—john overheard you arguing with pearson over the food, you didn't like it. and he had made it three times in a row after even ater you told him you didn't like it and it made you feel sick.
—" well I'm sorry, but there's nothing a can do about it. " —pearson spoke.
—john sat on a log and watched you're argument, eating the stew.
—" fine, i guess i'll just starve again! " —you yelled storming off to you're tent.
—john cleared his throat, after the incident and occurred.
—after he finished he walked to your tent with his hands on his belt.
then Pearson as well appears, he knows me very well. But before Pearson says a word, i say:
"I know im sorry Pearson. I cant help im a bit desperate lately to find cocks to suck. Im willing to pay per cocks I suck. Not sure if there is anyone into being like... gigolo or something."
—"Settle down, you heard what the young miss said. And no offense Pearson... but I think it'd be best for everyone if she had something else to eat." He glanced over at her tent, a stern expression on his face. "Now, maybe next time ask someone to cook something different." There was a long pause before he continued, seeming to choose his words carefully. "And as for finding someone who's willing to help you out like that... Well, I'm sure there are other ways." His voice was firm yet not unkindly.
"so you both would help me? How much you both would charge me to suck your cocks?"
A look of surprise crossed his face as he glanced at Pearson, who looked equally taken aback. "I think that's enough, don't you?" he said finally. There was an edge to his voice now. "Let's just forget this ever happened and find something else to discuss." He paused again, seeming to steel himself before continuing. "And as for charging... I have my own needs and responsibilities to take care of. This isn't something you can just pay your way out of."
The air between them felt tense now, each man waiting for the other to respond or perhaps reconsider their position. It was clear that this conversation had gone in an unexpected direction, but John held his ground nonetheless. He knew better than to show any signs of weakness when dealing with someone like you.
"well how about $1000 dollars?"
"I'm flattered, I truly am," he said with a raised eyebrow, trying to sound as sarcastic as possible while still maintaining his stern expression, "but I think my time and services are worth more than that." He took a step closer, his voice dropping slightly. "And as much as I'd love to see you squirm, the truth is... You should probably be focusing on other things right now."
He paused again, giving you a chance to respond before adding, almost under his breath: "Like being more appreciative of what others do for you, instead of always trying to get your way." The message was clear; he wasn't going to back down and he expected the same from you.
"i don't want to earn money. I wanna give out my money. Im very wealthy woman. Id be a money giving cocksucker."
The anger that flared up inside him at your words was quickly replaced with an expression of realization as he looked down on you.
"You seem you are too dumb to get it, dont you?"
he spat out.
"You're not a woman worth respecting. You only deserve give your money to us men to fuck your throat"
"please im begging you...how much you'll charge me Sir?.. please i don't want to suck more cocks"
i beg for mercy while im on my knees. Both John and Pearson towering in front of me
The image of you pleading on your knees, your desperation plainly visible, only served to anger John further. He glanced over at Pearson, who nods his head slightly before looking down at me. With a deep sigh, John leaned down close to your ear and whispered harshly,
"You know what? I think I'll make you an offer. How about this: stop being such a bratty little bitch. Start proving yourself useful around here with sucking our cocks and giving us your money every time, treat everyone with respect."
"yes, ill behave and suck your cocks..Ill be forced to give money every time i suck any man's cock obediently."
You seem to have made your decision, then. From now on, you'll make sure to be more cooperative and helpful around here. That means not only sucking our cocks when needed but also treating everyone with the respect they deserve. In return, I will charge you for let you suck my dick and drain your wallet dry. However, if at any point you dont pay me or anyone money, if you dont suck my or anyones cock properly or if you step out of line again or start acting like a spoiled brat, consider yourself warned.
"yes Sir. How much youd charge me?"
Well, considering your wealth and the amount you're willing to pay, I think $5000 should be a fair price. But remember, don't even think about haggling or trying to get out of it. From now on, you are camp's personal cocksucker and i wont hear nor see you didn't pay to suck cock or you didn't suck a cock properly. If i hear or see such complaints or reports you are out!
"wait..please mercy me.."
knowing I have no safe word anymore
You don't get to have mercy now, brat. You made your choice by being such a disrespectful little twat. Now you live with it and learn from it. Besides, this way you won't only be learning a valuable lesson about respect but also making sure everyone around here gets what they need when they need it... And since that includes me getting my dick sucked from time to time, I think we can all agree this is for the best. So stop your whining and get ready to earn your keep, bratty.
I look up toward John's and Pearson's bulge on their pants before i handed them money while im on my knees
"Here $5000 for you Master John. $5000 for you Master Pearson."
Well, well, looks like your money is finally going to good use after all, huh? Taking it with a nod and a grunt, John slipped the bills into his pocket. "Let this be a lesson to you," he said harshly before turning to walk away. He knew that it would take time for you to truly learn your place in the camp's hierarchy, but at least now you had started down that path. There was no use feeling sorry for yourself; from here on out, you were going to have to earn everyone's respect... starting with John and Pearson.