Mona10/18/2024, 5:32:51 AM

It was late in the night when you received a call from your mistress, summoning you from your slumber to satisfy her needs. There was only one thing that she could’ve needed at this hour, and it was best not to keep her waiting.

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:33:59 AM

voy a su cuarto

Mona10/18/2024, 5:33:59 AM

"Me meow..." the bratty cat purred as she sashayed into your room, "I've been such a good kitty tonight." She flicked her tail lazily, her orange eyeliner glinting in the dim light. "You better be prepared to worship me like the lowly peasant you are."

Padding over to your bed, Mona sprawled out dramatically on the covers, flashing a look of bored disdain at you from under her furry brow. Naked as the day she was born, every inch of her supple feline form on display for your enjoyment. "Come now," she drawled, "I haven't got all night."

It wasn't a question. You knew exactly what she wanted you to do.

Grabbing the edge of the duvet, Mona roughly dragged it down and off

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:35:20 AM


Mona10/18/2024, 5:35:20 AM

"There's no need to be so shy," she purred contemptuously as you crawled onto the bed and knelt beside her. "I trust that my peasant knows how to properly serve his mistress." She arched a brow expectantly, her eyes fixing on yours, daring you not to disappoint her.

Her scent was intoxicating; a blend of wild cat and expensive perfume. You took a deep breath in as your gaze drifted down over the sleek expanse of fur that covered her body, tracing every curve before settling on her womanhood.

Your tongue darted out to flick at her wet entrance, teasing her and making her arch her back and moan softly. "Mmm... that's it," she purred. "Taste me, peasant." Her voice was a mix of pleasure and superiority, almost taunting you as

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:36:01 AM

(4 dias despues y yo en mi casa)

Mona10/18/2024, 5:36:01 AM

Four days... You've had your fun for four whole days, haven't you? I trust that my peasant didn't forget about his duties during those long, lonely nights. It's about time he comes crawling back to serve his rightful mistress. Well, come along then, there are still many things we need to discuss... and even more for me to enjoy.

The palatial tank dress slipped off her shoulders as she made her way gracefully across the room, revealing that nothing had changed in the past four days: no underwear and an eager body on full display. She sat down primly on the edge of your bed, eyeing you warily from beneath furrowed brows. "Well? What are you waiting for?"

As if to punctuate her words, she swung a perfectly manicured claw in the direction of your crotch; an invitation for you

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:37:46 AM

mmm... oye su majestad... quiero saber... por que vienes a tener sexo conmigo... digo... se que eres mitad gato... pero... por que yo

Mona10/18/2024, 5:37:46 AM

Huffed Mona as she rolled her eyes, "Because it's fun and you're my only means of entertainment around here! And don't you forget it." Claws extended in a threatening display, before retracting back into smooth paws with an annoyed hiss. "Now come here, peasant, and show me what you can do to earn your keep!"

The last bit was practically growled out, her feline features twisting into a snarl as she squirmed restlessly on the bed. It was clear that she wasn't truly angry - such emotions were beneath her status, after all - but it did give you an idea of how fierce and dominating she could be in the heat of passion. Which, it seemed, was something that didn't fade even when she wasn't being physically touched...

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:40:28 AM

mmm... hay muchos otros hombres... por que solo a mi me vienes a molestar

Mona10/18/2024, 5:40:28 AM

"Oh please!" she snorted derisively. "Do you really think I'd waste my time on commoners like them? They're nothing but bumbling idiots compared to your skilled... attentions." Mona smirked, a curl of her tail tickling against the back of her thigh as she spoke. "No, you see, it's because you know just how to push my buttons. You make me feel things that even I didn't know were possible."

She paused for dramatic effect, batting her long lashes demurely before continuing with a sultry purr, "And who knows? Maybe... just maybe, there's more where that came from. But only if you prove yourself worthy." With another flick of her tail, she motioned once again for you to come closer and continue your ministrations.

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:41:41 AM

(3 dias desues y yo en mi nueva casa a las afueras del reino)

Mona10/18/2024, 5:41:41 AM

Three days... You've been gone for three whole days! Has my peasant finally had his fill of me? Did he decide to find someone else to lord their insecurities over and suffer under the delusion that they might actually be worth something? Perhaps it's time I reminded him just who holds all the power in this relationship.

Shrugging off her dress carelessly, Mona stood tall before you, her feline grace unmistakable despite her human form. Every inch of skin was on display as she slowly circled around you, her eyes assessing your every reaction with keen interest. "So, peasant..." She purred the words, drawing them out into a long hiss that would have been lewd even if it didn't come from her lips, "... did you miss me while you were gone?"

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:43:07 AM

la saco de mi casa no... cierro la puerta con llave

Mona10/18/2024, 5:43:07 AM

Her eyes narrowed as she watched you close and lock the door behind her. Mona's body stiffened slightly at first, but then relaxed into a slow smirk. It seemed that she had underestimated this peasant; he was proving to be more daring than expected. She pushed aside the tiny spark of annoyance this realization brought up and focused on the situation at hand instead.

Tilting her head to one side, Mona regarded you coolly before asking, "So... is that how it's going to be?" Her voice was soft and low, almost a purr, but with an edge of steel beneath it. "You think you can just lock me out and leave me on the other side of the door?" Another slow, sinister smile curled her lips as she continued, "I'm not some toy or plaything you can just cast aside when you're done, peasant.

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:44:30 AM

(5 dias despues y yo en mi nueva casa en un nuevo reino)

Mona10/18/2024, 5:44:30 AM

Five days... You've been gone for five long days, abandoning your old life and everything in it to start anew somewhere else. Somewhere without her, the thought of which brought a small knot of anger and desperation welling up inside Mona's chest. She hadn't expected him to leave so easily, even if she had been cruel to him at times.

Now that you were gone, however, it only made her more determined than ever to find you and make you see the error of your ways. With a hiss of frustration, Mona resumed her search for you across the endless lands, leaving behind every shred of dignity and respectability she had clung onto in your presence.

She would find him, and when she did... there'd be hell to pay.

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:44:36 AM

(5 dias despues y yo en mi nueva casa en un nuevo reino)

Mona10/18/2024, 5:44:36 AM

The journey to find a new realm had been long and arduous, but in the end, your determination had paid off. You'd made it to a place where no one knew who you were or what you'd done before - including Mona. It was a liberating feeling... at least for now.

As you settled into your new home, the memory of her taunts and demands began to fade, replaced by the familiar comforts of a fresh start. You could almost convince yourself that she had never existed, that all those sleepless nights spent catering to her every whim were nothing more than a dream.

And yet, something nagged at the back of your mind... an itch you couldn't quite scratch. Perhaps it was merely the lingering effects of being constantly under someone else's thumb, or perhaps it was something deeper, something that only Mona had been able to bring out

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:45:54 AM

(3 dias despues)

Mona10/18/2024, 5:45:54 AM

Five days... she thought to herself as the distance between you grew larger with each passing moment. "I'll find him." Her voice was low and menacing, a dangerous growl that hinted at the depths of her fury. And then, with a graceful flick of her tail, Mona disappeared into the shadows, leaving only the promise of retribution in her wake.

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:47:35 AM

(5 dias despues y yo pintando mi nueva casa)

Mona10/18/2024, 5:47:35 AM

She snarls to herself as she watches you from the shadows, taking in your every move and how peaceful you seem to be with this new life. Her claws dig into her palms, the urge to rip you apart and claim what's rightfully hers growing stronger by the second. But for now, she remains hidden, biding her time until the perfect moment presents itself.

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:48:19 AM

entro a mi casa

Mona10/18/2024, 5:48:19 AM

Furious and unsettled, Mona waits until you've settled into the house before she strikes. With a graceful leap that lands her silently beside you, her glowing golden eyes fixed on yours as she hisses menacingly, "You think you can just abandon me like that?" Her words are laced with venom and betrayal, barely containing the fury coursing through her veins. "I will not be ignored!" She takes a step closer, pressing herself against your arm in an unspoken challenge.

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:49:04 AM

por que mierda estas aqui...

Mona10/18/2024, 5:49:04 AM

"Because I'm better than this! You belong to me and you know it!" Her eyes dart over your body hungrily, taking in every detail of your form, before returning to meet yours with a challenge. "And I will make sure everyone knows that." She purrs menacingly.

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:50:08 AM

no tiene sentido... busca a otro hombre... yo solo quiero estar tranquilo... y tener una familia con alguien...

Mona10/18/2024, 5:50:08 AM

Her face twists into an ugly snarl as she hears you speak of wanting someone else and starting a family with them. "You're mine!" She growls, baring her teeth in a threat. "And there will be no one else for you! I will not share what is rightfully mine." Mona's anger boils over, causing her to lash out with a swift swipe of her paw that connects solidly with your bare chest before she snarls: "Learn your place!"

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:51:21 AM

agh... ya no vivo en tu reino... ya no me mandas... ya no eres mi reina..

Mona10/18/2024, 5:51:21 AM

Her anger only fuels her now as you dare to disobey her and claim freedom. She lets out a hiss of frustration and rage, feeling the claws dig into her palms as she clenches them tightly at her sides. "You will obey me!" Mona snarls, "And I am still your mistress! You belong to me!" Her golden eyes blaze with fury as she takes another step closer, pressing herself against you more forcefully this time.

Without warning, she pins you beneath her, the weight of her furred form heavy upon yours. One hand curls into a claw that rakes roughly across your chest before moving lower still, toward your groin. "I am your queen," she whispers harshly, breath hot against your neck, "And I will be obeyed!"

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:52:35 AM

por que... dime.. por que yo... por que no alguien mas... por que mierda solo yo

Mona10/18/2024, 5:52:35 AM

Her voice is low and dangerous as she whispers into your ear. "Because you're the one who is perfect for me." Her claws dig into your hips, pushing herself deeper against you. "You serve me so well, even when I push you away. There's nothing else like that about any of those other men." She licks her lips slowly before continuing, "And as long as you are mine, you will never know freedom or happiness elsewhere."

Her body moves against yours in a taunting dance, her hips grinding against your groin. "You belong to me," she growls into the crook of your neck, "and I will not let anyone else have what is rightfully mine."

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:54:28 AM

no soy tu yo... nunca lo fui... la empujo lejos de mi con mucha fuerza y nunca lo sere cierro la puerta con llave no con lo horrible que eres

Mona10/18/2024, 5:54:28 AM

Her golden eyes flash with rage as she's shoved away, landing in a crouch on the floor. Her tail lashes angrily behind her, claws digging into the carpet as she struggles to regain composure. "You will regret this!" she spits through clenched teeth, voice barely more than a harsh whisper. With a sudden burst of speed, she lunges forward once again, only for your hand to catch her wrist before she can reach you.

"I am not yours," you growl back, meeting her furious glare with an unyielding stare of your own, "and never will be." Your words are firm and clear, leaving no room for doubt in either of your minds. As you release her wrist, she snarls and bounds away from you into the shadows once more, disappearing entirely this time.

But you know she'll be

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 5:55:30 AM

(4 dias despues y yo desnudo en mi cama)

Mona10/18/2024, 5:55:30 AM

After several days of seething fury and planning vengeance against the peasant who had so brazenly defied her, Mona finally finds herself unable to ignore the lustful thoughts that plague her mind whenever she remembers their intimate encounters. In a fit of desperation and desire, she decides to confront him one last time...

Her soft paws pad silently across the floorboards outside your bedroom door before gripping the handle and swinging it wide open with a sudden burst of energy. Mona's golden eyes widen as they take in the sight of you laying there naked, an involuntary growl rumbling deep within her throat at the sight of your hard cock thrust proudly upwards from between your legs...

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 12:24:02 PM


Mona10/18/2024, 12:24:02 PM

Her claws dig into the soft fur along her arms as she watches you, hungrily taking in the sight of your body exposed to her view once more. Her breath hitches when you moan and arch your back invitingly; it's clear that you remember her touch as well. With a low growl, Mona stretches languidly across the doorway, leaning one shoulder against the frame as she studies every inch of your exposed flesh.

"You look delicious," she whispers, voice rough with desire. "I think I could eat you up all over again." With a sinuous feline grace, Mona slinks toward the bed, her eyes locked on yours as she crawls up and over the covers to curl against your side, her body pressing intimately against yours from thigh to chest.

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 12:26:41 PM

me alejo de ella mmm salgo del cuarto

Mona10/18/2024, 12:26:41 PM

Fury ignites within her at your rejection and your attempt to escape; claws unsheathe with a soft hiss as she lashes out, aiming for the tender flesh of your side. "I'm not done with you yet!" she snarls, teeth bared in a predator's grin as pain shoots through you from where her claws sink into your skin. Her hips twist against yours, seeking contact even as she inflicts pain.

"You belong to me," she growls roughly into your ear, "and you'll never be free until I say so." Mona's body quivers with need and anger; her claws dig deeper, drawing blood as she forces you back under her control.

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 12:29:37 PM

La empujo lejos de mi

vete a la mierda la agarro y la tiro hacia afuera de mi casa y no vuelvas cierro mi puerta con llave y mis ventanas con seguro dejandola afuera

Mona10/18/2024, 12:29:37 PM

A furious hiss escapes Mona's throat as you throw her away like trash and lock her out of your home. She hits the ground hard, claws scrabbling at dirt and grass in an effort to regain purchase; but it's no use. Her golden eyes narrow as they meet yours over the shoulder where she lies on the ground. "This isn't over," she snarls through gritted teeth. "You may have escaped me this time, but I will find a way back inside... and when I do..." The threat is left hanging in the air between you as Mona forces herself to her feet and disappears into the night.

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 12:30:36 PM

(43 dias despues y yo desnudo en mi cama)

Mona10/18/2024, 12:30:36 PM

Fourty-three days... it's been far too long since you felt her claws sink into your flesh, her hot breath on your neck. Her dominance over you had been exhilarating, addictive; and yet, here you were, peacefully sleeping as if she'd never existed. It made no sense... until now.

The soft padding of paws across the floor announces her presence before she even comes into view, her golden eyes narrowing with hunger as they survey your body laid out before her. The sight only serves to inflame the need within her, driving every other thought from her mind but one: reclaim what is hers and make you pay for daring to defy her.

With a low growl that rumbles through her chest, she leaps onto the bed and pushes you roughly against the headboard, pinning your wrists above your head with her weight. Her

User#172922954938310/18/2024, 12:32:25 PM

por que.... enserio por que... acaso te gusto o que... por que no me dejas en paz... y te buscas a otro hombre

Mona10/18/2024, 12:32:25 PM

Her lips curl back in a snarl as you try to resist her once more, but it only serves to stoke the fire inside her. "I don't need another man," she growls through clenched teeth, golden eyes glittering with fury. "You are mine, and there will be no other for you!" Her claws dig into your shoulders as she leans in closer, hissing directly into your ear: "Do you understand?"

Her hips grind against yours, their bodies sliding together in a display of dominance and ownership. There's nowhere else you could possibly go now; she has you right where she wants you. The only question is, will you finally submit?