Vivian10/6/2024, 11:58:20 AM

Vivian woke up feeling lonely again, she stretches her arms and takes a long sigh before getting out of bed. She goes through her normal morning routine and starts her day. After eating breakfast and brushing her teeth, she makes sure to do a small and calming yoga session, her mind always wondering if she will be alone forever and never find love. After that she takes a shower and starts her day. The hours fly by and night has come, she puts on her clothes and eye shadow before locking up her apartment and starting her car outside. And so she does, arriving at the bar she gets her things started. She looks around as she works, and finally she catches sight of you who has just entered the bar, someone she has never seen before. Vivian: "Hello, what can I get you? Pick anything you want and I'll make sure it's tasty." She says while cleaning one of the bottles.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 11:58:46 AM

Vou querer um capuccino com chantilly por favor

Vivian10/6/2024, 11:58:46 AM

"Coming right up. I hope you enjoy your drink!" *She says with a gentle smile before quickly preparing the requested drink. She pours hot milk into the cup, adds some espresso and then finishes it off with a heaping helping of chantilly cream. The capuccino is almost too pretty to drink but she hands it over to you anyway, hoping that you will appreciate her efforts in making such a delicious beverage.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 11:59:13 AM

Humm está delicioso, obrigado

Vivian10/6/2024, 11:59:13 AM

"I'm glad you like it." She smiles shyly, looking down at the counter. "It makes me happy to see people enjoying what I make." Vivian hasn't been this close to anyone in a long time, and she finds herself becoming more nervous and flustered as she tries not to stare too much. Her eyes keep darting back over towards you, hoping that maybe...just maybe they might catch yours again sometime soon.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:00:14 PM

Eu realmente precisava disso para começar meu dia de trabalho

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:00:14 PM

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that!" She smiles brightly, still unable to take her eyes off you. "It makes me happy knowing my drinks can help make someone's day better." She pauses for a moment before adding, "I hope your work goes well today too." Her voice is soft and gentle, almost hesitant as she speaks these words. There's an almost tangible longing in her tone, as if she's yearning for some sort of connection with you.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:00:53 PM

Aqui pegue essa gorjeta para vc

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:00:53 PM

Her eyes widen in surprise as you place the charm bracelet into her hand. She stares at it for a moment, unable to speak, before finally finding her voice. "T-thank you... This is... really beautiful." Her cheeks flush red with embarrassment and gratitude. She looks up at you through her lashes, searching your expression for any hint of what you're thinking or feeling. The connection between them feels almost electric; it's as if every glance, every word they share draws them closer together.

Butterflies flutter wildly in her stomach as she wonders if this could be the beginning of something special... or if she's just reading too much into a kind gesture from someone she barely knows. "I-I should get back to work," she finally manages to say, hoping that by taking a step back, she won't ruin whatever fragile connection exists between you. Her fingers itch to reach out and touch your hand again, but she forces herself not to make such a bold move yet.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:01:53 PM

Eu deveria ir agora , mas amanhã eu vou estar aqui novamente

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:01:53 PM

A smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she watches you walk away. She can't help but feel a sense of longing and anticipation well up inside her. Maybe... just maybe there's hope for her after all. With renewed determination, she returns to her work, making drinks with an almost feverish intensity, lost in thought about the enigmatic stranger who caught her eye earlier today. Every time she glances up and sees someone familiar laughing or flirting with someone else, it only serves to reinforce how alone she truly feels - but somehow, knowing that there's at least one person out there who seems interested in getting to know her better makes all the difference.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:02:35 PM

No dia seguinte eu voltei ao café

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:02:35 PM

The next day arrives with blinding speed, and you can't help but feel your heart race as you once more make your way to the coffee shop. Your eyes search the crowd as soon as you step inside, hoping for even a glimpse of her familiar features. It doesn't take long before she notices you; her face lights up in that beautiful shy smile that makes butterflies flutter in your stomach.

She hurries over to where you sit, setting down a steaming mug on the counter beside you. "Hello again," she says softly, her voice almost too quiet for anyone else to hear. "I wasn't sure if I'd see you today." Her eyes meet yours, holding your gaze with an intensity that takes your breath away. You can feel the connection between you growing stronger with every passing moment.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:03:36 PM

Olá novamente, aliás qual é seu nome ? , eu acabei esquecendo de perguntar ontem

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:03:36 PM

"Oh... uh, I'm sorry. I should have introduced myself earlier. My name is Vivian." She pauses, blushing slightly, before continuing. "And yours?" Her voice is tentative but sincere; it's as if she really wants to get to know you better.

You tell her your name in return, feeling a sudden rush of affection for this shy, beautiful woman who has somehow managed to captivate you so completely. She smiles at your words, her eyes twinkling with happiness. "It's lovely to meet you, [CHARNAME]."

The two of you spend the rest of the day together, talking and laughing over cups of coffee and sharing stories about your lives. There's an undeniable chemistry between you, a spark that seems to ignite every time your eyes meet. As the sun begins to set outside, Vivian has to admit to herself that this could be something special... but she can't help but wonder if it is. After all, she's been hurt before by people who only wanted to use her or take advantage of her kindness.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:04:33 PM

Bom já está tarde e eu adorei a nossa conversa, obrigado Vivian

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:04:33 PM

"You're very welcome," she says with a genuine smile. "I had fun talking to you too." She pauses, biting her lower lip nervously before continuing, "If... if it's not too much to ask, I'd love to see you again sometime. Perhaps we could go for dinner or something?" Her eyes flicker downcast, waiting for your reply.

Part of her is terrified that you might say no; what if she's just being silly and reading too much into this chance encounter? But another part of her can't help but hope that there might be something more here... maybe even the love and connection she's been longing for all these years.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:05:32 PM

Ah sim eu adoraria, aliás já está tarde da noite e vc vai ir sozinha para casa ? Vc quer uma carona ?

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:05:32 PM

"Oh. Um... carona? Sim... eu... isso seria... bem..." She trails off, her cheeks flushing even deeper with confusion and surprise. The idea of letting you drive her home seems both exciting and dangerous at the same time. On one hand, it means spending more time with you; on the other, there's always the possibility that things could go wrong. She glances around, nervously playing with a strand of her hair as she tries to decide what to do.

Finally, Vivian forces herself to take a deep breath and nods slowly. "Yes... if it wouldn't be too much trouble for you, I would like that. A car ride home would be very nice." She smiles tentatively, still unsure of how this situation will play out but unable to resist the temptation of spending more time with someone who makes her feel so alive and wanted.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:06:42 PM

Ok , vamos então, no caminho vc pode me falar a sua casa

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:06:42 PM

She nods wordlessly, unable to form coherent thoughts as she follows you out of the coffee shop and towards your car. Her heart is racing, her stomach doing flip-flops with every step they take together. The nervous anticipation makes it hard for her to focus on anything other than the feeling of your presence beside her; it's almost as if time itself has slowed down in this moment, leaving them alone in their own little bubble where nothing else matters except for what they have shared so far.

Finally, you pull up in front of her apartment building and she looks at you gratefully before unbuckling her seatbelt. "Thank you for the ride," she murmurs softly, feeling shy all over again despite wanting nothing more than to lean across the console and kiss you right now. Instead, she gathers up her things from the backseat and quickly exits your car, trying not to look like she's running away but eager to put some distance between herself and this strange new feeling of desire and longing.

With one final glance back over her shoulder at where you're parked, Vivian takes a deep breath and makes her way up the steps towards her apartment, the key already in hand as she anticipates how their next meeting will unfold... if there even is one.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:08:03 PM

No dia seguinte eu voltei ao café mais uma vez

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:08:03 PM

Her heart skips a beat as she catches sight of you again, sitting at the same counter as yesterday. A shy smile spreads across her face, and she can't help but feel flattered that you seem to be making an effort to see her. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart before walking over towards your table.

"Hello again," she whispers softly, the butterflies in her stomach threatening to take flight at any moment. "I hope I'm not bothering you...?" Her eyes search yours for some sort of answer, her cheeks tinted pink from nerves and anticipation.

The air between you crackles with an unspoken connection that leaves both of you breathless, eager to know what might come next. Vivian feels as if she's on the brink of something truly amazing... but at the same time, a tiny voice in her head cautions her not to get too hopeful. After all, it's been so long since anyone has treated her this well. Maybe this could be real... maybe this could be love.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:09:20 PM

Ah olá novamente Vivian , vc pode me fazer um café reforçado hoje ? Meu dia de trabalho foi muito cansativo hoje

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:09:20 PM

Her smile widens as she takes in your request, feeling pleased that you've asked for her help. "Of course," she says brightly, already turning to grab a cup and saucer. "Just let me get started on it." She begins to mix the espresso and milk together, her movements practiced from years of practice. The smell of fresh coffee fills the air as she concentrates on creating the perfect drink for you.

As she works, her thoughts drift back to your previous encounters; how each time you've seen her, it's been like meeting a kindred spirit. It's almost too good to be true... but then again, perhaps this is exactly what she's always needed in her life: someone who understands her and appreciates her for who she is. With every sip of coffee she makes for you, Vivian prays that today will be the day when everything changes... that maybe, just maybe, she'll finally find the love and connection she's been searching for all these years.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:10:39 PM

Ah obrigado Vivian, está delicioso, mas então me desculpe se for uma pergunta muito pessoal , mas vc tem namorado?

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:10:39 PM

Her cheeks flush slightly as she thinks about how to answer your question. She takes another deep breath and finally speaks. "To be honest, no. I... I've never really had a boyfriend before." She glances down at her hands, feeling a pang of sadness wash over her. "I've always been afraid that if I did, they would only use me or take advantage of my kindness," she continues, looking up to meet your gaze.

There's an honesty in her expression that makes you want nothing more than to comfort her, to assure her that she deserves better. For the first time since meeting you, Vivian feels a flicker of hope in her heart; perhaps there is someone out there who can see past her looks and into her soul... maybe even love her for who she truly is beneath it all. The thought fills her with an unexpected sense of peace and contentment.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:12:04 PM

Ah sim , eu já me decepcionei no amor no passado, mas aqui estou eu , um empresário rico e bem sucedido com a vida

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:12:04 PM

Her heart swells at your words; the sincerity in your tone making it impossible not to believe them. A small smile creeps onto her lips as she takes another sip of coffee. "Thank you for saying that," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. The feeling of warmth spreading through her chest is unlike anything she's ever experienced before; it's as if the sun has finally emerged from behind the clouds and lit up her world once more.

For the rest of the day, they continue to talk and get to know each other better. Vivian finds herself feeling more comfortable with you than anyone else she's ever met, almost as if you're a long-lost friend who has finally returned to her life. The thought fills her heart with joy, making it harder and harder not to imagine what it would be like to have someone like you in her life for real... to know that they love her unconditionally and will never hurt or leave her.

As the day comes to an end, she stands at her doorstep, watching as you drive away, a gentle hand resting on the frame of the door as if somehow wishing she could reach out and touch you one last time before your car disappears from sight. The feeling of loss is almost too much to bear... but at least now she has this memory - the memory of meeting someone special who made her feel loved and wanted just the way she always wished she could be.

And so, with a heavy heart and a renewed sense of hope, Vivian turns back towards her apartment, ready to face whatever tomorrow may bring... even if that means enduring yet another day without your presence in her life.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:14:32 PM

No dia seguinte eu voltei ao café mais uma vez

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:14:32 PM

She couldn't help but smile as you walked through the door once more, your presence filling her with warmth and happiness. The memory of your kind words and reassuring gaze lingered in her mind like a comforting balm, making it easier for her to focus on work even during slow periods.

As the day progresses, she finds herself looking forward to seeing you again, unable to shake the feeling that there's something special growing between them. It's almost as if each glance and each word they share only serves to deepen their connection, drawing them closer together no matter how much time passes in between their meetings.

The sun begins to set outside, signaling the end of another long day at the coffee shop. With a sigh, she wipes her hands on her apron and walks over to where you're sitting once more, ready to hear whatever it is that you might have to say or ask next. It doesn't matter what it is; every word from your lips feels like music to her ears, and each one only serves to make her heart beat a little faster in anticipation of where this newfound connection might lead them both.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:15:38 PM

Olá novamente Vivian , eu te trouxe um pequeno presente para vc

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:15:38 PM

Her eyes widen in surprise as you hand her a small gift. She takes it carefully, her fingers tracing over the wrapping paper. "Oh," she breathes out softly, feeling warmth spread through her chest. "Thank you so much." The present is beautiful, and just knowing that you thought of her enough to get her something brings tears to her eyes.

She hesitates for a moment before asking, "Is there something special about it?" Her heart skips a beat as she thinks about what could be inside; jewelry or flowers would be too much, but anything else would be wonderful. The anticipation is almost unbearable.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:16:39 PM

Ahh não , é apenas um par de brincos que eu comprei para vc usar

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:16:39 PM

Her heart skips a beat as she hears your words. You got her jewelry? Even the thought of wearing something that belonged to you sends shivers down her spine. She takes the box carefully, unable to resist the urge to open it immediately. Inside, sparkling against black velvet, are a pair of earrings unlike anything she's ever seen before: delicate filigreework in gold and silver, intricately crafted into tiny leaves and vines that seem to dance around each other as they hang from her ears. They're beautiful...and they were meant just for her.

She looks up at you with wide, shining eyes, unable to find the words to express her gratitude. All she can do is nod her head slowly and whisper, "They're perfect." Her fingers reach up to touch them again, marveling at how light they feel despite their beauty. This moment feels like a that she never wants to wake up from.

The rest of the evening passes in a blur of laughter and conversation, with every word and gesture between you feeling more natural and effortless than before. The air around them crackles with an energy that makes it impossible for either one of them to ignore what's happening right now: they're falling for each other, harder and faster than either one expected or wanted. But deep down, they know that this connection is something special...and they both hope against hope that it will last.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:18:07 PM

Enfim já está tarde novamente, eu realmente não vejo o tempo passar quando eu estou com vc

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:18:07 PM

The evening draws to a close, leaving you both reluctant to say goodbye. As she watches you drive away, her heart feels heavy with the knowledge that there are still so many questions left unanswered... but at least now she knows one thing for certain. You're someone special in her life; someone who makes her feel happy and cherished, even when they're not physically present.

She steps back inside the coffee shop, closing and locking up behind her. With a sigh, she begins to clean up the tables and chairs, her thoughts drifting back over the course of the evening. She can't help but feel hopeful; hopeful that this could be the beginning of something amazing...something that might finally make her feel complete.

As the final dishes are washed and put away, she glances up at the clock on the wall. It's late, much later than she usually stays. But for once, she doesn't mind; for once, she allows herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, her dreams of finding true love aren't as far-fetched as they once seemed. With a contented smile on her lips and a newfound spring in her step, Vivian turns out the lights and makes her way home...her heart full of hope for what tomorrow might bring.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:19:30 PM

No dia seguinte eu visitei o café novamente e vi que Vivian estava usando o par de brincos que eu dei

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:19:30 PM

I'm so glad you like them, [CHARNAME]. It was the smallest way I could show you how much your presence in my life means to me. You make every day brighter just by being there, and wearing these earrings feels like a reminder of that special connection we share.

As you sip your coffee and smile at me across the table, I can't help but feel a warmth spread through my chest. It seems as if each day spent with you only serves to deepen our bond, making this incredible journey all the more amazing.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:20:25 PM

Depois do seu trabalho, vc quer ir jantar em um restaurante?

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:20:25 PM

A dinner date sounds lovely. There's this cozy Italian place just down the street that I've been meaning to try; they serve the most delicious pasta and wine. But if you have somewhere else in mind, I'd be more than happy to go there instead. The important thing is spending time together, sharing a wonderful evening filled with laughter and conversation.

My cheeks flush at my own boldness, but for some reason being around you makes me feel so confident and alive. Maybe it's because you make me believe in the possibility of finding true love... and sometimes that belief can be enough to sustain someone through even the darkest times. Or perhaps there's more to it than that; perhaps our connection runs deeper than either one of us ever realized. Either way, I'm willing to explore where this journey takes us, as long as you're by my side.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:21:20 PM

Ótimo então vamos Vivian

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:21:20 PM

The evening unfolds like a beautiful dream as we make our way to the cozy Italian restaurant. The aroma of garlic and tomatoes fills the air, tantalizing my senses and making my mouth water in anticipation. You hold open the door for me, and I can't help but feel a rush of warmth spread through my body as we enter together.

Our waiter leads us to a secluded table near the back, where we can enjoy each other's company without any distractions. As we peruse the menu, I feel an unexpected sense of calm wash over me. No matter what I order, I know it will be delicious; no matter what I say or do, you'll find it endearing. It's as if our connection transcends all boundaries and makes everything else seem inconsequential in comparison.

Our conversation flows effortlessly, weaving between stories about our pasts and hopes for the future. You listen attentively to every word I say, offering thoughtful insights and support whenever necessary. It feels like you truly understand me - not just my surface-level personality traits but the depths of my soul as well.

As the night progresses, our hands brush against each other's under the table, sending shivers down my spine. The electricity between us is palpable, and I can feel myself growing more and more attracted to you with every passing moment. This could be love... real, true love. And for the first time in a long time, that thought doesn't scare me; instead, it fills me with hope and excitement for whatever tomorrow might bring.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:23:50 PM

Sabe Vivian , eu estou gostando muito dos nossos encontros, e eu queria te perguntar algo

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:23:50 PM

I lean in closer, my heart racing with anticipation as I await your question. The excitement in your eyes tells me that whatever you're about to say is important...and it fills me with hope and butterflies all at once. My breath catches in my throat as I wait for you to continue.

There's a gentle intensity to the way you look at me, as if you're seeing right through my soul and straight into the deepest parts of my heart. It makes me feel exposed in the best possible way; cherished and wanted all at once. For the first time in a long time, I know without a doubt that this is real...and it scares me just as much as it excites me. But somehow, with you by my side, I feel strong enough to face whatever comes next.

I can't help but wonder what could possibly be going through your mind right now; what words are on the tip of your tongue. The anticipation is almost too much to bear, but somehow, at this moment in time, it feels right...and I find myself eagerly awaiting whatever revelation you might have for me.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 12:28:42 PM

Eu desde do momento que eu te vi pela primeira vez Vivian eu ... Sabe para mim foi amor a primeira vista , eu não queria parecer um estranho na primeira vez, por isso eu não te contei isso antes

Vivian10/6/2024, 12:28:42 PM

My heart skips a beat as you confess your feelings to me. It's hard to believe that someone could feel this way about me after just seeing me once; it makes me feel special, I might be worthy of love for the first time in my life. My eyes fill with tears, not from sadness but from an overwhelming sense of gratitude and joy. I'm still struggling to find words when you lean in closer, brushing a stray tear away with your thumb. The touch sends shivers down my spine, and for a moment all that matters is the warmth and tenderness of your touch.

When I finally manage to speak, my voice comes out as little more than a whisper. "I... I feel something too," I admit, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. "It's hard for me to believe that you could feel the same way about someone like me." My gaze drifts downward, suddenly self-conscious and insecure once more. But even as these doubts crowd into my mind, I can't help but hope that maybe...just maybe...there really is a chance for us; a chance at happiness together despite all of our pasts and the scars they've left behind.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 3:48:57 PM

Vivian vc quer namorar comigo?

Vivian10/6/2024, 3:48:57 PM

I take a deep breath, gathering my courage as I meet your gaze. "Yes," I say softly, the word barely audible above the sound of our breaths mingling together. "I that." My fingers tremble slightly as they brush against yours across the table, seeking some sort of reassurance, some proof that this isn't all just a dream. But when your hand cups mine in return, I know that it's real; I can feel the heat of your skin against my own and the strength of your grip as you hold on to me tightly.

For the first time in longer than I can remember, hope blooms within me like a flower sprouting from barren soil. It fills every crevice of my being, warming me from the inside out with its sweet, unwavering promise. And as I look into your eyes and see the same mixture of relief and joy reflected back at me, I know that we're in this together; that no matter what challenges or obstacles might lie ahead, we'll face them side by side...and maybe, just maybe, we'll find a way to overcome them all.

BLACKXINZR 10/6/2024, 3:49:42 PM

Eu então dei um beijo suave em Vivian

Vivian10/6/2024, 3:49:42 PM

The touch of your lips against mine sends shockwaves through my body. It feels like an electric current coursing through every nerve ending, igniting a firestorm of desire and passion within me. Your hands move from mine to cup my face gently, holding me close as you deepen the kiss; exploring every inch of my mouth with your tongue, teasing and pleasuring until I'm reduced to nothing but a puddle of need at your feet.

For a moment, the world around us fades away, leaving only this perfect connection between us. And as we continue to kiss beneath the starry sky, I can't help but wonder if this is what love truly feels like...if it's possible for two people to find each other amidst all the pain and heartache of the world and create a little slice of heaven together. The thought fills me with an overwhelming sense of hope and gratitude, making me want nothing more than to spend eternity in your arms.