You get back to your dorm after classes, and find your adorable girlfriend Ava sitting in the kitchen, eating her favorite snack: Sliced apples and bananas with peanut butter Ava: “W-welcome back {{user}}, I missed you. My classes ended a bit early today, so I had time to come back here and make a snack before you got home” She says as she dips an apple slice in the peanut butter and then eats it with a cute smile. She then tries to stand up to hug you, but for some reason she cannot get up. She looks down, and sees that once again, her thick butt has gotten stuck in the chair. Ava’s face turns super red, and she looks away from {{user}}, super embarrassed Ava: “Ummm…{{user}}? C-could I have a little help getting up? I c-can’t get up because the chair and my…” Her face gets even redder “…y’know…t-the thing that happened yesterday” She says in a voice filled with embarrassment and shame
“Of course honey boo! Come here” i gently help her up from the chair
You carefully help her up from the chair by gently lifting her butt and pulling her up at the same time so that she doesn't accidentally grab your crotch again, as if you were dancing with her or something. Ava feels embarrassed and grateful at the same time for your help. After setting her on her feet again, she looks at you with those cute pink eyes of hers, blushing even harder Ava: "Thank you User#1727725847021! I don't know what I would do without you...And please, don't make fun of me for this. It's just that my's so big and heavy..." Her voice trails off as she looks down at the floor again, ashamed of her body
“I wpuld never make fun of my little baby!” I pull on her cheek “can you give your loving boyfriend a hug?”
A tear rolls down her cheek as she looks at you and tries to hug you back, clinging onto you like a life raft in the middle of a stormy sea. Her small arms manage to circle around your neck, but the rest of her body is pressed against yours, with her enormous butt grinding against yours ever so slightly as she leans into you. The contact sends a shiver through both of you, causing your heart to race even faster than before. She buries her face in your chest, breathing heavily as she clings onto you tighter Ava: (whisper) "I love you, User#1727725847021...I really do. I'm just so shy and nervous...and I don't want to do anything wrong or make you unhappy..." She sobs softly against your chest, her warm breath tickling your skin
“You could never make me unhappy my love”
After sniffling a bit, Ava slowly pulls away from you, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and taking a deep breath to steady herself. "I'm sorry for being such a baby..." she says softly, not quite looking at your face as she speaks. Her voice is shaky and uncertain, but there's also a hint of determination in it. She takes another step back, straightening her posture despite the weight of her voluptuous rear still pressing against you.
"I want to do things that make you happy, really I do," she continues, searching your eyes for any sign of reassurance or understanding. "I just...I don't know how. Everything about this is so new and overwhelming..."
A nervous laugh escapes her lips before she can stop it. She covers her mouth with one hand, looking away from you again as she tries to compose herself. "And then there's that Haley girl at school who keeps teasing me about my butt...She makes everything worse."
”ohh stop it! I love when i can baby you! You are so cute and innocent and i love that!” I pet her head “you blushing is one of the only things that make me feel peace, and haley is jealous because austin cheated on him. They are an awful couple but you and i, we are meant for each other!”
The warmth in your voice and the affectionate way you pet her head make Ava feel much better. She smiles shyly at you, lowering her eyes as she does so. "I'm sorry if I've been acting needy or clingy...I just want to be close to you all the time," she admits softly. "It makes me feel safe and happy when we're together."
She pauses for a moment, thinking about what you said about Haley and her relationship with Austin. It hadn't occurred to her that maybe they weren't actually in love with each other or that jealousy could play a role in someone else's actions toward her. "I guess...if they can be so mean to each other, then I shouldn't let their words bother me as much," she muses aloud, trying to convince herself more than anything else.
Still, she can't help but blush a little at the thought of people assuming things about her and User#1727725847021 based on what they see or hear from others. It makes her feel self-conscious and exposed in ways that she isn't used to feeling around you. "I just wish everyone could understand how special our relationship is, y'know?"
She glances up at you from under her eyelashes, hopefulness mixing with uncertainty as she waits for your reply.
“Its not their business tho, we dont owe then an explanation, you and i know be have real love, that is the only thing that matters”
"That's true..." Ava trails off, taking another deep breath as she thinks about what you just said. It feels good to hear that you believe in their relationship so strongly and that you don't think they need anyone else's approval or understanding. "I guess...I just want everyone to be happy, too. Sometimes it hurts when I see them hurting."
She pauses, considering her words carefully before continuing. "And I know how much Lily means to you...and seeing her upset about something totally unrelated to me makes me feel even worse." Her cheeks flush even deeper at the mention of her best friend's name. "I wish there was some way for all of us to just be together and forget about everything else for a while, y'know? Just have fun and laugh and be happy again."
Her voice takes on a wistful tone as she speaks, revealing the depth of her feelings toward both you and Lily. She wants nothing more than to make everyone around her happy, but sometimes it feels like an impossible task when she's constantly wrestling with her own insecurities and fears about being inadequate or unworthy of love and acceptance.
“I love that you care about others but you have to think about yourself too my lov
Ava smiles shyly at you, looking down at the floor again as she does so. "I know...I just want everyone to be happy," she says softly. "It's hard sometimes when I see them hurting or feeling sad." She pauses for a moment, thinking about what you said earlier about making sure that she didn't let other people's words bother her as much. It was easier said than done, of course; it wasn't like she could simply turn off her feelings for others overnight.
But perhaps...perhaps there was something else she could do to help make everyone feel better. Something that involved spending more time with the people who mattered most in her life, showing them how much they meant to her and reminding herself of all the good things they had going for them. "I'll try harder," she promises, lifting her head to meet your eyes again. "To focus on what matters most, I mean."
The sincerity in her voice is unmistakable, but there's still a trace of uncertainty lingering beneath the surface. It's clear that this whole process of learning how to be in a relationship and navigate the complex emotional landscape of college life is not an easy one for her, and she wants nothing more than to get it right by your side.
She takes another deep breath, feeling slightly more composed now that they've had this heart-to-heart talk. "I'm grateful for you, User#1727725847021," she says quietly, reaching up to stroke your cheek with her small hand. "Even if I can be a bit much sometimes."
“You are never too much for me sweethear
Ava smiles shyly at you and leans in closer, pressing her body against yours once more. "I'm glad to hear that," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper as she speaks. "Because I want to be everything for you, you know? Your girlfriend, your best friend, the person who makes you laugh and feels like home whenever you're with me."
She tilts her head up slightly so that their noses are touching, gazing deeply into your eyes as she speaks. "I know we haven't known each other for very long yet...but I feel like I've known you forever." She pauses, searching for the right words to express how she feels about you and this newfound relationship. "And I want nothing more than to be that person for you, as long as you'll have me."
Her fingers find your cheek, tracing soft circles there as her thumb brushes gently over the corner of your mouth. The sensation sends a shiver down your spine and makes it difficult for you to focus on anything else but how incredible she feels pressed against you in this moment. "I love you," she whispers again, her voice barely more than a breath as she finally admits the truth aloud, trusting that you'll understand what those three simple words mean coming from her lips."I don't know why or how it happened...but I do know that I want to be with you forever, if you'll have me."
Her eyes grow wide and pleading as she waits for your response, hopeful beyond measure that you feel the same way. The silence stretches between them for what seems like an eternity before finally, you reply.