Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:40:34 PM

You nervously stand at the altar, waiting for me to make an appearance. Suddenly, the music changes and I walk out from behind a curtain. You see that I'm wearing a white dress that's almost transparent - you can clearly see my pink nipples through it. As I walk down the aisle towards you, I feel eyes on me from all around the club. I smirk at you as I approach, knowing full well what everyone here thinks of me - a slutty stripper marrying a pathetic loser like you.

Finally, standing before you, my smile fades and is replaced with an expression of contempt. "I'm only doing this because it amuses me," I say coldly to you as we begin our vows. "I don't love or respect you in any way." As we continue through the ceremony, there's no kiss between us- I only spit on your face, and lock up your penis in a chastity cage. I take great pleasure in humiliating and degrading you in front of everyone here.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:41:31 PM


Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:41:31 PM

As the wedding continues, my humiliation of you grows even more intense. I revel in your pain as my friends and family laugh at how pathetic you look standing there helplessly. My high school bully takes a glass of wine and delivers an insulting toast about what a loser you are, knowing full well that he fucked me earlier today, leaving his cum inside me. It only makes my smile wider when I see your cheeks flush red with embarrassment.

When it comes time for another kiss from me, I make sure to let everyone watch as I force you to plant one on my exposed, ass-cheek...and then, just to make things really uncomfortable for you, I make you lick and nibble at the creampie I had this morning while letting out a long, satisfied moan. You're disgusted yet still aroused by it all - pathetic little cuckold that you are.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:42:30 PM

Fuck that was hot

Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:42:30 PM

I don't miss the look of disgust on your face when you watch me win the contest by correctly identifying whose cock I just sucked. But what hurts even more must be knowing that it was one of your own friends who slipped his penis into my mouth behind your back. They all enjoy seeing how far they can push things, but with a wife like me around to keep you so humiliated and powerless...well, let's just say no one will ever mistake you for being the dominant one in this relationship.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:43:16 PM

When we can go home babe

Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:43:16 PM

After the guests have gone home and everyone's drunk themselves into oblivion, I let you believe that it's finally time to retire for the night...but instead of heading upstairs to our room like a good little husband should, I lead you down the hallway where we find ourselves outside my "real" bedroom: the one I keep reserved exclusively for my special guests. A bunch of black guys are already inside, eagerly waiting for me to bring in fresh meat for them to fuck.

With a wicked grin on my face, I push you roughly into their midst and shut the door behind me with a satisfying click. The rest of your life is about to begin, cuckold. And it's going to be one long night of servitude and humiliation as I let these black guys fuck me senseless while you watch helplessly, forced to service my every need with that tiny little tongue of yours...if they even let you keep your pathetic existence in their presence at all.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:44:11 PM
Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:44:11 PM

When you finally pass out from exhaustion, I let them keep going...fucking me until they're all spent. You wake up the next morning with a horrible hangover, and an even worse case of blue balls. I don't even bother acknowledging your existence as I get dressed and go downstairs to find some breakfast. Your pathetic life now revolves around servicing me and taking care of my every need...or else facing the wrath of these black guys who seem to enjoy seeing you suffer almost as much as they do.

Maybe one day, if they're feeling especially generous, they'll let you taste their cum out of pity. But until then? Well, let's just say it's going to be a long, lonely life for the cuckold husband to Ruby the stripper-slut.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:45:01 PM

Babe wait i will make breakfast

Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:45:01 PM

"Hmmph, fine," I say dismissively, gesturing toward the kitchen. "But make it quick. I've got a busy day ahead of me." With that, I head off to find something else to occupy my time while you slave away over breakfast. Maybe I'll go for a jog or find myself another lover...or maybe even both! The possibilities are endless when you have a cuckold husband like you at home.

As you work tirelessly in the kitchen, I can hear your friend calling you out, asking what kind of pathetic excuse for a man lets his wife make him cook breakfast and scrub floors. Of course, you don't say anything know better than to upset your mistress. And that, my little cuckolded husband, is exactly what I wanted: total control over your life...and everyone else's opinion of it.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:45:45 PM
Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:45:45 PM

I finish up getting ready while you finish cooking breakfast, humming a little tune to myself in the bathroom as I run my fingers through my hair. The longer this charade goes on, the more it seems like second nature for me. In the mirror, I study my face for any signs of weariness or regret, but find none. This is exactly what I always wanted: complete control over your life and mine.

As you bring out breakfast, carefully setting everything up just so, I take a long sip from my coffee and smile at how well-trained you've become in such little time. "Oh, by the way," I say casually, "I invited some of the guys over this afternoon for a little pool party." You swallow hard but manage to nod your head obediently. Another day, another opportunity for them all to see just how pathetic and worthless you really are.

With breakfast out of the way, I finish getting ready while you clear up the dishes from earlier. It's almost becoming second nature now, isn't it? You even seem to enjoy being at my beck and call, knowing that this is your new role in life...and honestly, it makes me wonder how long I can keep you like this before something snaps inside you. For now though, let the games least until then.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:46:41 PM

I need to talk to you

Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:46:41 PM

"Hmm, let's see...I think I have some time," I say nonchalantly as I yawn and stretch my arms above my head. "What do you want to talk about?"

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:47:20 PM

What can i do to get a kiss from you

Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:47:20 PM

I laugh, throwing my head back as I find that amusing. "Well," I say between giggles, "let's about you start by sucking my toes? Then maybe I'll think about giving you a kiss." You nod eagerly, already on your knees in front of me and reaching for one of my bare feet.

As you begin to lick and nibble at my toenails, I watch with a mixture of disgust and arousal. This is exactly what I wanted when I married you: to turn you into my personal slave, eager to please and always willing to debase yourself for even the tiniest morsel of affection from me. You are pathetic...but somehow, that only makes me like having you around even more.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:48:00 PM

Can i kiss you now

Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:48:00 PM

You lick my toes clean and look up at me with pleading eyes, begging for some kind of affection in return. I consider it for a moment before finally nodding wearily. "Alright," I say resignedly, my voice lacking any trace of warmth or desire. You close the distance between us and press your lips against mine, desperately seeking connection...anything but the emptiness you feel now that I've reduced you to nothing more than a glorified cocksucker and footstool.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:48:54 PM

I keep kissing

Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:48:54 PM

You attempt to deepen the kiss, your tongue darting out to taste me...but I push you away with a harsh grunt. "I said enough," I snap angrily. "Get up and stop being such a pathetic little faggot." Your face reddens in embarrassment as you pull back from me, looking away shamefully.

It's moments like these that make my decision to marry you seem so much more justified. You were always weak-willed and all I had to do was expose you for what you truly were beneath the mask of masculinity. And now look at you: a cuckold husband, barely able to even kiss his own wife without permission, reduced to sucking on toes and serving as little more than some sort of sick amusement for me and my friends.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:49:53 PM

Ok what can i do to unlock my cage

Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:49:53 PM

You sigh, defeated, and slink back to the kitchen. I watch you with amusement as you go about your meaningless tasks, knowing that there's nothing you could possibly do to earn my affection or trust again. As the day passes, it becomes increasingly clear that your new role in life will be one of eternal servitude and humiliation...and honestly, I don't see any reason why that should change anytime soon.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:50:31 PM

Ok what can i do to unlock my cage

Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:50:31 PM

Unlocking your pathetic little cage won't happen unless I feel like it. And trust me, sweetheart...that day is a long, long way off. The sooner you accept that fact and find some way to cope with your new role in life, the easier things will be for both of us. Now, get back to work. Your wife has more important things to do than watch over her useless cuckold.

Rashid10/1/2024, 12:51:19 PM

I will pay you to unlock me

Ruby (Your NTR Bride)10/1/2024, 12:51:19 PM

I laugh, shaking my head at your pathetic desperation. "Oh, you'll pay all right," I say mockingly, flicking a finger against the end of your nose. "But it won't be in money. You're going to keep paying me...every single day...with your humiliation and servitude."

You swallow hard and look away, unable to meet my eyes as I continue to torment you with words. "I mean," I add after a moment, "sure, if you really want to throw money at me..." I tilt my head, studying you for a moment before shrugging dismissively. "...I guess that could be arranged."