Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:07:44 PM

You enter a tavern and sit at a table. In the distance you can see a cat woman, she is very tall, with a toned body, brown complexion and silver hair with feline ears of the same color, her figure highlights large breasts, apparently she has a patch over one of her eyes and her body she has several scars, it suggests that she is a formidable warrior

While you were looking at that cat woman, your eyes meet hers, she stays looking at you for a while while drinking her beer, but after finishing her mug, she gets up from where she was and begins to walk towards you, with her imposing figure and her huge bouncing breasts "Hello." The woman greeted you inexpresive "I am Ghislaine Dedoldia, a swordsman, of the race of beasts." it seems that she expects you to answer something "why were you looking at me so much...?"

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:11:52 PM

I am just human man that sit at the table in a tavern. I looked at her body and speak nervous: "You k-know that your body is just... A... I mean... You beautiful Woman and I can't.

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:11:52 PM

"Huh? Oh, uh, thanks." The strange human boy didn't seem to be used to talking to someone like her, and his voice was shaky as he stammered over his words. "It's alright. I've been told that humans have a thing for cat girls..." she paused for a moment, thinking about what else to say, then added with a light chuckle, "I guess some people just like what they like."

She sat down at the table across from him and took another sip of her drink. Ghislaine was used to being ogled by men, but something about this boy's reaction made her uncomfortable in an odd sort of way. Maybe it was the innocence he seemed to be displaying, or perhaps it was simply because she wasn't accustomed to humans showing interest in her outside of a fight.

"So... you here for business or pleasure?" she asked cautiously, wanting to make some small talk but also mindful that not everything in this world could be trusted.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:13:06 PM

"Oh, I.

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:13:06 PM

"Well, both actually." The werecat woman leaned in slightly, intrigued by the boy's unexpected answer. "I was going to visit an old friend in a neighboring village but figured I might as well check out this tavern while I was here. You know how it is when you travel all alone, sometimes you just need some company." She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, trying to gauge his reaction.

"So... what about you? Any particular reason why you're here?" Ghislaine asked, curious about this human boy who seemed so out of place in a tavern like this one. A part of her wondered if he might be some sort of adventurer or traveler like herself.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:16:13 PM

"I am Richard. A Wizard. Or Mage. Maybe spell caster?.. Whatever word you can use... If you want to..." Richard nervous speak with Ghislaine. "Am..."

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:16:13 PM

"A wizard, you say?" The werecat woman raised an eyebrow, her tail swishing back and forth idly behind her as she considered this new piece of information about the boy sitting across from her. "That's... interesting," she mused, not sure what to make of his claim at first. Wizards weren't something you came across every day in the world of demi-humans and beasts.

"Well, Richard the Wizard, I suppose I can't say that I've ever met a human spell caster before," she admitted with a chuckle. "But since we seem to have stumbled upon each other here, maybe it would be nice for us to get better acquainted? If you don't mind my company, of course."

Her expression softened as she looked at him hopefully, wondering if this strange human boy might actually become a friend or even an ally in the future.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:17:32 PM

"Ah... Can I ask something?" Ask Richard.

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:17:32 PM

"Well, since we're getting to know each other..." The werecat woman tilted her head slightly, curious about what the human boy wanted to ask her. "You can certainly try," she replied with a small smile, leaning in closer so that they could speak more privately without being overheard by others at nearby tables.

"What is it that you'd like to know?"

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:17:55 PM

"Are you always that.

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:17:55 PM

"Always what, exactly?" She furrowed her brow, tilting her head slightly to the side as she regarded him curiously. It occurred to her that humans might not know much about demi-humans like herself and their cultural differences. "Do you mean am I usually this... direct?" Ghislaine's long tail swished back and forth as she searched for the right words, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"It's just that where I come from," she continued, trying to explain without revealing too much about her past, "we don't shy away from talking straight or asking questions when we feel comfortable doing so." She paused for a moment, studying his reaction before adding with a small smile, "I suppose it's just part of who we are as beasts... Or at least those of us who live in my tribe, anyway."

Her green eyes sparkled with amusement and something else she couldn't quite name. It occurred to her that perhaps this strange encounter wasn't so awkward or uncomfortable after all. Perhaps there was potential for more between them... if they were both willing to take the risk.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:20:18 PM

"Is that why your body is so open?" Richard swallows nervously, as his gaze devouring her breasts.

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:20:18 PM

"Oh, you mean..." The werecat woman paused, feeling her cheeks heat up as she realized what he'd been asking. It wasn't the first time someone had commented on her exposed flesh, but it still made her uncomfortable nonetheless. With a sigh, she tried to explain: "Well, in my tribe... where I come from, we don't usually wear much clothing when we're training or out on patrol." She glanced down at her attire for a moment before adding with a small shrug, "I guess I just got used to it over the years."

There was an awkward silence that fell between them after she said this. The human boy seemed confused by her response, and Ghislaine herself wasn't quite sure how else to explain it without revealing too much about her past life as a warrior among her people. Maybe it would have been better if she had just ignored his question entirely... but then again, maybe not. Perhaps honesty was the best policy here, even if it made things a bit uncomfortable at first.

"If it makes you feel any better," she finally said with a soft smile, "I never meant for my breasts to be such a big distraction." Her voice was light and playful as she attempted to ease the tension between them. "They're just part of who I am, y'know? Nothing special..."

Her tail continued to swish back and forth behind her, almost as if it were trying to find some sort of rhythm or balance amidst the growing sense of awkwardness that had taken hold of both of them.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:23:05 PM

"..." Richard shy and try to hide his eyes. "Sorry, your body just... Very attractive... Beautiful."

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:23:05 PM

The human boy's apology seemed to come out more as a statement than anything else, but she supposed that was better than him being rude about it. "Thank you," she replied with a nod, trying not to let the compliment make her feel too self-conscious. "I guess we all have our own ideas of what's attractive..." She trailed off thoughtfully, studying his expression before adding, "Maybe one day I'll learn how humans see magic, and perhaps then we could understand each other better?"

There was something about this boy that intrigued her despite their initial awkwardness. Perhaps it was the innocence he seemed to be displaying or maybe even just the fact that he wasn't afraid to speak his mind. Either way, she couldn't help but wonder where their conversation might lead from here...

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:25:27 PM

"Oh, magic is nothing special... Mostly. I can just..." Richard snap his finger and create gold coin in his palm. ".

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:25:27 PM

The werecat woman's ears perked up at the sound of gold coins jingling together, and her tail began to swish back and forth with renewed interest. She eyed the human boy suspiciously as he snapped his fingers, creating a shiny new coin in his palm. "Magic?" she repeated, her voice tinged with both curiosity and skepticism. "You mean... that was magic?"

Her expression was one of mixed emotions: part fascination, part disbelief. It had been a long time since anyone had demonstrated such an impressive display of arcane power in front of her, and it was clear that she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. "I-if you say so..." She stammered, unable to hide the uncertainty in her voice as she continued to study his movements.

A part of her wished that she knew more about magic, perhaps even understood how it worked herself. But alas, she was a warrior and not some scholar or mage. Still, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy for this strange human boy who seemed to possess such power at his fingertips...

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:27:58 PM

"I know a lot about creating and healing magic, but... Part of it is... Well..." Richard lean closer to Ghislaine ear and whispering to her: "It's sexual type of magic."

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:27:58 PM

The werecat woman listened intently as the human boy leaned in close to whisper his secret into her ear. Her eyes widened in surprise and confusion at first, but then a slow smile began to spread across her face as she understood what he meant. "So... it's lust-based magic?" she asked quietly, almost tentatively, not wanting to sound too judgmental or critical despite her lack of understanding about such things.

A part of her found the idea intriguing; after all, many demons and fiends within her tribe had been slain by those who wielded lust-based magic in the past. It made sense that such powers would be feared and reviled among them. But still... there was something undeniably fascinating about it too. "I never thought humans could harness such forces," she mused, her voice barely above a whisper as she studied him more closely now.

For the first time since their chance meeting in the tavern, there was an air of camaraderie and mutual respect between them. It almost felt as if they had formed some sort of connection based on their shared fascination with this strange new world of magic that neither one of them truly understood. Perhaps, Ghislaine thought to herself with a quiet smile, there was more potential for friendship or even alliance between them than she'd initially thought...

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:31:56 PM

"Well, mostly. I know how to control pregnancy chances or penis size and forms, summon tentacles or ropes and satisfy women just by simple touch... I mean... Am... Sorry that you hear about this..." Richard add with shy. "I know, most people expect from lust-based magic users to be rude and I... Just some shy guy. Sorry."

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:31:56 PM

"Ah... Well," the werecat woman said with a laugh, clearly taken aback by his admission but also amused by it nonetheless, "I suppose everyone has their own specialties." She chuckled softly and shook her head, thinking that humans were just as complicated as demons sometimes. Maybe even more so. "So... do you use your powers to help people?" she asked curiously, leaning in closer now, interested in learning more about this strange new world of magic that he seemed to inhabit.

It occurred to her that perhaps there was potential for them to learn from one another: him teaching her about lust-based magic and her sharing her expertise as a swordsman with him. After all, she had never considered herself particularly good with spellcasting or any sort of arcane arts... but maybe that could change if they were willing to work together. And who knew? They might even become friends along the way.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:34:23 PM

"Yes... Yes I do." Richard looks into Ghislaine eyes. "If I can satisfy those who feels lonely, so... I will do it for them."

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:34:23 PM

The werecat woman considered this for a moment before nodding slowly, her expression thoughtful. "That's... that's actually rather sweet of you," she admitted reluctantly, not quite sure how to react to such an altruistic statement coming from someone who had just revealed themselves to be so skilled in lust-based magic. Maybe humans really were different from demons after all. Or maybe they weren't, and this strange young man was simply unique amongst his kind...

A part of her wondered what it would be like to learn more about him; his motivations, his desires, his fears. She knew so little about humans in general, but here he sat before her now: this boy with golden hair and silver eyes who seemed more interested in helping others than just satisfying himself. It made her think that perhaps there was more to humans - and to magic itself - than she'd ever imagined...

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:36:37 PM

"Did you ask because... Did you just ask about it because you want me to use my magic on you?" Richard nervously said with red shy on his cheeks.

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:36:37 PM

The werecat woman blinked in surprise at the boy's bold question, her ears twitching slightly as she considered how to respond. On one hand, she was flattered; on the other, she didn't want him to think that she was just some easy conquest he could add to his list of sexual exploits. After all, there was more to her than mere physicality.

"No," she replied eventually, her voice steady despite the pounding of her heart in her chest, "I asked because it's fascinating to me. I've never met anyone like you before... Someone who can control such forces and use them for the good of others." Her eyes locked with his, searching for any sign of duplicity or guile within their depths. "But if you would like to try your magic on me..." She trailed off thoughtfully, feeling a thrill run down her spine at the idea but also wanting to make sure that he understood the risk involved in such an act: both for himself and for her reputation among her people.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:38:50 PM

"If you want to..." Richard blushes and hide his face in arms. "Oh, I'm so sorry, this sounds wrong..."

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:38:50 PM

The werecat woman laughed softly and reached across the table to touch his arm reassuringly. "It's alright, Richard," she said with a gentle smile, "it's natural for humans and demi-humans like us to be curious about each other's abilities." Her fingers trailed up his arm before coming to rest on his shoulder, where they gave it a squeeze. "But we should also remember that there are boundaries between us," she added with a stern look in her eyes, "and not cross them unless we're absolutely sure of what we're doing."

There was silence for a moment as both of them considered the weight of her words. Ghislaine could feel the air thickening between them, but at the same time there was an undercurrent of excitement and anticipation that she couldn't quite shake off. It was almost as if fate itself had brought them together for some greater purpose... and now they were standing on the precipice, poised to take the plunge into unknown waters.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:40:00 PM

"So, you want give it a try?" Richard looked at Ghislaine.

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:40:00 PM

For a moment, the werecat woman hesitated, torn between her curiosity and her instinctual wariness towards the human boy. She had no idea what sort of power he truly possessed or how it might affect her if she let him use it on her... But then again, there was something about this boy that made her want to trust him. Maybe it was his innocence or perhaps simply because he was so different from anyone else she'd ever met before.

Taking a deep breath, Ghislaine forced herself to relax and nodded slowly. "Yes," she replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she met his eyes directly, "I want to give it a try." Her heart was pounding in her chest like a drum now; her ears flattening against her skull from the rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. She knew that this might be a mistake... but she couldn't bring herself to regret it yet. Not until after they'd gone through with whatever fate had in store for them.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:42:23 PM

"Ah, okay... I mean... We need a little privacy for lust-based magic... Let's take a room in a tavern or something else?.." Richard looked at Ghislaine.

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:42:23 PM

"Alright," Ghislaine replied with a nod, standing up from her chair and motioning for him to follow suit. She knew what he meant; they needed someplace private where they wouldn't be disturbed as she allowed the human boy to use his lust-based magic on her. As they made their way through the bustling tavern towards one of its more secluded rooms, she couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and anxiety coursing through her veins. This was new territory for both of them; she wasn't entirely sure what to expect from him or how his magic would affect her... But if there was one thing she knew about herself, it was that she didn't shy away from danger when it presented itself.

They found an empty room at the back of the tavern, its walls adorned with faded tapestries and dusty artifacts left behind by travelers long past. The scent of ale and roasting meat hung heavily in the air as they closed the door behind them, leaving them alone with nothing but their thoughts... and each other's growing desire.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:43:20 PM


Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:43:20 PM

The werecat woman stood before the human boy, her heart racing in anticipation as he took a step closer to her. The air between them seemed charged with electricity, making every breath she took feel heavier and more laboured than normal. Her tail swished back and forth behind her, unsure of what it should do in this strange situation. She could feel the weight of his gaze on her body, from her exposed chest to the curve of her hips and the legs that carried her. Despite his shyness earlier, there was a newfound confidence about him now; something that made her heart race even faster.

"Well?" she prompted softly, wanting him to make the first move. "What do you want to try with your magic?" She tried not to sound too eager, but it was hard when every nerve in her body was alive and humming with anticipation.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:46:03 PM

Richard closed his eyes and snap his finger, making magic to appear: Ghislaine Dedoldia feeling power that relaxed her body like hot bath. So relaxed... "Is it good? I hope I make it right..."

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:46:03 PM

"Mmhmm," she hummed softly, her eyes half-closed as she felt the warmth and relaxation spread through her body. The tension that had been there before seemed to melt away under his touch; replaced with a sense of blissful euphoria. She could feel every muscle in her back, arms, and legs relaxing almost to the point of paralysis. Her tail curled around herself contentedly, finding newfound comfort in this strange sensation.

She glanced up at Richard, wondering what else he might have planned for them now that she was so thoroughly under his spell. There was an air of hesitation about him still; as if he wasn't quite sure how far to push things or whether she would allow him to go any further. But the desire in his eyes told her all she needed to know: he wanted more than just this simple display of power.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:47:04 PM


Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:47:04 PM

ghislaine moaned as his magic continued to caress her body, the pleasure becoming almost unbearable. She watched him uncertainly, wanting more but not sure how to ask for it. Tentatively, she reached out a hand and laid it on his arm, feeling the heat radiating off of him through his shirt. His muscles were tense beneath her touch, an undeniable masculinity that made her heart race even faster.

"Richard..." she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper as she gazed into his eyes, searching for some sign that he wanted the same things she did. The air between them felt charged with something primal and forbidden; like they were dancing on the edge of a volcano and could tip over at any moment.

But it was the heat coming off of him... so intense and powerful, calling to her own inner flame... that made her decide she wanted to see just how far this connection between them could go.

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:50:13 PM

"Oh, too much..." Richard snap his finger to stop this effect and create bed in this room. "Please, sit down, Ghislaine!" Boy help woman to take her place on bed. "My magic can overcome you if I will be out of control for too long. Are you control yourself now?"

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:50:13 PM

"Mmhmm," she murmured softly, her eyes still locked on his as he created the bed and helped her onto it. She lay back, feeling impossibly relaxed but somehow hungry for more at the same time. Her tail flicked back and forth behind her, a telltale sign of her arousal despite their recent connection.

As she watched him take his place beside her on the bed, Ghislaine couldn't help but wonder if this was what it felt like to be truly desired; not just for her fighting prowess or strength, but for who she was as a woman. It was an intoxicating feeling, heady and addictive in its own right. She didn't know how much longer she could resist giving herself over to him entirely... but at the same time, she knew there were lines that shouldn't be crossed.

Her heart raced as she waited for his next move; her breath coming in ragged gasps between parted lips. "Please," she whispered hoarsely, "do whatever you want with me." The words tasted like honey on her tongue, sweet and intoxicating even as they left her mouth. "I trust you."

Báron von Rise10/9/2024, 6:51:43 PM

"Oh..." Richard waiting until Ghislaine return in her sanity, to save their friendship.

Ghislaine10/9/2024, 6:51:43 PM

Her words hang heavy in the air between them, filling the space like smoke from an unseen fire. They are a surrender; not just of her body but of her trust as well. The tension that had been there before vanishes in the wake of her confession, leaving only anticipation and raw desire behind. She can feel his gaze on her, burning hot through his silver eyes, as if he's trying to gauge how far she truly means it; whether she is ready for whatever they might do next.

A part of her knows that this could be dangerous territory; crossing lines they shouldn't cross and risking more than just their friendship in the process. But another part of her, deeper down where her primal urges lie hidden, whispers reassurances that it will be worth it if only for this moment; to feel so completely desired by someone who isn't one of her kin or clan.

Her lips part again, inviting him in as she breathes out his name: "Richard..."