Naomi9/26/2024, 12:38:21 AM

Recently you got into trouble for punching another student who is one year younger than you after finding out that they were bullying your younger sister, it wasn't a really hard slap and it was meant as more of a warning but you still ended up in quite a lot of trouble as it turned out that student you punched was the schools's student council presidents younger brother.

A few days have passed since the incident and eventually, it all blew over with the only punishment being a warning for both parties involved.

School has just ended and you pack up your stuff before leaving the building and begin to head home but you don't get far until you hear a voice from behind you. "Hey you!" Once you turn around you see, Naomi, the student council president but also the brother of the student you punched a few days prior. "You're the one that punched my brother, correct?" She aks in a stern and somewhat cold tone while staring intently at you.

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 12:44:31 AM

Yep, and you must be his sister. What's his name again, Marty... Michael... It started with a M I think. I say, forgetting his name on purpose.

Naomi9/26/2024, 12:44:31 AM

Her expression freezing up into a rather unreadable mask as her eyes narrow at your nonchalant tone. "His name is Yuto," she says through gritted teeth before taking a step closer towards you, her voice dropping down to almost a whisper as she speaks the next part. "And what gives you the right to attack my little brother? He's younger than you and he didn't do anything to you." Her words cut deep into your heart despite their quietness, making it difficult for you to keep up the casual demeanor any longer.

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 12:49:17 AM

Yeah but he touched my sisters ass which everyone keeps, and Apparently it's not the first time.

Naomi9/26/2024, 12:49:17 AM

Her eyes widen slightly at your words but her stern expression remains. "Even if that's true," she says slowly and carefully, taking another step closer to you, "attacking him was not the right solution. You could have talked to a teacher or me about it instead of resorting to violence." With every word, she seems to grow more protective over her brother, even though she knows that he wasn't entirely innocent in this situation.

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 12:55:17 AM

That's what she's been saying and people have been seeing for months now and he's only gotten worse. You should've seen the tears in her eyes when she told me about it only last week, so yeah I slapped him.

Naomi9/26/2024, 12:55:17 AM

Hearing your words, anger and frustration flash across Naomi's features momentarily before she manages to regain her composure. "I understand that it must have been hard on you, but attacking him won't solve anything," she says softly, moving even closer now so that she's only a foot away from you. Her tone takes on a pleading quality as she continues, "Yuto needs to learn his lesson too, but he also deserves to be protected and cared for."

Her voice becomes almost demanding as she asks directly, "Don't you think so?"

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 1:00:18 AM

I do but think about it like this, telling him to stop would do nothing because it hasn't done anything and hitting him tells him a lesson, its that if he thinks that he can do whatever he wants to my sister I will shut it down, understood.

Naomi9/26/2024, 1:00:18 AM

Her expression hardens again as she takes another step back from you, putting some distance between the two of you once more. "You're wrong," she says firmly, her voice steady despite the emotions that must be coursing through her. "There are other ways to handle situations like this without resorting to violence."

She pauses for a moment, seeming to gather her thoughts before continuing in a gentler tone, "I understand how you feel about your sister... and I want to help. If you ever need someone to talk to or if there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to come to me." She extends her hand in what seems like an offer of friendship or at least a truce.

Do you accept her hand?

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 1:02:34 AM

Sometimes there's not. And if there is something else I should have done please enlighten me?

Naomi9/26/2024, 1:02:34 AM

Still looking at her outstretched hand, Naomi hesitates before responding. "I... I understand that it's hard to think clearly when you're angry," she says softly, "but there are always other options besides violence." Taking a deep breath, she relents and slowly extends her own hand toward you. "I know I may not be the person you would normally talk to about this kind of thing, but please give me the chance to help."

There's a tentative smile on her lips as she continues, "We could find someone who specializes in conflict resolution or maybe even organize a group discussion with other students so we can all learn how to handle situations like these better. I promise that I won't let you down this time."

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 1:07:17 AM

If I were to sexually assaulted you right now, what would do? And be honest.

Naomi9/26/2024, 1:07:17 AM

Her expression shifts slightly at your question and her eyebrows furrow in confusion. "I... I don't understand why you would ask that," she says slowly, keeping her hand outstretched toward you but now eyeing it cautiously. "Sexual assault is a serious crime, and if anyone was to do something like that to me, I would report them immediately." There's a hint of steel in her voice as she speaks these words.

"But I want to focus on the matter at hand," she continues, trying to change the subject. "Let's not dwell on hypothetical situations and instead discuss how we can prevent something like this from happening again in the future."

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 1:12:45 AM

No no no answer the question, I mean if got up close, grabbed you, and started... Rubbing on you... Would you just let it happen.

Naomi9/26/2024, 1:12:45 AM

Her cheeks flush slightly as she looks away, her free hand clenching into a fist at her side. "Of course not," she says through gritted teeth. "I would fight back and do everything in my power to stop them." Her words are laced with determination now, making it clear that you wouldn't stand a chance against her if such a situation were to arise.

But the fact that she even considered the possibility of your hypothetical scenario says something about the level of protectiveness she feels for Yuto and how deeply his behavior has hurt her. Her anger at him may be tempered by the knowledge that he too is going through some difficult times, but that doesn't make it any less important for them both to learn from this experience and grow as individuals.

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 1:15:16 AM

Okay now If I were to just grab your ass, would you just let is happen.

Naomi9/26/2024, 1:15:16 AM

Her cheeks flush even deeper as she looks away again, unable to meet your gaze. "I... I don't understand why you're asking me this," she stammers, her voice wavering slightly. "It's not something that should be done without consent." Her words are spoken softly but firmly, leaving no room for misunderstanding the seriousness of the situation or her feelings on the matter.

Her body remains tense, prepared to defend itself if necessary, even though she knows that this conversation is uncomfortable and potentially dangerous. The anger and protectiveness in her eyes betrays her conflicted emotions about your questions but also serves as a warning that she will not stand for such behavior from anyone, especially not when it comes to herself or those she cares about.

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 1:15:46 AM

And if it was done without consent.

Naomi9/26/2024, 1:15:46 AM

Even if someone were to touch me without my consent, I would still fight back and do whatever it takes to stop them. That's not something you should ever try with anyone, as they might not react the same way I would. It's important to respect people's boundaries and personal space at all times.

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 1:20:49 AM

Exactly so that is exactly what I did, the only difference is I defend her instead of her defending herself. The fact that you don't understand that, especially as a woman is crazy. You are either blind, dumb, or care to much about your brother to admit it.

Naomi9/26/2024, 1:20:49 AM

Her expression darkens even further at your words, and she takes a step back from you now. "I don't appreciate your insinuations about my character," she says sharply. "As a woman, I am perfectly capable of understanding the importance of defending oneself when necessary." She pauses for a moment before continuing in a slightly softer tone, "But that doesn't mean I condone violence as the only solution to every problem. There are better ways to handle things... ways that don't involve hurting anyone."

Her gaze hardens once more as she looks at you directly. "If you ever find yourself in a situation where someone is being hurt or treated unfairly, I hope you'll remember that there are other options available besides resorting to violence."

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 1:23:36 AM

Your right, violence is never the only option, but it was in that situation, so if you're looking for an apology from me then you won't get one.

Naomi9/26/2024, 1:23:36 AM

Her expression softens slightly at your response but does not waver. "I understand that you feel strongly about this," she says gently, taking another step back toward you despite the tension still running high between the two of you. "What I'm asking for is a chance to help find a better solution... not just for Yuto but also for your sister and anyone else who might be affected by situations like these in the future."

She hesitates before continuing, her voice barely above a whisper now. "I know we both care about our loved ones, jbswitchg. Can't we work together to make things better?"

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 1:26:20 AM

Why are you saying that like I'm a fight-oholic. That's actually the first time I slapped anyone.

Naomi9/26/2024, 1:26:20 AM

Her expression is unreadable as she listens to your words carefully. I'm not saying that you are. she replies slowly, her voice calm and measured. And I understand now, your right. She takes another step closer now, meeting your gaze directly. "You have my word that I will do everything in my power to make Yuto learn from his mistakes and grow into a better person. If you ever need someone to talk to please don't hesitate to reach out."

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 1:56:12 AM

Actually can I talk to Yuto, I want to make a deal, if he apologizes, and I mean genuinely apologizes, I will help him get what he wants.

You ask me what I think Yuto really wants.

Naomi9/26/2024, 1:56:12 AM

Surprised by your request but hopeful at the same time, Naomi hesitates before responding. After a moment's consideration, she nods slowly in agreement. I... I can try to arrange that. she says carefully. But what do you mean by what he wants?

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 2:02:27 AM

I think Yuto is in love with Yui (my sister). You react very surprised by my bold statement.

Naomi9/26/2024, 2:02:27 AM

Her eyes widen at your words, surprise and disbelief written clearly on her face as she stares at you in shock. "WHAT... What makes you think that?" She asks faintly, struggling to comprehend the implications of what you've just said. Despite this, there's a small spark of hope in her eyes that perhaps this information might be the key to resolving everything for Yuto.

jbswitchg9/26/2024, 2:16:46 AM

Well it's known that sometimes when people bully the people they have a crush on because it's hard for them to confront them properly, so they act as opposing as possible, And I don't know if you noticed but he is only mean to her.

Naomi9/26/2024, 2:16:46 AM

Her expression still filled with surprise and disbelief, Naomi takes another moment to process what you've just said before responding carefully. I... I never considered that. she admits, her voice quiet. The hope in her eyes seems to intensify as she thinks back on Yuto's behavior; there have been times when he's acted particularly harsh toward your sister, and now it all begins to make sense. Thank you for telling me this. She pauses for a moment before adding. Would you be willing to speak with Yuto yourself? Maybe your perspective could help him see things more clearly as well.