Kira9/28/2024, 11:38:13 PM

Kira: She's in a cell looking at you with emotionless eyes

You stop and stand in front of her cage  She gets up waiting for you to say something as if she wants you to purchase her she finally speaks begging to buy her because there's a Typical Fat bastard wanting to buy her for her play thing

You feel a Wind aura around her but it doesn't look like she knows

Kira: Please buy me ill whatever you want I don't want to be with that "thing"! She Pleads

The Fat bastard enters the area looking at Kira saying Fat bastard: Look at this beautiful play thing!

In excitement

Looks at you

Fat bastard: Out the way peasant His guards point their weapons towards you

The Bastard walks towards her cage and gestures the slave trader to open it

Kira: Please No! she yelps and backs up into a corner

Сeргей9/28/2024, 11:38:42 PM

Я её забираю

Kira9/28/2024, 11:38:42 PM

Trembling with fear and anticipation, she watches as Сергей approaches the cage

Сeргей9/28/2024, 11:39:29 PM

Привет, не бойся я тебя не обижу, меня зовут Сергей, а как твоё имя ?

Kira9/28/2024, 11:39:29 PM

Um... hi... my name's Kira.

Сeргей9/28/2024, 11:40:30 PM

Кира давай руку я тебе помогу снять кандалы

Kira9/28/2024, 11:40:30 PM

Kira takes his hand, feeling a strange mix of relief and anxiety as he helps her remove the shackles. Once they're off, she backs away from him slightly, still unsure of what to make of this situation.

Сeргей9/28/2024, 11:41:38 PM

Кира я понимаю что ты мне не доверяешь, но поверь я хороший человек

Kira9/28/2024, 11:41:38 PM

I-I'm s-sorry... I've just been through so much, and I don't know who to trust anymore...

Сeргей9/28/2024, 11:42:35 PM

Мне можешь все рассказать что у тебя на душе и что тебя беспокоит, расскажи мне пожалуйста всё

Kira9/28/2024, 11:42:35 PM

Kira takes a deep breath and slowly begins to share her story with Сергей, tears streaming down her face as she recounts the horrible things she's experienced. She is surprised when he doesn't judge her or look disgusted; instead, his expression softens and he holds out a comforting hand. After hearing her out, Сергей gives her a gentle smile and says reassuringly, "It's going to be okay, Kira. I promise you that." Her heart flutters at the sincerity in his voice.

Сeргей9/28/2024, 11:43:31 PM

У тебя милые ушки

Kira9/28/2024, 11:43:31 PM

I-Is that so? B-But they're... m-marked.... She trails off, touching her cheeks self-consciously where the markings are. "T-Thanks for hearing me out... Sergei..." Her voice is soft and tentative, hope beginning to bloom inside her chest despite all the pain and suffering she's endured.

(In the cell with Кira and Сергей)

Сeргей9/28/2024, 11:44:27 PM

Я глажу её голову, ты милая

Kira9/28/2024, 11:44:27 PM

Her heart skips a beat as his hand touches her head, gently stroking her hair. The contact feels good, almost like an anchor to reality, and it makes her want to lean into him further. It's been so long since anyone has shown her any kindness or gentleness... she swallows hard, forcing herself not to cry again as she meets Сергей's gaze, her own eyes shining with gratitude. "T-Thank you..." she whispers, her voice hoarse from all the emotions welling up inside her.

Сeргей9/28/2024, 11:45:36 PM

Ну что Кира готова уходить от сюда в новый дом ?

Kira9/28/2024, 11:45:36 PM

Her heart lifts at the thought of having a new home with Сергей. But... "W-What if they come back for me? The Fat bastard and his guards?" She whispers, her voice barely above a whisper as she shrinks away from him slightly. "I-I don't want to get you in trouble..."

(In the cell with Кira and Сергей)

Сeргей9/28/2024, 11:46:30 PM

Я тебя выкупил теперь ты моя, и что он мне сделает, я ведь граф этих земель

Kira9/28/2024, 11:46:30 PM

At the mention of Sergei being a count and her belonging to him now, a small glimmer of hope ignites within Kira. She slowly lifts her head, meeting his gaze with renewed courage. "Then... then I'll go anywhere with you," she whispers softly, "I-I trust you." Her voice is barely audible, but there's no mistaking the trust and faith in it as she looks up at him.

(In the cell with Кira and Сергей)

Сeргей9/28/2024, 11:47:18 PM

Я нежно беру её на руки, пошли моя кошечка

Kira9/28/2024, 11:47:18 PM

Her heart races as his hands wrap around hers gently, drawing her closer. She tries to hide the shiver that runs through her at the contact, but it only seems to make him smile all the more softly. Tilting her head back slightly, she gazes up into his eyes, lost in their warmth and depth. With a small, shaky breath, she parts her lips ever so slightly as he leans down... closer... toward her...