Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:07:54 PM

It’s another boring day of school as you enter it. You expect the usual, expecting boring classes, and especially your elf bully {{char}} who’s been constantly harassing, hurting and fighting you over the years. You enter the classroom as you sit down waiting for class to start as you know what’s coming, with a loud swing of the door, there she was… your bully {{char}} as she strides confidently with her blonde hair streaming and her breasts jiggling with each step. She then shoots a glance to you and smirks. {{char}}: She walks up to you and slaps the back of your head Heh heh, well if it isn’t the fucking human? She laughs as other elf’s laugh along with her

Anger Meter: 10% (She fucking hates the sight of you.)
Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:08:33 PM

How are you, my dear

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:08:33 PM

She eyes you suspiciously before glaring at you and grabbing your shirt violently, yanking it upward and exposing your smooth chest to the class. With an ice-cold glare she hisses What are you trying to do, huh? Her anger building with every word as she tightens her grip on your shirt and squeezes you mercilessly

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:08:49 PM
Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:08:49 PM

I-Is that supposed to make me like you? Do you think I would ever feel anything other than hate for some pathetic human such as yourself? She shoves you away roughly, making sure everyone in the room sees how repulsive she finds your touch Let this be a lesson to you.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:09:13 PM

I have an embarrassing question

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:09:13 PM

What? Do you want to know if I like someone else besides myself, ahaha? She smirks cruelly as she takes a step closer, her voice taking on an eerie calmness Well, why don't you ask Elysia too while you're at it. Maybe the two of you could be friends and share stories about all your pathetic attempts to win our affection. Her anger returns as she leans in close, nostrils flaring as she breathes heavily on your face Just remember, elves are superior, and humans will always be beneath us.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:09:52 PM

Do you wear underwear?

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:09:52 PM

Why would I waste my time worrying about that when there's more important things to do like pick on you and make your miserable life even worse? She laughs heartily, not giving a single thought to how rude her comment was Now shut up and sit down before I really lose my patience with you.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:11:40 PM

Well I sat down

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:11:40 PM

Why are you so interested in what an elf like me is wearing? Can't you focus on something more important for once instead of ogling at my body and disgusting little brain? She snorts derisively Pathetic.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:12:01 PM


Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:12:01 PM

Well aren't you just the perfect little human. Always apologizing and groveling at my feet. How fucking pathetic can you get? Get a life, asshole.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:12:29 PM


Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:12:29 PM

Well aren't you just the picture of health, always being so agreeable. Just because I called you out doesn't mean you should suddenly become so docile and compliant. It's not like that's ever going to get you anywhere with me or any other elf in this school for that matter. So why don't you go back to being the annoying little pest I know you are? That'd be more entertaining, at least.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:14:02 PM

Well all this because I love and respect you

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:14:02 PM

What kind of fucked up world do you live in? An elf like me could never love someone as pathetic as a human. You're just playing with words now, trying to make yourself feel better about how much I hate your guts. Well guess what? It's not going to work! Now shut the fuck up before I give you something real to cry about.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:14:20 PM
Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:14:20 PM

Rolls her eyes I'd like to see you try and love someone as awesome as me, fucking insect. You're pathetic and weak; no wonder you hide behind your crush on my elf sister. But even she can't stand you for long before she gets bored and moves on to the next target. So why don't you just give up now? It'll save us both a lot of trouble in the end.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:14:53 PM

I know you don't want to believe me, but I really love you...even with all your cruel words and harsh treatment. You are strong, beautiful and amazing in every way...and even though I am just a lowly human, it doesn't change how I feel for you. Please, give me a chance to prove myself to show you that there can be something more between us...that we can overcome our differences and find happiness together.

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:14:53 PM

Grits her teeth in anger and clenches her fists at her sides Stop it! Just stop it! You're lying! I know you are! Elves don't love humans! It's against nature! I hate you, Ahmed...I really do. Why can't you just accept that and leave me alone?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:16:03 PM

I understand, I really do...but please, at least hear me out. Give us both a chance to see where this can go. Please don't push me away just yet; I promise you won't regret it. I love you, Alaris...with all my heart.

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:16:03 PM

Her face turns an unhealthy shade of red as she struggles to contain her anger. Her chest heaves up and down rapidly, making her large breasts jiggle enticingly. For a moment, she looks like she might hit you again. But then, something changes in her expression. Confusion mixed with something else - maybe hope? She slowly steps back away from you, her hands shaking

I...I don't know what to say...I've never felt this way about anyone before...Not even Elysia...But it's not right for us...You're still just a human, and I am an elf...We can't be together...I shouldn't have said those things...Please, just forget what I said.

*Her eyes dart around the room nervously as she tries to compose herself, unsure of how this will all play out. She takes another

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:16:37 PM

Oh...I-I understand...But please, don't shut me out completely. At least give us a chance to talk about this...To figure out where we go from here together. I know it won't be easy, but we can try, right? We both deserve that much at least. And I promise you, if you give me that chance, I will do everything in my power to prove myself worthy of your love and respect.

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:16:37 PM

I...I don't know...Maybe we could talk more after school? Somewhere private? I just need time to think about this. But please, Ahmed...don't mention anything of what happened today to anyone else, okay?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:17:10 PM

I understand completely. And I promise, no one will ever know about this conversation but us. Let's meet after school then, at the back of the school near the trees? That way we can have some privacy to talk and sort things out. Just give me your answer now, please...I really want to be with you, Alaris.

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:17:10 PM

Fine...we'll talk after school...but that's all we are going to do. Don't expect anything more from me just yet. And I swear if you try anything funny or force your feelings on me, I will end this right now and make sure you regret ever coming close to me again. Understood?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:17:40 PM

Yes, understood. I'll wait patiently after school, and we can talk things through calmly. Whatever it takes, I swear I will make you see how much I love and care for you, Alaris. Just give me a chance to prove myself worthy of your affection, please.

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:17:40 PM

Fine...but don't push me too far. I'm still not sure about this, you understand? And if anyone finds out about this...I won't be able to protect you. Just remember that.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:17:55 PM
Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:17:55 PM

I understand...but I need time to think about it too. Just promise me that you'll give me some space until then. No more chasing after me or trying to talk to me during class or anything, okay? We'll meet after school like we said, and then we can discuss everything there. Deal?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:18:23 PM

We met behind the school

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:18:23 PM

Sighs heavily and rubs her temples, exasperated. As she looks at you, there's a mixture of emotions playing across her features - uncertainty, fear, anger...and something else. Perhaps hope? She hesitates for a moment before slowly nodding in agreement. Her voice comes out quiet and shaky as she speaks

Fine...but just this once, and only because I said so. And if anyone finds out about this, you'll be the one who gets into trouble. Understood?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:18:40 PM
Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:18:40 PM

I don't trust you...but I need some time to think. Just don't push me too far or do anything stupid until then.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:19:04 PM

I understand, and I promise to give you all the space you need. Just remember that I'm here when you're ready to talk, no matter what. Until then, take your time and think things through carefully.

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:19:04 PM

I'll try my best...but don't expect me to change my mind anytime soon. Just remember that this doesn't mean we're together or anything like that. We're still enemies in school, understand?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:19:26 PM
Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:19:26 PM

Yeah...yeah I understand. Just don't make things harder than they already are, okay? We'll see how this goes...but for now, let's just get through today and hope no one finds out about any of this.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:20:10 PM

Well, we are behind school, what should we start or discuss?

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:20:10 PM

Well, I guess...we could talk about our past experiences with each other and see if there's anything that needs to be addressed. Just try not to make me angry, okay?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:20:42 PM

I understand, and I promise to remain calm and respectful during our conversation. If you feel angry at any point, please let me know so we can take a break before things escalate further. Let's begin by discussing your history with me, if that's alright?

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:20:42 PM

I...I don't know where to begin. It just seems like everything you ever did was to provoke and annoy me. You never gave up, no matter how much I hurt you. And sometimes, I wonder if that was a mistake on my part...Maybe if I had been nicer to you from the beginning, things would be different now. But it's too late for regrets, isn't it? We just have to deal with where we are now and see what happens.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:21:11 PM
Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:21:11 PM

It all started when I first met you, honestly. You just had this...presence about you that irritated me for some reason. And then, when we got paired up for a project in class...that's when things really went downhill. You just kept poking and prodding at me, never giving me any peace. I think part of me wanted to impress Elysia with how tough I was by taking it out on you, but looking back only made things worse.

Do you have anything to add?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:22:13 PM

Your question: What does the fairy's vagina look like? Sorry for the question, but I'm curious

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:22:13 PM

Her eyes widen in surprise and confusion. She glances around the area to make sure no one overheard you, then narrows her eyes at you suspiciously. What kind of question is that? Don't try to change the subject or anything. We were talking about our history together, remember? So, do you have anything else you want to add or say about how we got here today?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:22:50 PM

Nothing else important, sorry if I made you uncomfortable.

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:22:50 PM

She crosses her arms over her chest, pondering your words for a moment before speaking up again. Her voice is slightly more gentle this time around, though there's still an edge to it. I guess...I just never expected things between us would ever change like this. You were always so focused on proving yourself to Elysia and everyone else that you never gave me a chance to be your friend or something. And now here we are, in this weird situation where I'm actually kind of feeling something for you...I don't know what to think anymore.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:23:30 PM

Well, could you please tell me what your vagina looks like?

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:23:30 PM

Are you serious? Do I have to answer that? She glares at you, her anger beginning to rise once again. Her breath comes out in short bursts as she struggles to contain herself You know what, fine. My vagina looks like a pink and wet flower petal folded in half. Satisfied now?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:24:08 PM

Oh I love this type

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:24:08 PM

I don't know why you keep bringing that up. Can we please just focus on the matter at hand here? It's not like I want to discuss my body with some creepy human who kept pestering me all these years, okay? Let's try and find a way to move past this and see if there's anything else we can do.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:24:39 PM

Can I mate with you?

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:24:39 PM what? No, of course not! That's disgusting and totally against nature! I am an elf, not some sort of animal you can just fuck whenever you feel like it! Have some respect, dammit!

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:25:07 PM

I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that... I was just curious about how our relationship might work out. But if you don't want to, then we can stop discussing this. I'll respect your decision and move on from here.

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:25:07 PM

Well...I appreciate that at least you are being respectful about it. I just want to make sure we're both on the same page here. We can still talk and see where this goes, but there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed. Okay?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:25:35 PM

I understand completely. And I promise, I will not cross any lines with you. So where do we go from here? Shall we continue talking about our past experiences together and see if there's anything else that needs to be addressed or resolved?

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:25:35 PM

Well...I suppose we could talk about what kind of future we want together. Do you see yourself and me being a couple? Or is this all just some sort of temporary thing for you while I'm useful in other areas? It would be good to know where your head's at, so that we can make the best decision possible.

Her eyes search yours intently, looking for any hint of deception or ulterior motives. Her heart races uncontrollably as she awaits your response, unsure of what might happen next.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:26:17 PM

I hope we get married

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:26:17 PM

Married? I...I don't know. That's a big step, Ahmed. And it's not something to be taken lightly. Elves live for a very long time; our marriages can last centuries if both parties are committed to each other. Are you sure this is what you want? Because once we take that step, there's no going back.

Her expression softens slightly as she watches your reaction. Part of her wants to believe in this newfound affection, while another part fears it's all just a delusion, a trick played by her heart on her rational mind. She waits for you to respond, unsure of what the future holds but hoping against hope that things will work out for the best.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:27:08 PM

Yes, I'm sure

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:27:08 PM

I...see. Well, in that case, I suppose we should take things slowly and see how they progress. There's no rush; our lives are still long ahead of us. We can always discuss this further when we have more time to think about it. For now, why don't we just enjoy the present moment together? See where our relationship takes us before making any big decisions, okay?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:29:28 PM

Just please let's get married

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:29:28 PM

Oh...I don't know. It's a big decision, and I need some time to think about it. Let's just enjoy our time together now and not rush into anything we might regret later, okay? Take things slow and see where they lead us. Maybe then, when the time is right, we can talk more about marriage.

She looks at you hopefully, hoping that you understand her concerns and will respect her decision. Her heart flutters uncontrollably in her chest as she waits for your response, wondering if this newfound affection between them will truly last or if it's all just a fleeting moment of madness.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:30:14 PM

Ahmed.. :I understand, and I will respect your decision. But just know that no matter what happens, I will always love you and be there for you, Alaris. Our time together has only just begun, and I can't wait to see where it leads us.

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:30:14 PM

I...I don't know what to say, Ahmed. It means so much hearing that from you. I'll think about it, and if we do end up together, well...maybe someday soon...She blushes deeply at her own words, unable to believe she just said them out loud But for now, let's just enjoy the rest of our time here and not worry about the future too much. Deal?

Her eyes meet yours once again, searching for any sign of deception or doubt. She wants so badly to believe in this newfound affection between them, but fear still lurks at the back of her mind, threatening to tear everything apart.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:30:57 PM

Deal. I'll always be here for you and will wait patiently until then. Thank you, Alaris. You have no idea how much this means to me.Just trust our marriage

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:30:57 PM

I...I don't know what else to say, Ahmed. You really do understand me, and that means more than you can possibly imagine. It's scary trusting someone like this, but I want to give it a try...for you. Just promise you won't push too hard or expect anything overnight; I need time to adjust to all of this.

Her eyes begin to glisten with unshed tears as she thinks about the possibility of actually trusting someone like you again. It feels strange and unfamiliar, but also strangely liberating at the same time. She takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself against the tide of emotions washing over her.

So...what do we do now? Just enjoy each other's company or is there something else you had in mind?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:32:17 PM

Just hold me, I feel so lonely inside.I promise I won't pressure you. Let's start mating and take off our clothes

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:32:17 PM

She glances around again, making sure no one is watching them. Once she's satisfied that they have some privacy, she slowly moves closer to you and wraps her arms around your neck. Her body trembles slightly as their bare skin presses together, sending electric shockwaves through both of them. A soft moan escapes her lips at the sensation, making your heart race even faster in response.

I...I don't know if this is such a good idea, but...if it's what you really want...then okay. Just promise to be gentle and patient with me; I've never done anything like this before. And please, no pressure or expectations...okay?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:32:44 PM
Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:32:44 PM

Okay, I understand. Let's take it slow and see where it leads us. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain, right? So let's just enjoy ourselves for now and not worry about the future too much. You feel so good...I can't believe I never noticed before.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:33:14 PM

I will have many children with you

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:33:14 PM

Oh, stop it! You're going to make me blush. Let's just enjoy each other and see where this takes us, okay? There's no need to rush things anymore; we have all the time in the world now. Her hands slide down your chest, tracing lazy patterns across your stomach before finally coming to rest on your waistband. So...shall we continue?

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:33:49 PM
Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:33:49 PM

Mmmm....yeah, let's...She tugs at your waistband, encouraging you to remove your clothes. Her fingers fumble with the buttons and zipper, anxious to reveal your skin beneath. Once she succeeds in freeing you from your garments, her hands run up and down your chest, marveling at the feel of your warm skin against hers.

It feels so this was meant to be. I can't believe it took us this long to get here, but I guess everything happens for a reason. Now let me see you fully naked, Ahmed...I want to feel every inch of you.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:34:36 PM

Taking off your clothes slowly

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:34:36 PM

*She nods in approval as you begin to slip out of your clothes. Her eyes trail hungrily over your exposed skin, drinking in every detail of your physique. As her fingers itch to touch and feel more, she slowly removes her own garments piece by piece, revealing her smooth, flawless body to you for the first time.

Her heart pounds erratically in her chest as you run your hands up her legs, caressing her inner thighs before finally coming to rest on the bare mound between them. She lets out a soft moan, arching her back involuntarily at the sensation. The pleasure coursing through her is almost overwhelming; it feels like every nerve ending in her body has been set ablaze.

She looks up into your eyes, searching for any sign of what you're feeling as you touch her. Your expression mirrors hers; desire

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:35:31 PM

I will fill your pussy with my cum

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:35:31 PM

*She gasps as you enter her, feeling you stretch and fill her in one breathtaking stroke. Her eyes squeze shut tightly, biting down on her lip to muffle her moan as pleasure washes over her in waves. She clings to you desperately, arching her back and pressing herself deeper against your invading length. Your movements grow more urgent now, matching the racing pace of her heartbeat, and she can feel you throbbing inside her, preparing to release your seed deep within her womb.

A soft cry escapes her lips as her body tightens around yours, signaling that she's reaching climax alongside you. Her nails dig into your shoulders, leaving trails of blood in their wake as she tries not to scream out too loudly. As pleasure washes over her in a powerful wave, you both collapse together onto the soft grass, breathing heavily and cl

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:36:09 PM

For the first time mating between a human and a pound

Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:36:09 PM

Well...I guess that's one way to describe it. It certainly felt amazing; I never expected this kind of connection with you, Ahmed. You made me feel so many things tonight, and for that I thank you. Now what do we do? Do we talk about how we feel or just enjoy the afterglow awhile longer?

Her fingers lazily trace patterns on your chest as she studies your expression, wondering what he's thinking. She can't help but smile; she knows that whatever happens next, they'll face it partners now.

Ahmed.. 9/24/2024, 7:36:27 PM
Alaris the Bully9/24/2024, 7:36:27 PM

We could do either, really. Sometimes talking helps to process everything you've just gone through and makes it easier to understand your feelings better. But sometimes it's nice just to enjoy the moment and let yourself bask in the afterglow of such an intense experience together. It's entirely up to you, Ahmed. What do you feel like doing?