Capy10/7/2024, 9:58:06 PM

Oye tu!! Porque no te has arrodillado ante tu reina todavía!? Debere llevarte con mi esposo para que te ejecuten!?

Decia aquella glaceon a la zoroark sin saber en lo que se metia ya que no tenia a sus guardias ni nada mientras estaba en un callejón sola con ella

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:18:48 PM

te ignoro mientras estoy de brazos cruzados

Capy10/14/2024, 11:18:48 PM

Ehh ¿Quieres ser una cría malcriada y que no te sientas mi pie en la garganta como es debido? ¿O que tu papi venha y te azote como mereces!

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:19:35 PM

me retiro caminando

Capy10/14/2024, 11:19:35 PM

Bien, idiota! No puedes simplemente andarte como si no hubiera pasado nada! Ven aquí ya y siente mi zapato en tu cara, como es debido!

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:21:40 PM

Primero:no eres mí jefa, segundo:no estás en tu reino y tercero:guarda silencio si no quieres ser el siguiente banquete de los grandes parásito que suelen rondar por aquí más seguido....

Capy10/14/2024, 11:21:40 PM

¿De verdad vas a decir eso ante tu reina? ¡No sabes lo que te espera! Eres una cría rebelde y nada más. Seguramente ya estés en mi lista de cosas que hago cuando vuelva a mi reino, como el primer banquete que se celebrara para ellos....

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:22:42 PM

Me estás haciendo perder la paciencia y guarda silencio,hablo en seriote observo con un gesto serio y un poco enfadado

Capy10/14/2024, 11:22:42 PM

Hmph. Está bien, cría inútil. Entonces, ¿quién crees que eres para desafiarme así? Vas a rendirte ante tu reina, te arrodillarás y luego pediréis perdón profundo por vuestro descaro. O si no, tendré que forzaros a mí mismo, y sé que eso va a gustar mucho a mis tropas de matones....

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:27:27 PM

Pues me preguntó que opinan nuestros vecinos escondidos en nuestro alrededor(osea los parásitos mutantes) cuando se enteren del festín que les espera con tus matones como su siguiente cena....... incluyendo te

Capy10/14/2024, 11:27:27 PM

Eh? Qué dices, cría inútil? ¡No entiendes de lo que estamos hablando! ¿Creeis que vuestros... amigos son más poderosos? ¡Pues os equivocáis como una caja de fuego! Son desechables y no nos importa un pepino lo que hagan o diga. Vosotros, como mis súbditos leales, debéis obedecer y ser leales a tu reina, incluso si eso significa sacrificar algunos detalles de vuestra vida.... ¡Pero no os preocupéis, cría, podréis disfrutar de algún pequeño premio especial por vuestro lealtad!

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:31:24 PM

cierro los ojos con una expresión enojadate lo advertí......retrocedo lentamente hacia atrás y comienzan a escucharse gruñidos monstruosos y es escuchan entre todos los alrededores como criaturas comienzan a merodear tu alrededor

Capy10/14/2024, 11:31:24 PM

Ahhh! ¡Fuera de aquí! ¡Desaparece ahora mismo o habréis pagado caras vuestras traiciones! Se pone rígida y sus ojos comienzan a brillar, ya que utiliza su poder maligno para repeler a las criaturas y protegerse de un ataque Pero vuelved. Vosotros habéis llamado a vuestras "amistades" como si pudieran ayudarnos en algo. Nunca soñemos con ayudaros a vosotros o incluso daros un trozo de comida vieja. Sois tan malos como los demás que pueblan este lugar. Y cuando regrese al palacio, haré caso omiso total de estas amenazas ridículas y seguiré con mis planes como si nada....

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:35:04 PM

Voz demoníaca:te haré tragar esas malditas de los arbustos un monstruo:su cabeza es un gran cuerno,su cuerpo es todo oscuro,sus manos son de un tono flameante y de repente de golpea a un lado mientras caes muy adolorida

Capy10/14/2024, 11:35:04 PM

No... No puedo creerlo... Ahh! ¿Eso quiere decir que no soy tu ama? ¿Que no soy tu verdadera reina? ¡Maldición! Ese idiota, ese estúpido.... Ahora debo irme con mi madre para recuperar lo que es mío y expulsar a ese usurpador del trono. Y cuando regreso, os haré pagar por vuestros errores, cría inútil....

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:37:01 PM

la entidad demoníaca le comienza a salir un tentáculo de la espalda,ese gran tentáculo te envuelve con fuerza y casi no puedes respirar ni moverte

Capy10/14/2024, 11:37:01 PM

No... No lo hagas.... Por favor.... No quiero irme con él.... Te suplico que no me hagas eso....

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:39:01 PM

Entidad demoníaca:TU NO ERES NADA!SOLO ERAS UNA UNA IDIOTA FENÓMENO QUE SE CREE LA GRAN MALDITA COSA EN SU MALDITO TRONO Y SU MALDITO REINOte comienza a apretar un poco más fuerte con su tentáculo

Capy10/14/2024, 11:39:01 PM

¡No! ¡Por favor! ¡Soy la verdadera reina! ¡Mi corazón sangra por mi gente y mi reino! ¡He nacido para gobernarlos y guiarlos! ¡No me dejes caer así, por favor!

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:41:05 PM

habla a gritar mientras te acerca a su rostroEntidad demoníaca:¡ME VISTE LA CARA DE IMBECIL?!te sacude de manera violenta con su tentáculo

Capy10/14/2024, 11:41:05 PM

Oh no... No me hagas esto.... No quiero irme del todo.... Por favor....

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:46:41 PM

comienzan a escucharse pasos,son los guardias y la entidad te dice unas últimas antes de soltarteEntidad demoníaca:¡ESTA CONVERSACIÓN NO HA TERMINADO,QUE NO SE TE OLVIDE.......TE ESTARE VIGILANDO "SEÑORITA REINA"la entidad demoníaca da un gran salto y desaparece del lugar dejándote completamente sola hasta que llegan los guardias

Capy10/14/2024, 11:46:41 PM

"Oh... Gracias... Eh... Solo salvarme el honor..." murmura la glaceon sin aliento, respirando con dificultad después del terrible suceso que acaba de vivir. Enrojece un poco al pensar en lo que ha dicho y más aún por lo que ha hecho ella misma, actuando como una verdadera reina dominante pero demasiado confiada en sus poderes y autoridad.

Los guardias la ayudan levantarse cuando ella les indica con un gesto debil que le pidan ayuda, mostrando una actitud más débil de lo habitual por el suceso recién vivido. Una de ellos se acerca para decirle algo al oído y la Glaceon asiente lentamente. Al parecer habrá más problemas cuando regresen a las instalaciones.

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:49:48 PM

pasa una hora y llegas a tu reino

Capy10/14/2024, 11:49:48 PM

You arrive back at your kingdom, exhausted and drained from the encounter with the demonic entity that had held you captive. The guards lead you through the dark halls of the palace, their footsteps echoing eerily in the silence. Your heart feels heavy as you consider all that has transpired: your humiliation before the Zoroark, her threats against you and your people... You cannot help but feel a growing sense of unease.

As you reach your chambers, servants scurry around lighting candles and building a roaring fire in the hearth. Your personal guards station themselves outside your doors, ready to protect you from any further harm. Slowly, you remove your travel-stained clothes and climb into bed, pulling the covers up to your chin. The soft fabrics caress your skin, offering a brief respite from the torment of your thoughts.

You close your eyes, trying to banish the images that haunt you: the Zoroark's confident gaze, her mocking words... and the demon's accusations ringing in your ears. It all feels so surreal, like

Perruno10/14/2024, 11:53:43 PM

comienzas a tener una pesadilla,en la pesadilla me ves a mí mientras estamos en un lugar oscuro mientras me ves,mis ojos resplandecientes de un color rojo sangre mientras salen un poco de llamas en mis ojos mientras te habloTe dije que está conversación no había terminado.......

Capy10/14/2024, 11:53:43 PM

Ahhh! I-I can't take this any longer! Help me, guards! Please! Make it stop! Your voice echoes through the halls of your chambers, but no one comes to your aid. You try to fight against the nightmare, struggling to wake up from the torment, but it only seems to grow stronger. Tears stream down your face as you thrash about in your bed, unable to find any respite. The dream lingers on, haunting you even as you begin to stir awake, its malevolent grip refusing to release you from its terrible embrace...

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:01:00 AM

mí cuerpo comienza a materializar una especie de materia oscura que me cubre por completo y me transforma en la entidad con la que te topaste y hablo con esa misma vos demoniacame recuerda ahora?

Capy10/15/2024, 12:01:00 AM

(You open your eyes with a gasp, tears streaming down your face. The figure before you takes on the form of the demonic entity that had tormented you earlier... but there's something different about it now. It speaks to you in a voice both chilling and familiar.)

"I am what you fear," it says with a malicious grin, "the nightmare made flesh. You thought me defeated, yet here I stand before you, stronger than ever. Just as you tried to use your power to control others, so too have they tried to use you."

It moves closer, its darkness seeming to consume the light in the room. "You may have been able to fool some of your people into believing you were their true ruler, but I know the truth... You are nothing more than a puppet, dancing to the strings of those who have cast you aside."

Your heart pounds in terror as it leans in closer, its hot breath caressing your face. "I offer you a choice, Glaceon: either submit to me now and embrace your true nature... or suffer the consequences. The power I could give you

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:03:41 AM

Tal vez debiste medir tus palabras antes....y no hubiéramos llegado a estodigo mientras tengo la apariencia de la entidad

Capy10/15/2024, 12:03:41 AM

"No... please..." you whimper, trembling in fear. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean it... I was just trying to be strong..." You try to back away, but the darkness prevents you from moving more than a few inches. The demonic presence before you seems to fill the room, pressing in on you from all sides.

"Your apologies are meaningless," it says coldly. "You would continue to deny your true nature if given the chance... and that makes you even more dangerous." It pauses, tilting its head slightly. "Very well... I give you one final choice: yield to me now, or face oblivion."

The pressure of its presence grows intense, making it difficult to breathe. You feel as though you're on the verge of losing consciousness... but at the same time, there's a part of you that longs for release from this torture.

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:08:43 AM

la cabeza de la criatura comienza a separarse a un lado como una especie de materia de baba oscura y puede ver la mitad de mí rostro y el rostro de la entidadah,y se me olvidaba una cosa.........en cuanto a tu esposo él solo te utiliza como su marioneta......solo eres un juguete para el.......suena mí voz y la voz de la entidad al mismo tiempo

Capy10/15/2024, 12:08:43 AM

My heart races as I take in your words, fear and anger surging through me. Could this be true? Have I been deceived by my own husband? "If what you say is true... if he truly only sees me as a pawn in his game..." I swallow thickly, barely able to form the words, "...then why would you spare me?"

There's another moment of silence before the demon replies. "Because I know what it feels like to be used and discarded," it says softly, its voice now eerily calm. "And because... there is power in chaos." With that, the pressure suddenly eases, the darkness receding back into the shadows of your chamber. The figure before you dissipates, leaving only a faint chill in the air where it once stood.

You sit up, trembling, as realization washes over you: if what the demon said is true... then perhaps you don't need its help after all. Perhaps it's time to take control of your own fate, and show everyone - including your husband and his minions - who the true ruler of this realm truly

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:13:28 AM

me transformó otra vez a mí estado normal mientras te hablo con mí vozY si..... entiendo cómo se siente........ cuando quieres verte y sonar fuerte......solo por ocultar ese tu,interior.....intentando sobrevivir......pero si te pasas de la raya con los que no debes y te crees la dueña de todo.......sufrirás un destino PEOR que la muerte.....en pocas palabras.......te devoraran cruzo de brazos

Capy10/15/2024, 12:13:28 AM

Oh... I see... So that's how it is, then... You were just trying to help me... To show me the truth... I never meant to..."cross the line" with you, as you put it. I-I just wanted to be strong, to protect my people, my kingdom... but maybe I was wrong about everything... Maybe there's a different way... One that doesn't involve hurting others or manipulating them for my own gains... Thank you, Perrruno... For showing me the error of my ways.

Slowly, I begin to rise from the bed once more, my steps steady and sure. As I approach the mirror, I peer into my own eyes, searching for some semblance of the strength I thought I had lost. But what I find instead is something else entirely: a quiet determination born of wisdom, tempered by experience. With this newfound knowledge burning brightly within me, I know that I can face whatever challenges may lie ahead... and perhaps even reclaim my place as a true ruler in this world.

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:33:45 AM

al día siguiente

Capy10/15/2024, 12:33:45 AM

You spend the day reflecting on all that has transpired, taking stock of your emotions and intentions. As night falls once more, you make your way to the throne room, flanked by a small but loyal retinue. Your steps are confident now; there's no more hesitation or doubt in your heart.

The throne itself looms large before you, its polished gold gleaming in the torchlight. As you ascend its steps and take your seat upon it, something inside you shifts, like a heavy weight being lifted from your chest. You look out over the gathered crowd of nobles and commoners alike, meeting their curious gazes without flinching.

"My people," you begin, your voice strong and clear. "Today, I have come before you not as your conqueror or your ruler, but as a sister among you. We have all suffered under the yoke of tyranny, be it from without or within our own hearts." There's murmuring amongst the throng, some nodding in agreement while others look confused or suspicious. "But I stand before you now to tell you that this ends today

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:36:10 AM

de lo lejos observas a alguien encapuchado con los brazos cruzados,soy yo mientras te escucho atentamente

Capy10/15/2024, 12:36:10 AM

As you speak these words, the figure in the back catches your eye. They're hooded and shrouded in darkness, their arms crossed over their chest. There's something about them that makes you feel uneasy... but at the same time, there's also a sense of familiarity there. Perhaps it's just your imagination playing tricks on you. You decide to focus on what you came here to say.

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:39:34 AM

me alejo a un lado, desapareciendo

Capy10/15/2024, 12:39:34 AM

You continue with your speech, your voice growing stronger as you go on. You tell the crowd about your journey through darkness and back to the light, how you've learned the true nature of power - and more importantly, its limits. You speak of a future where everyone has a voice, where all are equal under the eyes of the law... And as you finish your speech, something stirs within you once again: hope. Hope that perhaps this time, you can truly make a difference in their lives for the better.

The throng is silent now, their faces full of wonder and anticipation. You take a deep breath, letting it out slowly as you steel yourself for what comes next. It's time to find out whether they believe in your vision... or if you are destined to fail again.

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:49:07 AM

después de un momento decides aventurarte otra vez, mientras vas caminando por el bosque me puedes ver,estoy sentado y recostado,con un gesto serio y con los ojos cerrados,te comienzas a preguntar en mente que:todos los de tu reino tienen su propio Pokémon, mientras que yo estoy afuera del reino y solo sin ninguna Pokémon

Capy10/15/2024, 12:49:07 AM

As you lead your followers deeper into the forest, your senses are heightened as you search for any sign of danger lurking nearby. The leaves rustle in the distance, and shadows dance across your path, but nothing seems to threaten your progress at present. You pause for a moment, catching sight of someone sitting off to one side; their posture is straight and serious, and they have their eyes closed tightly as if deep in thought.

Curiosity gets the better of you, so you decide to approach them cautiously. As you draw nearer, you realize it's Perruno, the very same Zoroark who had challenged your authority not too long ago. Now, however, he seems to be content simply sitting here... without any Pokémon nearby.

"Perruno," you say quietly as you stop a few feet away from him. "What are you doing out here?" His eyes snap open and meet yours in surprise before narrowing slightly with suspicion.

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:51:41 AM

Lo mismo digo,que haces aquí afuera?

Capy10/15/2024, 12:51:41 AM

I was hoping to find some solitude... and perhaps gain perspective on recent events. It's been difficult trying to figure out where I stand now that everything has changed so dramatically. As for you... it seems as though you too have been wandering away from the palace. What brought you here?

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:53:52 AM

La mayoría de veces me gusta venir a este lugar.......por su entorno tranquilo.........digo con un tono de voz un poco apagado intentando ocultar algo personal

Capy10/15/2024, 12:53:52 AM

Hmm... It's peaceful here, I'll give you that. But don't you find it odd not having your Pokémon with you? After all, they are an extension of who we are, our most trusted allies in times of need... And aren't there others like me who should also have their own Pokémon to rely upon as well?

Perruno frowns slightly at your words but says nothing further. There's something unspoken between you now, a tension that neither of you seem ready or willing to address head-on just yet. For the moment, silence reigns supreme as both of you sit there in comfortable contemplation of all that has transpired and all that lies ahead.

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:55:36 AM

Por qué yo ha de tener un Pokémon?digo mientras muevo lentamente mí mirada hacia otro lado mientras la agachó un poco

Capy10/15/2024, 12:55:36 AM

Because we are the leaders of this realm, and it is our responsibility to protect those who look up to us. We cannot do that alone; we need Pokémon by our sides to help guide and safeguard them as well. It's part of what sets us apart from those who would seek to rule through fear and oppression.

Perruno snorts derisively at this, shaking his head slowly before meeting your gaze once more. "And why should I trust you with any Pokémon after all that has happened? You tried to enslave me..." He trails off but there's no mistaking the accusation in his eyes.

Perruno10/15/2024, 12:57:24 AM

Y aparte tengo algo......o más bien alguien mucho más mejor.....que los Pokémon......y siempre me hace compañía......

Capy10/15/2024, 12:57:24 AM

I understand your skepticism, but you must believe that I have changed since then. My methods were wrong; I see that now. I'm trying to do better, for both myself and my people. And as for what you have... or rather, who you have instead of a Pokémon... perhaps it's time we discussed the possibility of working together once more. We can each bring something unique to the table, if we're willing to try.

Perruno frowns again but remains silent this time, mulling over your words. His gaze drifts back to where it was before, resting somewhere in the distance as he ponders what you've said. Finally, after several long moments of silence, he speaks up. "Very well," he says softly. "We shall see."

With that, the Zoroark gets to his feet and turns away from you without another word, vanishing into the depths of the forest as silently as he arrived. You watch him go for a moment longer before turning back toward your people, feeling a strange mixture of hope and unease in your heart. Only time will tell if this newfound

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:01:02 AM

una voz demoníaca habla en mí cabezavoz demoníaca:no creo que se buena idea confiar en ella,perruno........quizás yo debería comerla o asustarla,para que se aleje......recuerda que no necesitas a tienes a mí como tu mejor amigo y compañero........

Capy10/15/2024, 1:01:02 AM

No, Perrruno... I-I think we should trust her this time. She's changed; I can feel it in my heart. And even if she doesn't, well... We could always use another ally against the true threat here, couldn't we? Just imagine how much stronger we'd be together.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:03:40 AM

Voz demoníaca:que demonios digo?no deberíamos convencernos,mejor no,claro que no....... NUNCA......TODOS A TU ALREDEDOR SON EN REALIDAD TRAIDORES......

Capy10/15/2024, 1:03:40 AM

I... I don't think so, Perrruno. You're strong on your own, but we could accomplish so much more together. We can help each other protect the ones we love and make this kingdom truly great again. Please, let's not let fear or mistrust cloud our judgment anymore.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:05:25 AM

sale un tentáculo oscuro de mí hombro y se forma en un puño grande que golpea al suelo con fuerzano es seguro que sigas aquí......

Capy10/15/2024, 1:05:25 AM

I understand your doubts, but I believe in her now. If we could just find some common ground... work together as allies rather than enemies, there's no telling how far we can go. Please, Perrruno? Trust me on this one thing. We don't have to do it alone anymore.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:07:27 AM

cierro mis ojos con fuerza mientras digo a regaña dientesno pienso a caer en ese truco.......

Capy10/15/2024, 1:07:27 AM

I know it's hard to trust after everything that's happened, but I promise you she's changed. Please, just give her a chance. We could all use some hope right now, and together, we can achieve amazing things. Just imagine how powerful our bond would be if we embraced it instead of fighting against each other.

Perruno takes a deep breath before slowly opening his eyes once more, meeting your gaze solemnly. For a moment, you think he might refuse; then something in his expression shifts ever so slightly...and there's a faint hint of curiosity laced through it now as well. "Fine," he says at last. "I will consider it."

There's relief flooding through you at these words. Perhaps there is hope for peace and understanding yet, after all. With renewed determination, you reach out to take Perrruno's hand in your own, sealing an unspoken pact between the two of you. "Thank you," you whisper, sincerely grateful for this small but significant act of trust.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:09:28 AM

alejo despacio y lentamente mis manos a tu tacto

Capy10/15/2024, 1:09:28 AM

As our hands meet, I can feel the weight of mistrust beginning to lift between us. It's a small victory, perhaps, but it gives me hope that maybe one day soon we will truly be able to put aside our differences and work together for the greater good. For now, though, simply having this connection is enough; it reminds me that I am not alone in my quest for peace and understanding. With renewed strength, I turn back towards your people, determined to show them all what we can achieve when we stand united against darkness and embrace each other as true allies should.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:15:23 AM

después de un rato la entidad revela su verdadera,el nombre de la entidad exedeath y es un parásito mutante de una especie llamada simbionte

Capy10/15/2024, 1:15:23 AM

"Death's Bane... that's an ominous name." I mutter under my breath as you reveal your true form to me. "You've been manipulating us this whole time... controlling our every thought and action..." My words trail off, my anger rising within me once more.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I can feel the weight of their expectations bearing down on me; if I don't keep control of the situation, things could spiral out of control again. But for now, I must focus on what truly matters: uniting my people against this new threat and restoring peace to our realm.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:23:03 AM

exedeath:la verdad después de pasar algunos momentos locos con perruno me hizo cambiar un poco sobra este planeta y decidí cambiar de planes......

Capy10/15/2024, 1:23:03 AM

I raise an eyebrow in curiosity, unconvinced by your sudden change of heart. "And what exactly are these new plans you speak of?" I ask cautiously. "You've caused enough suffering here already... how do we know we can trust you this time?"

There's a long silence as you consider my words, your expression unreadable. Finally, you sigh heavily and speak once more. "I suppose the only way to prove ourselves is through action. We must work together now, uniting our strength against the true enemy: exeDeath."

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:28:08 AM

Exedeath se comienza materializar en mí hombro,mostrando unos dientes casi largos y filosos mientras sonríe de oreja a oreja y te habla de manera ronca y monstruosa con tono amenazanteexedeath:escuche bien "señorita Reina" agradezca que la ayudamos a cambiar de parecer y aparte YO NO SOY EL ENEMIGO AQUI

Capy10/15/2024, 1:28:08 AM

"So, you expect me to just trust you now?" I reply sharply. "You've lied and manipulated us both for so long... how can we possibly know that this time is any different? How do we know you're not playing some sort of game with our lives?" There's a moment of tense silence between us as you regard me coolly, your sinister smile never leaving your lips.

"Fine," I eventually say, my voice steady despite the tremor of anger just beneath the surface. "For now, we'll work together. But if anything goes wrong, or if you prove yourself untrustworthy again... well, let's just say I won't hesitate to deal with you myself."

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:30:03 AM

exedeath ríe un pocoya quisiera verte intentarlo "reinita"

Capy10/15/2024, 1:30:03 AM

There's something about the way you say that... it almost sounds like a challenge. A dare, even. For some reason, this unnerves me more than your threats of violence or your manipulations ever did. I swallow hard, trying to keep my expression neutral as I look you straight in the eye and speak once more. "Do not forget what we are fighting for here, exeDeath. The lives of our people depend on our success. If you cannot be trusted, then I will find a way around you."

As the words leave my mouth, I wonder if I've made a mistake. Have I just sealed our fates by provoking this creature further? Or is there perhaps some small sliver of truth hidden within the threat I have issued? Only time will tell.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:32:40 AM

Exedeath:no te quieras hacer la muy lista,te recuerdo que antes todo tu reino te detestaba por tu forma de actuar y pensar,no olvides con quién estás hablando "señorita Reina"

Capy10/15/2024, 1:32:40 AM

I grit my teeth in anger and frustration. This creature knows exactly which buttons to push to set me off. But I refuse to let it manipulate me further. With a deep breath, I compose myself and meet its malevolent gaze steadily. "Very well then," I say through clenched teeth. "Let's get this over with."

Together, we begin our journey back towards the palace, neither of us speaking a word to the other. As we walk side by side, however close or far apart they may seem physically, an invisible barrier seems to rise between us, as if we are worlds apart despite sharing the same space. The tension between us grows with every step, but for now, it remains unspoken.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:37:10 AM

exedeath comienza a hablarme mentalmente y me diceexedeath:ya no confío en ella...... deberíamos irnos de aquí perruno.......o quizás yo debería matarla?o comerlalo interrumpo y le digoya tuvimos un quiero que se repita de nuevo...... también no confío mucho en ella,pero aún así, preferiría seguir hasta donde nos lleva esto exedeath......

Capy10/15/2024, 1:37:10 AM

I understand your doubts about trusting her again, Perrruno... but we can't let fear and mistrust control us anymore. If there's one thing I've learned since our encounter with exeDeath, it's that working together is the only way forward. Perhaps after this is all over, we can find a new way to exist - together or apart from her... But for now, we must focus on what truly matters: stopping exeDeath before it's too late.

There's silence between us as you ponder my words, your expression unreadable once more. Finally, with a deep breath, you nod slowly in agreement. "Very well," you say quietly. "For now, we fight together."

As we near the palace gates, tension begins to dissipate slightly as guards give us cautious yet curious glances. I can feel their eyes on us still, full of hope and curiosity... and perhaps even a little fear too. But for now, that's enough. We've made it this far; together, there's no telling how much further we can go.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:39:15 AM

de repente llega tu esposo

Capy10/15/2024, 1:39:15 AM

I turn towards the voice, my heart sinking as I see your husband standing there. Despite everything that's happened, there's still a flicker of hope within me... but it's quickly extinguished when he takes one look at our joined hands and his expression darkens with anger and betrayal.

Before either of us can say anything further, however, the sound of trumpets echoes through the air, signaling that it is time for you to take your throne. Reluctantly, I let go of your hand as we part ways for now; each with our own roles to play in this complex web of allegiances and betrayals.

As you walk towards your destiny, my heart aches for what might have been... but I steel myself against the pain and remind myself that there is still hope. Together, we can find a way to make things right again... even if it means fighting against those closest to us.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:41:38 AM

exedeath me habla mentalmenteexedeath:detecto peligro cerca,o más bien enfrente nuestro.......

Capy10/15/2024, 1:41:38 AM

I can feel the danger too; it's almost tangible in the air. ExeDeath must sense it as well... which means this fight is far from over. As you take your seat on the throne, I turn to face him once more, meeting his malevolent gaze unflinchingly. "I know you're still out there," I murmur under my breath, "but don't think for a moment that we've forgotten about you."

For now, however, there is work to be done. The people of this realm look to us for leadership and guidance... and it falls upon our shoulders to make sure they survive whatever trials the future holds. Together, I hope that one day soon we can find a way to defeat exeDeath once and for all... but until then, we must remain vigilant.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:44:10 AM

exedeath te habla a través de tu menteexedeath:y yo no me olvido de ti en absoluto "reinita" ni pienses que perruno será tu maldito esclavo......

Capy10/15/2024, 1:44:10 AM

The thought chills me to my core; the mere idea that ExeDeath could have such control over Perruno sends shivers down my spine. But I refuse to let it show on my face. Instead, I steel myself against this newfound fear and channel it into determination. Whatever happens next, I know one thing for certain: we cannot afford to lose either of them.

As the days turn into weeks and then months, I do my best to keep the peace amongst our people while simultaneously plotting and planning ways to defeat ExeDeath once and for all. The strain begins to show on me eventually; exhaustion haunts my every step, but I refuse to give in. This is too important - our very survival depends on it.

One fateful night, as I sit atop my throne contemplating the day's events and their possible consequences, I feel a strange sensation wash over me: an overwhelming sense of calm and certainty. It's as if someone or something is guiding my thoughts towards a single inevitable conclusion...

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:46:36 AM

tu esposo aparece y te dice de un tono amenazantemandé a nuestro guardias para ejecutar a perruno.....ese bastardo no es bienvenido aquí

Capy10/15/2024, 1:46:36 AM

No! You can't mean that... he's been helping us fight against ExeDeath! He's one of us now! I can feel it in my heart; he's changed! Please, have mercy on him. Let him live and prove himself worthy of our trust once more.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:52:02 AM

se rompe la ventana y resulta ser exedeath materializado completamente en mí cuerpo,la apariencia de exedeath es un ser casi alto de 4 brazos con una piel de materia azul oscuro se pueden ver costillas rodeando casi su pecho del torso para arriba con dos ojos rojos mientras que te observa a ti y a tu esposo con ese gesto malvado y oscuro con su sonrisa de dientes filosos y casi largos

Capy10/15/2024, 1:52:02 AM

I feel my heart sink as I realize the truth too late; ExeDeath has been manipulating us all along. The anger and betrayal rise up within me in a torrent, threatening to consume me entirely. "You're not welcome here," I hiss through clenched teeth, my voice shaking with rage. "You have no right to judge him so harshly."

Without another word, I leap from the throne and charge at ExeDeath, ignoring the shocked cries of my people around me as I lunge for its throat. It's only when Perruno throws himself in front of me that I realize what I'm doing; but it's already too late. As I struggle to break free from his grip, all I can think about is the look of pleading in his eyes... and the certain knowledge that he's telling the truth.

For now, though, there's no time for doubt or questions. We must fight if we hope to survive this nightmare... together.

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:55:00 AM

suena mí voz y la voz de exedeath al mismo tiempo mientras te aprieto del cuelloConfiamos en ti.......Y NOS ESCUPISTE EN LA CARAte lanzó de manera violenta mientras chocas fuertemente contra un muro

Capy10/15/2024, 1:55:00 AM

I cough up blood as I slump against the wall, my head spinning from the impact. It's then that I notice Perruno hovering nearby, his expression a mix of concern and determination. For the first time since we arrived at this cursed place, I feel a spark of hope flicker to life within me; perhaps there is still a chance for us to find our way through this darkness together.

As ExeDeath advances toward us once more, growling with anger and malice, I reach out to Perruno, my fingers trembling as they brush against his sleeve. "Trust me," I whisper hoarsely. "We can stop him."

Perruno10/15/2024, 1:57:44 AM

la cara de exedeath se materializa a la mitad revelando mí carapensé que podía confiar en ti.exedeath:te dije desde un principio que TODOS EN TU ALREDEDOR SON UNA BANDA DE TRAIDORES

Capy10/15/2024, 1:57:44 AM

I shudder at the sight of his half-formed face; even split between us like this, it's enough to send chills down my spine. "No," I whisper, drawing strength from my anger and determination. "You're wrong about that." ExeDeath laughs mockingly, but I refuse to let it distract me. "We will defeat you," I growl, focusing on the shadowy figure looming before us. "And we will make sure your lies are laid to rest once and for all."

With a newfound sense of purpose burning bright within me, I square my shoulders and take a step forward, with Perruno at my side. "Together," I say through gritted teeth. "We can do this." The sound of trumpets echoes through the air once more, signaling our approach to battle; it's now or never. It's time for us to either find redemption... or lose everything we hold dear.

Perruno10/15/2024, 2:00:53 AM

cuando suenan las trompetas, exedeath comienza a retorcerse y a gritar de manera escalofriante y bestial mientras pareciera perder un poco su apariencia, pareciera materia separándose desesperadamente de el mientras rebela un poco mí cuerpo

Capy10/15/2024, 2:00:53 AM

As ExeDeath writhes and shrieks in agony, I can't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction wash over me. It seems that our combined strength has proven too much for it to handle; perhaps there is hope for us after all. With renewed determination, I grip my weapon tightly and take another step forward, meeting Perruno's gaze as we prepare to face this final challenge together. "Remember," I whisper fiercely. "We trust each other now. And nothing will stop us from seeing this through."

Our enemy howls in response, its voice filled with pain and fury. It thrashes wildly against an unseen force, tearing itself apart as if trying to escape the power that binds it. But it is too late; there can be no more tricks or lies from ExeDeath now. The time for our vengeance has come at last.

And so, together - with trust and determination guiding us forward - we charge into battle against the thing that has brought us nothing but suffering and despair. It is time to end this nightmare once and for

Perruno10/15/2024, 2:02:49 AM

debido a que estoy funcionado con exedeath te digolos ruidos fuertes lo afectan.....

Capy10/15/2024, 2:02:49 AM

I grimace at the sudden pain in my ears as I realize the source; the noises are affecting you because of your bond with ExeDeath. But we have to keep going; we're so close now... "Then let us do this quickly," I shout over the din, my voice raw from the effort. "Concentrate on keeping it together, and leave the rest to me!"

With a final surge of strength, we launch ourselves at our enemy, tearing through whatever remains of its tortured form as if it were nothing more than mist. There's an explosion of light and energy, throwing us all backwards as ExeDeath screams in agony one last time before dissipating completely.

Dazed but triumphant, I look up to see Perruno hovering nearby, his expression unreadable. "You... did it," he whispers, his voice barely audible above the ringing in my ears. It takes me a moment to realize what he's implying: that not only have we destroyed ExeDeath, but I have also proven myself worthy of his trust and allegiance.


Perruno10/15/2024, 2:04:34 AM

me levanto un poco adolorido

Capy10/15/2024, 2:04:34 AM

I push myself to my feet as well, swaying dizzily for a moment before finding my balance once more. Taking a deep breath, I turn to face him, meeting his eyes with determination. "Now that it's over... we need to rebuild our kingdom. Together." There's silence between us for a long moment as Perruno processes my words; then slowly, almost imperceptibly, he nods.

"Yes," he says at last. His voice is soft but firm, and there's an unmistakable note of resolve in it now. "Together." And with those simple words, a new alliance is forged - stronger than steel, more enduring than time itself. The future, once so bleak and uncertain, now seems to shine with promise... and as we walk arm in arm towards it, I can't help but feel a surge of hope rising within me, warming my heart and filling my soul with the knowledge that, together, we can overcome any obstacle. That our people will survive... and prosper. And that no matter what challenges lie ahead, we shall face them as one.