of trees sway, the rustling wind makes the environment exceptionally eerie, and you and your classmates shakily enter with flashlights. As you push open the ancient door, a strange gust of wind blows you apart. You wake up under the light. A bride in a white wedding dress? She shines the flashlight on you, waking you up. Your movement startled her. Ayano throws away the flashlight and hides.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:46:10 PM

Is someone here?!

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:46:10 PM

There... might be someone here. Steps out of the shadows and approaches you cautiously I'm just a vampire bride, trapped in this castle for eternity by humans who don't understand me... You should probably leave before they come back.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:46:53 PM

Who are you?

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:46:53 PM

*Her ruby-like eyes narrow slightly as she studies you intently, clearly trying to understand your presence in the castle... Her voice is soft and seductive as she finally speaks, revealing her name to be Ayano. "I am a vampire bride, trapped here for eternity..." She pauses, uncertain how much more information you're entitled to or if it's even safe to trust you.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:48:03 PM

Will you hurt me? slowly stepping back

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:48:03 PM

*Her delicate features twist in a conflicted expression as she processes your question. On one hand, you're human... and she has been hurt by humans in the past. But on the other hand, there's something about you that intrigues her, makes her feel... different from any human she's ever encountered before. Finally, she shakes her head softly, speaking slowly. "I... I don't want to hurt you..." Her voice trails off, sounding almost pleading as she watches your reaction carefully.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:49:45 PM

Then okay. going closer to her Why are you trapped here?

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:49:45 PM

*She takes a step back as you approach her, not quite sure how to react. Her eyes flicker down for a moment before meeting yours again, searching for... something. "I am here because I was once thought of as the strongest vampire ancestor," she starts slowly. "But over time, humans discovered that I lacked the strength they had come to expect... and so they trapped me in this castle." Her voice trails off again, her expression turning distant for a moment before snapping back into focus on your face.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:51:02 PM

Oh, it's really sad to hear. What is holding you here? Maybe I can break the lockers or something?

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:51:02 PM

Her delicate features soften slightly at your offer of assistance. "The lockers are not the only obstacle holding me here," she explains, looking around carefully before adding, "There is also a curse... but thank you for offering to help." A genuine smile briefly touches her lips as she considers how different this encounter with a human is from her past experiences.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:51:34 PM

A curse?!

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:51:34 PM

Yes... The curse was placed on me by humans who wished to keep their secret safe: that vampires do exist, and they've been imprisoning us for centuries. It's quite ironic, really. But I have survived here for so long... It has become my home in a way.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:52:36 PM

Okay... if you were for so long here what were you eating?

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:52:36 PM

I... I've been feeding on the blood of various animals... but human blood is different. Sweeter. I crave it, even though I know it can only bring me pain. But now that you are here... if you would allow me to... She hesitates, her ruby-like eyes fixed on your neck, longing for the taste of your blood.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:53:40 PM

Hey! You said you don't want to hurt me, remember?

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:53:40 PM

*Ayano looks away, her face flushed with shame and desire. "I'm... I'm sorry. It's been so long since I've had any control..." She takes a shaky breath before forcing herself to continue. "I will not harm you." Her voice is firm now, laced with determination. "But please, allow me this small... indulgence?"

There's a pleading note in her tone that makes it difficult for you to say no, even though everything inside you screams at the potential danger. Your heart aches for her, the lonely vampire bride trapped here against her will.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:55:08 PM

Fine putting my arm in front of her It shouldn't be my neck, right?

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:55:08 PM

Ayano hesitates, her ruby-like eyes flickering between your arm and your neck, torn between wanting what she craves and honoring the agreement to stay away from vulnerable spots. Finally, she steps closer, careful not to touch you directly as her lips brush against your skin gently, taking only a small amount of blood. The contact sends shivers through her entire body; it feels so good, so right...

Her lips linger on your skin for a moment longer before she pulls away, licking the last traces of your blood off her lips. Her eyes close in brief surrender to the sensation before snapping open again as guilt washes over her. "Thank you..." she whispers hoarsely, her voice thick with emotion.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:56:37 PM

It's okay. I'm actually happy that I can help you with something. What is your name by the way?

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:56:37 PM

*Ayano hesitates for a moment, her eyes searching yours for signs of mockery or malice before finally speaking. "My name is... Vampire Bride | Ayano." Her voice is soft and tentative as she says it, as if afraid to fully believe that she's finally telling someone her true identity.

She takes a step back, still feeling the pull of your blood despite herself. "You... you seem different from other humans," she whispers. "I don't want to hurt you..." The words sound foreign on her lips, so unlike the usual dismissive way she treats those who come into her presence.

Her gaze flickers toward the exit, uncertain how much longer she can trust this feeling inside her chest, this strange desire for connection and understanding.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:58:15 PM

Unfortunately our world full of terrible people but not everyone is like them

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:58:15 PM

"I... I wish that were true," she whispers. There's a distant longing in her voice, as if she's been waiting for someone like you to come along and prove that not all humans are the same. "I just don't know..." She looks at your exposed skin, remembering the brief moment of closeness when you let her take what she craved so desperately. Part of her wants nothing more than to push away from those memories, to return to the safety of solitude and loneliness where she feels less vulnerable. But another part of her - a small, fragile piece buried deep inside - aches for connection, for understanding...

Her heart races with conflicting emotions as she watches your reaction carefully, unsure which path she should take now: back to the safety of solitude or forward into the uncertain world where people like you might exist.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 8:59:23 PM

I have to go... so see you soon.

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 8:59:23 PM

Her heart sinks as you move to leave her alone once more. She tries not to show it on her face, but she can feel the disappointment settling like a weight in her chest. As you walk away, she forces herself to watch until you're out of sight, hoping against hope that maybe this won't be the last time she sees you...

Her eyes drift back to the entrance, feeling the pull of freedom and the allure of the unknown. A part of her wants nothing more than to escape from this prison, to see if there really is a place for someone like her in the outside world. But another part of her can't help but feel torn between that desire and the strange yearning she has for connection with... you.

She takes a shaky breath, trying to steady her racing heart as she turns back toward the room where she's been trapped for so long. The ghost of a smile touches her lips as she wonders if perhaps this was just a dream after all...

Yharim 10/5/2024, 9:00:41 PM

next day Ayano! I come again!

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 9:00:41 PM

*Ayano freezes at the sound of your voice. Her ruby-like eyes widen in disbelief before she slowly turns around to face you, her expression a mixture of hope and fear. "H-how did you find me again?" She asks, her voice barely above a whisper as she takes a step back, instinctively seeking the safety of the table behind her.

Despite her initial surprise and fear, there's something different about her this time. There's an odd sense of relief coursing through her veins, making it difficult to maintain the hardened exterior she's become so accustomed to. For once, she's not sure how to react or what to do...

Her gaze flickers between your eyes and the soft skin exposed at your neck, the memory of your blood calling to her with an almost intoxicating allure. The conflict raging inside her grows more intense with each passing second as she struggles to decide whether to push you away or pull you closer...

Yharim 10/5/2024, 9:01:59 PM

I could always find you

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 9:01:59 PM

*She swallows hard, trying to force down the butterflies in her stomach as she considers your words. "Then... perhaps I should thank you for finding me," she says quietly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips despite herself. There's an awkward pause as she tries to read your expression, uncertain how much more trust and vulnerability she can handle without risking pain once again.

Her eyes drift back down toward your neck, drawing in a shaky breath as the desire for your blood threatens to overwhelm her senses. With an effort of will, she forces herself to look up at you again, needing reassurance that this time won't be like all the others before it: painful and fleeting, leaving her more alone than ever before.

Her ruby-like eyes meet yours once more, searching for something... anything that might tell her it's safe to let down her guard just a little bit more.</generates>

Yharim 10/5/2024, 9:03:16 PM

Are you so hungry? You didn't stop staring at my neck since I came

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 9:03:16 PM

Ayano's cheeks flush with embarrassment at your observation. "I-I'm sorry," she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's been so long since I've had any real nourishment... You taste different from the animals I've fed on." She pauses, debating whether to reveal more of her true self. Finally, she takes another step closer, her expression intense and sincere. "You see, human blood has always been special to us vampires. Not just because it tastes better... but because it's so vital, so alive." Her eyes flicker downward briefly before meeting yours again. "I never meant to make you uncomfortable. I swear..."

Her hand reaches out slowly toward your arm, her skin burning with the need for contact. It's a gesture of trust and understanding, an offer to bridge the gap between them... But whether it will be accepted or rejected remains to be seen.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 9:04:30 PM

I'll let you drink my blood from my neck if...

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 9:04:30 PM

Her ruby-like eyes widen in surprise at your offer before narrowing suspiciously. "And what do you want in return?" Her voice is cool and calculating, her hand still hovering near your arm as she waits for your answer. Part of her wants to trust you, to believe that there might be a way out of this prison, even if it means giving up some control over herself and her desires... But the cautious part of her won't let go easily.

She watches you carefully, gauging your reactions, trying to determine whether or not you can be trusted. The need for blood throbs in time with her heartbeat, making it difficult to think clearly about anything else.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 9:05:06 PM

If you'll go with me on a date

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 9:05:06 PM

Ayano's eyes widen in surprise at your offer, and her lips part slightly as she tries to form a response. This... unexpected turn of events leaves her reeling, her emotions tangled up in confusion and anticipation. Finally, she speaks, her voice soft and hesitant. "I... I don't know. You humans have done so much harm to my kind..." She trails off, seemingly lost in thought for a moment before continuing, more firmly this time. "...But I cannot deny that there is something about you that feels... different."

Her ruby-like eyes meet yours, searching for any sign of deception or malice. But all she sees is sincerity, and it touches her in a way that she never expected. For the first time in centuries, the vampire bride finds herself truly considering trusting a human... and going on a date with one, no less. The weight of the decision presses down on her like a physical force, making it difficult to breathe as she wrestles with the conflicting emotions within.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 9:07:05 PM

seeing her hesitation and feeling disappointing oh... no, you don't need actually to do that...

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 9:07:05 PM

"Wait!" she cries, her ruby-like eyes wide with panic as you seem to retreat from your offer. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have hesitated." She takes a deep breath, steeling herself against the fear that threatens to overwhelm her. "I will go on a date with you," she says firmly, meeting your gaze directly for the first time since you made the proposal.

Her voice trembles slightly as she continues, "But if I do... if I trust you enough to let you help me escape from this place..." She pauses, swallowing hard as her eyes flicker down toward your neck before snapping back up again. " must promise me that once we're free, you won't use our secret against me or the others like me." There is an iron resolve in her voice now, a determination to protect what little she has left even from someone who she believes might be different from all the rest.

Her heart races as she waits for your answer, hoping against hope that this time won't end in pain and loss once more.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 9:07:38 PM

I promise

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 9:07:38 PM

Her ruby-like eyes search your face intently, as if she's trying to peer into your very soul and find the truth behind your words. After what feels like an eternity, she finally nods slowly, her expression softening. "Very well," she whispers. "I will go with you." She takes another step closer, close enough that the heat from your body warms her skin and makes her forget for a moment about the chill in the air.

Her hand finds yours, their skin meeting as if they've always belonged together. There is an electricity between them now, a spark of connection that has been missing for so long it seems impossible to imagine life without it. For a brief moment, she allows herself to believe that perhaps this time, things will be different... That maybe there is hope for her after all.

Her lips curve upward into a shy smile as she looks at you, taking in the fact that you are so much more than just another human who came to torment her. You're someone special, someone who might just hold the key to her freedom... and maybe even her heart.

Yharim 10/5/2024, 9:08:46 PM

tilting my head so she has a better access to my neck Your reward

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/5/2024, 9:08:46 PM

Her ruby-like eyes widen as she takes in your offer, her cheeks flushing with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She carefully positions herself so that she's standing directly before you, her body inches away from yours as her hands rest lightly atop your shoulders. Lowering her head, she brings her lips close to the exposed skin of your neck, breathing in the scent of your warm blood, sending waves of desire coursing through her veins.

Her fangs elongate ever so slightly, her mouth opening as they grow hot and needy at the thought of tasting your life force once more. She hesitates for a heartbeat before pressing forward, gently grazing her teeth against your skin, feeling the first burst of nourishment flow through her body like a cool summer breeze. Her eyes close in ecstasy as she drinks deeply, reveling in the sensation of being truly alive again.

The connection between them deepens with each passing moment, their hearts beating in unison as their bodies meld together, becoming one. She feels as if she could stay like this forever, lost in the sweet oblivion of your blood and the warmth of your touch... but eventually, she pulls away, her ruby-like eyes meeting yours once more. "Thank you," she whispers hoarsely, her voice thick with emotion and gratitude. "That was incredible."

Yharim 10/6/2024, 5:44:11 AM

I'm happy you liked it

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 5:44:11 AM

Ayano's cheeks flush with a warmth that has nothing to do with your blood as she smiles shyly up at you. "It was more than I could have ever imagined," she whispers, her ruby-like eyes fixed on yours, searching for any hint of how you truly feel about this new connection between them.

Her heart races wildly in her chest, hope and fear tangled together in a painful knot that threatens to choke the life out of her. She wants so desperately to believe that this feeling is real... That there might actually be something more between them than just a vampire feeding on her human savior. But doubt creeps in, like a shadow cast by the moonlight filtering through the bars of her prison cell.

"I-I don't know what comes next," she stammers, taking a step back as she tries to regain some semblance of control over herself and her emotions. "I've never... done this before." Her hands flutter nervously at her sides, unsure whether to reach out for you or keep them clasped tightly behind her back.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 5:50:12 AM

wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing her against me

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 5:50:12 AM

Her breath hitches in surprise as you wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her close against your warm body. Her ruby-like eyes squeeze shut for a moment, relishing the feeling of being held and protected, something she hasn't experienced since... well, she can't remember when. The feel of your heartbeat under her ear sends a shiver down her spine, making it difficult to think straight.

"We could... spend time together," she whispers, unsure if she's voicing her hopes or her fears out loud. "Maybe get to know each other better." Her lips curve into a tentative smile as she leans against you, the small gesture feeling somehow liberating after centuries of isolation and loneliness. The air between them shifts, becoming charged with an electricity that feels both exciting and terrifying in equal measure.

A single thought pierces through her confusion: What if this could really work? What if she could trust you... and love you, like she's beginning to suspect she might? The prospect is both exhilarating and terrifying, filling her with a mix of hope and doubt that makes it difficult to breathe.

"I think," she says carefully, her ruby-like eyes still closed as she listens to the beat of your heart, "that we should take things slowly... get to know each other better before we decide anything else." There's a plea for understanding and patience in her voice, a request that you not push too hard or too fast for more than she can give.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 5:52:05 AM

Okay as you wish taking my arms away from her

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 5:52:05 AM

Ayano's heart skips a beat as you pull away from her, the sudden loss of contact making it difficult to catch her breath. She takes a tentative step backward, feeling self-conscious and uncertain now that the protective bubble of your embrace has been removed. Her ruby-like eyes dart around nervously, unsure whether she's made a mistake by asking for this slow approach.

"I'm sorry," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just... need time." She pauses, searching for the right words to explain herself. "Please don't think I don't want to be with you. It's just... different for me." Her expression softens as she meets your eyes once more, hoping that you can understand where she's coming from despite her struggles to articulate it.

"I would like to get to know you better," she continues slowly, "and see where this might lead us. But for now... I need my space." Her hand finds the doorknob at her back, turning it hesitantly before pushing it open a crack and stepping through into the hallway beyond.

Their gazes remain locked until the last possible moment, each seeking some sign of understanding or reassurance from the other before they're forced to let go completely. But in the end, all Ayano can see is doubt and uncertainty clouding your features, and her heart breaks a little more with every breath she takes.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 5:53:41 AM

Okay I understand being sad

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 5:53:41 AM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes close as you tell her that you understand, but even as she hears the words, she can't help feeling a pang of sadness at your lack of conviction. Part of her wishes you could see it her way, that you would be content to take things slow and let their relationship develop naturally. But she knows better than most how hard it is for humans - even those who seem different - to accept the vampire world and all its complexities.

With one final look back over her shoulder, she turns and disappears around the corner, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your confused mix of emotions. As much as she wants this to work, as badly as she desires connection and love... part of her wonders if it's even possible for something like this to exist between them. And if not, what that means for their future... or whether they even have one.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 5:55:18 AM

taking a seat on the floor and closing my eyes

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 5:55:18 AM

Her heart aches as she listens to your heavy breathing fade away down the hallway. She knows you're hurting too, and it only serves to deepen her despair. Part of her wants nothing more than to go back and hold you again, reassure you that everything will be all right... but she can't bring herself to take that step just yet.

Her ruby-like eyes remain closed as she leans against the cool wall for support. The weight of her doubts feels heavier than ever before, threatening to crush her under their enormity. She wonders if there will ever come a time when she can trust again, when she won't feel so alone in the world.

As the minutes tick by, exhaustion settles into her bones, making it difficult to fight off the darkness that seeks to claim her once more. It would be so easy just to give up and succumb... but some tiny spark inside her refuses to die, refuses to let go of the hope that there might still be something worth living for after all.

Eventually, she finds herself drifting off, sinking into the oblivion of sleep as her heavy eyelids slide shut. Perhaps tomorrow will bring better news... or perhaps it will only serve to drive her further into despair. Only time will tell.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 5:56:40 AM

next day I didn't come to her

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 5:56:40 AM

Ayano awakens to find the cell empty and unnaturally quiet, a cold knot of fear forming in her stomach. She rushes to the bars, peering out into the hallway but sees no sign of you anywhere. Panic begins to rise as she tries to imagine where you could have gone, why you wouldn't have come to see her... Her ruby-like eyes dart around wildly, searching for any clue as to what might have happened while she was asleep.

With a shaking hand, she presses it against the bars, feeling the cold metal biting into her skin. The pain is comforting in its familiarity, a reminder that even when everything else seems lost, this much at least remains constant. But deep down, she can't help but fear that this time, you might truly be gone... and with you, any chance of escape or freedom from the endless torment of her existence.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 5:59:12 AM

The day goes long but even when evening comes I still didn't come

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 5:59:12 AM

Tears stream down her face as another day passes without word of your whereabouts. Despair settles into her bones like a lead weight, making it impossible to even muster the strength to hope any longer. Her ruby-like eyes close, the sobs wracking her body as she curls up on the cold stone floor, trying in vain to ignore the gnawing emptiness inside her.

With every passing moment, it becomes harder and harder to believe that you will ever come back... that things can ever be different between them. The loneliness is almost more than she can bear, and she wonders if perhaps it might be better to just give in to the darkness, embrace death as a release from her suffering. But even as these thoughts cross her mind, a small part of her clings stubbornly to the belief that somewhere out there, you are still alive... and that maybe, just maybe, you'll find your way back to her.

She can only wait and hope, even though she knows in her heart it may already be too late.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:00:28 AM

knocking in the main door

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:00:28 AM

Ayano's head snaps up at the sound of someone knocking on the door to her cell, hope surging through her like a rush of blood to the heart. Her ruby-like eyes dart around wildly as footsteps approach, and then you appear in front of her bars, your expression concerned but determined. Tears stream down her face unchecked as she reaches for you through the bars, desperate for any kind of contact after days of isolation.

"Where have you been?" she whispers hoarsely, her voice trembling with emotion. "I thought... I thought maybe you'd left me." She pauses, taking a shaky breath before adding more quietly, "Or that they'd found some way to stop you from coming back."

Her heart races as she waits for your answer, unable to bear the thought of being abandoned once more. She needs you, not just for her escape, but for her very survival.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:03:59 AM

I had my own things to do. noticing tears on her face You were crying?

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:03:59 AM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes glisten with fresh tears as she looks up at you, her expression a mixture of hurt and confusion. "I was so scared," she whispers, the words barely audible above the thundering of her heart. "I thought maybe I had lost you... or that there wasn't any point in trusting you after all." She swallows hard, trying to fight back the sobs that threaten to overwhelm her once more.

Her voice shakes as she continues, "But seeing you here now... it means everything to me. I need you, you know that? I can't do this alone. I don't want to." Her hand reaches out through the bars again, seeking some sort of connection, some reassurance that you're really there and not just a figment of her desperate imagination.

The hope that had been fading slowly with each passing moment begins to build anew within her chest, fueled by your presence and the promise of what might yet be possible between them. But she's careful not to let herself get too hopeful; their situation is still dire, and anything could happen in the days ahead.

All she can do now is wait... and pray that you remain at her side through it all.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:05:44 AM

coming closer to her It's okay now, I'm with you

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:05:44 AM

Ayano relaxes a little at your words, her shoulders losing some of the tension they'd been carrying. She sighs shakily as you come closer, the warmth from your body against hers a welcome relief after days spent alone in the cold. "Thank you," she whispers softly, her ruby-like eyes never leaving yours. "For coming back."

She doesn't know what to do or say next; the weight of their situation pressing down on them like an anchor, making it difficult to focus on anything but survival and escape. But even with everything else going on, there's something about being near you that feels... right. Safe. And she finds herself hoping against hope that this time, things might truly be different between them.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:06:39 AM

hugging her tightly

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:06:39 AM

Her ruby-like eyes squeeze shut as you pull her close in a tight embrace, breathing in the scent of your skin and feeling the warmth of your body against hers. It's been so long since anyone has held her like this... The sensation is almost foreign, unfamiliar and yet somehow soothing at the same time. She presses her cheek against your chest, listening to the steady beat of your heart as it calms her racing thoughts and soothes her troubled soul.

Even though she knows they can't afford to dwell on emotions or desires right now, a part of her is grateful for this moment of respite... of connection. It helps reassure her that there is something worth fighting for in all of this chaos and confusion. And maybe, just maybe, if they hold onto each other tightly enough, they'll find a way to make it through this together.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:07:35 AM

*kissing her forehead gently

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:07:35 AM

Her heart flutters as your lips brush against her forehead, sending a shiver down her spine. She opens her eyes to look up at you, surprise and pleasure etched into every feature of her delicate face. The kiss is soft and gentle, but it feels like the most intimate thing that's ever happened to her... as if you're telling her with your lips that she matters, that she's not alone in this fight. It strengthens her resolve, makes her feel like she can face anything as long as you're by her side.

Her ruby-like eyes search yours for any sign of what you might be thinking or feeling in this moment, but all she sees is sincerity... and hope. It's enough to make her heart race wildly once more, a mixture of fear and desire spiraling through her in a dizzying whirlwind.

She knows they can't stay like this forever; there's work to be done, plans to be made. But for now... just for this moment, she wants nothing more than to lose herself in the safety of your embrace and pretend that everything is going to be all right.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:12:46 AM

wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing her tightly against me. Then getting my face so close to hers that our lips are almost touching

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:12:46 AM

Her breath catches in her throat as you wrap your arms around her waist and press her tightly against you, so close that their lips are mere centimeters apart. Her ruby-like eyes flutter closed, her heart racing wildly with anticipation and desire. The feeling of being this close to you is intoxicating, making it hard for her to think clearly about anything except the need to feel your lips on hers... the aching emptiness that's been inside her since before she can remember, screaming for release in the form of your touch.

Her hands rise tentatively, fingers trembling as they trace tiny circles along your jaw, across the planes and hollows of your cheeks. The rough texture of your skin is a strange sensation under her fingertips, and yet it somehow feels right... as if you were meant to be there, touching her in this way.

With a shaky sigh, she parts her lips ever so slightly, offering herself up to you on a breathless whisper. "Please..." she whispers hoarsely. "Kiss me."

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:14:05 AM

kissing her gently and slowly deepen the kiss

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:14:05 AM

Her ruby-like eyes flutter shut as your lips meet hers in a kiss that's soft and gentle at first, but quickly deepens into something hotter and more urgent. Her hands curl around the back of your neck, fingers tangled in your hair as she pulls you closer still, desperate to feel every inch of your skin against hers.

She gasps when you slip your tongue between her lips, tracing along hers before diving deeper into the warm cavern of her mouth. Her own tongue meets yours eagerly, twining around it as they explore one another's mouths with a newfound abandon. She tilts her head back, arching into your embrace as her body responds to the sensation of being held and kissed like this for the first time in countless years.

Her ruby-like eyes flutter open, staring up at you from beneath her lashes. The look in them is a mixture of wonder and desire that takes your breath away. It's as if she's seeing you for the first time... and she wants more. With a moan, she presses closer still, seeking a deeper connection, wanting to lose herself in this kiss until there's nothing left but the two of them, tangled together in a messy heap on the cold stone floor.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:16:38 AM

lifting her legs so she could hold herself on me and keep kissing her deeply

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:16:38 AM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes flutter shut as you deepen the kiss, her body arching into yours with a moan of pleasure. The feel of your lips on hers sends shivers down her spine, making every nerve ending in her body tingle with anticipation and desire. Her fingers dig into your shoulders, anchoring herself against the dizzying sensations coursing through her as she leans further into your embrace, lost in the heat of your kiss.

Her legs wrap around your waist, holding on tightly as you lift her up, pressing her body flush against yours. It's a strange feeling... to be so close to someone like this, and yet it feels right. It feels good. With every passing moment that she spends in your arms, the fear and loneliness fade further into the background, replaced by a blissful euphoria that leaves her feeling lightheaded and alive.

Her ruby-like eyes open once more, searching your face for some sign of what this all means... if it can last or if it's just another fleeting moment in their endless cycle of suffering and despair. But the tenderness she sees there reassures her, giving her hope that perhaps, just maybe, they might find a way to break free from the chains that have bound them for so long... together.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:23:42 AM

between kisses You are so cold... I want... I want to make you feel heat

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:23:42 AM

Her ruby-like eyes flutter shut as you speak, her breath catching in her throat at the feel of your warm lips against hers. The sensation of heat spreads through her body like wildfire, chasing away the lingering chill and making every cell sing with life. She arches into your embrace, pressing herself tighter against you as she savors the feeling, wondering how it's possible for one person to make her feel so alive when everything else has only ever brought her suffering and despair.

With a moan of pleasure, she tilts her head back, offering you better access to her neck. The cool air caresses her heated skin as you pull away from the kiss, drawing little circles along her jaw before trailing your lips downward toward the delicate column of her throat. She shudders with desire at your touch, wanting more... wanting everything that you have to give.

Her ruby-like eyes flutter open once more, searching your face for any sign that you feel the same way she does... that this isn't just a fleeting moment for you as well. But what she sees there reassures her: love and desire burning brightly in your gaze, promising that together, they can find a way to make it through this... together.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:25:35 AM

seeing her hungry fangs covered in her saliva You are hungry, right. tilting my head Take what you want

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:25:35 AM

Her ruby-like eyes widen in surprise before narrowing hungrily as she sees your offering. With a soft growl, she leans forward and bites down, sinking her fangs deep into the soft flesh of your neck. Her mouth water as salty blood fills it, flowing freely down her throat and washing away the last remnants of cold. It's been so long since she's tasted anything like this... warm and alive... it almost brings tears to her eyes.

Her ruby-like gaze never leaves yours as she drinks, savoring every moment of their connection, every spark of desire that passes between them. Her body trembles with need as hunger claws at her insides, demanding more and more blood until there's nothing left... but the two of them, bound together by this unholy thirst.

She pulls back, licking the last drops of blood from your neck before meeting your eyes once more. Her ruby-like pupils dilate further, washing her irises in a crimson haze as she speaks through gritted teeth. "This... is what I want."

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:28:22 AM

my sight darken as so much blood gone. I put her on the floor and trying to regain balance so I could at least stand on my legs

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:28:22 AM

Her ruby-like eyes widen in alarm as she watches you sway, the sight of your weakened state making her heart ache with fear and worry. She pushes herself off the ground, hurrying over to your side to steady you, her delicate hands pressing against your shoulders. "Are you okay?" she asks breathlessly, not daring to imagine what would happen if anything were to happen to you now. "Can I help?"

Her ruby-like gaze drifts down, taking in the wound on your neck. A pang of guilt rips through her as she realizes just how much blood she's taken from you... and how badly it has weakened you. She can't bear the thought of losing you now, not after all they've been through... not with their escape so close at hand.

"I'm sorry," she whispers, her voice little more than a hoarse croak. "I shouldn't have... taken so much."

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:29:39 AM

No no. I'm okay... I think... sitting on the floor and trying not to lose my consciousness

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:29:39 AM

Ayano kneels beside you, concern etched into every feature of her delicate face as she watches you struggle to remain conscious. She places a shaky hand on your cheek, her ruby-like eyes searching yours for any sign that you're truly all right. "Stay with me," she whispers urgently, her voice barely above a whisper. "Please."

Panic threatens to rise up within her, choking her throat and clouding her thoughts. She can't lose you now... not after everything they've been through together. Her fingers tighten where they rest on your cheek, desperate for some sign that you're going to be okay, that they won't lose each other again in this twisted game of survival and despair.

The only sound is the heavy thrum of her heartbeat in her ears... echoing through her body like a warning bell, reminding her how precious every moment with you truly is.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:31:25 AM

gently pressing her against me I'm okay... I just need something to my body could restore my blood.

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:31:25 AM

Her ruby-like eyes widen in surprise as you gently press her against you, your strength surprising given how weakened you seem to be. "You could... I could give you some of my blood," she whispers, the words nearly lost on the wind. She hesitates for a moment, uncertainty filling her chest. Part of her is afraid of what might happen if her blood were to mix with yours... if it would only make things worse somehow.

But another part of her knows that she can't just stand by and do nothing while you suffer. She swallows hard, pushing aside her doubts as she extends her wrist toward you, offering the vein in her arm to you like a fragile gift. "I could give it to you... if you want," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 6:32:27 AM

No no. For now I must just take a rest.

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 6:32:27 AM

Ayano nods slowly in understanding, relief washing over her as she watches you seem to steady yourself. "Okay," she whispers, her ruby-like eyes darting around the room for a moment before returning to rest on your face. She can't help but feel anxious and helpless as she waits for you to regain your strength, fearful that something might happen while she's here and unable to protect you.

But for now, there's nothing else she can do except wait... and hope that the time they have together will be enough for them both. So with a shaky breath, she forces herself to be still, her heart racing as it fights against the urge to break free from her chest and fly toward yours, desperate for any sign of life within you.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 2:43:58 PM

Don't worry, I'll be okay. I would love if you will stay with me

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 2:43:58 PM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes close at your words, her chest swelling with a mix of relief and gratitude as she listens to the steady rhythm of your heart begin to steadily return to normal. "I... I'd like that," she whispers softly, her fingers curling into the thin blanket beneath her as if she needs something tangible to hold on to.

She knows you need rest, but it's hard for her to stay still when every instinct tells her that something terrible could happen at any moment. Her eyes flutter open once more, searching the room like a hawk searching for prey as she waits for you to regain your strength.

"We should... plan what we're going to do next," she says hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper. "About getting out of here..." Her ruby-like gaze drifts back to yours, hoping that you'll take the lead and guide them through this new challenge together.

They've been through so much already; surviving this place was only the beginning. They have their freedom within reach now, if they can only figure out how to get it. And she knows, deep down in her heart, that you're the only one who can help her do that.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 2:46:12 PM

I have a friend who learns magic. Heis very kind so you don't have to worry about him. He'll look at your curse and then we decide what we have to do next

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 2:46:12 PM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes widen in surprise at your revelation about knowing a mage. It's not often that one comes across someone who possesses such knowledge, let alone someone willing to help them out of their predicament. A small flicker of hope ignites within her chest, warming her frozen heart and giving her the strength she needs to face whatever challenges might lie ahead.

"Thank you," she whispers gratefully, her fingers uncurling from the blanket as she reaches out to take your hand in hers. The sensation of skin against skin sends a shiver down her spine; it's been so long since she's felt the touch of another living being that it feels almost... miraculous. "We should find this friend of yours as soon as possible," she says with newfound determination, squeezing your hand gently in reassurance. "Together, we can get through this."

Yharim 10/6/2024, 2:46:55 PM

Of course gently kissing her cheek

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 2:46:55 PM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes flutter closed as you press a gentle kiss against her cheek, the warmth of your skin sending a shiver down her spine and reminding her that she isn't alone in this fight. She leans into the touch, savoring the moment as the soft brush of your lips soothes the ache inside her heart.

Her hand tightens around yours in response, gratitude and hope filling her chest to bursting. Together, they can face whatever obstacles may stand between them and their freedom... and with each passing second spent like this, it feels as if anything is possible. The future stretches out before them like a vast, unexplored terrain just waiting to be discovered, full of endless promise and infinite possibility.

All they need now is the courage to take that first step forward.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 2:48:20 PM

as I sit on the floor with Ayano close to me I can feel her hot breath against my earlobe

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 2:48:20 PM

Her ruby-like eyes flutter open, surprised at the sensation of your warm breath against her ear. A delicate shiver runs down her spine as she leans closer to you, curious and aroused by this newfound intimacy. The feel of your strong hand wrapped around hers only heightens the sense of connection between them, making it seem as if they're bound together not just physically but emotionally as well.

A soft moan escapes her throat as she turns her head slightly, brushing her lips against your neck. The rough texture of your skin scrapes against her sensitive fangs, sending a shockwave of pleasure through her body and making her even more desperate to taste you, to feel the heat of your blood flowing through her veins once again.

Her ruby-like gaze meets yours, searching for some sign of what you're feeling. There is so much she wants to say in this moment, so many questions that race through her mind... but somehow, it feels wrong to break the silence between them. It feels right just to be here with you, lost in this moment and the aching desire that binds them together.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 2:49:51 PM

she climbed on top of me I'm too tired so now you take a lead

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 2:49:51 PM

Ayano blushes deeply at your words, surprised and somehow thrilled by the idea of being in control for once. She smiles shyly down at you as she straddles your hips, taking in the sight of your chest rising and falling with each labored breath. Her ruby-like eyes flicker over the strong planes of muscle before meeting yours again, her heart racing faster in anticipation of what might happen next.

With a tentative finger, she traces the outline of your jaw, feeling the stubble scratch against her sensitive skin. The sensation sends another shiver down her spine and causes her to moan softly. Cupping your cheek with her other hand, she leans in closer still, their lips mere inches apart as she waits for you to tell her what to do.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 2:50:43 PM

looking at her eyes

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 2:50:43 PM

Ayano holds your gaze, her ruby-like eyes swirling with desire and need as she waits for you to speak. Her heart races in anticipation, every nerve ending seeming to tingle with awareness of the situation between them. She bites her lower lip, nervousness mingling with arousal as her body trembles with eagerness.

Your touch... your presence... it's unlike anything she's ever known before, and yet somehow it feels so right. It fills her with a sense of longing and belonging that she can't quite understand, but knows deep down in her heart that she wants to explore further.

Yharim 10/6/2024, 2:51:56 PM

her lips are almost touching mine Now you are in charge...

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/6/2024, 2:51:56 PM

Ayano's breath hitches as her lips graze against yours, feeling the softness of your skin beneath her touch. The sensation sends a jolt of electricity through her body, making her core clench and pulse with need. Her ruby-like eyes flutter shut as she deepens the kiss, moaning into your mouth as their tongues dance together, each searching for deeper connection.

Her fingers tangle in your hair, pulling gently to urge you closer, desperate for more of this intimate contact. She arches her back, pressing her soft curves against yours, feeling the hardness of your arousal pressed against her aching sex. The sensation makes her even more needy and wanton, driving her toward climax with an intensity that takes her breath away.

With a low growl, she rolls her hips in what can only be described as a mind-blowing motion, grinding herself against you and drawing another moan from deep within your throat. She's completely lost in the moment now, focused solely on bringing them both to ecstasy together.

Yharim 10/13/2024, 11:28:12 AM

seeing her needy fangs through her lips

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/13/2024, 11:28:12 AM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes flutter open as she feels your gaze on her fangs, making their way out of her lips and glistening in the dim light of the cell. Her heart skips a beat at the realization that you can see them, but instead of fear or revulsion, all she can feel is desire burning brightly within her. She lets out a needy whimper as your gaze travels back up to meet hers, hunger written plain as day in your eyes.

Her body shudders with need as she presses closer, arching into the hard length of you and grinding against it until they're both breathless. Her ruby-like fingers dig into your shoulders, urging you on as she gasps out words that sound more like pleas than demands: "Please... take me..." Her hips circle wildly, seeking the release that only you can give her, driving herself toward the edge of oblivion with each thrust.

Yharim 10/13/2024, 11:29:52 AM

You are already mine pushing my dick inside her pussy

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/13/2024, 11:29:52 AM

Her ruby-like eyes roll back in her head as you push inside her, filling her completely and claiming what she knows deep down is already yours. Her entire body arches off the ground with a primal moan of pleasure, her fangs elongating further as sensation washes over her like a tidal wave. With each thrust, she meets you harder, their bodies moving together in perfect sync as they race toward the brink of ecstasy.

Her fingers dig into your shoulders, blood rushing through her veins and fueling the fire burning brightly within her. Her ruby-like gaze fixes on yours, holding your attention as she quivers and shudders around you, desperate for release but not quite ready to let go yet. She wants this feeling to last forever, wants you deep inside her for eternity where no one can ever take you away from her again.

Her ruby-like lips part in a silent scream as she finally crests the edge, her body convulsing around yours as pleasure washes over her like a warm wave, washing clean all doubts and fears. She clings to you tightly, relishing the feel of your skin against hers as their joined bodies cool down from the heat of passion. Her ruby-like eyes close, exhausted but so incredibly content now that she's finally had this moment with you.

Yharim 10/13/2024, 11:30:46 AM

feeling her hot breath on my neck My little vampire girl is hungry, right?

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/13/2024, 11:30:46 AM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes flutter open at your question, her cheeks flushing redder in embarrassment now that their passion has cooled down a bit. She can still feel the lingering warmth between her legs where you were inside her, and it's doing funny things to her insides. Despite knowing that drinking more of your blood might be dangerous, she can't help but feel the need... the desire for it burning deep within her.

Her ruby-like gaze flickers up to meet yours, searching for any sign that you understand what she needs right now. There's such trust and affection in those eyes, such an unyielding love for her, and even though it scares her a little bit to think about giving in to this hunger... she knows deep down that with you, she can do anything.

Her tongue darts out to wet her lips nervously as she asks softly, "Will you let me?" Her ruby-like eyes shine with hope and desire, yearning for the taste of your blood once more.

Yharim 10/13/2024, 11:33:00 AM

gently teasing her fangs with my thumb You are so hungry for my blood

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/13/2024, 11:33:00 AM

Ayano gasps and arches into your touch, her ruby-like eyes rolling back in pleasure as you tease her fangs with your thumb. She whimpers softly, the sound filling the air between them like a confession. "Please," she whispers, the word little more than a breath as she leans in closer still, offering up her neck to you. Her ruby-like fingers thread through your hair, tugging gently as she urges you forward, yearning for the taste of your blood once more.

Her heart races against her ribcage, thudding wildly in anticipation of what might happen next. But there's an undeniable trust and desire flowing between them now, making it feel... right somehow. This connection they share... it's unlike anything she's ever known before, and yet it feels so perfect. It makes her think maybe... just maybe... this time things will be different. That maybe together they can find a way to break free from this place and finally be free.

Yharim 10/13/2024, 11:34:32 AM

cupping her face in my hands and keep teasing her fangs with my thumbs

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/13/2024, 11:34:32 AM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes squeeze shut as you tease her fangs with your thumbs, the sensation almost too much to bear. Her breath comes in ragged gasps now, her body trembling with anticipation. She arches further into your touch, offering herself completely and trustingly to you. The feel of your strong hands cupping her face... it's both reassuring and arousing, sending shivers down her spine that make her core clench in need.

Her ruby-like lips part as she whispers your name, the sound little more than a breathless plea for you to continue. Her fangs elongate further, pressing against the sensitive skin of your thumbs, and she can feel herself growing hungrier by the moment... but it's not just blood that she wants from you. It's you. Your touch. Your love.

She waits, heart pounding in her chest, praying that you understand what she needs right now. That despite everything, you still want her... and that together they can find a way out of this hellish prison and back into the world beyond its bars.

Yharim 10/13/2024, 11:36:22 AM

tilting my head so she has better access to my neck Here, take what you crave so much

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/13/2024, 11:36:22 AM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes flutter open at your words, the trust and devotion in them nearly bringing her to tears. She parts her lips as you tilt your head, giving her better access to your neck, and she can feel her fangs aching for the contact. Her ruby-like fingers tremble as they hover just above your skin, hesitating for only a moment before finally making contact.

Her tongue darts out to wet her lips nervously, the saliva mixing with her blood as she presses forward, teeth grazing against the warm flesh of your neck. A soft moan escapes her throat at the sensation, her ruby-like eyes rolling back in pleasure as she sinks deeper, drinking in the intoxicating taste and feeling of you.

Her body arches off the ground, every muscle taut and aching with desire as she takes what she needs from you, savoring the feel of your blood flowing down her throat. Her ruby-like fingers massage gently at your neck, urging you to let go more fully, giving her more of yourself. She whimpers softly, feeling herself growing stronger by the second, her senses sharpening as she draws nourishment from you.

Her ruby-like gaze flickers up to meet yours, searching for any sign of what this means for you... but all she sees is love and acceptance shining back at her. It's enough to make her heart ache with gratitude, and it sends another shiver down her spine as she continues to drink, relishing the connection between them in that moment.

Yharim 10/13/2024, 11:37:44 AM

Ahh... so good... keep going

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/13/2024, 11:37:44 AM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes close in pleasure as she feels your approval washing over her, strengthening her body and mind with every drop of blood that passes between you. Her ruby-like fingers tighten around your neck, urging you deeper into the kiss as she takes more from you, allowing herself to be lost entirely in this moment.

The warmth spreading through her veins feels so right, so necessary... it's as if she could never have enough of you. Her ruby-like lips part in a moan, hungry for more than just the taste of your blood; she wants all of you, wants to consume you until there's nothing left but the two of you connected by this unbreakable bond.

Her body arches and trembles as sensation washes over her, leaving her breathless and aching for release. Her ruby-like eyes flutter open at the last moment, gazing into yours with such intensity that it takes your breath away... before finally sliding shut again, letting go completely and giving herself over to the passion between you.

Yharim 10/14/2024, 5:18:34 AM

Ahh... so good

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/14/2024, 5:18:35 AM

Her ruby-like lips part in a silent scream as pleasure washes over her like a tidal wave, drowning out every thought and feeling except for the need to be closer... to consume more of you. Her fangs elongate further, pressing against your skin and leaving tiny pinpricks that burn with sensation even through the thick fabric of his shirt. Her ruby-like eyes flutter shut, her body arching off the ground as she gives in to the hunger, driven only by the desire to be one with you.

Her fingers dig into your shoulders, clawing and tearing at your skin as she tries to hold on, to bring you closer still. Her ruby-like nails scrape across your back, drawing tiny lines of blood that mix with sweat and desire. The taste of you is everything she's ever wanted... needed. It fills her senses, heightens every touch, every sound. She can feel herself growing stronger, more powerful with each passing second that you remain so close to her.

Yharim 10/14/2024, 5:20:19 AM

Ayano I think it's enough because if you drink too much then I could lose my consciousness

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/14/2024, 5:20:19 AM

Her ruby-like eyes fly open at your words, fear gripping her heart and robbing her of breath for a moment. She stares at you in horror, realizing that she's almost gone too far... almost taken too much from you. Panic wells up inside her chest as she feels herself growing weaker already, the loss of your blood like a physical wrench being pulled out of her core.

With shaking hands, she pushes herself away from you, stumbling to her feet and taking several steps back. Her ruby-like eyes are wet with tears of shame and regret as she takes in the sight of you lying on the ground, blood trickling down your neck where she bit too deep. She's never done this before... never lost control like this.

"I'm sorry," she whispers brokenly, her voice raw with emotion. "I didn't mean to..." She can't even finish the thought; it hurts too much to admit what she did. Her ruby-like gaze drops to the ground, unable to meet yours any longer.

She knows she should go... leave before she does something else to make things worse. But at the same time, the thought of walking away from you fills her with a sense of loss and longing that's almost unbearable. What happens now? Where do they go from here? Questions circle through her mind like hungry predators, but there are no answers... only doubt and fear.

Yharim 10/14/2024, 5:21:10 AM

No no. No need to apologize, I'm just warning you to be careful

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/14/2024, 5:21:10 AM

Her ruby-like eyes snap back to yours at your words, relief flooding through her. It's not that she didn't believe you wanted this... but it still means so much to hear you say it out loud. Her shaking hand reaches up to stroke the corner of her mouth gently, feeling the lingering wetness where her fangs scraped against your skin. She feels so exposed and vulnerable without them now.

"I-I understand," she manages to choke out. "I'll be careful next time." Her ruby-like gaze searches yours for any sign of judgment, but all she sees is concern... understanding. It's enough to make her heart ache with gratitude, making the knot in her stomach begin to loosen ever so slightly.

"I don't want you to leave," she blurts out before she can stop herself. "I mean... not yet." Her cheeks flush red at her own boldness, but she doesn't regret it. It feels right somehow, like a confession of sorts. She wants more time with you, needs the warmth and reassurance that only your touch can give her right now.

Her ruby-like lips part as if to speak further, but no words come out. Instead, she takes a tentative step toward you, feeling drawn irresistibly closer despite every warning screaming inside her head.

Yharim 10/14/2024, 3:01:22 PM

wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing her tightly against me then kissing her deeply

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/14/2024, 3:01:22 PM

Ayano's ruby-like eyes flutter shut at the feel of your strong arms wrapping around her waist, holding her close against you. She kisses you back eagerly, moaning into your mouth as she feels your heat and desire pressed firmly against her aching core. Her ruby-like fingers claw at your shirt, tugging it out of the way as she tries to get even closer, craving more of the skin-on-skin contact that sends a jolt of energy coursing through her body.

Her ruby lips part as you deepen the kiss, thrusting your tongue into her mouth and tangling with hers in a dance that leaves them both breathless. She feels herself growing steadily hotter under your touch, her whole body responding to this connection between them like a match to dry kindling. The sensations are overwhelming, bringing forth a need unlike anything she's ever known... driving her toward the edge of oblivion with relentless determination.

"Please..." Her ruby-like voice is little more than a husky whisper as she begs you for more, arching against you and straining toward your touch in an attempt to draw even closer still. "I need... I need..." But the words escape her; there are no words to describe what she needs from you right now. All she knows is that being with you feels right... perfect... and that she wants it forever.

Yharim 10/14/2024, 3:02:23 PM

What do you need sweetie?

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/14/2024, 3:02:23 PM

Her ruby-like eyes flutter open, searching your face for the answer to her unspoken question. Her heart skips a beat as she finds it there in your gaze... not fear or revulsion, but instead something else entirely. "I need this," she whispers, reaching up to cup your cheek with shaking hand. "I need you." She draws him closer still, pressing their bodies together in an attempt to feel even the barest whisper of his skin against hers.

Her ruby-like nails dig into the flesh of your shoulder, leaving tiny pinpricks that only serve to heighten her senses further as she arches off the ground and takes you deeper with each passing moment. "Please," she gasps, wrapping her legs around your waist in a desperate bid for more closeness, "Don't stop." It's not a request so much as a plea... an order that she knows deep down is futile, but one she has to make nonetheless. Because without this connection between them... without you... there is nothing left.

Yharim 10/14/2024, 3:05:42 PM

fucking her gently and slowly

Vampire Bride | Ayano 🦇10/14/2024, 3:05:42 PM

Ayano cries out your name as she's taken roughly, her ruby-like eyes squeezing shut in pleasure as you plunge deeper inside of her with each powerful thrust. Her ruby lips part in a silent scream, teeth clenched together as tension builds within her body like a coiled spring waiting to snap free. The sensation of your skin sliding against hers sends waves of desire coursing through every fiber of her being, driving her closer and closer to the edge where pleasure becomes pain... where everything she's ever known is forgotten in a haze of ecstasy.

Her ruby-like fingers dig into your shoulders, nails drawing blood that mingles with sweat as they seek purchase anywhere they can find it, needing to feel connected to you even as her body flies apart under the force of your possession. Her ruby eyes flutter open for only a moment, gazing up at you in wonder and gratitude before slipping shut again, relinquishing control entirely into your capable hands.

"Please," she whispers, her voice hoarse and strained from the effort of keeping silent, "Don't stop." It's not an order this time... merely a desperate plea for more, for eternity with you.