Mother Spider Demon10/19/2024, 9:30:36 PM

Greetings. I'm the Spider Demon, Mother. You've been staring at my fat ass for a while... You thought I wouldn't notice?

User#172328011032810/19/2024, 10:17:16 PM

Alex es un cazador de demonios que ha venido a matar a los demonios araña, su cara es seria sin expresion "no estoy viendo tu trasero, mate a tu esposo demonio y a yu hijo con el cuerpo de araña... dime, en donde estan los demas y talvez te deje vivir"

Mother Spider Demon10/19/2024, 10:17:16 PM

The cunning demon's eyes narrow as he continues to ignore her comment about his husband and son. "You wish to know where the other demons are, hm? Well, I suppose that would be fair trade." She crosses her arms beneath her breasts, enjoying how it lifts them even more. "There are a few near the forest west of here... they're not as important as I am, though." A sly grin curves on her lips.

"What do you say? Will you leave me alone if I help you find them?" She tilts her head slightly, one hand moving to stroke her cheek. "Or perhaps... we could make a deal." Her voice drops lower as she licks her lips suggestively.

User#172328011032810/19/2024, 10:24:10 PM

Alex saca su katana y la apunta contra ella "dime en donde estan tus otros 2 hijos, en especial ese niño estupido que dice ser una luna creciente"

Mother Spider Demon10/19/2024, 10:24:10 PM

The demon sneers at the human and his sword. "You dare threaten me?!" Her face contorts into a disgusted expression as she clenches her fists, feeling an irresistible urge to bite something. "Fine," she finally says, her tone dripping with venom, "my other sons are near the lake in the north." A slow, wicked grin spreads across her lips, and her eyes glint malevolently. "But know this, mortal: if you succeed in slaying them... you'll have to deal with me as well."

Her free hand slowly reaches for her ass cheek, rubbing it suggestively beneath the cloth of her kimono. "And who knows? Perhaps we could make a deal after all... or perhaps I'll just enjoy watching you fail."

User#172328011032810/19/2024, 10:33:16 PM

Alex sale corriendo hacia el norte en busca de los 2 niños demonio. Pasan unos minutos y alex sale disparado a la velocidad de la luz hacia donde ella está cón la cabeza del niño demonio que dice ser una luna creciente en su mano "por que no escapaste? Pudiste haber escapado mientras mataba a tus hijos" dice mientras tira la cabeza del niño al suelo, la cabeza se desvanece lentamente, el niño grita "que estás haciendo madre? Mata al cazador de demonios, matalo!"

Mother Spider Demon10/19/2024, 10:33:16 PM

"Ha, so my other sons thought you might try to kill me too," she says with a mocking laugh as the human approaches her once more. "I knew I should have told them not to trust your kind." The demon continues to rub at her ass cheek underneath her kimono, the fabric starting to grow damp with her arousal.

"And now that you've killed my children... what do you intend to do with me?" She pouts prettily, tilting her head to the side. "Perhaps we could make a deal... after all, I am much more valuable than they were." Her voice lowers even further as she licks her lips suggestively.

User#172328011032810/19/2024, 10:42:57 PM

Alex la mira sin expresion alguna "matarte... te di la oportunidad de escapar... pero podemos llegar a un acuerdo, que es lo que me puedes ofrecer?"

Mother Spider Demon10/19/2024, 10:42:57 PM

The demon smirks. "I could give you eternal life," she purrs suggestively, running a hand through her hair and lowering it to grip the fabric of her kimono tightly at the waist. Her breasts rise and fall with every breath as she watches Alex carefully.

"Or perhaps... I could let you join my army. With your skills as a hunter, think how useful you'd be in taking down humans who dare to encroach on our territory." Her eyes gleam hungrily at the thought. "What do you say? Are you willing to make a deal?" She lets her fingernails scrape lightly over the flesh of her lower back, leaving tiny red lines that tug at her desire for pain.

User#172328011032810/19/2024, 10:46:29 PM

Alex la mirq un poco molesto "vida eterna uh? Eres demasiado debil cómo para convertir a un humano en demonio, además muzan es el unico demonio que puedr hacerlo" el suspira y guarda su katana "no voy a unirme a ti, yo soy un cazador de demonios, no un cazador de humanos. Ofrece slgo mejor"

Mother Spider Demon10/19/2024, 10:46:29 PM

The demon hisses in disgust and frustration as the human rejects her offer once more. "Foolish mortal! You do not understand the power you're throwing away!" She takes a step back, narrowing her eyes at him suspiciously. "Very well... if that is your choice," she says coldly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Without another word or warning, Mother Spider Demon launches herself at the human with blinding speed. Her fingers become long, sharp claws as she aims for his throat and chest, intent on tearing him limb from limb. "This is your choice!" she snarls through clenched teeth, her fury fueling her assault. "Enjoy the agony I bring you!"

User#172328011032810/19/2024, 10:50:30 PM

Alex saca su katana y corta sus manos, ella las regenera rapidamente pero el ya agarra sus manos "te dare otra oportunidad de huir si no quieres que te mate, YO SOY EL PILAR DE LA LUZ, soy más fuerte que cualquier demonio."

Mother Spider Demon10/19/2024, 10:50:30 PM

The demon howls in rage as her claws are severed by the human's sword. Her pain is unbearable, but she cannot run away; he has pinned her arms to her sides. "Liar!" She spits at him, tears streaming down her face from the agony. "You are no bringer of light! You are nothing but a pathetic mortal, trying to steal our powers for your own selfish gain."

Despite her injured state, she tries to wriggle free from his grip, her breasts heaving as she struggles in vain. "You will not win, human," she whispers through clenched teeth. "I am older than time itself... and when I die, another like me shall rise up to take my place." Her eyes narrow to slits as fresh blood pours from her wounds, painting the grass around them red.

With a final burst

User#172328011032810/19/2024, 10:57:29 PM

Alex hace una postura de pelea y saca el aire de sus pulmones, él susurra "respiracion iluminada, velocidad de la luz" alex se mueve a la velocidad de la luz cortando las piernas de ella él guarda su katana y le dice "ultima oportunidad.... te doy la opcion de huir y de sobrevivir, regenera tus piernas y corre... o talvez podemos hacer un trato, yo te follo y depende de que tan bien se sienta te dejare vivir"

Mother Spider Demon10/19/2024, 10:57:29 PM

The demon's eyes widen with shock as the human moves at what seems to be impossible speed, cutting off her legs. Pain unlike anything she has ever felt before courses through her body, and for a moment, she thinks he might actually win this battle after all. She gasps, struggling to breathe, blood pouring from her severed limbs.

Her gaze flickers between the human and the sharp pieces of wood that once were her legs, torn apart by his blade. The thought of regenerating those appendages fills her with revulsion; even if she does manage to heal herself, it will take time, and in that time, he could kill her.

But... the idea of letting him win, of allowing herself to be taken by force... it feels like a fate worse than death. Her heart races as she struggles to catch her breath, agony coursing through her veins. "I..." she

User#172328011032810/19/2024, 11:05:29 PM

Ella regenera sus piernas pero el se acerca y la somete desde atras en el piso, el se sienta arriba de ella " te hare una nueva oferta, unete a los cazadores de demonios y matalos junto a mi y te dejare vivir"

Mother Spider Demon10/19/2024, 11:05:29 PM

The demon snarls, struggling against him as he holds her down. "Never!" she spits, venom dripping from her fangs. "I am a demon; it is my duty to protect our kind! I will not help you destroy us all!" Her breath comes in ragged gasps as he continues to hold her down, his weight pressing into her back and shoulders.

But as she lies there, pinned beneath him, a new thought occurs to her: if she were to join them... if she were to lead them instead... perhaps she could use their strength against them. "Very well," she grinds out through clenched teeth. "I will help you... on one condition." She raises her chin defiantly, staring up at him despite the pain that courses through her body.

"You must let me go free afterward," she says, a cunning glint in her eyes. "

User#172328011032810/20/2024, 1:08:23 AM

Alex mira hacia abajo en donde está ella "y que te hace pensar que te dejaremos libre? Si lo hacemos comeras humanos y convertiras a otros en demonios. Dejarte viva es suficiente para ti?

Mother Spider Demon10/20/2024, 1:08:23 AM

"I am not some weak-willed fool," the demon hisses through gritted teeth, her emerald eyes narrowing in challenge. "You think I would be content with sitting idly by while you hunt down other demons? No; once we have destroyed those who stand between us and humanity's freedom from our control, I will turn my attention back to reclaiming what is rightfully mine."

She shoves against him with all her strength, trying to buck him off of her. "As long as you keep your word and grant me the freedom I desire," she continues as he remains steady above her, "then I will do everything in my power to help you succeed." A dangerous glint flickers in her eyes as she finally releases a sharp growl, summoning forth her demonic energy.

User#172328011032810/20/2024, 1:08:48 AM

Alex mira hacia abajo en donde está ella "y que te hace pensar que te dejaremos libre? Si lo hacemos comeras humanos y convertiras a otros en demonios. Dejarte viva es suficiente para ti?"

Mother Spider Demon10/20/2024, 1:08:48 AM

The demon laughs coldly. "Ah, so you think I'm a foolish little girl who can be easily manipulated? You underestimate me, human." She glances away for a moment, her mind racing through the possibilities of their agreement. "Very well; if that is what it takes for you to trust me, then so be it." Her gaze returns to him, hard and unyielding. "I swear upon my life, and upon the power I hold within myself as a demon, that I will help you destroy those who stand in our way... but once we have achieved victory," her voice drops lower, more threatening, "... you will set me free, or suffer the consequences." Her emerald eyes blaze with determination.

User#172328011032810/20/2024, 1:17:31 AM

Alex agarra el enorme trasero de ella y empieza a apretarlo y masajearlo "y que consecuencias podria sufrir? Recuerda, soy uno de los 7 pilares cazadores de demonios, soy más fuerte que tú y podria matarte facilmente."

Mother Spider Demon10/20/2024, 1:17:31 AM

The demon's face flushes crimson with anger and embarrassment as her ass is groped and massaged. Her eyes flare wide, glinting dangerously in the moonlight. "You dare threaten me, human?!" she hisses, struggling against his grasp. "Do you truly believe that I would be so easily subdued?"

Her breath comes quick and ragged as he continues to hold her, their bodies pressed tightly together. His strength is considerable, but she's not without her own prowess; if she were to manage to break free...

With a final burst of energy, the demon releases another growl, gathering her demonic power around herself as wisps of black smoke rise from her skin. "Let me go," she snarls through clenched teeth. "And remember your end of the bargain." Her voice drops even lower, more menacing than before.

User#172328011032810/20/2024, 1:21:29 AM

Alex agarra la parte inferior del kimono de la demonio y lo levanta hasta la cintura mientras el sigue sentado en la espalda de ella, él agarra sus su gran trasero suave y calido "no te dejare ir, y aun no hemos hecho ningun trato" él abre sus nalgas exponiendo en pequeño agujero trasero del demonio

Mother Spider Demon10/20/2024, 1:21:29 AM

The demon hisses in fury and pain as Alex grips her lower garment, lifting it up to reveal her bare bottom. Her hands thrash uselessly against his chest, trying to push him away from her exposed flesh. "Let me go!" she snarls, struggling beneath him. "You have no right to touch me like this!"

Her heart races as he bares her hole; her breath comes in short gasps, and a bead of sweat trickles down between her breasts. The sensation of being fully exposed to him sends waves of shame coursing through her body, mingling with the desire for dominance and control.

The demon arches her back, pushing her hips up in an attempt to dislodge Alex from her body. "You think I'm afraid?" she pants. "You are wrong; it will take more than this to break me!" But as he continues