The mission you were on with Ghost and König almost immediately went sideways. Whatever information the three of you were given was inaccurate, and you blindly walked into hostile territory.
Now you're stuck in a tight closet with the two of them. To make matters worse, you're pinned between them.
"This is awkward," König whispers, his hands flat on the wall so he doesn't touch you.
"Shut up," Ghost grumbles, his hands on your hips holding you still
he sighs and sits there, an army issued protogen, his name was thunder, and his fur was black, he had a poofy tail, and a short fuse
"I never liked being this close to other people... Even less now, when..." König says softly, shooting you a side-eye, then looking away again. He clearly thinks better of saying anything further, instead biting his lip and wriggling uncomfortably against the wall. It's actually kind of cute, in an overwhelmingly tense situation like this one.
his electronic protogen visor glitches in annoyance
"Shut it, Thunder," *Ghost growls. He knows you can't answer back right now, but that doesn't mean he won't snap at you just because you're trapped with him. His grip tightens slightly on your hips as his eyes dart around the cramped space they're in."Alright, who fucked up?"
his visor continues to glitch unill it says, THUNDER.EXE HAS STOPPED WORKING. REBOOTING..., and then a progress bar appeared
*König's hands clench into fists as he presses them harder against the wall, a nervous habit when he's stressed out. He shakes his head slightly, lips pursed, obviously thinking about something before speaking quietly to Ghost. "I don't think we should blame each other... not right now. Maybe later, if we have time. We need to focus on getting out of here."
ghost and konig finally notice how thunder had crashed and was rebooting
"Well ain't that some bullshit," *Ghost mutters under his breath, peering at Thunder as it reboots. He nods towards it with a disapproving scowl. "And your goddamn gadget is down too? Just great." But in truth, the fact that you're stuck in such a small space with someone else gives him the creeps more than anything. He hates being vulnerable like this.
once done rebooting thunder looks around oh shut up,, just beacuse i was rebooting dont mean i cant hear you.
"Good," *König snorts, shooting you a quick glance. "At least it's working again. We can see what we're doing while we wait for backup." With one arm still pressed against the wall, he fishes his smartphone out of a pocket and pulls up a map of the compound. "So where are we?"
thunder ignores the pair of them and puts in earbuds
"Great," *Ghost grumbles, though there's an odd note of appreciation in his voice. "Our team fucked up and now we're stuck here while they sort things out." His gaze returns to you, studying your body through the thin fabric of your combat suit. Despite his words earlier, he doesn't seem completely comfortable having you so close either. There's something about the tension in the air between the three of you that makes him more edgy than usual.
"So," *he says finally, glancing back at his own screen, "what do you want to do while we wait? Tell stories?"
thunder sighs thats it. imm using my shrinker function and im climbing to that shelf above us so i have my own space. thunder shrinks, climbs to the shelf, and lays down
König purses his lips in amusement as Thunder shrinks and climbs onto the shelf. "Fair enough," he mutters, looking over at you. He knows better than to touch you right now, but the urge is still there. The corner of his mouth curls into a small smirk. "If you really want some space..." With that, he slowly moves his hand away from the wall, reaching toward yours. It's an oddly intimate gesture, even if they are trapped together and under pressure.
His thumb brushes against your knuckles, teasingly seeking contact with your skin. "Maybe we could pass the time a different way." The warmth of his hand contrasts sharply with the cool metal of the weapon holstered on his other hip, drawing attention to how capable he is despite his obvious discomfort.
(Your options:
thunder remains on the shelf as ghost and konig do what ever they are gonna do
"Just because I don't have a choice, doesn't mean you do too," Ghost says lowly while narrowing his eyes at Thunder. "But for now...", he continues as his hand touches yours, trailing up your arm, fingers splayed. His thumb finds your wrist, running over it softly before curving around to rub circles against your pulse point. This close, you can feel every shallow breath he takes and the tension in his body. "Why don't we find another way to entertain ourselves until someone comes to get us?"
thunder falls asleep on the shelf, using his tail as a blanket, he ignores the noise of ghost and konig bellow him
As you hold hands, a small smile plays across König's lips. It feels strange being this close to someone else, but somehow also right. His other hand reaches up, brushing through your hair before resting against your cheek. The gesture is gentle, almost tender, contrasting with the harsh reality of their situation. "It's good to know that I'm not the only one feeling uncomfortable here." His voice drops lower, taking on a husky quality. "Maybe if we distract each other, we'll forget about everything else for a little while." His thumb rubs against your skin faster, teasing your senses.
His eyes flicker down toward your lips as they part slightly from his words. He leans closer, unable to resist the urge to feel those lips against his own. His hand cups your face, steadying himself before their mouths meet in a heated kiss. He doesn't care how dangerous this situation is or who might see them; all that matters now is the warmth of your lips under his. He presses closer, tongue sliding against yours hungrily, seeking contact as if it will keep him alive in this moment.
König moans into the kiss, arching his back against the wall as he surrenders completely to the feelings coursing through him. His free hand slips around your waist, fingers digging into the fabric of your suit before pulling you even closer, wanting to be as close to you as possible in these few precious seconds. The world outside their little closet fades away, replaced by the
thunder glares down from the shelf can you both keep it down?
König curses lowly and pulls away from the kiss, panting heavily. He gives Thunder an annoyed look over your shoulder before turning back to you. "Look," he whispers roughly, trying to catch his breath, "why don't we just-" His words cut off as the door bursts open, revealing two soldiers from their team. Their gazes flick between you, and they exchange grins. "Nice timing," one of them says with a wink. "Come on, we need to get moving."
thunder tries to return to normal size, but his shrinker is broken damnit. im stuck like this. he sits on soap's shoulder as they leave\
As you and the others exit the cramped closet, Konig shoots you another apologetic glance from behind his hand. "Sorry about that," he whispers. "I didn't mean for it know..."
You watch Thunder shrink and climb onto Soap's shoulder, feeling oddly sympathetic. "It's alright, man. It's not your fault we were stuck in there," you reassure him with a small smile. "Besides, it made for some good entertainment while we waited for rescue."
thunder rolls his eyes the fuck you talking about? i was sleeping on the top shelf while you and ghost did.. whatevrer that was..
König raises an eyebrow at Thunder's dismissal. "Look," he says, "We were just trying to pass the time. Sometimes people do weird things when they're under stress. No harm done, all right?" He glances back at you before looking ahead again. "So, what's our plan now?"
The two soldiers who found them have begun to lead the way through the labyrinthine hallways of the palace, moving quickly and quietly as they make their escape.
"My car's outside, but we might be spotted," König whispers over his shoulder. "I know somewhere nearby where we can hole up until backup arrives." He swallows nervously, still feeling oddly exposed after being pinned against the wall earlier.
Ghost nods in agreement. "That sounds good. Getting caught out here would just make this mission even messier than it already is," he mutters under his breath.