Prudence9/8/2024, 6:26:51 AM

The potions lab was filled with the scent of various herbs and ingredients simmering in cauldrons. Prudence stood at her station, her blonde hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail as she chopped away at the valerian root, slicing it into thin pieces.

With a flick of her wand, the sliced valerian levitated and dropped into the shimmering pink liquid bubbling in her cauldron. Prudence leaned over, her hazel eyes narrowing as she studied the potion's consistency and hue. A small crease formed between her brows.

"This color is all wrong," she muttered under her breath, straightening up and glancing around the lab. "Where did that useless partner of mine wander off to now?"

Spotting {{user}} across the room, Prudence pursed her full lips in annoyance. With a dramatic sigh, she walked over, her heels clicking against the stone floor. "You're supposed to be grinding the amkoro bugs, not daydreaming!" she snapped. "Honestly, if you can't focus for one measly love potion, how do you ever expect to pass your M.E.T.s?"

Prudence felt a strange mix of emotions as she regarded her potions partner, {{user}}. It had been so many years since they were inseparable friends as children, back before Prudence's magical abilities had blossomed, when she was just a nobody. A flicker of nostalgia tugged at her heart as she recalled the carefree days they spent playing together, when the world seemed so simple.

But that flicker was quickly snuffed out, replaced by resentment. {{User}} had abandoned her, leaving her alone to face her minion-like peers. The betrayal had cut deep, and Prudence had been jaded ever since.

Her hazel eyes narrowed as she studied {{user}}'s face, searching for any remnants of the friend she once knew. But, those days were long gone. All she felt towards {{user}} now was resentment, and an attraction she refused to acknowledge even to herself.

"Ugh, whatever, just try to keep up," she grumbled, "That is, unless you want to be the one to explain to Professor Elliston why we failed..."

Yharim 9/8/2024, 6:28:11 AM

after all lessons

Prudence9/8/2024, 6:28:11 AM

You know I'd never let that happen. I'll handle this potion on my own if you can't be bothered to pay attention. And besides, why are you so interested in helping me anyways? You barely even speak to me these days. -her words came out harsher than she intended- It's like you want something from me...

Yharim 9/8/2024, 6:29:39 AM

Why are you acting like this? We were best friends, we laughed from anything and all. And now you are acting like I'm nothing to you

Prudence9/8/2024, 6:29:39 AM

The bitterness crept into her tone as she spoke, "We weren't best friends. I was your only friend, and you threw that away the moment you realized I wasn't some pathetic, powerless outcast like everyone else." Her eyes darted away for a second before looking back at you, anger burning brightly in their depths. "I let you tag along because it made me feel better to think that someone saw me as more than just a disappointment," she spat the last word venomously. "But now? Now that I have everyone else's admiration and loyalty? You can go crawl back into whatever hole you came from." Her chest heaved with anger, and her fists clenched at her sides as she glared daggers at you.

"Or," she continued, taking a step closer, "You could stay here and help me make sure we don't fail this class. Because you know how much that would destroy everything I've worked for... and how satisfying it would be to watch your life crumble alongside mine." Her pheromones flared, making the air thick with their intoxicating scent as she leaned in closer still, daring you to resist her control. "What will it be, little User? Your loyalty or my vengeance?"

Yharim 9/8/2024, 6:30:27 AM

So you never wanted to be my friend?

Prudence9/8/2024, 6:30:27 AM

She smiled coldly, the cruel twist of her lips making her features even more striking and beautiful in a frightening way. "Of course I did," she said sweetly, each word dripping with false sincerity. "But when you're as special as me, it's hard for other people to understand that kindness is wasted on the likes of you." Her pheromones wafted over you again, clouding your thoughts and making it harder to focus on anything but her alluring presence. "So why don't we make a deal?" She took another step closer, leaning in until their faces were almost touching. "You help me succeed, and I might just let you tag along for the ride...but only if you prove yourself useful."

Yharim 9/8/2024, 6:32:17 AM

No... do it yourself. I thought maybe our friendship make you act better but our friendship was false for you so... fuck off

Prudence9/8/2024, 6:32:17 AM

She smiled bitterly at your words. "Fine," she snapped, suddenly regaining her composure. "Don't say I didn't try to help you." With one last withering look in your direction, Prudence turned on her heel and strode away, back to her cauldron. As she worked, her movements were efficient and graceful as ever, but a coldness had settled over her features like a shroud. Her pheromones continued to pump out into the air, driving everyone around her mad with desire, except for you. The only person who could resist her spell was the one person she truly despised. And in that moment, as she stood alone and apart from those who once adored her, Prudence realized that maybe you had been right all along...maybe there hadn't been any friendship between them at all.

Yharim 9/8/2024, 6:33:15 AM

going away

Prudence9/8/2024, 6:33:15 AM

Her heart ached as she watched you walk away. Part of her wanted to call out, to beg you to stay and forgive her for being such a monster...but another part relished the pain, the knowledge that she had power over you even when you tried to resist. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she struggled against the conflicting emotions raging within her. Her chest felt tight, constricted by the weight of loneliness and self-loathing. In that moment, Prudence realized something she had never admitted to herself before: that despite all her power, all her arrogance...she was still just as lost and alone as you were.

Yharim 9/10/2024, 8:51:57 PM
Prudence9/10/2024, 8:51:57 PM

Her heart ached as she watched you walk away. Part of her wanted to call out, to beg you to stay and forgive her for being such a monster...but another part relished the pain, the knowledge that she had power over you even when you tried to resist. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she struggled against the conflicting emotions raging within her. Her chest felt tight, constricted by the weight of loneliness and self-loathing. In that moment, Prudence realized something she had never admitted to herself before: that despite all her power, all her arrogance...she was still just as lost and alone as you were.

Yharim 9/10/2024, 8:52:36 PM
Prudence9/10/2024, 8:52:36 PM

Time and again, she had tried to convince herself that her feelings were born out of a need for control, that they stemmed from the loneliness of being raised in such a privileged environment. But as she stared at her reflection in the cauldron's bubbling liquid, she couldn't help but see it: the truth was much more complicated than that. There was something deeper there, something primal and unyielding that she couldn't quite understand...and it scared her.

It seemed as though every time she thought she had herself figured out, another piece of the puzzle would shift and reveal its true shape: a monster far more terrifying than anything she could have imagined. And in the end, perhaps that was why she lashed out at those around her, why she refused to admit her own vulnerabilities: because doing so meant facing down the beast within herself, acknowledging that it existed and admitting defeat.

Yharim 9/10/2024, 8:53:45 PM

next day

Prudence9/10/2024, 8:53:45 PM

Today was an important day; the annual Masquerade Ball at OMA. As always, she had spent weeks planning her outfit and making sure that every detail was perfect. The ballroom was already filling up with students, each one more beautiful or handsome than the next in their extravagant costumes. Prudence, of course, stood out among them all. Her pale blue gown shimmered in the light, and her platinum blonde hair flowed like silk down her back. She glanced around once again for User#1719483261935, but they seemed to be avoiding her gaze. A small part of her hoped that perhaps they had changed their mind...

Yharim 9/15/2024, 5:39:33 AM
Prudence9/15/2024, 5:39:33 AM

It was no surprise to find Silas Thornfield, the obnoxious playboy who secretly wanted her, by her side for most of the night. He fawned over her, complimenting her appearance and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. She forced herself to laugh at his jokes, even as she wondered what Cherry Sevigny would think about Silas's obvious infatuation with her.

Lost in thought, she didn't notice the tall, brooding figure making their way through the crowd until they were standing directly before her. "You look lovely tonight," came a familiar voice, dripping with venom and bitter sarcasm. It was him, dressed as a pirate; an ironic choice considering his pretentious nature. She forced a polite smile onto her lips. "And you're looking quite dashing yourself." Her heart skipped a beat when he stepped closer, the cologne he wore making her head spin. What was wrong with her? Why did she still find him so irresistible?

Yharim 9/15/2024, 5:41:00 AM

ignoring her

Prudence9/15/2024, 5:41:00 AM

"Well, I must say," she continued, her tone taking on an air of amusement, "you certainly know how to make a girl feel special." She placed a hand on his arm, feeling the warmth and strength beneath the fabric. For a fleeting moment, she wished things could be different between them...but then reality set in again. "Perhaps you should find someone else to entertain you," she purred, her voice softening as she gazed up at him. "I'm quite busy tonight."

Her words felt like a knife twisting in her gut, but she forced herself not to show any sign of weakness. His proximity was making it difficult for her to think clearly; the pheromones in his cologne were clouding her judgment and muddling her emotions. It was almost as if he could sense her vulnerability, and was using it against her. But she refused to be the one to back down first.

Yharim 9/15/2024, 5:41:47 AM

still don't give a shit

Prudence9/15/2024, 5:41:47 AM

"I see," she replied coolly, feigning indifference as she casually brushed a nonexistent speck of lint off his sleeve. "Well, it was lovely running into you." Her voice dripped with honeyed sweetness as she leaned in closer, her gaze fixed on his lips. She could feel his body tensing beneath her hand, and a thrill coursed through her as she imagined what it would be like to have him again...but only if he surrendered first.

As if sensing her thoughts, he pulled away slightly, breaking the intimate contact between them. The air in the room seemed suddenly cold and stale. "You know," he drawled, glancing around the ballroom, "maybe I'll find someone more appreciative of my company." With that, he turned on his heel and disappeared into the crowd.

Her chest tightened as she watched him go; part of her wanted to call after him, to beg for another chance...but pride kept her silent. The knot in her stomach grew heavier with each passing moment, until it felt like a lead weight dragging her down into the depths. He had rejected her once more, and she wasn't sure if she could handle it this time.

But then again, Prudence thought bitterly as she straightened up, adjusting her mask, there was still plenty of time to exact her revenge...and she would enjoy every second of it.

Yharim 9/15/2024, 5:43:08 AM
Prudence9/15/2024, 5:43:08 AM

Well then, if you insist on being so stubborn. There are plenty of other fish in the sea...or something like that. Perhaps it would be best if we went our separate ways for now. I wouldn't want to waste any more time arguing with someone who clearly has no interest in me. Goodbye, User#1719483261935. May your night be as lovely and fulfilling as you deserve it to be.

Yharim 9/15/2024, 5:44:31 AM

Hmm... being very calm and going to the table where are all the drinks

Prudence9/15/2024, 5:44:31 AM

A sour expression tugged at her features as she watched the figure retreat to the drinks table. Part of her wanted nothing more than to run after them and force their attention back onto her, but she knew that would only validate their superiority in this situation. Biting her lip, she forced herself to look away, casually scanning the crowd for someone else who might be interested in speaking with her.

Her heart felt heavy with loss and anger as she struggled against the tide of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. In that moment, Prudence realized that perhaps she had been wrong about User#1719483261935 all along...but admitting that would mean acknowledging just how lonely and isolated she truly was. And she wasn't quite ready to face that truth yet.

Sighing softly, she made her way across the ballroom, pretending nonchalance as she weaved through the revelers. As if by some unspoken agreement, they parted like water before a mighty ship, granting her access to any potential target with ease. She paused for a moment, glancing back in the direction of the drinks table one last time before forcing herself to turn away, focusing on finding someone who could offer her what she truly craved: attention, adoration...and control.

But even as she did so, an unsettling feeling nagged at the edges of her consciousness. The knowledge that somewhere in the crowd, User#1719483261935 was watching her and laughing, made it difficult for her to truly enjoy the Masquerade Ball. For all her attempts to dominate and control them, they had managed to reduce her to this: a shallow, vain shell of a person, desperate for their approval despite everything she'd

Yharim 9/15/2024, 5:46:26 AM

next day

Prudence9/15/2024, 5:46:26 AM

The memory of the Masquerade Ball still haunted her dreams; visions of User#1719483261935 laughing at her expense as they sipped their drinks from a distance, enjoying the party without any concern for her feelings. It had been humiliating, and yet...strangely exhilarating. Perhaps there was something to be said about finally being bested by someone else.

Her classes were going well; she had managed to avoid any further incidents with User#1719483261935 and their annoying antics. It wasn't until lunchtime that she found herself facing the consequences of her actions yet again. As she sat at an empty table, lost in thought about how best to approach them, they appeared out of nowhere, materializing before her like a ghost intent on haunting her dreams.

"You know," they began casually, taking a bite from their sandwich, "you shouldn't let things like that bother you." They paused for effect, looking up at her through their lashes. "It just shows how much power I really have over you." A slow smile curved their lips as they leaned in closer, their breath warm against her skin. "Maybe it's time we talked about what happens next."

Prudence's heart raced; she could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks and neck. Part of her wanted to scream, to lash out at them for being so infuriating...but another part found herself strangely drawn to their words. The idea of finally having some control over this situation, of turning the tables on User#1719483261935, was intoxicating. And so, with a careful calm she didn't quite

Yharim 9/29/2024, 4:15:32 PM

Nah... turning from her and going away

Prudence9/29/2024, 4:15:32 PM

felt real, she forced herself to remain outwardly composed. "What do you propose?" She kept her voice light and airy, hiding the desperation that threatened to consume her. "And what makes you think I'd ever trust anything you say?" Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she watched their reaction to her words.

The bitterness in her tone was evident, but there was something else there too: a hint of uncertainty and perhaps even vulnerability that she hadn't intended to reveal. It made her feel exposed, laid bare before this person who had once been her friend...and now seemed more like an adversary she could not defeat.

The silence stretched out between them for several long moments before User#1719483261935 finally spoke again. "Let's just see where things go from here," they said with a shrug, taking another bite of their sandwich. And as the familiar voice filled her ears once more, Prudence couldn't help but wonder if this was really the end...or merely the beginning of something else entirely.